Inovar em saúde é preciso. Melhorar a experiência de quem trabalha com saúde e a experiência do paciente é fundamental. Apresentamos novas tecnologias e inovações que têm feito a diferença e estão transformando a saúde.
Informe-se e inspire-se neste podcast!
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Consumerism, disruptive technologies, and AI are shaping healthcare for years to come. On the Hello Healthcare podcast, we dive deep on these issues with healthcare leaders who are driving change. We hope that these stories will inspire you to create and demand a better future in healthcare.
Discussion topics include: healthcare innovation, healthcare strategy, healthcare AI, healthcare data, value-based care, healthcare tech, healthcare marketing, service-line growth, always-on marketing, healthcare CRM strategies. Visit to learn more.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to The Dr. Hyman Show, the groundbreaking podcast redefining health in America and empowering you to take ownership of your health. Hosted by Dr. Mark Hyman—this show tackles the most pressing issues of our time: chronic disease, mental health, food policy and controversy, prevention and recovery, and longevity. In an era where our food system fuels disease and outdated healthcare models fail to address root causes, Dr. Hyman delivers evidence-based insights and expert interviews to help you become the CEO of your own health—something your doctor isn’t doing.
The Dr. Hyman Show goes beyond the headlines to reimagine a food and healthcare system that protects health, unburdens our economy from the weight of chronic disease, supports the environment, and secures a vibrant future for all Americans. Whether you’re looking for cutting-edge protocols to transform your health, strategies to combat the chronic disease epidemic, or deep conversations about how wellness intersects with food, politics, and the environment, this podcast is your trusted guide. Rethink disease, claim your health, and join the movement for a healthier nation—tune into The Dr. Hyman Show today! -
I have NEVER met an ADHD woman who wasn’t truly brilliant at something! This podcast, with nearly 7 million downloads, is for smart, high-ability ADD/ADHD (diagnosed or suspecting) women who see their symptoms as more positive than negative. If you want to fall in love with your ADHD brain and discover where your brilliance lies, this podcast is for you!
ADHD for Smart Ass Women is globally ranked in the top one-tenth of one percent of all podcasts in the world on any subject. It’s streamed in more than 160 countries and is downloaded by more than 150,000 listeners every month. My book of the same name, published by HarperCollins/William Morrow, was recently honored by Amazon Editors as a Top 20 Best Nonfiction Book of 2024.
I’m Tracy Otsuka, your host. I’m a lawyer, not a doctor, a lifelong learner, and a certified ADHD coach. I’m on a mission to change the conversation around ADHD because I believe it’s time to focus on the strengths that come with our unique brains. When I was diagnosed eight months after my son, my entire life finally made sense, yet all I read and heard about ADHD focused on what I should struggle with. What I discovered, though, was that my ADHD was responsible for some of my greatest superpowers.
Another thing we constantly hear is all the success stories about ADHD men, but no one talks about the women. This podcast is here to change that. ADHD women are my people, and I’m here to acknowledge, support, and cheer them on. My experience as an adult living with ADHD, along with my expertise, is regularly sought out by top-tier media, including Forbes, CBS Mornings, ABC News Live, Inc., Prevention Magazine, Verywell Mind, ADDitude magazine, and The Goal Digger Podcast.
O maior grupo de Podcasts de Negócios do Brasil. Conteúdos voltados para empresários, empreendedores, founders e profissionais
Nossos podcasts:
- Papo de Gestão: Bruno Nardon entrevista grandes gestores e traz aprendizados para você aplicar na sua empresa.
- Extremos: Alfredo Soares e Bruno Nardon conversam com empresários e influenciadores para apresentar os EXTREMOS de suas jornadas
- Vox Luminis: Tallis Gomes e Matt Montenegro recebem personalidades influentes e inspiradoras para conversas profundas, que vão iluminar a sua jornada para a evolução.
Nos acompanhe no Instagram: @g4podcasts -
Bem-vindo ao Liderai, o podcast definitivo sobre liderança! Junte-se a André Christian Keinert, Wellington Gefuni Silva e Albino Migueis Picado em uma jornada de capacitação de líderes. Explore desde os fundamentos até estratégias avançadas, incluindo o uso inovador da inteligência artificial na gestão. Encontre conteúdo exclusivo e inspirador para aprimorar suas habilidades de liderança. De comunicação eficaz a gestão de equipes, compartilhamos insights práticos e estratégias comprovadas. Entrevistas com líderes renomados proporcionam visões únicas sobre liderança. Junte-se a uma comunidade engajada de profissionais em busca de crescimento pessoal e profissional. Inscreva-se agora e tenha acesso a recursos valiosos que impulsionarão sua carreira como líder. Invista em si mesmo e alcance o sucesso! Siga nosso podcast e trilhe o caminho rumo à excelência na liderança. Copyright © 2023 Liderai. Todos os direitos reservados.
Das unschlagbare Duo Samira und Dominik aus München arbeitet mit Leidenschaft und Herzblut daran, Menschen dabei zu unterstützen, ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten und ein grandioses Leben zu führen.
Viel zu viele Menschen leben ein unglückliches und fremdbestimmtes Leben. Ihnen wurde beigebracht, dass es normal ist, wenn man unglücklich ist und man sich mit dem zufrieden geben soll, was man hat. Wenn du mehr wolltest, wurde dir gesagt, dass es sich nicht gehört. Anderen Menschen geht es nämlich viel schlechter als dir. Also hast du aufgehört zu träumen.
Ja, es gibt Menschen, denen es noch schlechter geht. Dennoch ist nichts Gutes daran, wenn du ein bescheidenes, unglückliches und unerfülltes Leben lebst. Du bist nicht auf diese wunderschöne Welt gekommen, um zu leiden, ständig einzustecken und nichts für dich zu verlangen. Du hast es auch nicht verdient, ein Leben lang Geld- und Beziehungsprobleme zu haben.
Mit uns an deiner Seite, wirst du wieder strahlen und spüren, wie sich leben anfühlt. Wir zeigen dir einen Weg, wie du trotz anspruchsvoller Umstände deine Hürden und Blockaden überwindest und dir das holst, was dir zusteht. Starte jetzt mit uns. -
The Critical Care Reviews Podcast discusses the biggest critical care trials, either planned or in progress, with their chief investigators. It's hosted by Rob Mac Sweeney, an intensivist in Belfast, Northern Ireland. We also release audio versions of the presentations from the Critical Care Reviews Meetings and ad hoc livestreams
A geriatrics and palliative care podcast for every health care professional.
We invite the brightest minds in geriatrics, hospice, and palliative care to talk about the topics that you care most about, ranging from recently published research in the field to controversies that keep us up at night. You'll laugh, learn and maybe sing along. Hosted by Eric Widera and Alex Smith. CME available! -
Fed up with those skin rashes that just won't go away? Join Jennifer Fugo -- a functional clinical nutritionist specializing in chronic skin problems -- to explore alternative ways to look at what's driving your skin nuts. Together, we'll dive deep to help you discover connections between your symptoms from a totally different perspective. Each episode tackles a wide range of chronic skin rash issues including (but not limited to) eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, chronic urticaria (chronic hives), and seborrheic dermatitis. You'll discover ways to address your skin issues using a root cause approach steeped in nutrition, diet, liver detoxification, lifestyle changes, and innovative published research that seems to take years to trickle down to your doctor.
Este podcast tem o objetivo de ajudar você, colega médico(a), a aprender como viver 100% do seu consultório particular, ganhando mais e trabalhando menos.
E assim exercer a medicina com excelência técnica e humana, ter um retorno financeiro justo e compatível com seus esforços, e ter mais qualidade de vida!
Siga a CVM nas redes sociais:
Bem-vindo ao movimento do resgate da boa medicina.
Bora pra cima!
Abraço fraterno,
Wilderi Sidney Guimarães -
Through narratives, article discussions, reviews, interviews and debates, the Food Engineer and Positive Psychology Coach, Cristian Roque, intends to support the food production chain on this journey.
Food Safety Culture é o primeiro podcast do Brasil dedicado à Cultura de Segurança de Alimentos. Através de narrativas, discussões de artigos, resenhas, entrevistas e debates, o Engenheiro de Alimentos e Coach em Psicologia Positiva, Cristian Roque, pretende apoiar a cadeia produtiva de alimentos nesta jornada. -
Fala Firmeiros e Firmeiras!
Você sabia que o Lá na Firma já bateu mais de 320.000 seguidores nas redes sociais? Pois é! Agora, estamos aqui no podcast para bater um papo ainda mais descontraído e animado com vocês. Aqui, falamos sobre o mundo do trabalho de uma forma leve, próxima, bem humorada e autêntica.
Comandado por Caio Barroso, o “Lá na Firma” é a sua dose semanal de descontração e motivação para o trabalho. Então, cole o ouvido aqui no nosso canal, pois temos muitos conteúdos bacanudos para você. -