
  • Season 04 : British Isles
    Minisode : Deadly Catch : Moray Firth, Scotland

    Fishing is one of the oldest and most common methods of procuring food all over the world. That’s why a large percentage of the global population live near some body of water. Fishing can have its dangers, but with proper planning and safety measures, many fishermen make it back to shore with their catch in one piece. Sometimes though, the tides can turn.

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  • Season 04 : British Isles
    Episode 04 : Magdalene Laundries : Ireland

    Historically, it’s never been easy to be a woman. Even today in fact, depending on what part of the world you live in it can be excruciatingly difficult to live a life as a member of the fairer sex. But while things like the constant threat of sexual harassment or not having access to medical treatments are a sad reality in the modern day, that’s arguably nothing compared to what the women of Ireland had to go through between the 18th and 20th centuries. Most people know about the oppression suffered by women in the past and applaud the progress made since then. Sometimes though, the situation was even worse than you’ve been told.

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  • Season 04 : British Isles
    Episode 03 : Tainted Blood : UK

    Today, the risk of getting a bloodborne disease is rather low unless you engage in a number of high risk behaviors. It’s also why you aren’t allowed to donate blood if you do and donated blood is tested before being put into use. When you’re in a situation where you need a blood transfusion, the last thing a medical facility wants is for you to also contract something like Hepatitis or HIV. They do everything they can to ensure the blood is clean. Sometimes though, other people’s decisions put your life in jeopardy.

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  • Season 04 : British Isles
    Minisode : The Viking Age : Ireland

    You hear a lot of people complain these days about people immigrating to other countries. Today, many people move to other countries for reasons such as employment, family, or safety from a dangerous situation. That wasn’t always the case for many countries in the past. A thousand years ago, it was common for outsiders to arrive and raid the foreign land, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Sometimes though, they just never left.

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  • Season 04 : British Isles
    Episode 02 : Operation Legacy : World

    History is set in stone. Of course, memories are often inaccurate and one person’s version of the past may differ from another’s, but what actually happened can’t be changed. The truth will always be the truth. Generally, people try to document important events in order to remember them as accurately as possible. Using the testimony to remember good deeds and learn from mistakes. Sometimes though, the empire wants you to believe they never made any mistakes at all.

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  • Jennifer and Brian Bishop didn’t get a lot of time to themselves with three children, especially since their youngest was only five months old. But they’d managed to carve out a weekend in February of 2008 to go to Chicago. Brian worked in roofing and wanted to attend a roofing convention there. Jennifer had managed to get the weekend off of her job as an ICU nurse and the family took off for a relaxing family getaway. Unfortunately their happy family outing would turn to tragedy when they encountered someone sinister.

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  • Season 04 : British Isles
    Minisode : London Beer Flood : London, England

    Operating a manufacturing business is a big responsibility. Not only do you have to ensure the company makes money from the goods it’s producing, but there are usually a host of safety concerns to contend with. Companies generally have to have a number of safety precautions put in place to keep their employees safe. Sometimes though, the danger escapes the facility.

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  • Season 04 : British Isles
    Episode 01 : Highland Clearances : Scotland, UK

    A person’s home country is often closely tied to their identity. Even countries with similarities like the United States, Canada and England have their own customs and heritage that makes the people born there unique. It’s easy to assume that continuing to call your country home is your birthright. After all, you were born there and citizenship is all you know. Sometimes though, outsiders can take that birthright away.

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  • Season 03 : The American Southwest
    Minisode : Roswell : Roswell, NM

    The idea that there are beings from other planets is a hotly debated topic. There are some people who believe that the universe is just too big to only house life on a single planet. Others believe that extraterrestrial life is impossible and we are all alone in the universe. A lot of people are firm in their belief that extraterrestrial life does or doesn’t exist. Sometimes though, the questions come crashing down around you.

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  • Season 03 : The American Southwest
    Minisode : Spider Man of Moncrieff Place : Denver, CO

    When someone suffers a horrible tragedy, it’s already hard enough to recover. Most of those people take comfort in the security of their own home while they recuperate from the loss of a loved one. When that person is taken through means of murder, it’s even harder to cope with the loss, especially when the monster responsible hasn’t been caught. Sometimes though, the cause of our grief is closer to home than we realize.

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  • Season 03 : The American Southwest
    Episode 15 : The Black Bean Episode : Ciudad Mier, Mexico

    Becoming a prisoner of war is obviously not a favorable situation. Today there are global rules that determine how those prisoners should be treated, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the conditions POWs are held in are far from comfortable. Even in the 1800s, the governments of North America agreed that prisoners should be treated humanely, meaning they would be protected from violence or unjust execution. Sometimes though, the fog of war clouds men’s judgment.

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  • Season 03 : The American Southwest
    Minisode : Solidarity Forever : Serene, CO

    Going to work every day in order to make a living and support your family is part of life, but it doesn’t mean you should be treated like a slave. Work conditions should be safe and you should be fairly compensated for your time and expertise. Afterall, the only reason the company is making money is due to the efforts of their workforce. Many employers throughout the world understand the value of their employees and ensure their staff are rewarded for their dedication. Sometimes though, the man at the top doesn’t want to share.

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  • Season 03 : The American Southwest
    Episode 14 : Midnight Massacre : Salina, UT

    For as savage a practice as war is, there are generally accepted rules to it. And one of those rules is prisoners of war be kept safe and protected for the duration of their time behind enemy lines. The Geneva Convention has been dictating the treatment of soldiers in the battlefield since 1864. Trying to add civility to war seems like an oxymoron, but it’s something that has to be done. Sometimes though, the rules of war are one of the casualties.

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  • Season 03 : The American Southwest
    Minisode : The Cleansing : El Paso, TX

    Traveling over the border can be a great way to experience other cultures. Experiences can be vastly different in a neighboring city simply because it’s in a different country. Nowadays, many travelers can just show their passport and head into a foreign land to explore with minimal issues. Sometimes though, the country you’re entering asks for more than you’re willing to give.

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  • Season 03 : The American Southwest
    Episode 13 : Preparedness Day Bombing : San Francisco, CA

    When war breaks out somewhere in the world, other countries have to decide if it’s in their best interest to help out. Just because the battle isn’t being fought on American soil, doesn’t mean the US doesn’t have a vested interest in which side prevails. American leaders are often successful at drumming up support for military intervention in a foreign war. Sometimes though, the opposition brings the battle to our own front yard.

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  • Season 03 : The American Southwest
    Episode 12 : Massacred By Mormons : Mountain Meadows, UT

    Religion is normally thought of as a practice where people come together in peace and share their beliefs of a higher power. It can take the form of a sermon, sunday school, youth groups, or even going into the woods to commune with nature. Many people around the world have different religions and most of them practice peacefully within their community. Sometimes though, the leaders of those religions can advocate for evil acts.

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  • Season 03 : The American Southwest
    Minisode : Nazi Punks F**k Off : San Bernardino, CA

    As many of you know, I’m a huge fan of punk rock music. I fell in love with punk in my teens and it’s an affair I’ve never ended. I’ve been to many punk concerts and festivals in my life and they tend to be a great place to let loose and have a good time. Any event where there are a large group of people can have dangers, but I’ve always found the punk community to look out for each other. Sometimes though, hate can infiltrate your good time and turn it to chaos.

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  • Season 03 : The American Southwest
    Episode 11 : California Genocide : California

    The word home is an important word. It’s usually used to describe the place we live in like our house or apartment, but it has a much broader meaning. Outside of your actual dwelling, it can be the place you’re most comfortable. The place where your community is and the place where you feel like you belong. For people in the past, their home was a region of the world that they had grown up in for generations and it was a place they felt they would always have. Sometimes though, we get pulled from our home, never to return.

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  • Season 03 : The American Southwest
    Minisode : A Lynching in Chinatown : Los Angeles, CA

    Immigration is a process of moving from your home country to another country. The reasons a person might want to immigrate to another country are numerous: job opportunities, family reunification, or they simply don’t feel safe in their own home anymore. Throughout the world, most people can immigrate to another country without many problems. Sometimes though, their new home does not welcome them with open arms.

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  • Season 03 : The American Southwest
    Episode 10 : Desert Freeze : Vya, NV

    Rainfall can be a curse or a blessing. Obviously too much rainfall can cause flooding, but in places like Nevada, Arizona, and California, it can put an end to a long and deadly drought. This was the feeling of people in Northwestern Nevada in 1992 when the dry season ended and the rains started to fall. As the fall turned into winter, the cold weather turned the rain to snow. Most people enjoy an occasional snowfall, being able to play and have fun. Sometimes though, the snow ends playtime, permanently.

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