
  • When was the last time you re-chose your life?

    Did you know you could do that?

    You can re-choose every aspect of your life.

    Feel unfulfilled?

    You can re-choose that.

    Feel panicked?

    You can re-choose that.

    Feel like you don’t have a choice?

    You can re-choose that too.

    In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer Podcast, I share how I’ve done these things and more in every area of my life and how you can too.


    Dina helps lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with her to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with Dina, and together you'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, Dina will help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then she'll give you a step-by-step plan that you'll implement when you work together.


    Register for the latest Masterclass for Lawyers

    The Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide

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    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about Be a Better Lawyer.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.


    Dina helps lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with her to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with Dina, and together you'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, Dina will help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then she'll give you a step-by-step plan that you'll implement when you work together.


    Register for the latest Masterclass for Lawyers

    The Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide

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    On Instagram @dina.cataldo

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    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about Be a Better Lawyer.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

    Rejection is one of our biggest fears.

    Just the thought of someone saying "No" to us can prevent us from asking for what we want and building the life and practice we want.

    In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer podcast, I'm addressing three areas I see the fear of rejection come up a lot with my clients.

    Left unaddressed, the fear of rejection can cripple you and make your life a shadow of what it could be.

    Today we're talking about:

    selling your services raising rates asking for what you want

    And I've thrown in a bit of relationship rejection examples as well for good measure.

    Listen in to learn how to reframe rejection, so you can create the life and law practice you were meant to have.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Join me for Time Peace for Lawyers™:

    👉 Get the details and enroll now

    "Why do I snap at people so easily?"

    In the Time Peace Sessions, I'm answering some of the most frequently asked questions I get from lawyers.

    You'll gain insight into why you do what you do, and what you can begin doing to make change now.

    Join me for Time Peace for Lawyers™:

    👉 Get the details and enroll now

  • Join me for Time Peace for Lawyers™:

    👉 Get the details and enroll now

    "Why is it so hard to manage my time?"

    In the Time Peace Sessions, I'm answering some of the most frequently asked questions I get from lawyers.

    You'll gain insight into why you do what you do, and what you can begin doing to make change now.

    Join me for Time Peace for Lawyers™:

    👉 Get the details and enroll now

  • Join me for Time Peace for Lawyers™:

    👉 Get the details and enroll now

    "Why do I work so hard?"

    In the Time Peace Sessions, I'm answering some of the most frequently asked questions I get from lawyers.

    You'll gain insight into why you do what you do, and what you can begin doing to make change now.

    Join me for Time Peace for Lawyers™:

    👉 Get the details and enroll now

  • Join me for Time Peace for Lawyers™:

    👉 Get the details and enroll now

    "Why do I procrastinate?"

    In the Time Peace Sessions, I'm answering some of the most frequently asked questions I get from lawyers.

    You'll gain insight into why you do what you do, and what you can begin doing to make change now.

    Join me for Time Peace for Lawyers™:

    👉 Get the details and enroll now

  • Join me for Time Peace for Lawyers™:

    👉 Get the details and enroll now

    "Why do I feel so behind?"

    In the Time Peace Sessions, I'm answering some of the most frequently asked questions I get from lawyers.

    You'll gain insight into why you do what you do, and what you can begin doing to make change now.


    Join me for Time Peace for Lawyers™:

    👉 Get the details and enroll now

  • In this episode, you'll learn how to create safety to fail (and therefor grow), and you'll get the details on my new program Time Peace for Lawyers™.

    Sign up for Time Peace for Lawyers™ here:

    👉 Time Peace for Lawyers™

    Register for Dina's latest Masterclass:

    👉 The Busy Lawyer's Toolbox: Calm Overwhelm and Become a High-Performer in Your Practice

    Work with Dina one-on-one:

    👉 Schedule a Strategy Session

    Ever tried something new and it felt impossible to accomplish?

    In fact, maybe you tried the same thing over and over and over again, trying to get a new workout routine, trying to get your calendar in order, trying to do something new, and it just felt like it was an uphill battle.

    So much so that you pretty much gave up and felt like a failure?

    In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer, I'm sharing my secrets to moving past failures and accomplishing my biggest desires in a way that didn't feel like I was white knuckling through life.

    I didn't need more self-discipline.

    What I needed was an entirely different way of thinking about how I was approaching these new things.

    Want to know my secrets to doing big things like leaving my job and starting new habits like workout routines and calendar routines?

    Keep listening.


    Dina helps lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with her to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with Dina, and together you'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, Dina will help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then she'll give you a step-by-step plan that you'll implement when you work together.


    The Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide

    Show notes


    On Instagram @dina.cataldo

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    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about Be a Better Lawyer.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • Register for Dina's latest Masterclass:

    👉 The Busy Lawyer's Toolbox: Calm Overwhelm and Become a High-Performer in Your Practice

    Work with Dina one-on-one. Sign up for a Strategy Session and learn more here:

    👉 Sign up for a Strategy Session


    Ever wonder why it's so hard to create a new habit?

    You're not imagining things.

    Creating (and breaking) habits is both an art and a science.

    Lawyers tend to underestimate 3 essential steps to creating a habit.

    If any one of these 3 steps are skipped, it becomes an uphill battle creating a new habit.

    I've noticed these 3 steps play a massive role in helping lawyers create habits that moved them out of overwhelm and feel more in control of their practices.

    I'm sharing them with you in this episode.

    Listen in to this episode of Be a Better Lawyer Podcast, and start creating better habits faster, my friend.


    Dina helps lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with her to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with Dina, and together you'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, Dina will help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then she'll give you a step-by-step plan that you'll implement when you work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.


    The Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide

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    On Instagram @dina.cataldo

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    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about Be a Better Lawyer.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • Register for Dina's latest Masterclass:

    👉 The Busy Lawyer's Toolbox: Calm Overwhelm and Become a High-Performer in Your Practice

    Work with Dina one-on-one. Sign up for a Strategy Session and learn more here:

    👉 Schedule a Strategy Session


    Want to increase your net worth? This episode of Be a Better Lawyer is a must-listen.

    I’d like to introduce you to Niraj Chhabra.

    He’s the managing director of Sidebar Advisors and in a nutshell he helps lawyers navigate their finances. He’s going to tell you more about what he does in our conversation.

    We really get into talking about money management and money mindset. Here’s just a taste of what we talk about:

    The difference between upper middle class mentality and wealth mentality

    The two biggest drivers of your long-term financial success

    Unique problems law firm owners face when it comes to finances

    What to do when you’re afraid to look at your budget, and

    Recommendations for your first steps to begin thinking about your finances if you’re just getting started

    Sounds amazing, right?

    Listen in, and feel more comfortable with money and thinking about the future of your finances.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


    The Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide

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    On Instagram @dina.cataldo

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    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about this podcast.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • If you’re a lawyer who wears perfectionism like a badge of honor, this episode is a must-listen.

    Perfectionism blocks us from doing our best work and prevents us from taking action on our goals.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    🔥 5 sneaky thoughts you may not know cause perfectionistic tendencies

    🔥 How to know whether these sneaky thoughts are impacting your law practice right now

    🔥 How to overcome these thoughts, so you can take action and be more productive

    When you learn how to stop being a perfectionist, you’ll make your life and law practice so much easier.

    Listen in to create the shift you need to take action on your goals.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


    The Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide

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    On Instagram @dina.cataldo

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    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about this podcast.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • What do you want right now?

    Is it to:

    write a book start a new workout start a business hire a coach grow your net worth

    Are you taking action on it?

    If you're not, it may be because you're waiting for courage.

    In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer, I share what waiting for courage looks like and how you can begin taking action to live your most expansive and fulfilling life.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


    The Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide

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    On Instagram @dina.cataldo

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    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about this podcast.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • If you feel isolated in your firm, you're not alone.

    But what is isolation costing you in terms of your long-term happiness at your firm?

    And what can you do about it?

    In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer, I share an experience I had, and the mindset that created it.

    You can create a different experience at your firm when you implement what I'm sharing here today.

    Listen in to create a better relationship with yourself and your firm.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


    The Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide

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    On Instagram @dina.cataldo

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    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about this podcast.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • When I began following desires that seemed impossible to me, that's when my life changed for the better.

    Today I'm inviting you to have unreasonable desires.

    Desires you may not be verbalizing because your brain says, "That's not reasonable."

    In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer, you'll learn the questions and mindset you need to make room for unreasonable desires and take action.

    Listen in and be inspired to go after your biggest, most unreasonable, desires.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


    The Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide

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    On Instagram @dina.cataldo

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    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about this podcast.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • Washington-based estate planner Andrea Lauritzen is a powerhouse.

    But she didn’t always see the power that she had inside herself.

    She was a new partner who felt overwhelmed.

    She’d tried a lot of things, but nothing seemed to be working.

    That’s when she sought help and discovered coaching.

    In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer, you’ll hear how Andrea went from waking up feeling like her day was out of her control to creating her day powerfully and intentionally.

    This didn’t happen overnight.

    It took tiny changes for her to create the life she wanted.

    She’ll go into detail about these changes, and we break down how she did it step-by-step.

    In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer Podcast, you’ll learn:

    👉 the very first step she needed to take to begin getting the dominoes rolling to create the life she wanted

    👉 what she shifted to become more conscious and present to her life

    👉 how indecision and perfectionism short-changed herself and her ability to grow her practice area

    👉 the mentality Andrea needed to cultivate to stop believing her brain’s lies that she couldn’t do what she wanted

    👉 how she changed her relationship with networking from questioning whether she belonged in the room to enjoying it and using it to grow her practice

    👉 and so much more!

    Listen until the end because we both share several keys to changing your life and intentionally creating the life you want.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


    The Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide

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    On Instagram @dina.cataldo

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    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about this podcast.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • Today I have a very special guest who’s sharing what it’s taken for her to become a happy lawyer.

    Nancy Cogar is a long-time client, friend, and estate and elder law practitioner out of Tennessee.

    This episode of Be a Better Lawyer spans a range of topics, and Nancy doesn’t hold back with the wisdom she’s acquired over the years.

    In this episode she shares:

    ✨ The shifts she needed to make to live into the vision she had for her life and practice

    ✨ How she deals with adversarial lawyers

    ✨ What she needed to grow her self-confidence and become comfortable with growth

    ✨ 3 steps she took to curb the interruptions she experienced during the workday

    ✨ How she thinks about growing her business and hiring

    Stay ‘til the end because Nancy drops some wisdom every lawyer needs to hear.

    Grab your coffee, grab your notebook, and be prepared to take notes because Nancy offers a masterclass on how to become a happy lawyer.


    The Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide

    Show notes


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


    On Instagram @dina.cataldo

    On LinkedIn


    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about this podcast.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • Setting intentional goals is the fastest way to create the lives and businesses we want.

    So why do so many of us either not set goals or forget about them altogether soon after we set them?

    You'll get the answer to that question and more in this episode of Be a Better Lawyer Podcast.

    Plus, I'm sharing:

    ✨ What a Goldilocks Goal is and how to set one

    ✨ How to talk yourself through goals even when your brain says it's impossible to achieve

    ✨ An exercise to help you think about what you want and create a goal for yourself

    Listen in to stop avoiding goals like the plague and start pursuing them like a game.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


    The Be a Better Lawyer Podcast Treasure Map

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    On Instagram @dina.cataldo

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    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about this podcast.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • Ever wonder what it takes to have incredible inner strength?

    To be unshakeable?

    Today I’m sharing some of my favorite lessons that I’ve learned on becoming unshakeable in my life, law practice, and business.

    In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer, you’ll learn:

    🔥 4 lessons to become unshakeable in any situation

    🔥 a surprising requirement to being unshakeable

    🔥 questions to ask yourself to begin building your resilience today

    This episode will help you take your life to a whole new level, my friend.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


    The Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide

    Show notes


    On Instagram @dina.cataldo

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    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about this podcast.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • This episode is for the lawyers dreaming of leaving their offices to start a new business.

    A lot of new entrepreneurs don’t continue building their businesses because they believe three myths that can crumble your self-esteem if you don’t know what to look for.

    Believing these myths can have you:

    😫 self-sabotaging a good thing without thinking about long-term consequences

    🤯 stuck in frustration

    😮 believing you haven’t started the “right” business

    I don’t want to see that happen to you!

    If you feel called to start your own business, there’s a reason for that. Don’t ignore it.

    You have a special gift you’re meant to offer the world.

    Listen in to dispel these myths and feel more confident starting your new business.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your practice.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your business. I'll show you how.


    The Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide

    Show notes


    On Instagram @dina.cataldo

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    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about this podcast.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.

  • Last week I had a Coaching Open house where I talked about the subconscious mind and its influence over us and how we can begin reconditioning the subconscious to create the life and practice we want.

    I shared a lot of stories about lawyers I’ve worked with, and my hope is those stories inspire you to make the change you may have been putting off.

    If you want to watch the video version, you can watch it on YouTube. There’s a video player in the Show Notes below.

    And if you want to be sure never to miss a special event like this one, be sure to go to dinacataldo.com/firsttoknow to get on my email list.


    I help lawyers take control of their practice, find fulfillment and create a life they love.

    Work with me to start implementing what you're learning in this podcast.

    Book a Strategy Session with me, and we'll elevate how you practice the law and how you build your business.

    During your session, I'll ask you questions to help you see patterns holding you back from getting what you want. Then I'll give you a step-by-step plan that we'll implement when we work together.

    Book a Strategy Session here.

    You can create a life and law practice you love while growing your practice. I'll show you how.


    The Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide

    Show notes


    On Instagram @dina.cataldo

    On LinkedIn


    If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. It takes less than 90 seconds, and it really helps spread the word about this podcast.

    Or simply text a friend about the podcast to let them know how it's helped you.

    Let's change the world one lawyer at a time.