
  • The astral that we swim around in is like an ocean, and our thoughts are like bubbles that are emanating from us all the time. Those bubbles of thought tend to emanate outwards, in a sort of electromagnetic way, and they tend to attract people who think the same stuff.


    Imagine what happens when you’re in a crowd, and everybody’s bubbles are all blobbing together. This is happening all the time, although we don’t have a consciousness of it. Our conscious mind is not tuned into this sort of stuff because it’s overwhelming, and it can only process a certain number of bits of information. But the subconscious process is so much more and it’s aware of all these bubbles from other people.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga shares insights into how we might find ourselves having thoughts that are not ours, and how to be aware of them and act in accordance. She explains our telepathic nature and details a study that was done in the 1970s, why it’s essential for us to surround ourselves with positive people, as well as the importance of being around any person that has already achieved what we’re trying to accomplish.


    Tune in to learn more about how our blobs of consciousness work and how they influence our lives every day.


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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Our lower nature has been worked through as the weight training that it is to find the higher nature. So, we already know the times where we can find the bliss, the love, the peace, and so forth. And spiritual practices are just the most amazing way of finding that bliss and peace, and all those things. But what about the rest of the time?


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga answers the question, What is the Holy Grail? She explains how it’s actually a quest to find yourself. You’ll learn ego’s role in our personal development and spiritual development journeys, as well as the importance of committing to our growth and expansion.


    Tune in to find out how things always look worse before they clear and how we can advance in this quest of finding ourselves.



    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Reincarnation is a belief, and more people in the world than not believe there is more going on after we die.


    Imagine that after you die, your soul gives you a big welcome, or your friends and family that have passed on before you, are there to greet you. And then, you have a review of your life and you go through all the things that you did super well, and then a very compassionate guide will take you through areas where there would have been other scenarios, other than the way you handled something. And in that way, learning happens for the soul. But it also sets up karma for another lifetime, where you have another go at that.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga discusses the idea of reincarnation, why not everyone believes it exists, and how karma is a part of us that we can’t deny, even if we’re not always happy with it. She gives insights into a study that has been done on the subject of reincarnation, the two ways in which reincarnation can impact our minds, and she also explains the law of cause and effect, which is, in fact, karma.


    Tune in, and learn more!



    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Our soul, which exists like a vast light – it’s like a geometry of light – also exists like a sound. There’s a definite sound to each soul and geometric patterning. And it exists beyond the ocean of the astral world, which is where our mind normally hangs out.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga talks about the essence of the soul itself and she is going to help you understand how we come into being in the physical world. She explains the spiritual laws, why birth is actually scarier to a soul than death is, how the soul is just like the sun and our mind is like the moon, and so much more.


    Tune in to find out about the amazing phenomenon of inspiration coming from our soul, as well as ways to test our inner guidance.



    Connect with Shakti Durga:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Letting go truly is one of the hardest things in life. Letting go entails a surrender and moving into something beyond what we’ve experienced thus far, and therefore unpredictable. And egos don’t like unpredictable, so we’re more likely to put up with something we don’t like than to go through the process of change.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga discusses the power of surrendering to the Divine in order to let go of the things we don’t want in our lives anymore. She explains the differences between the ego’s and the soul’s journey, ego’s favorite tool – justification, and she offers a suggestion on how we can truly surrender to the Divine so that we experience the most amazing things.


    Tune in, and learn more about the power of letting go and the importance of practicing it in our daily lives.



    Connect with Shakti Durga:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • People on spiritual paths all over the world have so many different ways that they relate to the Divine. More important than anything, though, is how YOU relate to the Divine because throughout life, our consciousness changes, it evolves, and so is our conception and beliefs of the Divine.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga shares the journey to higher consciousness, how our soul is the ultimate instrument of cognition, what happens when you surrender and the Divine steps in, as well as why it’s so important to build a relationship with the Divine as you perceive it.



    Connect with Shakti Durga:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Our souls aren’t made of flesh and blood. Our souls are made of light. And so, to our souls, a mantra – which is a language of light – is received instantly and the soul responds back. And so, different qualities and characteristics can be brought forth from within us by using mantras.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga discusses the language of light and encourages everyone to use the mantras that resonate with us the most. She goes on to explain how in her early days, as a lawyer, she began to be surrounded by malicious people and how that affected her soul.


    Tune in and learn more.



    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The Astral field is like an ocean that houses our existence. It’s massive, all sorts of things exist there, and the mind is swimming around in it.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga is opening a conversation about the Astral field and our soul’s manifestation inside of it. She gives us a glimpse into what it means and how vast it is. Enjoy!



    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We’ve all been brainwashed in a really negative way around death and that’s probably because we live in a culture where materialism is seen as the only reality. If you can’t see it, touch it, bang a nail into it, it’s not real. And of course, this materialistic culture in which the physical is all there is gives rise to incredible terror and fear at the idea that our physical body might deteriorate and then eventually, not house us anymore, and that we will have to leave that physical body. People are incredibly terrified of all of that.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga shares a few stories from two books – Testimony of Light, by Helen Greaves and Memories of the Afterlife by Michael Newton – in the hope that we might begin to get more comfortable with the idea of leaving our bodies at some point, drop the fear, and be able to lead a more peaceful and richer life while we’re here.


    Tune in and enjoy these beautiful stories.



    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Mastery is not about living your life in an ivory tower with no challenges. It’s actually about how we meet the challenges and our loving kindness and skills throughout even the most difficult situations and interactions.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga shares insights into how life is like a university for self-mastery and the Universe is our examiner. She explains the ways in which we can achieve self-mastery, how shifting our perspectives upon people can determine a better future for ourselves and others, and how people that have been very masterful know that every single person is perfect already.


    Tune in, to find out more!



    Connect with Shakti Durga:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Our lives are in a constant state of becoming. There are countless decisions, reactions, conversations, and choices that we engage in every day, week, month, and year. Everything that we’re thinking or doing or saying, every action of our mind, voice, and body is putting little roots out into the world and it’s starting to connect us with people who resonate vibrationally in the same way we do.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga dives deep into another hallmark of self-mastery: interconnectedness. She explains how our thoughts and actions drive interaction in the world and the way we can change our future. She shares the meaning of a miracle, the difference between luck and karma, and why sometimes we have to sacrifice and let go of old beliefs in order to practice more interconnectedness.


    Tune in to find out how to become good at this hallmark, the benefits of being aware that the interconnectedness exists and how it manifests, as well as the pitfalls we might fall into while we’re on our path to mastering it.




    Connect with Shakti Durga:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Discernment is very difficult when we are attached to how we want things to be, if we are absolutely 100% committed to things being a certain way and we cannot even consider being different. But when we become good at discernment, we can quickly ascertain what we need and adjust, regardless of how we expect something to unfold.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga touches on mastering the art of discernment and she explains the law of non-attachment. Tune in and find out what is the best antidote to attachment and the points around mastering discernment.



    Connect with Shakti Durga:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Devotion is love with commitment and surrender is a doorway or an access point into a broader universe of possibility, inspiration, and illumination. Devotion to all living things and the practice of spiritual surrender are hallmarks of spiritual self-mastery. What they have in common is that they both require quite a bit of courage - and courage is born from our heart and from our soul.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga shares insights into two other hallmarks of spiritual self-mastery: devotion and surrender. She explains their real meaning, as well as the relationship between love, fear, and courage.


    Tune in to learn the types of surrender, why courage is needed in order for a spiritual person to make real progress, and why our spiritual ego is just as bad if not worse than any kind of ego.



    Connect with Shakti Durga:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In life, wouldn’t be easier if everybody was nice all the time, if nobody was annoying, if everybody agreed with you, and you could make all the decisions? But we all know that that is not how things are. And again and again, people will behave in ways that we never saw coming. We’ll have unexpected situations and circumstances, unexpected relationship hiccups, and all kinds of surprises.


    When we’re receiving our basic education in how to be a nice person, how to deal with feelings, what’s good and what’s bad, generally speaking, we are given very strong cultural conditioning that these things here are good and these things here are bad. But when we’re coming into self-mastery, it’s about trying to understand how it is that different ways of being might have their advantages, and different qualities and characteristics may need us to deal with them in ways we’ve never so far learned how to.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga explains another hallmark of self-mastery: loving the unlovable. She shares some tools that have been helpful for her to accept the emotions she was taught to deem as bad, and she shares how people are more complex than good and bad and they all have different qualities and characteristics.


    Tune in and learn how to love the unlovable, as well as what our shadow really is and some of the common qualities or emotions that people can sometimes find on their shadow list, such as malice, jealousy, dishonesty, manipulation, or violence.



    Connect with Shakti Durga:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Wouldn’t life be simpler if we didn’t have emotions to deal with?


    Even though you might be tempted to give a positive answer to this question, you should take a moment to imagine how dull our lives would be, compared to the rich and vibrant life that emotions allow us to have.


    Emotions are messengers from our unconscious, they’re messages from our intuitive self and sometimes even from the soul letting us know to watch out, look out for a boundary that needs to be adjusted, or maybe there’s something we need to grieve and let go.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga shares insights into the seventh hallmark of self-mastery – emotional mastery. She explains that we have the power of choice on how we react to the emotions we experience, and she shares why no emotion is bad. Shakti also teaches us that resisting emotions can have bad consequences in the longer term, and we shouldn’t judge them either.


    Tune in and learn how someone who is in a self-mastered consciousness deals with emotions, a useful tool in handling emotions, as well as the aspirations and pitfalls of this seventh hallmark.



    Connect with Shakti Durga:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • On a spiritual path, one of the wonderful things that we do is we cultivate our inner plane connections – and Ganesha is one of them. Ganesha is an elephant-headed deity. The divine forms itself into the form of Ganesha in response to the prayers of humanity, and then it answers these prayers.  


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga makes reference to an image of the Vedic deity Ganesha, where she’s discussing the symbology of the image in detail. Tune in and find out more!



    Connect with Shakti Durga:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Materialism, as a belief system, has become so pervasive that we don’t even see that we’re swimming in it, that we take it for granted so much that we barely even realize that it exists.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga explores the philosophy of materialism and she refers to Steve Taylor’s book, Spiritual Science: Why Science Needs Spirituality to Make Sense of the World, to see how we can improve the relationship between humanity and nature.


    To understand the way people are, we need to understand the philosophy that drives them, so tune in and learn the 10 principles that everyone who takes up the religion of materialism believes in.



    Connect with Shakti Durga:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Sacred activism is a powerful way to make a difference. It’s an opportunity for learning, and it provides healing to nature and to humans – and love is the driver.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga looks at 10 of the underlying principles of sacred activism, so that we know what it is and what it isn’t. She takes each principle and describes it so that all of us can see sacred activism from a different perspective.


    Tune in, to learn more!



    Connect with Shakti Durga:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • There are two levels of mind. Our consciousness is naturally taken up by our senses – what we’re seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, or what we feel on our skin. The evidence of the physical world is everywhere. The second level is that our mind becomes caught up with what itself is thinking. The mind is capable of all kinds of acrobatics that go on, that have nothing to do with what’s going on in the world around us.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga talks about the self-mastery hallmark number nine: the capacity we all have to engage in transcendental practices, that allows us to experience a great feeling of peace. She shares a deep, personal story of how meditating on a particularly harmful situation helped her find the right answer, and she stresses the importance of learning to meditate so that your life will be more peaceful, prosperous, and happier.


    Tune in to learn the practical benefits of getting into a transcendental state, how part of transcendental practices can help you understand other people, the pitfall and the highest aspirations of this hallmark of self-mastery, and much more.



    Connect with Shakti Durga:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Truth is like beauty. It lies in the eye of the beholder. What’s true to one person might not be to another.


    Some people believe that you can only get to infinite consciousness if you’re a member of their particular spiritual group or religious sect. This belief blinds people to all of the wonderful and uplifting beneficial ideas from enlightened people of other faiths or no faith. The same happens with philosophies, where people insist that their way is the only right path.


    This view throughout history has led to persecutions, wars, and the justification of violence against those who don’t share a particular religion or philosophy of those in power. It justifies the negation of our free will. But how did such fracturing of unity, disrespect, and competitiveness take root?


    The answer is pretty simple. If mankind was evolved and self-realized already, we would not need spiritual philosophies, paths, or religions. We would already have attained the things that they’re set up to teach. But that’s not the case, and people get stuck in their limited consciousness and their lower vibrational paradigms. This is what we’re overcoming in our quest for spiritual mastery.


    In this episode of Soul Talk, Shakti Durga talks about the fourth hallmark of a person who’s quite self-mastered and self-realized: accepting that there are many parts and many different levels of truth. She explains how our understanding of truth alters as our consciousness alters, how there’s always a greater truth sitting behind any apparent one, and why we need an open and flexible mind in our search for what’s true.


    Tune in and learn how you can change your life by shifting your affirmations, why it’s important to cultivate the discernment to only share truths that are relevant to the people who are hearing them, the role of spiritual teachers and masters, and so much more!



    Connect with Shakti Durga:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.