
  • Julie’s Top Three Takeaways

    Fill Your Soul Cup: Beyond just working hard, it's vital to make time for soul-enriching activities. Whether it's chatting with friends, spending time outdoors, or digging clams (yes, clams!), the things that light up your spirit are just as important as the grind.

    Community Connections Matter: Relationships bring happiness, reduce stress, and help you grow. Whether it's sharing pie recipes with a 94-year-old neighbor or simply checking in with friends, these connections fuel your well-being. Don’t underestimate the power of a good conversation or a meaningful connection!

    Balance the Grind with Intentional Living: It’s easy to get stuck in "grind mode," but stepping back to refocus on what really matters brings clarity. Stay intentional, make space for what makes you feel alive, and don’t forget that success is about more than just work—it’s about how you feel living your life.

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  • Julie’s TOP THREE Takeaways

    1. Embrace Fall’s Energy as a Fresh Start

    Just like back-to-school season, fall brings a renewed sense of focus and productivity. Whether you’ve taken it easy during summer or been overwhelmed with work, this is the perfect time to shake it off and get back in the game. Fall is your opportunity to reset, refocus, and push toward your goals for the year’s end.

    2. Fall into Q4 with a Clear and Measurable Goal

    Q4 isn’t the time for vague or massive goals. It's your last sprint! Break down exactly what you want to accomplish and make it something measurable. Whether it’s boosting revenue, hosting holiday parties, or prioritizing self-care, make sure it’s something you can track and feel great about.

    3. Align Your 90-Day Sprint with What Matters

    Julie shared her own 90-day sprint goal, focusing on self-improvement without stepping back from her business. What’s your sprint goal? Whether it's financial, personal, or family-focused, now is the time to get specific about what will bring you a sense of accomplishment by year’s end.

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  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Julie's Quick Tip: Don't leave an event without meeting, connecting and exchanging with THREE people!

    Podcast Challenge- Who will you connect with in the next three days that will make your SOUL happy?

    Snag your SpaHive Connecticut event Ticket NOW - Use Code SPONSOR25 for an extra savings!

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  • Julie’s TOP three takeaways:

    The Power of the "Why": It's not just about setting big goals like hitting a million dollars in revenue—it's about understanding why you want to achieve them. Digging deep into your motivation can reveal the true driving force behind your goals, making them even more meaningful and attainable.

    Autopilot No More: Are you on autopilot in your business? Julie encourages entrepreneurs to break free from routine thinking and really question what they want and why. It’s all about being intentional with your goals and not just going through the motions.

    Cliff Notes Magic: Julie shares a game-changing tip she picked up from Mel Robbins: ask "Why?" five times. This simple exercise can help you uncover the deeper reasons behind your desires, making sure your actions align with your true aspirations.

    Mel Robbins Podcast

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  • Discover Skin Science Solutions with Stan Kapica!

    Email: [email protected]

    Julie’s Top THREE Takeaways

    Be authentic: Figure out what your brand is, and what aligns with it and leave the rest.

    Addressing Obstacles and Overcoming Fear: Address fears and obstacles that prevent progress, such as the belief that the business will fall apart without the owner.

    Balancing Work and Business Development: The main challenge discussed is finding a balance between working in the business (e.g., providing services, handling day-to-day tasks) and working on the business (e.g., strategizing for future growth, setting long-term goals). Many owners struggle to focus on strategic planning because they are overwhelmed by daily operations.

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  • Julies TOP THREE Takeaways

    Embrace Staff Turnover as Part of the Journey: Losing team members, even the ones you thought would be with you for the long haul, is just part of the business. It’s tough, but it’s also a learning experience. We can’t take it personally—it’s just part of the journey for both you and them.

    Get Strategic with Hiring: Consider hiring part-time staff and allowing them to earn more hours as they prove themselves. This approach sets clear expectations and creates a partnership where both sides are committed to success. It’s all about building a relationship from day one.

    Know What Drives Your Team: Take the time to understand what’s motivating each of your team members. Is it saving for something big? Is it career advancement? Knowing this helps you tailor your approach, which can go a long way in keeping them on board.

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  • Julie's Top Three Takeaways:

    Continuing Education is Key: Estheticians need ongoing education to build confidence, stay updated on industry standards, and deliver better results to their clients.

    Non-Invasive Technology for Sensitive Skin: Devices like EpiStep offer a non-invasive, results-oriented alternative for estheticians, particularly beneficial for clients with sensitive skin.

    Knowledge is Power: The more knowledgeable estheticians are about products, ingredients, and skin biology, the more confident and successful they will be in their practice.

    Contact Jennifer Crable at [email protected]!

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  • Julie’s TOP THREE Takeaways:

    Mindset Matters: Morning Magic! 🌅

    Is the morning routine dead? Not for everyone! It might sound old school, but setting aside time in the morning to meditate, practice gratitude, and visualize goals can set a positive tone for your entire day. It’s your daily dose of sunshine, even when the weather isn’t cooperating!

    Get Off the Hamster Wheel! 🐹

    Ever feel like you're running in circles but not getting anywhere? Identify what you love to do, what you don’t love, and what you wish you could do more of. Then, develop a plan to focus on what you love and delegate the rest. It's time to break free from the daily grind and start living the life you envision!
    Join the Workshop Extravaganza! 🎉

    Want to dive deeper and work directly on your strategy? The October business-building workshop in the stunning Chesapeake Bay is your golden ticket! Limited to just 15 attendees, it’s a chance to craft your goals, strengthen your strategy, and maybe even enjoy some Maryland crab cakes. Check the show notes for more details and snag your spot before it’s gone!

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  • Julie’s TOP THREE Takeaways

    The Magic of Spa Hive Events
    Spa Hive events are more than just gatherings; they’re a place where sparks fly and connections are made. At these events, you can step out of your comfort zone and engage with fellow spa owners and leaders to spark new ideas and push for growth. These events are meticulously planned yet open to spontaneous moments of brilliance, ensuring you get the most out of your experience.

    Why You Should Attend
    Attending a Spa Hive event is about finding your business bestie, someone who will be there for you five or ten years down the road. It's a chance to connect with industry veterans and newcomers alike, sharing experiences and solutions to common challenges. These events offer a judgment-free zone where everyone is eager to learn and grow together, proving that you’re never alone in your journey.

    What to Expect at Spa Hive Events

    Every Spa Hive event guarantees incredible speakers, networking opportunities, and interactive town hall power panels. These panels aren't just about listening but engaging and sharing your insights, ensuring everyone benefits from the collective wisdom. You’ll also enjoy beautiful locations, delicious food, and leave with actionable business practices that can immediately impact your spa's success.

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  • Julie’s TOP Three Takeaways

    Surround Yourself with the Right People: The secret to success isn't just about individual effort but about the community and team you build around you. High-performing, resilient teams are crucial, and strong leadership in cultivating these teams is essential.

    Building a Strong Culture: A successful business thrives on a robust culture of appreciation, gratitude, and clear communication. Regular one-on-one meetings and a strong onboarding process are vital to maintaining this culture and ensuring everyone is aligned with the business's goals and values.

    Focus on People First: Prioritizing people—both your team and clients—over products and profits creates a foundation for lasting success. Providing the right tools, training, and environment for your team will naturally lead to increased profitability and business growth.

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  • Julie’s Top Two Takaways

    Organize your Space An organized workspace leads to an organized mind and business. Clear the clutter from your workspace, both at home and in your spa, to boost productivity and focus. Remember, an organized environment fosters success.

    Organize your Goals Regularly review and adjust your goals. Look at your vision board, assess your progress, and ensure your objectives remain relevant. Break down your long-term goals into achievable weekly, monthly, and quarterly targets.

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  • Julie’s TOP Three Takeaways

    Communication is Key: Dive into how effective communication with clients, team members, and even yourself can be the magic wand to prevent complaints and foster harmony.

    Facing Challenges Head-On: Learn from real-life stories about navigating tricky situations, like dealing with team resistance or managing high-profile clients, and how open dialogue can turn things around.

    Leadership Lessons: Get insights into the transition from being a provider to a manager, including the bumps along the way and the importance of building trust and respect within your team.

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  • Julie’s TOP Three Takeaways

    Practice Self-Forgiveness: Don't be hard on yourself for needing a break. Practice self-forgiveness and recognize that it's okay to not be productive all the time. Allow yourself the grace to rest and recharge.Develop a Re-Entry Strategy: When you're ready to get back to work, have a strategy in place to ease back into your routine. This might include setting small goals, engaging in physical activity to boost your energy, or starting with tasks that excite you.Embrace Your Need for Breaks: It's completely normal to have days when you lack motivation and don't feel like doing anything. Recognize these moments as necessary breaks for your mental and physical well-being.

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  • Julie'sTOP THREE Takeaways:

    The Power of Training: Attending training sessions, like the one with Cord Cohen from Zents, can remind us of the deeper reasons behind our work and the impact we have on our clients and team.Rediscovering Purpose: It's easy to get caught up in daily tasks, but taking a moment to reflect on the core purpose of your business can reignite your passion and clarity.Regular Reflection: Schedule regular check-ins with yourself and your team to revisit your business’s purpose. This practice keeps everyone aligned and focused on delivering exceptional experiences consistently.

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  • Julies TOP THREE Takeaways:

    Seasonal Work-Life Balance: It’s all about recognizing the different seasons in our lives and finding that sweet spot where productivity and relaxation meet. Summer is my time to enjoy the beauty of Maine, slow down a bit, and recharge with activities like hiking, kayaking, and just soaking in the sea coast vibes.Time Management: With a big new project on the horizon, I’m all about efficient time management. My Sunday ritual is non-negotiable, helping me plan the week ahead, stick to my routine, and make sure I’m hitting my goals. Healthy habits like meal prepping and morning workouts are key to keeping my energy and focus on point.Vision and Adaptability: Revisiting my vision board has been so enlightening. It’s about being open to change and making room for new opportunities. Letting go of what no longer serves us can make way for amazing growth and new ventures.

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  • How to perform a mid-year check-in with Julie Pankey

    Reflect on Personal and Professional Goals:

    Start by reflecting on personal and professional goals six months into the year.Look back at the goals set at the end of last year and the beginning of this year.

    Break Down Goals:

    Break down annual goals into 90-day increments.Further divide these increments into daily, weekly, and monthly goals.

    Evaluate Progress:

    Assess whether goals have been broken down and if there is progress towards them step by step.Identify if baby steps have been taken daily to achieve these goals.

    Identify Shortcomings and Achievements:

    Evaluate which goals have been achieved and which ones have fallen short.Recognize areas where sight of goals might have been lost due to daily life distractions.

    Reassess and Adjust Goals:

    Adjust goals if they no longer serve current needs or if priorities have changed.Pivot and make necessary changes to stay on track.

    Stay Motivated and Accountable:

    Start the day with music to stay positive and motivated.Maintain motivation and seek out accountability partners, knowing a coach can be reached out to if needed.

    Document and Celebrate Progress:

    Keep a 'hype folder' where positive feedback and accomplishments are saved to boost morale.Regularly review the vision board and update it as needed to reflect current goals and aspirations.

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  • Julie’s Top Three Takeaways

    Trust your intuition: Pay attention to the signs and messages you receive, whether through dreams, meditation, or other means, and trust your inner wisdom to guide you on your journey.Take up space: As a leader in the spa and wellness industry, it's important to assert yourself and share your expertise confidently, even in the face of criticism or doubts.Connect authentically: Building lasting relationships with your team, clients, and peers requires authenticity and openness. Be willing to show vulnerability and share your experiences to foster genuine connections.

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  • Julie's BIG THREE takeaways:

    Identify Your Communication Style: Understanding whether you are an over-communicator, under-communicator, passive-aggressive, or any other type helps in tailoring your approach to different situations and relationships, both personal and professional.Set Clear Expectations: Effective communication involves setting clear expectations from the beginning. This helps in avoiding misunderstandings and disappointments, especially in professional settings like a spa, where client satisfaction is crucial.Consistency is Key: Consistency in communication and actions builds trust and ensures everyone is on the same page. Whether it's how you handle treatments in a spa or how you communicate with your team, being consistent is essential for success.

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  • Julie's TOP THREE Takeaways from this episode:

    Communication is key, you can never over-communicate especially to a new guest. Encourage feedback - nothing worse than not knowing where you can improve. The need for continuous improvement - always keep your skills fresh and new, and encourage and require ongoing education for your staff.

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  • Julie's TOP THREE Takeaways from this episode:

    Value and Appreciation: Employees want to feel valued and appreciated for their contributions. Expressing genuine appreciation and recognizing their efforts can go a long way in fostering loyalty and satisfaction.

    Consistency Matters: Upholding consistent standards, policies, and procedures demonstrates integrity and professionalism. It sets expectations and creates a fair work environment for everyone.

    Learning from Setbacks: Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we may still experience setbacks or losses. It's crucial to reflect on these experiences, learn from them, and adapt our strategies for better outcomes in the future.

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