
  • On the release date of this episode, I’ll be on my way to Australia!

    I talk about how excited I am but also how overwhelming and stressful things can be before moving abroad... there’s a lot to do and wrap up.

    I’m trying to enjoy and appreciate these last moments of how my life is right now: family gatherings, mountain views, my writing group, living with my brother and our little kitty, and having my own space.

    I’ve been reading Joe Dispenza’s book Becoming Supernatural, and I love how its connecting with my life at the moment. He talks a lot about stepping in a new future, and I feel like this trip is a new beginning and fresh start.

    I share how nice it feels to pack up my things and only bring clothes with me that I love. I know I’ll have everything I need, and I know this is the perfect next step.


    I do realize theres immense privledge and freedom in the way I get to live my life right now. There’s so many people needlessly suffering right now in his war, and my heart goes out to all who are affected.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • In today’s episode, I talk about the magical time before a trip when there is excitement in the air. I’m packing all my cute outfits... even though I practically live in my yoga pants at home. I’m convinced that travel pushes us to be better, cuter versions of ourselves.

    Travel changes us, and even the act of preparing for travel is special because we know we're not going to come back as the same people. Preparing for a trip also puts things into perspective - it takes me out of my ordinary routine and habits and reminds me that we live on a big, beautiful planet full of amazing and people and places to explore.

    Sometimes it’s hard to find a balance between being in the moment and being excited about our future adventures. I’ve been feeling content and present, but I wonder... is that BECAUSE I have a trip coming up?

    I’m one of those people who always needs to have a trip planned, and I know so many of you feel the same way. I talk about how grateful I am for all my groups of friends who share this same wanderlust.

    I wrap up todays episode by pulling 2 cards and then sharing what the next couple weeks might look like on the podcast. (I will try my best to have episodes the next couple weeks, but I will also be traveling, so we'll see how it goes!)

    This episode is shorter than usual and also little random... but I hope you enjoy it! :)


    Let's Connect:

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @caseyandtheworld

  • A lot can change in a short amount of time, and that has certainly been my experience this past week. They say when it rains it pours, and this week it has been pouring... but in the best way!

    I share some updates on my writing, a new yoga teaching opportunity in an exciting new location, and a possible remote job.

    All of these things are fitting so well together, and I can really start to envision a life I will truly enjoy. As a multi-passionate human, I love the idea of having time and energy to devote to multiple jobs and projects - like teaching yoga, writing a book, and working for a company that offers a service that I’m really passionate about.

    I talk about how following my joy has led to me to these opportunities that feel really in alignment and how things move quickly when they’re right.

    I am feeling immense gratitude for everything I’m receiving right now but also for the struggles these last 2 years which give me an even greater appreciation of this moment.

    If we’re willing to get down and dirty and sift through the mud of who we are and what we want, there’s often clarity and some really beautiful opportunities for us… opportunities that are even beyond what we could have imagined for ourselves.

  • *Very precious introduction from Void - kitty & newest housemate*

    In todays podcast, I start out with some life updates.

    I talk about this fascinating idea of 6 degrees of separation which is the idea we’re connected to all other people through 6 or less social connections. Lately, I’ve been reaching out to people to connect and ask questions, and it’s led to some inspiring conversations.

    I talk about the 5 whys strategy and how asking myself WHY I want remote work and nomadic life is helping me go deeper and realize that I actually want freedom in this one precious life... and that might mean not working for anyone but myself.

    I also just reread The Alchemist - one of my favorite books - and I talk about some of the lessons I love, like laughing at the detours or roundabout ways the universe takes to where we’re going and how life can get so serious, but it’s important to remember playfulness and to enjoy the journey.

    This episode is all about getting curious, asking why, following your intuition, connecting with people you feel called to, and following the little breadcrumbs on this journey of life.

    I hope you enjoy it!


    "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it." Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist


    Let's connect:

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @caseyandtheworld

  • Today’s podcast is all about... Highly Sensitive People!! Or, HSPs.

    I have such an amazing guest on the show today. Becca coaches highly sensitive people, and with her extensive background in behavioral health, she brings great insights and knowledge to the pod today.

    She shares about the HSP spectrum, what it means to be highly sensitive, the 3 types of sensitivity, and how to know if you might be a highly sensitive person.

    In a world that tells us to toughen up, HSPs have valuable strengths like creativity, strong intuition, empathy, and emotional intelligence.

    HSPs often have a great awareness and attunement to others experiences and emotions; this can manifest in both positive and negative ways in our careers, work environments, and also in romantic and platonic relationships.

    HSPs tend to have more passive communication styles, so we discuss how important it is to ask for what we want and need and to embrace the word high maintenance - our systems are senstive and they do require more maintenance, and that's ok!

    Becca shares some helpful practices for HSPs, like joyful movement, energetic hygiene, and taking time in silence everyday to let our minds wander.

    We have both come to celebrate our sensitivity as it allows us to have rich emotional experiences, a deep compassion for others, and appreciation of the beauty and little things in life. In this podcast we want to honor all the HSPs out there!

    If you are a highly sensitive person or think you might be... or you know a close friend who is… this is a beautiful episode just for YOU.


    Becca is an AMAZING resource for all things HSP. She posts high-quality content and actionable tips and strategies for all of you ambitious HSPs with big dreams.

    Instagram: @askillfullife

    Website: askillful.life


    As always, feel free to connect with me, share your thoughts, and continue the conversation.

  • Today’s episode is a follow-up/continuation of last weeks podcast on internalized capitalism and self-worth. I was inspired by several conversations (with you all) after last weeks episode, and I wanted to share some of those conversations and perspectives today. We talk about how parents can unknowingly exacerbate this voice of internalized capitalism and we explore how the work life balance of different countries could play a role in ones level of internalized capitalism.

    I talk more about the pressure of monetizing hobbies and the unnecessary sense of urgency in our society- to not just add degrees, certificates, skills, clients, etc- but to do it FAST.

    Lately I’ve been feeling really grounded and content, and whats been helpful for me is not asking how much can I do? and how fast? But rather, what can I let go of? How much can I not do?

    It’s really deep and important work to let go of some of these old structures and internalized beliefs about our value, after all, we can’t keep building the house if the foundation is shaky.


    Articles referenced in the pod:

    This article ranks the "7 countries with the worst work life balance" - with the 2 criteria being time devoted to leisure/personal care and working hours.

    An article titled Worldwide Work-Life Balance Index 2023 ranks the 10 best cities for work life balance with 10 factors including: average working hours, minimum legal annual leave, maternity leave policy, etc. (I read the country names and not the city names- oops! Apologies for any confusion there.)

    Here's an article that shares why the U.S. may be the most overworked developed nation in the world - this includes lack of parental leave benefits, lack of paid vacation time and sick leave, and no maximum work week length.

    There are so many more interesting articles - this is topic I'll keep diving into!


    What are your thoughts on internalized capitalism? How has it affected you?

    This is conversation I want to continue to engage in.

    Email: [email protected]

    Or connect with me on Instagram: @caseyandtheworld

  • In today’s episode, I open with a short meditation and then I dive right into exploring the idea of internalized capitalism and how it relates to worthiness.

    When we internalize capitalism, our self-worth is connected to what we do and what we produce and not who we are at the core of our being.

    Have you ever felt guilty for resting? Have you ever prioritized work over well-being? Have you ever felt like you should be doing more or achieving more? Or felt that you should be monetizing your hobbies?

    An internalized voice of capitalism leaves so many of us wondering if we’re doing enough, if we're good enough, if we're worthy.

    I share how I worked towards what I thought was my dream life for many years but when I finally had it all... thats when everything shifted. I experienced burnout, and I questioned if everything I had worked for was even worth it - if I couldn't have freedom and peace of mind.

    It’s so essential to give ourselves rest, grace and space and to seek out experiences that can help us to deprogram this inner voice of internalized capitalism.

    This is an episode to remind us that we are radiant, beautiful and worthy! We are human beings... NOT human doings.


    This article is where I found Anders Haden's definition of internalized capitalism, which I quote in the episode.


    How has internalized capitalism has impacted you? I'd love to hear your perspective or experience. Send me an email: [email protected]

    Or connect with me on Instagram: @caseyandtheworld

  • There are SO many powerful and badass females shining on the world stage right now, and I love it. Recently, I’ve been inspired by Taylor Swift, the Barbie movie AND one of my best friends... MADDIE! She recently opened a boutique hotel in Guatemala, and she shares her experience of this dream coming to fruition after several years.

    I love hearing her perspective as a new female entrepreneur. We also talk about the Camino, leaving our teaching careers, taking risks to follow big dreams, and our shared goal of geographic and financial freedom.

    As usual, we laugh a lot - especially as we joke about selling pictures of our feet and the story of how we ended up with 10 Taylor Swift tickets to the Eras tour in Switzerland.

    I think you’ll find this as funny and inspiring as I did. Welcome to our Empowerment Era.

    *There's a couple times where the audio cuts out and/or gets a little fuzzy- I apologize for that!


    I love supporting my badass besties....

    Wander Boutique Hotel now open!! It's a woman-owned, boho-chic hotel in El Peredón, Guatemala! Go show Wander some love on insta or plan a trip to Guatemala... :)

    Instagram: @wanderboutiquehotel

    Website: https://wanderboutiquehotel.com/

    Connect with Casey:

    Instagram: @caseyandtheworld

    Email: [email protected]

  • In today’s podcast, I open with a short meditation, so I invite you to take a moment to close your eyes and ground with me if you’re in a space to do that. (If you want to skip it, podcast starts at 4:40.)

    l talk about my experience of coming back home physically to CO after traveling in Europe but also coming back home to the heart.

    After an intense, life changing experience, like a retreat, there’s a coming back down to reality, which can be hard and frustrating. During this time, I’ve been working on restoring my trust in the universe. I share how things have shifted with my thinking and my job search after my Path of Love retreat. I also talk about an inspiring book I read that reminded me that things always have a way of working out... and that the heart is not a logical creature.

    This podcast is about the journey of getting quiet and listening to the whispers of the heart in order to figure out what will bring you closer to home. If your heart is longing for something that doesn't seem logical at at, I think you’ll resonate with this episode.

    Here's the book I rave about: Thriving Through Uncertainty


    "Let go how you think things should be right now. Taste the possibility that something wise and beautiful is taking place." -Tama Kieves

    “Sacred love is consistent. Think of a time when things worked out for you. That same supportive, astonishing intelligence is with you now. The presence hasn't changes. It hasn't forgotten your name." -Tama Kieves

    “Your life will expand in proportion to how much you can surrender to the unknown.” -Unknown

    Let's connect:

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/caseyandtheworld/

  • Hi, my loves! Welcome back to the podcast!!

    I’m so happy you’re here, and I’m happy to be back on the pod as well (after a 2 month break for summer travels and relaxing).

    In today’s episode, I rewind a little bit and share some travel stories from the first part of my Europe trip in Italy and Spain. This includes a very stressful trip to the Denver airport, the joy of wandering around Florence without my phone, topless bathing on the beach in Cadiz, and a hiking adventure in the Sierra Nevadas. I also talk about my Path of Love retreat in Tuscany and the emotions and highs I experienced afterwards.

    Andddd, lets be real - a lot of this episode is me being giddy and sharing about how much I love wandering around new cities by myself with no plans. Hah! Hey, maybe it’ll make you want to plan an adventure as well...

    If you're interested in Path of Love retreats, here's the link: https://pathretreats.com/

    Anything you want to share? Questions or comments? Let's connect.

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/caseyandtheworld/

  • I'm preparing for a month of travel, so in today’s episode I talk about the excitement and anticipation I’m feeling as I get ready to return to Europe!

    There’s so many juicy feelings that accompany international travel- wildness, freedom, the bliss of waking up in a new city with no plans. I can’t wait for that.

    However, I also share about a recent trip to Denver and how I felt a bit uncomfortable walking around there. Because of all the violence and instability in the USA, I don’t always feel safe here, and I sense this collective discomfort and tension.

    There’s a sense of relief when I think about traveling to Europe and going to cities where I feel safe and be open. I share some of my travel plans, and I also share about my decision to take a small break from the podcast while I’m traveling.

    Today’s episode is a little all over the place, but I hope you enjoy it.

    A few reflections:

    Denver is great city, and Colorado is a beautiful place to be from. I know so many people who have built beautiful and fulfilling lives here. It's not my intention to criticize but rather observe my own experience. I always want to be honest about my journey and what feels aligned and comfortable and what doesn't. Many cities in the USA don't feel safe to me as a solo female- especially with increasing gun violence.

    I mention the poverty in Denver- it's not that I want to shelter myself and not see poverty. (I spent many months teaching in the slums of Hyderabad, India.) I'm just particulary sentitive to the collective energy in these areas- it feel chaotic, unsafe, unstable, unhinged, and uneasy. I don't feel like I can relax; there is a need to stay vigilant and keep my guard up in places like this in order to keep myself and my energy safe. Ultimately, I don't want to live in a place where I can't feel safe, relaxed, and open.

    As an empath, I realize the collective and the state of those around me greatly affect me and my well-being. This (say, a walk around downtown Denver) probably affects me more than it does most people. But maybe you can relate to that as well.

    Anything you want to share? Questions or comments?

    Email me: [email protected]

    Have an AMAZING start to your summer... the show will be back in a few weeks!

    Lots of love,


  • I am turning 32 this week, and I’ve been reflecting a lot on the past year- the things I’ve learned and enjoyed and the hard lessons in life, love, and change.

    In today’s episode, I share 10 insights from my 31st year of life. Like, always have conversations with strangers- you never know who will change your life or become one of your closest companion. Change is slow and messy. Back up your computer often. And the realization that not everyone wants to go where they’ll grow. I also touch on the topics of worthiness, living with an open heart, and deaming big.

    I hope you enjoy this candid reflection.

    Here are the 10 Things I share about (in list form):

    Have conversations with strangers! Nurture your friendships. Not everyone will love in the same (deep and intense) way you do. It has nothing to do with you or your worth. (Read that again.) Not everyone wants to go where they’ll grow. Change is slow and messy. Back up your computer often!! Writing and Speaking are the most underrated gifts of our human existence. Don't underestimate the power of a bath and a good cry. Dream really big. Like, recklessly big.

    I share quotes from The Untethered Soul, by Michael Singer. I also refer to the The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris, which was inspiring!

    Lots of lots,


  • Welcome back to Space with Case!

    It’s been a couple weeks since I released an episode, and I’ll tell you all about why that is. But first, I start off by taking a little moment to breathe and ground. I share about everything that’s been going on in my world including getting sick, family events, computer crashing. I’m also working full time again for the first time in a long time, and I talk about how exhausting that’s been and how I’m not sure if I’m cut out for that!

    I talk a little bit about Human Design and current astrological events and how those may be at play in this crazy month of April...

    However, I also talk about finding little moments of gratitude throughout these last couple weeks and knowing that all of this is happening to make space for new energy. Things are finally starting to settle this week, and I feel calmer. Ah.

    If you’ve felt frazzled or ungrounded or like everything has been happeneing all at once, I’l think you’ll enjoy this episode.

    I refer to the Astrology of the Week Ahead podcast with Chani Nicholas- She has a beautiful way with words, and I resonate with so much of what she shares.

    Have a beautiful week, lovely humans!

  • Last week, I officially finished my UX Design course, which is very exciting! But today I dive into some of the challenges that have come up around this big transition, like imposter syndrome and doubting myself and my decisions.

    I share a few insights from a recent coaching session that helped me to feel more comforatble and inspired about this next step- for example, how there’s no harm in asking the universe for what we want and how we can look at each next step as a bridge to help us get to the life we want. I voice my personal intentions around what I would like in my next job.

    At the beginning of the episode, I pull a card from one of my favorite decks, and it’s about 'self talk', so I touch on the idea of positive self talk throughout the episode. I share some affirmations I’ve enjoyed recently. I talk about how a process like finding a job in a new field maybe doesn’t have to be so difficult.

    Transitional times are really just an opportunity to tell ourselves different stories, to talk to ourselves in a different (better) way and to trust in ourselves.

    I think you’ll enjoy this episode if you’re find yourself in the midst of change, and lets be real... who isn’t?

    Awesome coach I'm referring to in the podcast: Caitlin Bosshart

    Want more affirmations? Snoop Dogg has your back. (It's for kids, but its a banger.)

    Tell me more!

    email: [email protected]

    instagram: caseyandtheworld

  • In today’s episode, I am joined by one of my best friends... Jess!! We talk about.. MILLENNIALS!

    First we give a little background into milennial lives- how we’ve been disruptive as a generative, how we love charcuterie boards, and how we grew up as the internet was taking hold. We share about our own struggles with money and share facts and statistics about why so many milennials are struggling: this includes crippling debt from 4 year institutions, high cost of living, and inflation while salaries and wages remain stagnant.

    It’s sad and it’s frustrating. For many of us, building wealth and buying houses seems unattainable. Many millennial couples are choosing not to have kids, let alone pets. But we’re resilient as hell. We’re getting creative with how we make money, were starting more conversations around finanical literacy, and we still believe that one day we will live abundant, thriving lives.

    If you’re a milennial who is struggling, if you live paycheck to paycheck, if you have tried to save money, if life just feels hard sometimes because of the dumpster fire we're living in… This podcast if for you.

    We refer to Millennial Income Statistics and this excellent New York Times article, which is also a deep dive into millennial lives. Jess refers to The Money with Katie Show podcast episode: Where’s the Millennial Middle Class.

    Start at minute 20 is you want to skip the intros and jump right into the money/struggle conversation.

    At the end of the episode, we joke that this song that this should be every Millennial's new mantra: I am healthy, I am wealthy. I am rich, I am that bitch!

    Millennials, we got this!

    Continue the conversation:

    Email: [email protected]

    Casey's Instagram: www.instagram.com/caseyandtheworld

    Jess' Instagram: www.instagram.com/lovejessandnat

  • This is a big week! Spring is now officially here. It’s a great time for new beginnings.

    I talk about the ending of my UX design program and beginning what feels like a new phase of my life with a new career path.

    I look back to a week ago and to a year ago. So much can change in a year, and yet, change is a slow process. I feel like it took a long time to get where I am right now.

    Being intentional about the lives we want to build and create takes time. I share my own intentions for this spring season around my career and my dream life/location.

    But beginnings can also be hard and painful as they mean endings and letting go of things. I lead a short meditation where we take a moment to send love to anyone who's struggling or could use a fresh start.

    If you’re ready for the energy of spring or if you find yourself in a process of metamorphasis or transformation, I think you’ll really connect with this episode.

    Here's a link to Rachel Brathen's Spring Equinox Practice podcast, which I referenced at the beginning.

    Email me: [email protected] or find me on instagram: @caseyandtheworld

    Thank you for listening.

  • When I sat down to record today’s episode, I had just gotten back from a walk. I’m reminded how something as simple as getting outside in the fresh air can change your whole mood. (It's been a long and cold winter in Colorado, and today was the first day it felt like spring.)

    I talk about things you can do to feel like yourself again. My personal favorites are a hot baths, organizing my space, journaling, taking a walk, and daily practices and routines. However, our morning and evening routines and our regular practices can be hard to sustain. Sometimes resistance shows up in our lives and we may enter a phase wherr we don’t feel motivated or we don’t feel like doing anything. We may find ourselves in a bit of a rut.

    In those times, sometimes the best we can do is get a pizza and watch netflix. And that’s ok too.

    Questions or comments? Email me: [email protected]

  • In today’s episode I share about my weekend in the mountains with a Camino friend who is here in Colorado visiting from Scotland!

    We became really fast friends on the Camino, so I share the story of how we met. I end up sharing a couple other Camino stories around friendship including... a birthday story and a story about the end of the Camino that came with a moment of realization.

    I’m especially grateful for my Camino fam and our ongoing friendship.

    Friendships are one area of my life where I feel like I’ve hit the JACKPOT! A couple great friends- with whom you can just be your weird self- is all you really need in life.

    If you appreciate quality friendships, friendships with depth, and lifelong friends, I think you’ll enjoy this episode.