Real Marriage Real Talk combines humor and wisdom as creative and inspiring programming for both married and single people. Receive a candid and honest answer to your questions about marriage. There is not one subject we won’t dare to discuss. The show is filled with transparency, a whole lot of laughter, sometimes tears, and a wealth of revelation on how you can succeed fully in marriage. Our foundational teachings are built on a biblical worldview and welcomes all ages and nationalities.
Real Marriage Real Talk Podcast is brought to you by Talk 4 Podcasting ( on the Talk 4 Media Network ( -
We all grew up in different parts of American Christianity, and we still keep thinking about how to take it seriously, even as we leave some beliefs behind. Join us our round-table discussion as we ravel out our faith in a complex world, pulling on one thread at a time, seeking Meaning at the end of it all.
The Psychic Podcast Guy, is about a Professional Retired TV Radio psychic giving back or paying it forward.
Thru years of working in this field Chris has read for Royalty
pop stars politicians had his own radio shows went onto become
a award winning Author on Relationships,and even a Qualified Hypnotherapist.
Listen and learn from Chris,as he talks about life as a Psychic. -
These talks and sermons were given by Priestmonk Kosmas of the Orthodox Monastery of the Archangel Michael, Sydney, Australia. The Monstery is under the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR).
Topics include: basics in Orthodoxy, Ecumenism and Covidism, reading the lives of the saints, married life, the upbringing of children, death and the afterlife, spiritual life in the world, advice on prayer, saints and elders, magic and sorcery, and miracles and deception.
For more details, go to -
The Success in Black and White ® podcast brings you a variety of topics from the lens of an interracial couple. Our ultimate focus is on bridging the gap between racial boundaries; which we discuss through practical topics such as leadership and management strategies, relationship tactics, and the process of personal development.
Budeme tu dve. Nika a Veronika.
A budeme hovoriť o živote, o láske, aj o tej seba-láske, o deťoch, ale to iba tak trošku, o práci, aj o vzťahoch v práci... vlastne budeme najviac hovoriť o vzťahoch a vzťahovosti. A bodka.
Nika pomáha ženám ŽIŤ cez svoje knihy, počas osobných mentoringových stretnutí so ženami. Je príkladom toho, že žiť život v plnosti sa oplatí.
Veronika je žena, ktorá sa rozhodla spoznať samú seba preto, aby bola zdravšia, aby sa viac usmievala a ponúkla sebe a svojmu okoliu naplnený život. -
Podcast ponúka zamyslenia na témy Svätého písma, tajomstiev viery a Cirkvi. Pomenovanie podcastu „Kairos“ je známy evanjeliový výraz, ktorý pochádza z gréčtiny a v preklade znamená „plnosť času“, resp. „pravý čas“.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Vďaka rôznym uhlom pohľadu možno nájdeš tie správne kľúče k vlastnému šťastiu. Spoznáš to, kým si, pochopíš svoje tienisté a začneš si vážiť svoje svetlé stránky. Objavíš v sebe to, čo tebe dáva energiu žiariť a žiť.
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Podcast Život Na Maximum Ti prináša autorka bestsellerov a inšpirátorka Daniela Rau, NLP master kouč a mentor Jerguš Holéczy, v spolupráci s PODCAST_house, Panta Rhei a
Už teraz buď tým človekom, akým sa túžiš stať.
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