Why is vision an essential part of every fundraiser’s toolbox?
The Basics of Support Raising series is jam-packed with wisdom and insight. They are sure to encourage you and strengthen your foundation, no matter where you are on the journey.
The Support Raising Podcast, by Via, is excited to bring you the best leaders and practitioners in these three areas: spiritually healthy, vision-driven, and fully funded. Their insight will help you move forward in your partnership development.
What's God's plan for his people concerning generosity and ministry? How is support raising truly generosity and not begging?
In Part 7 of The Basics of Support Raising, host Mark Wilson discusses the core foundation of generosity with guests Ellis Goldstein, Patrick Johnson, & Todd Moore.
The Basics of Support Raising contains eight episodes, jam-packed with wisdom and insight to encourage you and strengthen your foundation, no matter where you are on the journey.
The Support Raising Podcast, by Via, is excited to bring you the best leaders and practitioners in these three areas: spiritually healthy, vision-driven, and fully funded. Their insight will help you move forward in your partnership development.
Compass International: https://compass.org/
Freedom5One: https://freedom5one.com/
The Sower: https://www.amazon.com/Sower-Redefining-Ministry-Raising-Resources/dp/0979990793
The God Ask: https://www.viagenerosity.org/resources/the-god-ask
Manglende episoder?
What basic communication skills and practices do support raisers need to know and embrace? Join host Mark Wilson and guest Ian Hsu for part 6 of The Basics of Support Raising series.
Ian is the founder and CEO of Prayvine, a ministry that provides mission workers with a free, secure platform for multiplying their prayer support. He is passionate about building strong, prayer-centric relationships between workers and their ministry partners. Prior to founding Prayvine, Ian led Stanford University's digital engagement strategy.
The Support Raising Podcast, by Via, is excited to bring you the best leaders and practitioners in these three areas: spiritually healthy, vision-driven, and fully funded. Their insight will help you move forward in your partnership development.
SHOW NOTES: Prayvine: https://www.prayvine.org/
Alternative forms of raising money skip the most central core of support raising - Partnership Development.
In part 5, host Mark Wilson discusses the core concept of partnership with guest Charles Wesley Jr., Director of Ministry Partner Development with University Christian Outreach (UCO).
The Basics of Support Raising contains eight episodes, jam-packed with wisdom and insight to encourage you and strengthen your foundation, no matter where you are on the journey.
The Support Raising Podcast, by Via, is excited to bring you the best leaders and practitioners in these three areas: spiritually healthy, vision-driven, and fully funded. Their insight will help you move forward in your partnership development.
University Christian Outreach - https://www.ucoweb.org/
Referrals are important! And maybe not as terrible as you think.
In part 4, host Callie Davis unpacks "Referrals" with guest Erin Sparks, director of the ministry of partnership development at Every Nation churches and ministries.
Is it too much to ask for referrals in an appointment? How can it be done well? Is asking for referrals necessary?
The Basics of Support Raising contains eight episodes, jam-packed with wisdom and insight to encourage you and strengthen your foundation, no matter where you are on the journey.
The Support Raising Podcast, by Via, is excited to bring you the best leaders and practitioners in these three areas: spiritually healthy, vision-driven, and fully funded. Their insight will help you move forward in your partnership development.
Show Notes:
Every Nation churches & ministries: https://www.everynation.org/
Why is a support raiser’s perspective foundational for success? Guest Steve Shadrach and host Mark Wilson unpack the "Perspective of a God-Asker" on @via_generosity 's Support Raising Podcast as part 3/8 of a BRAND NEW series called The Basics of Support Raising. Eight episodes, jam-packed with wisdom and insight, are sure to encourage you and strengthen your foundation, no matter where you are on the journey.
The Support Raising Podcast, by Via, is excited to bring you the best leaders and practitioners in these three areas: spiritually healthy, vision-driven, and fully funded. Their insight will help you move forward in your partnership development.
Show Notes:
The God Ask
5 Keys to Personal Support Raising
5 Questions Every Donor Should Ask
What is the biblical basis for inviting people to partner financially, to ASK? What can a variety of different, but successful asks look like? Is it always the same?
Guest Tony Dentman of the Funding Tribe Foundation & Campus Outreach joins host Callie Davis on Via's Support Raising Podcast to discuss these questions about Biblical Asking in part 2 of 8 of The Basics of Support Raising series.
Funding Tribe Foundation: https://www.fundingtribe.org/
Campus Outreach: https://www.campusoutreach.org/
What are the absolute, most essential pieces someone needs to be successful at partnership development?
Guests Jonathon Spaid (FOCUS), Brooke Waresak (The Navigators), and Jenn Fortner (Eurasia Assembly of God World Missionaries) join host Callie Davis to unpack this question and more in part 1 of 8 episodes in Via's Support Raising Podcast series: The Basics of Support Raising.
Eight episodes, jam-packed with wisdom and insight, are sure to encourage you and strengthen your foundation, no matter where you are on the journey.
The Support Raising Podcast, by Via, is excited to bring you the best leaders and practitioners in these three areas: spiritually healthy, vision-driven, and fully funded. Their insight will help you move forward in your partnership development.
God's Presence in Your Fundraising: 40 Readings & Prayers - https://store.vianations.org/collections/support-raising/products/gods-presence-in-your-fundraising-40-readings-and-prayers
Scott Morton fundraising resources: https://www.scottmorton.net/meetscott
Via Generosity Foundations program: https://supportraisingsolutions.org/foundations/
Via Generosity articles: https://www.viagenerosity.org/generosity/articles
Financial Partnership Development with Jenn Fortner: https://jennfortner.com/
Chris Haas from Freedom5:One paints a compelling vision for why you should raise support to cover not just your needs, but what you need to thrive in your family and ministry.
Dr George Kenworthy dives into how grateful partners starts first with being grateful and vision-driven yourself.
Joe Michie, Creative Director for the Center for Mission Mobilization shares his heart on how gratitude is an outpouring of our lives.
Ellis Goldstein of CRU gives tips on sharing the delicate subjects including family crisis and when politics come up in support raising to your partners.
Dave Dickens from Cru paints a beautiful picture of the God-focused heart posture of end of year appeals.
Kyle Guthrie from the CMM shares his story of vision and provision that saw him fully funded in a single month.
Meg Craig from BSM speaks into what is our responsibility and what we should remember to leave up to God.
Robert Ewing from the CMM joins Mark Wilson as they dive into how what you say can undermine the vision you share.
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