
  • Vicar's wife, Jenna, decides to give up sex for Lent!

    A series in 17 parts, by Blacksheep. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.



    The Jenna series started  with ‘Jenna Goes To Church’, followed shortly after with ‘Jenna, the Vicar’s Wife’. It resumed recently with Jenna’s New Year’; and now it continues with a Lentil 2-part story. Other episodes will follow.

    It was the last Sunday of Shrovetide, known as Quinquagesima. At St. Michael's Church, Reverend Morris had amassed a pile of old palm crosses, intending to burn them on Ash Wednesday.

    "Shouldn't be long before the first members of the faithful arrive," he said to his wife Jenna, who was adjusting the flowers at the side of the pulpit.

    "Oh before I forget, I've got something for you to burn on Ash Wednesday," she smiled, handing him a pair of her panties.

    "This is an unusual-looking palm cross!" He replied. "I think I'd better burn this separately from the others! Is there some reason why you want your undies reduced to ash?"

    "Well Simon, I've been thinking. And I've finally decided what I'm going to give up for Lent."

    "You're giving up wearing underwear?"

    "Ha-ha. Tempting, but no. I'm giving up sex."

    Reverend Morris almost dropped the box full of crosses. "What? Sex? No, you can't be serious!"

    Jenna nodded. "I'm 100% serious, my love. Lent is supposed to be hard, and you're always going on about how part of being a good Christian is making sacrifices and so on. It's traditionally a time of fasting and abstaining from something to repent and focus our hearts and minds on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ."

    "Yes, but within reason, Jen! I don't expect you to suffer hardship as bad as that!"

    "I can do it, Simon. I'm committed to seeing it through. It's only forty days."

    "B-but, that's six weeks!" the vicar whined, looking as if his entire world was about to end. "I, I'm not sure I can, er, go without for so long!"

    "Now Simon, you're a man of God. You're stronger than most. I know you can do this. And just think how wonderful it will be when Easter comes, everything in calf, bursting out in spring glory, sap rising, mating seasons beginning, shoots thrusting upwards, days getting longer, "

    "Vicars dying of horniness, " Reverend Morris sighed.

    "Exactly. And it won't just be you going without. The other chaps of this church will have to go without as well!"

    "Oh my goodness, Jenna. There's going to be a lot of frustration building up in this church! When you say no sex, does that mean, "

    "No physical contact whatsoever, my dearest! No blowjobs, no kissing, no cock in cunt, nada! Just like social distancing."

    Reverend Morris' lip was trembling. "Not even a kiss?"

    "Nope. I'll be sleeping in the spare bedroom until Easter. I can blow you a kiss. And whilst we can't do anything involving physical contact, there are other naughty ways we can get through Lent."

    "Like what?"

    "Use your imagination, Simon!"

    He thought for a moment. "So I'll have to make do with dating Rosie Palms until Easter?"

    "If it helps you cope, yes!"

    The reverend took a deep breath. "You're absolutely right, Jenna. I can get through this. I admire you so much for deciding to have a sex ban. In fact, I think I love you even more, and I didn't think that possible!"

    "Aww. Ditto." She kissed him. "We'll make the most of Shrove Tuesday," she added, with a wink. "I'm going to do some creative things with pancakes."

    He slipped his arms around her. "Remember that morning after the Candlemas service, when we got soaking wet in the rain and we just ravished each other once we got back to the vicarage?"

    "Hee hee, yes. Or that time last month during that short holiday in Lincolnshire when we stayed in that weird hotel, and the ghost gatecrashed our passion?"

    "Bit early in the morning for that, isn't it? Then again, I'm not complaining!" A voice shouted, and they both looked round. Gordon the organist had just arrived.

    Moments later, Josh the curate appeared.

    "Morning guys!" Jenna smiled. She turned back to her husband. "You'd better get your robes on. Looks like some of the congregation are here already. I'll go and hand out some hymn books."

    He nodded and headed off to the vestry. "Forty days," he sighed. "God, .I will really need your help through this difficult time!"

    And just how were some of the other male members of St. Michael's Church going to cope for forty days without any 'spiritual guidance' from the vicar's wife?

    Shrove Tuesday (the eve of Lent)

    On Shrove Tuesday, Jenna spent all afternoon mixing pancake batter. It would've been quicker to buy some ready-made pancakes from Tesco, but where was the fun in that? She looked at the kitchen wall clock.

    "Come on Simon, you're late. How long does a meeting with the Bishop take?"

    Her husband had been out all day. At last, she heard his car pull up on the drive.

    "Good. Now the fun begins."

    The front door opened and Reverend Morris came rushing in. "Sorry I've been so long. Bishop George kept prattling on for ages and then coming back home there's been a road accident so I had to take the long way home, oh I see you've been busy!" He noticed his wife was completely naked except for an apron.

    "Welcome home," she smirked. "It's time to flip some pancakes. Is my randy reverend able to provide some batter?"

    He licked his lips. "What sort of batter would you be requiring?"

    "Hmm, let's see. That special 'anointing oil' you used during my 21st birthday?" She whirled a frying pan in her hand and flipped a pancake. "Here's one I prepared earlier."

    His hands found her shoulders, and turned her to face him. His hands moved up to cup her face and Jenna felt his lips close around hers in a tender kiss. She returned it with rising passion, slipping her tongue into his mouth. As their tongues danced, Jenna quickly unfastened her apron, letting it slide down over her smooth skin to the kitchen floor.

    She could hear Reverend Morris unfastening his own garments, and when he embraced her tightly, she felt his bare skin press against hers with delicious warmth. Her husband's mouth left her lips, trailing down her neck to her chest. He took a nipple in his mouth and teased the erect tip. It was perhaps the upcoming sex ban enhancing his senses, but Jenna's breasts had never felt so full, and had never tasted so sweet. His hands roamed down over her arse, savoring her curves.

    Reverend Morris moved back up her body, his lips playing over her breasts, then back up her neck. Jenna's hands slid down his chest and at last reached their goal. She gripped his throbbing member, took a few steps backward, pulling gently but firmly, and he promptly followed her. She felt the edge of the kitchen countertop meet her lower back, and she swiftly heaved herself on to the cool granite surface and lay back, spreading her legs.

    Reverend Morris had a sudden urge to taste his wife; his tongue met with her soft skin just above her clit, then down into her folds, tasting, discovering and exploring all that she had to offer. He began to suck and lick her clit. How he loved to worship at this altar.

    Jenna reached for the bowl of pancake batter. A wooden spoon was sticking out of the bowl. Without hesitation, she began spooning the batter down her breasts.

    "It tastes alright," she murmured, placing a blob of batter on her husband's nose. "But it needs an extra ingredient, "

    "Umm, I think I can help you there."

    "Fuck me religiously, darling." Jenna said hoarsely.

    A pair of strong, silky legs wrapped around the vicar's arse. He lowered himself onto her and felt those glorious batter-coated breasts rub against his chest as he began thrusting into her. He tried to set a steady, leisurely pace to begin, but the legs around him urged him on faster and harder. Reverend Morris responded with enthusiasm, and within moments he was pounding into his wife with all his strength, mindful that after tonight he wouldn't be able to do this for six weeks.

    "Yes, yes, oh my God yes, I've never felt anything like it!" Jenna moaned.

    "Bloody hell, I'm coming, oh Jenna!" Reverend Morris yelled as his stream of hot cum filled up her cunt and flowed back out onto the kitchen countertop.

    Jenna lay back on the countertop, eyes closed. It was several minutes before her breathing had calmed enough for her to speak.

    "Did I provide enough batter?" Reverend Morris asked.

    "Your holy offering was more than generous!"

    "Forty days without from this moment on. You've still time to change your mind."

    "I'm sticking to it, Simon. We'll get through Lent. We'll have to think up some creative contactless ways to get our rocks off."

    The smell of burning interrupted them. They both glanced at the stove. To Jenna's dismay, the pancake she'd been cooking had been virtually cremated in the frying pan.

    "Oh dear," she said, gazing at the remains of the pancake, which now resembled a lump of coal.

    "Now that's what I call a perfect burnt offering for Ash Wednesday!" Reverend Morris replied.

    The Organist is Entertained.

    Gordon Leesmith always looked forward to Thursday evening arriving. This was when he had organ practice at church, and for the past few months he'd been teaching Jenna to play the organ. These lessons were really just an excuse for a passionate romp with the stunning vicar's wife, who was always more than willing to get her hands on the organ in his trousers, rather than the church one.

    Gordon hummed to himself as he brewed himself a cup of tea. He checked the time. It was only just after midday. Six hours to go. He was impatient and horny, but in a very happy mood. He'd just returned from seeing his Primary Care physician. That in itself something of a miracle in modern Britain; and received good news. His benign prostate enlargement wasn't as bad as he'd feared. Despite being a bit overweight, the doctor had given him a clean bill of health. His blood pressure was low, and so was his cholesterol.

    Today was his birthday. He was fifty six. A year ago, Gordon had been a miserable, short-tempered man who didn't endear himself to anyone else in the church. Long-divorced, impotent and frustrated with being alone for so long, his life had turned upside down when a young woman by the name of Jenna Fox had started attending St. Michael's Church. A few months later, she'd turned her attentions to flirting with him. Never in a million years did Gordon think he'd end up getting his cock sucked by a stunning redhead whilst he sat on the organ stool.

    As Gordon sipped his tea, his phone vibrated.

    "Oh, an email from Jenna," he smiled, checking the message.

    Happy Birthday Gordon! About tonight. I'm afraid I can't make tonight's organ practice. I won't be able to until Easter arrives. Thing is, I've chosen to give up sex for Lent. I know you won't to hear this and it's going to be so hard for me to stick to this, but you've got to test yourself and set a challenge, right? It's what being a Christian is all about. I truly hope you'll understand. But - that doesn't mean we can't still have some fun! Make sure you visit the church - I've left a birthday present for you on the organ stool, trust me, it'll see you through this hard time. And when Easter comes, Jesus won't be the only person that rises, wink wink. It'll be worth the wait, keep your organ pipe warm for me.

    Love Jenna. xxx

    "She's abstaining from sex?" Gordon almost dropped his cup of tea. "Wait, what? Oh no! This is a nightmare! I won't be able to have a fuck for six weeks? Bloody hell! I'll go round the bend, I can't even call on Yulia's mate Martika anymore. Damn it, why did she have to bugger off back to Ukraine?"

    He wasn't sure whether to scream or burst into tears, but after he overcame the initial shock, he took a deep breath and composed himself.

    "Well if she's gone on strike that means the vicar, the churchwarden, the curate and the bishop won't be getting any cunt either. Ha! Misery loves company, as the old saying goes. Gordon suddenly felt much better, knowing he wasn't the only one being denied the pleasure. Still, six weeks, God, this was going to be a struggle.

    "Hmm, oh well. I've endured worse. I once had to endure that ‘Brotherhood of Man’ tribute act in Skegness. I wonder what Jenna's got me for my birthday?"

    He picked up his car keys. There was only one way to find out.

    When Gordon arrived at the church, he discovered that the door was unlocked. Usually he had the place to himself, and he was thankful for that, given the sort of "organ practice" he liked to engage in with Jenna. Cautiously, he entered the church. The sound of a vacuum cleaner could be heard. Mrs. Wilcox, one of the many "old church biddies" as Gordon secretly called them, was busy cleaning up the aisle. Noticing the organist approaching, the slightly-built pensioner switched off the vacuum.

    "Ah, hello Gordon! Are you here to tickle the ivories? I'm just finishing off here and then I'll be out of your way." It wasn’t at all fair to describe Gladys as an ‘old biddy’. She kept herself fit and classy, and besides the rotation of sanctuary cleaning which she took part, she also headed up an outreach to single mothers in the community.

    "Hello Gladys. No need to stop on my account. I usually come here in the evening, but, er, change of plans. You know, you really should lock yourself in when you're here by yourself. You know what it's like these days. Quite a few crackheads and drunks hang around the churchyard, some can be intimidating."

    The old woman rolled her eyes. "Oh they don't concern me, dearie. I carry a small can of mace in my apron pocket. My grandson Dwaine bought it for me online. He'll be arriving soon to give me a lift home."

    Gordon raised an eyebrow. "Blimey. There's more to you than meets the eye. Is that stuff even legal?"

    "Maybe not, but you won't rat on an oldie, will you?" She looked back over her shoulder at him, then winked.

    Gordon laughed. "My lips are sealed, Gladys."

    Gordon’s Lentil Gift From Jenna

    He hurried to the organ. "Crafty old gal," he said to himself. On the stool was a red gift bag. "Ah, this must be Jenna's little present for me," he said sitting down on the stool and opening the bag. A large red envelope and something wrapped in pink tissue paper were inside. He opened the envelope, and pulled out a birthday card. Inside, Jenna had written a little rhyme.

    Organists are sexy

    None more than you

    Open your present

    It'll help you get through!


    "Ha-ha," Gordon chuckled. "Well whatever is this present?" He began tearing off the tissue paper. "What's this? A torch?" He held up the plastic object, then removed the cap on the end. "Bloody hell. She's bought me one of those fleshlight sex toys!" He peered closely at the silicone vagina. "Nice cunt lips, even if they are artificial, oh wait, there's a piece of paper stuffed inside." He pulled out the note.

    Hello Gordon. I had this specially made for you. Now you can still put your organ pipe inside me all through Lent! P S - don't forget to use the lube!

    "Wow, she had a cast of her own cunt made just for me! What a great birthday present! Last year all I got was a pair of slippers from my cousin." He noticed the small bottle of clear lube in the bottom of the gift bag, but didn't pay much attention to it, being too distracted by the sex toy. His erection was straining painfully against his underpants and trousers. Despite Mrs. Wilcox still busily vacuuming the pew cushions, Gordon unzipped and pulled out his cock. He peered over the top of the organ. The old girl had her back to him and besides, you had to walk round to the side of the organ to see anything. He was safely concealed behind the instrument. She wouldn't notice him having a quick wank,

    "Never used a sex toy before," he muttered to himself, sticking a finger into the fleshlight. "First time for everything though. It feels really tight, let's give it a go." He attempted to slide his cock inside.

    "God, this is really tight, oof!" He managed to slide his cock halfway in, but instantly regretted it.

    "Bit too tight, ouch!" He tried to pull out, but his cock was fully stuck inside the toy.

    The realization hit him. "Shit. I should've used the lube."

    Gordon bit his lip, as he tried to ease the thing off this manhood, but to no avail.

    "Oh no."

    Gladys the paramedic

    Mrs. Wilcox switched off the vacuum cleaner and glanced round. She could just see the top of Gordon's head. The organ was completely silent.

    "Is he playing with the volume turned down?" She wondered.

    Gordon was starting to panic. If he didn't get this toy off soon, things could become embarrassing. He didn't want to have to drive up to an emergency medical center to get it removed.

    "Come off, damn you, come off!" He grunted.

    "Having problems, dearie?" Mrs. Wilcox said, appearing at the side of the organ. "Oh my!"

    Gordon looked mortified. "Um, hello Gladys," he mumbled. "I've got a bit of a problem."

    "I can see that, you silly boy. What on earth have you been doing? I trust that's not an outsized organ stop?"

    The organist blushed crimson. "Er, no. It's not. It's a, look, it's got stuck. I can't get it off my, thing."

    "Let's have a look." Before he could protest, she grabbed the fleshlight and pulled on it.

    "Oww!" Gordon yelled. "Don't yank it like that, Gladys! I don't want to end up like John Wayne Bobbitt!"

    "Needs some lubricant or something. That should help. When I was a child, I got my father's chamber pot stuck on my head. Mother used lard to get it off."

    "There's a bottle of lube in that bag," Gordon winced, as his cock started to hurt.

    Mrs. Wilcox wasted no time, and squirted a generous amount of the clear gel on her hands, before smearing some round the base of Gordon's cock. He gave an awkward cough as her gnarled old fingers probed around his privates. He'd never be able to look this eighty-something woman in the eye again during a church service. Going to A & E would be more embarrassing, he kept telling himself. Then again, perhaps not!

    "Alright, let’s try easing if off. Nice and slow." Mrs. Wilcox gripped the base of his cock, and with her left hand began to gently pull the fleshlight. It began to slide off. "That's it! It's coming off now! Gently does it!"

    "Almost," Gordon said, gritting his teeth.

    She continued to pull and finally, the toy slid off, with a popping sound.

    "There we are! Pop goes the weasel!" Mrs. Wilcox smiled. She handed him the offending toy.

    "Thanks so much," Gordon gasped, relieved that his cock hadn't come to any serious harm.

    "What a big, thick willy you've got!" Mrs. Wilcox replied. "No wonder that thing got stuck!"

    "Er, thanks," Gordon mumbled, feeling more embarrassed than ever.

    "No need to be shy, dearie. A man who is blessed like you shouldn't hide his light under a bushel, no! It's so much bigger than my late husband's was. Dear old Bert, he used to love it when I played with his willy. Of course that was over twenty years ago. I wish I could give yours a proper sucking, but I'd have to remove my dentures, and I've used the Poligrip, "

    The mention of dentures being removed was almost sufficient to make Gordon lose his erection. He was about to say something, but she continued.

    "On the other hand, an opportunity like this doesn't come my way very often! You don't mind letting an old lady have a little bit of fun before she ends up down the cemetery or in a nursing home do you, Gordon? I'm eighty-six. My mouth is pretty much all that works these days, so that will have to do. Think of it as my reward for rescuing your phallic treasure." She dragged over a nearby kneeling bench, knelt, and motioned for Gordon to step to offer her some ‘communion’.

    He hadn't the heart to say no. "Um, you go ahead, Gladys." Gordon closed his eyes as she removed her false teeth. He hadn't planned on getting a gum-job from a granny. He presented His cock on the padded velvet counter of her communion kneeler. She gasped in marvel at the glorious treat laying near her covered breasts. Then took his shaft slowly in one hand, and cupped his balls with her other hand. Her eye’s sparkled as she beheld the phallus. And then her mouth engulfed his cock.

    Grasping the base of the shaft, Mrs. Wilcox took the organist's throbbing cock in her mouth and started to move her head back and forth, taking it deeper and deeper.

    "Oh," Gordon sighed. He leaned back, gripping the sides of the organ stool and enjoyed the wonderful sensations as she sucked his manhood. She was good, no, she was very good! This was better than he ever could've imagined. The white-haired pensioner's head continued bobbing up and down on Gordon's cock, tasting some of the pre-cum.

    "Oh yes!" He gasped. God, it felt so good!

    She withdrew and licked the tip of his cock, swirling around the purple head, as her fingers softly stroked the shaft. Her old skills began to come back to her. Her head and lips moved in an erotic performance. Her tongue provided a private performance that only his cock would ever experience. And the sultry ora she exuded was masterful. This woman was a sex god that only her husband ever worshipped. And now, Gordon was added to that exclusive clan of devotees.

    "Gladys, I'm going to come," Gordon panted. "Uh!"

    "Then fire away, dearie! I'd love a taste!" She felt him tense and then he climaxed. With that, he filled her mouth with streams of his thick, sticky cum as it spurted to the back of her throat. Mrs. Wilcox slurped and swallowed it all. Then she pressed her nose hard against his pelvice, and his thick meat pressed her larynx.

    As his final spurts tapered off, she very slowly pulled her head back, until his cock flopped down on the velvet padding where Gladys’ grandchildren receieved their first holy Eucarist. "Umm, tastes just as good as I remember! There we go, Gordon. I'm sure you feel better now that you've emptied your plums!" She patted his cock, before lovingly tucking it back into his briefs and trousers and zipping him up. "You know something, a fine young man like you could easily pull a lady. Why, I bet there's loads of ladies who'd jump at the chance to get their hands on you! You're such a talented organist too, and you've been divorced a long time. Oh, If I were thirty years younger."

    Young? She thinks I'm young? I suppose to an octogenarian, fifty-six is young.

    "Oh, I don't want to get married again," Gordon replied, wiping his brow. "I'd prefer something, casual." He cleared his throat. "Thanks for, helping me Gladys!"

    "Well we're all good Christians here, yes? We should help each other!" Gladys looked at where she was kneeling. “Did you know, Gordon; The Greek word for communion is ‘koinonia’. It’s also the Greek word for ‘intercourse’? I’ll always cherish this special treat you’ve shared with me.”

    The door of the church opened and a hulking, six-foot young man came strolling in. He was covered in tattoos and obviously a regular visitor to the gym, as his massive upper arms and shoulders proved. The man looked like he could break necks merely by flicking his finger.

    "Gran, are you here?"

    Gordon froze in horror as he peered over the top of the organ. "Who the hell's that?" The man resembled Lewis Hamilton bulked up on steroids.

    "Oh that'll be Dwaine, my grandson," Mrs. Wilcox replied. "Be with you in a minute, sweetie!" She called out. "I've just been helping Gordon to polish his organ!"

    A Sermon That’s More Stimulating Than Usual.

    Reverend Morris was struggling to write his sermon. It was only the second week of Lent, but he was finding this one harder than he ever imagined. The sex ban that his wife had imposed was starting to bite. Jenna seemed to be coping much better than him, and he felt ashamed at his weakness.

    "Help me to be strong, Lord!"

    Suddenly, his phone beeped. A message from Jenna.

    Hello Simon. It's lunch break here at work. I figured you're still home alone and maybe feeling a bit, stressed? Why not look up Write-Erotica for some inspiration?

    She added a winking emoji

    "Write-Erotica? What's that?" the vicar wondered. He eagerly opened the laptop's browser. "A site for writers of erotic fiction? Hmm. I've never heard of this before. I'm always years behind everyone else, when it comes to things. Okay, let's have a browse. I wonder if there are any naughty fictions about clergy on here?"

    Reverend Morris soon discovered that the tags for "priest" "vicar" and "church sex" brought up a massive number of results. He was spoilt for choice and clicked on several stories. Some were much-better written than others.

    "Jessica and Father Andrew broke the kiss, a trail of saliva still connecting their lips together. Their mouths were still so close to each other. Jessica let out a small breath as the priest grabbed her tight little ass. "You can go inside, if you want," she told him, then she pressed her lips on his mouth again and soon enough Father Andrew's tongue was in her mouth now, not that she minded at all. They had to be very quiet because they were in the confessional booth,"

    Reverend Morris read out loud.

    "But the church was empty, so why did they need to be quiet? Eh, I'm just nit picking. This is a pretty hot story!" Feeling himself getting hard, Reverend Morris unzipped his trousers and slipped a hand inside, pulling out his cock. As he continued to read, he started jacking his cock slowly.

    Jessica unzipped the priest's pants, ‘oh yes,’ he said. He began to moan and groan as he continued pleasuring himself.

    Her sweet, heavenly lips worshipped his holy shaft in ways he never imagined,

    It felt so wonderful jerking his throbbing cock whilst reading this erotic fic. Reverend Morris began to move his hips around and his legs straightened out under the desk. Soon he laid his head back and stretched his body further. Next thing he know, he let out a rather loud, "Oh, yes, yes that's it!" and started to cum.

    His milky fluid spurted out and all over his laptop keyboard.


    Write-Erotica had done its work and provided Reverend Morris with some much-needed relief, as well as inspiration.

    "I still don't know what to write about for my sermon, but I'd love to have a go at writing an erotic story just for Jenna," he smiled, getting some wet wipes and cleaning up his keyboard. "I've never tried writing erotica before, but first time for everything! Maybe we could write a chain story or something, and get it finished just before Easter? That could be fun!"

    Excited by this new idea, the vicar opened a new Word document and began typing away.

    "I'll just write a few paragraphs of smut and then I must finish my sermon!"


    At the Sunday Eucharist,

    Reverend Morris was joined by another vicar, who was standing in for Josh the curate, who was attending a conference in Birmingham, as part of his ongoing religious training.

    "A very warm welcome to everyone this morning," Reverend Morris began, addressing the congregation. "As we continue our journey through Lent, I'd like to introduce Reverend Jones from St. Wilfrid's church in Manchester. It's a great honor for her to be here today - she'll be reading the sermon I've been laboring over all week,"

    "Poor woman," someone in the congregation muttered, leading to some muffled sniggers.

    While the vicar was talking, Gordon was idly peering over the top of the organ. He noticed Jenna sat in the front pew and winked at her. Moments later, Mrs. Wilcox, who was sat next to her, winked back at him and gave him a little wave. Gordon gave an awkward smile and shrunk back behind the organ,

    "Without further ado, I shall now hand over to Reverend Jones," Reverend Morris said.

    The vicar of St. Wilfrid's was a dumpy, bespectacled woman, aged about fifty, with grey hair in a bowl cut.

    "Looks like the identical twin of that MP woman," an old man muttered. "What's her name? Therese, something. She's the secretary of state."

    "No idea," another old man replied. "Oh wait a minute! I know who you mean. Norman Lamont! I thought those eyebrows looked familiar,"

    "No you daft git, he's a bloke!"

    "That vicar looks like a lass to me. Mind you, one can't tell these days,"

    Reverend Jones stepped up to the pulpit and placed some papers on the book stand.

    "I haven't had a sneak-peek at this sermon," she began. "So it will be a wonderful surprise for me as well as you. I'm sure Reverend Morris has gone the extra mile, as he usually does, and written something that'll make us all think."

    Reverend Morris gave a proud smile as he looked up at her.

    Gordon gave a subtle yawn. He always dreaded this part of the service. Reverend Morris had the ability to cure insomnia with his sermons, despite Jenna's best efforts to inject a bit more fun into them,

    "They say the Devil makes work for idle hands," Reverend Jones said, as she began reading the sermon. "That's a phrase we're all familiar with. This morning, I woke up, and my hands were rotting in idleness. My mind had been drifting to places, sinful places all week. I wouldn't say I'm a regular user of PornHub but," she paused.

    A look of horror appeared on Reverend Morris' face. "That isn't my sermon," he said to himself. "Oh no,"

    In the pews, there were a couple of awkward coughs and raised eyebrows. At the organ, Gordon suddenly perked up. This had to be the first time ever that the word PornHub was mentioned in a sermon!

    "The site just wasn't doing it for me," Reverend Jones continued, "so I decided to go for a walk in the park. I can't tell you how my spirits were instantly lifted. Light was filtering through the trees. It was golden and bright. How blessed we are that God has made all this for us, I thought, and then something in the bushes caught my eye. There was no-one else around. It was then that I saw her, naked as Eve in the Garden of Eden, about to take a dip in the lake. Her sweetly, up-tilted bare breasts reflected the glorious morning aura and her rose-pink nipples were as full and hard as ripe apples,"

    Reverend Jones paused. "What an excellent use of adjectives. I'm sure we can just imagine this scene in our heads can't we?"

    Never had the congregation of St, Michael's been so engrossed by a sermon before!

    "Not half," someone said out loud.

    Poor Reverend Morris' face had flooded several shades of red. He stood up and hurried to the pulpit.

    "Angela, that's not the sermon I wrote!" He mumbled, begging her to stop.

    "I've started, so I'll finish," she replied. "Everyone seems to be enjoying this."

    "Her name was Giselle, and she loved to unburden herself and swim in the lake. Freed from her clothes, I watched her in the nude and was convinced I was seeing the embodiment of an angel. She knew I watching, and she knew I liked to watch. I knew she liked me to watch, but this morning, we decided to do more than watch."

    "How romantic," Mrs. Wilcox said, turning to Jenna. "Your husband has a fine turn of phrase. It's better than his usual sermons, dearie. You should encourage him to write more like this. This church will soon be packed to the rafters if he keeps this up!"

    "Oh, thanks very much!" Jenna replied innocently. She gazed at poor Reverend Morris, who was squirming with embarrassment at the side of the pulpit. He'd mixed up his sermon with some erotic fic, did he write the fic himself or find it online? She was curious to find out.

    "What could be more divine than seeing a beautiful woman naked in a park?" Reverend Jones continued, reading out the story without a care in the world. "Personally, I think Tom Hiddleston naked in a park would be more divine, but that's just my opinion, "

    "I shouldn't say such things as I'm in a church, but I wouldn't mind seeing the organist naked," Mrs. Wilcox whispered to Jenna, who did a double take. This was one of those rare occasions when even she was left speechless for a few moments!

    "Really Gladys! You dark horse. Didn't know you had the hots for Gordon!"

    "Just because there's snow on the roof, doesn't mean the fire's gone out!" the old lady replied.

    "Oh this next paragraph has been all scribbled out," Reverend Jones said. She flipped the page over.

    "My pearly-white ejaculate looked perfect dripping off her pink-nosed puppies. I got some on my hand and remember being surprised that it was so hot. I pulled my cassock off and wiped the cum off my hand with it. I walked home that night with a huge smile on my face and love bites on my little reverend."

    Reverend Morris snatched the papers off the book stand. "Er, my sincere apologies everyone, I made a terrible mistake!"

    "Such a shame, it was building up to a nice conclusion," Reverend Jones said.

    "No, that wasn't my sermon at all. I, I have no idea how that piece of writing ended up mixed up with my church papers!"

    "Dat some good shit right there, Vicar!" Tony the reformed drug addict said, standing up and clapping.

    The flustered vicar attempted to move on. "Hymn, let's all stand for the hymn! Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending!"

    "You know something Simon," Reverend Jones said as she headed down the pulpit steps, "you need to get yourself signed up to an adult fiction site. You have talent. I'm on A o 3 myself - under a pseudonym of course. I like writing slash fanfiction about British politicians, I can send you a link if you're interested in reading them?"

    "Er, no thanks, Angela. I'm sure they're very good, but I prefer to avoid anything relating to politics!"

    To be continued in part 2.

    By Blacksheep, for Literotica.

  • Negotiating With Isabella.

    Based on a post by Ostrich Mack. Listen to the  Podcast at Steamy Stories.

    Sex sells: Isabella's New Skills.

    Isabella Cobelli admired her reflection in the mirror. As you could guess from the name, Isabella had Italian roots.

    Her father emigrated from Italy in the eighties and met and married Isabella's English mother.

    Isabella was an only child and after her father passed away suddenly when she was 14, she became very close to her mum.

    Now 23 years old and graduated with an honors degree in marketing, she had matured into a beautiful young woman. Isabella had Raven-black straight hair which hung all the way down to the small of her back. She often wore it in a French plait which meant her pretty face was plain to see.

    Isabella had light olive skin and funnily enough an sprinkling of freckles across her nose. Her hazel colored eyes were almond shaped and her eyebrows were thicker than was considered classical beauty. Her lips looked eminently kissable.

    Today Isabella had chosen a slightly daring red lipstick to emphasize the shape of her pretty mouth.

    Her outfit was business-like and sexy at the same time. Thigh high stockings under a grey pencil skirt, topped by a matching Bolero jacket over a semi sheer impeccable white blouse. Isabella liked to dress in pretty underwear and had chosen a half-cup lace bra and matching thong. To complete the look, she had chosen two inch heels in black to give her a little more height than her 1 meter 65.

    So, why all this bother to get all dressed up? After graduating Isabella tried to break into a marketing job. As the economy was in a major dip, jobs in marketing were few and far between. In fact marketing experts were all looking over their shoulders, hoping not to get their exit cards.

    Isabella got a job eventually in sales. Not her strongest point and she hated when people assumed that sales and marketing were one and the same. ECO-Hygiene was an up and coming supplier of Eco-friendly products for industrial use.

    After two months there Isabella's sales figures were under target, and she was concerned that she might just get her marching orders if she didn't at least hit her goals. As a newcomer she was assigned an area in which her predecessor had failed to drum up enough business. This geographically difficult area lay half in the urban sprawl of London and half in the leafy suburbs of Sussex. Isabella was struggling and desperate to get some decent sales under her belt. Thus, what a relief it was when, two weeks ago, all of the sales reps were invited for a weekend sales seminar in one London's prestigious hotels. All of this on their free time of course.

    After checking in on Friday evening, Isabella decided to have one glass of wine at the bar to see if there was any male talent attending the seminar. For some reason, despite her beauty, she didn't seem to be able to hold down a relationship for long. Men of her own age bored her. They were mostly full of themselves and only wanted to talk about their amazing feats. Isabella had missed a father for her formative years and found herself graduating towards more mature men. Problem there was that most of them were married, or un-marriable, or just plain creepy.

    As she sat at the bar observing the melee of sales reps loudly proclaiming their victories, Isabella was shocked when a woman sat next to her and offered her a drink.

    "Kate", the woman said.

    "Excuse me?" replied Isabella.

    "Kate Connors. Senior sales director for South East" came the reply.

    "Oh, nice to meet you." Said Isabella. "Isabella Cobrelli, My friends call me Izzy" she replied offering her hand to Kate who shook it firmly.

    "So what do you think? Any talent in here tonight?" asked Kate.

    Isabella blushed.

    "Aw come on", said Kate. "I know the drill. Been here many times and had my share of dalliances"

    "Well" said Isabella "Up until now, not much interesting to see here. Just lot of guys full of themselves holding a pissing contest."

    Kate laughed out loud. "I like it" she said. "You call it as it is young lady."

    "What in god's name brings a beautiful woman like you to a sales conference for Industrial Hygiene products?"

    "Well, it wasn't my first choice, and it may not be sexy, but it pays the rent." Answered Isabella.

    "It should damn well do more than just pay the rent." Answered Kate. "What are your sales figures like?" she asked.

    Isabella blushed once more. "It's a struggle." She answered. "I haven't been able to score any big accounts yet and I am worried I might not hit the target."

    "Well maybe I can help you." Replied Kate. "After all I didn't get my position by not meeting my sales targets."

    "Tell me your tactics." Kate asked.

    "Well, I like to dress in a business attire so that I look serious about the product. I make sure I know all of the specs of the particular products that I want to sell on the day, so I am well prepared for the pitch. But somehow it just seems to fall flat when I am there."

    "What is business attire?" Kate asked.

    "Trouser suit with a nice blouse. Low heels for practicality." Isabella replied.

    "Humph," snorted Kate. "No wonder that the presentations fall flat. You need to make it personal. Sure, you should be all business, but you need to be sexy too. Let me guess, most of the clients are 45 plus males bored out of their minds. You need to give their day a boost. Bring something that gets their attention, and not just the product. Don't forget there are a so many industrial hygiene products on the market, and they all do the same thing. You need to make the men want to see YOU again."

    Isabella listened carefully to this charismatic woman, totally in awe of her self-confidence. She quietly wished she could be like her.

    Kate continued. "I have done all sorts to get my sales figures up, including entertaining the clients in the broadest possible sense. These men have a boring married vanilla life. They crave excitement and attention. While their wives are away at the Rotary Club organizing charity things, the men are sitting home bored out of their skulls. Work is the same thing day after day until YOU show up. Not in a pantsuit and a blouse laced up to the neck, but in something which gives their fantasy food for thought. The women too. I have also put myself out there and entertained women."

    Isabella was shocked and blushed intensely. Kate was basically saying she should whore herself out to get the sale.

    "Women too?" she asked shyly.

    "Don't knock it till you've tried it." Replied Kate. "I have had amazing encounters with women too. And though I am not gay, I do enjoy a dally with the softer sex. Haven't you ever experimented in college?"

    Isabella felt like she was turning purple. "No. Never." She replied.

    "Well play your cards right and tonight might be the first night." Kate replied.

    Isabella was shocked and turned on at the same time.

    What if she could seduce her regional sales manager? She thought. That might go some way to keeping her job.

    Kate signaled the bartender. "A bottle of champagne." She ordered. The bartender nodded and made a gesture toward a booth on the other side of the bar.

    Kate wasted no time and took Isabella's hand in hers, dragging her across the bar.

    The sat next to each other, watching the show.

    Kate turned to Isabella. "Drink up. The show has just begun. Just watch how stupid it gets."

    Isabella took a sip of her glass and sat back to observe. "Idiots," she thought. "Tomorrow they will be too hungover to follow the seminar."

    The buzz from the champagne made Isabella relax and she began to fire more questions at Kate.

    "What did you do with all those male clients then?" she asked.

    "Everything." Replied Kate. "From flirting to blow jobs, from blow jobs to sex, to threesomes, to gang bangs. Just as long as I got my sales. My commissions were huge, I bought my house and car for cash with everything I earned. Men are stupid. They think with their dick, and once that is engaged then they will sign anything."

    "And the women then?" asked Isabella.

    "Ah that is a different story." Kate replied. "That needs a lot more subtlety."

    "I can show you if you want." Kate offered.

    Isabella though about it for some minutes, whilst watching the meat market in front of them.

    "Okay." She said. "Show me."

    Kate turned to her in shock. "Really?" She asked.

    "Yes really." Isabella replied. "I have nothing to lose and everything to gain from your experience. And besides, for some reason the thought of it makes me horny."

    "Right." Said Kate. "Let's take this upstairs."

    Kate took Isabella by the hand and lead her to the lifts. They stepped in together and Kate pushed the button for the top floor. As soon as the lift doors closed, she took Isabella in her arms and kissed her gently on the lips. Isabella swooned from the alcohol and the excitement of this new adventure. It didn't take long before she responded to Kate, kissing her passionately back, her tongue exploring Kate's mouth.

    Kate moaned with pleasure. "Umm; Hmm. You're good at this. Sure you haven't tried this before?"

    Isabella grinned and said. "Definitely not. Good catholic upbringing don't you know."

    They arrived at Kate's floor and exited the lift. Kate's suite was just a few meters away, and when they got there Kate fumbled to get the key to work. Isabella took the key from her gently and held it against the lock. She was amazingly calm, determined to enjoy the ride wherever that might take her.

    Laughing, both Kate and Isabella fell through the door into the suite. Isabella couldn't help but be impressed. "So, this is what a Senior regional manager gets," she thought. "Not bad at all."

    There was a bottle of champagne on ice on the hall table and Kate proceeded to open it.

    She poured two glasses and passed one to Isabella. "Cheers Izzy." She said, raising her glass.

    "Cheers." Isabella replied.

    Kate took a draught and put her glass on the table. She took Isabella in her arms and kissed her passionately on the lips. Isabella responded with her tongue and soon they were locked in a passionate embrace.

    Kate opened the buttons on Isabella's blouse one by one until it was completely open.

    She pushed the blouse back over Isabella's shoulders leaving er bra exposed. Kate bent forward and kissed Isabella's tits through the bra. Isabella held her breath, not knowing how she would react.

    She was surprised that it really turned her on to have all this attention to her tits. She felt her panties getting moist.

    Isabella decided to take some initiative herself, and opened the buttons on Kate's blouse. Kate groaned in anticipation. Isabella rubbed her thumb over Kate's right nipple and then over the left. Kate groaned even harder. Isabella moved her finger under the fabric of Kate's bra and pinched gently with her thumb and forefinger on Kate's nipples.

    Kate moved her arms around Isabella's back and unclasped her bra, freeing her 32c tits. Isabella's nipples were hard as bullets. Kate couldn't resist and lowered her mouth on first one and then the other nipple.

    Isabella felt a shockwave go through her whole body. Her juices were now flowing freely and she felt her panties get dripping wet. Not to be outdone she released Kate's 36 c tits from their restraint and copied Kate's sucking and licking.

    Kate almost crumpled at the knees. For a first timer Isabella sure learned quickly.

    "Wait." She said. "Let's take this to the bed."

    "Yes please." said Isabella.

    They half stumbled to the bed, taking their skirts off in the process.

    Isabella stood before Kate with only her panties and her thigh high stocking still left on. Her cunt was on fire and leaking like a fire hydrant. Her juices were running down her thighs.

    Kate took a moment to admire this beautiful woman in front of her before slowly rolling her panties down her thighs, over the stockings and down to the floor.

    Isabella stepped out of her panties. She lay down on the bed, her hand demurely over her cunt.

    Kate knelt down at the side of the bed and removed Isabella's hand from her cunt. Kate sat admiring the neatly trimmed cunt in front of her, all the while sniffing the scent of Isabella's sex.

    Isabella was panting with desire. Her cunt on fire, her juices flowing freely and her nipples hard and sore. The anticipation of what was about to happen was excruciating.

    And then. Kate leaned forward and drew her tongue slowly from the bottom of Isabella's lips. Slowly licking and penetrating Isabella's sex.

    Isabella held her breath. Her heart was beating at 200 beats per minute, or so she thought.

    Kate was gentle. Each time drawing her tongue from under to above. Gently she penetrated Isabella with first one, and the two fingers. Isabella gasped.

    Kate moved once more upwards, and this time stopped at Isabella's clit. She gently licked at Isabella's love bud taking it gently between her lips and massaging it with her tongue.

    Inside Isabella something exploded. Her brain seemed to short circuit and her legs began to tremble uncontrollably. Her hands grabbed the back of Kate's head and pushed her harder into her cunt. Her orgasm was coming and there was nothing going to stop it.

    A tsunami of electric shocks shot through Isabella's body. There was no more control. Her muscles and nerves exploded in ecstasy and her juices simply spurted out of her cunt. Isabella screamed her orgasm out as hard as she could. It was an animalistic sound which she had never heard before.

    Kate was unmerciful. She kept licking at Isabella's clit, each time eliciting a new spasmic reaction.

    Finally, Isabella had to ask Kate to stop as she could not take anymore.

    Kate took Isabella in her arms on the bed, and they spooned for some time until Isabella had stopped shaking.

    "That was incredible." Isabella said. "I have never orgasmed like that before with any man."

    "Yes." Said Kate. "Men don't always know where a woman's most sensitive spot is. They often think they are great lovers, but women know better."

    "So what about you Kate?" asked Isabella. "I would like to repay the favor if you would teach me."

    "You don't need to." Kate said. "I got a great deal of pleasure watching you come."

    "But I would like to. And besides you were going to help me get those sales. So I also need to know how to seduce a woman, should that come up." Said Isabella.

    Kate felt something stirring. How could this pretty young thing be turning her on so easily.

    "Ok, let me get in position." Kate said. She shoved Isabella away and laid on her back on the king size bed.

    Isabella approached her from below her feet. She bent over and traced her tongue along Kate's calves, moving slowly upward. Isabella was careful not to miss any part of Kate's legs. As she proceeded upward, she could hear Kate's breathing becoming shallower and more excited.

    Isabella stopped just short of Kate's Cunt. She moved upwards over Kate's body to her magnificent tits and bit gently on Kate's right nipple. Another groan from Kate, whose hands flew downwards to her clit rubbing furiously.

    Isabella took Kate's hand and drew it upwards to her mouth, sucking each finger dry.

    Kate was groaning and begging now. Please Izzy, don't let me wait.

    Izzy dived downwards and gave Kate's outer lips a long lick. Her tongue shot into Kate's opening for a second which made Kate jump.

    Isabella found Kate's clit a gave it the same treatment she had received. Gently encapsulating it with her lips, whilst massaging it with her tongue.

    Kate was panting now. "Oh, Oh, Oh," a long deep moan, coming from the depth of her body.

    Isabella inserted a finger into Kate. Another deep moan. Isabella withdrew her finger and moved it to Kate's rosebud, massaging Kate's juices around that star. Kate went wild. Isabella went back for more lubrication from Kate's cunt and repeated the process. This time she put some pressure on the opening.

    All this time she was still massaging Kate's clit with her tongue. Kate cried out. "Yes, yes, do it."

    Isabella took this as a sign and pushed her finger into Kate's ass. With a pop it went inside.

    Isabella waited for Kate to get used to the sensation before starting to move her finger in and out of Kate's asshole.

    Kate lost it completely and her orgasm came like the rush from some indescribable pleasure drug.

    She was shouting random unintelligible words and thrashing with her head from side to side.

    Isabella held her tight through the orgasm. She withdrew her finger from Kate and held her tight against her own body.

    Kate spasmed for five minutes before falling into a blissful sleep in Isabella's arms.

    Both Isabella and Kate woke some hours later still spooning each other in the king size bed.

    Kate turned to Isabella and stroked her hair gently. "Good morning lover." She said with a grin.

    "Umm Hmm. Let me sleep, I'm having such a nice dream about sex with a woman, and I am about to come," replied Isabella.

    Kate laughed. "That was not a dream honey. I can honestly say I have never come so hard in my life as I did last night. Thank you." With that she planted a kiss on Isabella's lips.

    "No. Thank you." Isabella replied. "I never realized that making love with a woman could be so pleasurable. So soft and so nice to both receive and to give so much pleasure."

    "I still like men though. It's just different. Thank you for opening my eyes." She kissed Kate back.

    Kate laughed. "Me too honey. But it's fine to take advantage of everything that's on offer."

    Kate and Isabella chatted for an hour before heading down to the seminar. Kate gave Isabella lots of tips for her sales pitch for which Isabella was very grateful. They parted with a kiss and promised to catch up again in the near future.

    Isabella spent the rest of the day in a sort of trance, barely able to believe the events of the previous evening. She had learned more outside the seminar than from the seminar itself.

    The Crown Hotel.

    The seminar was two weeks earlier and Isabella had been practicing the tactics she had learned from Kate with some success. Gone were the trouser suits and the low heeled shoes. Now she dressed to impress in a different way.

    Most of her clients were indeed 45 plus men, and they seemed to perk up no end when Isabella appeared. A little flirting, a flash of her bra, a short skirt rising up to the top of her thigh highs, was usually enough to get a signature on the sales contract. Sex sells she realized.

    Today she had an appointment at the Crown Hotel in the countryside of Sussex. Isabella loved traveling through the rolling landscape to the most picturesque villages and was certainly not disappointed when she pulled up to the front of the hotel. It was an old country mansion at the front, but had, according to Isabella's research some eighty rooms added, with a swimming pool and sauna.

    The owner Peter Talbot was an interesting character. At 49 and a former professional rugby player, he had inherited the family business and transformed it into one of Sussex's best kept secrets. The Hotel enjoyed a good reputation and was a bolting hole for well to do Londoners looking for a discrete break away from the pressure of the city, and sometimes also from their spouses.

    For some reason, despite her recent success, Isabella was nervous. She checked her lipstick, opened the top button of her blouse and stepped out of the car into the fresh country air.

    As she approached the reception, she caught a glimpse of herself in one of the mirrors in the lobby.

    "Not bad at all, Cobrelli." She thought.

    She was greeted by a friendly receptionist.

    "Good afternoon, my name is Isabella Cobrelli and I have an appointment with Peter Talbot." She said.

    The receptionist motioned for Isabella to take a seat, and promptly picked up the telephone.

    "Good afternoon, Peter, a miss Cobrelli is here for you." Isabella heard her say.

    "Aha." Thought Isabella, "She called him Peter. That tells me they are on informal terms here."

    "He'll be with you in a moment." The receptionist said. Isabella nodded.

    Looking around the lobby, Isabella was impressed. It exuded a certain exclusivity, but at the same time it was intimate rather than pompous.

    Her thoughts were interrupted by a rather booming voice.

    "Miss Cobrelli?"

    "Yes." She replied.

    "I'm Peter Talbot, but please call met Peter."

    As she looked up, Isabella saw a tall, handsome man. He still had the build of a rugby player and when he offered her a hand, she noticed that his hands were much larger than average.

    "Nice to meet you Peter," Isabella replied. "I'm Isabella."

    "Italian?" Peter asked.

    "Half, my father was Italian, my mum is English."

    "Aha." Said Peter. "Well welcome to the Crown Hotel. "he added.

    "Thank you." Isabella replied. "It's very impressive." She smiled.

    "Shall we go to my office to discuss your proposal?" Peter asked.

    "Please, I will follow you." Isabella replied.

    All during the conversation Isabella was studying Peter, and she liked what she saw. He was ruggedly handsome, and his eyes sparkled with a sort of mischievousness.

    Peter was studying Isabella too. He wondered why she was here to pitch an Industrial hygiene product. Her face was radiant, and her body was simply magnificent. Peter had a soft spot for women who knew how to dress stylishly, and Isabella had knocked the ball out of the park as far as he was concerned.

    Once they arrived in Peter's office, he offered Isabella a refreshment. She chose a glass of water and sipped it discretely before opening her attaché case to take out the information she wanted to share with Peter who had taken a seat behind his desk.

    Peter stopped her there. "Listen." He said. "I know what your product does, and I really don't need a demonstration of a detergent for industrial dishwashers. So, let's just cut to the chase and talk numbers."

    Slightly taken aback, Isabella pulled out a sheet with prices. She felt a little under pressure and the office was quite warm. She also had a rising warmth in her body which had never happened with other clients.

    Isabella removed her jacket and placed it on the back of the chair. Through her semi sheer blouse, the outline of her bra was clearly visible. Her nipples seemed to have developed a will of their own were slightly harder than normal and poked at the edge of the half cups.

    Isabella laid the price sheet on the desk and began to talk prices. Peter hesitated, and stood up from behind his desk, walking around so that he and Isabella could look at the sheet together.

    He stood close to Isabella and could smell her perfume. It was intoxicating. Peter had to force himself to focus on the task at hand.

    "So, if I just order on a monthly basis then I expect that we would use approximately 10 capsules of the detergent and four of the after rinse capsules. That's about 2000 quid a month. Currently we spend about 1900, but we're not happy with the results. So, the price is not a problem."

    "Yes." Said Isabella. "But I can offer you a better deal if you sign up for a year. You see if you sign a contract for a year, then we can give you 15% discount and you can order on a call off basis each month."

    "I understand." Said Peter, "but 1700 per month times 12 is 20,400 per year. That's a large amount to have to pay in one go."

    "Ah yes." said Isabella "But the beauty of my deal is that you can also pay by the month. All I need is for you to sign for the year, and you can still pay less each month than you do now, with a better result."

    Isabella felt flushed. She didn't know if it was the rush of the deal or was it the closeness of this handsome guy standing next to her.

    "Hmm." Said Peter. "Let me think about it for a minute." He went silent. Then he turned to Isabella and asked. "How badly do you need this deal?"

    Isabella got his drift straight away. "Well, I have made my sales targets already this quarter, but this would be the cherry on the cake for me." Her mind was racing. She was aroused and thought.

    "Dammit, I would do this for no deal at this stage." She thought about the stories Kate had told her and that how sometimes Kate had fucked clients after the deal just because she fancied them.

    Isabella sat on one of the two chairs in front of Peter's desk. It was a sort of bucket chair which had the effect that her knees were higher than her ass. No matter which way she sat her skirt rode up her thighs slightly.

    Peter sat on the edge of his desk enjoying the view. He had already made up his mind to sign but wanted to have a little fun too. The sight of the tops of Isabella's thigh highs had stirred something in his trousers and he had difficulty finding the right position.

    Isabella crossed her legs and uncrossed them, not sure what was most comfortable. Finally, she settled on just putting both feet on the floor. She squeezed her thighs together but couldn't hold that for long. She had to release the pressure and in doing so she afforded Peter a glimpse of her already damp thong.

    "Damn." Thought Peter. "She is less than half my age, but she is hot."

    Isabella spoke first. "You know Peter. If you sign for the sale, maybe we could consummate our new partnership." Then she blushed, realizing the slip she had made with her statement.

    "Consummate?" Thought Peter. "That sounds promising."

    "How about you give me a little something to encourage me." He asked.

    Isabella smiled. She opened another button on her blouse exposing the middle part of her bra.

    "Go on." Said Peter. "Don't stop now."

    Isabella opened another button and pushed the blouse open exposing her perky tits in the half cups. Her nipples were now straining the fabric of the bra to the point that they were almost escaping their confines.

    Peter took a pen in his hand and held it over the contract. He looked at Isabella and raised his right eyebrow.

    Isabella opened the last button of her blouse and pulled it out of her skirt. The blouse hung loose at her sides and her tits were fully exposed.

    Peter's cock was now at full attention and had created a proper tent in his trousers. Isabella stared at him, thinking of how big it looked. Her cunt was now leaking like crazy and het panties were soaking wet.

    As Peter leaned over to sign the paper, Isabella shed her blouse and started to unfasten her bra. She was on fire and filled with lust. All attempt at subtle seduction had left her mind. She wanted to get properly fucked now.

    Peter signed the contract and walked to the door of his office, turning the key. The office was located in the older part of the hotel and was probably soundproofed by the thick walls and heavy door.

    Isabella shed her bra, leaving her beautiful pert tits exposed.

    Peter approached her and wrapped his arms around her from behind, taking each tit in one hand and gently massaging them. His hands wandered up to Isabella's nipples, which were now standing erect like bullets, and gently pinched each one. Isabella groaned as the shock waves spread through her body.

    Peters hands roamed down Isabella's body, along her sensitive sides to the top of her skirt, Expertly he found the zipper at the side and tugged it downward until it was fully open. The skirt slid slowly down Isabella's legs and landed in a heap at her feet.

    Isabella stepped out of her skirt and kicked it aside. She shed her blouse and turned toward Peter.

    Without a word she unzipped his fly. Her hands found his belt buckle and opened that too.

    With a gentle push, Peters trousers ended around his ankles. Soon his boxers joined them as Isabella kept her hands busy.

    Peter's straining cock was now free, and Isabella took a moment to admire it. It was not particularly long, but it's girth was impressive. She wondered if she would be able to manage it.

    Peter tucked his thumbs under Isabella's thong and slid it down her legs. Now she was naked except for her heels and her stockings. Peter took a deep breath in admiration of this heavenly body in front of him.

    Isabella spoke. "Peter, I don't want to ruin the foreplay, but I need your cock in me now."

    Peter smiled. "I thought you'd never ask." He said. He turned Isabella towards his desk and bent her over at the waist.

    Without ceremony, Peter rubbed his cock up and down Isabella's cunt before finding her hole. He entered her gently, pushing his cock in until it met with resistance.

    "Oh! Oh! It's so big. I don't know if I can take it all." Isabella cried out.

    Peter withdrew his cock a little and pushed inwards again, this time a little farther.

    "Oh my God! You're stretching me, but I love it!" exclaimed Isabella.

    She felt an orgasm already building.

    Peter withdrew until only the bulbous head of his cock was inside Isabella and she whimpered from not being filled.

    Peter pushed back in again. This time he bottomed out and his balls were against Isabella's cunt.

    "Yes." Hissed Isabella.

    Peter moved back and forward in a slow rhythm. Each time withdrawing until almost completely out of Isabella's cunt, and then with a long stroke in again.

    Isabella's breathing was shallow as her pleasure built and built.

    She pushed back against Peter's thrusts as if she wanted to get him even deeper into her.

    Peter's thrusts came faster and faster and soon he was slamming his cock deep into Isabella, his balls slapping against her with each thrust.

    Isabella's eyes rolled upwards in her head. She had never felt so much pleasure with a man before.

    A tidal wave of ecstasy raced over her whole body and she began to tremble and shake as her orgasm hit hard. Peter kept on slamming into her through the orgasm until the feeling subsided.

    Peter was not done yet. He had incredible stamina and kept fucking Isabella as if she was some sort of ragdoll.

    Isabella felt another orgasm building and gave herself completely over to the feeling coursing through her body. Without warning she came again. This time much harder than the first and she yelled it out from the pleasure washing over her. But no sound came from her throat. Just a short of high pitched squeal.

    Peter was sweating as he fucked Isabella and felt his own orgasm rising. "I'm going to come!" he exclaimed.

    "Come in me Peter. Fill me with your come." Isabella replied.

    Peter couldn't hold back anymore. He felt his sperm rising and suddenly he was spouting it into Isabella's hot cunt.

    Peter collapsed on top of Isabella, barely able to hold himself up.

    They untangled themselves and flopped into the chairs. Peter spoke first.

    "That was incredible. I have never had such rampant sex before." He panted, trying to catch his breath.

    "If I am honest." Isabella replied. "I wanted to fuck you with or without the contract." She smiled.

    Peter laughed out loud. "But why?" he asked. "I am twice your age. Surely there must be studs your own age who would last longer than me."

    "Peter, despite the age difference, you are a handsome man, and you have a magnificent cock. Besides that, men of my own age bore me. They have no experience and are full of their own ego's. I reckon that you are a great lover and a caring man. That means more to me than all that showing off." Isabella replied.

    Again, Peter laughed. "Well, that was amazing. I for one am hungry after that exercise. What do you say I treat you to dinner?"

    "I would love to Peter." Isabella replied. "Where and when?"

    "Well here and now of course." Peter replied. "No point in having a hotel with a fine dining restaurant if you don't get to use it every now and then."

    "Great." Said Isabella, "But I need to get cleaned up before I appear in public."

    "Don't worry." Said Peter. I will get you a room to clean up in.

    Peter organized a room for Isabella and met her in the lobby a short time later.

    They went to dine together and shared stories of their lives. Peter told how his wife had passed away and that he had no desire to settle down with anyone else. Isabella told of her father passing away so young and her missing a male figure in her formative years.

    They enjoyed a wonderful evening together and it was late before the parted.

    As a parting remark, Isabella said. "You know Peter that Eco-Hygiene has a whole range of products for cleaning in hotels, swimming pools and saunas. Perhaps we can make another appointment to discuss the possibilities."

    Peter looked directly at Isabella and answered, his eyes sparkling with that mischievous glint.

    "I would love to discuss every possibility with you Isabella. Why don't we schedule a new appointment for next week?"

    Isabella smiled. "I would love to. I will get back to you for a time and day."

    "By the way," said Peter, "Say hi to Kate Connors for me."

    Isabella's eyes opened wide, and her jaw dropped. "How do you know Kate?" she asked.

    "Long time ago, a different adventure, before I was married." Peter replied winking at her.

    Isabella blushed. She quickly gave Peter a peck on the cheek and walked away laughing quietly to herself. She waved as she walked through the entrance. Peter waved back.

    Isabella couldn't wait for the next appointment.

    Based on a post by Ostrich Mack for Literotica.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Servicing Clients.

    Based on a post by Ostrich Mack. Listen to the  Podcast at Steamy Stories.

    Hotel Guest, Lydia.

    Lydia Carlson was a businesswoman and operated at senior level for the travel agency which bore the family name. The firm had been founded by her grandfather 50 years earlier and had grown to be one of the most prestigious in Europe.

    Lydia didn't get to her position because of her family ties, as there was a serious work ethic in the family. If you wanted success, you had to earn it. Lydia had studied at university and had worked in other travel agencies to gain experience before moving back to the family nest. Now she was head of procurement, traveling throughout Europe to contract hotels for her company.

    Lydia was stunningly beautiful. An only child, with as her name would suggest, a Danish background, she had grown up in England. Despite her Scandinavian background, Lydia was not a typical tall, blond haired, blue eyed beauty, but rather a brunette with deep brown eyes. At 36 years old, she was about 5'9" with a slim athletic figure. Her tits and ass were in perfect proportion to her height and weight. Her skin positively glowed and she was always impeccably dressed.

    Lydia was always guarded when she made new acquaintances, preferring to listen, and assess who it was exactly she was talking to. To some, that came across as aloof.

    Knowing this, Peter wondered why she had chosen to reserve in his hotel for a midweek stay.

    Peter's Hotel was a comfortable family run place with good rooms, and a good restaurant. A quiet place to relax and enjoy the garden and the local countryside, and of course the local delicacies. It was certainly not the high-end luxury resorts that Peter assumed Lydia would be used to.

    To that end Peter was curious. He had googled Lydia and read extensively about her career. There was very little to glean about her private life as Lydia didn't "do" social media.

    On the evening of her arrival at the hotel, Lydia decided to dine in their restaurant. Peter was delighted to be able to introduce himself to her. At 6'1" and very athletic, Peter cut an impressive figure. He was a presence wherever he went.

    Lydia was seated in the restaurant. She was as usual impeccably dressed in a bias cut skirt, which reached to just below her knees, showing off her shapely calves. She wore medium heeled sandals which displayed her perfectly manicured toes. Her blouse was a silk round neck with short sleeves. Her wavy hair tumbled down to just below her shoulder. Around her neck she wore a colorful silk scarf.

    Lydia smiled at Peter as he approached. Her smile lit up the room.

    "Good evening, Mrs. Carlson." He said.

    "It's Miss Carlson." She replied, "And please, call me Lydia."

    Peter blushed a little. "My apologies, Lydia." He said awkwardly. "My name is Peter Talbot. I am the owner of the hotel, and I am delighted you have chosen to stay with us. If we can do anything to make your stay more comfortable, please let me know."

    Lydia raised an eyebrow and laughed gently. "Hmm, anything?" she asked with a grin.

    "Of course." Peter said. "We're at your service. It's lovely to meet you. I'm sure we will see each other during your stay."

    "Well, I certainly hope so." Replied Lydia, smiling.

    "Great." Said Peter. "Enjoy your meal, I will see you at breakfast tomorrow."

    "Thank you so much Peter." Lydia replied. "May I call you Peter."

    "Of course, Lydia," Peter replied. He was a little flustered. Was she flirting or was she just simply an incredibly charming woman.

    The next day.

    Peter was, as always, up at dawn to prepare breakfast for the hotel guests. This was his favorite part of the working day. An hour and a half undisturbed work, preparing an extensive breakfast buffet for his guests enjoyment.

    Breakfast started at 7.30am, but at 7.15 Peter heard someone enter the restaurant. Luckily everything was ready, so he just switched on the lights and the background music.

    As usual he entered the restaurant, to greet his guests. To his surprise, it was Lydia. Dressed in a simple sweatshirt and shorts, she was as beautiful as the evening before. Her hair was wrestled into a ponytail, which accentuated her pretty face. Her high cheekbones and dimpled cheeks made her even more beautiful than Peter had observed.

    "So, the early bird." Peter joked.

    "Gets the first worm." Lydia replied.

    "Are you calling me a worm?" Peter asked, feigning shock.

    They both laughed. Peter explained everything on the buffet, and Lydia listened patiently, despite having stayed in hundreds of hotels for her work. She thought it sweet that Peter took the time to show her how everything worked.

    Peter was excited. He couldn't explain what this beautiful, charming woman did to him, but he felt like a teenager with a crush, in her presence.

    "So, Peter," Lydia said. "I was thinking of going for a hike through the hills today. Can you recommend a route?"

    "How far would you like to walk?" Peter asked.

    "Well, I like to keep in shape, so at least 10k." Lydia replied.

    "No problem." Peter replied. "But you should be aware that the routes are not really well marked. You need to be able to read a topographical map for most routes."

    "Hmm. That is one thing I am not great at." Lydia replied. "Maybe you could recommend a guide?"

    "Ah," said Peter. "At such short notice, a guide will be difficult. But if you would like me to guide you, I am free at 11."

    "That sounds lovely. Will you order a packed lunch for us to take away?" Lydia asked.

    "Leave it to me." Peter replied. He was secretly thrilled to be able to accompany Lydia for the afternoon.

    The walk.

    At 11 sharp, Peter stood in the lounge, ready with a rucksack containing a lunch he had prepared himself. A bottle of champagne, Pâté de Fois gras, Local cheeses and meat cuts and of course, fresh bread and a basket of strawberries. Peter was laying it on for this walk.

    Lydia appeared from the lift, a vision to his eyes. She had her hiking shoes on, and long socks. Her shorts were loose around her ass and a sort of combat style. Above her shorts she had a tight Lycra shirt which accentuated her tits. She was clearly not wearing a bra. A silk scarf tied like a bandana covered her head with her hair in a ponytail out the back, and a pair of designer sunglasses completed the look.

    She looked like a model from a camping catalogue.

    "Peter!" she cried. "How nice of you to go to all this effort for me."

    "It is my pleasure." Peter replied. "Shall we?"

    They left the hotel. Peter had chosen a route up into the hills via a number of steep climbs to a perfect picnic spot. At first the going was easy, and they chatted amicably about the local countryside and history.

    Later as the climbs became steeper, there was little time for conversation as they needed to save their breath. Peter helped Lydia up the steeper paths by leading and offered her a hand when the incline was very steep. Lydia was not inclined to let Peter see that she couldn't keep up, but he was a very experienced rambler.

    Most of the time, Peter walked behind Lydia furtively admiring her perfect ass.

    Finally, after about 6k, they reached the picnic spot that Peter had planned. It was a huge rock which balanced on the edge of the highest hill. The view over the countryside was amazing.

    Lydia, sat down on the rock and stared in amazement at the view. She smiled serenely.

    Peter made himself busy unpacking the lunch. He laid out a picnic blanket on the rock. When everything was ready, he said in a soft voice.

    "Madam, Lunch is served."

    Lydia laughed. "I'll bet you think that's how I was raised."

    Peter replied. "No not at all. I just thought it was funny."

    "It is funny." Lydia answered. "But let me tell you a little about me."

    Peter perked up, keen to know more about this beautiful enigmatic woman.

    Lydia began. "I am an only child. I grew up in a wealthy family and had a wonderful childhood. We had lots of friends where we lived and there were always fun things going on in our house and the neighbors houses.

    My parents worked very hard to make their business successful, and I learned from an early age that if you want success, you have to work for it.

    I never really had boyfriends, except for one who broke my heart. I was determined never to feel the pain of giving my heart and soul to someone, only to have them stamp on it. As an only child, I learned to amuse myself, and if I am honest, I like my own company.

    I have had many casual relationships. Mostly to satisfy my sexual needs. But I don't commit to relationships. That is why I never married. I just like to be alone at the end of the day."

    Peter blushed. "Wow that is very open and honest. How do you do that? The casual relationship thing?" he asked.

    "Well, I got you to come with me today." Lydia replied, smiling at him. She winked at him.

    Peter blushed even more.

    "Oh, come on." Lydia said. "You don't think I didn't notice you admiring my ass? Did you think I put on this outfit because it was practical?"

    "I guess not." Peter replied sheepishly. "But you are stunning. Why would you be interested in me?"

    "Peter." Lydia replied. "You are handsome, and very charming. Most of the guys I meet are so full of themselves, and generally looking for some arm candy. That's not me. You seem honest and candid. And you listen without interrupting which tells me you are genuinely interested in what I have to say. That is not only refreshing, but a welcome change."

    Peter smiled. He poured two glasses of champagne and laid toast with foie gras on a plate and joined Lydia on the rock. They sat there on the blanket enjoying the view, the food and champagne.

    Peter jumped up. "And now the strawberries."

    He grabbed the basket and took a strawberry between his fingers. Lydia laid herself out on the blanket.

    Peter leaned over her and fed her the strawberry. As she opened her mouth, he poured a sip of champagne into her mouth and then a strawberry.

    Lydia closed her lips around the strawberry and sucked on it suggestively before taking it completely in her mouth.

    She had Peter's full attention and there was a stirring in his trousers.

    Lydia looked carefully around, and seeing no one else, she pulled her Lycra shirt up above her head exposing her tits. Peter took a deep breath, she looked amazing.

    Peter took another strawberry and traced it over her tits, circling her nipples only to finally bring it to her lips.

    Lydia took a small bite.

    Peter repeated the action, coating Lydia's exposed tits with strawberry juice and returning to her lips.

    He bent over Lydia and began to lick the juice from her, concentrating on her tits. Lydia gasped as Peter licked around her nipples, causing them to rise to attention.

    Lydia groaned in anticipation of the next round.

    "Oh, do go on kind sir," she giggled.

    Peter moved downward on her body. He planted kisses on her nipples, her ribs, down to her navel. He poured a little champagne in her navel and licked it out with his tongue.

    He fumbled with her shorts until Lydia helped him by opening the button and pulling down the zipper. Peter pulled on the sides of her shorts. They slid easily down her thighs and to Peter's delight she was not wearing underwear. Her cunt was trimmed short but not completely bare. There was a small triangle of hair just above her mound.

    Peter slid Lydia's shorts down to her ankles and over her hiking shoes. Now he understood why she had chosen loose shorts.

    Lydia was lying in her almost naked magnificence on the rock. The hiking shoes and long socks looked almost comical. Peter couldn't believe his luck having this goddess before him.

    Peter moved further down Lydia's body until he reached her pubic mound.

    He gently licked the outer lips of her cunt, slowly moving along her weeping slit. As he moved upwards Peter inserted a finger between Lydia's folds. She gasped in anticipation and pulled her gently.

    Lydia cried out. "Oh! That is so good!"

    Peter went to work with two fingers in Lydia's sopping cunt. He curled his forefinger upwards to massage her g-spot.

    Lydia began to buck with her hips. She was getting close to her point of no return.

    Peter stopped. He knew she was close.

    Lydia whimpered. "Ah! don't stop."

    Peter waited. He waited until Lydia's breathing slowed. Then he attacked her cunt again. His mouth on her clit, his fingers moving in and out.

    Lydia was soon close again, and again Peter stopped.

    Lydia was desperate. "Please Peter," she begged, "I need to come."

    Peter waited again until Lydia's breathing returned to normal. Lydia's impatience was obvious in her pleading eyes.

    Peter took Lydia's shorts and laid them under her ass.

    Now he moved between her legs. His cock was rock hard.

    Lydia opened her legs. She reached down, opened his zipper and freed his rock hard cock. She took it in her hand and stroked it gently. It was as if she was appraising the goods.

    "Ooh nice." She said, " I do like a bit of girth. Put it inside me, please." She pleaded.

    "I'm glad you approve." Peter joked.

    He didn't hesitate and aimed his cock to her opening.

    Peter pushed gently into Lydia. She groaned. It was as if her cunt had been waiting for him. She was wet and it felt like his cock was being sucked into her warm folds. He kept pushing until he bottomed out.

    "Fuck me, Peter. I need to come so badly." Lydia pleaded.

    Slowly thrusting in and out, Peter was reveling in the sensation of Lydia's silken folds.

    The champagne and the warmth of the rock added to the surreal feel. Peter was in ecstasy. He had never imagined that he would make love to such a beautiful woman.

    She made his head spin whenever she was near him. Even now her perfume penetrated to the depths of his brain. Her smell, her voice, the feel of her body, washed over him like a high he had never felt before.

    Slowly, gently, they made love in the sunshine, on that rock.

    They were both floating in a cloud of wanton lust. They kissed, and licked and bit every part of each other as if they wanted to eat each other up.

    Peter was sucking and biting on Lydia's nipples, giving her pulsating shocks over her whole body. Lydia poked her tongue in Peter's ear doing the same to him. She drew him further into her by wrapping her legs around his ass and pulling him.

    Peter upped the tempo. He started to increase the power of his strokes and was slamming his cock to the bottom of her cunt with every stroke.

    Lydia pushed her hips to meet him.

    Her face was contorted with pleasure, and you could see that something huge was building. With every stroke she made a small grunt.

    "Uh, oh oh oh oh oh." She grunted. "Hmm, hmm, hmm." she almost sang it out like a mantra.

    They were looking into each other's eyes. Their breathing was simultaneous. And then.

    "Yes! Yes!" Lydia cried out. She clamped onto Peter. "I'm cumming!" she cried out.

    Peter slammed into her. Lydia's cunt began to squirt juice along Peter's cock and over his balls.

    Lydia's arms were wrapped around onto Pete's back, and she dug in with her perfectly manicured nails, scratching stripes horizontally over Peter's back.

    Peter didn't feel it. He was so obsessed with the feel of his cock being milked by Lydia's cunt that everything else was blocked out. He kept on slamming into Lydia, who had now passed her orgasm and gotten a second wind. Now she was crying out with every stroke.

    "Give it to me Peter. I want your seed in me."

    Peter felt his seed rise and knew it would not be long. A few hard strokes later he filled Lydia's cunt with his hot cum. Lydia came too, but this time it was a series of small orgasms, which caused her to gasp for breath as if she was drowning in a sea of lust.

    They lay together on the rock, holding each other close and murmuring sweet nothings to each other.

    From somewhere close by they heard voices. Two ramblers were close and having a conversation about the noises they had just heard. But they couldn't really find where it had come from.

    Peter put his finger to Lydia's lips as if to tell her to be silent. She nodded.

    Peter crept to the edge of the rock and peeked over. There below was a young couple reading a map. Peter withdrew and crept back to Lydia. With first a kiss on her lips he whispered.

    "Tourists. We had better get dressed and head back."

    Lydia smiled and quickly began to dress herself. Peter was packing the picnic up when the tourists appeared just next to the rock.

    The woman blushed and turned to look knowingly at her partner. He in turn also blushed.

    Lydia threw her head back and laughed. She found it hilarious.

    Peter and Lydia walked back to the hotel hand in hand. Now and then they exchanged a passionate kiss.

    It was late afternoon by the time they got back, and they separated discretely before entering the hotel.

    Lydia was tired and wanted to go for a swim and a sauna. She told Peter that she would be having an early night. Peter, too, was tired and wished her a good night's rest.

    He went to his office to catch up on the day's work. Unable to concentrate, he left early and went home.

    Both Lydia and Peter slept like babies.

    Day two.

    Peter rose early as usual to prepare breakfast for the hotel guests. He started a little earlier than usual in anticipation of Lydia's arrival in the breakfast restaurant.

    He was however disappointed to see that Lydia had ordered room service for 7am. By the time Peter was ready the breakfast had already been delivered.

    Lydia, it seemed, had already left for the day. Probably to go shopping, or maybe for a sightseeing tour of the local area.

    Peter mooched around the office for most of the day, unable to concentrate on the work.

    Before he left, Peter decided to check a few guest rooms to ensure that housekeeping were working to the high standards he had set. One of those rooms was Lydia's suite.

    Peter was obsessed. He missed her so badly, even though they barely knew each other.

    He looked in the wardrobe. There was a collection of silk scarves hanging on a clothes hanger along with several very stylish outfits. The hiking outfit was tossed in a suitcase, obviously not planned to be used again for this trip.

    Peter felt weird snooping around the room of a woman he had only yesterday fucked in the great outdoors. He even thought that it was a little creepy to look through her closet like this.

    Peter checked the room thoroughly. In the drawer of the bedside table, his attention was caught by a shiny object. Lying in its box was a bullet vibrator. Silver colored, it was not more than 3 or four inches long. Peter couldn't resist and pressed the 'on' button. To his shock, the vibrator was very powerful. He shivered, and quickly switched it off and placed it back in the box.

    He left around 3pm and planned to come back in the evening to check on dinner.

    At around 7pm, Peter came back to check on the dinner service. It was a slow evening in the restaurant and after some banter with the kitchen and service staff he went to his office to catch up.

    Peter had done some thinking in the afternoon and had come to a decision.

    If Lydia was avoiding him because of yesterday, then that was okay. She had told him that she did not commit to relationships, so he was forewarned.

    At the same time, he was intoxicated by her. Her scent, her body, her smile. Everything about Lydia filled his thoughts.

    Looking at the orders for the evening, he saw that Lydia had again ordered room service. A club sandwich and a glass of chardonnay.

    Disappointed that he would probably not see her, decided to finish up and was packing his stuff for departure when a receptionist popped her head into the office.

    "Excuse me, Peter," she said. "Room 112 is asking if someone can have a look at her air conditioning. It doesn't seem to be cooling. Sorry to bother you, but maintenance has already left."

    Peter took a sharp breath. Room 112 was Lydia's suite.

    "Okay, I'll have a look," he replied.

    Peter left his office and grabbed the hotel toolbox and headed for the lift. His heart was pounding, and his hands were sweating.

    "What if she doesn't want to see me?" he thought.

    He exited the lift on the first floor and walked slowly to room 112. Peter paused before knocking.

    "Who is it?" came the reply in the sweetest voice Peter had ever heard.

    "Maintenance." Peter replied.

    "Just a moment." came the reply.

    Peter heard the lock, then the door opened, and he was greeted by Lydia in a silk dressing gown which reached to just below her pert ass. She was clearly naked under the gown.

    Peter gasped in admiration.

    "You had a problem with the air conditioning?" he asked.

    Lydia smiled and grabbed him around the waist, hugging him and pulling him close.

    "No silly, I just wanted to see you. I missed you so much all day, and I haven't been able to think about anything else. I admit that I was avoiding you as I always do when I have a casual date, but it didn't work."

    Lydia kissed his neck, his cheek, his eyes and finally his lips.

    "That's better," she said.

    Peter dropped the toolbox, smiling.

    "So, you were avoiding me," he said. "And I was afraid you didn't like me."

    "That's not it," Lydia replied. "I am scared of what you awoke in me yesterday. Normally I can detach myself from the person I'm dating, but with you it's different. I can't get you out of my head and that scares me witless."

    "Well," said Peter. "If it's any consolation, the same is true for me." I have spent the whole day mooching around, not being able to concentrate."

    "Let's talk." Lydia said.

    And they did talk. For hours and hours.

    Lydia told of her frustration with her work, and the attitude of her male colleagues toward her. They saw her as a bimbo, who got her job because of her family ties.

    And the women who thought that she had slept her way to the top, despite knowing that her father was at the head of the company.

    That was why she was always away from the office. She hated that she always had to make the critical decisions and relished the moments when someone else would take charge and decide for her.

    Sometimes, she wished that she could simply put herself in someone else's hands.

    She told of how she had suffered for years from a lack of self-confidence after the trauma of her ex-boyfriend. He had chipped away at her. She was not thin enough, or pretty enough. She was not smart enough and made the wrong decisions.

    He isolated her from her family and friends. She finally saw the light when an ex-girlfriend of his got in touch to warn her that he was only focused on getting her money. She kicked him out and decided never to fully trust anyone ever again.

    And yet she missed that. Being able to trust someone unequivocally. Just to be able to sit back and let someone else take the wheel.

    Peter listened attentively, not interrupting. He felt her pain and was angry that anyone could hurt this beautiful woman.

    "You do understand that we can never have a permanent relationship Peter, don't you?" Lydia asked.

    "Yes." Replied Peter. "And that frustrates me. I have never been so intoxicated by someone as I have by you."

    "I know what you mean." Lydia said. "But my work and my family are very important to me, and I can't see myself settling here. I am just not the type of person who can stay in one place. I have never felt this emotion, excitement, arousal, call it what you want, with someone before I met you, Peter."

    She kissed him softly on the lips.

    "I have been walking around all day on a sexual high. My cunt has been tingling at the thought of us making love again." She paused. "It's weird. We don't really know each other, and yet I feel I've known you for a thousand years Peter."

    She leaned against him on the sofa and Peter caressed her, rubbing gently, absentmindedly, along her arm.

    "Hmm." Lydia purred. "I could sit like this forever. But I want to make love to you Peter. Sweet, passionate, unbridled sex."

    Peter smiled. "Well, now that you mentioned it, a small part of me wants the same."

    Lydia threw her head back and laughed. "It's hardly small Peter."

    Peter laughed too. "No, not anymore." He replied.

    A Submissive Gesture.

    Lydia stood up from the sofa and extended her hand. "Come, let's go to the bed and continue this conversation."

    She opened her gown and let it slide to the floor, standing in her naked glory in front of Peter.

    "I want you to take me Peter. Every way you can."

    Her face betrayed a wanton desire.

    Peter stood and pulled Lydia to him. He looked her deep in the eyes. "Do you want me to take the wheel, my beautiful, intoxicating goddess?"

    Lydia blushed. "Yes, please do." She replied.

    She turned away from Peter and walked to the bed sashaying her beautiful ass as she went.

    Peter stripped in seconds and followed her to the bed. Lydia laid on her back and smiled at him.

    A hunger arose in Peter. He wanted to consume this woman.

    He laid himself beside her and roamed with his hands over her body. He massaged and pinched every erogenous zone that he could find.

    Lydia felt Peter touch her, and every touch was like a fire going through her body. She had been feeling this all day, hunkering for his hands on her.

    Peter was brushing his fingers over her. Very gently, as if a butterfly was landing on her. It was excruciatingly erotic.

    Peter began to kiss his way over her. He started at her feet and took his time to explore every tiny bit of her. He did not skip any part of her, working his way up her legs, to her knees, upward to her thighs and close, so close to her weeping cunt.

    Lydia was so turned on. Her brain was in a fugue. All she could do was breathe and react to Peter's silken touch. Peter kissed her outer lips eliciting a gasp from Lydia, but he continued upwards over her pubic mound, to her navel, her ribs and her tits. Lydia was on fire with desire.

    Peter planted tiny kisses on her tits, then on her nipples which were already straining and standing straight out.

    He continued upwards, between her tits, to the nape of her neck. Gentle kisses, driving Lydia wild. He kissed her behind the ear, on the ear and whispered. "What now, my love?"

    "Oh my god Peter, I am on fire. But you are in charge."

    "Ok. You're sure?" asked Peter.

    "Do with me as you will." Replied Lydia. She was aroused like never before.

    Peter stood from the bed and went to her closet. He took the scarves he had seen earlier.

    He approached the bed and asked. "Shall we play a little game? I want to tie you up, but only if you want that."

    "Yes, do it." Lydia replied. She was even more aroused at the thought of relinquishing control to Peter.

    "I promise I won't hurt you." Peter said.

    Lydia smiled.

    "Put your hands above your head." Peter commanded.

    Lydia did as he asked.

    Peter made a loop with a scarf for each hand. He bound the hands together and secured the scarves to the headboard through an opening in the trellis. Lydia had her hands clasped together above her head.

    Next, Peter bound Lydia's legs each to the corner legs at the end of the bed.

    Lydia laid there spread-eagled, helpless and exposed. She started to come from the excitement. "Oh my god Peter, I'm cumming already." She gasped.

    "You ain't seen nothing yet." Peter relied with a mock cowboy accent.

    He smiled. "You don't need to worry. I won't hurt you. You will tell me if you feel uncomfortable, won't you?"

    "I trust you Peter, and yes I will tell you." Lydia replied.

    Peter knelt at the end of the bed and leaned forward running his hands slowly up Lydia's legs. He slid upwards along her thighs close to her sex. He could smell her and feel the heat she was radiating.

    Lydia's breathing was ragged. She wanted him to take her leaking cunt now!

    But Peter had other ideas. He crawled onto the bed and moved his hands up to Lydia's hard nipples. He gave each one a gentle pinch sending shockwaves through Lydia.

    He bent forward and kissed her delicious tits. He licked her nipples and took them in his mouth, biting gently.

    Lydia's brain was not functioning normally anymore. The feeling of not being in control was so alien and so erotic to her, and Peter's touch was driving her crazy with lust. She had regressed to animalistic needs.

    Peter was torturing her in the gentlest way possible. He left her tits and moved up to her mouth. He kissed her passionately. Her tongue probed his lips and they were battling with their tongues. Peter broke off the kiss and moved to Lydia's perfectly shaven armpit. He kissed her there, and moved to the other side where he kissed her too.

    Lydia didn't know that this was an erogenous zone but it drove even wilder now. She was straining the scarves that held her bound and vulnerable, but she really did not want to be released.

    Peter came back to kiss her mouth, then moved to her ear. He kissed her behind the ear and whispered "Are you ready for me now?"

    Lydia gasped. "Oh yes Peter, I am ready. I have never been turned on so much in my life."

    "Good," said Peter. "Enjoy the ride."

    Peter moved slowly down Lydia's body planting kisses as he went.

    He reached her mound and gently parted her labia. He licked gently from the bottom to the top, tasting Lydia's sweet nectar.

    When Peter reached her clit, he kissed it and took it between his lips, licking it all the while with his tongue.

    This drove Lydia wild and she started trying to thrash with her bound legs. Peter could see the muscles in her calves and her thighs straining.

    Lydia came. A crashing orgasm riding over her like a tidal wave. She squirted over Peter's face.

    But Peter was not done yet. He continued to kiss and lick her clit and inserted a finger into Lydia's leaking cunt. Lydia was panting as if she had just run a marathon, gasping for breath.

    Peter moved his finger in and out Lydia. Her orgasm had washed over her and subsided a little, but she was still intensely aroused.

    Peter kept going, teasing her to another high point. Lydia could not believe how aroused she was.

    Just as Lydia felt she would come again, Peter stopped. He waited.

    Lydia hung suspended in time, wanting, needing Peter to go on.

    She came down from the high a little. Peter reached out to the bedside table and took out Lydia's bullet vibrator. He switched it on and marveled at its power.

    Lydia's eyes went as wide as a saucer as he placed the vibrator at the entrance to her cunt and moved upwards to her clit. All she could do was make an "O" with her lips. No sound escaped.

    Her brain was scrambled. No words formed.

    Peter teased her clit with the bullet.

    And then. A tsunami. It built and built. Every fiber in her body was on fire. Lydia felt like she would pass out, but her body wanted this. Blood rushed to her skin, to her cunt. She could feel every nerve pulsating. And boom!

    "Oh! Oh! Oh! Umm! Umm! Uh! My fucking gawd!" she screamed her mantra again.

    It just kept going. She was completely out of control and loving it. Peter had brought her to a high so intoxicating she never wanted to come down. This was unexplored territory for Lydia.

    Peter watched Lydia's face contort itself into a grimace of pleasure and pain simultaneously. He relished her pleasure.

    His cock was like a steel rod, turned on by the pleasure of watching Lydia.

    Lydia lay panting on the bed. She couldn't think of any words. Wave after wave of orgasm swept through her and she twitched with each one.

    But Peter was still not done. He waited patiently.

    When Lydia had stopped twitching, she whispered to him. "That was the most amazing orgasm I have ever had Peter. You are a wicked, wicked man."

    Peter reached out and touched her nipple. "Want some more?" he asked.

    "I'm not sure I can take more," Lydia replied, "But I'm willing to try."

    With that Peter slid up to kiss her on the lips, his hard cock level with her dripping cunt.

    "Yes Peter, I want you in me." Lydia cooed.

    He gently entered her. It was easy as she was already very wet. With strong slow strokes he pushed in and out, each time withdrawing his cock until only the head was in her, and then gently thrusting forward until he bottomed out.

    This was not fucking. It was slow, gentle lovemaking.

    Lydia moaned softly. "Peter, you are killing me."

    They continued their lovemaking for some time. Pleasuring each other.

    Peter Agrees to be Lydia’s Dom fantasy fuck.

    Lydia asked Peter. "Can you untie me, my lover. I want to hold you."

    Peter untied her hands, and then her feet.

    She reached around him with her legs and pulled him to her, wanting to get as much of him inside her as possible.

    They kissed passionately.

    Lydia couldn't believe it, she felt another orgasm building. This time it was not as explosive as the first two, but rather a slow burner.

    Peter felt his balls get tighter and knew it wouldn't be long before he too reached orgasm.

    Lydia came again. She held Peter tight to her as if she didn't want to fall off him. Peter thrust into her and exploded his seed deep in her.

    Exhausted, they both lay in each other's arms. Lydia turned her back to Peter and they spooned.

    He draped his arm over her and cupped her tit.

    Lydia sighed.

    Peter heard her sob, and rolled her over. He asked "What's the matter my love?"

    "Nothing, nothing at all." Lydia replied. "It's just that after this perfect night I realize what I have been missing for so long. You touched me Peter in places I have kept hidden to myself for most of my life. Your unselfish lovemaking is so different to all of the men I have had. They mostly only want to please themselves and have no regard for my needs."

    "Well, I am glad I could give you that." Peter replied, kissing her tears away. "You are an amazing woman and I had so much pleasure watching your pleasure, if that makes sense."

    "I'm also sad, Peter." Said Lydia. "Sad because I can't have you every day. But I realize that in time the intensity of our lovemaking will wear off and we would settle into a relationship. I don't want that."

    Peter nodded. "I know." He said. "Maybe we can just meet now and then, when you are in the area and in the mood. You know, friends with benefits. That would keep it fresh."

    Lydia thought about it and smiled. "You know Peter, I don't normally do this, but yes. Let's keep in touch. No commitments, just delicious raunchy sex when I am in town. I won't be able to travel here often, but I will try to come to see you a couple of times a year."

    Peter laughed. "Delicious raunchy sex? Is that all? I have enjoyed your company so much these last few days, I thought we were becoming friends."

    "We are friends Peter." Lydia replied. "You have been a great listener and a great love maker. What more can a gal want?

    Peter laughed. "Thank you, Lydia. That is a fine compliment. But now, I need to leave. It wouldn't do for the hotel staff to find me here in the morning."

    "Ah yes." Lydia replied. "We mustn't sully your reputation."

    Peter kissed her and reluctantly arose from the bed. He started to dress but was interrupted by Lydia jumping up to hug him.

    "I'm going to miss you tonight, my cunt is definitely going to miss you." She winked at him, kissed him on the lips and slipped back onto the bed.

    Peter left the room, quietly closing the door behind him. He took the fire escape and exited the hotel to head homewards.

    The next day was departure for Lydia. She packed her suitcases reluctantly and headed down for breakfast. As usual she was early, and delighted to see Peter waiting for her. She kissed him and gave him a hug.

    "Oh, I don't want to leave. I had such a good time with you." She said,

    "All good things come to an end," Peter replied. Inwardly he was also very sad that Lydia had to leave.

    "But as you said, your work and your family are important to you, and you must take care of them too. I will miss you terribly of course, but I will be looking forward to our next meeting. Parting is such sweet sorrow, as they say."

    Peter left Lydia to enjoy her breakfast. She was not really hungry and just had a cappuccino and a croissant.

    Later, when she came to the reception to check out, she saw Peter waiting for her.

    Smiling to her he said. "Thank you so much for staying with us Lydia, it has been a pleasure to serve you."

    Ignoring the giggles from behind the reception desk, he took Lydia's hand and shook it.

    "Damn, it. Someone has seen me. Oh well." He thought.

    Lydia replied. "It has been a great stay, Peter. Thank you for everything."

    Peter heard more giggling, and smiled to himself, secretly enjoying the situation.

    Lydia paid and left. Peter felt as if there was an empty space inside him. He didn't feel like working and gave himself a day off to go walking and to clear his mind. He needed to give this a place.

    Lydia arrived back at the office the next day. She was pleasantly surprised to find a lovely bouquet of flowers waiting at her desk. There was a card with it in a small envelope. On the card were three letters and a name. "F W B Peter" there was a small heart under the text.

    Lydia blushed as her secretary Angela walked in. "Ooh, a secret admirer?" she asked.

    "No," said Lydia, "a friend" and thought "With benefits." She blushed again and Angela looked at her trying to work out what was in Lydia's mind.

    "So, what's been going on since I was gone?" Lydia asked. And then her work day started.

    To be continued in part 5, Based on a post by Ostrich Mack for Literotica.

  • Sluts and surprises.

    Based on a post by Ostrich Mack. Listen to the  Podcast at Steamy Stories.

    Peter is summoned for sex.

    It was 11 o clock on a Wednesday when Peter got the WhatsApp.

    A photo of a thong, pushed slightly to the side to reveal a neatly trimmed cunt, and the text.

    "We need a real cock."

    Peter laughed. "Jeez Lucy, you don't mince your words." He replied.

    "Come quickly, but don't cum quickly. Mark is away and your service is needed."

    "Pun intended with a smiley face."

    Peter and Lucy had been fuck-buddies for several years and had enjoyed some great adventures sexually. They were eminently compatible but had no intentions for a permanent relationship. When Lucy's husband Mark was away, she would contact Peter, and they generally ended up in bed together.

    In the past they had also shared with other friends who would either visit Lucy, or who came from the town where they both lived.

    Peter sighed and decided that as he had a free day from work that he would head towards Lucy's house.

    "What a cheek using the royal "we", he thought. But really, he was laughing about it all.

    Lucy and Peter had an arrangement for when Peter would visit her at home. He would go into a side street next to her house and use the entrance to her garden. This way he would be out of view from the nosy neighbors. It paid to be discreet in such a small town.

    Peter entered the garden, closing the gate quietly behind him, and walked up to the patio doors which were slightly open. He stopped and looked inside. Lucy was inside leaning over the kitchen counter with her back to him, obviously engrossed in something on her tablet. Peter noticed that she also had air pods in her ears, and she swayed her ass to the rhythm of the music on her tablet.

    Peter knew that her petite frame was perfectly proportioned, with small firm tits with nipples standing out like bullets when they were teased. Her hips curved gently out from a narrow waist, framing a perfect cunt. Her pubic hair was neatly trimmed. She had an athletic body and perfect legs.

    Peter walked stealthily behind her and slipped his hand under the long t-shirt she had on. As was her wont, Lucy had no panties on.

    "Hmm." groaned Lucy without looking round. "I didn't expect you back so soon."

    Peter was puzzled. "Back so soon?" he thought. "That's an odd thing to say."

    Feeling that Lucy's cunt already slick was, Peter slipped a finger inside her. "Oh, nice," said Lucy, still not turning around. She pushed against Peter's finger.

    Peter's cock was already hard, and he decided to free it from the confines of his jeans. It sprung out and Peter didn't hesitate to slip it between Lucy's outer lips.

    Lucy froze. She turned her head and saw to her shock Peter standing behind her. She went to say something, but Peter covered her mouth with his hand. Lucy looked completely confused at the situation, but slowly recovered her composure.

    Without a word from either Peter slipped his cock in Lucy's love channel all the way in until his balls were resting on Lucy's ass. They stood like that for a couple of seconds.

    Lucy turned her head back toward the counter and pushed herself back against Peter.

    Peter withdrew slightly and started to rock backwards and forwards in a gentle rhythm. Lucy didn't utter a word, but gently purred her pleasure with "Umm, Hmm, Hmm." In time to the movement.

    Peter closed his eyes. Lucy's cunt walls were milking his cock as if it was the first time she had fucked like this.

    They kept the rhythm going for minutes, both with their eyes closed, both gently making love, enjoying the penetration and the feeling of being filled with Peter's fat cock.

    Out of nowhere, Peter felt a hand on his ball sack, gently massaging his balls. And then a tongue licking his cock as it sawed in and out of Lucy's dripping cunt.

    Peter looked down and to his surprise he saw Alison, Lucy's friend with whom they had shared earlier erotic adventures, on her knees under Lucy's body. Her hands were on Lucy's thighs, and she was eating at Lucy's cunt and caressing Peter's balls at the same time.

    Still no words were spoken. "Wow, that is hot!" thought Peter. He gradually increased the pace and depth of his strokes, withdrawing almost completely, before gently pushing back into Lucy until he bottomed out.

    Lucy's breathing was becoming shallower and more rapid as she enjoyed the sensation of Peter's cock filling her up and withdrawing again and again.

    Alison found Lucy's clit and began to lick furiously at it. She trapped that nub between her lips and teased it with her tongue. Alison's free hand was rubbing her own love bud to a crescendo.

    Finally, Lucy spoke. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, it's coming. I'm coming, don't stop please!"

    Alison too was on the verge and panting furiously as she whipped herself to a climax.

    Then Lucy collapsed on the counter. She pushed her ass back onto Peter as if she wanted him even deeper in her. Gasping for air, her whole body was trembling from the orgasm that washed over her like a pleasure wave.

    Peter was still rock hard and not even close to coming. He held his cock in Lucy's cunt until she started to come down from her high.

    He withdrew his cock from her, only to be met with Lucy's sad eyes missing that feeling of being utterly filled by him.

    Alison got to her feet and went to sit on the sofa so that she could bring herself to the peak. Lucy went to sit on one side of her and Peter on the other.

    Peter took hold of Alison's hands and prevented her from making herself come. Alison pleaded.

    "Please Peter, I am so close."

    Peter shook his head. "No Alison, that's why we're here."

    Lucy traced her finger over Alison's blouse, opening the buttons as she progressed downwards. When it was completely open, she leaned in and took Alison's right nipple in her mouth, biting it gently.

    Alison jumped from the electric shock that spread over her whole body.

    Peter then leaned in and did the same to Alison's left nipple, letting go of Alison's hands.

    Alison placed her hands above her head and leaned back, pushing her beautiful tits up and out. Her nipples were standing erect like bullets.

    A red glow spread along her neck and over her chest as she began to squirm under the attention of her two lovers.

    Lucy's hand slid down to Alison's naked cunt, and she inserted a finger between her folds.

    Alison groaned in approval.

    Peter's hand slipped downwards too and found Alison's clit. He massaged it in gentle circles. All this time both Lucy and Peter were licking and biting Alison's nipples.

    This was driving Alison crazy with lust. She lifted her hips off the sofa to try and get more pressure from the hands massaging her.

    Lucy slipped a second finger inside and increased the pressure and pace.

    Alison's mouth formed an "O", but no sound came out.

    Peter rubbed faster and harder and the effect could be seen and heard from Alison's breathing.

    "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes." She gasped. Her legs stiffened and she clenched her teeth, her breath hissing from her mouth like air escaping from a punctured tire. Alison began to spasm as her orgasm crashed through her, but Lucy and Peter didn't stop. They continued their assault on her nipples and cunt as Alison shook and trembled.

    Alison's eyes rolled upward in her head, and it seemed as if she was gone into a trance, feeling only the crazy sensations racking her body.

    Then she began to shake violently, crying, barking out "Ah! Ah! Ah!" as tears rolled down her cheeks.

    "Stop! I can't take any more." She cried out.

    Peter leaned in and kissed Alison on the lips and said, "You're welcome sweetie."

    Lucy kissed Alison too. Then she leaned across Alison and kissed Peter passionately saying "

    "Hello lover. What a delightful surprise."

    Peter smiled. "I thought I had been summoned by the Royal "We". He laughed. "Didn't expect that there would be two of you."

    Lucy smiled back. "Well, I certainly didn't expect to be taken from behind by surprise, as Alison had gone to unpack, and I thought that she was fingering me. How nice it was to have your magnificent cock inside me once again."

    Alison had somewhat recovered. "And imagine my surprise to come downstairs to find Peter balls deep inside you, whilst you were bent over the counter. I just couldn't resist."

    "Well," said Lucy. "We have the house to ourselves. Mark is on a trip and Katie has a hockey game this evening and won't be back until very late. I would suggest you get comfortable, and we can have some fun."

    Katie, Lucy and Mark's daughter was now twenty years old and had the looks of her mother. She was taller though having inherited that from her father. She was an avid hockey player and had enjoyed some success in the regional leagues.

    "Great idea." Said Alison. "Peter, it's so good to see you again. The last time we met was great fun. Remember?"

    Peter remembered all too well. Alison had been visiting and they met on a walk. After taking shelter at Lucy's from a torrential rain shower, some fun and games had been had, ending up with Peter giving Alison a good spanking and a good fucking. Finally, Peter ended in bed with both Lucy and Alison. Great memories indeed.

    "So, what's the plan? "Peter asked. His cock was still hard and precum was leaking from its bulbous head.

    "Well, we need to take care of that first." Alison answered.

    "I am going to clean up and prepare something to eat. "Said Lucy. "You guys have fun."

    Alison smiled. She beckoned Peter with her finger to come closer. Peter shifted a little toward her.

    "So, what can I do for your soldier there? "Alison asked.

    Peter smiled. "Knock yourself out sweetie "I'm up for anything."

    Alison stood and faced Peter as he sat on the sofa, his cock standing straight up.

    She straddled Peter's thighs and lowered herself onto his awaiting shaft.

    "Oh, I'm still a bit sore," she said as Peter's cock entered her.

    "Go gently then." Peter said.

    Alison slid slowly downwards until Peter was fully inside her. She stopped to enjoy the feeling of this fat cock filling her up like never before. Her juices were flowing again, and she was leaking over Peter's balls and thighs.

    Alison rocked gently back and forth getting used to Peter's size, He wasn't more than average length, but the girth of his shaft was impressive.

    Alison’s lips were stretched to the limit, and they massaged Peter's cock with every movement.

    The soreness that had been before made way for a warm satisfying fullness.

    Alison raised herself and gently let herself fall again. The friction made her incredibly aroused. Peter too was feeling his balls get tighter and tighter as Alison accelerated her movements.

    Alison slowed down again. Peter felt slightly frustrated as he had been building to the point of no return.

    "We want to enjoy this and make it last a little longer." Alison said.

    Peter grunted. He was lost in the feeling, craving release.

    Alison started to increase both the depth and frequency of her movement. This time Peter bucked himself upwards to meet her downward stroke and slammed himself into her. Peter felt his cum rising. His balls became tighter, and he was determined to reach his climax now.

    Just as he was about to blow his load, Alison raised herself until only the head of Peter's cock was inside her. Some very tiny movements upward and downward, massaging the head of Peter's cock, drove him crazy.

    His cock twitched as he spurted his first load on cum into Alison.

    She slammed herself on to Peter until he was fully inside her. He was still coming, and Alison wanted to get him as deep as possible inside.

    "That's it Peter. Fill me up. Oh, what a fantastic cock you have. Later I want it in my ass."

    Peter was shocked. He had never done anal before.

    However, Alison's dirty talk made him come even harder. He was soon empty but didn't want to withdraw from the warm sensuous pocket that was Alison's cunt.

    From the kitchen came Lucy's voice. "If you guys are done fucking, I have made some lunch and opened a bottle of wine."

    "Go clean up, and I will see you in a few minutes." She continued.

    Alison winked at Peter. "Shall we?" she asked.

    They both went upstairs and jumped in the shower. Peter washed Alison from head to toe and Alison returned the favor, paying special attention to Peter's cock.

    To his amazement she managed to get him erect again and went on her knees to take him in her mouth. Swirling her tongue around the sensitive head, it was not long before Peter's cock was at battle strength again.

    Alison stood and turned her back to Peter pushing her ass against his cock.

    Peter didn't need an invitation and roughly entered Alison from behind, whilst grabbing her tits with both hands. He fucked her for about five minutes before she began to mewl and cry.

    Alison came hard and sank to her knees in the shower. She grabbed Peter's cock and stroked him until he was about to come again. Alison sucked Peter into her mouth and waited for his jizz. Peter obliged and Alison swallowed every last drop.

    They left the shower and wrapped towels around themselves descending the stairs to the kitchen and Lucy's lunch.

    "Hmm, you two look very clean after your shower." Lucy said with a grin.

    "Yes, Alison certainly knows how to clean a guy out." Peter replied laughing. "I wonder if she is really hungry after all that."

    "Famished." Replied Alison. "Curious to know what's for dessert."

    "Ah." Said Lucy. "We shall see what the rest of the day brings. For now, let's eat."

    Lunch was delicious. A simple quiche with a salad on the side. A bottle of local Pinot Gris helped set the mood as the three sat at the table. Alison and Peter just dressed in their towels. Lucy had pulled on a silk dressing gown which was tied with a silk band at the waist, and which barely covered her lovely ass. When she leaned over to refill the wine glasses, the gown rode up to reveal her pert ass cheeks. Alison couldn't resist giving those cheeks a gentle slap when they were revealed.

    For dessert Lucy had prepared profiteroles filled with baker's cream and covered with chocolate sauce. Alison made a mess eating them and her lips and mouth were covered in chocolate sauce.

    Lucy leaned over to her and licked the sauce from her face, like a cat lapping milk from a bowl.

    "Oh! Tell you what." Said Alison. "I wouldn't mind eating this off your body Lucy."

    "What a wicked idea!" Lucy exclaimed. "I love it. Let's do it!" she added enthusiastically.

    "Food sex!" cried Alison. "Never done it before. But I'm game if you are. Peter. Are you game too?"

    Peter replied. "You know I am Alison. I told you I am game for anything."

    With that the table was cleared and an excited Lucy was laid across it.

    Peter did the honors of removing her robe very slowly like a striptease.

    Lucy lay naked on her back on the table. Alison grabbed two profiteroles and pushed them onto Lucy's hard nipples. She then spooned chocolate sauce over them until the pastries and Lucy's delicious tits were covered. Continuing with the sauce, Alison laid a trail down Lucy's abdomen to her mound of Venus, generously covering it with sauce. Finally, Lucy placed two more profiteroles on Lucy's neatly trimmed cunt. Stepping back, Alison admired her work of art.

    Peter didn't wait. He dived in and began to devour the Profiterole on Lucy's left tit. He licked and sucked the pastry from Lucy, whilst gently biting and sucking on her nipple.

    Following Peter's example Alison dived in too.

    As they licked Lucy's tits clean, it was obvious that she was turned on as her nipples were standing straight to attention.

    Peter en Alison looked at each other and simultaneously started to lick the sauce from Lucy's body.

    They progressed downwards until they arrived at the two remaining profiteroles on Lucy's now leaking cunt. Alison didn't hesitate. She quickly slurped one if the pastries in her mouth and then attacked Lucy's labia.

    Lucy groaned. "I love being eaten out." She joked.

    Peter took the second profiterole and swallowed it quickly. He joined Alison, licking at Lucy's cunt too.

    With two tongues working her to a fever pitch, Lucy began to feel the warmth rise within her.

    She grabbed Peter's hair and pulled him upwards to her nipples, which he gladly began to tease. Peter knew that Lucy was incredibly sensitive there and with small nips and gentle sucks he could feel her getting more and more aroused.

    Alison scooted around to Lucy's feet and now had full access to her leaking cunt. She leaned in and drew a long lick between Lucy's now swollen lips upwards to her clit. Once there she began to tease that love bud by taking it between her lips and teasing with her tongue. She knew that this would have Lucy at the edge in no time.

    Alison stuck her tongue into Lucy’s cunt as deep as it would go, eliciting a gasp from Lucy. At the same time, Alison inserted a finger and made it as wet as possible before letting it travel over her perineum to her waiting rosebud.

    Once there, Alison pushed her finger gently into Lucy's ass.

    Lucy cried out. "Push it in. Further."

    Alison swapped her thumb for her finger and pushed that into Lucy who was now wriggling her ass under the attention.

    Peter continued to torture her with his mouth and tongue.

    With her thumb in Lucy's ass, Alison launched a full onslaught on Lucy's cunt. She penetrated Lucy with her tongue and then moved to Lucy's clit.

    Lucy crashed into her second orgasm of the day. Writhing like a snake on speed, clutching at her cunt, her juices squirted out over Alison's waiting mouth.

    Lucy grunted unintelligible words. It sounded like she was swearing at us and crying at the same time.

    After a minute Lucy said "Ugh, I am all sticky from the food. I need to clean up."

    "I'll come and help you." Chirped Alison.

    Peter smiled knowing how Alison had helped him before lunch.

    Round Two.

    Peter must have dozed off. All that work had sapped his energy, and when he awoke it was at least an hour after Lucy and Alison had left to 'clean up.'

    Lucy came downstairs and was positively glowing. She was wearing her silk dressing gown again and was followed closely by Alison wearing a similar gown. Lucy handed another gown to Peter which he put on.

    "It's one of Mark's." Lucy said. "I've ordered take away for dinner. Chinese. Hope you don't mind, but I don't feel like cooking again."

    "I'm easy." Replied Peter.

    "We know that." Alison replied with a wink.

    Peter smiled.

    "What time is it?" he asked.

    "Almost six." Lucy answered. "The takeaway should be here soon, but let's have an aperitif before then. A pastis for you Peter?" she asked.

    "Ooh yes please." Peter replied.

    "Me too." Alison chimed in.

    With a pastis in hand, they toasted the next adventure.

    All this time both Lucy and Alison had a mischievous grin on their faces.

    "What have you two been up to?" Peter asked.

    "Oh, you'll find out soon." They both replied together.

    Just then the doorbell rang. All three jumped, and then giggled from the shock.

    "Watch this." Lucy said.

    'She grabbed her purse, put on a pair of heels which had been standing in the hall and went to the door. Lucy had loosened the belt on her gown exposing her cleavage considerably. The gown barely covered her ass and as she opened the door a gust of wind caught the bottom and exposed her naked cunt to the kid delivering the food.

    He couldn't have been older than 18 or 19 and his eyes were wide as saucers as he handed over the food. Lucy, ever the tease said, "Wait I need to give you a tip."

    In doing so she bent forward to look in her purse, giving the guy a full view of het tits.

    Alison and Peter watched from the window as the young man almost fell onto his scooter and headed into the street next to Lucy's house. They guessed he took his time getting back to the restaurant.

    Alison laughed out loud. "Lucy, what a tease you are." She said in a fake admonishing voice.

    "I get a kick out of it." Lucy replied. "And I'm sure he did too. What do you bet that the next time I place an order it will get here real quick?" she continued with a smile.

    "I'm sure he got an erection out of it." Peter said. "You are very naughty." He added.

    "Speaking of naughty girls'" Alison said giggling. She looked knowingly at Lucy but said no more.

    "Let's eat." Said Lucy.

    They plated the food and tucked in. Lucy passed around a bottle of wine, and then a second one. They were buzzing by the time the food was finished.

    Languishing on the sofa, Alison put her hand on Peter's thigh and said in a sultry voice. "Peter, I have been very naughty this afternoon, and Lucy thinks I should be punished."

    Lucy replied. "Damn right you should. Stand up and turn around."

    Alison obeyed.

    Lucy said to Peter. "Peter, I need your help. This slut has been very bad this afternoon and I need you to punish her."

    Peter was not really shocked. He was curious. "Of course, Lucy. But you're the boss." He replied.

    "Upstairs!" Lucy commanded Alison and she started to ascend the stairs.

    Lucy followed and then Peter. He was admiring Lucy's bare ass and cunt as they went up and didn't pay attention to Alison.

    When they got to the master bedroom, Peter was surprised to see that a number of silk scarves had been laid out on the bed. More surprising were the dildos and assorted toys lying in the middle of the bed.

    "Wow, kinky." Peter thought.

    Lucy closed the door and locked it.

    "Right slut. Lose the gown." She ordered. Alison did as she was told. She stood naked, shivering in the room facing Peter en Lucy.

    Lucy grabbed two nipple clamps connected with a chain and walked to Alison.

    "Peter. Help me." she said.

    Peter did as he was told.

    "Now place the clamps on Alison's nipples. Peter did so.

    It was not a tight fit, still Alison began to writhe a little with the pressure.

    "Be still slut." Lucy ordered. Alison stood still.

    "Now face the door." Lucy barked.

    Alison turned toward the door and Lucy grabbed two of the scarves.

    She handed one to Peter and tied her own around Alison's wrist.

    Peter did the same.

    "Now tie her to the clothes hooks on the door." Lucy instructed.

    Alison stood very close to the door and both Peter and Lucy raised her arms until she was almost on her toes, tying the scarves to the clothes hooks.

    Lucy grabbed the chain between the nipple clamps and lifted it onto the middle hook.

    This drew the nipples upwards and stretched them so that there was more pressure on them.

    Alison started to moan. Her juices were already seeping down her thighs.

    "Silence slut!" Lucy ordered. Alison bit her lip.

    Peter was amazed. Alison obviously took pleasure in this.

    "Now Peter," Lucy said. "Alison has been very naughty this afternoon whilst you were sleeping, and I think she deserves a spanking."

    Peter thought back on their last encounter and remembered the spanking he had given Alison.

    Lucy handed Peter the whip.

    "I want you to punish her, Peter. Not just her ass but her cunt too. And don't forget her tits."

    "Let me show you." Lucy said. She took the whip out of Peter's hands and landed an enormous slap on Alison's ass.

    Alison bucked under the pain. Lucy slapped the whip between Alison's ass cheeks onto her swollen cunt lips. Alison winced again.

    All this time her juices were in free flow along her thighs.

    "Now Peter, your turn." Lucy said.

    Peter took the whip and smashed it onto Alison's right ass cheek. A red stripe appeared. Then he repeated the same on her left ass cheek. A second red stripe.

    Alison was breathing hard.

    Peter brought the whip under Alison's ass and slapped her cunt lips. Then he took a step forward and tightened the chain attached to the nipple clamps. Alison's nipples were being stretched beyond their normal aroused state.

    Peter slapped Alison's ass cheeks again and the flow of juice increased. Alison obviously was enjoying the pain.

    Lucy stepped forward with a fat dildo in her hand. She rubbed it between Alison's swollen and red lips before plunging it in one movement in Alison's leaking cunt.

    Alison gasped but didn't say a word.

    Lucy pulled the dildo out and placed it on Alison's ass hole.

    Peter held his breath.

    Lucy pushed the dildo into Alison's anus. Slowly at first, but with increasing pressure.

    When the dildo was three quarters of the way in, Lucy released her grip and Alison stood with the dildo sticking out of her ass.

    Lucy whipped her again. "Is this what you wanted slut?" she asked.

    "Yes." Said Alison.

    "Whose slut are you today?" Lucy asked.

    "Peter's." Alison replied.

    "Whoa." Thought Peter. "Where did that come from?"

    "Whose slut?" Lucy asked.

    "Peter's slut." Alison replied.

    Lucy turned to Peter.

    "Well Peter, you heard her. Alison is your slut. Do with her as you will. She likes it rough, so don't hold back. We have prepared her for you. She nodded at the dildo still sticking out of Alison's ass."

    "Thank you, Lucy." Peter replied.

    Lucy took a seat in the corner of the room and discarded her gown.

    Peter walked to Alison and leaned into her. "What is it you want?" he whispered in her ear.

    "Fuck me in the ass." Came the reply from Alison. "I am your slave, and I will do anything you want me to."

    Peter untied Alison's arms and released the chain from the clothes hook. He did not take the nipple clamps off, however.

    "Get on the bed, on your hands and knees." He commanded.

    "Yes sir." Alison replied. She moved to the bed and took a position on her hands and knees.

    "On second thoughts," Peter said. "Kneel in front of Lucy."

    "Yes sir." Alison said.

    She moved to the chair where Lucy was sitting and went onto her knees.

    "Give Lucy the chain." Peter ordered.

    Alison did so.

    "Ask her to pull on the chain."

    "Please pull on the chain." Alison asked Lucy. Lucy obliged and Alison's nipples were stretched again.

    "Now lick her cunt." Peter ordered.

    Lucy smiled. "You old devil." She thought.

    Alison did not hesitate and dived right into Lucy's cunt, licking for all she was worth.

    Lucy squirmed under the attention to her cunt and turned red in the face.

    As Alison was licking Lucy out, Peter approached her from behind.

    He slowly withdrew the dildo from Alison's ass, which left a gaping hole behind.

    Alison was so wet that Peter rubbed his cock between her sopping cunt lips and coated his cock with her juices.

    He then placed his cock at the gaping anus and pushed gently into Alison.

    Alison groaned in pleasure. Peter's cock filled her ass completely. The only thing she missed was a cock in her cunt, and one in her mouth.

    Alison continued to lick Lucy's cunt until Lucy began to wail. She was coming and nothing would stop her.

    Lucy's juices exploded and for the second time today she was squirting her come over Alison's face. Lucy pulled hard on the chain and the searing pain in Alison's nipples increased tenfold.

    But Alison loved the pain, and it made her even more horny.

    Lucy came down from her orgasm and stood up. She went to the bed and picked up a large rabbit vibrator.

    With Peter's cock in her ass, Alison had managed to sit a little bit straighter. She had seen Lucy grab the vibrator and wanted it in her sopping cunt.

    Lucy obliged. She pushed the vibrator gently into Alison's cunt and switched it on.

    Alison went wild. The vibrator not only stimulated her cunt, but an extra attachment was vibrating on her clit. With Peter's cock in her ass, she felt completely filled.

    Lucy sat in the chair again and presented her cunt once again.

    Peter slapped Alison's ass hard and said. "Pleasure her!"

    Alison bent forward and licked Lucy's cunt again.

    Peter bucked his cock in and out of Alison's ass. He was surprised about how tight it was, and it didn't take long until he felt his balls tighten.

    Slapping Alison's ass hard he asked. " Where do you want my cum slut?"

    "In my ass sir." Alison answered.

    Peter rammed his cock into Alison. He could not hold back any longer and came inside her ass.

    Alison sighed and was loving the feeling of Peter's hot cum inside her.

    "Okay." Said Peter. "Now Alison, let Lucy pleasure you."

    "Yes sir." Replied Alison.

    "You devious bastard." Thought Lucy. She smiled.

    Peter had turned the tables and now Lucy was to be the submissive,

    "Lay her on the bed." Peter ordered.

    "Yes sir." Said Alison.

    She picked up Lucy from the chair and laid her on the bed.

    "Lay down beside her." Peter ordered.

    Alison laid down beside Lucy.

    "Now pull her on top of you." Peter said.

    Alison pulled Lucy on top of her and kissed her on the lips.

    "Now assume the 69 position." Peter ordered.

    Alison swiveled and was lying with her feet at the top of the bed and her head under Lucy's cunt.

    "Very good." said Peter.

    "Now eat her cunt."

    Alison began to eat Lucy out. Lucy reciprocated.

    Peter watched as the two women licked and sucked each other.

    Lucy's ass was in the air and Peter moved into position behind her.

    Lucy was nervous and didn't know what to expect.

    Peter used his thumb to draw juice from Lucy's cunt and promptly placed his thumb on Lucy's rosebud. Lucy pushed back against Peter's thumb and with a pop his thumb entered her back channel.

    "Son of a bitch." Lucy thought. But she was enjoying the feeling.

    Peter massaged Lucy's asshole for a minute and when he thought it was enough, brought his cock to her ass.

    Lucy couldn't believe it. Peter had turned the tables on her. She was still enjoying it though.

    Peter pressed his erect cock against Lucy's ass. She pushed back against him.

    Her virgin ass was about to be penetrated, and Lucy held her breath.

    Peter pushed harder. Lucy's ass gave way, and he entered her.

    First just the head. Then Peter stopped to let Lucy get used to the sensation.

    Lucy pushed against Peter.

    "Let it happen now." She thought.

    Peter pushed further, bit by bit until he was completely into Lucy.

    They paused for a moment.

    Lucy started to rock backwards and forwards on Peter's cock.

    It made her feel so full.

    Peter felt Lucy's movement and started to move with her.

    Slowly they found a rhythm together and soon they were making love together.

    Alison watched it happen and decided to give Lucy some extra pleasure. As they were in the 69 position, Alison decided to pleasure Lucy's clit.

    By doing so she brought Lucy to the point of orgasm.

    Lucy started to come. But it would take a while before she really let loose.

    She had heard of an anal orgasm from friends but had no idea how intense it could be.

    Alison grabbed a bullet vibrator which was lying on the bed and brought it to Lucy's clit.

    The buzzing of the toy was mixed with the wet sounds and hard breathing of everyone. No words were spoken as Peter's cock slid in and out of Lucy's stretched ass. With her cunt now on fire from all the attention and her ass filled with a fat cock, Lucy felt completely full. Before long yet another orgasm came. Deep, intense, growing waves of pleasure racked her body. It was not raw and loud as her earlier climaxes, but rather wave after growing wave of ecstasy washing over her.

    Peter was already empty and couldn't come any more. He enjoyed the tightness of Lucy's ass, but his cock was getting sore. So, it was a relief when Lucy collapsed on the bed, her breathing erratic and tears running down her cheeks.

    "Oh, my sweet mother fucking god." She cried "I have never had such an intense climax before."

    "You, see?" asked Alison. "I didn't lie this afternoon when we discussed it."

    Peter realized that this was all part of the plan. He smiled and lay down between the two sluts. Alison tried to grab at his cock, but he swatted her hand away.

    "Don't think I can give anymore today." He said.

    Alison rolled toward him and kissed him on the lips.

    "Yes, poor Peter. We have used and abused your lovely cock all day. Probably deserves a rest now."

    "I for one have a sore ass and a sore cunt too." Lucy said. "Think I might clean up and slip into bed for the night. This was fun for me and a first."

    Peter laughed out loud. "It was hardly abuse Alison if I was a willing participant. Hope you enjoyed it too."

    Alison smiled. "Every once in a while, it's nice to have a debaucherous day. Gives my brain food for fantasy and makes the vanilla sex of my relationship bearable."

    "Peter, the spare bed is made up. Why don't you stay the night?" asked Lucy.

    "I think I will do just that." Said Peter. "But I have to work tomorrow, so don't be surprised if I am gone early in the morning."

    Lucy grabbed Peter by his cheeks and kissed him passionately.

    "Sleep well my lover. Sweet dreams. I hope we can get together soon."

    "You too sweetie. Call me when you have the itch again and I will come and scratch it."

    With that Peter stood up and left the master bedroom. He cleaned himself up in the bathroom and gathered his clothes from the floor.

    Peter lay on the bed in the guestroom. He had left the door ajar in case he needed to visit the bathroom in the night. It was early, but Peter was wiped out. He lay back and fell into a deep sleep. Unbeknown to him the blankets slipped off the bed and he lay naked and exposed on his back, dreaming of the wild day he had just had.

    Katie gives Peter a surprise.

    Katie was bored. They had just won their Hockey match and were celebrating in the Clubhouse.

    As usual the men's team was there too. Loud and raucous as ever, the team had a high "Hooray-Henry" content. Boarding schoolboys now graduated to the best Universities in Oxford and Cambridge, whose families were old-wealth. Most of the teams, both men and women, were from very affluent backgrounds and had a couldn't care less attitude to life.

    Although Katie's family was not extremely wealthy, they had a very comfortable life, a fine house, and they were never short of anything. In comparison to Katie however, most of her teammates drove Mercedes or Range Rovers, whilst she drove a Mini-Cooper. It was not that Katie was unhappy with this, it was just that sometimes the attitude of her team and club mates rubbed her up the wrong way. She never had any interest in dating the men's team as they were so full of themselves and so selfish.

    As she sipped her fifth glass of cava, Katie was feeling the effects of the match and the alcohol, so she reminded herself that she still had to get home. At least she wasn't too far gone yet, so she went to look for her best friend Susanna, or Suze, as everyone called her. Suze was a self-confessed slut. As she had said to Katie on many occasions when she was drunk, she just loved having a cock inside her.

    In the club, Suze had been given the nickname Martini by the men's team. This was a reference to the old Martini advert with the text "Anytime, anyplace, anywhere." "A bit crude," thought Katie, but at the same time true. Suze had quite the reputation in the club and some of the senior members' wives were very wary of her. With good reason too, as Suze had seduced a couple of the older non-playing members of the club. As Suze confided to Katie afterwards, "Older men want to make love, the younger ones just want to come." But the wives didn't really need to worry. Suze was not into long term relationships.

    However, Suze did have a terrible crush on the captain of the men's team, Rupert. "His parents must have had a sense of humor to name him after a cartoon bear." Katie always thought.

    Rupert was an overbearing, selfish, narcissistic, snob. Katie thought him unbearable and knew that given the chance he would use and abuse Suze before discarding her like trash.

    But there's no accounting for taste and Suze was smitten.

    At some point Katie heard the men's team, and their admirers raise their glass in a toast.

    Rupert called out. "Here's to love, and here's to honor. If you can't come in her then come on her." To great hilarity of the gathered crowd. Katie saw Suze approach Rupert and whisper in his ear.

    Rupert called a few of his team mates and suddenly they grabbed Suze and carried her out of the bar, ignoring her fake screams of protest.

    So, Katie began her search. As she wandered through the clubhouse, she first went to the ladies changing rooms, and then to the ladies showers. Nothing there. Then Katie went towards the men's changing rooms. The door stood ajar. Katie approached quietly. Inside she could hear someone grunting.

    Standing by the door, Katie pushed it a little to open the gap and what she saw shocked her.

    Suze was straddled over someone lying on a bench, obviously being fucked by him. Behind Suze another player stood with his erect cock in his hand stroking it slowly. In front of Suze another player had his cock out and was presenting it to Size to be sucked. "Come on boys." Suze cried out. "Don't be shy. I need to be airtight."

    With that the player behind Suze placed his cock at her asshole and pushed inside her.

    "Oh yes." Cried Suze. "That feels so good." Suze looked at the third player. "Come here big boy." She called.

    Suze took his cock in her mouth and let him fuck her throat.

    "Jesus Christ." Katie thought. "Are there no limits to her sluttiness?" She asked herself.

    Although Katie was disgusted, she noticed that her nipples were hard, and she felt a little moisture build in her panties. "Weird." She thought. "It's disgusting and erotic at the same time."

    Katie's athletic body was very boyish. Her tits were barely a size B, but her nipples would grow at least two centimeters when aroused. They were incredibly sensitive. Apart from that Katie had a perfect ass and her legs were as to be expected honed to perfection.

    Katie's logic kicked in. Or at least what was left of it. The alcohol continued to do its work, and she was now quite tipsy. However, she realized that a lift with Suze was out of the question and decided to call Joe, her friendly Uber driver.

    Katie had ridden with Joe on many occasions, and she trusted him to get her home safely. Joe, whose real name was Giuseppi, was Italian, and he watched over Katie when she needed him. There was something vulnerable about Katie that made him feel she needed protection.

    Ten minutes later, Joe arrived and entered the clubhouse. Katie met him at the reception and gave him a big hug. "Oh boy." Thought Joe. "Katie is quite drunk. I should make sure she gets home quickly before she blacks out."

    In the taxi Katie complained to Joe about her lack of boyfriends and her need for a sexual release.

    Joe, as discreet as ever, just nodded and said "Yes I understand," several times before they reached Katie's house fifteen minutes later.

    "Thanks Joe. I'll never forget you." Said Katie as she paid him. She wobbled a little and Joe decided to walk her to the door. Katie linked her arm in Joe's and when he put the key in the door for her, she turned and gave him a big kiss right on the lips. Joe blushed and pushed the door open.

    "Good night, Katie, Go to bed and sleep." He said sternly. Katie blew Joe a kiss and disappeared inside.

    Once inside, Katie shed her shoes in the hallway and climbed the stairs in her bare feet. She walked across the landing to her room noticing that her parents' bedroom door was shut. It was silent in the house.

    Katie undressed in her bedroom and laid on the bed naked. She was too drunk to put on a nightie.

    "Shit." She thought suddenly. "Got to pee."

    Katie slid out of bed and walked carefully across the landing. Although their home was very comfortable only one bedroom had an en-suite and Katie used the main bathroom. As her parents never used it, Katie had the bathroom mostly to herself, except of course when there were visitors. Katie knew that Alison was staying the night and was careful not to make too much noise.

    As the bathroom was on the other side of the landing, she had to pass the guest room to get to it. In doing so, Katie saw that the door to the room was slightly open. Peeking inside, Katie was shocked to see, not Alison, but a man sleeping in the bed. Not just a man either, a naked man. The blanket had fallen into a pool on the floor.

    Katie had suspected for some time that there was more to the relationship between her mother and Alison than she let on. Somehow, she knew there was a sexual spark between the two of them.

    What she didn't understand was how this played out with her dad. Mark was often away from home for "business trips". Katie, however, knew that these trips were not just for business. She had hacked her dad's password once so that she could print a document for her IT class and came across a folder with pictures of the trips he had made. Her dad was obviously bi, and on many of his trips he had hooked up with other men. Especially when he was in south east Asia, where Mark, it seemed, had a thing for lady-boys.

    So, Katie assumed that both her parents were having fun outside the marriage, but that both were OK with it.

    As she sat on the loo, Katie contemplated the man in the guest room. He was naked and Katie was still horny and more than a little drunk. In her "very logical" brain she formed a plan.

    Walking across the landing, Katie checked that her parents' bedroom door was closed. There was no sound.

    Katie pushed the guest room door open slightly and slipped inside. She approached the bed and saw the man lying there naked. Katie knelt beside the bed. This man had a lovely fat cock and seeing it made Katie even hornier.

    She reached out and gently touched that cock.

    There was no reaction from the sleeping man.

    Katie took the cock in her hand. Still no reaction.

    "He really is fast asleep'" Katie thought.

    Katie leaned in and licked the head of the man's cock.

    Still no reaction, except for a slight twitch from his cock.

    Katie took the head of the cock in her mouth and sucked a little whilst swirling her tongue around it.

    That got a reaction. The man's cock began to grow.

    "Wow. That is one thick cock." Katie thought.

    Katie climbed carefully onto bed beside the man. He was lying on his back and his cock was rising to an erect position.

    Katie straddled him without lying on top of him thinking, "All that physical training pays off." she thought.

    Gently Katie began to slide up and down the cock with her cunt lips. She was dripping wet and the lubrication from her juices made it easy. A few strokes later and the man mumbled something.

    "Jeez Lucy, didn't you get enough this afternoon?" he asked. Katie gasped.

    "This man has been fucking my mum." She thought excitedly.

    Just then the man seemed to be waking up.

    "Wait." He said. "You're not Lucy."

    "Oh my god, Katie no. Don't. Your mum will kill me." He whispered.

    But Peter was too late. Right at that moment Katie pushed his cock into the dripping folds of her cunt causing her to gasp."

    "It's so fat." She said, she desperately pushed herself down on Peter's cock until he was fully inside her.

    "Katie. I can't do this." Peter said. "You are off bounds."

    But Katie was determined. "Shush! You are doing it." She replied. "If you don't tell, I won't either. I really am horny, and I need a fuck, not a relationship."

    Peter smiled. "Like mother, like daughter." He whispered.

    "Mmm." Said Katie. "Shut up and fuck me big boy." She still had the images of Suze racing through her head.

    "I wanna ride this cock until I come." Her drunken bravado spoke now.

    "Ok." Said Peter, "But we have to be quiet. We don't want to wake your mum and Alison."

    "Aha." Thought Katie. "I knew there was something between them." She stored that away for future reference.

    Peter rolled Katie onto her back. He hooked his muscular arms behind her knees and lifted them upwards towards her chest. Her cunt was now fully exposed. Peter entered Katie and pushed until he was fully inside.

    Katie hissed her pleasure. "Yes."

    Peter withdrew and slammed back into Katie. He began to pump her like a pile driver slamming himself fully into her and withdrawing almost completely. It didn't take long until Katie was announcing her oncoming orgasm and Peter placed his hand across her mouth to dampen the sound.

    Katie's orgasm came like a huge wave and sent shockwaves through her whole body. Peter too was close and as he reached the point of no return he withdrew completely from Katie's cunt and shot his load onto her stomach.

    They both lay there bathed in sweat and gasping for breath.

    Katie threw her arm over Peter's chest and promptly fell asleep. Peter too, exhausted from all the sex feel soundly into sleep.

    At 6am, Peter woke with a shock. He was accustomed to rising early and today was no exception.

    His first thought was "Oh shit, where is Katie?"

    As he looked around there was no sign of her.

    "Phew." He thought.

    Peter felt as if he had been dreaming. It was so surreal. But the sticky patch on the bed reminded him that it had been very real.

    Peter laid back and thought about it. Katie was less than half his age.

    "I should not be going there. But it was delicious too. But no. We can't do this. Or can we? What a dilemma."

    Later, when Peter had showered and used a wet towel to remove the cum stain on the bed, he got dressed. To his surprise, he found a gift in his trouser pocket.

    Lace panties with a note pinned to them.

    It read.

    "Thank you, Big Boy. That was delicious. I don't know your name, but I do know you've been fucking my mum. I hope that if you are here again that I may have the pleasure. As I said last night, I am looking for a good fuck, not a relationship. Kisses Katie."

    Peter put the panties and the note in his pocket and went downstairs.

    Leaving a note for Lucy and Alison saying. "My dear sweet ladies. I am going home with a sore cock and horny memories. Thank you. Hope we can do this again sometime."

    Peter left the house via the back door and exited through the side gate of the garden. Today he had to concentrate on work, but he knew that his fantasies wouldn't leave him at peace for long.

    To be continued in part 4, Based on a post by Ostrich Mack for Literotica.

  • Three-way with Lucy and Alison, takes a slap and tickle turn.

    Based on a post by Ostrich Mack. Listen to the  Podcast at Steamy Stories.

    A New Player.

    I was bored.

    My wife was at daycare which she attended every weekday since she became paralyzed in a car accident. We still loved each other and would never do anything to hurt each other emotionally.

    Sex was physically impossible, and we had discussed my partnering with other women now and then to satisfy my urges. I had her blessing, as long as I didn't fall in love.

    To that end I had experienced amazing days with Lucy. She was also living in our village. Married, she was not looking for a relationship, but searching for an outlet for her urges which her husband could not fill.

    The last time we met, my good friend Andrea, recently divorced, was also involved and we ended in a hot threesome. Since then, Andrea had been a regular visitor to Lucy's.

    So, I was bored at home, on my day off from work, and decided to go for a walk.

    Pulling on my walking boots and a rainproof jacket, I headed out into the countryside. It was a pleasant morning and I brightened up considerably as I made my way along the walking paths through the lush countryside.

    After 5K, I was coming to the end of my route when I bump into Lucy and a friend, who were also out for a walk.

    "Hey Lucy," I said, "Fancy meeting you here."

    "Hi Peter," she replied, and stood on her toes to kiss my cheek. "This is Alison, an old friend from my college days."

    "Hi Alison, nice to meet you," I said.

    "Nice to meet you too Peter," said Alison. "Lucy told me lots about you."

    "Oh-oh," I said laughing. "Hopefully all good." I added.

    "Oh yeah," Alison replied.

    I was a little embarrassed, but I didn't let it show. I had never thought that Lucy would have shared our sexual exploits with her friends.

    Looking at the sky, I said "It looks like it's going to rain."

    As soon as I had spoken, the first drops began to fall. Quickly the drops became a downpour, and we were getting soaked as we stood there.

    "Quick," said Lucy, "My house is closest, Let's make a run for it."

    We took off at a sprint and within a couple of minutes, we were at Lucy's front door.

    Lucy opened the door and we piled into the hallway.

    Laughing and gasping for breath, we stood there dripping wet from the downpour.

    Our clothes were soaked through, and we were cold.

    "I have towels upstairs." Said Lucy. "Wait here and I will fetch them."

    She was gone for a minute and came downstairs with a huge stack of towels.

    "Here take a couple each." She said.

    We accepted the towels gratefully and started trying to dry ourselves off, but we were so soaked through that it had little effect.

    "Okay," said Lucy. "There is only one thing we can do. Strip off, and we can put the wet clothes in the dryer."

    Alison blushed.

    "Come on!" said Lucy. "It’s not as if I haven't seen you naked before."

    Alison blushed even more, her face turning bright red.

    A gentleman as always, I said, "I'll just go into the kitchen, so you won't have to worry about me peeking."

    I went into the kitchen, stripped off my wet clothes and wrapped a towel around my waist.

    Returning to the hallway, I saw that Alison and Lucy had also divested themselves of their clothes and were wrapped in towels.

    Lucy invited us into the sitting room and said, "I'll make us some tea."

    We took a seat. Lucy's house was luxuriously furnished. No expense spared and really well presented. Lucy and her husband weren't short of money.

    Alison took a seat, struggling to cover herself fully with the towel. She was pretty.

    Her long blond hair hung over her shoulders and framed a very pretty face. Her freckled face was typical of that 'Girl next door' beauty. Her body was more rounded than Lucy's petite frame. Her tits were bigger and more rounded. Her hips were wider, and her ass was a size larger that Lucy.

    I was a lover of thinner women with small tits. But I was also not averse to fuller models.

    "So, Alison," I said. "What has Lucy been telling you about me?"

    "Oh, just about everything." She replied.

    "Shit," I said. "You must think me some kind of pervert." I said.

    "Au Contraire," Alison replied. "Her stories made me curious. After all, Lucy told you about me."

    Puzzled, I asked. "Did she? I can't remember that she mentioned your name."

    "Maybe not by name, but she told you that she had experimented in college. That was me. I was her lover for a short time at college. We enjoyed ourselves before going on to get respectfully married."

    "Ah ok, I get it." I said remembering that during our last afternoon with Andrea, Lucy had told us she had experimented with another woman in her college days.

    Just then Lucy returned with a tray with tea and cookies.

    "You've been very naughty." I said to her.

    "How so?" replied Lucy.

    "Telling our secrets to Alison." I answered.

    "Alison is my BFF; I share everything. with her." Said Lucy.

    Jokingly I swatted Lucy's ass with my palm.

    "Ouch!" she cried and swatted me back.

    "Now now," said Alison. "Play nice you, guys."

    "I don't think so." I said and grabbed Lucy, pulling her over my knees.

    "Ooh a spanking," said Alison, quoting the Monty Python film.

    Lucy's ass was exposed as the towel was not big enough to cover it now that she was bent over. I caressed her cheek with my hand.

    "May I also have a spanking kind sir?" Alison asked.

    I hesitated. This was dangerous ground for me and something I had never done or even contemplated before.

    Lucy looked at me and winked.

    "If you would be so kind. I know Alison would enjoy it." she said.

    Lucy stood up and took Alison by her hands. She led her to the dining table and got her to bend over with her chest on the table and her ass exposed where the towel which had ridden up.

    Lucy walked around the table and took Alison's hands in hers and extended Alison’s arms across the table.

    She smiled at me and said. "Now you can spank her properly."

    I stood up, very unsure of myself and asked, "Alison, is that what you would like?"

    Alison replied. "Peter, my cunt is already dripping in anticipation of a good spanking. Please do it."

    I walked over to her and felt her ass cheek with my hand, rubbing it softly. She moaned.

    I raised my hand and with a sharp, short, swing, I slapped her right cheek.

    "Come on, that was weak." Alison said. "You can do better."

    I took aim and slapped her again with a lot more power.

    "Yes, that's better" Alison said. "Again."

    I obliged and the next slap was on her left cheek.

    Alison's was dripping from her cunt; she clearly was turned on by this.

    Five slaps later I had decided that it was enough.

    Lucy ordered me to take her place and to hold onto Alison's hands.

    I did so and looked into Alison's eyes as Lucy took her place behind Alison's round ass.

    Lucy began to gently tickle Alison's ass cheeks with her fingers, interspersed with light slaps.

    Then she went on her knees behind Alison and started to work on Alison with her tongue.

    Gentle kisses on Alison’s ass cheeks, followed by licks to her exposed cunt made Alison moan with pleasure. Lucy started to lick from Alison's cunt to her ass hole.

    Alison was shaking. Her voice was shaking as she said, "Just like old times Lucy, You still have the talent."

    Lucy pushed her tongue in Alison’s cunt, eliciting a cry of ecstasy.

    Lucy was unstoppable. She had tasted Alison's juices and wanted to make her cum.

    I held Alison’s hands firmly, preventing her from changing position. She was at our mercy.

    My cock was getting harder and harder as I observed Lucy pleasuring Alison's cunt.

    Alison was crying out, "That's it, eat my cunt."

    My towel fell to the floor exposing my erection. Alison raised an eyebrow and said. "Wait, pull me further over the table."

    I pulled her so that her head was hanging just over the edge of the table.

    She opened her mouth and said, "Here with that cock."

    I didn't argue and brought my cock to her lips.

    Alison sucked the head of my cock between her lips and started to lick it with her tongue. The feeling was amazing. My body shocked from her licking.

    Lucy was working Alison's cunt with her fingers.

    "Hmmm" she moaned on my hard cock.

    I pushed further in her mouth her tongue licking lower on my cock and just above my balls.

    One of Alison's hands came free, and she used this to caress my balls.

    "Come for me baby." Cried Lucy redoubling her efforts.

    Alison was close and we pushed her harder on both sides. It was too much, and she started to wail. Sucking harder and harder on my cock, I felt her start to tremble. Gently at first but increasingly more violent. Alison released my cock, and her hands flew to her cunt, where she furiously rubbed her clit. Then she came. A crashing devastating orgasm, taking her to a place seldom visited. Her body convulsed and her cunt started to squirt cum all over the table.

    Lucy bent forward and licked her leaking cunt, lapping up her cum.

    Alison went into a fetal position, her body pulsating.

    We got her off the table and laid her on the couch where she lay whimpering.

    Lucy looked me in the eyes expectantly. I knew she was not done yet.

    "Come with me." She said, "I need you."

    "Okay." I said.

    Lucy took my hand and we ascended the stairs to the guest room.

    She took off her towel and stood in her naked beauty before me.

    "Make love to me." She said. "I need it badly"

    I knelt in front of her, worshiping her body. She walked away and laid on the bed.

    I joined her there and laid down beside her. Her soft hands caressed my body, exploring every part of me. I did the same, caressing her tits, teasing her nipples. I massaged her tits, pinched her nipples until they were rock hard and then I bent toward her.

    "I want your tits." I said.

    "Take them." She replied.

    And I did. Gently licking and biting on her nipples I generated an energy which radiated though her whole body. She squirmed under me.

    "I want your cunt." I said.

    "Take it." She said.

    And I did. I moved my fingers through her lips, gently inserting my finger between her silken folds. I moved my mouth down her, kissing her belly button and going further downwards to her perfect mound.

    Lucy anxiously pushed me downwards. I reached her outer lips with my mouth and dived right in.

    "Holy mother." She cried out.

    I licked her gently, exploring her delicious cunt with my tongue.

    Lucy was thrashing about, struggling to keep herself from coming too soon.

    I found her clit and took it between my lips, squeezing gently. Lucy reacted wildly. Her legs started flailing about.

    "Holy smoke." She cried out.

    The she couldn't take it anymore and she pushed me away from her.

    "Peter, I need a cock in me" she said, "Please," she begged.

    My hard on was raging, and she lay back spreading her legs to give me access to her throbbing cunt.

    I place my cock at her dripping entrance and pushed myself gently in her.

    "Oh yes!" she cried,

    We sat quietly with my cock in her. I started to gently move in and out, teasing her a little.

    Lucy was desperate to come. She rolled me onto my back and went to squat over my engorged cock.

    "That's better," Lucy said with a smile.

    With her hands on my chest, Lucy proceeded to lower herself slowly onto my cock until I was fully inside her.

    Slowly she raised herself, only to lower her cunt over my cock. Again she rose and again she fell. Lucy picked up a rhythm and I soon followed, thrusting my hips upward to meet her every downward movement.

    "Uh, uh, uh." She grunted, her voice becoming animalistic.

    Up and down she went, faster and faster until I could feel her cunt tighten around my cock. She was close and so was I.

    I slowed her down. She glared at me.

    "Don't you dare." She seemed to say.

    But still, she came down a little from her high.

    Then up again almost to the point of no return.

    And then down again. Lucy was panting, desperate.

    I kept her from going over the edge, slowing her down each time she got near.

    Alison walked into the room. Apparently, she had recovered from her earth shattering orgasm and was up for some more play.

    "Can I help?" she asked.

    Lucy couldn't answer.

    "Sure." I replied.

    Alison approached the bed.

    She sat behind Lucy and brought her hands from behind onto Lucy's tits cupping them and pinching Lucy's nipples.

    Lucy groaned. She was no longer able to express herself in words.

    I started to push my cock upward into Lucy's sopping cunt and she responded by rising until my cock head was between her engorged lips, only to sink down until my cock was deep inside her.

    Lucy's was leaking over my balls and it was obvious that she was close.

    Lucy rose and fell, each time impaling herself on my hard cock. Alison fondled and teased her nipples until Lucy went over the edge.

    Lucy impaled herself for the last time on my cock and sat very still for a second.

    Then it came. Slowly, almost imperceptibly her orgasm started to build. She was shaking and crying at the same time.

    "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes. What have you done to me?" she cried.

    She turned and kissed Alison who was still teasing her nipples. Alison kissed her passionately back.

    Lucy's cunt was leaking copious amount of juice over me and she was shaking and crying at the same time.

    Finally with a shudder she fell forward onto me and her breathing slowly slowed down.

    We lay there, caressing each other. Three lovers at peace.

    Alison looked at me. "You didn't come?" she asked.

    "No." I said. "But that is not important. I am so happy that you both did."

    Alison had other ideas.

    "Come here to me." She said. "I want to make you come."

    I moved over to her.

    She laid back on the bed and spread her legs to give me access to her cunt.

    "I need a cock too." She said.

    I entered her and gently moved until my cock was buried in her cunt.

    She was not as tight as Lucy, but she was soft and warm.

    "Hard." She said, "I like it rough."

    Moving faster and harder I slammed my cock in her cunt. I grabbed her hips to give me more power.

    It didn't take long before she was panting, "Fuck me hard. I'm your bitch. Slam that cock into me."

    I was not far away and increased the pace and the power, stroking in and out of her cunt.

    Alison was already wet from her first orgasm, and it was easy to slide in and out of her.

    Lucy watched, her hand between her legs. Her eyes were half glazed from her orgasm.

    I felt my orgasm rising and saw Allison's eyes begin to glaze over. She was sighing softly with each stroke, getting closer and closer to her peak.

    Then she began to sing it out. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh my sweet mother, oh fuck! Yes, Yes, Yes," she cried. "I'm cumming."

    This sent me over the edge, and I started to come, spurting my seed into her waiting cunt. Rope after rope of hot semen filled her up.

    "Yes, fill me up with your cum. Fill my slut cunt with your seed," Alison cried out, before she collapsed.

    We both spasmed on the bed, our orgasms taking complete control over our bodies.

    And then. Peace, quiet, tenderness. We held each other and gently hugged until we came back down to earth.

    We laid there for a while, saying nothing.

    Lucy spoke first. "That was so great. Thank you both so much. Alison, I hope you had a good time."

    "Oh boy, That was probably the craziest afternoon I have ever had." Alison replied.

    "Sky rockets in flight, Afternoon delight." I said and the two women started to laugh.

    "Thank you so much "I said, "I really enjoyed that unexpected treat."

    Somewhere in the house, the dryer announced that our clothes were dry.

    We dressed reluctantly and said our goodbyes before parting ways.

    We promised to rendezvous again when Alison was visiting. But who knows when that might happen.

    Peter’s details his Last Orders of the day.

    It was a slow day at work. I had the late shift in our hotel and had finished all my outstanding tasks. All that remained was a last round to ensure everything was locked up for the night, before I headed to my own bed.

    Off I went, checking the external doors to make sure they were secure, circling through the hotel and returning to the bar and lounge.

    All of the guests had retired, or so I thought, until I spotted a couple by the open hearth.

    As I approached them, I was quite taken with the red head lounging across her partner's lap. She had long tumbling ginger curls, which framed her pretty face. Her bee stung lips were adorned with a reddish-orange lipstick and her eyes with a greenish eye-shadow that accentuated her hazel eyes.

    I estimated her to be in her late twenties. She was dressed beautifully in a flowing summer dress which reached to just below her knees, The dress was, I thought, silk as it had that sheen and was decorated with a summer flower design.

    On her feet she wore a pair of green sandals. Her toenails were immaculately varnished with a similar color to her lipstick. Being a ginger myself, I always had a thing for redheads.

    Her partner was dressed in a smart polo with chinos and also wore sandals. He was a handsome guy, and I estimated him to be slightly older than his girlfriend. He wore an expensive watch on his arm which suggested he was not short of money.

    "Good evening," I said. "Can I get you a drink before we close the bar?"

    "Oh yes please," the woman answered. "May I please have a wine spritzer? and you Julian? What would you like?"

    She flashed a smile at me which lit up the room.

    "I'll have a rum and coke please," said Julian.

    Off I went to fix their drinks. "It might be a late night after all," I thought.

    On returning I placed the drinks on the low table in front of them.

    "Enjoying your stay?" I asked.

    "Very much so." Julian replied. "Tess, be a dear and hand me my glass." he asked.

    Tess leaned forward, slipping slightly out of his lap, and turning toward the table to reach out and grab his glass. She was now sitting facing forward on his lap, and as she leaned, her summer dress fell forward affording a full view of her tits. Tess wasn't wearing a bra and her tits hung free in all their glory under her loose dress.

    I couldn't help but take a peek, and Tess caught my eye just at the same moment. She smiled and said nothing. I guess she wasn't bothered that a perfect stranger was admiring her body.

    "Yes, we love it here, "said Tess. "The countryside is beautiful for walks, and it is so quiet, we can get up to all sorts of mischief without worrying about being caught."

    I was curious. "What sort of mischief do you mean?" I asked.

    "Will you join us for a drink?" Tess asked.

    "Don't mind if I do," I replied.

    I tapped a beer at the bar and rejoined them, sitting opposite them in an armchair.

    "I'm Peter, by the way," I said by way of introduction.

    "Nice to meet you Peter," they both replied. "Cheers," they said, raising their glasses.

    I toasted them back and asked, "So what kind of mischief?"

    Tess blushed slightly. "Well, we kind of like doing 'it' outdoors and in public places."

    "Doing it?" I blurted out, and immediately wanted to slap myself for being so obtuse. "Oh; ! doing it." I said slowly as if it had just dawned on me what 'it' was.

    "Yes." said Tess. "Why just yesterday we found a secluded spot in the forest and Julian just hitched up my dress, bent me over a tree stump, and gave me a good seeing to."

    Julian smiled but didn't say anything.

    Not sure if this was a prank, I asked Tess. "Weren't you worried about getting caught?"

    "No, not at all. That's part of the thrill. Knowing that someone might just happen by and see you in flagrante delicto." she answered. "And yesterday that happened too. Just as we were finishing, we noticed another couple watching from a short distance. It must have been hot too, because the other woman had her hand down her partner's shorts, and he was rubbing her tits."

    I laughed out loud. "Oh my god. That must have been a sight for sore eyes. Were you naked?" I asked.

    "No but the front of my dress was open, and my tits were hanging out," Tess replied.

    "Weren't you embarrassed?" I asked.

    "A little" Tess answered. "But also really turned on too. I came so hard, didn't I Julian?" she asked.

    Julian simply nodded.

    "So let me get this straight," I said. "You like to fuck in the woods, and if people are watching, then, all the better."

    "Yes, you got it." said Julian. "We like to be watched whilst we do the dirty."

    All of this was making Tess squirm a little. She turned her head and kissed Julian.

    Their drinks were empty, and I offered to refill them, which they graciously accepted. I made sure to mix doubles for them and tapped a beer for myself.

    This was one conversation I didn't want to miss, never having heard anything like this in our sleepy hotel.

    I sat back down and noticed that Tess had changed her position slightly. They had been whispering.

    "Cheers," I said.

    They raised their glasses.

    Somehow it seemed that these were not their first drinks of the evening and Tess especially seemed a little tipsy. Her inhibitions seemed to be lowered by the alcohol.

    "But how did you get together?" I asked. "And "How did you get into all this?"

    "At work." They both answered.

    "Ok, but how?" I asked.

    "Well," said Tess. "My firm was doing an audit for Julian's company. I'm a chartered accountant."

    "So," I thought. "Smart and beautiful. This woman has it all."

    "The audit involved me working closely with Julian for several days, going over the accounts from the previous years. Julian is in retail. We were working at a desk in his office and were sitting very close to each other to try and make sense of the books." Tess continued.

    "As you can see, Julian is rather handsome, so I was immediately attracted to him. I wasn't sure if Julian felt the same about me. That is until day three, when he asked me if I would like to look at the expansion to their store which was being renovated next door.

    During our lunch break we decided to have a look around. Julian was showing how the displays would be set up and how their vision for a modern store was being realized. Halfway round, Julian just grabbed me from behind and began to kiss my neck. I was already hot under the collar from being next to this handsome guy all day, so I reciprocated and soon we were making out as if there was no tomorrow.

    I was so aroused, and I guess Julian was too. Before I knew it we were behind the store displays and he pinned me face first against the wall. He lifted my dress and shoved my panties aside and fucked me hard and fast. Julian has a lovely cock and I enjoyed it so much that it didn't take long for me to come.

    Because there were contractors working, I couldn't cry out which made it even more exciting. In fact, there was a mirror next to me and I could see them sitting at the far end of the store, eating lunch, blissfully unaware of our horny goings-on." Tess blushed from the memory.

    She continued. "Ever since, we have been inseparable. Our sex life is amazing, and we have developed a taste for fucking outdoors or in public places. I guess the danger of getting caught by strangers just adds to the thrill."

    "Yes, and as you can see, Tess is also a beautiful woman." Said Julian. "I am so lucky to have found her."

    "Wow." I said, "But what was the most exciting time that you did it?"

    They looked at each other and smiled and spoke simultaneously "The lingerie store."

    "Tell me." I begged.

    "Well," said Tess. "We went shopping for new lingerie. You know, something to spice things up a bit."

    "I can't imagine you would need to spice it up more." I laughed. "But go on.'"

    "So, we entered this exclusive boutique and for some reason we both went different directions. I made a line for the hold-up stockings and was browsing when the sales assistant asked if she could help. She was pretty. Quite small with dark hair in a bob and a white almost see through blouse and black mini-skirt. She had small boobs and a pert rounded bubble ass.

    I told her what the idea was, and she was immediately enthusiastic, choosing some sets of bras, panties and stay-ups for me. She then escorted me to the changing rooms so that I could try them on.

    In the meantime, Julian was looking for me, having lost sight of me as I went to the changing rooms. He approached the sales assistant who was standing at the desk.

    She obviously didn't hear him approach her as she was engrossed in her telephone. Julian caught a glimpse of the screen and realized that she was watching me change into the lingerie. She was rubbing herself with one hand under her miniskirt.

    Julian leaned over the desk and whispered to her "She is beautiful, don't you think?" upon which the sales assistant jumped and began to cry out.

    "Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We have the cameras for security reasons, but I couldn't help myself. Please forgive me, I didn't mean anything by it."

    "Don't worry." Julian replied. "I'm not going to rat you out. But maybe you could help her with her choice as I can see that she has doubts."

    The sales assistant blushed and nodded silently before scurrying away to the changing room.

    I was looking in the mirror when the assistant knocked and opened the door. She asked if she could help.

    I told her I couldn't decide which set I wanted. (obviously I didn't know yet that she had been spying on me)

    She asked me to take off the set I had on and to try on the other one. I was never embarrassed to be naked in public, so I did just that. I should have known when she gasped at my naked body that there was something more going on.

    Trying on the second set, she helped me adjust the bra straps so that they displayed my tits perfectly. She lingered a little bit too long and brushed over my nipples when she did so, making them stand to attention.

    Next Julian knocked on the door and came in. The assistant was embarrassed and exited the booth to leave us to discuss which set we wanted.

    Julian, of course, had other ideas. His hands were all over me, teasing me. Pinching my nipples hard, so that my cunt began to leak into the new panties.

    "Well, I guess we'll take this set then," I said.

    "Yes." Said Julian. "Take it off so we can get it bagged. But leave the stay-ups on."

    He sat on the stool in the booth and watched me take off the panties.

    "And the bra." He said.

    I unhooked the bra and stood naked except for the stay-up stockings before him.

    Julian ordered me to come to him, and I did. He pulled me into his lap, and I straddled him cowgirl style.

    Julian slid off his shorts, took out his lovely cock, and I slid down letting him enter my juicy cunt.

    Slowly, quietly we fucked, with me riding him like I was on horseback.

    Suddenly we heard a gasp from the cubicle next to us.

    Julian put his hand over my mouth and whispered in my ear. "That will be the sales assistant, who was spying on you just now."

    Then he called her. "Excuse me, can you come and help us."

    At this stage I was already having an orgasm at the thought of being spied upon in this position.

    Quietly the door to the cubicle opened and a very red faced sales assistant walked in.

    Julian invited her to take a seat on the other stool.

    Without a word she sat down staring at us.

    Julian and I began to fuck again, building up the tempo until I was riding him like he was a bucking bronco.

    The sales assistant opened her legs, revealing that she had shed her underwear and began to finger herself furiously. Then she opened her blouse and pulled her designer bra below her tits. She was pinching her nipples with one hand and frigging herself with the other.

    Julian had me dismount and turn to face her. He had me mount him that way. I slid down until he had filled my cunt completely and I began to ride his cock.

    The sales assistant came to kneel in front of me, still frigging herself and reached out to grab my nipples, pinching them. I grabbed her nipples too and caressed her tits which made her moan with pleasure.

    All this sent me over the edge, and I came for the second time leaking onto Julian’s thighs.

    My orgasm sent the assistant over the edge too and she came long and hard, screaming it out.

    Julian kept pumping me harder and harder until he too reached his peak and exploded inside me.

    After a moment Julian said to the sales assistant. "We'll take this set. But you only need to bag the panties and the two bras. My girlfriend will keep the stay-ups on."

    The sales assistant mouthed something, but no sound came from her mouth. She grabbed the clothes and went out to ring everything up.

    I pulled on my dress and shoes and walked arm in arm with Julian to the register, where we paid.

    As we were leaving Julian said to the sales assistant. "Your secret is our secret, and our secret is yours, right?". She understood and nodded to him.

    As we went to exit the store, we noticed that the doors were locked, and the closed sign already hung facing outward. That sneaky sales assistant had closed early in anticipation of some action. Well, she certainly wasn't disappointed.

    She unlocked the door and without a further word we left. Me commando with the breeze cooling off my cunt as I walked with my lover." Tess concluded her story.

    "Wow that was a hot story." I said. "Another drink perhaps?"

    "Oh yes please, but for me a Cava if you don't mind. Julian?" asked Tess.

    "Yes, for me too." He replied.

    I quickly refreshed their drinks and returned to the table.

    Then Julian spoke. It was strange as Tess had been the one to tell everything up to now.

    "Then there was the time on the train." He said. "That was also really hot."

    "Oh, do tell." I answered.

    "Well," Julian said. "We had been out for dinner and had a bit too much to drink. Tess always gets horny if she is tipsy. Like she is now, by the way. Anyway, we decided to take the train home as we live a good distance from the center of town, and we just made the last train with seconds to spare. We had to sprint, and we jumped on board just as the whistle went.

    We were both out of breath and we crashed onto a seat facing the back of the train.

    Tess began to tease me and was kissing and tickling me at every chance. I grabbed her wrists and held her so that she couldn't tickle me, but she just leaned forward and kissed.

    Well as she was already horny, it turned into a heavy kissing session.

    I let go of her wrists and started to tease her blouse out of her skirt. I moved my hands up her body inside her blouse and moved to her back, where I unclasped her bra. Tess did that trick and in no time her bra was removed through her sleeve and found its way into my pocket.

    Now I moved my hands onto her tits, massaging and teasing her nipples. She has magnificent tits, you know. Ah yes! you got a glimpse already." Said Julian.

    I blushed a little and said, "Yes, they are magnificent. Sorry Tess, I couldn't help peeking."

    "No problem." Said Tess and began to open the buttons of her dress. She stopped at the fourth button and said, "Maybe later."

    For now, her dress was clinging neatly to her tits, but you could see the outline and her nipples were stiff as bullets.

    Julian continued his story. "Anyhow, Tess was horny, and I was teasing her nipples making her need for sex even more dire. She started to hitch up her skirt to get easy access to her panties, when all of a sudden, we noticed that there was someone else in our carriage.

    A skinny blond woman, I guess early twenties, was sitting, just staring at us.

    Tess didn't care at this stage and slid her panties off. They also found their way into my pocket.

    Tess said to me. "I need to fuck you now Julian."

    "Easy Tess." I replied. "We have company."

    "Where?" she asked.

    I pointed out the woman staring in our direction.

    "I don't care. Let her look. The more the merrier." Said Tess.

    I was also tipsy and thought, "Why the hell not?"

    So we stood up and I undid my trousers. Tess took hold of the pole in between the seat backs and bent over. She presented her perfect ass to me.

    As she did so, the woman, who had been sitting at the other end of the carriage moved toward us.

    She took a seat directly behind and continued to stare at us. She was almost in Tess's face at this stage.

    I had a raging hard-on and entered Tess from behind. She was sopping wet so it went easily.

    We just went at it like beasts.

    Tess stared back at the woman who at this stage had also started to rub herself. They never broke eye-contact.

    I was pumping Tess like a piston, but she didn't come. Seems like the alcohol had numbed her cunt a little. My cock just stayed hard as a rod because of the horniness of the situation.

    I kept on slamming into Tess's cunt, but it seemed to be going nowhere. That was until Tess raised her upper body and shoulders a little higher along the pole.

    Now every time I slammed into her, I reached her clit too.

    That woke her up, and pretty soon she was mewling like a kitten. She came crashing to an orgasm, but begged me to keep going as I was still hard as a rock.

    And I did.

    Our spectator was still watching, but also began to moan from her own rubbing.

    Then I felt my orgasm begin to build and I said, "Oh Tess, here it comes baby." I know that sounds corny, but the alcohol and the sex combined didn't make for erudite conversation, if you know what I mean.

    I came, and I kept coming, again and again and again. Tess came too, but this time she was silent. Her body was shaking, and her legs almost gave way.

    We fell back onto our seats and both of us smiled at our watcher.

    She had also come and quickly readjusted her clothes. She got out at the next stop, and we continued to our station.

    "So, Peter, we've told you our little dirty secret. What's yours?" asked Tess.

    "Well," I said. "Every now and then I get to go on a play date with a woman from the village.

    I met her through our kids school as her daughter was in the same class as ours.

    The first time we got together was at the school play. We were sitting next to her with her husband on her other side. She secretly got her hand in my trousers and worked me up to an orgasm. Her husband was right beside her and had no clue what was going on. I also fingered her to a climax after she had handed me her underwear during the intermission.

    A good friend of mine was sitting behind us and she saw everything.

    After that she came to my house to claim back her lingerie and we ended up fucking each other senseless. She's married but doesn't get the sex she wants from her husband. He travels often, and when he is away, we get to play.

    The second time she visited, the friend who witnessed the school play thing was there and we ended up in a threesome.

    The most recent adventure was with another friend of hers, who was into light BDSM and who is bisexual. And that was hot"

    "That sounds amazing, especially the masturbation in public. And your wife is okay with that?" Tessa asked wide eyed.

    "She is handicapped and can't have sex. We've talked about it, and I have her blessing as long as I don't betray her emotionally." I replied.

    Tess giggled for a bit. "Oh my god. Three sexual deviants sitting together. Where will that lead to?" she asked with one eyebrow raised.

    We fell silent for a bit and pondered what had just been said.

    "I have an idea," Tess said, breaking the silence.

    Both Julian and I sat straight in our chairs, listening attentively.

    "Julian and I love being watched as we fuck, and you Peter, have a penchant for threesomes, right?"

    I nodded, holding my breath for what was coming.

    "How about, Julian and I fuck now, right here, and you can watch us. Would you like that.?"

    Now, I am not much of a voyeur, but the thought of seeing Tess get thoroughly fucked did turn me on.

    Tess looked at my tented crotch and smiled.

    "I think we know the answer." she said.

    Julian moved a little uncomfortably and adjusted his chinos. Tess smiled.

    "Looks like Julian is up for it too." she said.

    "I don't know, I wouldn't want to impose." I said.

    "No imposition at all." Tess replied. "We just told you that we love to be watched."

    I suggested another round of drinks and headed back to the bar to refresh our glasses. On my way I adjusted my erect cock in my trousers so that it wouldn't be uncomfortable.

    With the drinks made, I returned to Tess and Julian. Tess was a little flushed in her face from excitement.

    We toasted once more. "To pervs and kinkiness," said Tess.

    "Amen to that." I replied.

    Tess downed her drink in one, as did Julian. Tess stood up and hitched her dress above her hips. She hooked her thumbs in her panties and slowly slid them down her long legs to the floor.

    In doing so she revealed her cunt. Neatly groomed with a small patch of ginger pubes. On seeing the ginger hair, my cock twitched urgently, calling for attention.

    Tess handed her panties to me. "A souvenir." she said.

    She turned to Julian, her back to me, and bent over to open his zipper and button. Her dress was still hitched above her waist, and I got a view of her freckled ass.

    Julian lifted his hips out of the chair and the chinos were around his ankles.

    "You don't mind if I get him ready, do you?" Tess asked.

    I shook my head.

    Tess got on her knees, taking Julian’s cock out of his trousers in her hand and slowly stroked it fully erect.

    Julian’s cock was huge. At least 10 inches long and fat. Mine is average but it would seem small in comparison to him.

    Tess bent over and licked the head of Julian’s cock. Then she took the head in her mouth, sucking and licking it.

    "Umm hmm." she hummed.

    Julian had his eyes closed.

    I was transfixed by what I was watching. It was like a live porno being acted out in front of me, and it made me very horny.

    Tess swallowed most of Julian's cock and bobbed up and down on him for a minute.

    He grabbed her by the sides of her head and gently lifted her off him. He smiled.

    Tess stood up again and faced me. The front of her dress was completely loose, and her beautiful tits hung out. I would say she was a well filled c-cup. Freckled orbs with pink areolas and nipples standing to attention.

    Tess began to slowly sit down. Julian pointed his cock at her opening, and she sat on him. Very slowly her labia opened to accept his huge cock. Tess pulled her skirt up to let me see.

    Her cunt was stretched wide by Julian, and she panted a little whilst trying to accommodate his girth.

    Tess slid slowly down on Julian until she was sitting on his pelvic bone. Julian had filled her up completely.

    Tess raised herself up until Julian’s cock was almost out of her and sank slowly back down again.

    "Slowly my lover." she said to him.

    "I know." he replied. He moved his hands to her tits, pinching each nipple and stroking gently. Tess shuddered.

    Tess moved gently and deliciously up and down Julian's cock, creating a languid rhythm. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the feeling of him filling and then almost emptying her cunt.

    She gradually increased the pace as her cunt grew accustomed to his size and cried out softly every time she reached the bottom of his cock.

    I watched, fascinated. No words were spoken, just a gentle sigh and a grunt here and there.

    Tess was lost in the rhythm and the feeling inside her cunt. Julian reveled in the way her cunt caressed his cock.

    I was just lost. I opened my fly and fished out my cock, stroking it slowly whilst watching the fuck.

    Tess opened her eyes. She looked directly at me. This brought it all up notch and she began to make small grimaces of pleasure as Julian began to thrust his hips up to meet her movements.

    Tess started to cry out. "Oh yes, oh yes, Peter, do you see me?"

    "I see you, Tess." I replied. "You're beautiful. It's making me so horny just watching you get fucked by that huge cock."

    Julian grunted and pushed her even harder. Her hair flew around as her rhythm increased further. Her tits were bouncing up and down with her movement.

    Tess began to frantically move up and down Julian’s cock. She was close.

    "Come closer Peter." she said.

    I moved until I was sitting on the table in front of her. She grabbed my erection and began to pump it up and down.

    And then with a loud yell she came. "ah, yes yes yes." she cried out. Julian kept on pumping into her through her orgasm causing her to moan.

    "Uh, un, un." she cried. "Keep going, my lover. Watch me come, Peter."

    Julian was frantically pumping now, his face red from the effort.

    And then suddenly he stopped. With a roar he ejaculated into Tess's warm folds. She smiled and said soothingly to him. "That's it my lover, fill me with your cum. Give it all to me."

    Tess settled on Julian's lap, his cock still inside her.

    She still had my cock in her hand, pumping it now gently. I just sat in front of her, hypnotized by everything that had occurred.

    "Aw poor Peter doesn't know what's come over him." Tess said.

    She leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you, Peter, for watching. It made us come harder than ever. Now come for me too."

    She increased the pace of her strokes, and I felt my seed rising.

    My cock sprayed cum over her hand and her dress, and I awoke from my trance.

    "Good man Peter," said Tess. "Now if you'll excuse us, we are going upstairs. As soon as Julian is hard again, I am going to let him fuck my brains out. But when I close my eyes, I will imagine you watching us."

    Tess stood. Her dress fell back, and she adjusted the front. She was once again the elegant woman from the start of the evening.

    Julian also dressed himself and offered me his hand. "Thanks Peter," he said. "That was intense."

    He put his arm around Tess, and they walked towards the lift. Tess looked back towards me and blew me a kiss before they entered the lift and disappeared into the night.

    I tidied up the bar, switched off the lights, and headed for bed shaking my head in disbelief at the events of the evening.

    The next day, Tess and Julian had already checked out before I got to work.

    We never had the pleasure of welcoming them back, but it's safe to say they left a lasting impression.

    To be continued in part 3, Based on a post by Ostrich Mack for Literotica.

  • Hot wife visits my home after erotic event at the school play..

    Based on a post by Ostrich Mack. Listen to the  Podcast at Steamy Stories.

    It was a typical evening activity for the school year. The sixth-year kids would perform their End of year play before graduation to high school.

    Having already seen two of our own kids perform before their excited parents, in past years, I knew how the evening normally went. I could never have expected that the entertainment would take the turn that it did and change my life forever in a positive way.

    My Marriage with Celibacy.

    I’m Peter Talbot. I’ve been married for twenty years, we had been through a lot together, but a few years earlier my wife had gone through a serious car accident which left her paralyzed and completely dependent. Sex was out of the question and the result was 3 years of forced celibacy.

    I still love her, but the lack of a sex life was frustrating.

    This also meant that I went to the play alone.

    Parental Society.

    The mood amongst the parents was relaxed, and rather jovial, as we mixed before the theatre was opened.

    There I met Lucy and her husband Mark, whose daughter also featured in the play. Lucy was a petite woman of forty odd years with a pretty face dark curly hair to her shoulders and olive skin. Her husband Mark, was very tall and a very handsome man. He was also very charming and much admired by the local ladies. Mark travelled over the world to the most extreme places just to photograph rare birds.

    Lucy didn't share Mark's enthusiasm and stayed home when he was off on his trips.

    Lucy and I had also socialized recently when the kids were on school camp. We ended up after a hectic day with all the parents in a bar that evening. There, after a few drinks, an incident between myself and Lucy took place that had stuck in my mind for a long time.

    The bar was dark and full of customers which meant we were propped in a small corner.. Lucy stood just in front of me chatting with another mother, when I noticed that she kept brushing her ass against my crotch. Subtly at first but as more drinks were consumed, the contact was longer and harder. Seeing that she was an attractive woman my cock began to react and soon I had a hard-on.

    Nothing further happened that evening. But as we parted, Lucy gave me a long sensuous look.

    Feeling guilty I went home and told my wife about the evening. She was not bothered, and even said that she understood my sexual frustration. She went as far as to say that if I found someone to relieve the tension then I had her blessing.

    That was a couple of months before the school play, but it never left my mind. Now with Lucy standing before me I had to think back on that evening. I blushed a little as Mark was standing next to her. Of course, I wasn't planning to interfere with their marital bliss.

    We made small talk until the doors opened and went ahead to our seats. By coincidence, my seat was next to Lucy on my left and Mark on the other side of her. We were in the middle if a row. The rows behind were raised in a theatre style. It was warm so I took off my sweater and placed it in my lap.

    Lucy leaned towards me and said in a sultry voice, "I hope you enjoy the entertainment."

    "That’s an odd choice of words," I thought, but soon dismissed it.

    Soon, the lights were dimmed, and the show began. It was a typical school play with music and plenty of humorous sketches. The kids had practiced endlessly, and it showed.

    Mark was totally engrossed in the play as their only child, Katy, was the star of the show.

    After the first act, I suddenly felt shocked to feel a hand on my thigh. Not sure how to react, I glanced to my left and saw that Lucy was looking at me with a naughty gleam in her eyes. Her right hand rested on my thigh and her left hand on her husband's arm.

    "Shush," she whispered softly.

    Luckily, my sweater covered her hand as she slowly began to rub upwards in the direction of my crotch and then downwards again.

    I was mortified and not sure what to do. Lucy became bolder, and the strokes moved higher and higher until she was rubbing my cock through my jeans.

    After three years of enforced celibacy, my cock didn't need much more than this to get fully hard.

    I wasn't following the play anymore and was shocked when the lights went up for the intermission. Most of the audience stood up for a bathroom break. Lucy also stood up to go and wanted to pass in front of me.

    Because the rows of seats were closely placed, this meant she had to step over my feet to get by.

    In doing so, she stumbled. In an effort to keep her balance, she placed her hand on my shoulder and leaned towards me.

    Lucy had a very smart single-tited dress on, which, as she leaned forward, opened, giving a view of her tits. She was not large-tited, but she filled her designer bra well.

    Lucy looked me straight in the eyes and whispered, "Like what you see?"

    Not waiting for a response, she straightened herself and left.

    Mark stayed in his seat and spoke enthusiastically about the play. I was still rock hard and very uncomfortable as I had been aroused by his wife's attention.

    A few minutes later, the second act was announced, and the lights were dimmed.

    Lucy hadn't returned yet, but just as the show began again, she reappeared.

    Slowly making her way through the row, she got as far as my seat and stumbled again. This time, I put out my hand to prevent her from falling.

    Since I was seated, I tried to be discreet and support her at hip level. However, I missed the mark and my hand ended up going through the split at the front of her dress onto her bare thigh.

    In my mind, I thought, "Oh shit."

    To my surprise, Lucy made a half squat, which moved my hand higher on her thigh. That's when I felt it. Her cunt was wet and exposed.

    I was shocked, realizing that her husband was sitting right next to us.

    Lucy stood straight up, winked at me, and dropped something in my lap. She took her seat again. Curiously, I glanced down at my lap and was stunned to find her bra and thong lying there. She must have gone to the bathroom to get rid of her underwear.

    I quickly shoved them in my pocket and sat back in my chair.

    It didn't take long before I felt Lucy's hand on my thigh again. This time, though, she went straight for my crotch. I panicked and pulled my sweater up further to cover myself.

    Suddenly, I felt my zipper being pulled down and the top button of my jeans being opened. Lucy's hand crept into my shorts and gently took hold of my rock-hard erection.

    Slowly and gently, she began to stroke my cock. I was dying from embarrassment but at the same time, intensely turned on.

    As I hadn't had sex in three years, it didn't take long for me to reach the point of climax. Lucy continued to stroke me mercilessly, even as I came hard.

    Eventually, she withdrew her hand and stood up to go to the bathroom.

    While she was gone, I quickly wiped myself clean with my sweater, and zipped up my jeans.

    When Lucy returned, she sat without incident.

    Then, she took my hand and placed it on her thigh in the gap of her dress.

    Her husband, Mark, was completely unaware of everything that had just happened.

    My hand slowly drifted higher until I could feel the warmth of her sex.

    Gently, I ran a finger along her cunt, causing her to let out a gentle sigh. I continued to rub her cunt, gradually moving my fingers upward until I found her clit.

    I carefully circled around her nub, caressing her over and over until she grabbed my arm and clamped her thighs together.

    Breathing heavily, she held me there for a moment before finally relaxing.

    At that moment, the last act of the play began. We both adjusted ourselves, to appear as though nothing had happened.

    The lights went up and the audience rose for the customary standing ovation. We left to find our children, but before they were ready, we waited in the foyer.

    Suddenly, someone tapped on my shoulder from behind. It was Andrea, a good friend, who had been sitting in the row behind us.

    She winked at me and said with a cheesy grin, "Great show, Peter."

    "Oh my god, she saw everything," I thought.

    Just then, our kids came running out and our focus was on them. The venue was a short walk from our home, and as we made our way back, we discussed the play. I didn't remember much, but our daughter seemed happy with it.

    Once we arrived home, we continued talking for a little while. My wife was already in bed but wanted to hear all the details about the show, so we sat with her for a while.

    It was late, and we all turned in for the night. As everyone else slept, my mind was still reeling from what had happened.

    Eventually, I fell asleep, feeling a mixture of elation and confusion.

    Lucy’s Panties.

    In the weeks following the school play, the events of that evening never left my thoughts.

    I was too embarrassed to share the details with my wife, so I kept them to myself. Additionally, I had the minor problem of Lucy's underwear, and I didn't know how to return them.

    Little did I know that this would lead to my next adventure. For the time being, I kept the underwear hidden in a drawer in our bedroom, buried beneath other clothing. Occasionally, I would take them out just to admire and sniff them.

    Since I didn't work regular hours and had free days in the middle of the week, I often had the house to myself as my wife attended daycare.

    One Wednesday, the doorbell rang at around 11:00 a.m. Assuming it might be a parcel delivery, I hurried to answer the door. To my surprise, it was Lucy standing before me.

    I invited her in, feeling awkward and unsure of what to say.

    "You have something of mine," she said. "I've come to take it back."

    Stammering, I replied, "Yes, yes. I'll get it for you."

    I went to retrieve her underwear from the drawer in our bedroom, taking one last sniff before turning to return to the living room.

    When I turned around, I was astonished to find Lucy had followed me into the bedroom.

    She was wearing the same dress she had worn for the school play. I noticed that it had a single button at waist-level, where the two sides overlapped each other. I stood there, speechless, unable to find the right words.

    Lucy smiled at me enigmatically.

    "You'll have to help me put them on." She said.

    My cock sprung to attention.

    With a single movement, she opened the button on her dress and let it fall open.

    All I could manage to say was, "Wow."

    Apart from thigh-high stockings and a pair of high heels, Lucy was completely naked under her dress.

    She was a beautiful sight to behold.

    Her petite frame was perfectly proportioned, with small firm tits with nipples standing out like bullets. Her hips curved gently out from a narrow waist, framing a perfect cunt. Her pubic hair was neatly trimmed. She had an athletic body and perfect legs showcased by her high heels and thigh-highs, she was a vision.

    Impatiently, Lucy lifted one foot, urging me to pull the thong over her shoe. I knelt before her. I was very close and could smell her sex. Then she lifted her other foot, and I slipped the thong over that too.

    Still kneeling, I slowly pulled the thong upwards. Just as it reached above her knees, Lucy grabbed my head with both hands and drew me toward her cunt.

    "Eat me," she pleaded.

    I didn't need a second invitation and moved my face to her cunt, which was already leaking profusely.

    I started by licking her gently along the inside of her thigh. Remembering her teasing from the earlier encounter at the school play, I decided to tease her a little.

    Slowly, slowly, I made my way upwards until I was close to her cunt lips. I gently probed her lips with my tongue.

    "Yes," she said, "I've been dreaming of this since that night."

    As I licked her slit, I could taste her juices, but I kept away from her clit for the moment.

    "Keep going," she pleaded.

    I inserted a finger gently into her cunt, softly stroking her.

    "Ah" she groaned. "don't stop."

    Hooking my finger, I massaged her G Spot, which elicited a deep moan from her.

    Lucy writhed on my face, desperate for me to lick her clit. I waited, letting her need build.

    "Please," she whispered, "make me cum."

    Giving in to her pleading, I gently licked her clit, moving my tongue in gentle circles around her love bud. She shuddered and pressed her cunt harder against my face.

    My finger moved gently in and out, gradually increasing the pace. Combined with the movement of my tongue, it didn't take long before Lucy was gasping for breath.

    Suddenly, she stopped grinding against my face and started to shake. Her legs gave way, and she fell backward onto the bed.

    "Oh my God," she cried.

    Her orgasm took over her whole body. I lay next to her and held her tight as she trembled.

    For a full two minutes she lay shaking, but slowly began to recover.

    Gently untangling herself from my arms, she began to kiss me.

    First, on my forehead, then my nose, my eyes and finally my lips.

    "Umm thank you" she purred over and over.

    The kisses grew increasingly passionate, arousing my already straining cock. It was almost painful in its intensity.

    Lucy saw this and smiled. "We should do something about that," she said.

    "Yes, we should" I replied.

    Lucy gently grabbed my erection and stroked it slowly My head was spinning, consumed by the need to fuck. She rubbed her thumb over the top of my hard member and, spread the precum over the rest of my cock.

    "Get on your hands and knees," I said.

    "Ooh doggy style," she replied enthusiastically, quickly assuming the position. "I love doggy style."

    I placed my knees outside hers, limiting how wide her legs could go. I positioned my cock at her wet opening and entered her slowly.

    Because she couldn't open her legs wide, her cunt stayed tight around my cock.

    I started by moving my cock gently inside her. Pulling back until I was almost out, and then pushing back in again. This way, her cunt would be stimulated with every movement. Lucy stretched her arms forward to change the angle, allowing her clit to enjoy the sensation too.

    "Oh, oh, oh yes." she cried with each movement.

    Then, I started with five shallow thrusts, followed by four deep ones. Each time, I withdrew my cock almost completely before thrusting back in. I repeated this pattern, five gentle shallow strokes followed by four hard deep strokes.

    Lucy began to pant, her breathing becoming ragged, but she wasn't there yet. She turned her head to watch me.

    "Please, Peter. Harder" she begged.

    I kept going until she moaned with every stroke, increasing my pace with long, deep, hard strokes.

    Lucy began to squeal high-pitched cries with each movement.

    "Yes, yes, yes," she screamed. "I'm going to cum"

    I went harder, faster, consumed by my lust. I was sweating profusely, but I couldn't focus on anything other than my need to satisfy her.

    Then, I felt my balls tighten and I shouted, "Oh God, I'm going to cum too!"

    Lucy reached her orgasm before me, crying out, "Yes!"

    She pleaded, "Cum in me, fuck me hard, ride that cunt!"

    Overwhelmed by her dirty talk, I exploded inside her.

    Fireworks exploded in my brain, everything went blank, and then I collapsed on top of her.

    We both lay on the bed, utterly exhausted. Gently, she stroked my cock.

    "Wow, that was hot," she said. "Just like my dreams."

    To my amazement, my spent cock began to grow half-erect again as she stroked it.

    Lucy shifted her body and took my cock in her mouth, licking and sucking until it became fully erect once more.

    I had always fantasized about a sixty-nine, but my wife wasn't into it.

    "Turn around, put your cunt over my face," I suggested.

    Lucy gladly obliged. I stared directly at her beautiful cunt, still dripping with cum.

    I grabbed her ass cheeks and lowered her so that she was just above my mouth.

    Lucy continued to suck my cock as if her life depended on it while I started to lick her.

    I slid my finger inside her and massaged her clit, causing her to moan in pleasure.

    With my finger now soaked, I withdrew it and moved it to her asshole.

    Gently rubbing her hole, Lucy moaned even more. Pressing gently, my finger entered her.

    Her body trembled slightly, but then she started to push against me.

    With a gentle plop, my finger buried itself inside her. I continued to lick her endlessly leaking cunt.

    Lucy started to orgasm again.

    This time much harder than before. Her juices flowed freely over my face, and she wiggled her ass to get as much pleasure as possible from the anal penetration.

    I had come once already, and this meant that I stayed harder for longer. Lucy managed to keep me hard. She brought me to an even higher point of ecstasy. I felt my balls tighten, and my cock swelled in her mouth. Before I could warn her, I blew my load for the second time. This time in her mouth.

    We rolled off each other and lay there, spent.

    Then Lucy calmly said, "You know, Mark doesn't know this about me. We have a good sex life and we're happy, but I need to have some variety now and then."

    "Well," I replied, "I don't have a sex life at home, but my wife is okay with me having casual sex every now and then. So, I guess this works for both of us."

    "Now I have to go," said Lucy. "Mark is coming back tomorrow and I want to be ready for him. Thank you, this was fun. Maybe when Mark is away next time, we can do it again."

    With that, Lucy took a quick shower, got dressed, and left. I just lay there for a while with my head full of images of our lust, dreaming of our next adventure.

    Lucy comes to play again with Andrea and me.

    Lucy and I met regularly in the village, after our last sexual encounter. And though you might think this would be awkward, Lucy was very practical about it. Her opinion was that we both had a scratch that needed itching, and that we helped each other do just that.

    A couple of months after her visit to my place, Mark was off on his travels, and would be gone for at least two weeks.

    On Wednesday after his departure; Lucy showed up again, unannounced. It was raining and she was wearing a raincoat; which she shed once inside revealing a very sexy black figure-hugging mini-dress, which reached to just below her perfect ass.

    What Lucy didn't realize was that I already had a visitor.

    Andrea was a friend of some years, who had witnessed our mutual masturbation during the school play.

    Being the friend she was, she never mentioned it after that night.

    Andrea was recently divorced and came to talk sometimes, to clear her mind.

    We entered the living room, and Lucy was startled to see Andrea sitting on the couch.

    "Tea?" I asked,

    and both women answered, "Yes please."

    "Let me help you," said Lucy.

    "Okay, you can get the cookies." I answered.

    "We'll just be a minute," I said to Andrea.

    "Take your time," she answered with a knowing smile.

    Once in the kitchen Lucy held her finger on her lips and lifted the hem of her dress to reveal that she had no underwear. I quickly drew my finger through her wet cunt lips, causing her to gasp.

    We made tea and joined Andrea, who was seated in the center of the couch. The only other seating options were the two ends of the sofa, or the lone wingback, which had two coats and purses laid on it. I set the teapot on the glass-top coffee table and slid it closer to Andrea, for easy access to the tea and cookies.

    Lucy sat at the near end, and I sat on the other end. Lucy focused her attention on Andrea.

    We made small-talk.

    Lucy turned her body toward Andrea and asked; "How are you coping after the divorce?"

    Andrea explained, "He had been a reckless cheat for a long time. I feel very betrayed and distinctly rejected. The sex was never really hot. Too vanilla, really."

    I noticed just a bit of Lucy’s wet cunt, when she pulled her near leg up a bit, now almost facing me.

    In contrast to Lucy's petite frame and olive skin, Andrea was very tall, with short blond hair. Her legs seemed to go on forever and she had milky fair skin. Andrea was thin and had small tits. Her blue eyes pierced your soul when she looked directly at you.

    Working as a schoolteacher, she was used to being in charge, as I had often witnessed when she was still married. She was dressed in a simple white satin blouse above a blue pleated skirt. Andrea never wore heels as she was already tall enough; and today she had simple flat shoes on.

    Once the tea was finished, Andrea turned slightly to Lucy and asked her; "How do you cope when Mark is away for his trips?"

    I saw a glint in Lucy's eyes, which could only spell trouble.

    Lucy laid her hand on Andrea's arm and began to caress her very gently.

    "I manage," she replied, "I manage to find distractions that keep me busy."

    My Gawd! Lucy was now competing with me, for Andrea!

    "Ah I see," said Andrea, nodding knowingly. "Like the evening with Peter, at the School Play?"

    There was a pregnant pause. The air was charged and I was not sure where this was going.

    "Yes," answered Lucy "That was fun," she added, "but not as much fun as my last visit here."

    "Oh shit," I thought. "Where is this going?"

    All this time Lucy had been caressing Andrea's arm and was moving closer to her tit with her fingers. I now noticed that Lucy had slipped off her shoes, and her slender, short leg was bent at the knee and laid up against Andrea’s thigh.

    Andrea looked a little worried, and excited at the same time. Not sure what to do, she looked to me; "Tell me Peter, What happened last time Lucy was here?"

    "Yes Peter; tell her," Lucy said.

    "Well, Lucy came to reclaim her sexy lingerie. She was naked under her dress. She asked me to help her put on her panties. but we only got halfway when she asked me to take a moment, to visit with her lonely cunt. I obliged of course. and one thing led to another. We had the most amazing afternoon, and ended up in a very delightful 69." I said.

    Andrea's mouth hung wide open and she was blushing. She looked as if she wanted to bolt.

    With Andrea starting to squirm on the couch, Lucy kept on caressing and moved to Andrea’s firm tits.

    The tall divorcee was definitely turned on by my story, and I decided to push things a little further, caressing the other arm, and surreptitiously dragging my finger along the side of her other lovely tit.

    Lucy was more daring and started asking Andrea questions.

    "Did Peter's story turn you on?"

    "Yes," Andrea whispered.

    "Have you ever done something like that?" Lucy asked whilst gently starting to gently squeeze Andrea's near tit.

    "No," said Andrea, a little startled.

    I followed Lucy's lead and gently began to caress Andrea's other tit.

    Andrea was lost. She had her eyes wide open and wanted to flee, but she also so wanted to stay.

    "Are you wet now?" Lucy asked.

    Confused, Andrea answered, "What?"

    "Are you wet? You know? Is your lonely cunt wet?" Lucy asked.

    I had a serious erection by now, and it was pushing hard against my jeans.

    Shocked, but slightly dazed; Andrea answered "Yes, I ;  I am wet."

    Lucy lid her open palm up to the bottom of Andrea’s neck, then slowly slid it back down to her first buttoned fasten. She then started to open the buttons on Andreas blouse, one by one; and ever so slowly.

    Andrea did nothing to stop her.

    I slipped my hand up Andrea's long thigh to the edge of her skirt and gently rubbed her.

    Andrea seemed mesmerized by everything. Her eyes were wide open with shock; but soon she laid her head back on the couch and took a deep breath.

    Lucy had all of her buttons undone and started to pull Andreas blouse off.

    Andrea let her do it and sat on the couch with her sheer stretch bra on. It was obvious from the swell of her nipples that she was really turned on.

    Lucy leaned in and kissed Andrea gently on the lips, at first there was no response, but Lucy persisted and slowly Andrea began to kiss her back.

    I kept moving my hand up Andrea's thigh until I could feel the fabric of her sheer stretchy panties. They were soaking. Her cunt was leaking and the juices had started to run down to her anus.

    Lucy moved one hand behind Andrea and expertly undid the clasp of her bra. Gently she pulled the bra forward and freed Andrea's beautiful tits. The areolas were swollen light pink mounds and the nipples dark red sticking out like two frozen peas.

    All this time Andrea made no move to resist.

    My hand pulled her knee up over my thigh, then reached under Andrea's skirt and her vey stretchy panties. I gently penetrated her cunt with one finger, causing her to gasp. Her breathing was becoming more and more ragged.

    Andrea and Lucy were still kissing. They were passionately battling with their tongues.

    Lucy was now caressing Andrea's bare tit, circling her nipple and pinching gently.

    I moved up and took her other nipple in my mouth, sucking it in and swirling my tongue around it. Andrea was groaning softly.

    Lucy took Andrea's hand and placed it on her thigh where her short dress had ridden up exposing her naked cunt.

    At first Andrea was unsure what to do. With some encouragement from Lucy she was soon fingering Lucy, causing the vixen to groan in ecstasy.

    It was hard to know who was in control now. Andrea seemed to have woken up from her trance.

    "Oh my god" she said, "This is crazy."

    "Yes, hot but crazy," said Lucy.

    "Peter I need you to lick my Cunt," Lucy pleaded.

    I didn't need to think twice about it and slid away the coffee table, then moved over to kneel in front of her. Grabbing her behind the knees I scooted her forward on the couch until her cunt was just at the front edge.

    Lucy raised one leg up against the armrest. Then I dove in. I licked from the bottom to the top, pushing my tongue between her swollen lips.

    Lucy meanwhile was licking Andrea's nipple and fingering her cunt furiously at the same time. Andrea was trying to get Lucy's dress off, pulling it up, and was helped by Lucy raising herself off the couch for a second.

    She raised her arms and let Andrea pull the dress over her head. Of course she had no bra on, and her tits looked as amazing as the first time I had seen them. Shapely B cups with prominent nipples standing rock hard to attention.

    Once the dress was discarded, Andrea attacked Lucy's nipples, sucking and biting them gently. Lucy was moaning from the pleasure she felt at both ends.

    I moved upwards and took Lucy's clit between my lips, licking simultaneously with my tongue. Lucy’s far leg was now draped over my shoulder, and her hand was stroking through my tossed hair.

    This was enough to send Lucy over the edge and she went quiet.

    She let out a low moan, tremors emanating from her toes and racing upward through her body. Its volume increased until it was almost a scream which erupted from Lucy's throat as she reached orgasm.

    Lucy was shaking as Andrea and I kept teasing and licking her most sensitive parts.

    Andrea had a huge smile on her face.

    "My turn," she said. "Take off your jeans."

    I stood and fumbled with the button and the zipper but managed to get my jeans down.

    Andrea leaned forward and yanked my shorts downwards too, freeing my rock hard erection.

    Without hesitation Andrea grabbed my cock and pulled me towards her.

    "I need it in me; now!" she said.

    Andrea laid on the soft rug and opened her legs wide.

    Her cunt was glistening from her copious juices.

    I knelt between her legs and grabbed her behind her knees. Her calves were resting on my shoulders and I plunged my rock hard cock in one move completely inside her.

    "Yes, yes yes," she screamed. "Fuck that Cunt, give me all of your cock."

    I was so horny that I just rammed and rammed her cunt again and again, making her scream out in ecstasy.

    Lucy meanwhile had come down from her orgasm and came over to straddle Andrea's face, facing me. At first Andrea didn't know what to do.

    Lucy just said, "Eat me."

    After a few tentative licks, Andrea got the taste and started to eat Lucy's cunt like a pro.

    I slid Andrea’s long legs back down, then I grabbed Lucy’s luscious hips, to steady myself. I kept up my steady deep pumping of the tight neglected cunt.

    Andrea began to pant and moan. "Oh, oh, ooh, I'm gonna come."

    She was breathing hard and wrapped her long legs around my ass, pulling me further inside her.

    And then she cried out, "Ah! Yes! Yes!" Followed by something unintelligible.

    Her orgasm rocked her body and the juices just flowed out of her cunt.

    I pulled out of her and was still hard as a steel rod.

    Lucy leaned forward and buried her face in Andrea's sopping cunt, licking her clit and lips. The two women were now in a 69 position with Lucy's ass in the air.

    I shuffled around behind Lucy and gently entered her from behind.

    "Hmm," she groaned, not taking her mouth away from Andrea.

    I went in slowly, moving in and drawing almost completely out. Only the head of my cock was between her swollen lips. Then I pushed slowly back in, until my ball sack was against Lucy's ass. Lucy was very wet, which made it easy. The petite Lucy pressed her ass back, leaving the mouth of Andrea, but giving her a great view of my shaft ramming Lucy’s very swollen cunt.

    " Oh my," said Andrea, "That is so horny." as she watched my cock moving in and out, from just centimeters away.

    She resumed pinching and twisting Lucy's clit with her fingers.

    From my position behind Lucy, I had a great view of her ass hole. From our last adventure, I knew she was sensitive there and I started to rub gently on her rosebud.

    A huge sigh from Lucy told me she loved it. I wet my thumb with her cunt juice and gently pushed against her. She pushed hard back and my thumb was swiftly inside her.

    Lucy started to tremble from the sensations she was experiencing. Andrea pinching her clit, my cock in her cunt and my thumb in her ass.

    It was too much and at the same time too delicious. She shuddered and cried and gave herself completely over to the huge orgasm that washed over her like a tidal wave.

    Lucy kept on cumming and her cum squirted out of her cunt onto Andrea, who was fingering her own clit to a new orgasm. Andrea lapped it up as if it was sweet nectar.

    Lucy collapsed, blacked out from the sensations she had felt, rolling down to the rug, next to Andrea.

    Andrea kept fingering herself and I grabbed my cock to finish myself off.

    Andrea tilted her head back towards me, opened her mouth, and swallowed my cock in its entirety.

    This was too much and I came, shooting ribbons of cum in her throat. After  swift shots, I recoiled back, out of her mouth, and collapsed to the rug, my head next to Andrea’s hip, with Lucy’s face resting on Andrea’s other hip. Andrea didn't last much longer and gave herself over to yet another orgasm.

    We lay there for a little while, completely spent.

    Andrea spoke first. "That has to be the horniest experience I have ever had. I can't believe that this morning I planned to come and chat with Peter about my troubles, and it turned into this."

    Andrea grabbed a tissue box from the shelf under the coffee table, and wiped up the oozing juices on her face and chin. Another several pulls of tissue were applied to the wetness between her thighs. Then she came to me and hugged me tightly.

    "Thank you Peter, I needed that."

    Lucy joined us hugging us both. She just grinned like a Cheshire cat.

    Andrea asked her.

    "Have you ever done something that wild before?"

    "No I haven't," answered Lucy.

    "And you Peter?"

    "Me neither " I answered "But I loved it."

    I said grinning.

    "I never thought I would make love to another woman," said Andrea " But I loved it too."

    Lucy smiled. "I experimented at college, but that was one on one sex."

    "How cool is this?" Andrea asked. "Guiltless sex in the morning with two hotties."

    We all laughed. "Yes indeed," I said "But you two are the hotties."

    "Time to clean up and go home," said Lucy.

    We all got dressed again and made ourselves ready to say our goodbyes.

    Lucy looked at Andrea and said.

    "You know Mark is away for two weeks Andrea. Maybe we can get together. You know where I live right?"

    I noticed Andrea's nipples getting hard again.

    "I would love to," she said and bent over to give Lucy a long passionate kiss.

    "And Peter, You should organize another coffee morning soon."

    With that Andrea turned back to Lucy and asked.

    "Can I walk you home Lucy?"

    "Why not? " Said Lucy.

    I let the two women out the front door and watched as they walked away with their arms around each other's waists.

    The next day as I was driving through the village I spotted Andrea's car parked in front of Lucy's house.

    "Oh dear," I thought. "What have I started?"

    Of course I couldn't wait to organize another morning with these two beautiful women and to experience more adventures like the morning we just had.

    To be continued in part 2, Based on a post by Ostrich Mack for Literotica.

  • Entertaining guests with nudity

    By Fugman. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

    My longtime girlfriend, Paige and I have been together for a little over a year and a half. We have had a very strong relationship for a while, passionate, caring, and unbreakable. 

    When we were looking for something to do on a Saturday night in May, she suggested we just stay at home and do a game night. To be honest, it didn't sound exciting, but I went along with it because it is what she wanted to do, and it really was her choice as the last time I chose what we did. "Sounds great baby, let's do it!"

    Paige could sense that I wasn't too excited by this plan, but she had other ideas. "Trust me baby, you will enjoy yourself!" She winked at me, and I had the feeling I was going to have a good time.

    I can't believe I'm thinking this, but I can't wait until Saturday and game night. Part curiosity, part the reason that I get the next choice in what we do. It did seem like it took forever for Saturday to come around. Finally it was Saturday morning and Paige was going out to run a few errands before tonight. I figured she was getting snacks and stuff. 

    When she got home, I helped her get the groceries and stuff from the car, and she had a few bags of chips, some candy and some beer and wine, and a couple of other bags that she was quick to grab from me. "Isn't it just the two of us, I don't think we are going to eat and drink this much."

    She smiled as I put the bags on the counter, "I may have invited a friend, don't worry, you will have fun." 

    I helped her put the groceries away, she grabbed a box and a few other bags and ran into the bedroom and locked the door behind her. This both brought an air of mystery and one of excitement into the day, and now I really could not wait until tonight. About an hour later she came out of the bedroom and I asked her if everything was ok, she just smiled and gave me a kiss, "perfect baby!"

    I could not help to notice that she had a little bit of excitement to her. This was infectious, as the closer it came to evening, the more excited I got to see what was going to happen. 

    About 5:30 the doorbell rang and I jumped to see who it was, anticipation built as I got to the door and saw the pizza delivery person. "Two large cheese and pepperoni pizzas," she said, "28.56" I handed her the cash and closed the door. I thought 2 large pizzas, just how many people are coming? 

    By the time I put the pizzas on the counter and sat down again, the doorbell rang again. I went to the door and opened it. I was excited to see Anna, Paige's best friend, and a real looker. It looked like Anna was dressed for a night out. Her long brown hair done up, make up to perfection, silk, barely see through blouse unbuttoned just enough to see her lace bra peeking out with her the top of her cleavage visible, short miniskirt and long stockings, capped off with high heels. She was going to break hearts wherever she went. 

    I always noticed the stark contrast between Anna and Paige. Not to mention Paige's beautiful locks of blonde hair, somewhat tan skin tone and voluptuous figure, compared to Anna's who is more streamline, darker toned skin with smaller curves. Both women extremely attractive in their own way. 

    I announced to Paige that Anna was here, I closed the door and brought Anna to the kitchen. I offered her a glass of wine while she waited for Paige to come into the kitchen. 

    Moments later, she walked into the kitchen, she was dressed to go out, a long killer royal blue dress that clung to her body like a second skin. Her make-up and hair done just right, not too much, but enough to enhance her natural beauty. 

    So here it is, a Friday night, two gorgeous ladies hot pizza and tons of snacks, it's going to be a fun night. I will say with the two of them all dressed up, I felt a little under dressed. I grabbed a glass and poured Paige a glass of wine and one for me as well. We raised a toast and Paige said, "here is to a fun game night!" Hear hear! 

    I passed out some plates and we all had some pizza and settled in for a comfortable evening at our house. And thanked Paige for inviting her to the house, and they both made comments on how gorgeous they both were, I had to agree, and I did. They both smiled at me and I refilled their glasses as we finished our pizza and made our way to the dining room..

    Paige excused herself and said that she would be right back with the games. I caught a glimpse of her body as she exited the room, I noticed the high heels, stockings that led directly to  her bottom. She had a perfectly round backside and the skin tight dress exposed the fact that she was wearing a thong. 

    She really dressed up to stay at home all night playing games. I didn't mind as the eye candy on both sides of the table was definitely one of the highlights to game night for me.

    When Paige returned, she was carrying several decks of cards and Jenga dare. I didn't even know we had Jenga dare, but it was going to be an interesting night. We started off with a few games of rummy as the wine was flowing freely and we were munching on some snacks. By the time we were finished with the regular deck of cards, we were all feeling really good. By the time we started to play Jenga, we were all feeling frisky with each other. The dares in the game were relatively tame, but it did have one highlight when Anna and Paige had to share a kiss, and that really turned me on. I am certain that they felt me watching them and it had an effect on me, right after their lips parted, they both turned to look at me with a wink and a sultry smile.

    Paige said, "this game is boring, let's liven things up a bit." 

    Anna smiled and looked at me, "I'm game!"

    I nodded that I was up for anything. 

    Paige said here is a new game, she brought out some hand written cards and put them on the table in front of us. "When it's your turn, draw a card, but you must ask the question to both players,  if the first player refuses to answer the question, they must remove an article of clothing. And the next player has to answer. If the first player chooses to answer the question, the other player has to remove an article." Paige looked at both of us, "everybody understand the rules?" Anna and I looked at each other and agreed.

    Anna asked, "what do you call this game?"

    Paige thought for a minute and answered, "Who wants to be naked?"

    Paige picked up a card and read it out loud, "have you ever had a sex dream about someone in this room?" She looked at Anna for her answer, Anna responded by removing her silk blouse to reveal her sexy lace bra.

    Anna looked at me, "you have to answer!" 

    The rules said I had to answer, they did not say I had to elaborate, so I simply said "yes!"

    It was Anna's turn to draw a card, she smiled and read it out loud, "have you hoped to see everyone in this room naked, or have you already?" The question goes to me, if I answer than Paige needs to remove something, if I don't answer and take off something, she has to answer. This was a tough one, but I think I would rather hear her answer. I removed my shirt.

    I looked at Paige and she confidently said "yes!"

    I begged for her to elaborate but she just kept her response to "yes!"

    My turn to draw, I read the card, then re-read it before saying it out loud..."have you had sex with everyone in this room?" I looked to Paige, she smiled and removed her shoes. I was curious on why she didn't want to answer, but I'm fine with her removing her clothes too. I looked to Anna, she thought for a second, downed her glass of wine, and smiled, "not yet." Her response had certain parts of my anatomy spring to attention as the realization of tonight's possibilities entered into my brain.

    She looked for a response from Paige, who simply smiled and drew the next card.  

    She showed us the card, the top said "Bonus" the writing underneath said "whoever holds this card can remove one article of clothing from every player at a time when they choose." She decided to hold onto it for the moment. "Anna, it's your turn!"

    She drew her card and smiled as she read it out loud, "pick one player and kiss them passionately for 1 minute, other players need to remove 1 article of clothing."

    Anna looked at me, and then at Paige, "go ahead and remove your pants, I want some more of Paige." With that she quickly went over and locked lips. I removed my pants and watched as my girlfriend and her best friend made out in front of me. It didn't take too long before my erection was straining against the only article of clothing I had left on. My tool against the fabric was noticeable in front of these two gorgeous women. 

    We didn't start a timer or anything, but the kiss seemed to last forever, not that I minded or anything. When they finally removed their lips from each other, I could tell that both of them were in a state, Anna saw my condition and winked at me, "your turn!" 

    I drew the next card and read it out loud. "What was the least sexiest place that you have ever had sex?'

    I looked at Paige, and she answered..." When I was fresh out of high school I worked for a grocery store, I had the keys and I brought my boyfriend in after we closed and we did it in the walk in freezer."

    Paige answered, so Anna had to remove an article, she removed her skirt, revealing her matching panties that went with her bra. Her body was very tan as I looked at her up and down. Her long legs covered with the sheer stockings a bit of skin then straight up to her panties, her belly button with the little ring in it up to her bra and cleavage, she was amazing and it wasn't just me who noticed. I caught Paige looking at every inch of her friends body, in fact she asked if she could turn around so that she could see her entirely, I must say, I did not protest at all.

    Paige drew the next card, "if there was no regrets and no repercussions, you have 24 hours to sleep with anyone in this room, who would you choose?"

    She looked at Anna, and Anna responded by slowly removing each stocking. She made a show of it and both of us were staring at every inch of her legs being exposed. After the show, Anna looked at me, and I had to answer.  I could not believe that the words left my mouth, but in front of my girlfriend, I finished my wine and said that "I would love to see, feel and taste every inch of Anna's body!" 

    I looked at Paige, expecting an angry or horrified look on her face, instead, she smiled at me, "might be your lucky night, but we might have to share!" Paige looked at Anna and said, "I want to use my bonus card now, each of you have to remove one article of clothing."

    I had only one article left on, but Anna was about to reveal something that I have been wishing for all night. She stood up and smiled, "can I have some help?" Not sure who she meant Paige and I looked at each other and stood up together and went over to Anna. We each stood behind her and slid a shoulder strap down. I wanted to bend down and kiss her shoulder but I resisted. Apparently Paige couldn't as I watched her nuzzle into Anna's bare shoulder and neck. I unclasped her bra and Paige and I slowly slipped the material over her breasts gently touching her nipples as we dropped the lace down to the floor. She stood topless in front of us. I couldn't help but to kiss her shoulder as well before I went back over to sit down. 

    Paige looked at me, "no sir, you need to remove them," as she pointed to my underwear. Remember, it is hiding (not very well) my erection. "Rules are rules."

    Anna encouraged me to take them off as well, she smiled and asked if I needed help. I didn't need help, but was not going to turn down a chance for her to help me out of them. Paige and Anna both came over and helped me unveil my hardness. They both reached their hands inside the waistline and pulled them away from my skin as to not injure my protruding member. When all of my hardness was on display, both looked at my erection, looked at each other, then looked me in the eye. Anna told me, "nice!" 

    I went to the kitchen and grabbed another bottle of wine and refilled everyone's glasses. I couldn't help staring at Anna's bare chest, beautifully shaped with small hard nipples poking through the air, they looked like the needed a good sucking is all I could think about. When I went to Paige to fill her glass, she looked at me as if to say, I know, they need to be sucked.

    I was disappointed as I just lost the game, but Paige said I can continue, but obviously I wouldn't be able to remove any clothes, therefore I either had to answer everything or figure out something else. I wasn't quite sure what she meant, but given the situation, I wasn't going to argue. 

    I sat back down and waited for Paige to draw another card. She showed us the card, in bright red on the top of it read, "Penalty!" And right below that, the card read "you must remove one article of clothing off of your own body."

    As she stood up and removed her stockings, she tried to make a show of it like Anna had already done. Anna and I stared as her legs became more and more visible underneath her dress. As she smoothed her dress back down, I could not help but think, why is she still dressed? I was naked and her friend was one step away from being completely naked herself. 

    Anna drew her card and read it out loud, "what is on your sexual bucket list that you have to try before you die?"

    She looked at me, I have to answer, the best part is either way, Paige has to lose her dress if I answer. "Tough question, but I have always wanted to be tied to a bed while multiple woman use my body for their own pleasure."

    Anna and Paige looked at each other, then at me, and both of them smiled at me. All eyes moved to Paige as she had no choice but to remove her dress. We both watched as she bared her legs, then her thighs, and above her waist, wow it was taking forever, but I loved watching her do it. As she lifted it above her breasts, she revealed that she was not wearing a bra. Her bare chest exposed for everyone to see. 

    I heard Anna gasp as she saw her friend's bare chest. Paige stood there in front of us, bare breasts, wearing only a thong. I have always loved Paige's chest, very voluptuous, large with large nipples that could dial a rotary phone when she's excited and she was. To have her show them off to another topless woman was exciting for me, I tried to resist, but I had to touch myself. 

    Anna caught a glimpse of what I was doing, and declared, "no sir, that I believe is against the rules."

    I removed my hand and brought it back up to the table top. I am in a unique position now, I am completely naked and one of them will be right along with me after this round. I hoped for a good card and picked up the next one on the pile and read it out loud. "Tell me one thing, other than straight sex, that you want someone in this room to do to you sexually, be descriptive!" I looked at Paige, awaiting her answer. She looked at Anna, then at me and stood up, removing her thong. She stood there naked in front of the two of us, you could see that she had recently shaved completely, not a strand of pubic hair was to be found, just her moist lips glistening between her legs. She looked so tasty and I couldn't wait to dive between her lips with my tongue. I looked at Anna who was licking her lips as she stared at Paige's naked form. I watched Anna as she was transfixed by her friend's nude body. 

    Anna said, "woman, you look sweet enough to eat." Paige smiled at the compliment. When she sat down, her legs opened slightly and both Anna and myself were trying to get a better view. 

    Paige looked at Anna, "well, what's the answer?"

    Anna took a drink of wine before she looked at me, "I want your girlfriend to hold me down and lick me until I scream out and come, then  you slide your hard cock down my throat. I want to feel every last inch of you push past my lips. I would give up the right to breathe to have you all the way inside of my mouth. Then I want you to slide it in and out until you can't resist but to fire everything you have down my throat. And after you come in my mouth, I want your girlfriend to kiss me so that we can share every last drop of both of our come."

    Paige and I both drank the rest of our wine, looked at each other and smiled. We then told Anna that since we were both naked, that she won the game. She jumped up, her breasts bouncing with the rest of her gorgeous body, and declared "I want to be naked!" 

    Paige and I both stood our naked asses up and went to help Anna with her last stitch of clothing. We went to her and each kissed her passionately before slowly kissing our way down her body. Her neck, her shoulders, her breasts, we each spent a few extra moments on her nipples. I swirled my tongue around the taut little bud, gently nibbling on it. Her hands grabbed the back of our heads, keeping us at her nipples. 

    Just like the girls did to me, we both put our fingers inside the waistband of her panties and slid them down her legs as we trailed our tongues down her torso, finally exposing her entire body to us. Paige was definitely enjoying herself as she gave Anna's bum a gentle playful slap. Anna cooed with excitement as her friends hand found her bare flesh. I went around to the front and planted my lips at her belly button as she held onto my shoulder for support. I felt pressure being applied, forcing me downward until I reached her private opening. She smelled of arousal and I could see moisture on her shaven opening. It was so inviting that I reached out with my tongue and slid it between her lips once. Anna moaned with satisfaction and suddenly Paige was right next to me. She whispered, "can I have a taste too?"

    I leaned back for her to take her turn, "Hmm, you taste incredible!" I had to agree and couldn't wait for us to venture to the bedroom. Paige grabbed Anna by the hand and Anna grabbed me by my tool as we all walked down the hallway to the large king sized bed in our bedroom. 

    I don't know about the women, but I couldn't wait to get in the bedroom. Such possibilities, three naked people, lots of social lubricant, who knows where this will end up. I officially love game night and want to schedule more in the future. 

    Once we got into the bed I let the girls have a little fun while I watched them kiss and explore each other's bodies. I watched as they kissed each other passionately fondling each other, Paige had her hand between Anna's thighs and Anna had her hands on Paige's bare ass. I laid back on the bed and just watched as my hand started to travel down my own body. When I got my hands wrapped around my tool I started to play, I couldn't help it, watching the two of them was really hot. 

    Paige pushed Anna down on her back and moved her tongue down her body. She slowed down at her nipples and swirled her tongue around each one before sliding down further. She inserted her tongue inside Anna's belly button and Anna took a deep breath. When Paige forced her legs open, Anna caught me playing, she smiled and winked at me before closing her eyes to enjoy her friend eating her out.

    I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, Anna was definitely enjoying the special treatment that Paige was offering, and I knew that Paige was enjoying this as well. I stood up, still playing with myself and walked over behind Paige. Her bum in the air as she went to town feasting on Anna. I held onto Paige's hips as I slid my tool between her legs and inside of her vagina. She moaned in Anna as I slid further inside. I wasn't moving fast, more like slowly sliding in and out of her hole, coating my erection with her moisture. After about 10 or 15 strokes inside of her, I pulled out and went up by Anna's head. I poked her in the lips a few times before she opened her eyes and then her mouth. She bent her head backwards as I fed her my tool. 

    She moaned as she loved the taste of Paige's juices on me, then she began to swallow my meat as far as she could, she opened wide and grabbed my cheeks, pulling me deeper into her mouth and throat. Holy cow, she was possessed and would only be satisfied if she felt her nose touch my pubic bone. It took a little while but that is exactly what she did. She moaned around me and then began to move her head back and forth, forcing me in and out of her open lips. I grabbed for her nipples and pinched them several times as she brought her hands to my hips and pushed and pulled me. I finally got her hint and forced myself in and out of her. I basically was fucking her face and she was loving every inch and every second of it, plus with my girlfriend moving her quickly to the point of no return, she was in heaven, and I am not sure about Paige, but I was not having a bad time myself. 

    I noticed Anna's body starting to tense up and I knew she was about to explode into Paige's mouth, I think Paige realized it too, I soon realized that she was sucking on her clit while s had several fingers buried inside of Anna's holes. This just about sent me over the edge. A couple more strokes and I was filling her mouth with my seed. A moment after I fired away, she lost it and went crashing over as well, and just like her prediction during the games, Paige came up and they shared a kiss, exchanging the come between them. Come dripped out the sides of their mouth and their tongues chased after it until everyone was all clean. 

    The women moved around and Paige laid down on her back on the edge of the bed. Anna jumped at the chance to get between her open legs. I watched as her fingers easily slid inside of her friends vagina. She moved her head down right above her clit and massaged it with her lips, sucking and licking Paige until she was breathless with excitement. I climbed on the bed and straddled her chest, sliding my already erect penis between her voluptuous breasts. 

    She held herself together as I slid back and forth between her breasts. It was exciting to see her face as her friend was between her legs and I was between her tits. Her body was being pleasured and providing pleasure at the same time. She caught my eye and I watched her as she started to reach heights before she was going to crash. I don't know if Anna was experienced or not in this type of thing, but she was definitely pleasing Paige with whatever she was doing. 

    It wasn't long before she was ready to go over the edge. I told Paige, "don't close your eyes, I want to see you!" She stared into my eyes as I could see her rapidly approaching the point of no return. Her mouth open wide, head tilted back as Anna pushed her over. She was moaning and her body was quivering underneath me. It was about all I could do to hold off until she finished before I exploded all over her chest, coating her with my fluids.

    Once I stood up and moved off of the bed, Anna jumped right up and cleaned up my girlfriend's chest with her tongue. She even cleaned up parts that didn't have any of me on her. She played with her breasts, kissing, licking and sucking all over, but she payed particular attention to certain areas like her nipples, he neck and then they made out again. 

    It didn't take long before I was excited and standing proudly at attention. Anna and Paige both noticed my condition and whispered to each other. The next thing I know, I am helped onto the bed and Paige brought out our box of toys. She took out the restraints and they fixed me to the bed. Both wrists and both ankles, anything they were about to do, I was helpless to stop it. 

    I laid there helpless, erection standing straight up, begging to be played with, instead, they played with each other. The knelt on either side of my outstretched arms and leaned over my body, exploring each other's mouths again. 

    I watched as their hands toyed with each other. I nearly lost it when I watched Paige hook Anna's nipples to the nipple clamps we sometimes play with, I could tell, Anna had never experienced this before, she squealed and screamed her excitement and pain all at the same time. I had a great view of these two women playing with each other and Every time they would kiss, Paige would pull on the chain that connected the nipple clamps, lifting  Anna's breasts by the nipple. It looked painful, but I think that after a while Anna began to get turned on by it, I know that I was definitely enjoying it. 

    I feel someone's hand stroking my tool, And I couldn't tell exactly whose hand it was, but watching them together and having someone play with me, had my member solid as a rock and ready for action. To say it was torment was an understatement, but I was in heaven with this treatment. I knew by the end of this night, I would have no fluids left in me to give. 

    By Fugman for Tumblr.

  • Competition becomes Titillation.

    Based on the post of MsCherylTerra, in 3 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at My First Time.

    I completely forgot that I was just in my panties, otherwise I probably wouldn't have sandwiched myself between the seats again as I lunged for the keys. It didn't even cross my mind until I turned the ignition unsuccessfully twice and swore.

    "We drained the battery," I groaned. "Shit. My mom's going to be a nightmare about this."

    "Uh-huh," came the somewhat-distracted response from behind me, and that's when I realized my ass was basically in Ashton's face.

    At least that time I wasn't stuck on the ice scraper. I crawled as gracefully as I could out from the space between the seats, which was not gracefully at all, and looked at him. Lightning picked that moment to flash again, muted by the filter of fog that clung to the car windows. Brightness hung in the air, flickering slightly as it revealed Ashton hurriedly adjusting the front of his boxers. He looked up, alarmed, and I looked down, enthralled by the sight of something very stiff tenting the fabric.

    All at once, the lightning faded, and we were left in the warm darkness all over again.

    "Guess that's that," he said with a weak laugh.

    "Guess so," I replied.

    "Too bad. I was, uh, looking forward to winning that one."

    I licked my lips and glanced down. The screen of my Switch didn't do much to light the space, but I could still see the vague outline of his erection.

    "We could keep playing," I whispered.


    "I mean, it's not like the car is going to get any less dead if we stay out here." I picked up my Switch. "Mine's still got some battery left. We just, um, would need to take turns. Change up the rules a bit."

    He raised an eyebrow. "What're the rules?"

    I hadn't quite thought that far ahead. I glanced down at my screen, watching the racers circle the track.

    "Distraction," I said.


    I held my Switch out to him. "Distraction. I pick a track, you play the race, I do my best to; distract you while you're racing. You do your best to come in first."

    He cleared his throat. "What happens if I win?"

    "You get to choose what comes off."

    "And if I lose?"

    I smirked. "I get to choose."

    He took the Switch carefully. "So how does distraction work? What are the, uh, rules?"

    I thought for a moment. "Well, I think touching is okay. As long as the person can still physically play the game."

    He nodded eagerly. "Sounds good."

    "No removing clothes, since that's; you know. The prize. But; " I cleared my throat, almost feeling lightheaded. "Hands can go under things."

    "Seems fair."

    "And, um; that's all I can think of."

    "One more," he said. "Final rule still applies, regardless of who's driving and who's, uh, distracting."

    By that point, I wouldn't have been surprised if my skin was just permanently stained red from all the blushing I'd been doing. "Yeah."

    He smiled. "So, what track am I playing?"

    He didn't complain about my choice, which was good because I picked one at random. As the music signaling the start of the race began to play, Ashton met my eyes one last time.

    "Good luck," he teased quietly.

    "Keep your luck," I said. "You're gonna need it."

    He smirked, then looked down at the screen.

    I hadn't exactly thought of what I was going to do ahead of time. Frankly, the entire thing was an exercise in spontaneity. I don't know why I suggested continuing to play instead of just jumping into his lap and kissing him. Maybe because it was fun, maybe because I was stalling, maybe because if I did that, I'd have to decide if I wanted to go further, and how far that would be. And maybe, even though I was turned on and Ashton was sweet and respectful and ugh, I was still feeling uncertain because of a certain nagging voice in the back of my head.

    Whatever it was, it didn't matter. What mattered was that we were there, and we were enjoying ourselves, and it was hot as fuck.

    I didn't move until Ashton had started racing. As soon as he did, I tucked my legs beneath me and nestled closer to him. He shivered almost imperceptibly as I leaned against his arm and our skin touched.

    There was no real plan, but his neck seemed like as good a place as any to start. Carefully, so I didn't jostle him while he was racing, I curled in closer. Just before I pressed my lips to his skin, his breath quickened, and there was a smile on my face as I kissed the spot where his neck met his shoulder.

    Aside from the change in breathing, he didn't react as I nuzzled his neck, flicking my tongue out and tracing a gentle pattern along his collarbone. I almost jumped when the chiming sound that signaled the start of lap two rang out from the Switch and I had barely even touched him.

    I was going to have to step up my game.

    He very kindly moved his arm as I slipped my hand between us, touching his chest and trailing my fingers down his pecs. He trembled slightly as I ran my hand along his ribs, squirming just enough that it was clear it tickled, and I grinned against his neck before doing it again.

    "You are evil," he groaned, though it was mixed with laughter as he writhed.

    "You think that's evil?" I said, nipping at his neck. "You just wait."

    "Oh no," he said, but he didn't sound that unhappy about it.

    I traced his ribs lightly one last time before moving my hand to his stomach and walking my fingers lower, and lower, and lower still, until they reached the waistband of his boxers. Ashton's breath hitched, but seconds later the jingle of the final lap played and the music sped up.

    That meant my hand had to speed up, too.

    I slipped my fingers beneath the waistband of his boxers. Ashton made a small noise of anticipation as I pushed my hand further, culminating in a soft moan as my hand brushed against his shaft. Those noises made that desperately aching part of me pulse with need, but I ignored it as best I could as I wrapped my fingers around his cock.

    He was smooth and delightfully warm against my palm. I relished the way he twitched in my hand, uncontrollable movements that were accompanied by tiny puffs of breath as he tried to focus on the game. I felt his throat flex again as he swallowed and I started moving my hand, slowly at first and then faster. Precum dripped from his tip, thick and sticky and wonderfully slick, and I spread it along his cock as I stroked him.

    Just as I started really getting into it, I heard him cross the finish line. He inhaled sharply as I took my hand out of his boxers and moved away from his neck.

    "I won," he said, though he didn't sound entirely convinced that he had won.

    I tried to look dejected, but it was impossible. "What do you choose?"

    "Do you seriously need to ask?" he replied, grinning.

    "I wanna hear you say it."

    He licked his lips as his eyes flicked down. "Bra off, please."

    "Wow, and so polite."

    He opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out as I reached behind me and unhooked the clasp. That time, his eyes stayed glued to me as I moved the cups away from my breasts and slid the straps down my arms. I didn't mind in the slightest; the way his lips were parted and the subtle rise and fall of his chest as he watched sent a spike of desire rocketing through me. Silently, I revealed my breasts to him, entranced by the way he stared like I was made of star stuff and moonlight. It was only when I unceremoniously dropped my bra to the floor of my car that he finally spoke.

    "Holy fruck," he said, and I couldn't hold back a giggle.

    That, more than anything, made any of the nerves I had left vanish. There was no question; he wanted to see my tits. He was turned on because of me. He wanted me, and I wanted him, and I was seconds away from asking if we could just forget about the game when he thrust the Switch towards me.

    "Your turn."

    I almost protested, but the hoarseness of his voice and the dark excitement in his eyes as lightning flashed outside kept me quiet. Instead, I took the Switch.

    "Which track?"

    He picked one of the city tracks. For the life of me, I could never remember which one it was. There was no way around it: Ashton's distraction game was far stronger than mine.

    It started innocently enough. He asked if I'd be okay to sit between his legs so I could lean back against him.

    "It'll be more comfortable," he said, and like a complete sucker, I agreed.

    I should have known the second I felt his cock pressed against my lower back that I wasn't winning this round. Even through the fabric of his boxers, I could feel how hot he was, and it was a good thing I hadn't started yet when I felt his cock twitch against me. Still, I felt confident that I could win my race.

    So confident, in fact, that I wiggled my hips slightly as I leaned against him, making him groan as his cock nestled closer to my ass.

    "I thought you were supposed to be the one distracting me," I teased.

    "Rules don't start till the race starts," he murmured, and an electrifying tingle ran up my spine. "Gonna keep stalling?"

    I hit the button immediately and he chuckled in my ear.

    I managed to stay in first for most of the race, despite Ashton's best efforts. And those efforts were; well.

    He started much like I had. Fingers trailed along the base of my neck as he moved my hair out of the way and pressed his mouth just behind my ear. That certainly felt nice, and the feel of his breath brushing against my skin was a little distracting, but it wasn't unmanageable.

    That was just the briefest of warmups, though. After a few seconds, he nibbled softly on my shoulder and then slipped his hands beneath my arms. I shifted to give him room, holding the Switch up so I could focus on the race. His hands gripped my sides lightly, lingering for a heartbeat on my waist before moving up to my ribs. His knuckles brushed the underside of my breasts and I shivered; his lips flicked up and he sucked gently on my neck before taking a breast in each of his hands.

    I whimpered softly. I couldn't help it. The feel of his palms pressed against my hardened nipples was heaven; the gentle kneading of his hands was bliss. I blinked hard, staring at the screen and doing everything I could to stay on the track as he fondled, caressed, and tortured me with feather-light fingertips.

    I was still in first place when the second lap started, though I nearly lost my spot as Ashton pinched my nipples. He ran his fingers along one hardened nub as he released the other, sliding that hand to my ribs, and then my stomach, and then to the top of my panties.

    He toyed with the waistband for a few seconds but didn't stick his hand inside. Instead, he cupped my cunny through the fabric, exhaling softly as he felt the wet spot that had been soaking the front of them for some time.

    "Damn, Ramona," he mumbled against me. "I didn't realize you were this turned on."

    "Shut up," I whispered breathlessly as I crashed into another racer.

    "It's a good thing," he said. "This is; wow. Wow."

    I bit my lip as he pushed the crotch of my panties aside and traced my dripping cunny, then outright moaned when he rubbed my clit. My knuckles tightened on the sides of the Switch as he moved his hand, giving me the friction I'd been so desperately craving while simultaneously making me want more, and more, and;

    "Oh!" I gasped as he pushed a finger inside of me.

    "You okay?" he asked.

    "God yes," I moaned, and he jostled me as he laughed.

    On the screen, I hit another Item Box. Ashton kept doing his best to distract me, and honestly, he excelled at it. It was only sheer dumb luck that I managed to stay in first place as the third lap started, but the jingle indicating the start of the final lap only seemed to make him double down on his efforts.

    He pressed his thumb against my clit as he worked his finger in and out of me. I whined softly, my thumbs shaking as I tried to steer my character on the screen. Something blew past me; I couldn't have even guessed which character it was. His thumb swept along my clit, working against it in a maddening, thrilling way.

    "You play way more video games than I thought," I panted.

    "Why do you say that?" he asked, laughter threaded through his voice.

    "Your thumb is; ugh." I shuddered as he pressed a bit harder, his laughter vibrating against my shoulder. "Clearly, you work it out."

    "Clearly," he agreed, then shoved a second finger inside of me.

    I cried out, unable to stop myself from writhing in his arms. That made him groan and I felt his cock twitch against me. As I took another corner on the track, I pressed back and Ashton groaned again, pushing his hips forward and rubbing himself against the slope of my ass.

    It was too much. His lips on my neck, his hand cupping my breast, his fingers inside me as he finally gave in and used my body for his own relief; I was half a lap from finishing the race and slightly further from coming all over his hand. Biting my lip, I tried to grind against him, but his arms were holding me too tightly for me to help myself along the way. I whimpered and he shuddered, his own noises muffled as he kept rubbing his cock against the small of my back.

    A quarter lap away. I just needed to finish the race and then;

    Then what?

    Then I'd ask him to take his boxers off and then it would be his turn to race again and I'd;

    I would have to wait.

    Whoever thought up this dumb game clearly didn't think things through.

    I could see the finish line. I was in first again, somehow, not by much but by enough, but I needed; I needed just a little bit more.

    Slamming my eyes shut, I pressed the B button as hard as I could, moaning to drown out the sound of the brakes squealing in game.

    I heard the sound of the other racers crossing the finish line. If Ashton heard it too, he didn't react; instead, he plunged his fingers inside me harder as he ravished my clit. Sparks ignited inside me, a weightless feeling that radiated from my core and down my legs as I clutched the Switch with both hands. His hand tightened on my breast, not quite so hard as to cause pain, but enough to make me moan and lean heavily against his chest.

    Just as I did, the sound of Yoshi losing the race in twelfth place blared from the Switch.

    "It's over?" Ashton asked.

    I practically threw my Switch to the seat beside us and grabbed his arm.

    "Don't stop," I gasped. "Oh my God, please don't stop."

    He took mercy on me and kept moving his hand, though when my orgasm hit, he was definitely laughing. Not that I cared; I was too busy trembling in his arms, my eyes squeezed shut and my fingers digging into his wrist. Waves of bliss seized my body; white light that had nothing to do with the storm outside the car flashed in my eyes. I cried out, gibberish spilling from my lips as he drew my orgasm out until my heart was racing so fast that I couldn't breathe and I had no choice but to collapse back against him.

    "I think that counts as a forfeit," he whispered.

    "Worth it," I mumbled, and his chest shook as he laughed.

    "Does this mean I get to choose the next thing to remove?" he asked.

    "Give me a sec and I'll take my panties off."

    "Oh, a freebie?"

    I frowned, my mind still hazy. "What?"

    His teeth grazed my neck again. "I was gonna take my boxers off. I figure if you're gonna distract me like you did last time, it might help with, uh, access."

    "Right," I said. "It's your turn."

    "It is," he said evenly. "Though; "

    "Though what?"

    "I mean, if you forfeited, I'm the overall winner, so we could just stop here and; "

    He didn't finish the sentence, instead trailing his fingers along my thigh. My eyes opened and the afterglow of my orgasm was slowly replaced by uncontrollable butterflies.

    "And what?" I asked softly.

    "And nothing, if you don't want to," he said. "Otherwise; "

    "Otherwise what?"

    He kissed my neck. "Otherwise I might ask if you have a condom hidden somewhere in your car."

    I did, in fact, have an entire glove box full of condoms in my car. Condoms I'd taken from the university clinic, condoms that hadn't seen the light of day since I'd put them in there, condoms that I was eager to use and terrified to admit I'd never had the opportunity to use.

    "Ramona," he said when I didn't respond. "We don't have to."

    "It's not that," I whispered. "It's just; "

    He squeezed his arms around me lightly, a comforting sort of pulse as he nuzzled my neck. "It's okay if you don't. I promise. I'm not the guy who's gonna pressure you to do something you're not okay with, all right? I don't want that."

    "I do want to," I said, hating how my voice shook. "I just; haven't before."

    I don't know what I expected; I don't know if I thought he was going to laugh or push me away or suddenly decide that he was going to pressure me into it after all. All I know is that I was surprised when he brushed my hair back and kissed my shoulder lightly again.

    "Well, if you want to, then cool," he said. "And if you don't, or you change your mind, or you want to wait and do it some other time, or you want to do something else, that's also cool. Just tell me and we'll go from there."

    "I; okay."


    "I thought you'd make a bigger deal about it."

    "Do you want me to make a big deal about it?" His fingers moved comfortingly against my hip. "I mean, it might take a couple days, but I can do the rose-petals-and-champagne thing if you want the whole luxury experience or something."

    "No!" I said, laughing. "I meant like; I don't know what I meant."

    "If I'm guessing right, you thought I was gonna suddenly turn into the kind of guy who would do anything to take your virginity like there's some kind of achievement you unlock by being someone's first," he said. "But I'm not. The whole concept of 'taking' someone's virginity feels weird to me. It's not something you're giving me. It's just something you are or aren't."

    I blinked, turning my head slightly as thunder rumbled outside. "Wow."


    "You're just very; I don't know what the right word is."

    "Hmm," he sighed. "Probably like; oh, what's the word. You know, like, awake, but past tense?"

    I pressed my lips together. "Woke?"

    "That's the one."

    I lost it. Like there were actual tears dripping down my face, I was laughing so hard.

    "You dork," I snorted.

    He was grinning as he kissed my shoulder again. "Yeah, sorry. I thought you knew."

    I shook my head, still giggling. "Where'd you get so woke, then?"

    "As weird as this feels to say given our current, uh, situation, my mom," he said.

    "You talk with your mom about this kind of stuff?"

    He shrugged. "I mean, sort of. She's pretty chill about it. Like, it was never a big deal to talk about it in our house. But she definitely made sure I understood that my cock isn't capable of intrinsically changing who a woman is just because she happens to decide to have sex with me."

    "Your mom sounds cool."

    "I'd tell her you said that, but again, given our current situation; she's not that chill."

    It made me giggle again, and when lightning flashed and lit up the car, he moved his hand to my chin and gently turned my head towards him. Then, as the light faded from the sky and our eyes, he pressed his lips to mine.

    Thunder blasted above our little pocket of the world. I melted against him, the tension and indecision and nerves fading as we shared our first real kiss, and before the thunder had faded, I already knew.

    "Ashton?" I whispered against his mouth.


    "I have some condoms in my glove box."

    He kissed me softly. "You're sure?"

    "Yes, I put them there myself."

    He laughed. "You know what I mean."

    "Yes," I said. "I'm sure."

    He loosened his arms so I could crawl forward for the third time, popping the glove box open and feeling around for one of the small foil packets. The screen of my Switch was still on, offering the bare minimum of light to the interior of my car. It was enough to see the earnest look in Ashton's eye as he took the packet from me.

    "Can I take these off now?" he asked, motioning to his boxers. "Seeing as I won the last game and all."

    I grinned and nodded. "I'm gonna take mine off, mostly because I want to."

    "An excellent reason."

    I slipped my panties off quickly, leaving them on the floor of the car so I could watch as he removed his boxers. I bit my lip as he slid them down and revealed the thick cock that had been pressed against my back. He was still hard, incredibly hard, and his tip glistened with precum. I watched, shamelessly intrigued as he tore the packet open and put the condom on, then looked at me.

    "It's probably gonna be easiest if you're on top," he said frankly. "But we can try something else if you want."

    I shook my head and brought my legs under me so I could crawl forward. He sat back, reaching an arm out so he could help guide me onto his lap. Once there, he stopped me, bringing me forward so we could kiss again.

    Then, very carefully, he directed me to sit up on my knees while he moved his hand between us to grip his cock. There was another kiss, then he lined his cock up with my dripping entrance.

    "Ready?" he asked.

    "Yes," I breathed.

    His other hand moved to my hip and began to guide me down. The head of his cock split the lips of my cunny, nudging at my waiting hole. There was a slight moment of pressure, then the unfamiliar feeling of something hard and thick and warm entering me.

    "Okay?" he asked, his voice slightly choked.

    I nodded, and he pulled his hand out from between us and moved it to my other hip.

    "Take your time," he murmured.

    I did, not because it hurt, but because I was enjoying feeling every inch of him as I took him inside me. There was no pain, just the sensation of stretching and pressure and, eventually, fullness. Once I felt his pelvis pressing mine, I stopped, sighing as that needful craving to be filled was finally satisfied.

    "Still good?" he asked, and that time his voice was definitely strangled, though he fought to keep it steady.

    I didn't answer. Instead, I kissed him, bringing my hand up to his jaw and caressing it as I started moving. He groaned against my mouth, his fingers digging into my hips as he squeezed so he could show me the best way to move.

    Regardless of Ashton's feelings about the concept of taking someone's virginity, I felt like I was giving it to him. And to me, that was good; in that moment, that was what I wanted. I wanted him to have it, I wanted him to be my first, I wanted to have the knowledge that this was the man I chose to have this experience with. I couldn't have asked for someone better; I couldn't have asked for someone who made me feel as comfortable as he did, who had made me laugh the way he could, who was so; right.

    He was just so right.

    I kissed him as long as I could, only parting so I could gasp for air as I rode him. Ashton dipped his head to take one of my nipples in his mouth. I cried out as he did, that familiar feeling of euphoria collecting somewhere deep inside of me. It felt like his cock was hitting that spot, that he had found a place I'd never known was there, a place I couldn't get to on my own, a place I needed him to reach.

    And it was so good.

    I hadn't been expecting to come again, but as that ascension started, as my legs started to tremble and my muscles started to clench, I had to steady myself against Ashton's shoulders. He groaned as I clutched him, as I couldn't stop myself from digging my nails in, like I needed to hold something to keep from falling off the edges of the Earth.

    "Gonna come again," I panted. "Ash, I'm; "

    "Oh, yes," he moaned, the sound muffled by my breasts.

    I shattered moments later. Beneath me, Ashton thrust up, making a noise that I distantly thought was probably the hottest thing I'd ever heard. I clung to him, lightning flashing and thunder roaring as my body broke and regenerated and exploded and imploded. His arms moved around my waist, holding me in place as he pushed up, my breasts bouncing against his face until he cried out.

    His last few thrusts were erratic but hard, his cock buried as deep inside of me as it could go. Another flash of lightning revealed his head tilted back against the seat, his eyes closed as tension and relief swirled across his face, and then I was collapsing against him and he was hugging me to him as the world spun around us.

    For an endless moment, we held each other. His fingers traced a gentle pattern against my lower back and his breath caressed my skin. When another flash of lightning lit up the car, I sat back and looked at him.

    "You all right?" he asked.

    "Yes," I said. "Are you?"

    "Fruck yeah."

    We giggled immaturely, stopping only when he pulled me forward to kiss him again.

    "Still raining," he mumbled a while later.

    "Mm-hmm," I replied.

    He tapped his fingers lightly along my skin. "I have a proposal for you."

    "My Switch is almost dead, we can't play Mario Kart again."

    He laughed. "Not that. Come over."

    "To your house?"

    "Yeah. Stay the night."

    My heart fluttered wildly. "You know how pissed my mom will be?"

    "I mean, she's gonna be pissed about the car battery anyway," he pointed out.

    "That's very true."

    "So why not spend the night at my place and make it extra-worth pissing her off?"

    It was a good point. A very good point. And even if it wasn't a good point, I didn't care. I wanted to spend the night with Ashton. I wanted to sleep in his arms, to touch him, to hold him, to wake up beside him and give him my second time and third time and however many times I could, just like I'd given him my first time. I wanted to make up for the years we hadn't been friends and learn all the things about him that I'd missed.

    And maybe, just maybe, I wanted to see the look on my mom's face when she found out she hadn't been able to keep Ashton out of my life.

    "So what do you think?" he asked, running his fingers gently along my back as he broke me out of my thoughts.

    I bit back a smile. "You know, she might've been right about you."

    His hand stopped moving. "What?"

    "You're a bad influence." I kissed him, letting him feel the grin on my lips. "Just how I like my influences."

    He laughed as thunder crashed above us. "So, that's a yes?"

    "Yep." I slid off his lap, feeling around the rear shelf for my clothes. "Let's go."

    "Don't you want to get dressed first?"

    "Are you kidding? It was hard enough to get undressed in here." I rooted through the wheel well for my Chuck Taylors. "Your house isn't that far. We can run."

    "You want to run," he repeated.

    "Mm-hmm," I said patiently.

    "From here to my house."




    "In a thunderstorm."

    There was a good chance he thought I was crazy. I mean, the skeptical disbelief in his tone all but confirmed it. Rather than waste more time, I decided to entice him a little.

    It might have been playing dirty, but I very much doubted that Ashton would mind.

    Leaning forward, I pushed myself slowly between the driver and passenger seats so I could get my keys from the ignition. With a providence that couldn't have possibly been planned, there was another burst of lightning, and I heard him inhale sharply from behind me.

    "Do you really want to sit around trying to get your pants on in my backseat or do you want to take five seconds and run across the road?" I asked as I grabbed the keys.

    "Streaking is illegal, Ramona," he said virtuously, though his voice was strangled.

    "Yeah, well, maybe I'm a bit of a rebel, Ash."

    He snickered. "And your mom says I'm the bad influence."

    "Come on. Run naked across the street with me, and I'll let you play with my tits again."

    "Deal," he said instantly.

    Before I could even react, he reached over and threw the door open. Wind blew into the car and I shrieked as rain splashed unexpectedly along my bare skin. Ashton grabbed my hand, tugging me out of the backseat as I giggled and clutched my clothes to my chest. He closed the door and stopped, pulling me in for a heated kiss as rain soaked our hair and bodies, then grabbed my hand as we rushed across the street for what I hoped was the beginning of a long frucking summer.

    Based on a post, by  MsCherylTerra for Literotica.


  • Player 2 arrives.

    Based on the post of MsCherylTerra, in 3 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at My First Time.

    At no point in the history of time or space would I have thought I'd end up geeking out over The Circlet of Nianus with Ashton Halliday. I mean, at no point would I have ever thought I'd end up sitting in the backseat of my car, chatting excitedly about games we'd recently played and upcoming ones we were looking forward to. There was no reason for me to think we'd get into a heated debate about which Final Fantasy was best, or that he'd have bad enough taste to claim that Final Fantasy VII was better than Final Fantasy VI.

    "Next you're going to tell me you think Wheatley is a better villain than GLaDOS," he groaned.

    "Of course not!" I said indignantly. "Wheatley's hilarious, but he's a moron. GLaDOS is smart enough to be an actual villain. But the real question is, do you think Cave Johnson is funnier than both of them or are you wrong?"

    Ashton threw his head back as he laughed. "We're in full agreement on that."

    "Phew," I said, leaning against the door. "It's a good thing you said that, otherwise there's no way we could be friends."

    "Are we friends?" he asked.

    My laughter faded as I met his eyes. There was still a half-smile on his lips, but his eyes studied me seriously.

    "I mean; we aren't, you know. Not friends," I said.

    "Yeah, but we used to be, like, actual friends."

    I fidgeted nervously. "We were kids."

    "Doesn't mean we weren't friends," he replied. "I don't really know why we stopped hanging out, Ramona."

    I swallowed hard. There was no reason for his words to sting so much; we'd stopped being friends because he hadn't invited me to his ninth birthday party. It was stupid. It was petty.

    And it bothered me that he didn't remember.

    "I need to turn the car off," I said. "You can keep charging, just; I don't want to waste gas."

    Before he could respond, I opened the door. The rush of night air was a relief against my flushed skin and I took my time walking around the vehicle and turning it back to accessory mode before returning to the back seat.

    "Ramona; " he started when I got in.

    "Do you mind getting the dome light?" I interrupted. "It'll drain the battery too fast."

    He paused, then reached up and turned the light off as I shut the door. As I adjusted to the sudden darkness that fell over us, I realized how small the inside of my car felt.

    "I believe you've got some Pokemon to master," I said, just for something to fill the silence. "And Zelda's not going to free herself from Calamity Ganon."

    "True," Ashton said lightly. "But I have a proposal for you."

    I closed my eyes and sighed. "I don't want to talk about; "

    "Mario Kart."

    I paused, then frowned. "What?"

    Ashton's face was barely visible in the darkness, but between his tone and the glimmer in his eyes, I could tell he was smiling.

    "Mario Kart," he repeated. "Let's play it together."

    "You want to play; Mario Kart?"

    "Okay, full disclosure?" he said. "I fucking love Mario Kart and no one ever wants to play it with me, and it's not as fun as a single-player game. Since we're hanging out anyway, let's play together."

    I was relieved that we were back to video game talk, though my confusion about his sudden dropping of the whole "friends" thing was slow to fade.

    "Okay," I said slowly. "One problem, though."

    "I'll buy you the game if you don't have it," he said immediately.

    "How am I supposed to download it? The power's out and I don't know what kind of fancy Honda your dad drives, but my car isn't equipped with Wi-Fi."

    "One step ahead of you." There was a rustling sound as he fiddled around for a moment, then I winced as the sudden brightness of his phone lit up the interior of the car. "I'll hotspot my phone. And we can do local play once you download it so we won't even need to stay connected."

    I looked at his phone, then up at the excitedly twinkling eyes gazing at me in the ghostly glow of the screen light.

    "You're really into Mario Kart, eh?" I said, amused.

    "Come on," he said, grinning. "I'll even go easy on you. At first."

    "Don't bother," I said, grabbing my Switch. "I'll have you know I'm a fucking champ when it comes to Mario Kart and there's no way I'm going easy on you."

    Ashton Humbled.

    By a glow that was ironically ghastly given the colorful nature of anything Mario-related, I destroyed Ashton.

    "Have you ever even played this game before?" I asked after the first race, where I easily came in first.

    "Beginner's luck," he said.

    "Beginner? I've been playing Mario Kart since before you were born."

    He opened his mouth, then closed it and frowned. "I'm three months older than you."

    "Details, details," I said, then joined the next race.

    "I might be a little rusty," he admitted after I wiped the floor with him again in the next race.

    "A little?"

    "Once I find my groove, you're going to be begging for mercy."

    "Sure, Ash. Gotta catch me first."

    He groaned as I giggled.

    During the third race, I managed to run him off a cliff.

    "Jerk," he muttered.

    "Bitch," I replied, and he burst out laughing.

    "Just Supernatural or are you part of the whole trifecta?"

    I rolled my eyes as I drifted around a corner. "Do I look like I'm part of SuperWhoLock?"

    "Blue hair, eyebrow piercing, complete and utter disdain for an overbearing mother? You're the fucking poster child for Tumblr."

    I missed hitting an Item Box as I glared at my screen. "Asshole."

    He laughed. "What, you can dish it out but you can't take it?"

    I gritted my teeth as an NPC Bowser blasted past me. "Let me remind you whose car this is and whose charger you're currently using."

    "Oh," he said, his laughter falling as flat as my tone had. "I; sorry."


    We finished the rest of the race in silence. I still beat him, but I didn't come in first.

    "I was joking," he said when he finally crossed the finish line and the characters began to whirl around the track automatically. "I'm sorry."

    "It's fine."

    "Your hair looks awesome," he continued. "I didn't mean to make you feel bad about it or something. You look so; "

    "I don't care about that," I interrupted, partly because the fact he was complimenting my appearance was making me tingle in a way that was almost infuriating, since I shouldn't care at all what Ashton Halliday thought of how I looked, but mostly because it wasn't the thing that had bothered me. "I just don't need to be reminded about my mother right now."

    He was quiet for a moment. "Is everything; are you okay?"

    "I'm fine," I said. "I don't want to talk about it."

    Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him nod.

    "Got it." He mashed one of the buttons on his Switch. "Come on, start the next race. I've got a good feeling about this one."

    I snorted. "A good feeling about losing?"

    "I'm gonna make you eat those words."

    "Looks like I'm going to be starving."

    "Big talker," he said. "You just wait."

    He came closer to beating me that time; neither of us came in first but he was only a couple of seconds behind me.

    "Hope you're hungry," he teased.

    "Oh, that's right!" I said suddenly.


    I dug through the pocket on the back of the passenger seat. "Want some Oreos?"

    "Does the Pope shit in the woods?"

    "Depends on if the bear is Catholic."

    We both snickered, then went silent as we each popped an Oreo in our mouths. The dim light from our Switches filled the car, and I looked at him out of the corner of my eye as he grabbed another cookie.

    "Can I ask you something stupid?" I asked suddenly.

    He took a bite of the Oreo. "Yeah."

    I picked up another one but didn't eat it, choosing instead to fidget with it by twisting the chocolate discs. "Don't laugh."

    "I might."

    "When we were kids, in like; third grade, I think? Maybe fourth?" I knew it was third grade, but I was trying to pretend like it was slightly less of a big deal than I was making it. "Sometime around then. You; you had a birthday party. Playing laser tag, I think."

    "Yeah, sounds about right," he said lightly.

    I swallowed hard, still twisting the Oreo back and forth. "Why didn't you invite me?"

    "I did."

    I pressed my lips together as my stomach tightened. Of course he didn't remember.

    "You didn't," I said. "Everyone was super excited about it and then the day came and; "

    "And your mom called and said you didn't want to go," he finished.

    I looked up, my eyes wide, to see him staring back at me with a hard expression on his face.

    "It was third grade, not fourth," he said. "And my mom was mad because I'd insisted you were gonna come even though you didn't respond to the invitation. She'd already paid for everything for the party and your mom only called her like an hour before it started."

    "What?" I said. "That can't be right."

    "Trust me. I remember my mom being pissed about it."

    I bit my lip. "She said I wasn't invited."

    Ashton's face softened as he saw the confusion on mine. "Your mom totally hated me, Ramona. I mean, I kinda figured but my mom confirmed it after your mom called the police on me for skateboarding after ten p.m. at the park."


    He started laughing. "Yeah, when I was like, fifteen. I mean, I seriously wasn't doing anything besides skateboarding, but I was scared shitless when the cops came and brought me home. I was lucky, though. He hung out to tell my mom that they only had to do something because Liz Roth was the one who called it in and that technically the bylaw did say that the park was closed after ten. After he left my mom said your mom thought I was a bad influence because she and her never got along." He took another cookie from the package, his smile fading. "I thought you'd just decided we weren't friends or something because you stopped wanting to hang out and you wouldn't even talk to me at school. I didn't know; she really told you I hadn't invited you?"

    I couldn't bring myself to respond. Yeah, she had told me Ashton hadn't invited me to his birthday party. And that had been so hurtful that I stopped being friends with him. And for; well, for ten years, since we were nineteen now, we hadn't been friends because my mom thought a child was, what, a bad influence? A troublemaker? And she'd;

    "She called the police on you?" I asked, my voice shaking with anger.

    "Yeah," he said.

    "I'm so sorry."

    "Don't be."

    "But; "

    "Seriously, don't be." He looked at me earnestly. "I'm sorry I didn't ever ask you about it. It's not your fault she's; "

    "; such a bitch?" I finished as he trailed off.

    He chuckled. "Your words, not mine."

    I shook my head. "And she wonders why I don't want to be her goody-two-shoes mini-me anymore."

    "So the hair and piercing are because you're rebelling?" he asked.

    "No," I said stubbornly. "They're because I like them and now I can do the things I like."


    I glanced at him, trying to hide an abashed smile. "And maybe a little because I'm rebelling."

    He grinned. "You know what would be a great way to really stick it to your mom?"

    I raised my eyebrows.

    "Being friends with me again," he continued. "Imagine how pissed she'd be if she found out we were hanging out."

    "I've been friends with people for stupider reasons," I said. "Sounds good to me."

    "Awesome." He grabbed another Oreo. "Now, you gonna keep stalling, or are you ready for me to destroy you in the next cup?"

    "Bring it on, big talker."

    The Theory.

    "I have a theory," he said a while later.

    "What's that?"

    "You didn't really go away to university." He wagged a finger at me. "You've spent the past year training in a super secret location to be the world's top Mario Kart eSports player, and you just hustled me into thinking you haven't played in years so you could get a free copy for your Switch."

    I smirked at him as my Yoshi raced around the track on my screen. "Believe whatever conspiracy you need to comfort yourself after losing again."

    "Oh, yeah?" He put his Switch down on his lap as his Toad did another automated lap. "Prove it."

    "Prove what? Mario Kart doesn't even have any official competitions."

    "Sounds like something someone deep in the underground world of Nintendo eSports would say. You're gonna have to do better than that."

    "What, like you want to see my student ID or something?"

    He shook his head. "Anyone can fake one of those. Tell me something only someone who goes to university would know."

    I laughed. "Like what?"

    He shook his head teasingly. "I can't tell you. That would be cheating and all you're doing is proving my theory."

    "How am I supposed to prove it?" I giggled. "What, you want to know how many frat parties I've been to or something?"

    "Frat parties?" Ashton said with interest. "Have you been to many?"

    I felt my skin get warm. "No, I; not really."

    He shifted in his spot, turning to face me. "What's 'not really' mean?"

    I bit my lip. "Well, I went to like; a couple. But I didn't stay very long. Not really my scene."

    "Not a partier?"

    "I didn't say that."

    He grinned. "Tell me some party stories. It's not concrete proof but it'll help convince me a little."

    I rolled my eyes. "I don't have a lot of stories. I went to some parties, I drank some beer, maybe did a little dancing."

    "Dancing?" he repeated. "That's it?"

    "Pretty much."

    Ashton smiled knowingly. "With one person or just kind of whoever?"

    "Are you asking me if I slept around?" I asked.

    He raised his hands. "No judgement from me. I'm just curious."

    "I don't have a boyfriend, if that's what you mean."


    "Nope. Why, you applying?"

    "Do you want me to?"

    I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out.

    "I'm just messing around," Ashton said after a moment, his face going serious. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

    "It's okay," I said. "Just, um, unexpected. I didn't really; you know. Do the party-hook-up thing." Or any hook-up thing, but I didn't add that part. "Mostly I sat around eating chips and talking games."

    "That's what we're doing right now." He folded his arms. "Not a very convincing argument."

    "I don't know what to tell you," I said. "I've been in university for a year. You just suck at Mario Kart."

    "I do not," he said. "I just spent my year at university studying and behaving like a good, upstanding citizen instead of going to frat parties and hustling people at Mario Kart."

    "Oh, bullshit," I cackled. "How many people did you 'dance' with, Ashton?"

    "Just my girlfriend," he replied.

    My throat felt dry. "Oh."

    "Until she broke up with me," he continued. "Then, like, three other people. Figured why not, you know?"

    "Right," I said.

    I didn't know what to make of the twitching little emotion in my chest. If I didn't know any better, I would have called it jealousy. But it couldn't be jealousy. This was the first time Ashton and I had talked; really talked; in; well, forever, I suppose. I mean, nine-year-olds aren't known for their intellectual and deep conversations, and while we'd spoken in passing during high school, it wasn't like this.

    On the other hand; ugh.

    "Is this too weird?" he asked frankly. "I'm serious, Ramona. Just tell me to shut up if this is getting too personal or something."

    I bit my lip. It wasn't too personal. Aside from the fact that we were really just getting to know each other for the first time, I trusted him, and he was; well. I didn't know if he was asking because he was trying to feel out if I would be okay with him hitting on me or something, but if he was, I knew it was because he liked me as more than just a concept. I mean, he'd known me since we were kids, and he knew about my crazy mom, and he was understanding, and kind, and funny, and; well.

    "I just don't have anything, um, interesting to say," I finally said. "I don't mind talking about it, I just; I didn't meet anyone worth writing home about. Not that I'd want to tell my mom about it, anyway. She'd; well."

    "Wouldn't approve or would immediately start planning a wedding?" he asked.

    I smiled down at my Switch. "Wouldn't approve. She's pretty conservative about that kind of thing. Which sucks, because I want to be a bit more open to, you know; " I cleared my throat. "; trying new things or whatever. But it's hard to get past all the things she said. Like, there was this pajama party where they started playing strip beer pong and I wanted to play but; I dunno."

    He listened thoughtfully, nodding as I finished. "You started overthinking it."

    "Yeah, like I am right now," I muttered, which was apparently a lie because I did not think that through.

    "What are you overthinking right now?"

    I glanced up at him, suddenly vulnerable, suddenly alarmed. Ashton looked back at me steadily, his eyes wide but friendly, intrigued but safe. I wanted to tell him; I wanted to say I was wondering why he'd asked, and ask what he'd really meant when he said I looked good, and if he wanted to kiss me, and if he thought the fact that I wanted to kiss him and touch him and do other stuff to him would make him think I was only doing it to rebel against my mom or if he understood that I'd always liked him, and would he even be interested in me like that.

    "Just stuff," I said instead, my voice small.

    Ashton opened his mouth to respond, but the inside of my car suddenly exploded with light. Before the confusion faded from my mind and the temporary white blindness had faded back to dark, thunder burst above us.

    "What the fruck," I shrieked, jumping so suddenly that I nearly tumbled off the backseat. Without thinking, I grabbed Ashton to steady myself.

    I don't know if he was thinking when he put an arm around me, or if it was just instinct, or if he felt the same spark that I did as his hand brushed against my breast unintentionally. I do know that my heart was racing so fast that I felt lightheaded, and that it wasn't entirely because of the sudden clap of thunder.

    "Did; " he started, then stifled a laugh. "Did you just say what the 'fruck'?"

    "Shut up," I muttered.

    My face was burning and something in the back of my mind was screaming that I should pull myself away, that I shouldn't be pressed against Ashton in the back of my car. But he didn't let go of me, and I didn't move away from him, and when the next flash of lightning filled the sky, he was still holding me close.

    "Probably going to start raining again," he said after thunder finished rumbling.

    "Yeah," I agreed.

    "Probably pretty hard," he said.


    "So if you want to go back inside; "

    "Not really. Do you?" I asked.


    The word hung between us and my heart stuttered, that light-headed feeling extending from my head to my limbs, a weightless anticipation that was foreign and nerve-wracking and electrifying. I had a vague idea of where I wanted things to go, and I was fairly certain that Ashton wanted things to go in that same direction, but I didn't know what to say next.

    "Why don't we keep playing?" he asked gently a moment later.


    "Sure," I whispered, my voice deflated as I started to untangle myself from him.

    His arms tightened. "But how 'bout we up the stakes?"

    I stopped and looked up. Lightning chose that moment to flash again, revealing a mischievous glimmer in his eyes.

    I bit my lip, hardly able to contain my excitement. "What were you thinking?"

    Still Losing.

    Despite the added motivation, he still lost the next race.

    "Damnit," he cursed.

    "Off with the shirt," I said cheerfully as I leaned against the door.

    We'd been smart enough to close the windows I'd cracked open before the rain started, so Ashton didn't seem to mind stripping off a layer considering how hot the inside of the car had gotten. Rain hammered against the roof of the car, a staccato soundtrack to the flashing glimpses of skin I got as lightning burst beyond the foggy windows.

    I watched unabashedly, equally grateful that he had lost so I didn't have to be the first one to take my shirt off and that the light was bright enough for me to appreciate the lines of his body.

    The rules were negotiated before we started. Clothing had to come off in order; no removing pieces that were under something else first. Shoes and socks didn't count, nor did jewelry. In order to make the other person remove a piece of clothing, you had to come in first; placing ahead of them wasn't cause for stripping. We took turns picking the course, regardless of who won. Most importantly, either of us could stop the game at any time, no questions asked.

    "And if your mom comes outside and discovers me sitting half-naked in your car?" he had asked, the only moment he seemed to second-guess himself.

    "She won't," I replied. "There's no way she'll come outside in this weather."

    "But if she does?" he pressed.

    "Once she's done yelling, I'll go down on you."

    "Deal," he said without hesitation, and there was a long delay before we could start playing because I was laughing too hard.

    Part of the laughter was nervousness; part of it was mortification that the words had actually left my lips; part of it was to cover the absolute thrill that rushed through me as I imagined looking up at Ashton just before taking him in my mouth.

    My heart felt like it was hammering against my ribcage as I faked confidence and told him to pick the first track since I was certain I'd beat him anyway. Throughout the entire race, my breath was stuck in my throat, though it didn't stop me from trash-talking him when he missed hitting me with a red shell, and I only let it out when I finally crossed the finish line.

    "Your turn," he said after putting his shirt on the rear shelf. "What course?"

    I tore my eyes away reluctantly and studied the screen of my Switch.

    "What'll it be, what'll it be," Ashton said as I contemplated. "Probably gonna play it safe, eh? Dry Desert? Toad Turnpike?"

    "In your fruckin' dreams," I said. "No way am I going easy on you."

    "Oh, not for my sake," he replied. "I mean, you don't want to throw your winning streak now, right? So you wouldn't pick something hard that might put you in a; precarious sort of position, would you?"

    I glanced up at him. "Are you trying to goad me into picking a harder track?"

    He blinked at me innocently. "Who, me?"

    I snorted. "This coming from the guy who picked Mario Circuit. Can you get any more basic?"

    "And yet, you weren't that far ahead of me. Starting to choke, Ramona?"

    "If you want me to choke, you'll have to give me something bigger than thisI was dropping the charade and just getting naked.

    A third part of me was insisting I needed to tell Ashton why I was nervous, to explain to him that I'd never been fully naked around anyone before, that I was a virgin, that I'd barely been kissed, let alone anything more. At the same time, a nagging voice in the back of my head that sounded suspiciously like the head of the homeowner's association said if I told him I was a virgin, he'd want to; well, he might like that more than I wanted him to.

    Or he might not. Or he might not even want to go there. He might just want to fool around, or flirt, or; or I didn't know. What I did know was that, as nervous as I was, I wanted to be there more than I wanted to be anywhere else in the world.

    As the stats showed on my screen, I swallowed and put my Switch down on the seat beside me.

    "Final rule is still applicable," Ashton said gently as I wiped my hands on my jeans. "If you want to stop; "

    "No way," I shot back. "I had to let you think there was at least a chance I'd lose a piece of clothing otherwise you'd quit before I got to see the whole package."

    He grinned and leaned back against the door. "Whatever you say, Ramona."

    I stuck my tongue out at him, which made him laugh, then hesitated as I tried to decide between taking off my pants or my shirt. He'd made the comment about hoping I was wearing cute panties, and for some reason, it felt less revealing to sit around in my underwear than it did to sit around in my bra, so I brought my shaking hands to the waistband of my jeans and unbuttoned them.

    Removing my pants was awkward. Obviously, part of it was because of all the things that were making me thrilled and nervous. But, from a more practical perspective, we were in a dark, enclosed space surrounded by a raging thunderstorm. I forgot to take my Chucks off, so had to pause with my jeans around my knees to untie them before doing my best to wriggle my pants off the rest of the way without accidentally kicking Ashton. When I finally managed to get them off and onto the rear shelf, my face was bright red, though not from the heat in the car.

    "I hate to ask," he said. "But the pattern on your underwear; is that; "

    "Shut up," I said. "Yes."

    He stifled a laugh. "I love it. Can I see; uh." He stopped, and I looked up to see his face reddening as he tore his eyes away. "That sounded super weird. Sorry."

    I hesitated for half a heartbeat, then brought my hands to the hem of my t-shirt and lifted it slightly so he could see my panties more clearly. Ashton's eyes met mine and I saw his throat flex as he swallowed before his eyes flicked downward. For a long time, he stared, and I was starting to think it wasn't just at the pattern on my underwear.

    "I didn't even know they made Dead pool-themed panties," he finally said.

    "Why not?" I asked. "They capitalize on anything."

    "Yeah, but how many people are seriously buying Dead pool panties that say 'show me your chimichanga' on them?"

    "You have no idea how long it took me to find these."

    His eyes flicked back up, meeting mine, and the next race was paused as we dissolved into laughter again.

    I don't know whether it was an increased motivation on his part or distraction on mine, but the removal of my pants was apparently what he needed. He picked the next track, of course, and it was only sheer luck that I crossed the finish line seconds before he did.

    "I did that on purpose," he said as he started unbuttoning his jeans. "I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable sitting around in your underwear by yourself."

    "How chivalrous of you," I replied.

    "I know, right?" He tugged his jeans down and despite my best efforts, I couldn't help trying to catch a glimpse as he removed them. "Now, it's only polite that you extend the same courtesy, so if you could go ahead and lose the next race; "

    "Not a chance in hell," I said.

    He laughed and said something else, but I completely missed it. I don't know what it was about Ashton in his boxers, but he was just; ugh. So ugh.

    My panties were as geeky as I was, but his boxers were fairly plain. I couldn't really tell what color they were by the glow of the Switch screens; they weren't white, but maybe like a very light grey or green or blue. It didn't really matter, of course, since I wasn't looking at them for the color. I was looking at them for the way they clung to his thighs and sat on his hips, for the gentle V line on either side of his stomach that disappeared beneath the waistband. Mostly, I was looking at the bulge in the front. He filled out those boxers nicely.

    I blamed the distraction of how good he looked in his boxers for my next loss, even though I had picked the track again. It wasn't quite so much of an upset that time, but it didn't matter; he came in first, and if you're not first, you're last.

    He didn't say anything as I brought my hands to the hem of my shirt. I could feel his eyes on me as I lifted it, but I didn't look at him; a single moment might have been enough for me to lose my resolve. Instead, I swallowed, took a deep breath, and pulled it over my head.

    Once it was off, I risked a glance at Ashton. I expected his eyes to be glued to my breasts, even though I still had my bra on. I mean, wasn't that kind of the point? He was putting on a show for me, I was putting on a show for him, and from my admittedly limited experience with men, I was fairly sure that a good percentage of them were pretty much obsessed with tits. And maybe Ashton was too, but I couldn't tell. He was looking at my face with eyes that were wide and earnest and appreciative in an almost wholesome sort of way.

    That expression was everything. I couldn't quite say it banished my nerves, but it filled that spot deep in my stomach with a blooming warmth that made me very glad I still had my panties on, otherwise I would've had to find a way to clean my seats the next day. The way he looked at me; well.

    It made me very glad that he was the person I was playing this game with.

    He held my gaze as I put my shirt on the rear shelf, waiting until I was sure my collarbone was stained pink and my pulse was showing through my skin before finally allowing his eyes to trail down my body.

    His throat flexed as he swallowed and his mouth opened just slightly. I could almost feel his gaze as his eyes moved down my neck and to my shoulders, and from my shoulders to my breasts. I let him stare, taking in the softness of my curves and gentle dip of my cleavage as it hinted at something hidden just beneath the pale blue fabric.

    "There wasn't a matching bra," I finally said, almost apologetically.

    His chuckle was almost dry. "This one's pretty frucking hot, though."

    My laughter must have made my breasts jiggle or something. The light from our screens might have been dim, but it was bright enough that I could see the shadow of movement in the front of his boxers.

    Definitely a good choice to keep my panties on.

    "Rainbow Road," he said suddenly.


    Ashton's throat flexed again as he met my eye again. "Next track. Rainbow Road."

    "You really want to show me your cock, eh?" I teased, grabbing my Switch.

    "Sure, but you're gonna be showing me your tits first," he shot back.

    "Big talker for someone who's only won two races."

    "Yeah, well." His eyes twinkled as he smirked and pressed the button to start the race. "You have no idea how badly I want to see you naked."

    The words sent a rush through me just as a drawn-out rumble of thunder filled the air. I gaped at him a second too long; by the time I recovered, I missed the window for a Turbo Start.

    Ashton, on the other hand, didn't.

    The idea of playing another round completely topless, knowing how hard Ashton would have to struggle to keep his eyes off my breasts and on his game, was more distracting than it was motivating. There was an aching sensation in my pelvis that was familiar yet completely brand new. I'd been horny before, obviously. I'd masturbated, I'd fooled around with guys, I knew what being turned on felt like, but I couldn't say that it had ever felt like that before. It was a gnawing sort of feeling, a hunger, a need for something to be inside me. Somehow, my body just knew it wanted to be filled, even though I'd never experienced it before.

    It was the worst track to be distracted on. Rainbow Road was notoriously hard, that much was true, but realistically it wasn't the hardest, at least in my opinion. It did, however, require a level of attention that I was not capable of in my current state, and that much was obvious when I fell to fifth place. I gritted my teeth, trying not to think about the wetness between my legs or wonder why the idea of sitting topless in front of Ashton was filling me with as much excitement as it was nervousness.

    One of the NPC racers passed me and I bit my lip. There was almost no chance I was going to win; but I didn't have to win.

    I just needed Ashton not to come in first.

    "Imagine if my mom came out right now," I said.

    He chuckled but didn't say anything.

    "She'd be so pissed," I continued, drifting around a curve. "But I bet you wouldn't even notice because you'd be too busy thinking about how I promised to go down on you if she yelled at you."

    His chuckle was slightly strangled that time. "Didn't think you were one to play dirty."

    "Who, me?" I asked innocently, hitting an Item Box. "What's so dirty about making you wonder what my boobs look like?"

    "Joke's on you, I was already wondering that."

    "Pale pink and really hard right now."

    Lightning flashed and I saw him shift slightly. "What?"

    "My nipples. You know, for your mental image."

    He made a noise that was a groaning sort of cough. "That so?"

    "Mm-hmm. And I'd totally take my bra off while I was going down on you."

    "You know, if you were really trying to distract me, you wouldn't be phrasing it like that," he said firmly.

    I frowned. "What?"

    "You'd say you were gonna suck my cock or something. Like, for example, if I was going to pull this same dirty trick on you, I wouldn't just say I'd go down on you. I'd tell you that I'd bury my face in your cunny and let you pull my hair while I licked every single inch of you, making sure you were properly begging me to play with your clit before I even touched it."

    I fell off the track.

    "Asshole," I whispered as Lakitu dropped me back on the road.

    "Yeah, I'd lick that if you wanted me to."

    I was dead last and from what I could tell, he was firmly in first place. I rounded another curve, my panties as soaked as they would have been if I'd been standing outside in the storm. There was no chance, no way at all that I'd win, and save for a miracle, there was no way he wouldn't come in first. I swallowed hard, mentally preparing myself to strip in front of him, partly thrilled and partly terrified and entirely, completely, totally turned on.

    Just as I resigned myself to my fate, something dimmed in the corner of my eye.

    "What?" Ashton gasped. "What?"

    I looked at him. Well, sort of. I looked at the spot he was sitting, which was far darker than it had been a few moments earlier when his Switch screen was lighting up his face.

    "No," he breathed. "No way."

    "Your Switch died?" I asked.

    "But it's plugged in!"

    I tried not to laugh at the devastation in his voice. I was about to tell him not to be sad, I would show him my tits anyway if he asked nicely and maybe took his boxers off, when I realized what that meant.

    "Oh, no," I whispered, abandoning the race.

    To be continued in part 3, Based on a post, by  MsCherylTerra for Literotica.

  • She's ready for player two.

    Based on the post of MsCherylTerra, in 3 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at My First Time.

    Player one is me, Ramona Roth. I’m nineteen, blue hair, pierce eyebrow, former president of the student council, virgin.

    War is hell, they say, but I say they're wrong.

    Hell is insanity, and insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    Hell is false hopes and flagrant disappointment.

    Hell is knowing that the squabbling of Ilyra, the princess from the far-off planet of Nianus, and Jostok, the snarky-but-pleasantly-ripped humanoid alien soldier from Quighnan, would attract the attention of Izzon's monstrous space beast.

    It's knowing that the beast would destroy the vent your plucky band of misfits was crawling through.

    It's knowing that you'd all tumble into the cavernous belly of the spaceship with only the last-second triggering of a force-field from your omni-cuff to prevent you from turning into gizzard soup on the space-grey floor.

    I watched Jostok realize that the force field hadn't prevented the princess from being crushed beneath the weight of the metal that tumbled from above. I watched him separate her from the tangled pile of bodies and bionic limbs, cradling her barely conscious form against one beefy, armor-clad bicep.

    I watched her brilliant violet eyes flutter open, and saw the little half-smile on her face as he called her by her name, and heard the weakness in her voice as she reminded him that it was Princess Ilyra to him. I heard Jostok chuckle wetly and assure her she was going to make it.

    After all, she was the princess. This was not how princesses died.

    Which was true, because she didn't die like that.

    Izzon's beast hurled itself to the ground in front of us, its weight making the spaceship itself shudder violently. A beam of light shot forth from its gaping maw, wrenching Ilyra from Jostok's arms. He reached for her, but before his bionic arm was even fully extended, the beast had pulled her into the air, clutched her between its massive claws, and snapped her in half like she was a fucking Kit Kat bar.

    So, she died like that instead.

    There was a beat; a pause as horror dawned across the party. A splash of blood splattered on the floor followed by the delicate circlet Ilyra always wore.

    "No," breathed Jostok.

    A metallic cackle from above filled the room.

    "So much for your princess," Izzon said as he descended on a floating platform.

    He landed just in front of the beast. Two long strides brought him to the circlet, and he plucked it from the pool of blood before making a mockery of Ilyra's memory and placing the fragile band of metal on his horned forehead.

    "You killed her," Jostok said, his voice wavering.

    "Well, duh," Izzon said, chuckling. "What, you think this is your fairytale or something, Quighnan? You kill the horrible, evil, sad little man who was just trying to get back what was rightfully his? You think you save the world, you get the girl, you get the glory?"

    His smile faded, and he straightened the circlet before reaching for his omni-cuff.

    "Well, Quighnan, I have news for you. You failed. The world is mine, the girl is dead, and you; "

    "Shut up, you piece of Cul excrement!" Jostok roared.

    "Or what?" Izzon taunted.

    "Or this," I muttered.

    Surprise flashed across Izzon's face as Jostok smashed his omni-cuff, using the last of its power to create his trademark rocket launcher. Hefting it over his shoulder, he screamed as he fired it. Izzon's beast stepped forward, snatching its master from the ground seconds before the ball of certain death hit him, and it was time for me to take over.

    The battle was hell. It was a place I'd been a million times before, and I let the world around me fade as I focused on Izzon and Izzon alone. His beast didn't like that, of course, but the beast wasn't my concern. There were others to fight the beast; only I could fight Izzon.

    Sweat beaded on my forehead and dryness scratched at my eyes. I refused to look away, refused to be distracted for even a millisecond from my task. Izzon darted around the battlefield, firing laser after laser in my direction, but I knew how to dodge them. I knew how to use them against him; I knew how to lure the beast to just the right spot for Izzon to maim it himself.

    And I knew what would happen next.

    The world shook, a rumbling that vibrated through my bones. Izzon's platform shot up, and I tracked it, ignoring the shouts and cries of the battle raging around me. High above, I saw the flash of light, and I hurled myself out of the way moments before a ball of plasma crashed down and punched a hole through the entire ship.

    A rush of air sucked through the floor, and I clung to the strategically placed pole for dear life, still refusing to take my eyes off Izzon's platform. I waited, watched, my heart racing as he descended, and descended, and;

    "Now," I said through clenched teeth, and I jumped.

    Wind and suction twirled around me as I fought against the force with everything in me. It was a Hail Mary, a last-ditch effort, a moment of pure insanity as I mashed at the omni-cuff wildly. I mashed, and mashed, and mashed, and;

    I made it.

    I got to the platform.

    "Oh my fuck," I breathed. "Oh fuck, oh frak, oh; fruck."

    I finally did it.

    Izzon stood before me, his wretched face twisted in anger. I pointed my weapon at him, just as I dreamed I would a thousand times before, and without so much as a second thought, I began to fire. One shot hit and his body jostled; another and red splattered around me; one more and;

    And all went dark.

    Sudden silence replaced the sounds of battle as blackness overtook me. For half a moment, I thought I had died, like for-real died. Then, my eyes adjusted, and across from me I saw the form of a woman with pale skin, wide eyes, and bright blue hair in the depths of a black mirror.

    "No," I whispered.

    The woman mimicked me.

    "No," I said again, a low groan as realization dawned on me.

    The woman's face crumpled. A bolt of lightning flashed through the basement window, and as thunder roared, I screamed.

    "You've got to be frucking kidding me!" I shrieked, and I'm not at all ashamed to admit that I burst into tears.

    "Ramona!" my mom shouted distantly.

    I ignored her cry; tears were streaming down my cheeks as frantic footsteps thudded on the stairs. Despondently, I slid off the couch and crumpled to the floor, clutching my controller to my chest as I sobbed.

    "Ramona!" Mom gasped again, the faint glow of her cell phone flashlight spilling across the basement. "Are you hurt? Ramona, talk to me, w-what happened, are you; "

    "The power," I whimpered as she reached me and hesitantly touched my shoulder. "The power went out, and I was so close."

    "Close to; what?"

    "Beating Izzon," I sniffed.

    Silent tension filled the basement.

    "In a game," she said flatly.

    "Well, yeah, but; "

    "You screamed bloody murder in the middle of a huge thunderstorm because the power went out during a game."

    It was no use trying to explain to her that I'd been stuck on the boss fight in The Circlet of Nianus for days. I stared sullenly across the basement at the darkened TV as Mom launched into another one of her ranting lectures that had become routine since I'd returned home for the summer after my first year of university.

    "This is not proper behavior for a nineteen-year-old woman," she said, probably. I would've had to have been listening to know for sure, which I wasn't, but all her lectures were pretty much the same. "Christ, Ramona, it's like I don't even know who you are anymore. What happened to the sweet girl who left for university last August?"

    Then, if that lecture was anything like the other ones; which it likely was, but I still wasn't listening; she would have started tearing up.

    "I don't know what I did to deserve you acting like this,   Ramona," she probably said in a watery voice. "What happened to my goody-two-shoes straight-laced brown-noser who would never dream of putting a toe out of line and who I, as the head of the Minwack Falls Homeowners Association, could truly be proud of since she was as cookie-cutter and put-together as the yards and fences I work so hard to keep in line at all times?"

    Well, she probably didn't say that last part. At least, not out loud. But the implication was there. When I tuned back in to the conversation, she was shaking her head as she looked dramatically in the other direction.

    "Honestly,   Ramona, maybe we made a mistake," she was saying, for real that time. "Sending you to that school; I worried that you weren't ready and now; "

    "I was perfectly ready to go to university," I said dully. "And I'm an adult, so you didn't send me anywhere. I chose to go. And my name is Ramona."

    "Adults don't throw tantrums because of a silly game."

    "It's not silly," I said through gritted teeth. "This is what I want to do with my life."

    "Play games."

    "Make games."

    "Hmm," she said. "Be that as it may, I highly doubt you'll find a summer job making games. I charged the laptop battery up earlier today, so if the power stays out, we can still work on your resume tonight."

    I sighed. "I have a resume. I already asked if they were hiring at The Sword and Dice and they said they'd get back to me."

    "I doubt the comic book store is hiring," she said, unimpressed, before she started towards the stairs. "I'm surprised Jordan Cooper's managed to keep it open as long as he has. I'll go down to The Enchanted Florist tomorrow and speak with Owen. That girl he has working there was incredibly rude to me the other day and refused to call him so I could make a complaint about her."

    "Okay, Karen," I muttered under my breath.

    Mom turned. "What was that?"


    She clearly didn't believe me and shot a very Karen-esque look in my direction. "Well, if he's willing to hire her, I bet he's one of the few people in town who would be willing to overlook your new; style and possibly offer you a job."

    And there it was; yet another dig at my hair, and my new eyebrow piercing, and the fact that I wasn't dressed like her President of the Student Council Princess anymore.

    I wish I could say it had been a gradual transformation, that I hadn't been the stereotypical example of the good-girl going wild as soon as she was on her own for the first time. However, years of living with Liz Roth, head of the Minwack Falls Homeowners Association, vice-president of the Minwack Falls High School Parent-Teacher Association, and volunteer board member for the Minwack Falls Good Neighbor Society, had instilled an almost-detrimental instinct to be honest in me.

    I was absolutely the model of a rebellious girl experiencing life away from an overbearing mother and semi-absent father.

    I'd left for university as a geeky girl with suitcases full of modest blouses and nice-but-not-too-tight jeans. At the end of the semester, I returned home with suitcases full of pop culture t-shirts, dark jeans that were ripped in all the right places, and Chuck Taylors that I'd kept on my feet day in and day out so I could get that worn-in look as fast as possible. I was still geeky and still a girl, but now that girl had bright blue hair, an eyebrow ring, and an exasperatedly cynical attitude.

    I loved who I had become. I loved being Ramona, the girl with wild hair and full of laughter. I loved geeking out with my friends over video games and sci-fi movies and superheroes. I loved being able to show people that girl instead of the girl I had to be under my mother's roof.

    Back home, though, that girl wasn't welcome. That girl was an embarrassment to the head of the H O A. Worse, I was in for another three full months of putting up with my mom's pressure to dye my hair back to a respectable color and stop wearing studded belts and ripped jeans.

    "Teach you that your choices have consequences," Mom was saying, and I'd been so distracted I hadn't even bothered imagining what she might have said. "If The Enchanted Florist won't hire you, you'll need to get your hair fixed."

    "My hair isn't broken."

    "I'm not letting you sit down here playing video games all summer. You need to get a job."

    "Trust me, I'd like nothing more," I said. "I could use the break."

    Before Mom could respond; and trust me, her inner Karen was desperate to give me a piece of its mind; we were interrupted by the sound of the door opening above us. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

    "Your father's home," she said unnecessarily. "Finish tidying up here and come set the table."

    I waited until she had started back up the basement stairs to let out the breath I'd been holding, leaning miserably against the couch as the darkness enveloped me again.

    It was going to be a long frucking summer.

    Summer Expectations.

    I was saved from having to work on my resume with my mom peering over my shoulder by her innate need to be involved in every disaster.

    Dinner was blissfully quiet. Dad didn't say much, as per usual, and Mom's constant chatter manifested as mumbled frustrations while she scrolled through the town Facebook page on her phone, the mushy broccoli and dry chicken on her plate abandoned as she took control of the situation via social media.

    As quickly as I could, I shoveled bite after bite of mediocre, overcooked blandness into my mouth. Like most of my classmates in first year, I'd gained the ubiquitous Freshman Fifteen, but I hadn't minded in the slightest. I'd been relatively thin most of my life, and putting on some weight had finally made me look less like a twelve-year-old boy and more like an actual, honest-to-God woman.

    Unfortunately, a full summer of my mom's cooking meant that I'd probably slim down to nothingness again unless I started stopping by the Hokey Pokey Ice Cream Parlor twice a day. Which wasn't a terrible idea, actually; their ice cream was all homemade and it was phenomenal.

    Except that would take money, and while I was rich in Rupees and Bells and Caps, the owners of the Hokey Pokey only accepted boring old dollars.

    Actually, maybe the Hokey Pokey was hiring. My blue hair would be considered whimsical and fun, though I might have to take out my eyebrow piercing or at least cover it. Still, I'd have an excuse to be out of the house and away from my mom, plus I'd be able to eat all the ice cream I wanted.

    I wasn't about to admit that my mom had been right about working on my resume, though, so instead of doing something productive, I stole away to my bedroom to play video games.

    Not The Circlet of Nianus, obviously. My PlayStation wasn't so good at working without the whole "power" thing. With the whole power out, my options were limited to; well, my Nintendo Switch.

    It was fully charged, thankfully, and I hoped by the time the battery was drained, the power would be back. I'd started a new play through of Breath of the Wild on the drive back from university since my mom had insisted on coming up to campus to "help" me pack, then on driving my car back to Minwack Falls. I obliged, but only because I probably would have driven into oncoming traffic to get away from her incessant sniffling about my horrible hair color and insistence that my piercing would leave a hideous scar across my face, rendering me entirely unhireable.

    It ended up being a good thing, though. She had pulled over for a break and I'd opened my glove box to hide my Switch while I used the grungy gas station bathroom. Mom wasn't looking, thankfully, because I forgot there was a sample-sized bottle of lube, a bunch of pamphlets about birth control and STDs, and two handfuls of the free condoms they gave out at the university clinic. Knowing my luck, if I'd been driving, Mom would have decided to go snooping through the glove box, and then I would have for sure had to drive into oncoming traffic to avoid that uncomfortable lecture.

    And, of course, it wouldn't matter if I told her that I hadn't actually used any of the birth control or condoms or lube. She wouldn't believe for a second that I had all that stuff in my car and was still a virgin, even though it was true. Despite my desire to rebel, the internalization of my mom's lectures about abstinence and not being "that" kind of girl had really fucked with me.

    I'd done my best to get past that, but the problem with being the wild and free type of girl with colorful hair and an eyebrow piercing is that apparently, there were a lot of guys who thought I existed solely to teach them about life, the universe, and everything. Specifically, they seemed to think that the answer lay in my vagina.

    Since I was fairly certain that nothing in my vagina added up to forty-two and would therefore disappoint those wannabe hitchhikers, I'd shied away from men in general while at university. Aside from a couple of somewhat regrettable make out sessions at parties and an unremarkable handjob, after which the guy had fumbled around unimpressively in my panties until I got bored and went back to my dorm to play Red Dead Redemption, I hadn't really had a chance to experience the "sexual liberation" side of things.

    I mean, I wanted to. I wasn't about to wait until marriage. Hell, I didn't even know if I wanted to get married. I just wanted my first time to be with someone who liked me as more than a concept.

    That was an issue for another time, though. If I couldn't find a guy I was willing to lose my virginity to at the university, the chances of there being someone in Minwack Falls were practically non-existent.

    In no time at all, I was immersed in the kingdom of Hyrule. I'd started this play through in Gerudo Town just for the hell of it, and had already released the Divine Beast Vah Naboris, which was too bad; given the storm, playing the lightning-themed part of the game would have been appropriate. Instead, I decided to head to Zora's Domain, which I guess was probably even more appropriate, given the rain and all.

    It's not like there was any other strategy for me to follow. I mean, I started the play through in Gerudo Town.

    In any case, it didn't matter. I found Prince Sidon at the Inogo Bridge and started my long trek towards Zora's Domain, battling Ganon's monsters along the way and picking up all the loot I could carry.

    Falling into the world of a video game was one of my favorite things. I loved losing myself to the story, the characters, the challenge; for a while, it didn't matter if I was quiet-and-geeky Ramona or wild-and-geeky Ramona. Ramona didn't exist in Hyrule; in Hyrule, I was Link, and instead of battling my mother's constant disappointment, I was battling Lizalfos which, despite trying to murder me with shock arrows, were slightly more compassionate than she was.

    That thought made me picture my mom as a Lizalfos, which was far more hilarious than it had any right to be, and I was fighting back a smile as I threw bombs at a hoard of them when my bedroom door flew open without so much as a warning knock.

    "It's going to be all night," Mom said.

    I paused the game and frowned as I looked up. "What?"

    She looked at me incredulously. "The power outage, Ramona. It's not going to be back until tomorrow morning."


    "Even though the storm has stopped," she continued.

    I glanced at the window, realizing that the rain had indeed stopped falling. "Oh."

    "Did you even notice?"

    "Um, yeah," I said unconvincingly. "Obviously."

    "Hmm," she said, completely unconvinced by my unconvincing tone. "Well, once your GameBoy battery dies; "

    "It's a Switch."

    Mom gave me a look. "Fine. Once your GameBoy switch dies, you can come downstairs and we'll work on your resume so you can go out and find a job tomorrow when the power's back on."

    Damn it.

    She left my room and I checked the battery, then groaned. I'd apparently been in Hyrule for longer than I'd thought, and my Switch was far closer to dead than it was to alive. Frustrated, I saved my progress, then chewed on a fingernail as I thought.

    No PlayStation, no Switch; what the hell was I supposed to do for the rest of the night? Play fucking Candy Crush until my phone died, too? And the last thing I wanted was my mom "helping" with my resume. If she did, I might get hired at a place she'd approve of.

    I mean, I guess I could have  red a book or something, but luckily, I chose to glance out the window melodramatically. A car was driving down the rain-slickened street, and after a long moment of staring at its tail lights reflecting off the asphalt, a lightbulb went off.

    Well, a metaphorical lightbulb. The other lightbulbs were already off.

    Grinning, I grabbed my Switch.

    The Raid.

    "And what are you doing with all this?" Mom asked as I raided the pantry for a bag of chips and a half-eaten package of Oreos.

    "I'm going to the car so I can charge my Switch."

    She looked annoyed. "That's going to drain your car battery."

    "I'll make sure I let it run for a bit."

    I flung the refrigerator door open and grabbed two cans of Coke. Before she could scold me for letting all the cold air out, I slammed it shut and bounded towards the front door.

    Her lack of admiration for my plan didn't stop me, but it did give me the idea to pull my car off the driveway and onto the street so I couldn't see her judging me from inside the living room. There, I cracked the front windows, turned the car to accessory mode, and plugged the charger for my Switch into the cigarette lighter before climbing into the back. I stretched along the seat, the bag of chips tucked in the wheel well beside me, and popped one can of Coke open before grinning at my cozy little setup.

    I was a genius.

    I mean, seriously. I even thought of setting a reminder on my phone for an hour later so I could run the car for a bit to make sure the battery didn't die.

    A frucking genius.

    Before you could say "Calamity Ganon," I was back in Hyrule. The backseat of my car was arguably less comfortable than my bed and the cracked windows didn't do much to help with the heaviness of the air, but I couldn't have been happier. Hyrule was a place where I had one simple job: save the world, get the girl.

    Or, in this case, save the world, free the princess. You know, since Link and Zelda don't; well, not usually, anyway. Like, they were a romantic couple in Skyward Sword for sure, but with how reincarnation and all that works in the games, Zelda's hardly ever the actual love interest. I mean, in Breath of the Wild, they talk about how Link and Mipha were;

    You know what, it doesn't really matter. The point is, in video games, my objectives were clear and simple, and saving the world was far less stressful than putting up with my mom.

    When my phone blared out a reminder to start my car an hour later, it jolted me out of Hyrule and back into reality, where the sun had set and the usually unremarkable glow of streetlights was, of course, not present.

    Instead of bothering to get out of the backseat and start my car properly, I made the, in my opinion, more efficient and slightly lazier decision to carefully tuck my Switch into the pocket behind the passenger's seat and get to my knees. Awkwardly, I wriggled between the driver and passenger seats, resting against the center console as I splayed across the car so I could turn the key in the ignition.

    It started, which was good, since it meant my mom wouldn't be able to yell at me for killing my car battery. Air started blowing from the vents, which was even better, since I hadn't realized how warm it had actually gotten in the car.

    What was less good was the fact that I apparently was not entirely used to the new swerves and curves that made up my body and that I also apparently needed to do some work on my spatial awareness.

    Each time I tried to move, something tugged on my jeans, and I wasn't about to risk ripping my stylishly ripped jeans if I didn't have to. The problem was that my hips were wedged between the seats, so I couldn't pull myself forward enough to loosen whatever it was I was stuck on. As best I could tell, I had two options. Either I could somehow contort my shoulder and twist my arm back to my left hip and hope I could unhook myself, or I could unbutton my jeans and try to crawl forward, leaving my pants behind.

    I twisted my mouth to the side, considered taking my pants off, and then quickly decided against it. Knowing my luck, that would be the moment my mom decided to come outside to check up on me, and she probably wouldn't even be the slightest bit impressed that I'd remembered to start the car so I didn't drain the battery.

    Instead, I reached forward and steadied myself against the steering wheel with one hand while I tried to work the other behind me. It was a bit of a balancing act, but I managed to get my arm between my body and the driver's seat. Carefully, I patted around my waistband, trying to figure out where I was caught.


    I jumped at the sound of a deep voice floating through my window and pitched forward. Unfortunately, both my hands were otherwise occupied, and I let out a second startled yelp as my head bashed the horn and a surprising honk echoed through the quiet night.

    "Oh, shit!" said the voice. "Are you okay?"

    "Just peachy," I said sarcastically, wincing as I pushed myself away from the horn. "This is all going according to plan."

    "What was the, uh, goal of this plan?"

    "None of your business, that's; "

    I didn't finish as I twisted towards the voice. Peering in the driver's side window was Ashton Halliday, of all people. In the dim twilight, I could just make out the expression of poorly hidden amusement mixed with concern on his face.

    That face was slightly different than the last time I'd seen him. It might have been somewhat dark out, but I could still make out the warmth of his eyes and the hint of that easy, melting smile. The boyish roundness of his face had faded into something more structured, more mature, more; well.

    Something even more gorgeous than the last time I'd seen him.

    If it wasn't for the fact that everyone knew everyone in Minwack Falls, I would have said that Ashton was the kind of guy who wouldn't have even known I existed. He was a hockey player who ran around town with the kind of kids my mom forbade me from hanging out with; also known as the cool kids. While I was at home studying for science tests and working on extra-credit projects for optional extracurriculars to bolster the resume my mom insisted I needed, Ashton was skateboarding down Main Street with his friends. While I was hanging out with my friends at The Sword and Dice, Ashton was out at the end of Drum Farm Lane, making out with girls in the back of his dad's Honda. I was the nerdy girl who enjoyed role-playing games when she wasn't too busy running for student council or planning a bake sale. He went to parties where people drank alcohol stolen from their parents' liquor cabinets and got sent to detention for screwing around during class.

    He did know I existed, though, and we'd even been friends of a sort, once upon a time. His family lived across the street from mine and we were the same age, so naturally there had been plenty of summer days having water fights and racing our bikes on the quiet streets of Minwack Falls.

    That all changed, though. Suddenly, friendship isn't as simple as being around the same age and in close proximity to one another. One day, friendship is just drawing pictures together in chalk on the sidewalk. The next, it's getting ready for his birthday party only to have your mom gently break the news that you weren't actually invited, and while all your friends are out playing laser tag and eating cake, you're going to be staying home to work on your science fair project.

    I didn't hold it against him. Well, not anymore. At the time, I was devastated, of course. But we had been at that age where kids grow apart and start becoming different people, and even though it was heartbreaking back then, I was an adult now. I was over it.

    Sort of.

    Still, all that didn't stop me from thinking he was; there wasn't even a word. It was a sound. Like a very soft, mumbled, desperately needy "ugh" sound.

    Luckily, I did not actually make that sound. Instead, I just stared at Ashton like a distracted moron as he tried not to laugh.

    "Do you want a hand?" he finally asked.

    "I've got two of them, thanks," I muttered as I tried to unhook myself unsuccessfully.

    He couldn't hold his laughter in that time and moved away from the window. "Let me help you."


    The back door of my car opened and there was a sudden rush of cool air. "I said, let me help you."

    "Oh, no you don't," I said before I could stop myself. "I've seen enough bad pornos to know where this is going."

    "An understandable concern," Ashton said, so casually that I almost didn't turn beet-red as I realized I'd just told him I watched porn. "But I'm not your step-brother, so you've got nothing to worry about."

    "What are you doing, step-friend," I said flatly.

    "You don't trust me?"

    "I barely know you."

    "That's very true." He thought for a moment. "What if I talk you through what I'm doing the whole time and promise you can run me over with your car if I do anything inappropriate?"

    I laughed unexpectedly. "Um; "

    "Or, I mean, I can leave you here and like, go get your mom or something."

    "Eew," I said. "No. Just; okay. Yes, I need help. Please."

    He climbed in the backseat and turned the dome light on.

    "Okay," he said after a moment. "I'm not an engineer yet, but it seems to me the problem is that you're stuck."

    "Wow. Your powers of observation are incredible."

    "I know. It's one of my many talents," he said. "It looks like the easiest way to get you unstuck is probably to unhook this ice scraper from your belt loop."

    "Oh, that's what that is!" I said.

    "Yes, the loops are there to hold your belt in place." He chuckled at his own joke as I groaned. "Okay, in all seriousness. I'm gonna untangle it."

    Despite his warning, the feel of his hands nudging between me and the seat surprised me. It was probably a good thing, since it made me jump a bit and that little twitch hopefully covered the involuntary shiver that ran through me as Ashton's fingers moved against my hips. I bit my lip as his hand accidentally brushed against the exposed skin just above my waistband, the closeness of his body both unfamiliar and enticing.

    "There," he said after a moment, and I felt the tension on my jeans release at the same time the tension in my body did. "It's unhooked."

    He steadied me as I shimmied slowly out from between the seats. The redness on my face hadn't quite faded by the time he guided me onto the backseat. I brushed my hair off my face, subtly pressing my fingers to my face in the hopes that they were cool enough to soothe my flushed cheeks, but my hands were as warm as the rest of me.

    "Thanks," I said shakily.

    "Anytime," he replied. "I'm glad it was you, to be honest."

    "What do you mean?"

    "I mean, I was fairly sure this was your car," he said. "But I was a little surprised to see a blue-haired woman stuck between her seats when I expected to see the girl who grew up across the street from me."

    "Sorry for the confusion."

    "Don't be. You look great, Ramona." He grinned as he caught my eye. "Love the piercing, too."

    Any of the redness that had faded from my cheeks came rushing back as my stomach fluttered. Mentally, I kicked myself for letting the compliment give me that weightless, fuzzy feeling.

    "What were you doing creeping up on me, anyway?" I asked to distract myself.

    It was Ashton's turn to chuckle awkwardly.

    "Okay, well, I promise it's not as creepy as it's going to sound," he started.

    I raised both eyebrows at him and he grimaced.

    "I swear! I was just sitting in my room." He gestured towards his house. "Bored out of my fucking mind. Power's out, my parents are away for the weekend, and none of my friends are back in town. Then I happened to look outside and see this weird glowing light on the street. It took me a sec but I realized it was someone sitting in their car on their phone or something."

    "Ah," I said.

    "So I was like, well that's super smart," he continued. "But I don't have a car and my parents took theirs, of course, so I'm stranded here. So as I'm squinting out the window I thought, hey, I think that's Ramona's car, and maybe she'll possibly; "

    "; let you use my precious car battery to charge your phone?" I finished.

    "Ah, not quite. My phone's battery is pretty much full." A flash of embarrassment crossed his face and he dug into the pocket of the hoodie he was wearing. "Don't laugh, but; "

    Oh, but I laughed.

    "I know it's geeky," he said, then shook his head. "Forget it, I; "

    "I'm not laughing at you," I said, giggling as I reached for the pocket on the back of the passenger seat. "You just surprised me. I didn't think you played."

    He burst out laughing as I revealed my still-plugged-in Switch, tilting his own Switch at me.

    "What are you playing?" he asked.

    "Breath of the Wild. You?"

    He smiled sheepishly. "Uh; Pokemon."

    I pressed my lips together in an attempt not to lose it and he sighed but smiled good-naturedly.

    "If I let you say it, will you let me charge my Switch?"

    "Deal of the century." I yanked the charging cable out of my Switch and passed it to him. "Did you catch 'em all, Ash?"

    He plugged his Switch in as I dissolved into giggles.

    "I might not have caught them all, but I've definitely heard 'em all," he said. "That's what happens when you're the token gamer on the hockey team."

    "Really? You?" I asked, shocked.

    "Why's that so surprising?"

    I shrugged. "I didn't picture you being a gamer, and if you were, I figured you'd be more into like Call of Duty or Halo or something. Or like, any of the EA Sports titles."

    "I mean, sometimes." He shrugged. "I'm more into RPGs and stuff, to be honest. I've been playing The Circlet of Nianus but; "

    "Seriously?!" I blurted, completely unable to stifle my uncontrollable excitement. "Me too!"

    "Yeah?" he said, his eyes brightening. "Have you gotten to the end yet or; "

    "Ugh, yes," I groaned. "I've played that battle probably eighty times now."

    "It's so fucking frustrating!" he said. "I can't get over the hole in the floor and onto the; "

    "; platform, yeah," I finished. "I finally did it. Mashed the fuck out of the controller and didn't get sucked through the floor. Landed and shot Izzon three times."

    "And?" he urged, completely entranced.

    "The power went out."

    Ashton's face fell. "No."



    "I cried."

    "Shit," he said. "I would've, too."

    , Ash."

    The startled shock on his face was almost worth falling for his taunts and picking Wario Stadium instead of something like Toad Harbor.


    I was ahead of him for most of the race. Halfway through the final lap, I heard Ashton curse as he hit one of the flame wheels.

    "Hope you're wearing nice boxers," I teased, though I shut up fairly quickly when lightning struck in-game and shrunk me while I was mid-jump, sending me plummeting into a mud puddle.

    I was holding down the gas as hard as I could when the jingling sound of an Item Box rang from Ashton's Switch. Seconds later, he let out a celebratory cry.

    "Hope you're wearing nice panties," he shot back.


    But I didn't need to ask, and he didn't need to answer. The dreaded beeping alarm sound started and I looked at the screen in horror.

    "No, no, no no no," I wailed as the blue shell appeared above me and hurtled down.

    Ashton laughed so hard that I hoped it would be enough to stop him from getting to first, but it wasn't. By the time I recovered, most of the racers had passed me. I didn't give in; I still tried to catch up, hoping I'd maybe hit a box and get Bullet Bill or maybe a Blooper or a Super Star or something.

    I did manage to hit an Item Box, but there was a banana peel behind it, and by the time my car recovered, Ashton had crossed the finish line in first place.

    "Yes!" he shouted, pumping a fist in the air as I slowly finished my final lap.

    "Damn," I muttered.

    My heart was racing again, though for a very different reason this time. It had been a whirlwind of a situation and my mind was still trying to catch up with how I'd ended up in my car in the middle of a thunderstorm with a shirtless Ashton. I was excited and scared, nervous and exhilarated. Part of me was dreading taking my clothes off; another part of me wanted to tell Ashton

    To be continued in part 2, Based on a post, by  MsCherylTerra for Literotica.

  • Nancy Pledges her passionate best for Mike.

    Based on a post by m storyman x, in 2 parts. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

    I sat on the sofa staring out the back window and across the yard, wondering what they were talking about. A few minutes turned into half an hour, which turned into almost an hour. My curiosity finally got the best of me and I snuck down the hall as quietly as I could. I stopped at the door and listened, hoping to hear their conversation. But conversation was not what I heard. What I heard was soft gentle moaning. Two different sounds of moaning.

    I shook my head in confusion and pushed the door open silently, moving it ever so slowly so that the hinge, which occasionally squeaks, wouldn't. I peeked around the door to the bed and stood there, staring.

    No wonder I didn't hear them talking. Linda was laying on the bed, as naked as she had been in the kitchen, with her feet on my pillow, her knees pushed wide. My wife on top, held herself on her hands and knees, equally naked, with her head between Linda's legs, licking her cunt, while moaning in pleasure at Linda's attentions to hers.

    I stepped into the room and neither seemed to notice me at all. I watched the two of them making out, licking each other, driving the other toward climax. Was this why Nancy wasn't interested in sex with me any longer? Was she getting it from Linda instead? I hadn't ever known her to be interested in other women, at least not in that way. But it was hard to deny what I was seeing. It didn't take my body long to respond to what I was seeing, my cock soon standing hard and rigid. Pointing up over the horizon, like an artillery cannon barrel.

    No, if she was getting it from Linda, I was damn well going to make sure she understood what she was giving up. I stepped to the end of the bed, looking at my wife's ass and cunt, held in the air by her knees, while Linda licked and played with her swollen clit. Linda saw me and smiled. She moved her hand from my wife's ass and reached for my cock. She pulled me in toward her, pulling my engorged head toward both her mouth and my wife's cunt. She aimed me right to my wife's sopping wet lips and then used her other hand to reach around my ass and coaxed me into the ‘docking portal’. She’d stopped licking my wife and rubbed my engorged head up and down Nancy’s slit, wetting my mushroom with my wife's juices.

    I reached for my wife's hips, making her jump slightly as she felt my big firm hands on her. She stiffened, almost as if she were going to refuse me, and then her stiffness faded as Linda rubbed my head around her lips a little harder, working it between her lips and into the entrance of her depths. My wife wiggled her hips side to side, much like she used to when she was inviting me to fuck her hot hole. I pushed toward her, forcing my engorged head slowly into her, spreading her hot wet vagina as I slipped ever so slowly into her.

    "Oh, fuck yes." Nancy moaned as I pushed my way deeper into her. "That's it honey. Fuck me. Make me come around your fat cock!" She lowered her head to Linda's cunt again and I heard her muffled moan as I started to stroke slowly in and out of her.

    Every stroke brought my balls across Linda's face, slapping her eyebrows slightly. In and out I started to thrust, my cock stroking its full length in and out of her. Linda wrapped her left hand around my ass cheek and  hooked her other hand around Nancy’s thigh. Linda was now conducting the symphony movement of our love anthem. Linda’s middle finger pressed my anus tightly and eventually entered just inside my sphincter.

    I felt Nancy’s already excited cunt start to spasm when I'd barely started stroking, Linda having apparently gotten her already very close to climax. I knew I was still quite a ways from my own climax as I held her hips and kept thrusting, pushing in and out so that my cock teased her insides from the entrance all the way to the end of her tunnel.
    Nancy always said that my thick shaft felt so much bigger when I fucked her from behind. I wanted her to enjoy it. I wanted her to feel my cock making her climax. I wanted her to remember how good it felt that first time, that time laying on the picnic table, feeling a cock slide into her for the first time. I wanted her to enjoy it like she did then, coming so hard to my stroking cock that her body surprised both of us and pumped her juices out all over my stomach and crotch. I wanted her to climax that hard again.

    "Oh fuck!" she squeaked as she pulled her face from Linda's cunt. "Oh fuck me, lover. God you feel so good. Come for me. Fill me up with your cum. Oh God! Yes! That's it. Fuck me!" She hadn't been all that vocal for years, and hearing her talk like a vulgar whore, begging me to fuck and fill her; pushed all the right buttons at the right time. While my mind was still imagining that it was that first time again, feeling her for the first time, I held her hips and drove harder into her, rocking the entire bed as I pumped in and out of her with abandon.

    My body raced toward climax as I thrust myself deep into my wife, a feeling of elation and desire all mixed together running through my body. I was so close, I wanted to come, I wanted to fill her cunt with my cum, I wanted her to keep climaxing as long as I could make her. I kept thrusting, trying to keep holding her climax at its peak as long as I could. I felt a hand on my ass, moving with me, coaxing me harder into my wife.

    I looked down past my thrusting cock at Linda’s face, grinning up at me, waiting, coaxing. In a moment of clear realization I knew what she wanted.

    "Oh Fuck!" I grunted loudly as my body spasmed. I could feel my cock pumping shot after shot of cum into my wife's spasming cunt, filling her, feeling her climax still squeezing and milking me, like I hadn't felt for oh so many years. I stood there, my knees leaning against the mattress, panting, listening to my wife moan and pant herself, my cum still leaking into her as my cock twitched occasionally.

    "Oh God, yes. So good." She moaned softly, laying her head between Linda's legs again, but not to lick her any longer. Linda released her hold on my ass and instead hooked her index finger around the base of my cock. She coaxed me back, backing me out of my wife slowly. My now softening tallywhacker slipped from Nancy’s reddened, swollen cunt lips, and dropped onto Linda's face.

    Linda tiled her head back and opened her mouth. I slid inside Linda’s waiting mouth and she sucked my shrinking cock for only a few seconds before gently pushing me further back. I knew why, though I was surprised that she'd want to.

    I stood, my cock almost dripping the remaining cum in Linda's face, holding my wife's ass cheeks for balance. I watched Linda lick the cum oozing from my wife's gaping cunt, my white cream leaking from her and dripping down off her twat lips into Linda's mouth.

    "Tastes just like that cookie." Linda moaned softly. "I swear that was cum flavored icing."

    "I kinda thought it tasted like Nancy's cunt." I panted as I moved onto the bed and flopped onto my back, momentarily exhausted.

    I lay there, trying to catch my breath, listening to Linda lick my wife, sending occasional shudders through her body. Nancy finally had all she could take and shifted off Linda and over onto me, laying down on me. She lay flat on me, her tits smashed to my chest, her face inches from mine. Without a word she lowered her lips to mine and kissed me. Hesitantly at first, and then with growing urgency. She held my face and kissed and sucked my lips, almost as if she were afraid I was going to not be there.

    Linda rolled onto her side, facing away from us, then resumed her own masterbations, stroking her cunt with two fingers, while her other hand fondled her aroused nipples. Linda was a moaner.

    Finally, after what had to be at least five minutes, both Nancy and I panting breathlessly, she softened and then stopped her kisses. "I'm sorry love." She whispered into my ear as she laid her cheek beside mine.

    "For what?" I whispered back.

    "For not realizing what I was doing to you. For almost losing you. I never meant for it to happen. I should have known. I should have heard you. You said it, I know you did. Even Linda heard you. But I was too busy with my own feelings that I didn't listen to you. I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to have to find it someplace else. I don't want you to walk out of my life. I don't want anyone but you, but I have to, I need to, I, I."

    "Shush." I whispered, pressing her chest into me, holding her face next to mine. "I don't want to lose you either. You're the love of my life. Why would I leave you?"

    "Because I forgot. I forgot how it was. I laid here, crying, feeling sorry for myself that Linda could coax you into sex so easily. I thought that you didn't care anymore or want me anymore. But she told me. She said she's seen me reject your advances too many times, that you had to think that I didn't want you anymore. Nothing could be farther from the truth. It's just, It's. I don't know how to explain. But I was wrong. I should have listened. I should have seen the signs. Please don't leave me." She practically begged me before she started crying, her tears running down her face and my cheek as well, where we were pressed together.

    "I'm not leaving. Shish. I'm still here," I whispered back, stroking her back and ass.


    "Oh lover. You know I can't live without you."

    "I used to think that. I used to think that I never had to worry. I used to think you were mine forever, and, well, I watched you pleasuring her, right there, right in front of me, right in our own kitchen. I, I was scared. I was afraid that I was going to lose you. I was mad. I was mad at you, I was mad at Linda.”

    “I was actually mad at myself. Mostly now at myself. You did what I pushed you to. You did it because I ignore you. I don't do what we used to do."

    "I don't understand. What we used to do?"

    "When we were first together. I worked so hard to give you everything you desired. I wanted you to be happy. I wanted you to love me. I wanted you to want me, to desire to be with me. I knew that sexual contentment was a big part of that. I knew that if I didn't make you feel happy that way, that there'd be no chance of lasting love. Guys need that. They need sex. They need it to feel complete. I forgot that. I forgot because I had your love and I forgot that I needed to return it the way you needed it, not the way I felt like giving it. My empathy failed.”

    "I don't understand, Nancy. When we were first together, you were playful, you loved doing all those things, all those ways, all those places. You didn't like it? You were just, what, faking enjoying it?" I asked with concern and no small amount of hurt welling up in my heart. Had our whole relationship been based on a lie?

    She rolled off of me, onto her back, next to me. "I didn't not enjoy it, but I wouldn't have chosen to do it by myself if you hadn't asked me to."

    "Then why didn't you say no?" I rolled on my side to look at her face.

    "I never wanted to say no. I thought it was what was expected. That guys had sex that way. I wanted to be wanted, so I focused on meeting your desires. But I lost that, over the years."

    "I'm confused. You had to know not all guys did all that. I mean, I loved what we did. I loved the variety and the newness of every time we did it someplace different, or in a different way, or whatever. But if you didn't want to, you had to know it wasn't required."

    "Wasn't it? What has been your complaint for the last twenty years? That we never do anything like that anymore. Kinda sounds required to me."

    I rolled facing Nancy; Linda still in her own world, at the foot of the big bed. Nancy rolled onto her side and rested her head so our noses nearly touched, stroking her fingers on my chest. "I'd have never made you do anything you didn't want to. Not if I knew. Now you're telling me everything that we did was faked?"

    "Not faked. Just not, always my choice." She whispered. "The guy I was with, before you. He was, well, he didn't believe in sex before marriage, so we didn't. Not at all. He never even tried to take my bra off or pull down my pants or anything. So, when I started dating you, I did what you wanted, just like I did what he wanted."

    "Why did you leave him?"

    "After two years, I needed more. I needed that physical relationship. I wanted intimacy, and he didn't seem any closer to asking me to marry him than when we started dating. So, I moved on, or at least I was planning on it. The day you spilled coke all over me? I was out with my best friends, they were trying to convince me that it was time to move on and find someone different. Someone that could make me feel completely different than Jerry did."

    "And me dumping a whole cup of soda pop down your shirt was definitely different."

    "It wasn't that. It was how incredibly cute you were, trying to apologize. Three times you almost rubbed your hand down my boobs to wipe the soda that was soaking in, off. I suddenly wanted to feel your hands on me. I wanted to see what it felt like to be physically loved.”

    “ If you hadn't asked me to get undressed for you in that park that one night, there wouldn't be another date. I wasn't going to go through that again. I could tell you were nervous. I was too. But I wanted to feel your hands on me, and once I did, I didn't want to stop. I wanted you to touch me and stroke me and make love to me as many times as you wanted. When I realized you liked being teased, liked seeing me in sexy little things, liked it when I played with you in public places, liked it when I let you play with me in those places, well, those are the things I did. I didn't not like them, but if I had been choosing, I wouldn't have done a lot of them. Doctor Ruth said a woman can only keep a man if she keeps him satisfied. So I was committed to keeping you satisfied. At least I used to" Nancy was starting to cry again.

    "After the girls were born, you kinda stopped wanting sex. Why? What did I do wrong?" I wanted to know.

    "You did nothing wrong. I just didn't feel like I could do those kinds of things anymore. I didn't want the girls to get the idea that doing that kind of thing was how you got a man. I know. That's how I got you. But after a few years I just stopped trying to please you that way. I convinced myself you didn't seem to need it any more, that you knew how I loved you, even if I didn't show it physically. I forgot that was how you felt loved. I forgot that all the things that you did that made me feel loved, weren't the things that made you feel loved. Linda reminded me of that. Seeing you kneeling in front of her, licking her, teasing her cunt, making her climax. It made me realize that I'd messed up. I'd failed to do what a wife should be doing, making her man feel loved and cared for. I suddenly realized that Linda had so easily taken over what had been only mine for so long. Linda hasn’t had a man for years, but she wishes that she did."

    "If that's true, why the hell were you two women having sex?"

    "That's easy." Linda said from where she was still laying, now listening to us. "We wanted to. While we were talking we had an overwhelming urge to kiss, which led to touching, which lead to, well you know." Then Linda added; “You’re the one with the cookie, Mike. Like the serpent in Eden, you seduced both of us with one bite of that treat.”

    "I wouldn't have thought you were into girl stuff." I said softly to my wife.

    "I haven't, well, before today, I never did. I just couldn't help myself. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to feel her lips on me, on my nipples, on my cunny lips. I wanted to feel her making love to me. I don't know why, but I wanted it so bad."

    "Just like I needed to have your cock in my mouth.” Linda interjected. “Just like I want your cock in me so bad right now. I want to feel you pumping it into me until you fill me with your cum." Linda said, rolling over. "So how about it? Wanna let me ride you until we both come?"

    "I think I better save it for Nancy," I answered her, getting a squeeze from Nancy in appreciation.

    "Well, if you're not going to fuck me, I have a dildo at home that's just begging to feel my hot cunt around it." Linda said as she stood up. "You know, I might not even bother to get dressed. Just put my shoes on and run home naked and get it. Wanna watch me? Wanna see me pumping it in and out of myself?"

    "It's sorta chilly out." I said, avoiding the answer she wanted to hear.

    She grinned. "Good. It'll make my nipples nice and hard. You sure you don't want to come watch me?"

    "I better not." I answered quietly. She shrugged and got up. A few moments later we heard the back door open and close, leaving us alone in the house. "What now?"

    "I don't know. I have an urge to fuck you under the Christmas tree." Nancy winked

    "So why don't we?" I encouraged her fantasy.

    "Is that what you want?" Nancy giggled.

    "That's the wrong question. The question you should ask, is that what We want?"

    "Right now, I think it is." She whispered.

    "Okay. I don't know if my cock is up to a third round, but I'm game to try."

    "Oh honey, I think I can handle that. You go out there and lay down on the carpet and I'll be out in a few minutes, and I guarantee that I'll get you hard." She said with a soft giggle.

    I nodded and got off the bed. I didn't know what she had in mind, but I was willing to let her try whatever she wanted. I grabbed a pillow off the sofa and lay down on the carpet to wait.

    "I'm back!" Linda said as she walked in through the garage door again, this time holding a large purple translucent cock. "Oh. Waiting for me?" She asked, stepping over to me and squatting down over me. She rolled onto her knees and slid her wet cunt along my flaccid cock. "I'm not even going to need ‘Carlos’, am I?" she asked setting the dildo aside.

    "Linda. I'm waiting for Nancy. I don't think she's going to want to see you on my lap. Please don't make me choose!"

    She frowned. "I won't, but I can keep it warm, can't I?"

    I rolled my eyes. "If you promise to get right off when Nancy comes out."

    "I do." She answered with a wicked little grin. She began to rock her hips, grinding herself against my cock. She reached for my hands and pulled them up to her tits, cupping each one with my hands. "I know how you like natural tits." She whispered.

    "How do you know how much I like tits?"

    "Seriously? You think I haven't ever noticed how you look at my boobs when I'm wearing a skimpy shirt or a swim suit? God you can't keep your eyes off boobs."

    "Guilty as charged I guess." I answered, squeezing her soft tits. They weren't nearly as large as Nancy's but they were a nice comfortable handful.

    "I didn't think I had to be that quick." Nancy said from the hallway.

    Linda looked back at her and then moved up off me. "I was just keeping him warm for you."

    "As long as that was all you were doing." Nancy said, stepping over to me. "Recognize this?"

    "How could I not?" I answered with a huge smile. I held my hands out to her and helped her straddle over me and settle onto my lap, my slightly hardening cock trapped between us. "That the same one you wore that first Christmas?" I asked, looking at the red see through negligee she had on.

    "Same one. Same one you gave me the best Christmas gift of my life in. Can't do that again, but I'd really like to feel you make me cum the same way I did back then. Think you can?"

    "I'm always ready to try."

    She began to rub herself along my quickly hardening cock. "Remember how I looked in the tree lights? Just you and me and the Christmas tree? God I was so turned on. I knew I was ovulating and I knew what would happen. I wanted it to happen. I wanted to feel your seed fill me and make me pregnant. I wanted to have your baby more than anything else in the world, right then." She whispered as she rocked on me, grinding herself along my quickly hardening shaft.

    "You want it that way again?"

    "Yes, I do. Today I do. Maybe I should have asked you for this a long time ago, but I didn't. I am now. Take me like you did that night."

    I reached up for her shoulders and pulled her down, rolling us until she was laying on the floor. I leaned down and kissed her like I did that first night, softly, slowly kissing her lips. I spent long minutes teasing her lips with mine before I kissed down her jaw to her neck, making her squirm and giggle like a little girl. I spread the front of the red material, exposing her big soft tits to my lips. I slowly kissed my way across and around each one, spending long seconds licking and kissing around each puckered areola before drawing it and the nipple it surrounded into my mouth. "Oh fuck yes." She moaned softly as I drew the first nipple into my mouth. "God I loved it when you did that."

    I flicked her nipple with the tip of my tongue and then circled it, leaving a wet trail all the way around that made it pucker even more after I left it alone. I spent minutes stroking and teasing her nipples before starting to kiss my way down her chest and across her stomach. She scrunched up her body at the tickling sensation, but that didn't stop me. I continued to kiss down until I was gently kissing her sexy cunt lips. She had much less inner labia showing than Linda did, but despite three children it still looked as sexy as any teenager. I kissed and teased her lips for several minutes before spreading her lips with my fingers. I searched out and found her clit, flicking it with my tongue.

    She moaned loudly how much I was turning her on, coaxing me to put my cock in her and fuck her hot cunt. I knew I was getting her ready, and I too was ready. I was briefly distracted, but only briefly, by Linda moving to sit just past Nancy's head, her legs spread wide apart. She slowly pushed the dildo into her obviously wet cunt, leaning back and lifting her legs to show me even more.

    I took a deep breath and crawled up Nancy's body, moving my face closer and closer to both Nancy's face and Linda's cunt. I didn't have to try to aim my cock, just like it had that first Christmas, it seemed to find its mark without help. "Oh, Fuck Yes!" Nancy gasped as I slid into her depths, her hot wet tunnel walls caressing my head as she felt all of me slide into her. "Fuck me honey. Fuck me like you're going to give me another baby!"

    I started to pump my hips in and out toward her, driving my cock in and out of her cunt. Linda moved her dildo in time with my strokes, pushing in and out of her own cunt, imagining that it was me fucking her. In and out I stroked, working my rock hard appendage deep into her with each stroke. I felt her feet reach my ass, her heels digging into me much like they did that first night. In and out I slid, her moans growing in intensity with almost every stroke. "Oh god honey. Do it. Come for me. I'm so close. I want to come with you, I want to feel you come in me like you did that night. Please lover, do it. Make me your woman again!"

    I don't know why, but what she said tripped something inside me. My body suddenly bucked hard and I plunged fully into her, slamming our pelvises together. She gasped and then cried out in pleasure as my cock surged a gush of semen deep into her cunt. "That's it honey. Oh god yes. I'm yours forever. I love you so much." She cried as she trembled and shuddered under me. "Oh yes. I can feel you coming in me. Feel your hot cum filling me." She moaned as she wrapped her legs and arms around me, pulling us together.

    I looked up at the sound of Linda's gasp. She was laying on her back, her legs held high in the air and spread apart, her fingers thrusting the artificial dildo in and out of her cunt as her body trembled and shuddered in orgasm. "Oh fuck yes Mike. Fuck me! Come with me! Let me feel your cum fill me!" She cried out to the room.

    "Oh my." My wife whispered, pulling my head down to look at her again. "I might have created a monster."


    "I sorta told her that I wasn't mad at her for sucking you off."

    "So how does that create a monster."

    She grinned at me. "Because when she asked if that meant I wouldn't be mad if she used your cock to get off on, I said not as long as I wasn't using it."

    "Oh... Oh! You're kidding, right?"

    "I've failed to keep you mine in the ways that matter to you. As long as you promise not to run off with her, I guess it'd be alright if she kept you occupied in between our sessions. But be warned. I'm planning on making those sessions much much much more frequent."

    "You don't have to do that," I whispered.

    "Which, let her use you, or me use you more frequently?"

    "The first of course. I'd love to have you do it more often with me."

    "I will be. I promise. I'm planning on doing some of those things you found so much fun all those years ago. I'm going to tease you until your cock can't stand it, and then I'm going to fuck you until you beg me to stop. I'm, going to wear those little dresses again, and, well, I hope you don't mind spending some money, because I need some new underwear and bras. Things that will turn you on when I flash them at you, when I bend over and let you see my bare ass cheeks or my cunt through the crotch of my panties. I'm going to make sure that you know I'm your woman and that you're the only one in the world that I love, even if that means standing on a street corner and stripping for you. I want you to know in your heart that I love you with every fiber of my being, and if that's how I have to show you, then that's what I'll do, because you already show me every day with the things you do."

    "I think you two are gonna have a hell of a lot of fun. You don't suppose I can horn in on that a little now and then?"

    Nancy looked up at Linda, looking at her upside down, since she was still on her back. "As long as you don't wear him out, and you promise to always bring him home to me, I don't see why he shouldn't let you have a little fun to."

    "Oh good." She giggled. "Listening to you two talk about all those places you fucked, hell, Ron never did anything like that with me. It might be nice to see how it feels to walk half naked down a hiking trail, or be made love to on a park bench, or taken in a movie theater."

    "Trust me. They all feel wonderful while you're climaxing." Nancy answered. "Whether you love them as much after, well, you'll have to decide that."

    "Sounds like I'm going to be damn busy," I whispered.

    "Oh yes. Very!" Nancy answered with a grin before pulling my face down to hers again. "And that includes kissing," she added before she pressed her soft lips to mine. Her kiss was soft, gentle and loving. It was made my cock start to grow again, still inside her cunt. "Hmm. I think you like the thought of me being naughty with you again. Well, here's a naughty thought for you, if you can come in me again, I'll let you watch Linda lick your cum from my cunt again."

    "And if it makes him hard again?"

    "If he can get it up again, it's all yours." Nancy said. Then she whispered to me. "Just as soon as you fill me up again like you did that first Christmas. Three was the magic number. Give me number three my love. Show me how much you love me with that third gift."

    I smiled and kissed her softly, moving my hips ever so slightly. I didn't want my hardening cock to slip from her, so I didn't move too much. Yeah I was pretty sure I could give her a third.

    Based on a post by m storyman x for Literotica.


  • An aging couple gets a surprise gift from Mrs. Clause.

    Based on a post by m storyman x, in 2 parts. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

    I could hear Nancy, my wife, clinking the dishes in the kitchen as she unloaded the dishwasher. It was Christmas eve morning, and she was up and about before six. That meant only one thing as far as I was concerned, no Christmas sex this year, again. Not with the kids showing up this afternoon. I've found myself thinking back to the early years a lot more lately. You'd think that in my sixties, sex wouldn't be a big deal anymore, but instead it seemed like my tolerance for her lack of desire or output was lower instead of better.

    I closed my eyes again and thought back to our first Christmas together as man and wife. It was a small tree, and there weren't many presents around it, but we gave each other the best present in the world that Christmas night. We made love under the tree, not once, but multiple times. Nine months later our first daughter was born. All through our dating time she was sexually playful and we would have sex many ways and in lots of places. She never seemed bashful when she undressed for me, exposing her incredibly beautiful body. Hell, I never would have even tried to ask her out on a date if I hadn't accidently spilled my drink all over her at McDonalds. She was way out of my class. She looked more like playboy model material than someone interested in a somewhat geeky college freshman.

    To my surprise, she demanded that I take her out to make up for spilling the soda all over her. So I did. And again, and again. After half a dozen dates, I built up enough nerve to suggest we mess around while we were walking in the dark through the local park. She readily agreed and the two of us made love for the first time on a picnic table in the middle of a public park. It was the first of many times we made love, in private, in semi-public areas, in the river, in the lake, well, you get the idea. She was willing to do it anywhere I felt comfortable doing it with her. She never seemed to be able to get enough of our intimacy. And it was so much more than just sex. You could see it in her eyes. She loved what I was doing with her and she loved watching me climax along with her. It became almost a game with her, to hold it as long as possible before letting herself tumble over the edge, taking me with her. But it was for me, and only me. Once we started dating there was no one else, not even close male friends that would hug or anything. It wasn't until I proposed that I learned I was the first man to have her that way.

    We got married less than a year after spilling that soda on her, and we made love the first time as man and wife in the hot tub on the balcony of the bridal suite. Not one time, but twice before we finally tumbled into bed, exhausted from the day’s activities. The next months were fantastic. She seemed to delight in teasing me, skimpy or no underwear with short skirts, sexy lingerie, sometimes wearing things without a bra so her big 32 D tits would wiggle enticingly. Our first Christmas found her under the tree in a red see through negligee, a gift tag tied to the crotch of her see through panties that read "definitely open before Christmas!" We made love under that tree and we loved each other. Over the next months, her belly grew, but her desire for me didn't change. If anything, it increased. It was almost as if being pregnant enhanced her sexual desire. And I wasn't going to argue. She always whispered how much she loved me and how much making love with me made her feel loved.

    It wasn't a surprise when sex drew to a sudden halt after Tabitha was born. I could understand it. I waited patiently, and some of the sex returned, but not nearly what it had been before. We had to plan when we had sex so we didn't wake Mikey, interrupting us. A year later we had Julie, and sex became even less frequent. After Mandy, well, sex just didn't seem to happen anymore. It was frustrating, but I always looked ahead and said that once the girls were grown and out of the house things would get better.

    College came for our sons, and we were empty nesters, but the long skirts, heavy duty bras to hold her now thirty eight triple D's in place, and the granny panties appeared to be the future. Sex was maybe once or twice a month, if I was lucky, always in the bedroom and always the same way. It was, to say the least, depressing to see what my life had become. I was married to the most beautiful woman in town, maybe the state, and I barely got to even see her naked any more unless we shared a shower. Now here we were, twenty years past the girls moving out on their own and I was more depressed about our sex life than I could remember. I lay dreaming back to that first Christmas, picturing her lying under the tree in that see through red mesh, her legs spread, her body illuminated only by the blinking lights of the tree, looking so damn sexy and inviting. I could still feel in my mind the sensations of sliding my hard-on into her and hear her moans of pleasure as she begged me to fuck her over and over again.

    I could feel my hard-on inside my sleep shorts growing, my hand moving to it as I remembered the image of her tits bouncing inside the sheer material before she rolled me over to sit on top of me. I stroked my hard shaft, pretending it was her hot wet cunt again, her big tits now bouncing wildly on her chest, the sheer material pushed apart by her flying tits. My mind could still remember how she felt around me as she pounded down on me with abandon until she made me come deep inside her. I grunted and felt my cock surge cum onto my stomach, remembering that day and wishing for those days again. I knew in my heart it was a useless wish. Nothing was going to change, but I still couldn't help but wish it none the less. I tossed back the covers, pushed the sleep shorts the rest of the way off and headed to the shower to rinse off the evidence of my desire.

    After Christmas

    It had been a good Christmas. I loved having the kids and their families over, this year with the first of our grandchildren as well. It was midmorning, the day after Christmas, and I was moving around the tree, picking up the odds and ends wrapping paper that had gotten left behind and putting my Christmas presents away in the shop, or wherever else was a suitable home. The tree had been inundated with presents, as usual, stacked so high that only the top two thirds of the tree were visible. Both of us enjoyed giving presents to the kids and their spouses. My wife spent hours picking just the right things for all of them. Christmas was probably the best season of the year, at least I felt so. Though each year it became harder and harder not to think back to that first Christmas. No, I wasn't going to change wives. I loved Nancy more than anything else in my life, though the kids would be a darn tough second.

    No, I was resigned to my life of near celibacy, at least compared to how my life with her had started.

    To make matters worse, my wife and the neighborhood ladies were all fitness-minded. They keep up a daily routine of evening walks and morning yoga. This means I wake up to a beautiful display of curvy bodies in the living room or back patio, adorned in the hottest yoga pants, leotards, or swimsuits. Good luck hiding your morning wood with multiple ladies watching.

    I tucked things away and I was about to call it done, when I noticed a small package sticking out from under the tree skirt. "uh oh." I mumbled, "someone didn't get a present." I pulled the oddly wrapped package from under the skirt and looked at it. About six inches square and maybe an inch thick. I didn't recognize the paper. It was a deep burgundy with some kind of fuzzy pattern on it and a bow that looked to be made of silk lace. It had a small tag which I turned over. "To Mike, from Mrs. Clause."

    I chuckled. My wife and I often traded packages from Santa. I was surprised that she didn't catch one of mine was missing. I gently slipped the bow and ribbon off the corners and gently unwrapped the paper. It was almost like foil paper with that interesting soft texture. It had to be expensive paper. I opened the box and inside was a single heart shaped cookie, white frosted with red sugar dusted over it. Under I could see a small parchment paper. I slipped it out. The parchment looked and felt ancient, but clearly couldn't be or it would fall apart. The writing was in a looping feminine script.

    "Merry Christmas. Share this with the love of your life, to grant your Christmas wish, but be alone." Mrs. Clause.

    I looked it over, front and back, but there were no other clues. Maybe this was my wife's way of trying to start something? We hadn't had any sex over Christmas yet, so maybe this was her way of giving me a present she knew I would enjoy. I grinned at the thought. I could play that game. I headed to the bedroom and took off my underwear so I was wearing only my thin nylon workout shorts. That should make things easier. I took the cookie from the box and opened the plastic wrapper. Setting the unwrapped cookie back in the box, I went to find her. Now was as good a time as any. I found her in the kitchen, putting dinner into the crockpot. I stepped behind her and gently kissed her neck. Breaking the cookie, I reached around her, pressing my already growing hard-on against her ass crack. I whispered. "I have something for you." I held the piece of cookie out in front of her mouth for her to take the bite.

    "What's that?" she asked, her hands unable to do anything as she held the chicken breasts. I slipped the portion of cookie into her mouth before she could object any further. "Oh my god! That is so good!" she moaned, almost orgasmic as she chewed the cookie slowly.

    "Knock knock!" I heard from the garage door as Linda, our neighbor called as she walked in. "Anyone home?"

    "In here!" My wife called, dropping the chicken into the crockpot and moving away from me to wash her hands.

    I scowled at the interruption, feeling my hope of what was to come, fade away in an instant. This seemed to be the story of my life. Just when I thought I had her interest, something interrupts and the "mood" never seems to come back. Linda wasn't a bad looking woman. Not nearly as hot and sexy as my wife, but then not many women are, even at sixty three. Linda is slender, early fifties, modest sized chest, half a foot shorter than my six foot, and divorced for the last three years.

    "Now, where did you get that?" My wife asked, as she turned to face me, wiping her hands on a small towel, while Linda stepped into the kitchen.

    "From you." I answered, feeling a little confused. "It was under the tree with a tag for me."

    "I didn't give you a cookie," my wife said with a frown. "You have a secret girlfriend giving you things?" She continued as she took the box from me. She snapped off another piece of the cookie and ate it, closing her eyes and letting out a soft moan. "Oh god this is so good."

    "What is?" Linda asked as she stepped over.

    "This cookie. Try this. It's the most exquisite taste!" My wife said as she snapped off a piece of the cookie and held it out to Linda.

    "Oh damn!" Linda groaned after she popped the piece of cookie in her mouth, chewing it so slowly, clearly savoring each moment.

    "Here hon. Taste this." My wife whispered, holding a piece of the cookie out for me. I opened my mouth and let her slip the cookie piece into my mouth.

    It was an incredibly unusual taste. Almost like, well, almost like... Oh shit! I knew exactly what it tasted like now. It tasted exactly like Nancy's cunt when I make her climax on my tongue.

    "God, Linda. Have you ever tasted anything so incredible?"

    "No. I haven't. It's incredible." She whispered as she reached for another piece of the quickly disappearing cookie. She slipped another small piece into her mouth as my wife took the last piece and at it. The two of them moaned almost in unison as they closed their eyes and chewed the last of the cookie. "Damn, is it hot in here?" Linda asked, fanning herself with her hands as she swallowed the last of the cookie. "Where did you get that?"

    Nancy turned to look at me again. "Mike said it was under the tree."

    "It was," I said, taking the box back from my wife. I turned it over to show her the tag on the ribbon, still partly attached to the box. The parchment fell out of the box and fluttered to the floor. My wife bent over to pick up the parchment.

    "Mike, you want to tell me something?" she asked as she looked at the writing on the note. "Are you seeing someone on the side I should know about?"

    "I wish." I grunted.

    "Merry Christmas. Share this with the love of your life, to grant your Christmas wish, but be alone. Mrs. Clause." My wife read. "Who the hell is Mrs. Clause? My wife asked me angrily. "Some new woman I don't know about?"

    "Shit honey. You know you're the only woman in my life. Honestly, I thought it was from you. We trade Santa presents all the time. I just thought it was from you."

    "Not me. I didn't give you a cookie. Hell, I don't even recognize the writing. Who writes like this anyway?" My wife asked as Linda pulled the note from my wife's hand to read it.

    "Looks like an invitation to play." Linda said with a grin. "Someone wants your husband’s goodies."

    "Yeah. right. Who'd want an aging old man?"

    "I dunno. I might. Not that I've seen what he has to offer, but I can tell you that bulge in his pants is pretty inviting."

    Both my wife and I looked down at my crotch. "Shit." I grunted in surprise at how far my shorts were tented out as my mostly hard cock tried to stand erect, but instead just pushed the front and part of the right leg of my shorts out until the material was taut, trapping it bent over. My cock was so hard and long that my engorged mushroom head poked out the end of the leg hole suggestively.

    "Jesus Mike!" My wife snapped. "Really? Is that all you think about? Sex?" She slammed the box on the counter and stormed off toward the bedroom.

    "Hey! Nancy, If you don't want it, I'll take it!" Linda called down the hall toward my retreating wife. She looked down at my crotch and grinned. She stepped closer, tossing the note onto the counter and then reached down toward my bulging shorts. I felt her fingers stroke up and down my material covered shaft a few times and then stroke over my exposed bare head. "Umm. I bet this would feel good inside me. Spreading me? Oh yeah. I'm sure it would."

    Linda whispered as she teased my phallic head a few more moments. I felt her hand slide up and her other hand join it, one on each of my hips, reaching for the elastic waistband of my shorts. "Hell, I wouldn't mind at all if you put that someplace hot and warm and wet," She whispered to me as she pushed my shorts down over my hips and ass. She started to squat down in front of me, while I stood there, not moving, letting her push my shorts down my body, slowly forcing them down over my hard cock until it popped out and stood pointing up at her face.
    “Mike, you’re thicker than the flagpole on my front porch!”
    I felt like I shouldn't be doing what I was, but at the same time, I wanted her to. I wanted her to see me and touch me. I wanted her to want me.
    "Oh shit yes," I groaned as her hand closed around my hard shaft. I looked down at her as she gently licked up the bottom of my cock until her tongue reached my mushroom head. She seemed to know exactly how and where to tease her tongue, making me groan in pleasure again, moments before she closed her lips around my leaking cock head. “I forgot how great this can be!” I admitted to the neighbor hottie kneeling in our kitchen.

    "Hmm." She moaned, making my cock vibrate slightly as she began to stroke her mouth and hand up and down my shaft. It'd been years since anyone had done what she was doing, and all I could do was to stand there and let her do it.

    "Shit! Linda!" I heard Nancy say from behind me. "What are you doing?"

    "Sucking his incredible cock. God I don't believe you don't still do this for him. It tastes so damn good!" Linda said huskily from where she knelt in front of me. "You should get down here and help me. I think he's going to come for me, the way it feels."

    "Mike? You're going to just let her suck your cock?"

    "Oh damn." I groaned as she went back to sliding her lips up and down my shaft, her tongue teasing under my engorged head with each stroke. "Fuck she's good at this."

    Linda was now standing, but bent over. Her left hand frigging herself inside her red yoga pants, while her right hand cupped my dangling balls. Her head tilted to accommodate my cock’s descent into her throat.

    "Mike!" My wife said quietly, the look on her face one of, what? Disappointment? Surprise? Betrayal? I wasn't really sure. She stood and stared at Linda sucking me, drawing me ever closer to orgasm. "Mike?" She asked in a squeaky whisper. "Is this what you want? Sex with another woman?"
    Linda’s right hand now squeezed the base of my shaft and squeezed tight. My prostate pressure was throwing me into a dizzy haze. She looked up into my eyes and smiled, then opened wide. With my cock head just outside her open mouth, she relaxed her grip on my shaft and the volcano erupted.

    "Oh fuck." I grunted as my body spasmed. I could feel my cum lancing out into Linda's mouth, shot after shot pumping into her as my body jerked and trembled. I stood there, my stomach tensing and my hips trying to push toward her with each new surge of cum. I didn't realize I could come that much, finally standing there, panting, after at least a dozen powerful shots of cum.

    Linda pulled her mouth from my cock and looked up at me. She opened her mouth to show me the tremendous load of cum I'd deposited in her mouth, an amount more reminiscent of my more youthful days. She closed her mouth and smiled before opening it again so show not only me, but Nancy, that she had swallowed the whole load.

    "Oh god, Linda? You swallowed it?"

    "Oh fuck yes," she said as she stood up. "God I'm so fucking horny." She started to push her yoga pants down, her fingers taking her panties along with them, forcing the stretchy material down over her ass and hips, down her thighs, almost to her knees. I'd seen her in some one piece swim suits before, but I'd never seen her anything close to naked. She had full round outer lips with a significant amount of inner labia exposed, pressed to her full round twat. Her bush spread from her mound, down between her legs, covering much of her cunt. She pushed her pants all the way to her knees and then slid her hands tantalizing up her thighs, slipping to the inside of each thigh before gently stroking and spreading her delicate inner lips. I watched her fingers stroke sensually between her lips, teasing them apart, almost as if inviting me to not only look but touch. I watched her hand slip down and back several times before she allowed her fingers to trace up from her wet lips to her mound and then higher. Her fingers hooked under the bottom hem of her tight tanktop and pulled it up, sliding it up over her surprisingly firm stomach, pausing only a moment when they reached the bottom of her bra. She hooked her fingers under the elastic bottom band and then pulled the shirt and bra up, pulling both it and her shirt up over her tits, exposing her whole body from high on her chest all the way to her knees to my view. "Lick my cunt Mike. Please? Please lick me?" she practically begged as her fingers moved from her shirt and bra, back down to her rock hard nipples, gently stroking small circles around each hard protruding nub.

    I stood and stared at her mostly naked body for long seconds, my brain seeming to be in a fog of desire I hadn't felt since saw Nancy's naked body that first time. I wasn't sure at all why I did it. I shouldn't have. Part of me knew it was wrong, but another part, an animalistic part, demanded that I respond to the feelings of want and desire welling up inside of me almost uncontrollably. I gave in to those urges and I gave into them right in front of Nancy. I reached for Linda's hips, moved her in front of the island counter and lifted her up, setting her bare ass on the cold hard granite surface. She didn't seem to care as I pulled off her jogging shoes, dropping them on the floor before pulling her pants the rest of the way down her legs before tossing them aside. I grasped her ankles and lifted her legs into the air, pushing them apart as I stepped between her legs. I pressed my shrinking cock against her wet cunt lips, grinding myself against her wetness and pressing my lips to hers in an aggressive wanting kiss that she eagerly returned. I stood there, kissing her for only a few seconds before lowering my head from her face to her tits. I closed my lips around one hard nipple and sucked it into my mouth, teasing it with my tongue as she grasped my head with one hand, pulling my face forcefully toward her chest. I heard her moan loudly as I nibbled her hard nipple. "Oh god. Fuck me Fuck my hot cunt!" she gasped loudly.

    I couldn't do that. My cock was on the wrong side of climax and was going to take a few minutes to recover, but that didn't mean I couldn't pleasure her in other ways. I pulled my face from her tit and kissed my way down over her stomach, over her hairy, curl covered mound, and down between her thighs. I kissed each thigh several times, each kiss moving closer to her hot wet cunt. I could smell her excitement, her lips practically leaking her juices even before touched them with my tongue.

    "Oh my god yes!" she moaned as I made the first lick up her cunt lips, tasting her sweet nectar as I let my tongue spread her inner lips. I eagerly licked up and down her slit, driving my tongue deep between her lips, finding both the leaking entrance to her depths and her hard clit. I wanted to be hard, I wanted to drive my cock into her hot depths, but it wasn't ready yet.

    Linda’s eyes were closed as she leaned back on her elbows, like a Grecian statue, there on our kitchen island pedestal.
    I used a finger to slip into her, drawing a gasp of pleasure. I teased her clit with my tongue while I slipped my finger in and out of her like a small dick. "Oh Fuck!" she cried as her legs trembled and shook, my tongue continually teasing over and around her hard exposed clit. I was a momentarily surprised at how quickly she was going to come, but the thought fled my mind as I was overtaken by the scent of her cunt, and an overwhelming desire to fuck her. My mind briefly felt thankful that she had just sucked me off and I hadn't gotten hard again yet, but I couldn't quite gel the thought as to why that was important, so I continued to lick and tease her clit until her whole body tensed. She trembled and her cunt was leaking copiously, I pulled my finger from her and used my tongue to try and drive into her depths, allowing me to enjoy the flow leaking from her depths. I licked and sucked her juices as they leaked into my mouth, sharing her climax as she came for me. "Oh, damn." She panted as her body slowly stilled, my tongue now slowly stroking up her slit, collecting the last of her flow. I stood up slowly, looking at her, my mind slowly realizing what I had just done; and to whom.

    "God Mike. I don't believe you just did that." I heard Nancy say from behind me. I had forgotten she was even in the kitchen, let alone watching me lick our neighbor to climax!

    I stood up, my shorts still around my ankles. I wiped a hand across my mouth to wipe Linda's cum from my chin, and turned to look at her. There were so many things I could say, so many things I felt like saying, but for reasons I don't quite understand, the only think that came out was, "Your turn?"

    "Oh Mike!" she cried before bursting into tears. She turned and ran down the hall. I heard the door to the bedroom slam, and then a sound I don't think I've ever heard. The click of the lock button on the doorknob.

    "Oh shit." I whispered as Linda sat up behind me. I felt Linda press herself against me. I felt her hard nipples press into my back, her hands reaching around me to find my half hard cock. Her fingers of one hand teased my cock while the other stroked up and down my stomach and chest. Her legs hooked around my thighs in a possessive embrace.

    "Any time you wanna put this pole in me, I'm ready." Linda whispered in my ear. "If Nancy doesn't want it, I'll be more than happy to keep you satisfied."

    "I don't think that'll help, at the moment." I whispered, suddenly feeling like I'd lost something, but my mind couldn't quite identify what.

    "She's upset. I'm sure it'll pass." Linda tried to smooth things over. “If a magnificent cock like your’s isn’t appealing, she’s sexually comatose.”

    I turned in her arms to look down at her, her shirt and bra now gone so she was completely naked. "I better go talk to her." I whispered as her hand found my cock again and began to try to coax it between her legs as it slowly hardened in her hand.

     "That isn't helping." I struggled.

    "No? you mean it isn't making you want to put your cock in me? It's getting harder, so I think you do." Linda’s horniness was unabated.

    "I do, but I don't. I mean, I shouldn't want to. I love Nancy. I want to be making love with her," I answered Linda; my mind slowly clearing and starting to come to grips with what had just occurred.

    "I understand. You want to make love to the woman you love. But I could be that woman, couldn't I? I mean, we've known each other for years. I'm not married anymore. So, what's stopping us from going there? Just push this joystick into me and we'll see how long it takes for you to fill me up with your cum."

    "Linda. Oh shit. I'm so close to just throwing you down and fucking you. But I know I shouldn't. I know that what I want, is back there, in the bedroom. I just don't know how to get her to want it anymore." I got free of Linda’s clutches and sat down at the table.

    Linda stood and said; "Why don't you let me talk to her, and then I'll come back and ride you until you pop in me. How's that sound? You just sit and wait for me and when I come back, I can climb right onto your cock and fuck you until you beg me to make you come." With that she turned and walked down the hall to the bedroom. I heard her knock on the door and ask my wife to let her in. It took several times before the door opened and Linda was let in, the door closed again behind her.

    To be continued in part 2, Based on a post by m storyman x for Literotica.

  • Jenna Teaches hubby.

    Based on a post by m jar65, in 2 parts. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


    One week later Nick and I were in the same hotel again and quickly we were naked and fucking. Again there was lots of oral and I sucked his cock nice and long and Nick ate my slit till I was cumming all over his face.

    I was so ready and so wanting that cock in my backside that Nick had to calm me down. Soon he was eating my slit and slipping a finger in and out of my ass. It was just as sensational the second time and I loved the stretching and the rubbing inside my little hole. Nick was so wonderful and he just kept going till I came in his mouth twice. Then he flipped me onto my front and straight away I got myself into the right position for him.

    This time my rim job felt better and lasted even longer. I was moaning out loud for him and really I loved every moment of that ass licking, the feeling of having a man focus so much attention on my delicate anus. I came nice and hard for Nick as he thrust two fingers into my slit while his soft, warm tongue lapped at my hole.

    Nick was such an expert he knew just how to handle me. As soon as that orgasm flowed out of me I was flipped back and this time I had two pillows under my hips. I was panting hard and it wasn't the after effects of my receding orgasm. I knew the moment had arrived and I was about to take a rock hard cock deep into my asshole.

    He pulled on a condom as I stared at his hard cock and tried to imagine that bulk stretching out my backside. He didn't go straight to my ass though. First he dipped his cock into my slit. I admit I felt a little disappointed but soon enough I was huffing and panting as Nick did his magic and made my body ready to explode. I thought briefly how exciting it felt to have a different man take my body.

    I was so close to cumming again when Nick positioned the head of his cock against my rear entrance. I was horny and desperate and wanted that cock so badly. I watched him apply a little lube and then he told me 'rub your clit for me. Make sure you are giving yourself some pleasure in case it's too big the first time.'

    I understood just was he was saying. Just the head of his cock pressing against my hole felt like the biggest thing I had ever taken. I still wanted the rest of it, to take his whole cock. So I strummed my clit just as he asked. I wasn't scared but I was worried we might fail at the first hurdle.

    I was panting and playing with my clit and the whole time Nick never took his eyes off mine. This was it, finally taking a hard cock up my ass.

    'Here we go,' he said quietly. 'Try to relax for me.' I felt him press forward and I knew even then my anus was struggling to open up for him. The trouble was that I was so excited I really couldn't relax anything. I was going to have a hard cock shoved into my ass and even the thought that it could hurt didn't slow me down a bit.

    Nick applied a bit more lube and with a sudden push he was inside me. Oh shit, his cock suddenly felt enormous and for a moment I was sure I'd never take the whole thing inside me. I kept playing with my clit, trying to adjust to these new sensations. I wanted that cock to go all the way.

    After taking a tongue and then a finger, the head of his cock was really stretching me. I was scared but I was loving the feeling already. Carefully Nick started pressing deeper and the 'filled up' feeling got stronger. I was amazed that I could take so much in there. It felt weird but so good at the same time. A big hard cock in my backdoor and it was so new and so sexy at the same time.

    He was pushing deeper and I was getting more and more filled up in that weird way. Each time he pressed forward I knew I was taking still more of that big hard cock inside my forbidden little hole. I was amazed at how much I could take and how good it felt. Oh fuck, I was loving it even though I also felt like using the toilet.

    Suddenly there was a tearing and burning sensation. Nick must have recognized my expression because he actually withdrew a little and applied some more lube. I was still panting madly and so worried that this was my limit.

    'Keep rubbing that clit,' Nick told me. 'You are so close so let's go slow and gentle.'

    'Don't stop,' I gasped and panted at him. My slit was feeling so good and I was experiencing the weirdest and sexiest sensations I had ever known. Having even a part of his cock in my ass felt so dirty and erotic that I was anxious to take him all. I was being stretched and filled in the 'wrong' place but my body was telling me that everything was exactly right.

    Women know the sensation of a big hard cock filling up their vagina. Instead of that I now had that cock in my ass and although it was a weird feeling my body was heating up and my tits were tingling.

    Slowly Nick started to pulse his cock in and out of my ass. I was such a newbie I didn't even know what that meant. Slowly he was working himself deeper and deeper into me and soon I realized things felt very different. He felt huge in there and part of my brain worried I might burst. But the excitement from that big thing moving in my ass overwhelmed everything else.

    'You've done it,' he said to me with a smile. 'My whole cock is inside your ass. How do you feel?'

    'I don't know,' I panted. 'It’s weird but it feels so great. Fuck me now. Fuck my ass with your cock so I can feel everything.'

    Nick started to pulse back and forward again but this time his cock strokes were longer and he was starting to use a little more force inside me. 'Does it feel good?' I asked him anxiously. 'Does my ass feel good?'

    He smiled and went on fucking my ass. My first ever anal sex, first ass fucking, first ass reaming. I was in a kind of heaven but still I wanted it to be perfect.

    'Your ass feels great to me,' he said with a big smile.

    Nick's thrusting got longer and stronger and soon I was in a kind of reverie. The weird feeling was turning into an amazing glow right through my body and the 'filled up' sensations were starting to make me feel like I really needed to cum. It was the strangest feeling ever but somehow I knew that I was loving taking a cock in my ass.

    An orgasm was approaching and now I didn't even need to rub my slit. The feeling of that hard cock and the truth that I was being fucked up my ass was all I needed right then. The sensation of him moving inside my backdoor and the rubbing against my insides was becoming more and more exciting. My whole body was starting to feel turned-on.

    Of course I had no idea of what to expect or what would come next. But I knew what was happening when I started being overtaken by a massive new sensation and I realized that I was cumming while Nick had his cock up my ass.

    Holy shit, I came with a cock up my ass. I'd never believed it could really happen. It happened to me, though, and on that very first time. It didn't explode like most of my orgasms. It just kind of erupted from some other part of my body and it swelled up inside me and suddenly my whole body was on fire and the most incredible release just came over me.

    I tried to stay focused on Nick's cock thrusting into my ass hole but I just couldn't. It was the weirdest orgasm I'd ever had and even now I can't really describe it. But I felt so full and so sexy and so alive right then. I know I cried out loud as that climax rushed through my body and I lay there looking up at that stranger as he continued to pump himself into my ass hole. I just couldn't really believe what it was doing to me.

    Soon Nick seemed to guess what was happening and as that first ever anal orgasm passed he carefully slid himself out of my hole. There was that same feeling of emptiness like when a cock pulls out of my slit and I imagined I'd been opened so wide that my anus stayed open even after Nick left me.

    I still felt sensational though and the feeling of that first anal fuck and that first orgasm still filled my body and my brain. I lay for there for a long time next to Nick with him holding me and asking if I was OK. All I could do was nod.

    Eventually I did recover my breathing and calmed down enough to think about what had just happened to me. Believe me, right then I told myself I would be a slut for anal sex and that no matter what happened I would find a way to get my hubby to do that to me.

    We did plenty more oral and fucking that day, though Nick insisted we should let my asshole rest after all that activity. I made Nick promise that next time he would fuck my ass from behind, doggy style. I really wanted that and by now I knew that my little hole could fit the whole of a big hard cock.

    I went home that word buzzing in my brain; sodomy. I had committed sodomy. I had been sodomized. I was so turned on that at home that night I practically demanded that my hubby fuck me good and hard. I insisted on doing it doggy style so I could get all his cock inside me and really feel the fucking and thrusting. Hubby has a gorgeous cock that looks and feels so great. I could almost worship that part of him. The whole time he was humping me from behind I was imagining how it would feel when I could take him in my ass instead.

    That weekend I was still on a big high and feeling horny, talking my hubby into still more sex than he would normally need to give me. What was best was that one time I screwed up my courage when hubby was eating my slit and I quietly asked him to go lower with his tongue. He did, too, and I really enjoyed the dirty feeling and the softness of his tongue on my anus. It wasn't a proper rim job but it was a first for us and I enjoyed it.

    The next night I took a long shower before bed and then I somehow managed to ask if he would lick both my holes. Hubby agreed but I could see that he wasn't sure what I was after. So I lay on my front for him, legs apart to display my holes and asking him to lick them both. Whenever his tongue went near my backdoor I moaned a little louder. It was only a small fake. That did the trick, however, and hubby slowly got into it some more till I was feeling pretty good. That was kind of my first ever rim job from hubby and I knew with practice he was only going to get better.

    Finally hubby couldn't hold out any longer and he asked me what was going on. 'I love you sweetheart but I am wondering why all this extra attention to your lovely ass.'

    So I told a small lie. 'I want to prepare myself. Get me ready for you.'

    'For me? For what?'

    'You know. For you in my asshole.'

    'Me in your asshole?'

    'Darling, I know a lot of men enjoy anal sex. You know some women enjoy it too. I want to try it with you. I want to try and see if I can give that to you like other women do for their husbands.'

    'You want me to fuck your ass so I won't get it from other women?'

    'Sweetheart, I don't care about other women. I am your wife and it’s time we tried something new in bed. I just thought that if you wanted to fuck me back there then I want us to try it.'

    We talked and fucked some more that night. It took less than 24 hours for hubby to decide that he did want to do that. So long as I really thought we should try it. I nearly burst out laughing.

    It was noticeable after that night how much more eager hubby became to rim me and lick both my holes. Helping to 'prepare' me he was. And I can report that without much encouragement from me he was quickly improving his technique and I was enjoying it more and more. I suppose I was making up for lost time, too.

    Thanks to my extra libido we were fucking like rabbits and soon I graduated him to fingering my ass while he licked my slit. That took a little more practice and I had to show him how to get a finger wet with the moisture from my slit and then add some saliva as well. The orgasms were not as explosive as that first time with Nick but I didn't care really. I was having a great time with my hubby as he practiced his new technique on me.

    I met Nick again too. I was shaking and nervous and more happy than ever that he had such experience and poise in this situation. Like always there was the fear of being discovered. This time there was the extra thrill from knowing I was going to take a cock in my ass doggy style.

    In the hotel room I allowed Nick to take the lead as usual. This time I got a gentle surprise when he put his hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me down to my knees. I knew what he wanted, of course, but no-one has done that to me in years.

    It was kind of fun, though, and I soon had his cock out of his trousers and in my mouth while I knelt in front of him.

    On the bed we did all our usual preliminaries of sucking and licking. He got me so incredibly turned-on like he always did. For a casual sex fling I can say this man was very attentive and considerate of my needs.

    We fucked in missionary for a little while and I did my best to enjoy it and relax. His cock felt great inside my slit but, again, I found myself thinking only about how it was going to feel inside my asshole.

    When he was ready, Nick flipped me onto my hands and knees and I got another of his lovely, long ass lickings. He also paid attention to my slit and to my clit and soon I was feeling red hot and completely randy.

    The feeling of his cock in my slit as he entered me from behind was sensational. All I really was aware of right then was how much more intense I wanted my pleasure to be. He could either slam into my vagina or he could take my almost virgin ass. I got a nice steady humping and he even reached under me to rub my nipples and my clit.

    He stuck his finger into my backdoor again that afternoon and I was so turned-on that I just grunted and gasped and came even harder. I loved the way he was stretching out my hole but the real thrill was knowing that his cock was going to go into that same place at any minute. Oh fuck, I came hard for Nick as he screwed me like that, knowing I was a dirty wife who really does enjoy a strange cock in her slit.

    When I felt Nick withdraw his cock from my slit I knew my moment had come. I think he applied a little lube to himself. Then his finger popped out of my ass and was replaced with something that felt much bigger and more wonderful.

    The firm pressure he put against my rear opening made me gasp and pant harder. It was just the head of his cock but now I knew for sure it would fit and that his entire shaft would soon fill up my bottom. Being in front of him on hands and knees felt so incredible and to me this was really the moment of my introduction to anal sex.

    I don't know why but for some reason I had gotten the idea that being ass fucked doggy style is really the proper way to do it. It just seems so primitive and animal and it means that the cock can go as deep and hard as possible. I adore the thought that in doggy position my dear hubby can choose either hole for his cock to enter. At first the idea brought a little fear but it seemed the best way to feel everything and fully take a cock inside my ass hole. That kind of more extreme fucking was what I had been wanting.

    That day in the hotel I knew I was going to be penetrated and stretched like I'd never felt before. Right then I wanted it so bad. 'Fuck me, Nick. Fuck my ass,' I murmured to him. He didn't really need the encouragement but he was good enough to remind me that I should be stroking my clit as he pierced my little opening.

    With the first push I felt the head of his cock enter my back door. Already I felt so full. I was panting and moaning as he worked himself deeper. I was a little afraid but I was feeling greedy and I just wanted another of those amazing orgasms he had given me before.

    Just like the first time, having his cock in my ass like that felt so weird and so amazing at the same time. I already knew that I loved the feeling of being so filled up and feeling so dirty.

    Like before there was a brief moment of pain that felt like my skin was tearing. Nick must have been paying extra attention because somehow he sensed the problem and he slowed for a moment and applied some extra wetness to his lovely hard cock. I was worried he would stop and you know I really would have taken the pain right then to get his cock fully inside my ass. I just kept rubbing my clit and somehow that made the pain go away.

    Then with a few more firm pushes I knew Nick was buried deep inside my ass hole.

    'Don't stop,' I panted. 'Don't stop. Fuck me please Nick.'

    That's what he did and it could not have felt better. He started with the same gentle pulsing back and forth. This time I knew I was being ass fucked for real. Then soon I could feel him really stroking inside my backdoor and straight away it was feeling even better. I kept rubbing my clit and the mixture of sensations was so obviously going to bring me off in a massive way.

    I felt Nick go deeper into me from behind and it made me feel even more turned-on and excited about what he was doing to me. I started to push back against him, wanting him fully inside my ass. The feeling was sensational and so animal-like. I didn't even care anymore about it hurting me. My whole body was feeling so, so fantastic I just wanted to be reamed continuously.

    Fucking hell, but soon I felt myself start to cum. It felt so great the way his cock stretched and rubbed inside my backdoor. Taking a cock in my ass was suddenly feeling incredible. I started to shove my head into the pillow as I began to lose control and Nick must have picked up the signals. I felt him thrust even deeper and harder into me and he was really starting to pump his cock onto me. I was getting the proper ass fucking I had imagined so many times.

    Fuck, Nick was so good at what he did to me because by the time he finished I had buried my face into the bed and screamed out orgasm after orgasm. I lost count of my explosions and I really don't even remember what Nick did to me. But the physical and mental joy of being ass fucked from behind was the most incredible feeling I had ever had.

    OK, so I will admit that some of his pumping did cause me a little bit of hurt but I never once thought about telling Nick to stop or even to slow down. I wasn't afraid of the pain anymore and somehow it actually made me feel more excited, knowing I was really taking a cock pounding in my novice ass.

    By the time I was done and needing a rest Nick pulled out slowly and let me fall flat onto the bed. I felt so incredible, really alive. My whole body felt amazing and my little hole wasn't sore at all. Nick got up from the bed and I could see he was going to remove the condom. I got to see the mess on the condom and that wasn't a good moment. I was still a newbie. But I did see clearly that Nick had shot his load whole in my ass and the rubber bulged nicely as it held his seed. I felt quite excited and proud that this man had actually cum while fucking my asshole.

    Not much else happened that day but I was so happy and on such a high that I didn't mind. I knew right then that hubby was going to get lots of practice sticking his gorgeous cock into my ass. I just had to teach how to do it.

    Nick and I showered together that day. Afterwards I went down on my knees again. Voluntarily this time. I admit by now I was quite fond of Nick and his yummy cock. I know I was engaged in a kind of cheating but I felt really good about myself as I sucked his cock and swallowed all his seed.

    That Friday night I had hubby licking my asshole as soon as I could get him into the bedroom. I was on heat really badly and I didn't care what hubby thought as I took charge of the action. Then I positioned myself on my back with two pillows under my hips and told hubby him that after he fucked my slit this would be the night when his cock would enter my bottom for the first time.

    Of course his fucking was wonderful and his gorgeous cock made me feel as good as it always does. I just kept thinking, though, about how it would feel in my bottom so I wasn't going to wait. He spread around a lot of lube and made sure some went inside my back door. Everyone says use lots of lube but the problem became that everything was too slippery. Hubby nearly went back in my slit a couple of times which didn't make me too happy. It was just a lack of experience all round.

    So the next night we were back at it, this time with just a little lube for my hole and mostly my juices and his spit on his cock. I was so excited I was afraid I would spoil everything. I did my usual and made sure I was rubbing my clit like I had learned. I didn't want anything to go wrong or give hubby any excuse to stop, ever.

    I felt that now familiar pressure of a cock pressing against my backdoor. It was my hubby's cock this time and I was almost gagging for it. Again I felt the excitement of knowing what was about to happen to me.

    He followed my instructions and with a big push the head of hubby's cock was inside my sphincter. I groaned with passion as he began to stretch my hole. Of course I did, my darling hubby was about to fill my asshole with his wonderful hard cock. I had to remember he'd not had any experience or teaching so it was really important that I concentrated and made sure we both went slow.

    I coached hubby on how to work his length into my anus. It was sensational to feel his cock in my backdoor. By now I knew I loved the feeling of being filled and stretched and I wanted still more of him inside me. Each time hubby thrust in I made him add some more saliva. The great thing was that for some reason I never got that feeling of tearing. Maybe it was because hubby didn't need to use a condom. Or maybe I was even more excited because I knew this was the first time of many that his gorgeous cock would be going up my ass.

    Following my instructions hubby slowly filled and stretched my ass hole. Oh shit, I do love his cock so much. It is a wonderful thing and now, for the first time, I felt the thickness of him as he slowly shoved himself into my waiting asshole. He'd never felt so big before. Slowly I taught hubby how to fill and stretch my ass hole.

    That night we only got about half that wonderful cock into my hole. It felt so great to finally have him filling me up back there. Even with only half his cock I felt properly stretched and filled up. There was no orgasm for me that night but I'd made my hubby fuck my backdoor and had enjoyed every bit of it. I even got him to move back and forward a bit and try to fuck my hole. Hubby said that he really enjoyed it and I knew it was true. I was as happy as I could have been and so in love with my hubby and his cock.

    It was only a few nights later when we tried again and this time we got him all inside me. How exciting that was, let me tell you. This time he humped me slow but steady and I was moaning for him without even trying. The amazing feeling of having my hubby in my ass, plus some more rubbing of my clit, meant I got my first ever ass sex climax with hubby. It was slow and gentle but I still loved every minute of it and the amazing sensations I was getting. It was a special moment and afterwards I told him how much I loved him.

    Sodomy; it felt great. I still enjoyed playing with that word, turning it over and over in my mind, thinking how nasty and dirty I could be. I let my husband sodomize me. In fact I'd allowed myself to be sodomized by two men. I was already enjoying my new attitude to sex and being more adventurous.

    The next Saturday night we did it again and this time we both came. Mine still wasn't as powerful as Nick had given me but I didn't care about that at all. Besides, I was happy for us to keep practicing. I did love it, however, when hubby shot his seed inside me. It was a magic moment for me, as his wife. Plus I knew it meant he would keep wanting my ass hole after that. There was a bigger mess that night as he leaked out of me but we managed to make it to the shower in time, mostly.

    All of this, naturally, brought me to the moment of truth. I had pursued anal sex because I wanted to learn some new sexual pleasures and because I wanted our sex life to be more open. I had made a secret deal with myself and I had to go through with it. I would have felt really guilty if I'd not finally asked hubby what else he would be turned on by trying.

    I was a little surprised when hubby told me, after a lot of hesitation, that he wanted to try cumming on my face sometimes. Personally, I have never had much interest in that particular act and I've never really accepted that men want to do that. But there was no point being a coward or a hypocrite. I was his wife and I was after some new sexual experiences. Of course I told him I wanted him to do that to me.

    About a week after that I got the courage to tell hubby this was the night I wanted him to cum on my face. I sat on the side of the bed and gave him a long stroking and sucking of his gorgeous cock. I have always enjoyed having a man cum on my skin but I had never really wondered how it would feel to have it land on my face. It felt a little taboo and dirty and I reminded myself that that was the kind of fun I had been looking for.

    At the end hubby took over and I was surprised to see how excited and turned-on he was by it all. I watched him stroke his shaft until without any warning his seed was shooting out of his little hole and splashing onto my face. Hubby must have been extra excited because there seemed to be more of his seed than usual.

    To tell you the truth it didn't feel bad at all, except for one small bit that landed in the corner of my eye. But feeling his hot, fresh seed on my face actually was OK. He gave me such a big load and I was covered in his seed. I felt like a bit of a porn actor but it wasn't any worse than having him leaking from my ass. And I was happy enough that when he was done I took his cock into my mouth and licked and sucked him till he was nice and clean.

    The best part, the most rewarding part, was seeing the excitement in his eyes and hearing it in his voice. I am his wife and I love him and I felt great to have given him a really special treat. So, of course, we have done it many times since then. Sometimes I ask and sometimes he does. It feels better and more fun each time.

    Finally I got hubby to open up about other sexual things he wanted us to try. I got a massive shock when hubby mentioned he was interested in the idea of same room sex with other couples.

    I was the one who asked him if he meant wife swapping. So I guess I deserved it when hubby shocked me again and said that 'yes', he had been thinking about that too. Only if I was totally OK and willing of course.

    I could see the funny side of it all but suddenly I knew my plans had kind of backfired on me. Well, at least I realized I had created some kind of monster. I love my hubby so much and I suppose there was a little guilt about me having fucked with Nick. What could I do? I had told myself I wanted to give us both a more interesting and varied sex life. Hubby had made a suggestion and I had to say 'yes'.

    Now we are seriously thinking about a couple that we can swap with. Because of everything I did with Nick, I know I can do it and have sex with a stranger, even in front of hubby. I would love to feel the sensation of a different man fucking me again. I am only reluctant because I am worried that if I give up my hubby, with his gorgeous cock and all his fucking skills, the other woman will have a great night while I get humped by her dud of a husband.

    I confess it’s not such a terrible or shocking idea really. After my experiences with Nick I am sure it will be fun.

    So far we've only gone as far as same room sex with two other couples. To be honest, I enjoyed the fact that they both stared at me as I fucked hubby. I had fun showing them what we could do as lovers and letting them see hubby's beautiful cock.

    The second couple got a bit complicated when the wife started coming-on to me the second time we played together. She had been up-front about being bi-sexual. I didn't mind that at all but her advances were unexpected and I was not really ready for that. It was a bit of a shame because I know both boys would have enjoyed it very much. Maybe another time I'll let hubby have that bit of fun, or maybe with a different woman who turns me on as well.

    In the meantime I am getting great anal sex at home on a regular basis. In fact, things are only getting better and better in that department. Hubby has become as good at fucking my ass as he is at all the other things we do in bed. I have even started giving him a few rim jobs as well, though hubby is sure he doesn't need any penetration in his back door.

    I red somewhere of a woman who said she enjoyed anal even more than having a cock in her slit. I am sure I'll never feel quite like that but it’s also true that I will never get tired of ass fucking.

    At least once a week now I get into doggy position while hubby squeezes his big, hard cock into my tight little asshole. He enters me back there, going slow and gentle and letting me feel every tiny bit of his gorgeous cock. I always moan and rub my clit as I adjust to his big hard cock and savor the feeling of ass sex. I find that my nipples get so hard and I get an extra pleasure as they rub against the bedsheets. Having regular anal sex has made me even more horny and responsive than before.

    Then hubby takes control of me and he humps me hard and deep and I get to bury my face into the pillows, screaming out as I cum and cum and cum. When I'm done and I can't cum any more I always get the ultimate pleasure of feeling my wonderful hubby shoot his seed deep inside my bowels.

    I told you that I almost worship hubby's cock. To take him in my slit and now my ass makes me so happy and fulfilled. He feels so big back there that I can feel his size even better than in my slit. I am just as excited to know I that I can give him such a special sex treat. Anal sex is a dirty pleasure for me and it’s even better to share it with the man I love.

    So you can see that my dream came true and I am so happy and relieved. I got the sexual variety I craved and I got to make my hubby so very happy as well. The hard thing was to find a lover to teach me. I don't think I'd ever have asked hubby to fuck my ass if I hadn't had that experience with Nick. Maybe other women would do it differently. But I still have no regrets about what I did to achieve my desire to turn my husband into a regular ass-fucker and to lust after my ass hole so much.

    That was not entirely the end of my little adventure with Nick. Despite having hubby taking me regularly in my ass, it was very hard to walk away from Nick's ass fucking technique. Plus Nick was so sweet and made my body feel so alive that I had to go back for more. Nick also taught me a few other sexual tricks before I finally drew a closure to our affair. I haven't tried any of those new tricks out with hubby yet. But in time I am sure I will.

    Oh, and my friend Louise wants to know all the details of everything I did with Nick. But I am making her wait as well.

    Based on a post by m jar65, for Literotica.

  • The good wife finds a teacher.

    Based on a post by m jar65, in 2 parts. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

    Sometimes married women like myself have sex with other men and sometimes we have really complex reasons for wanting to do that. I can say that based on personal experience. I wanted to share my story so I asked m jar65 to help me write it down. I did that because I was so angry at the comments from 'anonymous' readers who hate women and think that women should always be under the control of men. These men are pathetic losers and I think they pretty much realize that women hate them back for their attitudes.

    My name is Jenna and I think I am a pretty normal sort of woman. I am married and I fucked another man.

    In my case I did it because I had a burning desire to experience full anal sex for the first time. It wasn't an accident, I made a decision and I made a plan. So now you know. There were other reasons as well and, like I say, it was complicated and it took me a long time to decide. You can be assured that it had nothing to do with love or betrayal or wanting my husband to murder me.

    I just had this incredible desire to experience being fucked by a hard cock in my ass. That might sound strange coming from me and I don't even remember how it started. I know that I wanted more from my sex life. I guess there was just this kind of itch that needed scratching and I knew more and more that I wanted to feel what it’s like to be fucked in my ass. Other people did it and I wanted to find out what they were enjoying so much.

    As I said, it was more complicated than that. If I was being truthful I started thinking about the idea of fucking another man, about my fling, my affair, my act of adultery, as something like an act of defiance. It was a private defiance but I felt a little like I was taking revenge on my husband or that I was satisfying my feelings of jealousy.

    Like most of you men, hubby has his private little porn stash on the computer at home. He thinks it’s private because, like most of you men, he assumes he has hidden the links away where I can't find them and see what is floating his boat sexually. Of course he never bothers to ask me what kind of porn I enjoy. He never asks about what interests me and what we could do to spice up our sex life. His porn is 'private' and a special treat he keeps for himself.

    And, like most men, hubby likes to look at other woman and thinks I never catch him doing it. He just waits till he is with his buddies and then they 'compare notes' about the hot women they have been perving at. So he doesn't even realize how much I, his wife, enjoy seeing a nice young man really fill out the seat of his suit pants with a nice pair of buns.

    He also has no idea that I know how much he loves flirting with a female co-worker of his. I am pretty sure nothing more has happened but it’s pathetic that he tries to tell me how much of a good friend she is when I know he really only thinks about getting into her pants.

    So having put so much of my energy into our two young children I decided it was time that I had a secret little pleasure all of my own. I was only thirty two years old at the time and I was starting to be afraid that somehow I was going to miss out on some of the best things life has to offer.

    As it happens, the man I most wanted to fuck my ass was my husband. I really wanted him to give me that extra spice in our sex life. So I didn't start out thinking I wanted to have sex with another man. At the same time, I knew that if I was going to take a cock in my ass I needed one of us to have some experience. Something inside me decided it was time I took charge a little so I could teach my hubby how to ass fuck me properly.

    It’s funny now but started thinking a lot about the word sodomy. Just the word sounded so 'nasty'. I thought about it a lot. I wanted my hubby to sodomize me. So I needed to learn how to do it. I needed some experience. That was the point when I started thinking about finding a man to teach me and realizing I was heading down the path of being a cheating wife.

    I never considered the difficulty of finding a man who would want to have sex with me. Lots of people tell me I have a very pretty face and I think my olive skin helps me look even better. I have deep brown eyes and my brown hair has big soft curls that fall down to my shoulders. I got rid of most of the pounds from having the kids though I still think my tits are a little too big for my five foot eight body. Though it is a fact that my husband loves my tits even more these days and while they do sag a little now my nipples still sit proudly, pointing straight out.

    The one part of my body I have never liked is my ass. Now I just had to hope that I would find a man who liked it enough to want to fuck me there. Or a man who would look past my ass cheeks and still want to put his cock into my rear hole.

    The real challenge would be finding a man who was skilled at anal sex and knew how to treat my virgin ass.

    My friend at work, Louise, is a wild one and sometimes she talks a good game but I know she has experienced a lot in her life. That's especially so when it comes to sex. So one day I got the courage to ask her if she knew anything about anal sex or if she'd ever thought about trying it.

    Louise told me she did know a little and she was really excited to know the reason I was asking. I didn't feel confident enough to tell her the reason but I suppose it was obvious enough.

    When I asked Louise if she'd ever had anal sex she looked a little odd and told me 'no'. But straight away I was sure that was a lie. So a few days later I asked her again and this time I pushed for details.

    Louise pretty much told me everything right then. Her husband wasn't at all interested in more kinky things and not even anal sex. She was really keen, however. Louise told me that she had started to experiment on her own. A bit like me, she had started thinking more and more about anal sex and started to see how her little hole would respond to being used like that. Louise had even gone as far as getting herself a small collection of ass plugs. She offered to take me shopping.

    Then Louise really shocked me. She told me that about one year earlier she'd gotten the hots badly for a guy she met through work. Due to what she described as a lack of attention from her husband, she had decided to try for an affair with this guy. Louise explained it by saying that before getting engaged she'd always had a lot of sex. She told me she had fucked a lot of men and women. So now Louise was married she was finding it hard to cope with only getting sex twice a week when her husband made himself available. Plus in her case I think there was some revenge included because Louise mentioned that her husband been caught doing something inappropriate with another woman.

    Louise told me she had already been having sex with a gorgeous older woman. But her husband had begun to suspect something was going on, so that had ended. I was stunned at how easy Louise made it all seem. I knew I wouldn't go down that path. I didn't want to fuck lots of guys. I was interested in finding out more about anal sex and then turning my husband onto it.

    But Louise told me that her 'other man' was what she described as a 'dirty bastard'. I knew Louise liked to talk about different and kinky sexual acts. So I knew that her other guy was interested in the same kind of things. Of course that included anal sex so Louise had my attention immediately.

    Louise was so excited as she told me that the closer she got to fucking this man the more they had discussed the kinky things they each enjoyed. I knew Louise had been eager to try out everything he offered.

    It didn't take long before he brought up anal sex. Louise confessed that, just like me, she had long been interested in trying anal but had also been a little afraid. She insisted on talking to this man a lot about anal before she let him know she was interested. Deep down, though, Louise always knew she was going to try it with this man. She told me that was when she had started wearing ass plugs to work. I was shocked even more at hearing that.

    Soon they were meeting for discreet sex and Louise told me she had let this guy do everything he had talked about. The first time they were together he took her in the ass and Louise had been so turned on she had just laid back and let him do that to her. She told me that she had loved being ass fucked from the start.

    Louise told me that they did a lot more things as well and Louise had let him use sex toys on her, let him spank her and more. Louise confessed that being spanked was another 'filthy' fantasy of hers and she told me she had been turned-on by being 'hurt' like that.

    Louise assured me that anal was wonderful and she loved it and she insisted I had to try it somehow. She said being fucked back there had felt amazing and she'd had the most amazing orgasms with his cock in her ass hole. In fact, Louise told me that sometimes when being ass fucked she actually lost control and couldn't even remember what had happened after this man started thrusting deeper into her behind. She said she couldn't explain it but she'd never felt orgasms like that any other way and she quickly lost her fear that it would hurt or she wouldn't like it.

    Preparation was the key thing that Louise stressed. She told me how this man had taught her to rub her clit to help with the discomfort when he first pressed himself inside her backdoor. It seemed like it worked and Louise said she never felt any pain.

    The whole thing made my head spin and right then I knew I was hooked on wanting to experience anal sex. Louise warned me that not every woman enjoys anal. I didn't want to hear that. A woman I knew, a friend, had had ass sex and taken a man up her ass and I just knew somehow I had to have that experience for myself. If I could teach my husband to make me feel like that I would become the happiest women I know.

    Despite Louise's offer to help I didn't buy ass plugs as I didn't want to have to hide them at home. I did start to play with my little backdoor just as she suggested. Long baths became a favorite for me where I could practice and imagine as I played with my twat and my delicate little hole. The orgasms were sensational and made me all the more convinced I would learn how to take a cock in my ass and then get my husband to do it to me as well.

    The whole thing started to drive me crazy and one day I dragged Louise off for coffee and demanded she give me some advice on what to do. I didn't want to wait any longer or hope for some man to come along and offer it to me. At that stage I still hadn't made any decision about having sex with another man but I was feeling desperate. All I knew was that I needed to how I would find a man who could teach me about ass sex. I needed to know he would be good so I would enjoy my first experience. Louise had stopped seeing her man by then and, besides, I wasn't happy about sharing her ex-lover. She was all excited and told me again how wonderful anal sex was for her. She promised she would think of something to help me.

    Two days later we had coffee again and Louise said she had the answer. A woman friend of hers, who Louise said was even more 'dirty' than her, had recently broken up with a man about my age. The important thing was that apparently he came with really good references about his ability in bed. In particular, Louise had interrogated her friend who, Louise said, has had anal with lots of guys.

    It seemed this man, Nick, was a very experienced and very talented lover. Importantly, her friend had vouched to Louise that this man was especially good when it came to fucking a woman's bottom. Of course I was nervous and afraid to even admit to Louise I was thinking of going through with it. But I couldn't deny that this 'Nick' seemed perfect for a woman in my situation. Louise also assured me he was the sort of man who'd love to teach a 'newbie' like myself. She had gotten his contact details and promised to discreetly get us in touch.

    So that was how I reached my decision to have sex with another man. I wasn't looking for an affair, as such, or to betray hubby. I just wanted a new experience and I wanted to learn some new sexual tricks I could introduce to my sex life at home. I wanted any sex I had with a stranger to be sensational, of course, but I told myself that fucking Nick wasn't 'cheating'. I wanted to become a better and more adventurous lover for my husband. Nick was just someone who would do me a fantastic favor. Or so I hoped.

    A few days later Louise gave me the news. She had been in touch with Nick and told him to expect to hear from me. I was horribly embarrassed that Louise had already told this man the reason for me wanting to make contact. I was even more embarrassed to discuss anal with anyone, even my friend. But Louise assured me she had warned Nick to 'take good care of me' and that if he hurt me there would be hell to pay. I knew Louise meant it as well.

    By then I was scared and was having second thoughts. I told myself that I hadn't really decided to have sex with this man, to have a sexual fling with a stranger. Then again, looking back, I know I was already hooked. There was no way I was going to back out. Louise had made anal sound even more pleasurable than I had imagined and I couldn't live with myself without finding out for sure.

    Thank god I got to call him the first time we spoke. I was grateful to be more or less anonymous because I was blushing furiously and I could hardly speak. Only Louise and this man, out of everyone in the world, knew about my powerful desire to have anal sex.

    It turned out Nick was really nice on the phone. He quickly raised the fact that Louise had mentioned to him about 'a friend' and that made it so much easier for me. He also assured me that I would not be his first 'newbie'. Then he told me that 'if' anything happened it was completely up to me. 'If' we met he didn't expect me to go through with anything.

    Naturally he said all that to make me more relaxed and confident. It worked though and I was grateful to him. Louise had picked a good one and I just knew he was the kind of man that could teach me all the things I needed to know.

    We got to chat a few more times on the phone and I started to ask him lots of questions. I was just following Louise's approach. I asked Nick how many women he had slept with. Nick was a little shy on that topic but he did admit he had slept with married women before me. Then I asked him if all the women he fucked enjoyed anal sex and he said 'no'. He repeated the warning from Louise that not all women were able to enjoy anal sex.

    So I asked him why he liked doing that to women so much. His answer was that he was turned on by the idea of breaking a societal taboo and I understood exactly what he meant. I know good little wives like me are not supposed to lust after having a cock in their ass. I also asked him whether he enjoyed anal and whether he had ever cum in a woman's ass. He assured me that he always enjoyed anal and that he occasionally did get the pleasure of ejaculating into a woman's ass.

    Again I was just following Louise’s lead but it made complete sense to me. It seemed a good idea to find out as much about this man as I could before I went through with anything. Also I admit it made me turned on to think about the possibility of other sexual experiences I might have. Though I did remember that Louise's man had wanted to do other things I didn't want to do and that he had wanted to spank her. I asked Nick about this but he said that 'no', he didn't have any desire to spank me or hurt me in any way.

    Now you have to remember that at this point I was still telling myself I could decide not to go ahead with it. I desperately wanted to experience anal sex but I could still tell myself that I wasn't lusting after this fellow and that I didn't think his voice was sounding more sexy every time we spoke.

    Which is how I got such a shock when one day I realized that we were discussing a date to meet up and also how we would arrange a hotel room if I decided to go ahead with things.

    So it happened that the next day we met for coffee; our first face-to-face meeting. I remember I was shaking but that was about the fact I still felt terribly embarrassed to admit my desire to anyone.

    Whatever was going to happen I suppose there was always going to have to be some kind of physical attraction. I knew Nick would like what he saw. It turned out Nick was rather good looking and I liked the way he carried himself physically. He told me he doesn't work out but that he does play a lot of sport. His eyes were brown as well but his hair was lighter than mine. I enjoyed the way his bulky chest made his shirt stretch.

    Nothing much happened on that first meeting and we barely discussed sex or likes and dislikes. That was good because I still felt terribly embarrassed and foolish for having divulged my secret desire to Louise and to Nick.

    We met again the next week and this time we did discuss sex and the kinds of things we have done and what we enjoy. Obviously Nick was so much more experienced than me but it turned out he had quite normal desires. He told me he really liked to perform oral on a woman and while I was a little doubtful about that it did make Nick even more 'attractive'.

    Nick also wanted to discuss what he called the 'ground rules'. That was the easy part because I was still in a kind of denial about how much I wanted this attractive guy to stick his hard cock into my ass hole and fuck me deep. Nick talked mostly and he kept saying 'if' and he told me I could stop anything at any time. He also suggested condoms which I was too silly to think of first.

    Suddenly, in a kind of fog, I realized I had agreed to meet this man in a hotel the following week. I would be naked in front of him, in the bed with him. It was scary and overwhelming. I would be letting another man have my body. I would be having sex with someone I barely knew. For the first time ever a lover would play with my ass hole.

    There was no question about not going through with it. Whatever Nick did to me I wanted to experience it. It did make me start shaking, though, every time I thought about what was going to happen.

    At the hotel one week later Nick was really nice and charming. I could see how experienced he was at this kind of thing so I happily let him take the lead. I just concentrated on his sexy voice and his nice body. I discovered that he is also a pretty good kisser.

    I just let him have his way as he started to remove all my clothes. I was a little frightened but soon he had me undressed. Finally I was totally naked in front of this man I barely knew. Of course I felt vulnerable in that position but by then I was feeling so turned on about what was to come that I hardly thought about it. Besides, what was to come would make me even more vulnerable.

    I got a surprise when Nick went to his knees in front of me. He was just the right height to reach my tits and I felt so good when I saw him down there in front of me. Nick gently kissed my tits and somehow we were both moaning already. He even sucked a little on my nipples and I remember just how good that felt. I could feel them get harder and more pointy. Nick was turning me on so much I just wanted him to go ahead and fuck me.

    He really surprised me next by bending down and kissing me right on my mound. That was so completely new to me and it felt great that Nick was so hungry for my body. He even probed my slit a little with his tongue and I couldn't help but moan some more. I reached down to his soft brown hair and ran my fingers through it. Yes this was adultery but right then I felt as if I was being worshipped.

    Soon Nick put me on the bed while he undressed and I couldn't help but check out his cock as it thickened and grew. I suppose it wasn't so special but I was fascinated by it all the same. As he came closer I reached out and took his shaft in my hand and sort of guided Nick to me. I was more turned on than I had ever imagined and this man had hardly touched me.

    We kissed and made out for a long time. Both of us were groping and kissing the other all over and Nick was making my whole body feel so alive as he did his thing with me. At one point I shuffled down the bed and took that proud, stiff cock into my mouth and briefly sucked up and down on him. I was totally loving every minute of my new experience. I was surprised at how much I ached for him to fuck me and pleasure me.

    Soon after Nick positioned me on my back with a pillow under my ass cheeks. Then he went down my body and softly parted my legs before he started eating my slit. Nick had not lied when he had told me he enjoyed eating a woman. He was totally fantastic at that art and I felt so great that I almost didn't notice the times he slipped his tongue lower and gave some soft licks to my backdoor.

    I did notice, though, because it was the first time I'd ever felt that sensation and I liked it a lot. It felt dirty and tingly. Nick was so good with his tongue and he licked my whole slit and gave my clit plenty of attention as well. When he started pressing his tongue into my hole I lost control and came for him over and over. I came hard and I didn't think it would ever stop. Right then I just knew that I had made the right decision to fuck with this man.

    Then I had another new sensation as I felt Nick pressing his finger against my anus. I was a little surprised at how ready I felt for what was coming next. I was excited and a little scared but I had no intention of stopping anything Nick wanted to do back there.

    Nick latched his mouth onto my clit and sucked and licked it as I started to explode in yet another orgasm. Right before I erupted his finger slid into my hole. I couldn't miss that sensation as I felt him press inside me. It was a very odd feeling and it made me pause for a moment as I tried to decide what I felt about having my asshole stretched like that.

    It was my first time to be penetrated like that. His finger felt so much bigger than my own and so much more sexy. It was amazing to have his mouth and his finger working on me like that. I felt him push deeper as he kept working on my clit and I think he was in me right up to his second knuckle. Despite how odd it felt I had a surge of excitement at knowing a man was fingering my ass. It was a new and strange sensation but he was doing something fantastic to my clit and I knew I was going to cum. Without any warning Nick started to move his finger inside my ass, stroking my back door. I just surrendered and let the next orgasm explode through me as he fingered my ass hole.

    I can't explain how it felt but it was like no orgasm I've had before and suddenly there were parts of my body throbbing and exploding that I am sure have never done that before. I know that I came really hard for him and I heard myself making some unusual noises. It was hard to know whether I should focus on the sensation in my clit or the weird throbbing in my ass. The finger fucking in my bottom was weird but all I know is that it made my orgasms so much more intense.

    Finally Nick let me be and I was able to regain my breath. He asked me how I felt and I told him that I'd had the weirdest orgasm ever. I wasn't complaining. In fact, I knew I wanted him to do it to me again and soon.

    Shit, I had just had my first experience of anal play and I knew was going to enjoy everything else that was to come. I gave a brief thought of thanks to Louise and shuddered a little to think how much better it would feel to have a big cock up my ass.

    As I rested Nick paid plenty of attention to my tits and I really liked that. He was also very gentle as he kissed and sucked on me and even though I was recovering my strength he kept me nicely warmed-up and ready for more.

    When Nick wanted to do some more to me he rolled me onto my tummy with two pillows under my hips. This time I knew for sure he was ready to really introduce me to anal sex play. I sighed softly and tried to relax as I felt Nick's hot breath on my ass cheeks. It was hard though because I was so, so excited.

    Let me tell you it felt sensational to have my anus licked so expertly and carefully. It was so good that I could feel my entire body responding. Nick was slow and gentle and when I felt him softly pull my ass cheeks apart to get better access to me I almost said a quiet 'thank you' to him. I found myself wishing I'd had the courage to ask for a rim job years before.

    If you have never had this experience then for sure you need to find a way to get it. I say every woman should have a man lavish attention on her little hole just like Nick was doing to me. That warm, soft tongue on and around my anus was a true delight and it was hard to know whether to relax and enjoy it or to focus on how hot and turned-on he was making me.

    Soon Nick was touching and stroking my slit as well and there was no mistake about how fantastically aroused I was. I moaned and moaned for him and just hoped that that he would never stop. It was an amazing luxury.

    I was almost disappointed when Nick left my hole long enough to lift me up and slide my knees underneath me. I could guess he wanted to fuck me like that so I obliged this lovely man by pulling my knees up close to my tits. I knew I was open and exposed to him and strangely that felt really sexy and erotic. I pushed my knees wider because I wanted to show Nick that I was ready for him.

    Nick entered my slit with a single thrust and I felt him lodged inside me, stretching my twat hole. I cried out to him, wanting more, wanting all of him. With a second thrust Nick was buried deep inside me and I felt his hips pressing against my ass cheeks.

    He fucked me slowly at the start and my whole body was on fire. It was such an amazing feeling to have this strange cock inside me. Plus I was so horny and excited by my situation that really I just needed a proper fucking to satisfy my hunger for sexual release.

    I felt even better when Nick started to get into his fucking and started to really hump me from behind. I have always loved doggy sex and Nick was as good at it as any man I've had. He took hold of my hips as he started to really get excited and fuck me harder. I came so hard as his lovely hard cock was banging into my slit and I wanted everything he could give me because I knew I had several more climaxes to go.

    The second followed closely after and I dropped my head to the hotel bed and just reveled in the experience of a stranger fucking me in that vulnerable position and my twat throbbing and pulsing as his cock went deep inside me, again and again.

    Then suddenly I felt Nick's finger against my anus again. Oh my god I was so excited to feel him do that to me. This wasn't real anal sex of course but I was thrilled to know he was going to use my asshole. I gasped and gushed when I felt him start to shove his finger into my anus again.

    All that rimming and licking had made me so desperate to be taken in my backdoor. Plus I think it made me warm and soft so there was less resistance. I tried to relax my anus but there wasn't time anyway. Before I knew it Nick was fucking me doggy style with his cock in my slit and his finger stretching my ass hole.

    I can be honest and say that the sudden penetration of his finger did give me a little pain but I was so totally on heat that even the pain felt good because it enhanced all the sensations pouring through my body. And soon even that little pain passed away and all I knew was that my body felt more full and more fucked than I'd ever felt before. It even felt dirty and taboo and naughty and I couldn't believe the way it felt to have a man siding in and out of both holes at the same time.

    You can bet that I came. In fact I came so hard as Nick thrust in my holes that I had to grab a pillow to muffle my noises. I came so hard that I actually saw stars. I had no idea how long it all lasted except that it was a feeling of ecstasy and I just never wanted it to end.

    Of course finally it did end and Nick withdrew himself from my ass and then from my slit. We lay together, me still panting heavily.

    'Holy shit. Is that normal?' I asked him.

    Nick smiled softly. 'I don't know. I'm not sure what's normal. But for your first time you sure went off big.'

    'What happens when your whole cock is inside my ass?'

    Nick was still smiling softly. 'We're taking it slow. Maybe next time we can try that. Taking a cock can be a lot harder you know.'

    'Oh fuck. Just tell me you'll let me try it with you. I don't care if it hurts. I want a cock in my ass.'

    His response was another big smile. But already I wanted to know more. 'When you fuck me in the ass will we do it like that? From behind?'

    More smiling. 'First time it's sometimes better to do it facing each other. You know, missionary.'

    'Really? We can do it like that?'

    'That's why you asked me to teach you.' I laughed aloud at his reply.

    We cuddled after that and then we fucked some more. We started with missionary and I let Nick lift my legs up onto his shoulders so he could fuck me deep and long. When he came inside me, even though he was wearing a condom, it felt so good and it actually triggered another orgasm for me. I was so relaxed and so content with this man and I just knew I had absolutely no doubts about taking his hard cock into my asshole.

    That day we fucked one more time and it was me who initiated it because I was still so horny for Nick. I even climbed on top and rode him till his cock made me cum again. I felt so alive and so special. This was my own personal secret and I was so happy I'd made my choices.

    I also finished Nick off that day. After we had showered I pulled him onto the bed and started to play with his lovely cock. It was so hard and so proud again and I loved the fact that that was because of me.

    I licked and sucked his cock knowing I could make him cum for me. I sucked and stroked that cock until I had Nick moaning just the way he had done to me. I was still so excited and turned-on by what I was doing. I was enjoying every second of it.

    When Nick was ready I sucked him some more while I held the base of his cock. His hips really started moving then so I pulled him out and rubbed his whole length till he shot out his seed all over my tits. I made sure I got all his seed over my tits and then I licked the head of his cock till he was clean. When I'd done that I was so excited and so happy I just lay back and slowly rubbed all that cum into my skin.

    To be continued in part 2, Based on a post by m jar65, for Literotica.

  • Jackie's lonely deep-space post enjoys delicious company.

    Based on a post by Alizzia. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

    Jackie awoke to a twinkling, navy-blue night. She lay still, perceived the idle murmer of gulls and surf, the sweet air, the soft and runny sand against her back. With every little rush of the surf, a liquid touch caressed her. Startlingly chill. Goosebumps prickled her naked form. She pulled a long, resuscitating breath, sat up.

    She nearly gasped.

    Out on the surf, submerged to the dimpled saddle of his hips, stood a bare and strapping figure. Head tipped to the moon, he raised and clasped corded hands, stretched. He twisted, hummed as he arched the broad, inverted triangle of his lats. Yawning luxuriantly, he turned, dropped his arms, smiled at Jackie.

    Jackie's pulse fluttered. She returned the crinkled hazel eyes' smile. The figure blushed a hint, turned a bashful eye to the sea. He approached. Surf split and foamed about his hips, thighs, knees, ankles. All softly corded, olive, and bare.

    He stopped inches from Jackie's toes, let his gaze drag over her, slow. She blushed in return, twisted a little, pulled and bent her knees to touch. Responding, his eyes flicked to her face, stopped there. Though not a turn of betrayed sentiment showed on his lips, a soft bundle of creases remained at the corners of his eyes, somehow more intense. He lingered on her mouth, nose, eyes, canted his head just a hint. A hoarse, longing sigh rose from his chest.

    Some melted excitement splashed into Jackie's chest and belly. Returning the gaze in full measure, she straightened her legs, arms, lay back on the sand. She raised a challenging brow.

    Slow, the figure knelt, touched one knee to the beach, then the other. He straddled just one of Jackie's legs, bent, placed heavy hands beside her head. Jackie could hear the wet sand squish under his weight. He bent ever so close, stopped, just breathed. Not a slip of skin touched between them. Droplets fell from his locks and long nose, fell just inches before rolling down Jackie's cheeks. He smelt of salt and earth.

    Jackie's lips parted involuntarily, asymmetrically. Never breaking her gaze, she stretched, wriggled just a bit, tilted her groin and chin. She heard the figure's pupils dilate, heard his shuddering breath, sensed his heavy arousal. A small smile of glee split her face. She squirmed in the sand beneath him, like a sea star, free beneath his hanging weight. Then, suddenly deadly serious, she stopped. With dearest care, she shifted just a little, pulled the inside of a smooth thigh to meet his knee. The figure shuddered, shut his eyes. Jackie struck, pushed her lips into his. For a moment, she could taste the warmth, the salt. Then, the world spun.

    The figure disappeared. The stars went out. The black sky fell away. Jackie awoke to a riveted, titanium ceiling studded with white lights. She flailed momently, gasping wetly. Tubes hung before her face, wet with the spit of her own trachea. Pressure lifted from her wrists, ankles, and abdomen. She began to float from the padded pod where she lay.

    Jackie's clumsy fingers found rails on either edge of the pod. She held herself within, panted. She swallowed dryly, blinked, surveyed the pod, her white sleep shorts and top, the room about her. After a moment, she groaned in recognition and disappointment. Any arousal she'd experienced had flown with her dream, left her with naught but a sodden crotch in a chilly room.

    "Good morning, Specialist Jaqueline Kent," said a voice, at once sonorous and very dull.

    Jackie tried to sit up and look over the side of the bed. The inertia of the action strained her fingers. Her hands split from the rail. She floated from the bed, frowned.

    Across the room was a crop-haired man in red. His cotton jumpsuit strained where it failed to accommodate his chest and back. He had cold, blue eyes and a pointed nose. He held onto a support rail, feet firmly affixed to the vaguely-concave floor in magnet boots.

    "Who the fu..." coughed Jackie, barely audible. She rasped. "The fuck are you?" She inadvertently turned upside down in the microgravity, crossed her arms over her floating tits.

    "My pardon, Specialist Kent. My designation is Sam."

    "You're..." said Jackie, trying to find a more dignified stance. She failed, ended up sort of weakly kicking off the side wall. She made a face as she clipped the stasis pod, wheeled into Sam. Her face collided with his broad chest. He caught her there. For a moment, Jackie's cheek and nose pressed into him. He was firm, but soft. He smelled of soap and salt.

    "You're a service unit, an organic android?" she said, frowning, as Sam pulled her away from him.


    "Why isn't this place being spun for gravity?" raged Jackie, shuffling from his grasp. Strong fingers released from her upper arms.

    "The habitat is spun for only eight hours of the 24-hour cycle, per regulated health minimums. Generator and battery capacity are prioritized for the lighthouse array, rather than gravity rotors. The next spin commences tonight, in several minutes," said Sam, smiling thinly. "For now, please accept these mag boots."

    "Fine," said Jackie, cold. She bumped against the wall, struggled to pull a boot on. The other floated away. She made a face, huffed, weak from stasis sleep. "Please, allow me," said Sam. For just a moment, Jackie twisted her face as if to protest, but relented. She moved close, allowed the android to wrap an arm around each of her calves in turn, slip a boot over the foot, and strap it tight. For a moment, she relaxed, felt the long hands wrap near-entirely round her bare ankles. They were firm, but not rough. Sam moved away. "There."

    Jackie tentatively pushed away, set a foot to the floor, felt it stick. "Thanks," she said, quietly.

    "Allow me to show you around the lighthouse. Afterwards, you may recuperate. It will only take a moment. The station is not large, and I understand by your Company service record that you have served in this role before."

    "There wasn't an android on my last lighthouse. I do this job because I like the solitude."

    Sam looked genuinely regretful. "I am sorry. You must understand I was attached to this station by the company. I am their property."

    "Yeah, yeah," said Jackie, seeing his face. A spike of empathy broke through her grumpiness. "You don't seem like bad company, anyway. What model are you?" she said, as Sam opened the hatch for them to exit.

    "I am a Serault Corporation Ceres-6," he said, stepping through. Jackie followed. The concave floor of the room beyond was double-walled transparent alloy. It acted as a gigantic window out onto the red and purple nebula which the lighthouse was meant to warn of. Along the walls, set so one might look down into the nebula, were leather benches, a few pod chairs, and a bed with microgravity webbing, all somewhat worn. Crimson light played over the white upholstery and sheets.

    Jackie looked over the living quarters, far nicer than she'd had before. She gaped at the nebula for a moment, watched a streak of magenta light cross Sam's eyes and face. "So, you're one of those white-blooded ones?"

    "My internal serum is a sucrose base. It serves modified roles in all my body fluids. It is indeed an off-white."

    "Sucrose? A real sweetie, huh?"

    "If indeed it were to be tasted, my serum would taste of sugar." He looked her in the eyes, terribly sincere.

    Jackie looked away, grinned uncomfortably. "Right. Have any other special features?" she said, sarcastic.

    "As Ceres-6 models are designed for small crew missions, our personality precepts are mutable. We change in reaction or in request to facilitate maximum compatibility."

    "Ah, well. Good to know." Jackie looked about awkwardly, arms crossed. "I take it this is my room?"

    "Indeed, this is the lighthouse keeper's room," he blinked at her, slow.

    "And where do you sleep?"

    "Though I do not often enter my hibernation cycle, I have a pod in the crew maintenance room we just exited."

    Jackie suddenly uncrossed her arms, waved one about. "Listen, do you need to stare me straight in the eyeballs all the time? It's freaking me out."

    "Would you prefer I focus on a different portion of your body?" said Sam. He concernedly looked at her left foot.

    "Like, shit. No. Just let your eyes wander like a normal person, okay?"

    "Understood," said Sam. He glanced at her eyes, then about the room, then down into the floor-window.

    "A little less wildly, maybe."

    "Yes, Specialist Kent." His eyes flitted over Jackie, focused momently on the nipples poking through her airy sleep top. Jackie crossed her arms, blushed. "And call me Jackie, not Specialist Kent."

    "Understood, Jackie."

    "And smile a bit more."

    "Of course," he said, doing so. Jackie shivered, not from the chill air. The lines which pulled about the android's eyes and nose bridge turned the cold face quite warm. It stayed that way.

    "Well," said Jackie, hesitating. "We're getting on better already," she said, only half as sarcastic as she meant. "Can we continue the tour? I could use a shower."

    "Of course." He continued to a hatch on the other side of the room. Jackie stepped through as well. They entered a circular room with a ladder in the center. The walls were ringed with computer panels and other hatches.

    "This is the primary communication room. Here, you-"

    "Sam, I know how to use the comms."

    "My apologies," he said. "This hatch leads to the EVA room. This one to the galley. This one to life support. The ladder leads up to the secondary systems and down to engineering."

    "I take it life support has the shower?"


    "Great. Anything else?"

    "No. We commence operation tomorrow morning, approximately an hour after the eight-hour spin." He broke off for a moment, canted his head. His eyes trailed over Jackie's bare abdomen, likely by chance. She squirmed, regardless. Sam raised his eyebrows, continued. "The spin, which I believe should commence now."

    There was a jerk, a hollow whine in the hull of the station, a rush in Jackie's ears. Jackie and Sam slowly settled under the centrifugal forces. Jackie adjusted her shorts, surreptitiously. "I'm going to shower."

    "There are requisite uniforms and undergarments waiting for you."

    "Gee, thanks for laying out my underwear."

    "Of course, Jackie."

    Jackie shook her head, kicked off the mag boots, stomped to the life support bay. She shut the hatch with a good deal of force. The bathroom was behind a secondary hatch, near the spare air purification tanks and the waterless laundry engine. It was stark, shiny white, floored with nobly grip tiles. There were indeed clothes laid out for her: A red jumpsuit and white boyshorts. Jackie passed them just a glance before dropping her shorts and top. Naked, she passed the small mirror, sneered at her baggy eyes, her body, depilated for stasis sleep.

    She stepped into the shower. A touch panel reading "Shower Ration: 2 Minutes," met her.

    "Same old station-life," she groaned, punched the Start key.

    A vertical shower hit from above. Mist quickly filled the room. Jackie moaned for the heat, turned her head and chest to face the stream. Little rivulets poured from her nose, chin, nipples. At these she looked askance, gently surprised. She cupped, rubbed one between thumb and forefinger experimentally, sighed a little. She repeated this with both, sighed a lot. Doing so, suddenly quite determined, she stepped back and leaned back, pressed her rump against the white wall. One hand, the right one, slipped between her hairless legs, which she widened just sufficiently. They wobbled a bit, weak from stasis. She leaned harder against the wall, slipped a middle finger over and through her dripping vulva, split the lips, found it dripping inside, too. The left hand joined, found the clit, elicited a hum, a bitten lip. Several wet seconds later, a groan. Jackie's face tipped upwards. Her thighs twitched. Droplets hit her screwed-up eyelids, her open mouth.

    The water stopped abruptly. Jackie jerked upright. "Motherfucker," she said, a cry fading into a mumble. She leaned through the steam, slightly pigeontoed, red the touch panel. It said, "Time until next Shower Ration: 18 hours." Jackie rubbed her temples, groaned resignedly. The cold of the station was already seeping into the shower. Quickly, she dried, performed her remaining ablutions, threw on the insulated red jumpsuit over still-aching nipples.

    Jackie emerged to find Sam in the life-support bay. He was shirtless, jumpsuit rolled at the waste, supine beneath a large conduit emitting steam. Droplets rolled over his long fingers and corded forearms, dripped and slid over an expanse of blond-furred chest. Veins stood out in his neck and arms, swollen from the effort of having just slotted a hefty filter into place. As Jackie approached, he turned.

    "Jackie," he said, emerging carefully from under the conduit. He panted gently, lips parted just a tad. They were pink, creased. Human. "How are we?"

    "I'm fine, thanks," said Jackie, forcibly pulling her eyes to his. She looked for a moment longer, watched a vein pulse on his temple. "If you don't mind me saying, you're damn realistic, aren't you?"

    "I am, on the exterior, functionally and visually indistinguishable from a human man."

    "Yup," said Jackie, moving to leave.


    She turned back a moment. "Yes?"

    "Is the station too cold for your comfort?" His eyes brows, cream and near-invisible, were arched in concern.

    Jackie squinted, raised an eyebrow. "No. It's fine."

    "Good. And, do make sure to have the appropriate post-stasis ration packs. I have concerns your flight here has left you low on muscle mass."

    Jackie turned away. "Yeah."

    She opened the hatch to her quarters, shut it with a huff. One protein pack later, she had stripped off her jumpsuit, dead asleep.

    Hours later, Jackie woke to a crimson nebulaic glow. She floated, bleary, in the microgravity webbing. The vibrating hum of the spin-rotors had died. Now, there was merely silence. Dully, Jackie moved to turn over under the webbing. As her thighs shifted, she felt a tingling wetness from some dream she couldn't remember. Idly, half asleep, she let a fingertip creep down her belly, trace over the soaked groin of her shorts, begin to prod, massage. She hummed, rubbed her cheek into the netting.

    Nearby, a hatch creaked open. Jackie jerked awake, hang back her hand, froze.

    "Ready to get to work, Specialist Jackie?"

    Jackie groaned. "Yup," she said. Sam nodded, smiled, retreated into the comms room. The hatch clacked shut.

    Only after clambering out of the sleep webbing did Jackie realize her floating tits had been in full view. The Corporation had some odd opinions about bras in space. Jackie shook her head. "Chill, girl. Robot doesn't care."

    The proceeding five hours were a floating blur. Jackie stood in the comms room, directed ship after ship in non-collision courses around the nebula. The job was a steep and constant series of calls and responses to incoming and waiting craft. Sam assisted.

    "Astroliner 313, after well veer, climb straight ahead five degrees Kepler. Thank you."

    "Jackie, we have a Corsican military craft requesting expedited access," said Sam.

    "Tell him to follow the greens and stand by for expedite."

    "EES Pearl River is expressing a complaint."

    "Send them the docs. They can deal with the Company." She changed channels. "Yes, Arrowtine Sirius, you have permission to take route bravo in five. Thank you."

    "Jackie, I'm directing Designate 476 to hold. Their cargo requires maximum berth."

    "Thanks, Sam."

    Sam smiled thinly at her. He had started doing that more often. His eyes stayed crinkled kindly, when he did. Jackie kept watching him.

    Abruptly, Sam frowned. "Jackie, we have an error."


    "New connections are timing out. We have a receiver down from debris strike."


    "Yes. The nebula produces particulates. Usually inconsequential."

    "Shit. I'm putting out a mass hold signal." She frowned, tapped a glowing panel. "Yeah. Fourth quadrant antenna's lost a tine. Got to EVA and plant a new one."

    "I will prepare your EVA suit."


    Minutes later, they were at the twin doors of the airlock. Both were translucent alloy, showed the nebula beyond. Sam was retrieving EVA suit segments from a locker. Jackie, connected by one foot to the decking, worried at her jumpsuit zipper, peered out into space.



    "Are you well? I understand even specialists have qualms regarding free-body spacewalks."

    "It's not that. I've just got to dress. Just look away."

    "Ah, of course." He did.

    The zipper whispered, shuffled. A mag boot floated past Sam's head, stuck to the ceiling beside. There was a stretching sound, a scrape, a bump. "Shit."

    "Jackie, I understand microgravity handling was your only Academy score below 20."

    "No shit."

    "We cannot dawdle. Please allow me to help you, despite your modesty."


    Sam turned. His eyes briefly flitted over Jackie dressed in naught but white shorts, arms crossed, blushing. She waved her free foot at a long, floating EVA boot. "Come on then."

    Efficiently, Sam took the boot in one hand and Jackie in the other. With one arm, he maneuvered the weightless Jackie. He set her back against his chest and lap, and, holding the metal collar of a boot, positioned it so she might extend a leg. Jackie held still for a moment. It was very much like someone helping a three-year-old put on socks. Tentatively, she extended a foot, pressed it into the boot.

    "Why are these so fucking tight?" she said.

    "These suit designs use compression as an essential element in their climatic systems. You must use more force."

    Jackie grumbled, shoved, felt herself press back into the android. His chest was broad, soft. She shoved harder, felt her rear press into his pelvis. She froze: Between and under his narrow hipbones, the android's cock was firm. It pressed, semi-aroused, into Jackie's ass.

    Jackie paused, arms crossed. She listened for some sign from the android. Sam gave not a sign anything was the matter. She wriggled her rump a little. Still no response. With strange haste, Jackie continued stuffing her foot fully into the tall boot. She felt Sam's fingers incidentally brush her inner thigh as he tugged the collar up her leg. Swiftly, they performed the same maneuver with the second boot. Jackie shoved hard, felt the android's hard body massage the burgeoning ache in her groin. Sam gave a little huff of effort. Unwilfully, Jackie groaned too.

    "Help me with the rest," she stuttered.

    "Of course."

    With every element of EVA suit peeled and stretched onto her body, Jackie pushed back. She relished every firm touch, every tight glove and body segment smoothed under Sam's hands. In response, the android began to handle her more roughly. With perfect calm, he turned her in the microgravity like a doll, assembled the suit with force and precision. When it came time to stretch the suit-top over her, Jackie simply bared her covered chest, sighed as Sam first pulled the material over her arms, then pressed it tight into her waist, her ribs, her breasts.

    "I'm glad to see you appear relaxed before EVA, Jackie," said Sam, locking her bubble helmet in place. He released her, and she connected magnetically to the floor. Though the suit wasn't stuffy, she was pink in the face, warm between her legs.

    She turned to him. "I..." she said, then stopped, stifling a grin at the sight of the android. In his tight jumpsuit, an erection was obvious, trapped down the side of one leg. She composed herself, looked to his eyes. "I find I like it when you help me."

    "I enjoy helping you."

    "I can tell."

    Sam smiled. "We must hurry and fix that antenna."

    Jackie nodded, perhaps clumsily. She pulled on a thruster pack, a kit of tools on tethers, turned to the airlock. The lights of a heads-up display flickered to life on the inside of her bowl-helmet. The first airlock door rotated away. She stepped through, heard it clunk shut behind her. "Airlock cycle commencing," said Sam, in her helmet intercom. There was a growing hiss. Over the space of thirty seconds, Jackie was enveloped in vacuum.

    The outer door slid open. Jackie detached her mag boots, triggered a thrusted, glided out into the void. All about, there was swirling, distant red and purple, save for one hemisphere, which was black and speckled. Jackie made some distance from the lighthouse, beheld it. Between the long tower of the antenna array and the spin-able crew module, it looked like some sort of odd Olympic torch.

    "Sam, I'm traversing to the broken tine."


    "Cut power for me, now."


    "I see the broken antenna tine. Making my way there."

    "Will it require replacement?"

    "Looks like. I have one in the kit."

    "I will file the damage log with the Company."

    "I've nearly got it out. Have to grind open the socket casing." Briefly, metal dust appeared under the rotating tool blade, drifted into space. She pulled the grinder away. "It seems fine. I'll commence setting the new one."

    "Jackie, take care we have incoming debris from the nebula," said Sam, calm.


    "Actually, I advise finishing and returning with all haste."

    "Shit," said Jackie, twisting the tine into place. She turned about, saw a cloud of grey glitter fast approaching. Her thrusters flared. Halfway along the tower of the lighthouse, tiny particles began to fly about her, impossibly fast. One collided with her helm, deeply gouged the armor glass. Then, just outside the airlock, another hit her. Jackie screamed.

    "Jackie, are you alright? I am cycling the airlock."

    "Fuck!" said Jackie, braking to a stop outside the transparent airlock door. She pressed a hand to one thigh. Blood drifted in globs from the opposite width of the limb. "It's my leg, Sam. Open up fucking quickly. It's so cold."

    "The airlock is cycling. What's your oxygen reading?"

    "Eleven percent, all of a sudden. It's hit a ventilation line," she groaned.

    "I see the same. Measured breaths, now."

    The outer airlock door began to open. As soon a gap showed, Jackie crawled through, trailing red dots. She continued in her momentum, collided with the opposite door. "Three percent," she mumbled, tried to strip off her thruster pack and tools. She floundered, gasped, drifted immobile. "Two..."

    She came back to consciousness some minute second later in the life support bay. Gripped round the waist by Sam, she watched, dazed by hypoxia, as he cut away the damaged suit leg. In her bare thigh, a red dot showed, through and through, surrounded by black and blue blotches of cold-scarring. Sam rolled up his sleeves, produced gauze from a medical kit, caught and padded away the floating blobs of red. He let the gauze float, took up an odd, yellow gun with a pointed nozzle. "This will be unpleasant," he said, stuck the end into the dot in Jackie's leg.

    She groaned, felt something fill and swell within the wound. Sam removed the nozzle, swiped away some excess, fleshy paste, and smoothed it over with a finger on either side. Jackie lolled, pressed her nose to Sam's neck. The scent of soap filled her dizzy head. "Artificial clot. I'm sure you're familiar," said Sam, softly. "Here's for the pain." There was a soft poke. Jackie felt a needle slide from her skin, go numb. "And here's for the burns." He stretched something around her thigh. It squeezed tight and soft. For a moment after, he held her tight. Tight, as if she might try and get away. Jackie, clad in the tattered suit, wrapped an arm about the android.

    Jackie took heavy, greedy breaths. As she reoxygenated, she became aware of being carried. "Sam," she said, gaining strength. She wriggled weakly. "We must get back to work. The lighthouse has to function."

    "The lighthouse keeper is in no shape to work"

    "Sure I am." She wriggled some more.

    "Company policy dictates crewmembers must abdicate work and recuperate for 24 hours following severe injury. I will transmit the detour notice, and lighthouse traffic will resume tomorrow."

    "Fine," said Jackie. "Then what are you going to do?"

    "My duties will include helping you in your recuperation."

    Jackie huffed, slumped her shoulders, allowed herself to be carried. Thoughtfully, she felt Sam's shoulder, his wide back. Her pulse quickened. "You like to help me," she said, softly. She nuzzled the android's neck, found it soft and free of stubble.

    "I do."

    "Then take me to bed."

    "I intend to."

    With the near-weightless Jackie supported in one arm, Sam swung open the crew quarters hatch. A red and magenta suffusion bloomed through the translucent floor. As Sam crossed to the bed, nebulaic colors lent weird highlights to the angles of his jaw and cheekbones. He bent, held Jackie under the shoulders and legs, tucked her under the sleep webbing. Jackie was merely limp, enjoyed being handled by those careful hands. She relaxed. The hand withdrew. Sam moved to leave.

    "Hey," said Jackie, abruptly. She looked up at Sam, frowning a little. Purple bathed his attentive face, his bare forearms. "Stay and cuddle me."

    "Of course."

    Gently, he removed his mag boots, joined her under the webbing. They lay abreast, shoulders touching. Sam's shoulder was nearly as wide and round as Jackie's head. "How would you like me to cuddle you?" he said, quietly, turning.

    "Spoon me," said Jackie, turning her ass to him.

    "I will."

    Softly, Sam tugged her in close, enveloped her. A solid, warm weight. Jackie felt a heavy arm settle around her belly, pull her tight in the microgravity. Inadvertently, she produced a fluttering sigh.

    "Does your leg pain you?" said Sam, behind her ear.

    "That's not what that sigh meant, Sam," said Jackie, a little sheepish. "It means I'm fucking comfortable." She curled up, pulled the arm tight to her. She squirmed, pressed her cheek and nose to the other arm, wriggled her hips. She paused. Something was poking into her ass.

    "Sam," she said, softly.

    "Yes, Jackie."

    "I didn't know robots got hard-ons."

    "My current physiological response has arisen in response to your own. You have exhibited signs of persistent sexual arousal since awaking from stasis."

    Jackie felt warm. She spoke softly. "What kind of signs?"

    "Your nipples have been sufficiently tumescent to show through your clothing. You denied this was due to temperature imbalance."

    "Say it again. Drop the clinical affect," said Jackie. She pressed her face into Sam's arm, smelled the soap and salt of his skin.

    "Your nipples have been hard, Jackie."

    "Yeah?" she said, turning. She wriggled some more, felt the cock, bent and trapped, rubbing against her rump. "Any other signs?"

    "Your face is flushed."

    "Could it be a coincidence?"


    Jackie turned onto her back and faced Sam. "I want you to study further; find out if I'm really aroused, Sam."

    "Are you aroused, Jackie?"

    "Not like that. Not by asking," said Jackie, rolling her eyes. "Find out manually."

    "That will require me to undress you."

    "You can undress me." Jackie said in suppressed glee.

    Sam shifted up,  so he was atop Jackie. With his back to the netting and his limbs pressed to the bed, he hung above her. They didn't touch. Jackie looked up at Sam, challengingly. She let her arms fall to her sides, closed her eyes while still staring at him.

    First, she felt his hands at her neck, undoing the collar of what remained of the EVA suit. Then, powerfully, he took her about the waist and flipped her, back up. Jackie gasped a little, kept her eyes shut. Fingers pressed into her upper back, then left. The back and arms of Jackie's suit slipped away in just a few motions.

    "Shit. A lot easier to take off than put on," said Jackie.

    "It is." Jackie could feel his breath dust her bare back.

    Thumbs pressed into Jackie's bare lower back. She was turned over again. With efficiency, Sam stripped away the front suit panel. Jackie gasped briefly at the swiftness, squirmed just a little. Her tits floated free, nipples pointed emphatically outward. She opened her eyes, again treated Sam to that challenging gaze. She was small and very bare beneath him, now clad only in the crotch and single, torn leg of the suit. Sam's eyes were set steadily upon her, crinkled about the edges.

    "What do you think?"

    "I believe my arousal matches your own," said Sam. He pulled a thumb over one dot of a nipple. "Yes. Fully hard."

    "You can't be sure," said Jackie, breathless.

    "Indeed. I haven't examined you fully."

    Suddenly, efficiently, Sam flipped Jackie again, pulled her hips into the air, and tugged both suit and boyshorts from her bottom. Started, Jackie pulled her hips back to the bed, turned about with knees together. Her bottoms hung like scraps about one foot. She looked up at Sam, quite naked. The challenge in her eyes was half replaced by something foggier.

    "Well?" she asked, panting a little.

    "With your permission."

    "Yeah, yeah," she said.

    Sam let his hand slip first from Jackie's knees to her inner thighs. Then, he laid her open. Jackie saw the arousal twitch in his jumpsuit, swell.

    "You appear very well aroused" he said.


    Sam readied a hand.

    "No, use your tongue," said Jackie, pulling her knees apart. Sam nodded, bent.

    Jackie felt his breath, cool on her aching groin. Then, she split under his hot tongue. Pent-up girlcum dribbled and pooled about her ass. Jackie groaned arched her back, but Sam pulled away.

    He looked down at her, stood upon his knees, shoulder supported by the webbing, chin glistening. "You are verifiably wet."

    "No shit," said Jackie. She rolled up and leapt from where she lay, wrapped her arms around Sam, leaned up to kiss him. She squeezed the broad back, let, one of his thighs press to her groin. Sam allowed her a brief, deep kiss. The salt of Jackie's own arousal met her tongue.

    Sam pulled away from the kiss. "You desire sex," she said, throaty.

    "Silly robot. Fuck yes I do," said Jackie. With both hands, she pulled his head in for another kiss. This time, he reciprocated. Strong hands lifted Jackie by the bottom, pulled her into the kiss. Her groin left a wet blotch on his thigh.

    Fumbling, lips still fixed to his, Jackie searched for the jumpsuit zipper below Sam's chin. She found it, yanked it down. She broke the kiss only to shove both hands inside and strip it away. Sam shrugged, and the suit fell around his waist. Jackie cleaved to his broad, lightly-furred chest. She pressed herself to him, relished his large form against hers. She dug fingers into the double line of his lower back, squeezed him, felt his heartbeat and shallow, excited breaths.

    With force, Sam briefly pushed Jackie away, pulled the zipper down past his crotch. Jackie gasped at the shove.

    "You enjoy being handled in microgravity," stated Sam.

    "Maybe," said Jackie. She grasped one of Sam's hips, pulled herself to the exposed bulge of white undershorts. With one hand, she delved into the waistband, felt short fur on his lower belly and pubic bone. Then, she seized what she desired. With his thumbs, Sam pushed the shorts down to his knees, revealed Jackie holding his cock.

    Jackie's small fingers wrapped about him, caused the heavy thing to straighten and rise. Sam groaned.

    "Seems someone on the Ceres design team was a connoisseur of men," said Jackie. She gave Sam a stroke. The cock twitched. A dot of precum beaded on the wide, flushed head, threatened to float away. A wicked look came into Jackie's eyes. With the tip of her tongue, she licked the bead away, found it oddly sweet. The cock jumped in her hand.

    Slowly, powerfully, Sam threaded the fingers of one hand through Jackie's hair, gripped the back of her skull. Jackie moaned, tipped her chin to him. The cockhead bobbed mere inches from her lips. With a wide grin, head still immobilized, Jackie cupped, seized the hairless sac which hung close below Sam's cock. She pulled, squished the thick handful of manhood, felt the delicate contents slide within her grasp. A hoarse groan rattled the android.

    "Have you cum before, Sam? Do they let Ceres-6's orgasm, before they ship you out?"

    Sam held her head firmly. "We are given only memories of the sensation."

    That wicked look returned to Jackie. She felt her own arousal drip onto her foot. She stuck out the little point of her tongue, waggled it. Sam pushed her just a might closer, groaned. Jackie delicately licked the underside of the cockhead, chased it whenever it reacted and twitched away.

    "Do you like that?"

    "I do, Jackie."

    "You can pull me closer."

    He did. Jackie caught him with her lips, drew in just the head. She savored the groan Sam emitted, relished the power of her teeth so near that delicate nob. She gave a few wet passes of lips and tongue.

    Suddenly, Sam groaned loud. His fingers pushed hard into Jackie's skull. Jackie permitted three slow, languorous thrusts of her head onto Sam's cock. She hummed, face flushing, felt the soft head rub the back of her throat. She gurgled, coughed just a bit. Sam released her, hands shaking.

    "Are you all right, Jackie?"

    Jackie pulled up from Sam's hips, floated to his neck, bit the corded sinew there. "Shush. You know..." she said, kissing his throat. "That I like to be handled."

    Sam pulled her up just a little higher, kissed her. Momently, he leaned over, released the sleep webbing. It retracted, and the two of them floated free. Sam seized Jackie by the waist, kissed her hard on the forehead, the nose, the mouth. He pulled her farther up, kissed her neck, her collarbones, her breastbone. There, he paused at her breasts. Jackie wrapped her arms about his crop-haired head, held him close. He paid a handful of kisses to each breast, then pulled each nipple into his mouth in turn. Jackie felt blood flush to her chest, became exquisitely aware of the miniscule bumps of his tongue sliding over each nip and areola. She wrapped herself around him, let him play soft ministrations to each teat.

    He left each nipple red from suction, wet. Softly, he blew over each. In the slightly chill air of the lighthouse, Jackie shuddered from goosebumps.

    "How the fuck did you learn that?"

    "Ceres behavioral designers are skilled."

    "Fuck they are," said jack. She pushed down on Sam's head, floated till her crotch was level with his face. A few droplets of girlcum rolled off her, floated where she had just been. There, Sam abruptly caught her, wrapped his arms over her thighs to clasp in the small of her back. Jackie quivered, felt his breath on her cunt. She felt kisses patter the lines of taught muscle connecting to her pubic bone. She felt him kiss, suck the flesh just outside her sodden lips, right where the thigh touches labia.

    Then, his tongue again split her down the middle, stroked over the little labia to caress the clit. Jackie gasped, curled around Sam's head. She tipped her hips into him, shuddered as another lick just dipping into her before finding the precious knob. Her fingers gripped the back of his head, dug into the scalp. In response, he unclasped his hands behind her back, let her simply lie, floating. Sam held her rump cupped in his large hands, lifted to his mouth, like he was drinking from a bowl. He nibbled, sucked each of her labia in turn.

    "Finger me."

    She barely felt the first finger, she was so wet. She shivered at the thought, nonetheless. She shuddered at the second, felt both curl up to tickle the sopping wall of her cunt. The third stretched her, made her moan. Sam flicked her clit with his tongue. She seized his head, ground against him. She enjoyed his attempts to stay on-target, despite her bucking hips.

    Then, Sam began to suck on her.

    "Aw, fuck you robot," gasped Jackie, rapturous. A rush of warmth sped to her clit, made everything gloriously numb in comparison. Her nipples ached, so she seized them, squeezed. Sam's three fingers wriggled futilely as her body clamped down on them, spasmed. Jackie arched, tensed, gasped a strangled "fuck," as she came, thighs squeezed to Sam's head.

    She released him, floated, twitching for a moment in the afterthroes of orgasm. "Hold me," she mumbled. He did, collected her and held her tight to his chest. She wrapped her legs about Sam's waist, enjoyed his warmth in contrast to her cooling sweat.

    "Are you satisfied, Jackie?" asked the android.

    "Ugh," she mumbled, lay still.


    "Wait, no," said Jackie, biting him on the shoulder. She ground against his hip bone for a moment, still exquisitely wet. Sam's cock bounced against her leg, only a little diminished in its excited girth. "I've been in stasis for too long for one orgasm to cut it."

    Jackie shifted down, clasped her feet around the android's buttocks. She slowly slid her slick cunt over his shaft, felt him harden completely under her. She craned her neck, kissed him.

    "I do hope your leg is alright," he said, breaking the kiss.

    "It's fine. Shut up and fuck me."



    With purpose, Sam took her by the bottom, slowly lowered her to his cock. The head just brushed her lips, became instantly slick. Slowly, gently, he lowered Jackie onto him. Jackie made a face.

    With an excited hop, she pulled herself down, took the full extent of the android's cock. Sam hummed, throatily. Jackie gasped a little. "That's more like it," she said, wiggling. Girlcum pooled around the base of Sam's member, white and clear. Jackie shifted, bounced on the cock a few times, experimentally.

    "Just like a real boy," she grinned. Sam's expression had grown serious. The little lines around his eyes deepened. He hummed luxuriantly whenever Jackie bounced. Jackie bit his lower lip, tugged. "Come on."

    With a few quick motions, Sam flipped her back, tits-up, parallel to his hips. He seized her by the waist, pulled her away, thrust. There was a soft, wet sound. Jackie groaned. Sam repeated, slowly, pulled himself and Jackie together again and again. Jackie let a hand slide to her clit, felt her lips parting for the android's thrusts, just below. She rubbed, watched Sam's body curl and flex with every thrust.

    "You can go faster, Sam..."

    He did. Jackie moaned, aroused by the quick, wet thump of Sam's hips against her bottom. She hung there in space, slid side to side in space by strong hands at her hips. Every time Sam filled her up, she exhaled, shallow.


    "Uh, Sam, don't fucking stop." The android was palpable inside her as she began to clench around him.

    "Jackie, really, its quite important."

    "Let me cum fi-"

    There was a weird rush in Jackie's ears. They turned suddenly sideways in space, abruptly thumped to the edge of the bed. Jackie lay there for a moment, legs splayed, irritated. "The spin, Jackie," said Sam, where he had landed beside her.

    "Yeah," said Jackie, climbing atop him. She straddled his hips, picked up his cock to touch her dripping lips. "Whatever," she said, sliding atop him. She hummed. The already-girthy cock felt even more substantial, in gravity. She gave a few bounced, ground for a moment, watched the android's eyes flutter. Jackie spread her fingers on the broad chest before her, dug in a little. She started to bounce.

    "You are a lot like a real boy, Sam," she said, savoring every impact against her clit and mons. She bounced faster. "You feel nice and warm, and hard. Good replication," she said, leaning forward over him, grinding. Their chests touched. Jackie bit his neck, heard his breath speed up. She extended the angle of her bend legs, a bit, invited Sam to contribute to the fucking. He did. Jackie shook, exhaled with every wet impact, slipped her hand between her legs, again. "Good energy, good attitude." She gasped. "Knows how to please a girl." She kissed him, moaned into his mouth. Her thighs began to shake. Her fingers fanned. Sam's thrusts became more powerful as he competed with the clenching walls of her cunt. Jackie shuddered, came.

    "I am," said Sam, panting as Jackie gripped him, trembling on his now-still cock. "Glad you are satisfied."

    "Wait," said Jackie, sitting up. Her hair was a sweated mess.

    "We have to see," she said, panting, creeping down to the android's throbbing member. "If they replicated everything." Her mouth closed around him. Sam shook, stretched one arm overhead. The other gripped the back of Jackie's head, softly. She bobbed there, took great, wet strokes with engorged lips.

    Sam shook, arched his back, bent the knee Jackie straddled. It bumped her ass, left a wet print. "Oh, Specialist Jackie," he moaned.

    "Hmm?" moaned Jackie, lips wrapped around him.

    "I think it's only courteous to warn I'm going to cum."

    Jackie pulled her head off him, smiled, began to pump the cock with both hands, and placed her lips over his head. In a few strokes of her small hands, Sam's hips bucked into Jackie's mouth. He groaned, loud. She hummed, first with pleasure, then wetly in surprise. Still pumping, she pulled her lips away, and a gooey splash of white poured over her hands.

    "Wow," she said, marveled at him spurting. She licked her lips. "It's sugar," she laughed. Panting, Sam's orgasm died down. He panted, chest heaving. Jackie licked the sugary cum from his cock, crawled up to his head. She placed a wet, sugary kiss, on his lips.

    "Sucrose-based," she smiled, pulling away. "Sweet robot." She wrapped a leg around him, cuddled the sweat and sugar-covered android.

    "I do hope this will help your recovery," said Sam, crinkly eyes smiling. He lay there, limp.

    "Oh, I think so."

    "Good. I do enjoy helping you.'

    "Cuddle me. Silly robot."

    "Yes, Jackie." He wrapped an arm around her, pulled her tight.

    Jackie watched the red and purple of the nebula play over the ceiling. "Sam, I think this assignment will be a good one," she said, sleepily.

    "I do think we have become a compatible lighthouse crew."

    "That's one way to put it."

    They lay still for a moment. Jackie's breathing slowed, relaxed.

    "It is a shame I'll be replaced in a month" said Sam.

    Jackie didn't respond. She had fallen fast asleep.

    Based on a post by Alizzia for Literotica.


  • Insatiable Life.

    Based on the post by x sociate23, in 3 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at Steamy Stories.

    Planetary Survey had been right about the unpredictable weather patterns on Carter II. It was barely two days after the pond incident and only three weeks into their stay and the unstable star had apparently entered a cooling period. Cold fronts had rushed in from the polar regions, mixing with the warmer equatorial winds to cause icy rainfall to pelt the HAB in a near constant downpour.

    Nighttime temperatures plummeted to near freezing. Their shelter was insulated but the thin plasticine walls could only keep out so much of the cold. Complicating matters was the fact that their heating unit had shorted out the day prior when some sort of electric beetle had tried to get its rocks off with the heating element.

    Curt poked his head out of the cocoon of his sleeping bag to check the thermometer near his bunk. It registered forty-four degrees and dipped lower as he watched. He shivered as he looked over at Eza's bundled form. The poor girl was not taking the temperature inversion well. She shivered and shook beneath the thin padding of her sleep sleeve. He cursed again the short-sighted designers who hadn't taken into account the possible need to build a fire inside the HAB.

    "Kurt?" came a muffled stutter from her olive grab sleeper.


    She poked her face out of the cinched hole, looking like a giant blue faced caterpillar. A beautiful caterpillar.

    "I know you have done all you can with the heat unit," she said, her teeth chattering, "But I am r-r-really cold."

    "I'm sorry I couldn't do more."

    "P-p-perhaps you can. I red that in t-t-times of crisis, T-Terrans would huddle together for warmth. Might we t-t-try that?" She knew she would be taking a risk being that close to him, but it was the lesser of two evils.

    Curt was also hesitant. He didn't trust his body not to betray his lust for her. His cock was already tingling at the thought. But she needed his help, and he couldn't deny those deep green eyes that stared pleadingly at him. So, he agreed, climbing from his sleep sleeve as he began to remove his tunic.

    "W-w-what are you doing?" she asked hesitantly, feeling the stirring again at the sight of his deliciously tanned flesh.

    "One less layer of clothes. It'll help warm you up faster," he explained.

    "Shall I disrobe as well?"

    'Hell yes!' his mind screamed but instead he said, "No, that won't be necessary."

    He climbed into the sleep sleeve beside her and she immediately plastered herself to his side, her arm gripping so hard that it forced the air from his lungs. Wrapping his arm around her, she scooted closer, her heavy tits pressing against his side. Her body felt like it was on fire and for a moment he worried she might be sick with fever. But then he remembered that Venusians have a higher body temp than humans. No wonder she was suffering. Eza buried her face into his neck, pulling him closer still.

    Her body was racked by uncontrolled spasms, and he rubbed her arms and her back to try to warm her while at the same time trying to ignore the fact that only a thin layer of molyester separated her heavenly skin from his own. But she was making it difficult, her supplely scaled leg wrapping possessively around his. The temp, as well as his manhood, began to rapidly rise inside the sleeve.

    At length, the tremors subsided, and she relaxed against him with a melodious sigh. Her leg shifted higher, coming dangerously close to grazing his throbbing erection. Now he was trembling but not due to the cold.

    Eza felt it again, the burning, the desire. Feeling his body against hers, the churning inside her was more than she could bear any longer. Even the moments when she had given in were not enough to truly sate the sensations. She had to tell him. But what would he say? Would he be repulsed by her needs?

    "Kurt?" she mewed.


    "I have a confession to make," she said into his chest, "I have been keeping a secret from you."

    "It's okay, everyone is entitled to their secrets." Even as he said it, his mind was racing trying to think what it could be. None of the possibilities seemed pleasant.

    "But this is different because it involves you. You see I... I have imprinted upon you."

    "What does that mean?"

    She raised herself up onto an elbow to look at him. His face glowed nearly as blue as her own in the light of the twin moons that shone down through the skylight.

    "When a Venusian comes of age, as I have, they imprint upon the person they have chosen as their agrah."


    She looked at him sheepishly.

    "Loosely translated it means their... their lover."

    The face, as well as the mind behind it, showed surprise but before he could speak, she interrupted him.

    "There's more."


    "As part of the imprinting, a Venusian will develop an empathic connection with their agrah."

    "And what does that mean?"

    "It means I can feel your emotions." Her eyes burned into his as she leaned in closer, "I know you were watching me by the lake."

    The Earthling's eyes widened in panic as he tried to explain himself but a Venusian finger to his lips silenced him.

    "I know because I felt you. Your emotions for me were so strong that they...they made me...what is the word..." She stared off as if trying to remember but then her green eyes pierced him with a look that made his stomach do flips, "Horny."

    Curt lay there, staring blankly with her pointy finger still pressed to his lips. She felt his jumbled emotions: fear, trepidation, uncertainty. But above all she felt the one emotion that she too longed to indulge in: desire.

    "I wish to demonstrate kissing," she said to his stupefied expression. He nodded into her finger. The hand it was attached to, moved to cup his jaw. She could feel his throbbing pulse, it matched the thunder of her own.

    Their lips coming together once more was like the attraction of two oppositely charged particles. Eza was now the demonstrator, wriggling her supple blue lips against his and he wondered if she had been practicing. Then his eyes shot open and crossed as her snake-like tongue slithered into his mouth. It wrestled with his, coiling and swirling, nearly filling his whole mouth. She literally shoved it down his throat and somehow he managed to resist the urge to cough. When he had first seen it by the lake, he had thought it would feel raspy but instead it was as silky and smooth as a strand of satin. He quivered at the feeling of it and was breathing hard by the time she ended the kiss.

    "Where... did you learn... that?" he gasped.

    "It was under a subheading called: Frenching," she explained. But then her face took on a sad expression, "I am sorry. I know I am not very good at it. I umm!"

    Curt pulled her into a savage kiss that filled both their minds with a haze of red heat. The sweet metal taste was overwhelming his senses as his tongue invaded her mouth. Her body seemed to melt against him as she sighed into his mouth like a harmonica.

    As the kiss lengthened, their hands and bodies became active. His hands caressed her arms and back, hers groped at his chest and abs. His body writhed beneath her touch while hers moved to straddle him. He felt the burning heat from her loins, she the hardened ridge of his manhood beneath his trousers. His strong hands sought her ass, gently squeezing the rounded humps. She sighed in yet another octave at the feeling, her hips grinding against his. Her lips pulled away, her eyes shining with yearning.

    "Make fuck to me," she pleaded.

    His smile at her improper grammar only widened further as she sat upright, her webbed hand reaching for the zipper of her tunic. She tugged the faster tantalizingly slow, exposing inch after glorious inch of her blue flesh. Her heavy tits fell free of the garment as she tossed it aside. Her goblets hung before him like twin Christmas ornaments, and he reached for his newly unwrapped gifts.

    She shivered at his touch. The hands, though roughened and calloused from the work on their ship, nonetheless brushed across her skin like whispers from a feather. They glided across the rounded expanse, kneading the soft flesh like modeling clay. She gasped as he tweaked her plump, blueberry nipples between thumb and forefinger.

    Leaning forward, she took hold of her tit to aim the dark nib at his pink, receptive lips. They parted, enveloping the gooseflesh of her areola. She sucked in her breath as he began to suckle like a babe, lapping and mouthing the sensitive bud. Compulsively she ground her already damp sex against the buried ridge of his cock as he sucked more of her tender flesh into his mouth. Suddenly his hips thrust as if trying to force his way through their clothes, his hands pulling their loins tightly together.

    Eza climaxed at the motion and the unbridled emotion she felt from him in that moment. Her hand pulled his head closer to her bosom, her fleshy tit threatening to suffocate him as she let out a snaky hiss between clenched teeth. At last, she released her hold but his respite was short lived as her mouth descended, smothering him with feverish kisses. They pulled away to whisper into his ear.

    "I wish to demonstrating something."

    Then he felt it. Her serpent tongue flicked out to slither through the conch shaped hollows of his ear. It lapped at the lobe before trailing down the curve of his neck and across his exposed collarbone. He shivered as his traveled across the expanse of his chest, rode the bulges of his abs. Her small hands pulled at the waist of his pants so that her tongue could slink beneath the material to lick the tender flesh just above his pubes. The entire time, her eyes never left his, the stare down only heightening his desire.

    His cock strained at its confines, threatening to rip the fabric as her hands worked to free it. It sprang to attention immediately, lightly hitting her in the nose and making her giggle. But her smiled faded, replaced with a look of awe at the pillar of flesh before her. She never expected him to be so big. He was a good nine inches, well over the five and three quarters the texts said was the average. He was also thick, her small webbed hand barely fitting around it as she delicately grasped the shaft. It felt as hot and hard as a recently fire beryllium rocket. Though she felt unsure of herself, this being her first time with any male, she couldn't help the rush of heat to her loins at the thought that Curt would soon be inside of her, filling her up, splitting her like a piece of du'Nar wood. Staring into his beautiful brown eyes that peered down at her with uninhibited desire, she opened her mouth as if she were about to bite into an apple.

    Her blueberry lips closed around the red delicious of his head and Curt gasped. Her lips were like satin as she slowly worked them across his mushroom shaped head. Her green eyes never left his face, wanting to gauge his reactions. The look of lust in them added to the feel of her lips on his cock. Emboldened by his whimpers of pleasure, she began to suck harder, taking more of him into her mouth with each stroke. Her purple curls swayed with the motions of her gently bobbing head.

    All at once she stopped, his cock head still in her mouth. He at first thought something was wrong but then he felt it: her tongue coiling around the head like an anaconda with its prey. He shivered at the new sensation of his cock being gripped in such a way as her lips resumed their sucking. He saw (and felt) the tongue slither out past her lips to twist and twirl down his length. He couldn't breathe, could only stare at her as she did things to his cock that no Terran girl, no matter how tongue twistingly talented, could ever do. He was shaking by the time her dark python released its victim.

    "Was that acceptable?" she asked eagerly.

    "Where the fuck did you learn that?!"

    Her face darkened with a look of guilt.

    "My-my roommate at the Academy. She used to entertain many Terran males. One night while she thought I was asleep, she brought a man to our dorm. I-I watched her do that to him before they copulated."

    Curt's eyebrow shot up in surprise. 'This Venusian vixen is just full of surprises,' he thought.

    "My, my. Aren't you a dirty girl."

    "I am not dirty," she said indignantly, "I am very hygienic."

    "That's not what that...Never mind."

    "Do you wish that I should continue?" she asked, going back to the subject still in her hand.

    "Actually, I have a better idea."


    "This roommate. Did the man she was with put his head between her legs by any chance?"

    "Yes, he seemed to be trying to consume her."

    "Well, Lieutenant," he said with a mischievous grin, "Prepared to be consumed."

    He saw her eyes widened as she gulped.

    Eza was hesitant about her pending consumption, the almost painfully cries of her roommate fresh in her mind but she allowed herself to be laid down. The fact that Curt was eying her body like a buffet did not help her apprehension. But then he leaned down to kiss her gently, tenderly. She relaxed into the kiss, his lips melting away the tension but at the same time stoking up a fire of anticipation deep within her. His lips broke away to travel down her body. Though it was much shorter than hers, it nevertheless sent tingles through her as he wove lazy circles and trails down the nape of her neck, across the pointed domes of her tits, down the slope of her navel free belly. She lifted her legs so that he could remove her already soaked shorts.

    Her smell hit him hard, filling his lungs and driving his desire to a new level. Her legs parted, causing her indigo flower to blossom. Her breathing was shallow, her legs trembling as he ran kisses up and down her inner thighs. Her body seized, her hands clenching the sheets beneath her at his lips found her core.

    Her dark blue lips almost burned his tongue, they felt so hot but he would rather risk injury than remove it from their heavenly silkiness. Her scent as intoxicating, her taste luxurious. It dawned on him as he felt her body quaking that his were the first lips to taste her and he set out to make her first tonguing one for the ages.

    He lipped her folds, lapped at her metal flavored fluids as they flowed from her. Spreading her vulva to expose more of her lavender love tunnel, he plunged his tongue into her petals, wriggling it like a hungry bumble bee.

    The Venusian began to make sounds that could only be described as yodeling modulated through a Theremin, her moans of pleasure changing octave several times. He sought her clit and found that she had not one but two pointed nubs, one in front of the other. His tongue made figure eights around the twin pips, his lips slurping the dark pearls of her Venus clam.

    Eza cried out as she came, her hand seizing his head to pull his face deeper. Her juices drowned him and he gulped them greedily, the excess spilling down his chin. She writhed, stretched and sang as he lustfully devoured her. She would later tell him that the orgasms he evoked in her had been intensified by her feeling his strong desire to pleasure her.

    A massive orgasm grabbed hold, contorting her body into a near fetal position. She collapsed back, gasping for breath, her tits heaving.

    He climbed atop her and her lips were aflame as they sought his, her hands pulling him closer. He raised himself on strong, sinewy arms, his dark eyes filled with desire, an emotion he broadcast like a thousand-watt transmitter. She felt the heated tip of his cock at her entrance. She wanted him inside of her so badly but suddenly she felt hesitant, almost ashamed.



    "I-I haven't...I mean... this is my first... time."

    "I kinda figured as much."

    "Is that acceptable?"

    "Only if you are okay with me being your first."

    The look she gave told him the answer to that. Without another word, he slowly began to ease himself inside her. Pain shot through her as muscles stretched and fibers tore. She wanted this more than anything but could not hide the look of pain on her face as her eyes scrunched shut. He stopped.

    "You, okay?"

    "Y-yes," she breathed.

    "Should I stop?"

    "No!" she nearly shouted, her eyes flying open and locking with his. Then more gently, "No, please keep going."

    Curt was hesitant now. He was barely inside of her and she was already incredibly tight. He worried they might not be physically compatible and as much as he wanted to make love to her, he also didn't want to cause her any undo harm.

    Eza felt his empathy and concern for her. It made her heart valve swell, made her desire him even more.

    "Please," she whispered.

    He eased in slowly, his eyes locked on her face for any signs of discomfort. Pleasure and pain teetered back and forth as he buried himself fully. She could feel every inch of his pulsing manhood as it stretched her insides. The pain slowly faded to be replaced by an unbelievable wave of pleasure as he slowly withdrew, relieving the fullness. It returned as he thrust inside of her once more, a little faster this time. A third, thrust, still faster.

    Suddenly her scaled legs scissored around his waist, pulling him deep inside of her. She let out a guttural squeak as she came, holding him fast, filling her Twat with this manhood.

    Curt was biting his lip and squeezing his groin muscles trying not to cum. She was the tightest Twat he had ever felt, the canal clamping down on him like a vise. And the heat. Her snatch was so sizzling that it felt like here were balls deep in a blacksmith's forge.

    He began to thrust vigorously, the heat of her lust taking over his actions. He buried his face into her neck, his hips bucking to force himself inside of her hard. Her hips were hunched up, his cock slamming down into her over and over, his balls clapping her ass as he pounded.

    Eza's mind was spinning from sheer pleasure, her breath hiccupping with each impact. Never had she imagined it would feel this good to be with an Earthling. That it was with Curt made it more pleasurable still. Now she wanted more of him.

    "Get up," she purred into his ear and he obliged. She rolled to her stomach, lifting her shapely ass. He noticed her sex was swollen and engorged as he griped the base of his cock. Slowly he brushed his tip up and down her slit. Her cooing turned to a moan as he began to gently saw his cock inside her. When she began to rock back to meet his hips, he stopped his thrusting to let her fuck herself on him, his red rocket disappearing into her dark hole. He looked at her purple curls, watched as they swayed with the movement of her supple body.

    Letting go of his cock, he grasped a handful of those violet locks and began to thrust inside her, pulling her head back. Lusty moans poured from her throat as he rode her, her ass cheeks jiggling. His cock slammed into her like an atomically powered ramrod, fueling both of their pleasure. He felt his nuclear pile starting to go critical and blurted out a warning.

    "I'm gonna cum, baby!"

    He thought she would be repulsed by the idea of a human nutting inside of her but she simply moaned louder, a hand reaching back as if to prevent him from pulling out. Taking that as a sign she wanted some crème in her blueberry, he grabbed her scaled hips and began to hammer away at her Twat, slamming ball's deep with each thrust. Her cries of ecstasy could be heard halfway across the planet.

    She nearly passed out from the intensity of their physically and emotionally shared release as his penetrating pole pulsed inside her. She whimpered as he continued to thrust, pushing his Terran juices deeper. Wet, slapping noises echoed in her ears.

    At last, the hard cock from the third rock slipped from her Venus port as he collapsed beside her. She felt his Earthman spunk dribbling out of her as they cuddled together atop the sleep sleeve. The room now felt like a sauna, their bodies sticky with sweat. She weakly raised her head to kiss him once more before resting her head on his chest and humming like a harp. Curt stroked her luscious hair, her arms, her back, staring at the starry night through the skylight. He thought he could make out the emergency beacon they had left in orbit, circling their globe every two hours. Before he realized it, he had fallen into a deep, restful slumber.

    Next Morning

    Cadet Cockman awoke the next morning to a very familiar sensation. Upon opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was blue sky far above the dome. The second thing he saw was Eza's sky blue face down below. She was currently stuffing it with his ridged cock.

    She lay naked between his legs, elbows resting on his thighs as she feed large portions of his Earthling anatomy between her Venusian lips. She looked like she was savoring her favorite flavor of ice cream and he just lay there smiling at her wanton enjoyment. At one point, he watched her eyes roll back with pleasure but then they widened with surprise when she noticed him watching.

    "Oh!" she said, his cock slipping from her lips with a popping sound, "I am sorry."

    "Don't you dare be."

    "I-I awoke and saw you were aroused. I thought you would not mind if I practiced on you."

    "Honey, you can practice on me as much as you want," came his eager reply.

    She smiled with delight, kicking her legs like an excited teenager as she swallowed his cock once more. He stared into her beautiful green eyes as she lovingly pleasured his flesh. She was still a novice and more than once he felt her teeth but she accepted gentle instruction well. Soon she had him bucking his hips to meet her sucking mouth.

    Deciding it was time to move on to Advanced Fellatio 101, Curt was delighted to discover that Venusians (or at least Eza) do not have a gag reflex. She could take all of his length without so much as a gurgle and proceeded to give him the throating of his life. He had hit the jackpot with this alien sexpot.

    Even though the weather had once again changed, the new lovers spent the next three days barely getting out of bed. Once they had used up all of the moves in Curt's repertoire, they consulted Eza's holopad and found an ancient Earth tome known as the 'Kama Sutra'. He soon learned that she was very flexible.

    She was also insatiable. He had to start taking V-Pills to keep it up to keep up with her needs. There were times that in order to get any rest, he had to dick her so good, she did pass out.

    At one point, Eza wanted to trying something she had red about called 'roleplay'. Though Venusians do not have a concept of theatrics, she was familiar with them due to her exposure to Terrestrial tri-di videos. The first scenario was a common one: Eza playing the part of a naughty Venusian nurse who needed to administer her 'special' therapy on Curt's wounded spaceman.

    But it was the second scenario that would set the stage for what was to come (and cum).

    They had made a production out of it, going so far as to use the now thoroughly grounded X-23 as a set piece. With a random star pattern on the view screen, Curt had pretended to be a daring space captain on an emergency mission. Eza had surprised him by appearing as a stowaway Venusian love slave, complete with slinky slave girl outfit that she had fashioned out of reeds. She had begged (on her knees no less) for the brave Captain Cockman to allow her passage but admitted she had no way to repay him.

    "Oh, I can think of something," he'd said, suggestively unzipping his pants.

    He didn't know if it was the atmosphere, or her sexy as hell outfit or the fact that she had sucked him like her life depended on it, but he had barely lasted three minutes before filling her mouth with cum. He thought she would have been disgusted by the act but instead she had cleaned his cock like a hull buffer. Apparently, his Earth spunk was the Venusian answer to Spanish Fly.

    And he thought she had been insatiable before, now she was practically possessed. She went gaga for his goo, jonesed for his jizz, begged to blow him often and he was more than happy to be her personal chew toy. She became quite the proficient cocksucker, even better than Bunny Benover. And the best part was he didn't have to share his blue skinned beauty with any battalion.

    Eza spent endless nights fucking his brains out, riding him raw on more than one occasion. She'd milk his meat until he could barely stand it. He had to increase his fluid intake to keep up with her fluid outtake.

    Some sixty-nine days into their marooning, Curt lay on his bunk letting Eza enjoy her favorite pastime for the third time that day. It was just getting good when there came a squelch from the sub-space radio which had until this moment remained dead silent. He jumped up from the bed, his saliva slick manhood swinging wildly as he snatched up the mic.

    "Hello! Hello! This is Raptor 7, does anyone read me, over?!" The squelch turned to a warble as he dialed through several frequencies and repeating his call. Finally, a tinny voice emitted from the small speaker.

    "Roger Raptor 7. This is GSF Proxima reading you zero and ten. We picked up your distress beacon. What is your status, over?"

    "Ship disabled but all hands accounted for," he replied, looking over at Eza. The Venusian sat naked on his bunk, hugging her knees with a hopeful, yet pained look on her bluish face.

    "Copy that, Raptor 7. We have a strong fix on your transponder. ETA to your location is two zero zero mikes, over."

    "Roger that Proxima, over and out."

    He hung up the mic and turned to his co-pilot turned companion turned lover.

    "Do you hear that? We're going home!"

    Eza hung her head, pulling her knees more tightly to her tits. This was the day she had been dreading. She had come to cherish her time with Curt but now it would soon be over. The thought that she might never see him again made her insides ache with sorrow. She felt his confusion as he spoke.

    "What's wrong?"

    "I suppose you will go back to being with your Earth females now."

    "Nuh uh, Blue," he said, sitting down beside her, "Face it. You're stuck with me."

    "I do not understand?"

    "You can still sense my emotions, right?"


    "Then what am I feeling right now?"

    She took a moment to search his eyes. Then her face lit with a smile that was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

    "I know I don't have to say it for you to know, but I love you, Eza."

    "I-I love you too, Kurt," she trilled.

    The Earthman whom she loved kissed her then. It wasn't a passionate kiss (at least, not at first) but it was one filled with emotion. She pulled him closer, deepening the kiss as well as the feelings that flowed from him. Her lips broke away to whisper in his ear.

    "You know we have time before they get here," she purred, licking his ear with her forked tongue.

    They spent the rest of their time on the planet making love. It was a different kind of embrace, their status now and forever changed. They were like two halves, once separated by the vast emptiness of space who had found one another and sought to make themselves whole. It was their most intense session to date, the strength of their love fanning the flames of their passion for one another, culminating in a release of pleasure that rivaled even the strongest super nova just as they heard the roar of the approaching dropship.

    'It's good to be a spaceman,' Curt thought as Eza's cries of ecstasy atop him were drowned out by the thunder of the rocket that would take them back to the stars together, that would take them home.

    based on a post by x sociate23, for Literotica.

  • Surviving a Crash.

    Based on the post by x sociate23, in 3 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at Steamy Stories.

    As Cadet Cockman regained consciousness, he became aware of two things: the throbbing in his temples and the acrid smell that stung his nose and throat. His blurry vision gradually focused to look about the dimly light cabin. Red emergency lights slowly strobed overhead, bathing the interior in silent pulses of crimson like the inside of a gigantic beating heart. The instrument panel was dead, the viewport a blank oval.

    Memories of the crash began to surface. The red-hot flames of reentry, the flaring of the landing jets, the rushing up of the ground. His hands still felt the heavy shuddering of the yoke, his ears still heard the terrible sounds of rending and tearing metal as they struck. Despite his best efforts, they had come in too fast and at too sharp an angle. The last thing he recalled before darkness was the lieutenant reaching to hold his hand.

    He turned his head and pain shot up his neck. His whole spine felt compressed from the violent bouncing as their ship had skipped like a stone. The Venusian was unconscious, her head flopped forward. The loose strands of purple that hide her face were turned an eerie black and he couldn't tell if she was breathing. When he took a deep breath of his own, he began violently coughing.

    All at once his mind realized the danger. The smell was the fire suppression system, designed to prevent the rocket from blowing up in the event of a crash. He had to get them out of there, the gas could be lethal if breathed in for too long.

    Slapping his harness release, he stood up wearily. His body ached, particularly the areas where the straps had covered him. He released LuNar from her seat and lifted her small frame over his shoulder. Her body was limp but still warm. He hoped it was a good sign as he carried her to the exit, snatching an Aid kit from the wall with his free hand, the other wrapped around her slender thighs.

    Lifting the cover, he punched the emergency hatch button, air hissing as the door fell open. Harsh sunlight streaked inside, forcing him to shield his eyes. He clamored through the hatch with his burden and stood on a raise mound of dirt to look around.

    They were in the middle of a green rolling plain, the undulating hills carpeted with waist high savannah grasses and dotting with scraggily trees here and there. The hot sun of CarterD2007 burned overhead as Cockman looked towards the direction they had come in from. A huge groove was dug into the dark earth, stretching for hundreds of feet towards the horizon. Small brush fires burned and smoldered, trees along the giant runt were sheared in half by tritanium wings. Parts of the ship littered the ground, their shiny metal surfaces glinting in the sunlight.

    He spotted a small clump of trees about fifty meters away. They looked as good a place as any, so he moved towards them at a brisk pace, careful not to jostle the girl in his arms too much. They needed a place to wait, not only for the suppression gas to dissipate but also due to the still slight risk of explosion. He found a clearing under one of the trees, its coniferous leaves shielding the blistering sun.

    He lay LuNar down gently, supporting her head. Unzipping her tunic, he felt for a pulse at the neck. There was no pulse. Panic gripped him as he remembered he'd barely passed his Venusian Anatomy course. Taking a chance, he placed his ear to her upper left tit, his face turned away from hers. He relaxed as he was rewarded with the rhythmic thump of her heartbeat as well as her shallow but steady breathing. He also couldn't help but notice how soft her tit felt against his cheek.

    "Cadet Cockman?!"

    Her shout resounded through his skull as his head jerked up. She had an appalled look on her face.

    "I-I-I was checking your heart!" he stammered, leaning away from her chest as she sat up.

    "I bet you were," she said hotly, eying his crotch with a look of suspicion in her eyes. He looked down and to his dismay found his fly was open. She curtly zipped up her top and seemed to swoon. He noticed a cut on her forehead, a bead of greenish blood trickling down. She attempted to stand but he placed a restraining hand on her shoulder.

    "Easy, Lieutenant, Easy."

    "I am not easy!" she howled, slapping his hand away. First the boob thing, now this. He only seemed to be making her more and more angry.

    'Perhaps Venusians don't like to be touched,' he wondered to himself. But she needed medical attention, cultural differences be damned.

    "Ma'am, you're hurt, let me help you," he pleaded, reaching into the Aid kit for antiseptic and gauze. She eyed him warily but at last relented. He delicately dabbed at the cut. It wasn't very deep so she wouldn't need sutures. He removed the backing from a plastic-bandage and gingerly placed it over the cut.

    "There, all better," he said, looking her in the eyes. Again, she seemed to calm down immediately as she spoke.

    "Now it is your turn."


    She gestured to his left arm. There was a large tear in the uniform across the bicep, the edges already soaked through with blood. He'd been so worried about her that he hadn't even realized he was injured. He realized it now, though, as he painfully removed his tunic, peeling the sticky sleeve away from the wound. The gash was deep but thankfully the blood had already clotted. Lieutenant  LuNar dabbed at it with the antiseptic cloth. It hurt like the devil and he reflexively jerked away.

    "Hold still," she commanded, gripping the elbow.

    "Sorry, it just hurts," he whined.

    "Don't be such a chimNar," she scolded.

    "What's a chimNar?"

    "I believe you Terrans call it an in-fant," she stated as she cleaned up his arm. The offended Earthling scowled as he watched her deft fingers apply auto-sutures, wincing as they pulled the wound tightly shut. She sprayed the area with liqui-seal and wrapped the arm in an elastic compress. Lastly, she injected a dose of Omni-biotic into his deltoid with a hypo-spray, giving herself a dose in the neck for good measure.

    "Where'd you learn the Nurse Nightingale routine?" he wondered aloud, flexing the arm. The painkillers were already working.

    "I was first in my field medic class at the Academy," she said proudly, puffing up her chest. Cockman had to restrain his eyes from flickering to the movement.

    "Well, thanks for the patch up."

    "So I take it we crashed?" she asked, seemingly ignoring his gratitude.

    'Damn, not even so much as a thank you,' he thought ruefully, 'Stuck up much, lady?'

    "Unfortunately, Ma'am," he answered as he stood up, replacing his tunic but leaving it unzipped. He then helped her to her feet, "It should be alright to head back for supplies."

    They moved towards the downed craft, Cockman in the lead. As they came closer, LuNar stopped suddenly, staring towards the cockpit. Thinking she had seen something; he followed her gaze and it took him a moment to realize she was staring with loathing at the Pinup portrait. It was another survivor, her scantily clad blue skin nearly free of blemishes.

    At last, LuNar huffed, held her head high and stoically strode past Cockman and into the ship. The Earthman cast one last glance at the vulgar Venusian before he too boarded.

    Feeling Terrible

    They spent the rest of the day, which the records they had consulted before the crash said were approximately twenty-six Earth hours, salvaging what supplies they could. The HAB unit was first and was thankfully pretty idiot-proof. It was a self-contained unit that with the simple push of a button would unfurl into a plasticine igloo twenty feet in diameter. They cleared a space for it near the ship and filled it with other essentials. Rations, sleep sleeves, inflatable mattresses, a couple of Zapper pistols, an AC/heat unit; all of it found a home in the small space. The last thing Cockman brought in was a portable, battery powered sub-space radio.

    With their shelter secure, the next issue was finding a source of water. Luckily, a scout of the area found a pond nearby and a spectro-analysis found the water potable. The pair bedded down for the night, thoroughly exhausted.

    Eza awoke the next morning feeling terrible, her body aching and throat irritated from the suppressive gas they'd breathed the day before. She lay on her bunk, staring at the ceiling as she thought about the strange dream she'd had. She could not recall the specifics except that it had involved Cadet Cockman and was very pleasant. She looked over at his bunk and became concerned when she saw he was not there, his sleep sleeve neatly rolled up.

    'Why did he not tell me he was leaving the HAB,' she wondered. It was protocol after all. She saw that he had taken one of the Zapper pistols and she rose to strap the bulbous pistol in a holster that hung low on her wide hips. She walked out into the bright morning sunlight which was already heating up the landscape considerably.

    She spotted him elbows deep in the manifold of the ship. He appeared to have been up for hours working and as he stood erect, Eza noticed that he was shirtless. His well-defined muscles rippled and flexed as his stretched, absently scratching at his wounded arm. She suddenly felt flush as he bent over once more, his ass shifting in the tight confines of his trousers. Realizing she was staring, she turned away to head back inside when all at once she saw it.

    Where once had been a disgraceful depiction of a half-naked Venusian was now a large swath of black paint. He had taken the time out to cover the offensive image. Her gaze fell upon him and the rush hit her once more. It was a deep, primal, carnal sensation.

    'No, not now. Not him,' she thought with a mix of excitement and distress. Her breathing grew laborious as she watched him, a fire beginning to smolder in her core. She fought down the urge as she watched him lay down on his back under the canopy, sweat dribbling down the channels of his chest and abs.

    He noticed her and waved. Her breath caught in her throat as the wave surged through her, threatening to overwhelm her. She darted back inside, leaning heavily against the interior wall, trying desperately to clamp down on the urge, her loins ablaze. She had felt this before but now it was much more intense. She had to be careful or he might find out.


    Cadet Cockman was getting the distinct impression that Lieutenant  LuNar was ignoring him. Truth be told she was but not for the reason he was thinking. They had spent their second day on planet separately. He busied himself with work on the ship while she had stayed in the HAB, reading her holopad which had also survived the crash.

    Now it was evening, and they sat on their bunks eating their assigned rations. Cockman shoveled another spoonful of glop into his mouth that the label claimed was tuna noodle surprise, the surprise being it was moderately palatable despite looking like Martian yak barf. LuNar, meanwhile, was eating what looked like split-pea soup out of a collapsible, self-heating bowl. She had her back to him, just like she had done each time he was in the room with her. He was starting to feel like he had committed some egregious intergalactic faux pas when she finally put down her bowl and turned to him.

    "Cadet, I wish to apologize for my behavior yesterday. You were only trying to help, and I should not have gotten angry with you."

    "Think nothing of it, Ma'am," he replied, swallowing another bit of mystery meat, "But in the interests of avoiding a repeat, might I ask what it was I said or did that upset you?"

    "It was not you, it was me. I should not let some stupid nickname both..."

    She looked away as if suddenly realizing she'd said too much. Now his interest was thoroughly piqued.

    "Nickname, Ma'am?" he asked, not really expecting an answer. He heard her sigh, the tone sounding like a violin string.

    "It is from my Academy days. During my sophomore year, a Terran boy wished to court me, but I had politely declined. He then spread the rumor that Venusian females are promiscuous. So, they started to call me Easy LuNar."

    Cockman frowned sympathetically. He understood where she was coming from, with a name like Cockman, you learn to expect the dick jokes. He also felt sorry for her. She was an intelligent, dedicated, not to mention exceedingly beautiful woman and did not deserve the ridicule of some callous, sex-hungry asshole.

    "I think Eza is a nice name," he said and found he genuinely meant it.

    "Thank you, Cadet."

    "Curt. Just call me Curt."

    "Okay, Kurt," she trilled. Then she smiled for the first time and his heart seemed to skip a beat at the sight. The smile widened as she added, "I think that is a nice name as well."

    Staring at the Holopad

    On the morning of the fifth day, Curt awoke to find Eza sitting up in her bed and staring at her holopad with a look of sadness on her blue face. There were tears in her eyes and when she noticed him watching, she hurriedly put away the pad. She turned to wipe away the tears, explaining that she was just not feeling well that day as she headed outside intent upon some nonsensical errand. For some reason the excuse worried him, namely because he knew that Venusians rarely, if ever, got sick.

    While she was away, Curt stole a peek at her holopad. It was wrong for him to pry into her personal life, but they were in this together. To survive, they both needed to be at the top of their game, not bogged down in depression. Yet what he found now left him feeling hollow. There on the screen, just as she had left it, was the image of a handsome blue skinned Venusian male.

    'Her lover,' he surmised, feeling a pang of jealously but immediately chiding himself for it. It made no sense for him to feel that way since he barely knew her and yet the feeling was still there. He also realized his first impressions of her had been all wrong. She wasn't some uptight, bossy, know it all. She was a vibrant, feeling woman and she was homesick.

    Looking again at the picture, he suddenly felt the need to make her feel better about their predicament.

    She avoided him most of that day and it wasn't until that evening when she sat staring at her holopad once more that he saw his opening. He spoke up, trying not to sound too gruff and unfeeling.

    "You miss your family, huh?" he asked. She seemed hesitant to respond. Perhaps it was another Venusian taboo.

    "Yes," she said at last, sighing.

    "Anyone in particular?" he asked, secretly dreading the answer.

    "My brother, Edrin," she said, showing him the picture. She was curious about the seeming look of relief on the Earthling's face.

    "Don't worry, we will get you home to him," he assured her.

    "Yes, but not in time."

    "In time for what?"

    "My hatch date."

    "Is that anything like a birthday?"

    "Yes," she said, suddenly remembering that unlike her kind, Terrans gave live birth.

    "When is it?"


    "Is it wrong for me to ask how old you'll be?"

    "Not at all. Let me think...Venus has a shorter yagra," she said, using the Venusian equivalent for years, "So, eighteen Earth years."

    Curt was dumbfounded. She seemed so mature, was even a higher rank than him and yet she was barely legal. A thought also occurred to him, but he kept it to himself. He already had everything he needed for it.

    "Well, if it's any consolation, I'd like to wish you a Happy Hatch date."

    "Thank you, Kurt," she replied, once more tripping over his name.

    He waited until she fell asleep, then set about on his self-imposed task.

    The next morning, Eza awoke, feeling depressed knowing that today was her hatch date but that she could not be with her family to celebrate. She especially missed her broodmate, Edrin. As she sat up, she felt her hand brush something hard. She was surprised when she saw what lay on her bed.

    It was a wood burned etching of Edrin on a piece of stiff bark. The likeness was decent for free hand and she realized with amazement that Curt must have spent all night long on it with only a laser bolt remover to work it. She looked over at him on his bunk.

    The morning sunlight shone down through the skylight of the dome, alighting upon his handsome face as he slept and she smiled as the stirring swelled once more within her. She realized with satisfaction that she was no longer averse to the feeling.

    She wanted him.

    Customs and Practices

    There seemed to be a shift in their dynamic. No longer were they superior and subordinate. They treated each other as equals, though they kept to themselves for the most part. Eza also seemed out of her funk, literally letting her hair down. She began wearing it unencumbered, the long purple locks cascading down in loose ribbons and curls. The change only added to her alien beauty and Curt was finding it harder and harder to concentrate when she was around.

    Just like now. It was the heat of the day, and he was trying to nap on his bunk. Try as he might, though, he just couldn't help glancing her way every few minutes. She sat on her bunk with her back to him, her feet tucked under her bottom. He could still see her face in profile, the text on the holopad in her lap reflected in her deep green eyes. A smile threatened to curl the edges of her lips. He stared at her hair, imagining running his fingers through it as he kissed her dark, ripe mouth. His eyes traced the sinuous curves of her back, settling on the round bulge of her ass. Her hand seemed to tremble as her fingers scrolled the text. He'd had enough, his curiosity aroused more so than his manhood.

    "Okay, I gotta ask," he said, rolling his feet to the plasticine floor, "What are you reading that has you so captivated?"

    Her hand stopped mid-scroll.

    'Should I tell him the truth?', she wondered. Surely it would change his opinion of her to know she was reading such lascivious reading material. It might even make him stop broadcasting, something which she desperately did not want. Perhaps a half-truth was in order?

    "If you must know," she said, not turning to look at him for doing so only made the reception stronger, "I am reading up on Earth customs and practices."

    "Ah," came his reply behind her. He seemed placated by her answer for he asked no follow-up. Her curiosity, however, got the better of her.



    "You are a typical Terran, are you not?"

    "Last time I looked in the mirror."

    "May I ask you some questions?" she queried, finally turning to face him for she knew that Terrans found it rude to address someone's back. She suppressed the sudden urges as best she could.

    "Fire when ready, Grindley." He smiled and she looked away. That damned smile would be trouble.

    "I am having difficulty understanding certain Earth practices," she explained.

    "Such as?"

    She turned to look at him again, her eyes falling to his full, pink lips as she spoke.

    "What is the purpose of the activity called kissing?"

    Curt was taken aback. He had thought she would ask some mundane question, but she had literally gone right for the kisser. He squirmed uncomfortably, his manhood sensing a subject his mind did not wish to luxuriate in.

    "Well, for Terrans, kissing is a sign of affection. Don't Venusians kiss?"

    "We do not," she said flatly, and he felt it was a travesty with lips as kissable as hers.

    "What do you do then?"

    "We merely copulate, the male inserts his phallus into our Virginia -,"

    "Vagina," he corrected with a chuckle.

    "Yes, that word. Then thirty seconds later, the male releases his spermatoid and that is that," she said as casually as if giving an anatomy lesson.

    "Hold the vidphone," he interrupted, "You mean to tell me that Venusians only have sex for thirty seconds at a time?"

    "Is that not how it is with Terrans?" The texts she had red were not clear of the subject.

    "Only those that don't know how to last. Often humans have sex for hours at a time."

    'Hours?!' she thought, eyes widening in disbelief. It was her turn to squirm as she asked, "Why on Venus would they do that?"

    "Well, for humans, sex is for more than just procreation. We also do it to please the one's we are with."

    "It is just a hard concept to take in," she said, looking down bashfully.

    "It is if you know what you're doing," he quipped, hoping she wouldn't catch his lewd joke as he glanced at her tits.

    "But I've never..." she started to say as she turned back to him, but the surprised look he gave made her feel both self-conscious and aroused.

    "Back to the subject of kissing," she was saying while at same time avoiding his eyes, "I just do not see the appeal."

    That wasn't technically true. Although the concept was alien to her, she found she was also highly intrigued by the idea.

    "Don't knock it till you try it," he retorted smugly.

    "Then I wish to try it," she said, briskly standing up. What was she doing? Were the urges that strong that they were taking control of her faculties, she wondered. And what would he say? She was both terrified and anxious to learn his answer.

    The Earthman's mind was spinning like Sputnik. She had just asked him to do something he'd been dying to do ever since he had first held her on the stairs. But now he was scared dumb. He suddenly felt very small, her petite frame seeming to tower over him now.

    "W-what?" he gulped.

    "I wish you to demonstrate this kissing." Eza's heart pump was pounding in her tit.

    "Um, I don't really know if we should," he replied as he too stood up.

    "Is there something wrong with my request?" she asked, stepping forward. Her body moved seemingly of its own volition, the urges compelling it forward. He backed away like a cornered animal.

    "N-no, not per se. It's just that I...I mean we...That is to say you..."

    She stopped. Had she been wrong? Was what she had been feeling not the truth? A pained look came to her pretty face as she softly said, "You do not find me attractive enough."

    "No!, God, no! It's not that at all. To be perfectly honest, I find you very beautiful."

    Eza felt another rush and had to clench her fists to keep her hands from trembling.

    "Then, will you?" she asked in a near whisper. 'By the Gods of Yer, please say yes!' she thought as she saw him lick his lips uncertainly.

    Curt stared into her eyes. They twinkled with something he couldn't quite describe. Whatever it was though, was mesmerizing.

    "Alright," he said at last, unable to look away.

    He approached her cautiously as if afraid she would sprout wings and fly away. She felt as if she were being stalked by a jungle cat on the mud plains of her home world. She was staring into his eyes as his lips descended to hers. At first, she kept her eyes open but then closed them upon feeling a wave of heat flash to her core.

    A Mark V rocket exploded in Curt's brain. Her blue lips were the softest and most supple he had ever felt before. They had a slightly metallic taste that was not altogether unpleasant and made his lips tingle, heightening the experience. While he did not wish her first Earth kiss to be a static, lips pressed together affair, he also did not wish to violate the poor girl by trying to slip her some tongue. So he settled for middle ground, working his lips on hers in gentle kissing motions. She soon followed suit, her lips squirming against his.

    Though he had not intended to do so, his hands sought the curve of her waist, pulling her closer. Her hands, meanwhile, slid their way up to his chest. She felt a tightness in her center as her fingers rubbed his strong pectorals through his tunic. At last, he withdrew his lips. She stood there in his arms, lips still puckered, and eyes still closed.

    "You can open your eyes now," he said with a grin. Her eyes shot open and locked with his, the pupils dilating nearly as wide as the green gold iris. Her breath was shallow, whispery. He smiled wider and the knot in her insides tightened almost to the point of pain. She couldn't take it, she had to get away from him, to escape the sensations. She had to put distance between them.

    She pulled away from him, covering her face and running from the HAB as if he had just told her some gut-wrenching news.

    He stood flabbergasted. That was not the typical response he got from kissing a woman. Had it really been that bad that she had fled from him like he'd had Centaurian measles? It pained him to think that her first experience of that wonderful Earth custom had been unpleasant. He followed after her, found her under a tree, the same he had taken her to after the crash.

    Her back was to him, her shoulder pressed against the trunk, her hands still cupping her face. Her body seemed racked by spasms as if she were quietly sobbing. He started to speak but the sound of his voice only seemed to send her into further convulsions. Turning away, he hung his head, feeling as if he had let down his whole species.

    His thoughts were fuming by the time he crawled into the ship, closing the hatch behind him. He needed to be alone, needed to not think about her. He felt his way to the cockpit, turning on a portable light so he could fiddle with the breaker panel under the dash. His mind, however, kept reliving the kiss. It had been textbook, a near perfect example of Terran lip locking. He knew he was a good kisser; many a woman had praised his pouty prowess.

    'What does she know anyhow,' he thought, 'Just a stuck up, blue skin prude.'

    Nonetheless, he realized he was rock hard.

    'She may be stuck up, but she's also the hottest thing this side of Alpha Centauri,' he told himself. He closed his eyes, releasing his swollen manhood. He began to jack off as he thought of the softness of her lips, the tingly taste of her mouth, the feel of her body against him. His breath came quicker as he stroked faster.

    Eza bent double as the sensations overwhelmed her. The urge was so intense now that she had to do something, anything for relief. It was like an itch needing to be scratched and she knew of only one remedy.

    Had he not been busy stroking his cock inside the ship, Curt would have seen Eza's hand slide down the front of her pants. He would have seen her writhing against the tree as he stroked himself faster. Lastly, he would have witnessed her back arching, her white teeth biting her lower lip as she stifled a moan just as he climaxed all over the instrument panel.

    A Cocktease

    Frustration had set in for Cadet Cockman. Work on the X-23 had stalled. He'd managed to get main power back online but there was very little he could do for the engines without access to a machine shop. The star that was CarterD2007 wasn't helping the situation, its undependable output now cooking their little village mercilessly. He had taken to going shirtless, even at night, the strong UV rays rewarding him with a nice bronze sheen that highlighted the contours of his muscles.

    Eza was more in her element with the increase in temperature which made sense given her species came from a hot world. Even still she chose to modify her uniform, ostensibly to cope with the excess heat but he questioned the validity of that. For whether intentional or not, she had become even more of a cocktease; cutting down her trousers into a pair of rather cheeky shorts. Not that he truly minded. The chick had a great set of gams, the bands of dark blue scales along the sides adding to rather than detracting from their supple appeal.

    The Venusian seemed to have also gotten over whatever objection she had had to their kiss. All the same, he felt it was best to not broach the subject anymore. Better to chalk it up to a loss and move on.

    Try as he might, though, he just couldn't keep his mind off of her. It was like she was pervading every waking, and especially unawake, thought he had. Even now, as he was prying with all his might at the deflector plate on number two, she was there.

    "Bend you sumbitch," he growled as his muscles strained. Rather than bending, though, the plate broke off at the hinge. He fell backward into the overly dry dirt, motes of dust swirling up to coat his sweat drenched body. He cursed, hurling the plate into the tall grass. The blazing sun beat down upon him.

    As he sat stewing, thoughts of Eza once more invaded his mind. These in turn brought to him the realization that he hadn't seen her for a while but then he remembered she had said something about going to the pond to cool off. He pictured her in a red string bikini and smiled, dusting himself off as he headed to find it wayward co-pilot.

    The pond was not far off, situated in a little hollow surrounded by stands of what could have been oak trees had this been Earth. Birds or at least similar creatures, though scaled, chittered in the branches overhead as he walked. He was absently thinking about how to fix the broken deflectors when he rounded at large tree, the idyllic waters of the pond coming into view. Hung with care from a limb were Eza's clothes but she was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, her blue and purple head broke the glassy surface and he jumped back behind the tree. Cautiously he peered.

    Though the water was remarkably clear, the refraction and ripples as she swam distorted the image of her submerged body. The clarity did, however, reveal that she was skinny dipping. A wave of guilt for spying on her washed over him but he also couldn't help the surge of heat to his nether region. He was about to turn away when she stood up.

    Rivulets of water cascaded down her supple body, his jaw following them to the ground, hitting his rapidly swelling cock on the way. She was the most gorgeous female of any species he had ever laid eyes on.

    Stopping at the water's edge, she leaned her head back to squeeze water from her darkly wetted hair. The motion caused her glorious tits to tilt skyward, shimmering like round pools in the sunlight. Her hardened nipples protruded from areolas that were as dark and plump as blueberries. There was a tuft of purple hair just above the vee of her sex. He noted that the scales did indeed go all the way up, running across her hips and up her sides. They were also present, though to a lesser degree, along the ridge of her shoulders and the outside of her arms. These alien features only seemed to accentuate the areas that looked very much like a human female.

    By now his achingly hard cock was begging for attention and quietly he unzipped his trousers. His manhood sprang free like a coiled spring. He slowly began to stroke himself as he watched Eza retrieve a towel from the limb, turning her equally lovely backside towards him. His paced quickened as he watched her lay down on a lush mat of green to sun herself, her legs together and pointed his direction. Straining his eyes, he could just barely see the outline of her sex in the shadow between her thighs. His eyes drank in every inch of her cerulean flesh.

    Eza felt it again, the tightness, the pangs, the cravings. But no longer was she afraid to give in, to succumb, to quench the fire that both burned and drowned her. Her legs spread, bending at the knees as her webbed hand reached down, her smooth fingers rubbing the tender flesh of her slit. She felt another surge, moaning loudly as two of her digits slipped inside.

    Curt was dumbstruck. Prim and proper little Lieutenant  Eza LuNar was masturbating! He had to hold back his climax from the sheer thought of it as he watched her fingers work her dark slit. From this distance he could see that her inner lips had a tinge of lavender. He began stroking himself in time with her thrusting fingers, imagining they were his cock spreading that beautifully dark flower. Before long he was jacking faster and she seemed to be keeping pace with him, her fingers stabbing into her. She was moaning over and over, one had on her sex, the other cupping and squeezing her tits. At last, she tilted her head, lifting one of her delicious blue tits to her lips. A dark, six-inch forked tongue whipped out, coiling around the areola as her equally dark lips latched onto it.

    That did it. Curt's eyes clamped shut, his hand tightening around his cock at it began to spurt. His ears heard Eza's cries of ecstasy, heightening his release as she too seemed to find hers. The two denizens of the Sol system came down from their near simultaneous climax, Curt breathing hard while Eza lay there spent, her fingers idly rubbing her slit as she cooed like a music box.

    Putting away his manhood, Curt cast one last look back before slinking off to camp.

    Twenty minutes later, Eza was nearing the crash site when she again felt the sensations. They weren't as intense, as if temporarily sated.

    Curt was sitting by the ship with what looked like a power invertor in his hands. She watched the tanned vee of his torso flex.

    "How was your swim?" he asked, not turning.

    "Wonderful! You should join me next time."

    She suddenly felt the urge to reach out and touch him, to feel his flesh under her phalange tips. As she passed him, she ran a finger across the ridge of his shoulders. She felt a tingle of lust as she impulsively licked them clean.

    The way she had phrase her statement, not to mention the playful touch, had Curt's mind spinning in light of what he had surreptitiously seen. Had she seen him watching? Was this a come-on? Did this exotic alien beauty want some Cockman in her crevice or was his sex deprived mind just overthinking what could be a harmless gesture?

    He stared at her retreating form, watching her hips sway as she made her way towards the HAB. Her hands were outstretched, brushing the tall grass along the path as she moved, humming some unknown melody to herself.

    'If nothing else', he thought, 'That finger banging sure pulled the stick out.'

    Now the question remained whether she wanted it replaced with something else.

    To be continued in part 3, based on a post by x sociate23, for Literotica.

  • Earthling and Venusian are marooned.

    Based on the post by x sociate23, in 3 parts. Listen to the  Podcast at Steamy Stories.

    Space Cadet Curt Cockman stood at rigid attention so that his commanding officer could conduct her rigorous inspection. Captain Bunny Bendover (pronounced Benover, for the D was silent;) was a stern but fair Commanding Officer. She also happened to be hotter than a coronal run around Sol.

    Tall, blonde and shapely in her silver Space Command uniform; she was a total dick magnet. She walked stiffly around the much taller cadet, eying his well-muscled physique beneath his skintight uniform. As usual, not so much as a hair out of place. At twenty-three and fresh out of the Space Ranger Academy, the ruggedly handsome Cockman was a poster child for that much venerated group of space-faring men and women.

    As the captain came to stand in front of him, it took all of Cockman's concentration not to look down at the mostly unzipped front of her waistcoat officer’s uniform. The twin swells of her tits hung just below his gaze, which never wavered as she stared him down with her piercing blue eyes. It was no accident how she chose to wear her wardrobe. Nothing like a nice set of tits to test the discipline of a bunch of horny wanna-be spacemen.

    "Present arm!" she belted out, her bosom bouncing slightly as she did so.

    The cadet whipped out his ‘pistol’, for inspection, with military precision. The captain reached down, running a gloved finger along the shaft of the weapon. The white finger was free of smudges. Taking hold of the handle, she pivoted it from side to side to check for any unnatural curving. She lifted it up to check the magazine, tilted it down to check the sights. Satisfied, she knelt down and placed the bulbous barrel between her lips.

    Cockman closed his eyes as his superior's superb mouth began to 'check the charge on his ray gun'. Bunny Benover hadn't gotten the nickname of Cap'n Cocksucker for nothing. Cadets who came under her command would also cum on her command.

    Those in her unit said she found a penis preference for she would get their units "inspected" several times a week; and Cockman was one such enlistee. Her frequent fellatio fraternization was unofficially tolerated because she was the daughter of a well-known general. It was also a boost to morale and cadet recruitment. Many young men would sign on for a hitch, just for a chance at receiving a blowjob bonus courtesy of the busty blonde captain.

    Cockman chanced a glance down to watch the master a work.

    "Eyes fwunt, Cabet!" she mumbled around her mouthful. For the next several minutes, the only sounds in the room were the ticking of a wall chronometer and sucking noises. At length she released him long enough to gasp out, "At ease!"

    Cockman went in parade rest stance with his feet shoulder-width apart, and hands clasped behind his back. Now they could both enjoy the inspection and he looked down. He was rewarded with the sight of her red lips raking down the length of his cock. She looked up at him, her blue eyes now twinkling with lust as she began to suck him harder, her cheeks hallowed and lips stretched around his girth. Her gripped tightened as she practically fucked her face with his cock. She backed off gasping, a strand of spit stringing from his tip to her lips.

    "Enjoying your inspection?" she asked huskily, swirling her tongue around his head.

    "Ye-Yes, Ma'am!" he gasped as she teased his tip.

    "Well, I'm afraid this will be your last for a while," she sighed, sucking him for nearly a full minute before she continued, "You've been reassigned to a patrol squadron."

    "I understand, Ma'am," he answered, his voice a mix of excitement and disappointment. He had always dreamed of being a rocket pilot, but he was also going to miss getting his pipes cleaned on a regular basis.

    "And since this will be our last session and your service..." she said, giving his cock an appreciative lick, "...has been exemplary, I've decided to give you a proper sendoff."

    "Not necessary, Ma'am. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve under your command."

    "Be that as it may, I believe you deserve a reward for service above and beyond the call of duty."

    Standing, she leaned up to shove her tongue in his mouth.

    To say that Cockman was surprised would have been the understatement of the twenty-second century. Despite the literal dozens of times she had blown him, she had never once kissed him or any other cadet, as far as he knew. Nevertheless, he responded as any healthy male would, by kissing her back, his hands encircling her waist to pull her closer.

    Her hands, meanwhile, reached to slowly unzip her tunic. When the zipper reached her navel, her sizable tits fell out of the flimsy garment. Breaking the kiss, she offered one to him and he took the ruddy nipple into his mouth, his tongue playing across the hardened tip. He reached up to caress and squeeze as he pulled more of her tender flesh in. Bunny ran her hands through his dark hair, moaning as he moved to mouth the other tit.

    Her manicured fingers tugged at the zipper of his jacket; he shrugged out of it as she fumbled with his belt, his lips still glued to her tits. His pants dropped in a heap around his heavy space boots. By now her tits were practically coated with his saliva, glistening in the bright overhead lighting.

    Pulling him up into a kiss, she quickly shed her own slacks. Cockman noted with a smile deep in the corners of his mouth that she had gone commando for the occasion as she shimmied her round ass onto the edge of the desk, a sweep of her arm clearing it so that she could lay back. Her legs spread out and up, invitingly; her hands rubbing up and down her inner thighs. Cockman could see she was already dripping as she addressed him.

    "Drop and give me twenty, Cadet!" she said breathlessly.

    Cockman dropped to his knees, burying his face in her sex. He mouthed her puffy flesh, his tongue sinking deep inside her hole. She moaned, grabbing his head to force his face deeper. He began to finger her, first one digit, then two as his tongue slid across her clit in waves, pinging her radar over and over. His fingers hit her little red button and she howled like a 20th century air raid siren. Cockman kept going, his mouth and fingers flanking her trench line.

    "Oh, God! Oh, eat my Twat, baby!" she hissed through clenched teeth, grinding her slit in his mouth. Her dirty talk turned him on and he redoubled his efforts, furiously fingering her, his teeth savagely pulling at her clit. She was writhing and screaming, cursing at him to eat her alive. At exactly the twenty minute mark, she commanded he stand down, her body still convulsing from his gratuitous feasting. She recovered, then sat up.

    As he stood, she leaned forward, and reached both hands around his neck then pulled him down to her, crushing her lips to his as she pulled him on top of her.

    "Fuck me, Curt!" she begged. Cockman’s arms were extended down to the surface of the desk. Captain Benover’s legs were wrapped around his naked ass.

    Again, Cockman was surprised. He didn't think she knew he even had a first name, let alone what it was. He was also now fully aware of what it was he was being offered. As the name would suggest, Captain Cocksucker was pretty liberal with her mouth but was very conservative with her cunt. You could probably count on one hand the number of men who'd gotten to pound her Twat. Now Cockman was literally being allowed entrance into that illustrious group, and his cock stiffened further at the thought that he was about to bone the infamous Bunny Benover.

    He stood erect and slipped his hardness slowly into her soft folds, Bunny whimpering as he buried himself in her box. He began to pump gently, savoring her tight twat. His large cock seemed to stretch her hole as he stabbed into her a couple times forcefully. She pushed him back, now draping her legs over his shoulders as she sighed out a command.

    "Double time, Cadet!"

    Grabbing her waist, Cockman began thrusting and was soon slamming into her, hard enough to make her tits bounce with each impact. He wrapped an arm around each thigh and used her legs to leverage firm thrust into her wet hot crotch. He spread her legs wide so he could look down, wanting a mental picture of his “Cockman's Brand Sausage” slipping into her sweet bun. The captain was grunting, squeezing and pinching her tits as the cadet bored her canal good.

    She pushed him off her and turned away. True to her namesake, she stood, then rotated and bent over the desk, reaching down to spread her labia with two fingers, signaling him for reentry. Cockman wasted no time in landing his missile back into her silo. Grasping her thick hips, he launched his warhead at her target repeatedly, tightly packing her torpedo tube for a good five minutes before fatigue set in.

    Feeling his cartridge firmly lodged in the chamber, he slowed his assault on her rearguard. He wanted to make this momentous mounting last. Bunny was wailing, his massive ICBM sending red alerts to her control center.

    After another ten minutes of giving her a D that was not silent, the urge to pop flare became too great. Per standing orders, he notified his C O of his pending need for extraction. Shoving him away, she slid off and sank to her knees, then spun around to swallow his now overly sensitive member. She slobbered his schlong, her blond head bouncing on his boner.

    Slipping off for a moment, she offered; "You wanna cum in my mouth, baby?" she cooed. It would be another first for Cockman.

    "Uh huh!" he croaked, his legs trembling.

    She shifted into full slut mode, slamming his cock to the back of her throat. Taking hold of his ass, she gagged herself, coughed around his cock as it sank deeper still. He felt ignition, barely blurting out a warning as his booster rockets fired.

    Like the professional cocksucker she was, Bunny didn't bat an eyelash, sinfully swallowing his spaceman spunk. Cockman groaned as he emptied his balls into her guzzling gullet. Captain Benover slowly pulled him out of her throat just long enough to exhale, then draw another nasal breath. Then she pressed her mouth against his furry pelvis and took his rod beck down her throat again. This went on for a couple minutes, her tongue rubbing his frenulum rhythmically. She didn't cease her sucking until his thoroughly deflated dong fell from her sore lips.

    Cockman looked down at his cumslut of a commanding officer. A bead of seminal fluid trickled from her lips as she dreamily smiled up at him.

    'Man, the guys back in the barracks would never believe me', he thought to himself as she rose to kiss him full on the mouth. He could taste his jizz on her invasive tongue.

    "Don't be a stranger, Cadet," she whispered, stroking his manhood once more.

    Cadet Cockman exited the office a couple of minutes later.

    A sandy haired sergeant sat in the anteroom. His hands shot from under the desk to hurriedly flip a switch on the vidphone on his desk. All the same, Cockman was still able to make out the split-second image of the interior of Bunny's office on the screen.

    'I'll have to ask for a copy of that tape,' he thought wickedly as he headed for the mess hall, suddenly ravenous.

    The Transfer.

    The reflective hull of the X-23 gleamed in the noonday sun as its launch platform was towed from the hangar, the parting doors giving the phallic-shaped spacecraft the suggestion of spreading the lips of a giant silver cunt. The ship measured sixty meters from tip to turbo booster, its fuselage nearly cylindrical for most of that length. Unlike most modern spacecraft, the X-23 was outfitted with a set of wings and tailfins. These would be useless in the airless vacuum of space but when combined with the powerful engines, the plane-like design would allow the craft to take off and land without requiring an orbital booster.

    It was also one of the first fighters equipped with a hyperspace drive. This addition meant that it could be more accurately classified as a starship, rather than a mere spaceship, since it could travel between distant stars without the need to be tied to a heavier cruiser or frigate.

    But the feature that truly made the X-23 stand out were the neat rows of studs along its fuselage. Each of these grapefruit-sized half spheres contained a small thruster and these could be fired in sequence to perform any number of precise maneuvers in the frictionless void of space. The egg-shaped cockpit where the two pilots sat only added to the ship's unofficial motto: 'Ribbed for her pleasure.'

    Cadet Cockman hung back a safe distance to watch the launch platform incline the craft to the required forty-five-degree angle. Soon it stood like a giant winged dildo ready to penetrate the wild blue yonder.

    Feeling a slap on the shoulder, Cockman turned to find Cadet Billy Haney standing next to him. The two had gone through the Academy together and Bill was now in charge of the ground crew for the flight squadron. It felt good for Cockman to know that his soon to be fighter was in good, if a bit neurotic, hands.

    "How's it hanging', Cockman?" Bill said, shaking hands with the much taller man.

    "Long, lean and to the left," Cockman deadpanned but then both of them burst into laughter at the inside joke.

    "Ain't she a beauty?" beamed the other, gesturing to the ship. Cockman nodded knowingly.

    "A fine ship if I ever saw one."

    "Ever fly her?"

    "Only sim," Cockman admitted timidly.

    "No worries, CC. She ain't much different from the twenty-two unless you count the jump drive. Besides, wasn't it you who bagged Sheila Neutrino our senior year? Anyone who can handle that hydrazine in heels can certainly handle this baby."

    Bill playfully punched in pal in the arm. The mention of Sheila brought up fond memories of giving her the 'Cockman Special' in the null-g simulator.

    "Who's my co-pilot?" Cockman asked, shaking the image of zero-g jugs from his mind as a set of stairs was wheeled up to the spacecraft, "You met him yet?"

    "Here she comes now, as a matter of fact," Bill said, staring at the far end of the tarmac.

    "She?" Cockman asked, following his gaze.

    The approaching figure was still far enough away that the heat rising from the flattop distorted the image. As it grew closer, the curving waves stopped wavering and stayed curvy. She wore an outfit similar to Captain Benover but with the tunic fully zipped to the wide collar. In spite of that, the tight-fitting uniform could not conceal the fact that she was generously round in all the right places. She walked with a military cadence, her hips swaying and bosom bouncing slightly with each step. Cockman saw a cadet behind her nearly wreck the cargo mover he was driving, so intent was he in looking at what could only be assumed was a very nice ass.

    The advancing hottie was also different from Bunny in that instead of blond hair and tanned skin, this babe had blue skin and purple hair which was tied back into a tight regulation bun. A Venusian, Cockman realized. She had on mirrored aviators' glasses and as she neared, he peeped the lieutenant pips on her collar. Both he and Bill snapped to attention.

    "As you were," she said as she reached up to remove the shades. The voice had an almost musical quality to it and Cockman remembered reading somewhere about Venusian vocal harmonies. He also noted that her fingers were partially webbed and had no nails. Her heart shaped mouth was as dark and full as a bushel of fresh blueberries

    But it was the eyes that really drew his attention. They were the type you got lost in, such a deep shade of green they looked like two emerald circlets floating in a clear blue sky.

    "Cadet Cockman, I'd like to introduce you to Lieutenant  Eza LuNar," Bill said with the emphasis on 'nar', "She'll be your astrogator for the flight."

    "Ma'am," Cockman said, nodding. Those lovely green eyes looked him up and down, an unimpressed look on her bluish face.

    "You are my pilot?" she harrumphed.

    'Oh boy', he thought as he said, "Yes, Ma'am."

    "How much flight time do you have, Cadet?" she asked indifferently.

    "Over fifteen hundred hours, Ma'am." He wasn't about to tell her that some of that time was spent giving a new meaning to the term 'cockpit'. She eyed him up and down again, perhaps a bit differently this time, he noticed and then turned to Bill.

    "Are we ready for a system check, Cadet?" she lisped.

    "Ready as she'll ever be, Ma'am," he replied smartly.

    When the lieutenant turned her back of the pair to move towards the ship, Bill silently got Cockman's attention, making hour glass motions in the air with his hands as he mouthed the word 'wow!'. They followed after her and as they neared, Cockman spotted on the side of the cockpit a cartoon Venusian in a Pinup girl pose, riding side saddle on an even more conspicuously phallic shaped rocket. The string bikini she wore barely covered her overly large blue tits and she was winking suggestively as she saluted. He grimaced as he red the caption beneath: 'Feels so good even a Venus girl will like it!'

    Lieutenant  LuNar halted when she too noticed the caricature and glared at Bill, her green eyes sparking with anger.

    "I'll have that removed at the next servicing Ma'am," he gulped.

    "See that you do, Cadet," she hissed.

    They came to the foot of the stairs and Bill motioned for them to ascend. As was customary, the lieutenant went first with Cockman following a step or two behind her. He was okay with the arrangement since he gave me a chance to check out what was indeed a nice round ass as they climbed. Near the top of the stairs, the Venusian's heel came down on a smear of grease that had been carelessly left on a tread. Her foot slipped from under her and she fell back with a yelp of surprise.

    Cockman's strong arm shot out, catching the full weight of her beneath her shoulder blades, his left hand grasping the railing to keep them both from falling. Lieutenant  LuNar's flailing limbs wrapped around his neck. Their faces were very close and they stared into each other's eyes for a moment. From this close, he saw that her eyes were in fact not completely green but streaked with bands of gold. The pupils were also partially slitted, dilating as he looked into them.

    "Tha-thank you, Cadet," she said breathlessly.

    "My pleasure, Lieutenant."

    He smiled down at her and saw her skin darken, wondering if it were the Venusian equivalent of blushing. She seemed to all at once remember where they were and composed herself as Cockman helped her to her feet.

    "See that you have these stairs cleaned properly, Cadet!" she yelled at Bill.

    "Yes, Ma'am!" he replied with a crisp salute.

    Once the lieutenant was safely onboard, Cockman turned to Bill to wave farewell. The cocky cadet returned the gesture before leaning over to emulate the former's dramatic rescue, complete with exaggerated kissy faces and tongue action. Cockman just shook his head, giving his buddy the one finger salute as he ducked into the hatch.

    The flight check took about ten minutes to complete. Cockman was impressed with the lieutenant's seemingly eidetic memory as she rattled off the list after just one glance at the onboard copy. Despite their rough, if rather pleasant, start on the stairs, the two were working in fluid concert with one another.

    At one point, however, when the Venusian called for stirring the O2 tanks, they both reached for the switch which lay between their seats. LuNar's hand landed atop his and was very soft and very warm. He had heard the rumor that because they were partly reptilian, Venusian skin felt cold and snake-like. This was decidedly not that case as their eyes met. The touch lingered for a beat but then she blushed again, sheepishly withdrawing her hand. He smiled as he racked the plunger.

    With the checklist at last complete, the pair strapped into their acceleration chairs as Cockman radioed flight control.

    "Control, this is Raptor 7 reporting all systems are go, over."

    "Roger that, Raptor 7, you are cleared for launch, over."

    Cockman reached out to hit the ignition switch. The pair were forced back into their seats as three blue white jets of flame shot from the rear of the craft, charring the tarmac as the craft slid slowly from its berth. At the same instant, landing jets on the underside fired to keep the nose up until its wings could catch air. They arched up and away from the airfield at an ever-increasing velocity. Leveling off at a thousand feet, Cockman cut the landing jets and took up the yoke, angling the craft upward and rapidly gaining altitude.

    As they were passing into the jet steam, the ship was buffeted by severe wind shear. Lieutenant  LuNar's hand shot out to grasp his arm and he noted she had a pretty strong grip for such delicate looking fingers. She at last let go, refusing to look him in the eye as the turbulence subsided.

    The blue curve of the sky gradually faded, replaced with the velvet black curtain of space. At the required altitude, Cockman hit the afterburners. They were pressed even further into their seats, their bodies now experiencing well over three gees of acceleration.

    Cockman's strong arms strained to control the craft. They felt weighted with lead and he heaved to force air into his compressed lungs. While the thrust would only last a few minutes, to his mind it felt like an eternity. Finally, they crossed the Karman line, the invisible barrier to space. Cutting the main engine, they settled into an orbit. The sun, its light no longer refracted by atmosphere, blazed into view in the firmament.

    Cockman turned to his co-pilot. She was panting, holding the straps of her harness tightly and he wondered if this was her first ground take-off.

    "You okay, lieutenant?" She noticed him watching and immediately straightened up, primming her hair as she did so.

    "Quite alright, Cadet," she said somewhat arrogantly, perhaps as a cover for her lost composer.

    'Man, this is gonna be a long flight' he thought to himself as he radioed the fast-approaching space station for permission to dock.


    The twenty-two-hour flight time was actually relatively short compared to what they could have been saddled with. They could have, for instance, been stuck with the Kuiper Belt run at nearly two weeks round trip. As it was, Cockman grew bored pretty quickly since after programming the computer to send the ship on a precisely calculated elliptic path around the sunward side of Venus, there was very little for him to do. Such was the tedium of intra-space travel. Half the time you are sitting around staring at a black viewpoint dotted with unmoving stars and only when near a large celestial body do you realize you're even moving.

    Life as a Space Ranger is not as glamorous as that depicted in all those tri-di vids in which the hero always defeats some alien or human menace while also finding the time to bed down some buxom beauty. The reality is that it involves a great deal of downtime and Cockman was kicking himself for not bringing that copy of Astro-Girl monthly.

    Then again, given his current company, the dirty telezine probably wouldn't have been appropriate no matter how interesting the articles may have been. Thinking of that perky pictorial, he chanced a peek at his companion. She was engrossed in a holopad she had brought with. She sat with her shapely legs crossed at the knee, looking down at the pad in her lap. He, meanwhile, was engrossed in the rise and fall of her tits as she breathed in the filtered air of the cabin.

    She almost caught him looking and he feigned as if he were checking their course. His burgeoning boner sent secondary signals to his bladder. He slapped the release button on his chest, his now freed body floating effortlessly as he pulled himself along the corridor to the restroom. It wasn't the most graceful method of travel but it sure beat trying to walk in magna-boots on the grated metal floor.

    The restroom was little more than a coffin-sized cubicle with various hoses and attachments for evacuating waste in a weightless environment. Cockman picked up one of the specially designed male urination cups and noticed that someone had painted a bright red set of lips on the lip of the cup. He shook his head, remembering the rumor that some sex starved cadets liked to use them as masturbatory aids. He didn't see the appeal since even at full suction, it just didn't compare to the real deal. All the same, he attached a fresh cup, slipping his semi-hard manhood through the membrane.

    Just as he was shaking the dew off the space lily, a bright red light began flashing overhead as a warning klaxon howled. He flung himself out of the alcove, his shoulders hitting the far bulkhead as he fumbled his cock back into his pants. He launched himself with a heavy kick towards the cockpit, checking his speed so as to not to crash headlong into the forward view screen.

    "Whar da we go?!"

    "Proximity alarm!" LuNar shouted over her shoulder, her hands working to silence said alarm, "Looks like a rogue micro-meteor shower. Scanners did not pick it up until just now."

    Cockman swung his body into his seat and quickly strapped in as he demanded: "Where's the swarm?"

    LuNar checked the scope, the light casting greenish rings around her eyes as she rattled off bearing and heading. Cockman checked their own course and found that the swarm would cross their path any second.

    "Fifteen seconds to impact!" LuNar shouted, letting him know the exact second.

    "Let's see if we can get past it. Firing main engines in three...two...one!"

    He hit the switch and the ship lurched forward. For an instant the pair were shoved back into their seats, holding onto their harness straps as the spacecraft shuddered. Seconds later, a tumultuous series of booms and pings resounded up from the rear of the craft.

    Suddenly the ship was spinning wildly with only one of the main tubes still firing. The pair were pulled sideways in their harnesses, the yellow orb of the sun disappearing and reappearing rapidly in the forward pickup. A different warning klaxon started blaring.

    "We've been hit!" he roared, realizing it was obvious. "Engaging inertial thrusters!"

    Out on the hull, the thruster studs began firing quick, two-second bursts. Cockman worked frantically, switching between X, Y and Z axes to check their spin. After several tense minutes, the craft finally settled. The fluid in his brain was still spinning as he turned to check on LuNar.

    She was a wreck. She was hyperventilating, her eyes closed and her face a few shades paler than normal. The grip on her harness was so tight that her knuckles almost turned white.

    "You, okay?" he asked her. She didn't respond, "Lieutenant?!"

    She turned startled at this shout and he could see the fear on her face. But as their eyes met, she seemed grow calm almost immediately. Her gripped loosened and she took a cleansing breath.

    "I am alright," she said as she straightened up, "What is our status?"

    Cockman checked the instrument panel, flipping switches and toggles as he did so.

    "Main engines are offline but we still have thrusters, though just barely. O2 is holding at eighty-one percent."

    He thanked the heavens that their life support was still functioning as he snatched up the hand mic for the radio.

    "Mayday, Mayday! Control, this is Raptor 7, do you read, over?!"

    There was nothing but background static from the speaker. He tried again and still got no response, hanging up the mic in disgust.

    "Damn, radios out too. Meteor must have got the antennae." He sighed with exasperation, "I'm going to have to go outside and see what I can do."

    "Is that advisable this close to Sol?" she asked worriedly. Already the cabin was starting to heat up. Apparently, the refrigeration system was down too. It would be worse outside, even in an insulated spacesuit.

    "Don't worry, I'll walk you through how to work the thrusters to keep me in the ship's shadow. As long as I'm not out there too long, it should be alright."

    He took a moment to familiarize LuNar with the thruster system before heading to the airlock.

    Ten minutes later he was standing on the hull in a bulky spacesuit, the soles of his feet secured to the metal by magnets and a nylon tether leading back to the airlock. He kept to the cooler shadows, shuffling his feet to keep the soles in contact with the shiny metal. Walking in magna-boots is not the easiest skill the master. You have to be actively conscious of your steps or you'll wind up flat on your face.

    Threading his way between the rows of studs, he neared the damaged tail section. It looked like it had been pelted with enormous buckshot, golf-ball sized wholes everywhere. He checked the main engine, finding dents and tears in the deflector plates and manifold.

    'Damn,' he thought bitterly, 'I can't do shit out here.'

    "Bad news, LT," he said, keying his helmet mic, "We took it up the rear pretty badly. Gonna have'ta set her down somewhere if we hope to have any chance at repairs."

    "There is a more pressing problem, Cadet," came the tinny reply in his earpiece, "I have calculated our trajectory. If we do not do something in the next hour and thirty-seven minutes, we are going to crash into the Sun!"


    The cockpit of the X-23 was growing unbearably hot. It was now fifty-three minutes until the silvery dildo would plunge into the nuclear hot vagina of Sol and be snuffed out before the head was even in fully.

    Cadet Cockman was finding it hard to think straight, his brain being fried my cosmic rays. It hurt to breath; the air was so sweltering. Sweat stung his eyes and he wiped a bare arm across his forehead. He had shed his tunic some thirty minutes before, not that it had helped any. Sol loomed larger in the viewport like a UV lamp set to flambé.

    "What are...our options...again?" came a pant from beside him. He turned to regard his partner. She was fanning herself with her holopad, her face beaded with sweat. Her tunic was unzipped to just under her tits and he had a good view of sky-blue cleavage.

    'At least I get to look a nice set of knockers as I knock off,' he thought to himself as he answered, his own breathing labored.

    "Main engines are still...offline...thrusters won't pull us free...of the gravity well."

    It was an effort just to get out that short sentence. He heard the lieutenant sigh and looked her over again, wondering if he should offer to jump her bones one good time. His heat stressed mind thought how funny the phrase sounded. For some reason, it focused on the word 'jump'. Suddenly he sat up, his mind starting to clear.

    The jump drive!

    "Lieutenant, is the hyper drive still online?!" he asked excitedly. She turned her head with visible effort to look at the panel.

    "Yes, why?"

    "I just had a crazy idea."

    "No use, navigational computer is down," she pointed out.

    "Don't need it. Those HS drives have their own built-in computers and sensors. We just point our nose at random and punch it."

    What the cadet said was indeed true. The onboard AI would prevent them from dropping out of sub-space inside of a planetary body, the default Emergence point being set to five hundred thousand miles.

    "So, we just become irretrievably lost instead?" she asked sardonically.

    "Not necessarily," he was saying, already flipping switches to swing the ship around, "We shoot a radio beacon towards Venus with our position, heading and flight time. Kind of like a trail of breadcrumbs to follow. Hopefully, we can find a M-class to set down on while we wait for rescue."

    The Venusian perked up then, understanding his idea further. She then began programming the beacon as she said, "You are correct, this is crazy."

    "Better crazy and alive than cooked like a tin of popping corn," he retorted.

    Twenty searingly hot minutes later, the probe that would carry their digital message in a bottle was launched Venus ward. A breakout timer was set for fifteen minutes. They had settled on aiming their ship toward a star that they assumed to be Sirius and with fingers crossed, hit the button together.

    Now travel through hyperspace is quite different than through normal space. In the latter, mass ejection through the burning of solid fuels or the breakdown of atomic particles is used to generate thrust, a force which can be felt even if only marginally so. The speed of light also remains constant in normal space.

    However, inside the field generated by a Lanier hyper drive, the physical constants of the universe do not apply. The laws of Einstein are neither broken nor bent, simply ignored. Relativity goes out the window, time becomes mere a subjective concept for those traveling through that fluidic ether space. It's one of the inventions that has allow residents of the Sol system to travel the vast distances between stars that would otherwise take multi-generational ships.

    When they had pressed the button, the stars and sun in the pickups had winked out. There was now only an interminable blackness. It was the blackest black that man had ever experienced. It was the exact opposite of the universe; it was the absence of everything. The only thing that was felt was the brief sensation of uneasiness that always accompanied R-shift and was said to be more psychological than physical.

    And when the timer ended and the universe clicked back into existence, it seemed as if they hadn't moved at all, a bright yellow sun still burning in the viewport. But a quick check found that its radio frequency did not match with Sol's. It was another star, the center of another system of planets.

    Now out of immediate danger, the shipmates set about figuring out their location. Consulting star charts, they were able to determine the G-type star to be CarterD2007 some four and a half lightyears from the Sol system. It was named after the scout ship captain who had discovered it nearly three Terran years ago. Carter II, the second planet, was listed as M-class and though it had been flagged for colonization by Planetary Survey, there was a notation about unpredictable weather due to the unstable sun.

    Lieutenant  LuNar, having zipped up her tunic, hit a button and Carter II appeared on screen. One could immediately mistake the green and blue marble for Earth, but the shape of the landmasses was unfamiliar. It was there only option, so Cockman, also back in uniform, guided the craft, taking nearly five hours to cross the five hundred thousand miles. They at last entered orbit around their would-be haven.

    "Not going to lie, LT," Cockman said as he tightened his harness straps, "We're in for a rough landing without the main engines."

    "Do you think you can do it, Cadet?" she asked nervously.

    "Yes, Ma'am!" he said, wishing he felt as confident as he sounded.

    "Let us go down on, Cockman," she replied. Her improper grammar had him thinking something else as he angled the ship toward the rim of the planet.

    To be continued in part 2, based on a post by x sociate23, for Literotica.


  • He agrees to be her ‘focus group’ for demoing toys in the adult toy store. (fetish)

    By Norweger.  Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

    ‘Can I help you?’

    I glanced aside from the colourful products on display right in front of me, blushing mildly. The shopkeeper had done the rounds, and I, being lost in thought in front of the ‘Toys; male, solo’ shelf hadn’t noticed her approaching. Well, I could hardly deny I was thinking of buying a Fleshlight, as I held one; well, a securely wrapped one, luckily; in my hands as I met her friendly gaze.

    ‘I, ah…’ Fuck. Going to an adult toy shop shouldn’t be embarrassing, should it? My cheeks and earlobes grew pretty pink. ‘Well, I’m just browsing, to be honest, I…’

    She nodded. 'Those are real good, by the way.’ She giggled. ‘Well, good quality. Easy to keep clean. Rugged. For obvious reasons, I haven’t taken one for a test drive myself.’

    I chuckled, feeling my awkwardness recede a bit. That’s one way of putting it. ‘For obvious reasons…’ I thought before answering ‘Well, I could hardly expect you to have, could I? That being said, shops like this are quite particular, no? Normally, asking the shopkeeper for recommendations and whether she’d used the product herself would be reasonable, but here, I guess it would get me me-too’d right away? How do you actually reply if someone holds up something and asks, well, is this one any good?’

    I smiled weakly while feeling my cheeks getting rosier again, hoping I hadn’t overstepped any bounds. I got a chuckle for my trouble. ‘Well, please try to keep the exciting images out of your mind, but to tell you the truth, we do test quite a lot of the stuff we sell.’

    She blushed a little, herself. ‘Well, we must buy them, of course, though at a steep discount.’ She turned her gaze down as the sentence trailed off, giving me a chance to look her over without being too obvious about it as the images she’d been warning me about started to manifest themselves to my inner eye. I guessed she could be in her early thirties, a few years younger than me. Quite cute, slender, narrow hips, a loose-fitting, turquoise sweater doing its best to hide her ample bosom… I’d already undressed her in my mind, trying to imagine her testing the huge dildos in the glass display cabinet right behind her.

    Oh no, I hadn’t been blushing earlier. Now; NOW I was blushing.

    She lifted her gaze again and giggled. ‘Let me guess. Exciting images?’

    I could hardly deny it, and she could hardly take affront, either. I turned my own gaze down, intensely studying my rather rumpled leather boots. There was no way in hell I’d be able to meet her stare while saying it. ‘Oh, guilty as charged.’ I made a helpless gesture with my arm towards the toys on display ‘I imagined both this and that, I’ll admit.’

    ‘Well, there’s a reason we don’t have fitting rooms, you know!’ Her giggle turned to a quick laugh which she stifled as quickly. I felt my mood rise just by hearing it; it had a chirping quality, sounded almost like a bird’s cry. In improving spirits; and, frankly, quite turned on; this young, cute woman had more or less told me that she test ran a lot of the toys in the store. Now my eyes wandered around the room, desperate not to meet her stare, while every time I saw something titillating I imagined her using it on herself. Not that there was anything extraordinary about a woman in her thirties enjoying herself, but the mere thought, as she was standing two feet away from me… Fuck. I was rock hard. I hoped it wasn’t too obvious.

    Here goes nothing. Had I first said A, I might as well say B, too. I felt a bit braver, thinking we could spin a bit on this, while still keeping it innocent. She looked amused, too. ‘That’s kind of unfair, though, isn’t it? Any woman walking into this store can get, ah, expert advice, whereas I, as a man, will have to take your word for it ‘Oh, this one is good; I haven’t tried it, but it is good, believe me!’

    She laughed. Loud. ‘I swear to all that’s holy, had we ever had a male shop assistant here, he’d be loaded down with all the male solo toys we could muster and be told to test the hell out of them; and take notes while he was at it!’ She turned serious. ‘Wouldn’t do you much good, though; I’d be most surprised if there’s even a single man in town who’d casually ask another if that sex toy of his was any good or not.’

    I’d have to give her that. Chitchatting about sex did come a lot easier when I did it with a woman.

    ‘Just that. There’s a reason we’re all women working here,’ she smiled. ‘Women sell better to both men and women than, say, a fifty-something, balding, pudgy male in a soiled T-shirt and sweat pants.’ She chuckled. ‘Beg your pardon for letting my prejudices shine through, by the way.’

    I laughed out loud again, realizing I was getting close to asking her what she did once she’d closed shop; she had, in a few minutes since I’d become aware she even existed, shown herself to be one of those all too rare people who could get me in a good mood simply by being there; and that she could quip about sex and seemingly be at ease was an added bonus. Plus, of course, she was incredibly cute. I caught the warm, brown eyes peering out under her unruly mop of reddish hair, trying to come up with a suitable response before the silence became awkward or she trotted on through the shop, ending our moment.

    She glanced down at her watch, and my heart sank like a stone; opportunity wasted, I thought; until I heard what she had to say.

    ‘Look… Now I want you to be real careful; not getting the wrong idea as to what I am suggesting, okay? You are not going to have sex with me, capisce?’ Well, she had my full and undivided attention, even if I wouldn’t get to sleep with her. I nodded, firmly. No fucking her. OK.

    ‘I’m about to close shop, now. If you, ahem, would like to test the fleshlight before you buy it, you can do so, okay? But, you’re going to have to buy it afterwards, obviously. The lube is on the house.’

    I gawked at her. Wow. I nodded, numbly. This couldn’t be, could it? But I wouldn’t want to miss this for the world. I nodded again, vigorously. She smiled a quick smile, then went to the entrance to lock the doors, glancing over her shoulder at me as she did so, throwing me another smile.

    Returning, she grabbed a bottle of lube from a shelf, and motioned for me to follow her as she walked past. As if I needed any prodding. ‘It’d probably be best to use our office, rather than have you go at it here under the bright lights,’ she suggested softly. I just shrugged. I’d follow her anywhere. My cock was rather a simpleton.

    As we exited a door with a 'staff only’ sign at the back of the shop, we entered the kind of storeroom you’ll find somewhere in any shop in the world; shelves stocked with all kinds of goods, except… Well, these goods were very much adult toys. Darting past a crate packed to the gunwales with inflatable dolls; inflated!, she giggled ‘Meet last year’s Christmas decorations; we couldn’t sell them, but neither could we bring ourselves to throw them away…’ I shook my head, dumbfounded.

    She nodded towards a green door near the corner of the storeroom ‘That’s where you’ll get to find out if the fleshlight is any good…’

    She opened the door, hinges groaning. ‘I’ve been meaning to grease those for ages, wonder if I can use this lube?’ she mused as we entered a small-ish, run-down office. Lots of papers were covering just about any horizontal surface; a desk with a computer and a phone on it and a small coffee table in front of a battered old sofa tucked into a corner; piles of merchandise along the far wall.

    Nodding towards the sofa, she suggested I take a seat before seating herself on the office chair by the desk. ‘I hope you don’t mind me watching. After all, I have a certain, um, professional interest in seeing how you get along with it, you know.’, throwing me another smile; a warm, seemingly genuine one. She didn’t appear to be wholly untouched, herself.

    I fumbled with the packaging. What sadist had invented welded plastic? Probably a good thing when it came to protecting sex toys on display, but when you were about to unwrap it to try it out? Not so much. My audience reached for a pair of scissors and motioned for me to lob her the fleshlight. ‘You get out of your jeans, I’ll get this out, OK?’ she suggested. I nodded, still not trusting my voice to bear.

    I hardly needed any more encouragement. I tugged at my belt, seconds later dropping my jeans to the floor, stepping out of them. My briefs were unceremoniously shoved down my thighs, and as I rose again, my almost painfully erect cock pointed arrogantly at the ceiling, the shopkeeper raising her eyebrows a little and giggling softly as she took the sight in while cutting open the packaging separating me from instant bliss.

    With a satisfied ‘Hah! Finally!’ she pulled the fleshlight from its by now shredded plastic cover and reached over to hand it to me. I shamelessly ogled her cleavage before reverting to holding her gaze. ‘As I said, this is good shit. You won’t be able to destroy this one during normal use…’ She proceeded to explain how important it was to clean it after use, stressing that they had both suitable toy cleaner and disinfectant in the store. ‘Most gentle for the silicone, that stuff; unlike the dish soap most people tend to use…’

    Her sentence trailed off, apparently she got struck by the same thing I had; that this was an absurd time to discuss maintenance. ‘My apologies, I got a bit carried away. Here.’

    Accepting the toy, I glanced over at the bottle of lube perched on the edge of her desk. Turning around, she reached the bottle and spun back to present it to me. ‘There you go, put lots in the fleshlight, some around the entrance and a little on your johnson, and you’re good to go.’

    Nodding, I did as she had suggested; an ample spurt of lube into the pale, pink thingy, then a little around the sculpted pussy lips. Bah, in a way it would have been better if they hadn’t tried so hard to make it look like the real thing. ‘Seeing as you wanted my observations, I think it would have been better if it was just an opening, not modeled to look like a real pussy; you know, no matter how good this may turn out to be, it can’t possibly compare to the real thing…’

    ‘Doh,’ she exclaimed as she rolled her eyes. ‘I should have mentioned that, there’s a neutral version, too; and, believe it or not, a few which are supposedly modeled after famous porn stars’ pussies, whether you believe it or not. Anyway, they probably all feel the same; just look at something, anything else while you’re using it.’

    I’d be lying if I claimed I thought it would matter much what it looked like once it was wrapped around me. Squirting a wee bit of lube in the palm of my hand, I stroked myself a couple of times, ensuring I got some on the purplish, swollen head, too; unless I slipped in unhindered, I’d be sore afterwards, of that I was certain.

    Positioning the fleshlight against the glans, I looked over at the shopkeeper. She stared back, eagerly anticipating my next move; not that she’d have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what that would be. Gently pressing the fleshlight towards me, I slid into my first silicone pussy. It was just tight enough to feel natural-ish, I’d hand the designers that; but it felt rather cold and, well, dead.

    ‘What’s it like?’ she asked, voice quivering slightly. ‘Oh, not too bad,’ I replied ‘Though it does feel a bit cold and. ah, dead, if I may say so at the moment, but that should improve shortly…’ Giving it a couple of strokes, I could already feel it begin to warm up.

    She raised her stare from my fleshlight-wrapped member to meet mine. ‘Fuck me, I really am not doing my job properly, now; I just remembered that the manufacturer recommend that you put it in warm water for a few minutes before use, precisely to avoid that corpse bride-feeling. My apologies.’

    I nodded. ‘That’d probably do the trick, I’m sure. However…’; I let it slide back and forth a few times, feeling the soft silicone caress my oh-so-erect cock; ‘it does feel really good, don’t get me wrong; and it keeps getting warmer by the second!’

    Having said that, I stroked myself in silence for a few moments, slowly, deliberately; pulling it off me until my cock emerged from it, exposing the swollen, lube-glistening head for my very attentive audience, then shoving myself into it again. Oh yes, it felt better and better. While no one would ever mistake it for the real thing; well, no one who had ever had the good fortune to have the real thing wrapped around oneself, anyway; it definitely felt good, much better than a simple handjob.

    ‘It keeps getting better,’ I grunted. ‘Would work better still if one could take it out of the casing, though; you know, to adjust the pressure, using it as a sleeve over my cock; would feel more alive, then.’

    She nodded. ‘I’ll keep that in mind, in case someone asks. I believe you can take it out for cleaning, by the way; so you could probably, um, go au-naturel on it, if that’s your preference.’; before again staring at my cock sliding in and out of the toy, mesmerised.

    I felt like I was being on display; quite naturally, seeing as that was just what I was; but caught myself enjoying it. My audience was really cute and sexy as hell; well, truth be told, I’d probably find even Margaret Thatcher hot as fuck if she had stared at my masturbating with that sultry look my watcher now sent me; but I digress. I was turned on, way beyond what I would have been had I been doing the deed at home, alone.

    I coughed softly, then slowing the pace a bit as I caught her stare again. ‘Uh, I know there won’t be any actual sex, that’s not what I’m fishing for now, but… Would you mind, ah, could I… Well, have a little glimpse of your charms? Some bare skin? Just to help me over the edge?’ I must have looked like a pleading puppy, as she burst into laughter, luckily a good-natured one.

    After first shaking her head, she apparently had second thoughts and nodded. I swallowed. This intensely erotic moment was about to become even hotter. Grabbing the hem of her sweater, she pulled it over her head and revealed a black, low-cut bra and ample cleavage. Lovely, pillowy, full breasts. My pace picked up.

    ‘Don’t you think about touching me, don’t even reach for me, OK?’ she said, sternly. I nodded, hoping I looked like I’d be true to my word. God knows how reliable one looks when masturbating to the sight of the girl asking you to keep your hands off her.

    She apparently found my promise good enough, and, after reaching behind her back for a second, the bra fell into her lap and her breasts swung free. I swallowed again, almost in disbelief. They were really beautiful; round, full and pillowy, large, but not so large as to be saggy; they proudly stood form her chest, slightly pear-shaped, milky white and crowned by the largest, weakly drawn areolas I’d ever seen, pale pink, crested with nipples looking as if you’d be able to cut glass with them, so hard were they.

    She was amazing, and I wasted no time telling her so as my cock hardened further still inside the silicone wrapper I was now doing my best to fuck the daylights out of while keeping my eyes locked on the shopkeeper, occasionally falling to her wonderful breasts, but mostly maintaining eye contact.

    She leant back in her chair, her breasts gently parting. My turn to be mesmerised. I could already feel the familiar tingling telling me my strokes were numbered and my orgasm forthcoming; I’d be done for shortly.

    The fleshlight was now at body temperature, and felt much, much more lifelike, albeit still no match for a woman, I grunted through clenched teeth ‘no muscles milking me, no body thrust against mine, no hands feverishly stroking over my back, hugging me close as orgasm approaches; but it does feel pretty… pretty damned good!’

    Nodding absentmindedly, she stroked a hand over her right breast, cupping it, then pinching her nipple between her thumb and index finger, moaning softly.

    ‘I’m about to cum,’ I grunted, snapping her back to reality. ‘Oh, please do it in that one, huh?’, she nodded to an empty mug on the table between us. ‘I want to see you cum.’ I nodded, feverishly working my cock with the latest addition to my meagre sex toy collection. ‘Lean forward, please’, I snapped ‘I want to see those lovely tits swaying under you…’

    Laughingly, she obliged, leaning forward, then rocking side to side. ‘Like this, huh?’ she teased, smiling warmly at me as the heavy globes swayed back and forth under her.

    Yes. Just like that. There was no use trying to hold back. Two more strokes, and I could feel my orgasm erupting, a tad before I’d expected it to. And here I was, figuring I had it under control…

    I jerked the fleshlight off my cock, throwing it on the floor, sending spurt after spurt of cum over the table, grasping for the mug, missing, shooting another spurt halfway across the room towards her; at least it felt like it; before finally grabbing the mug and shooting the last, feeble spurt into it. I felt my earlobes glow with embarrassment as I came in for landing after the massive orgasm, only to see the mess I’d made; cum streaks over invoices, a pack of cigarettes, the table itself, a lighter…

    My companion laughed, totally losing it in a fit of laughter, her breasts jiggling as she shook ‘You should’ve seen yourself!!!’, she eventually gasped, regaining some control over herself. ‘It was the most absurd sight I’ve ever seen, so incredibly hot, you in the midst of such an orgasm, frantically trying to grab my old mug…’

    I joined her, a bit hesitantly at first. It had indeed been comedy hour. I hoped there wasn’t a surveillance camera here, for if it did, I’d be bound to find myself on some amateur blooper reel shortly.

    ‘Never mind, though,’ she giggled. ‘I’ll get that cleaned up in no time. Without getting her sweater back on, she left the room. Seconds later I heard the tell-tale sound of water pouring from a faucet and paper being torn from a roll. She returned, hand full of tissue paper, and handed me some. ‘Here, clean yourself up; then I’ll show you how to clean your latest conquest afterwards.’

    She leaned in over the table and cleaned up any trace of my little indiscretion. I really had to fight the urge to reach out and touch the lovely form right in front of my eyes; but managed. I’d promised, after all; and I’d had a wonderful experience, I wouldn’t want to ruin it by doing anything which might scare or offend her in any way. I leaned back in the sofa while cleaning most of the lube off my semi-erect cock, softly caressing it as I stared hungrily at her, finishing up the table.

    I followed her to the cupboard next to the office; standing close to her; still dressed like Venus of Milo, only with arms; in the tiny room, I could feel the warmth of her body against mine as she fumbled the fleshlight open, taking out the silicone innards. ‘Just hold it under lukewarm water, first, to get rid of your cum and the lube, then wipe it clean with a little bit of the toy cleaner I’ll give you when we’re back in the shop and it’ll be ready for its next outing.’

    She glanced up at me, noting my attention was on her, rather than on the most useful instructions she were supplying. ‘Better leave it outside its sheath overnight to allow it to dry properly,’ she said. ‘Well, unless you find you prefer to use just the inner sleeve, of course.’ Quick smile.

    With that, she handed the toy back to me. ‘Just head back out in the shop, you. I’ll be with you in a minute, just need to get dressed.’ I was treated to a smile too cute to be believed, and I was bright enough not to overstay my welcome by asking for just a few more glimpses of her.

    I threw a last, longing glance at her beautiful, curvy shape, met her gaze; a rather lustful one at that!; and smiled at her. ‘I’ll do some window shopping, then, see if I find more playthings catching my fancy.’ I then turned and briskly headed back into the shop, again passing the surreal pile of inflatable dolls, one still sporting a santa’s cap.

    She sure took her time getting dressed; I imagined she’d figured she needed a release, too. Hell, yeah - when she appeared in the door from the storeroom, she was still basking in that wonderful post-orgasmic bliss you can spot from a mile away. ‘Getting a bit carried away, are we?’ I quipped in a mock stern tone. ‘How professional is it really to masturbate in the rear while there’s customers waiting in the shop, huh?’

    She smiled sheepishly. ‘Busted. Fuck, I was so horny while you did your thing I almost leapt at you!’

    I laughed. ‘Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself, too; and with any luck you now know a bit more about, ah; your inventory?’

    She giggles. ‘Sure do, I can’t wait until the next time some sod comes by, cheekily suggesting I can’t possibly know how this one feels…’

    She worked the till. ‘I’m giving you this at a discount,’ she laughed. ‘It is the first time I’ve ever sold a used toy. The lube and cleaner is on the house, promise me you’ll take good care of your new friend!’

    I promised, and took my chances embracing her briefly. ‘Mind if I come back for some more shopping sometime?’ I asked, voice thick with lust. She looked at me, quizzically, then shrugged. ‘Well, I happen to have another couple of toys which I could use some user feedback on…’ she suggested with a smile.

    ‘I’ll be back in a couple of weeks,’ I said by way of goodbye. Heading for the doors, I realised I’d be pounding the fleshlight again seconds after returning home. I was already hard again…

    By Norweger for Literotica

  •  Kelsie tours her new neighbor's home after he says, "Howdy."

    Based on a post by RavenAngstrom Listen to the  Podcast at Steamy Stories.

    Wednesday night before Thanksgiving, 2010

    Kelsie Bluebook jogged down the Ocean View sidewalk, boobily bouncing as she did. Her ass, scarcely contained by her shorts, clapped like the chorus of a gospel choir, and it was worshiped as such. Her hair was blonde with an e, her nails were fresh as a farmer's market, her eyes were the color of Blue No. 2 food coloring, industrial grade. Her sports bra was twice as strong as Atlas, for it had to hold up two colossal globes, not one.

    Every morning, Kelsie went for a jog around the neighborhood. Every morning she became a new teenage boy's fantasy or elicited a 'tut tut' from the prudish nuns who lived up the street.

    She trotted past her new next door neighbor, Chuck, letting his dog out for a walk. He gazed at her bouncing form, hazel eyes wide as the moon.

    He was no slouch himself, as Kelsie could see from the tight grey sweatpants he wore while letting his dog out for the morning. His cock was the side of a grandfather clock's pendulum. As mighty as a sledgehammer. A woman needed a heavy machinery license to ride him. He could body shame a sperm whale.

    Kelsie had to meet him. "Hiya," she called brightly from across the street, waving vigorously.

    "Howdy," he replied.

    It's a little odd to say 'howdy' in these parts. I'd better investigate, Kelsie thought. She looked both ways, then bounded across the street.

    Music from the 2017 movie Baywatch starring the Rock and Zac Effron began to play in Chuck's ears. That was both because he saw Kelsie running over, and also because he'd rented the film on DVD last night and the soundtrack had been stuck in his head ever since.

    Kelsie bounded up to Chuck's front door. The house was cute, with fresh siding and shingles. She could suddenly imagine herself living there and redecorating, but that was because interior decorating was one of her favorite hobbies. She imagined herself living in every house she saw; swapping light fixtures, repainting, changing the curtains to blinds then back to curtains when she realized the blinds looked cheap.

    She would never do this work herself, of course. She'd hire a strapping young man who dropped his tools a lot so she could bend over to pick them up.

    "Hiya," said Kelsie, even though she'd already said that.

    "Howdy," Chuck repeated.

    "There you go. Saying 'Howdy,' again. Why is that?" Kelsie asked, popping her hip and touching her finger to her mouth. It was her thinking expression. When she put on her thinking expression, men stopped thinking and told her what she wanted to hear.

    "I'm from Texas," Chuck said. "We say howdy there."

    "Even to strangers?" Kelsie asked.

    "Especially to strangers," Chuck replied. This was true.

    "I don't want to be strangers," Kelsie said. This was also true.

    "No one does," said Chuck. This was a lie, but he said it to flirt with her. Some people like being strangers with others. Chuck had neglected thinking about hermits.

    "What do you want to be?" he flirted.

    "Neighbors," said Kelsie. She reached out her hand and shook his. It seemed very formal to her. She'd prefer he'd kissed her hand, even though it would have been weird. He was handsome enough to pull it off. Yes. Chuck was that handsome.

    "Neighbors," said Chuck, wishing he had the guts to kiss her hand. But that would be weird, he thought, wisely choosing to keep his lips to himself. For now.

    "Mind if I come in?" Kelsie asked. She filled him in on the stuff from paragraph nine, the interior decorator hobby and all that, as they walked into his sitting room.

    "Nice space," she said, wishing he'd pull up the carpet and expose that beautiful hardwood floor beneath. And the walls were too white, a touch of beige would really class up the joint.

    "Thank you," he said. "I'm thinking about tearing up the carpet to expose the hardwood floor. After I paint the walls first, of course."

    She spun around, wanting to leap into his arms then and there. "I was thinking the same thing," she said breathlessly.

    Time slowed for Chuck as Kelsie’s breasts spun to face him. So did the rest of Kelsie. Keep your mind on the rest of Kelsie, Chuck thought to himself. He was trying his darndest to be polite, but his juicy, swollen, throbbing, hardening, dripping cock of his had him by the brain stem.

    So determined was Chuck not to look at her buxom, heaving, bountiful, beautiful breasts, he nearly missed what came next.

    "What color?" Kelsie asked.

    "Bright orange," said Chuck.

    Kelsie paused. That can't be right. He was so perfect a moment ago. Her mind concluded this must be a joke. She laughed, a genuine beautiful laugh that took Chuck's soul and threw it twenty feet aloft.

    His soul was aloft for two reasons. One, he had made a beautiful woman laugh, one of the greatest feelings in the world (after orgasming inside a woman (or man, if one prefers) while they whisper I love you in your ear while being young (which makes everything better)).

    The second reason his soul was aloft: he was not joking about painting the room orange, and his heart was panicking like a lost child at a petting zoo with more rams than supervision.

    "I'm kidding," said Chuck, saving the moment and a lot of money on terrible paint. He laughed along, a nervous laugh, like getting too close to a mountain cliff and a couple rocks fall as you scamper back to safety.

    Chuck is so funny, thought Kelsie’s brain. "You are so funny," her mouth echoed.

    They paused, admiring each other's bodies through their peripheral vision so not to disturb the social contract of not being obvious about checking someone out. Also known as not being a creep. But deep down, they wanted to creep all over each other.

    Alas, they could not.

    "Shall I show you the kitchen?" Chuck said.

    "Oh, yes," said Kelsie. She looked around, not sure of the direction to go. The hallway from the living room branched in two directions, you see. It was a half split level. She could go up, but that was the way to the bedrooms. Around the corner was down, the way to the kitchen. But she couldn't know which was which, because she'd never been there.

    She'd spied on the listing, of course. But it was so much different once you're in the house. The photos weren't clear at all in this case. The previous owner had done them himself. Always a disaster, she'd thought at the time.

    Chuck put his hand on Kelsie’s back, guiding her down the stairs to the kitchen. Kelsie swooned inside. She hadn't swooned like this since she saw a Hemsworth brother out on one of her jogs. She didn't know which one it was, she didn't get close enough. But it was definitely one of them.

    The kitchen sparkled like a ethically sourced diamond. Granite countertops, complementing the white shaker cabinets on a sensibly tiled floor, with a backsplash depicting the 1990's hit show Baywatch in a series of glass tableaus.

    "I like it. The backsplash is interesting..." Kelsie trailed off. It was incredibly done, even though the subject matter was a little odd. The detail of the mosaic was exquisite. Shards of glass the size of a fingernail clipping were sprinkled in as chest hair on a four inch depiction of the 'Hoff.

    It would almost be a shame to get rid of it, she thought. So much care went into this. "Did you buy the place specifically for the backsplash?"

    Chuck laughed for real, a deep boom that no doubt echoed around in his testicles for days. "No, but I tried to watch the movie last night. Turns out I rented the wrong one."

    "These damn remakes," said Kelsie. "Still, the movie industry keeps me employed. So I guess it's better than no-makes." Kelsie laughed at her own joke.

    Chuck laughed too, a polite, extra hard laugh signaling he was into her.

    No one would laugh at a joke that terrible, thought Kelsie. Maybe he's stupid.

    Kelsie walked to the island. That's right, the kitchen had an island too. Piles of move in boxes were stacked on the counters. Kelsie strolled around the island, surreptitiously peering into the box for anything feminine. The pots were at least fifteen years old.

    "I got those in college," Chuck said. He'd noticed she was looking in the box, but chalked it up to general nosiness. He was the same way. No drawers ever went unopened when Chuck was around. No box left unexamined. He'd root around until the job was done.

    Definitely no wife, probably no girlfriend, Kelsie concluded. She was right. She could have been a detective, or a private eye. Instead, she worked at a movie theater. Until she broke into reality TV, of course. That was right around the corner, she told herself. But with an IQ of 85, the truth was, she was too smart for it. Not that IQ is a good measure of intelligence, but, you get it.

    "So, what do you do?" asked Kelsie as he led her upstairs (if you recall, that's where the bedrooms where).

    "I'm a fireman," said Chuck. "But the name is a misnomer. I put out fires, I don't start them. That's called a pyromaniac, and they're in a different department than us."

    "I've been to the pyromania department several times, and it's always a drag," said Kelsie, batting his muscular arm with her dainty hand. She squeezed his muscles quite obviously, biting her lips as she did.

    Chuck was used to people feeling his muscles. It was always a good sign. That was usually what happened before his dates took their tops off. But he only ever went to second base nowadays, after what happened to her...

    Chuck flashbacked. He was saying goodbye to his wife as she left for the department store. She was going to grab more extra-large condoms. They weren't trying for a baby. And they didn't want to be trying for an abortion, either.

    When the police came to his door a few hours later and said, "Mr. Ock, your wife has been killed in a Columbus Day shopping stampede, you need to come with us to identify the body," that's when he knew something bad had happened. He never celebrated Columbus Day again; he was an Indigenous People's Day man now.

    He'd moved to Ocean View, California get away from all that. But you can't always outrun your past.

    Chuck un-flashbacked. Somehow, they'd entered the master bedroom. His king size four poster bed was on the only thing set up. Atop it lay a magnificent tiger's pelt. It was a fake, because Chuck respected animals, but it was a really good fake, so it appealed to everyone.

    "Wow!" exclaimed Kelsie. "That's one fantastic duvet!" She stroked it, causing goosebumps to erupt on her neck like moguls on a double black diamond run.

    "Try laying on it," said Chuck. He didn't even mean anything suggestive by it, he was genuinely excited to show off how it felt.

    Kelsie leapt backward onto the pelt, falling at just the right speed to ensnare Chuck's imagination forever. The sight of her beautiful body falling onto his magnificent bedspread was forever etched in his mind. It would be the last thing he'd remember before dying at a ripe old age.

    Just when Chuck thought it couldn't get any better, he caught a glimpse of her panties as the wind caught her short shorts. His cock throbbed again, making his head spin as the blood drained out of his brain like the last drops of a bath.

    Kelsie had been a cheerleader, and always looked forward to a chance to show off. Her slow motion fall onto a tiger pelt faux-skin was the perfect time. She didn't literally slow time, but she'd often heard men describe the experience of watching her fall in such a way. All of those men died with her as their last thought, at ripe old ages when they had forgotten everything else, even friends and family. But that's getting too far ahead.

    The tiger skin was even more luxurious on her back. She made a fur angel in the pelt.

    "That's exactly what I did too," said Chuck. He leapt next to her, wanting to make a fur angel of his own.

    Alas, all his muscle came at a price. He was heavy (not fat though), and if Chuck had one flaw, it was that he didn't spring for a memory foam mattress. Instead, he sprung for a spring one, purchased last spring on the day the clocks sprang ahead.

    As Chuck plummeted to the bed, an equal and opposite reaction caused Kelsie to fly upward an equal amount, minus friction, air resistance, and all that. She landed on top of Chuck.

    Kelsie’s boobs breasted against Chuck's chest. His dick cocked against her pelvis. Their noses cracked into each other.

    Realizing what he'd done in his reckless abandonment of Newton's Third Law, Chuck grabbed Kelsie and pulled her close, stopping her from tumbling off the edge like an outdated stereotype of a lemming.

    You're a hero, Chuck Ock, he thought. Not as big a hero as if I'd stopped a terrorist, but a hero all the same.

    He wants me, Kelsie thought. And I want him. She kissed his mouth (it was sensible, their heads were close together). He returned her kiss with a passion she'd never felt before. A passion like an old man has for his model train set that looks like a small mountain town in Colorado.

    This was unexpected, Chuck thought. But nice. Very nice. His inner monologue had a Borat ring to it. Chuck's thoughts were easily polluted by popular culture.

    He ran his muscular fingers down her back. She had curves like a timekeeper's hourglass, with a hell of a lot of sand in both sides. His fingers rounded her ass, tracing back around to her front.

    Kelsie’s breath caught in her throat. Is this happening? Kelsie thought. Am I going to fuck my next door neighbor? I barely know him. But from the way he nibbled her ear, he knew her.

    Just second base, Chuck thought. For Phoebe.

    Chuck flashbacked once again. The cops were sitting on his sofa, delivering the news. "Her last words were, 'I hope my husband, Dr. C. Ock, Esquire (he had a law degree), moves on from me and finds a new love, even if it's a simple fling with his new neighbor.'" Then the cop patted his back, trying to comfort him.

    Chuck had never figured out what his wife's final words meant. They had always puzzled him, like the show Lost.

    Until now. She had wanted Chuck to be happy.

    I hope he's okay, thought Kelsie. He's spacing out a little. She wished he'd make another move.

    Suddenly, Kelsie saw clarity. Be the change you want to see in the world — Mamma Gandy. She remembered that quote from school. She misremembered the attribution, but hey, at least she could point to India on a map. Can you?

    Seizing the moment, Kelsie slid her own hand over his cock. She confirmed her suspicious. It was a monster. Cocky McCockerson. Enough wood to last a lifetime. The cock of the walk. Dicky McSchlong. The Prince of Penises (King seemed a little judgmental, after all, there were probably a couple dicks better than his (there were, but not many (less than you can count on your hand).

    Kelsie grabbing Chuck's cock was the go-head signal he needed. He un-flashbacked once more, his purpose as clear as a plate glass window. With his dead wife's blessing, he was now willing and able to enter Kelsie, please her, and leave her sated.

    So he began.

    His mouth moved South along her body, pausing to make base camp between her tits. There, he climbed from mountaintop to mountaintop and back, warming up her cunny with his finger as he did.

    Kelsie savored his gentle touch. Combining his fingers with his tongue, he made two great feelings better, like peanut butter and chocolate. She pushed against his strong, muscular hand; manly callouses on his palms from saving lives, both human and puppy. She wanted more.

    Chuck made his way South once again, having satisfied his lust for her twin mountains. His kiss jumped her naval like a show stallion. He kissed her clit, thank god he knows where that is, Kelsie thought, then ran his tongue along her lips.

    A moan sprung from Kelsie, loud enough to wake Chuck's next door neighbor, if his next door neighbor hadn't been getting her cunny eaten out. Kelsie’s senses grew dimmer as the aching in her body overtook her. It was coming. It was coming. She was cumming.

    Chuck wore his lover's legs like earmuffs, deafening him from her orgasmic cry. His ears popped when she removed them, draping her thick thighs over his shoulders instead.

    "Don't quit on me now," Chuck growled, revealing his titanic hog. His voice was so low when he made love it was practically in the basement.

    "I never give up," said Kelsie. "Fuck me raw, like W W E."

    Chuck sprang into action, leaping to his knees in a single move.

    So acrobatic. I wonder if he likes Cirque du Soleil? thought Kelsie. He slipped his cock inside her, and she groaned with pleasure, halfway to orgasm yet again.

    "Do you like having your hair pulled?" Chuck asked, completely respecting her boundaries.

    "I do," said Kelsie. He grabbed a fistful of her thick blonde hair, pulling like a horse's reins, steering her body to pleasure. His cock pushed in and out of her, and Kelsie’s breath grew short.

    Kelsie felt her body tensing. Chuck's arms wrapped around her, lifting her into the air as easily as if she were a warm luffa. He was as strong as the bond between a man and his dog. Strong as the bond of an experienced arc welder. Strong as the bond in a bear market. Strong as the Bond in all of those movies and books by Ian Fleming.

    Kelsie gazed into Chuck's eyes. They were so bright and loving. She could feel the joy in his heart, a joy she'd uncovered like the living room's original hardwood floors.

    "Chuck?" she panted, as he pounded her (gently) like a dirty, dirty girl (respectfully).

    "Yeah?" he replied, his eyes filling with lust.

    "Are you wearing a condom?" she asked.

    "I put one on while I was licking you," said Chuck. "I hope that isn't too forward."

    "Not at all," replied Kelsie. Satisfied with his answer, and the rigorous fucking she was receiving, Kelsie came again, drenching Chuck's cock with her slick. She moaned as she came, grabbing her own tits as she did.

    The sight of Kelsie squeezing herself set Chuck off like a rocket. Cum flooded Kelsie’s insides, stopped by the latex levee. Although neither had  an STI, they didn't want to get pregnant. Not yet.

    Chuck collapsed with Kelsie atop the tiger skin blanket. They held each other as new lovers do; tightly, afraid letting go will spoil the moment.

    "Wow," said Kelsie. "You weren't kidding about this tiger skin."

    "It's magical," said Chuck.

    They lay side by side, enjoying the beat of each other's hearts, as lovers often do. But the dastardly villain of all happy moments, Time, reared its ugly head.

    Kelsie checked her smartwatch, which definitely knew she'd been having sex, and had already sold that data to governments and companies around the globe. Soon, she'd be getting targeted ads for prophylactics.

    "Oh noes! I was supposed to finish my run an hour ago," she exclaimed. They had made love all morning, it had turned out. In the heat of the moment, it felt like minutes.

    She sprung to her feet, adjusting her top and bottom back in place where Chuck had cast them asunder like watermelon seeds on the fourth of July.

    "I should get to work," said Chuck. "Those fires aren't going to fight themselves. Still, it was nice of them to wait until after your visit."

    "Maybe I can cum again," joked Kelsie, leaning into the double entendre.

    "I feel like you will," said Chuck, escorting her to the front door. He hadn't put his pants back on, and Kelsie felt his cock bounce against her ass. Marking her as his.

    "I'll see you around," said Kelsie, once she was outside. She smiled in the noonday sun, her perfect teeth dazzling like 28 cubic zirconia (she'd had her wisdom teeth removed at age twenty).

    "Cum again," said Chuck, reusing her joke in a slightly worse way in an attempt to forge a deeper connection and show he listened to her.

    How nice of him to acknowledge my joke, thought Kelsie. She turned to leave.

    "Maybe you can help me redecorate," said Chuck.

    She twirled back toward him, giving him another booby lifetime memory. "I'd like that," Kelsie said. "I have a ton of great ideas." She bounded off down the sidewalk, happy as she'd ever been.

    Chuck called his dog back inside, then returned to the bedroom's en suite bathroom to shower. First, he put away the box of condoms. The extra-large type. The box his wife had made her final purchase.

    He was ready to use them on someone new.

    Based on a post by RavenAngstrom for Literotica.