Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is the most complex and powerful space observatory ever deployed. What it has discovered since it commenced operations has been nothing short of groundbreaking! However, many of these discoveries were unexpected and confounded astronomers. But this is the purpose of Webb, which is designed to investigate the biggest questions we have about the nature of the Universe.
Webb Space Telescope - Home: https://webbtelescope.org/home
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Guest | Keith Cowing, Creator / Editor, NASA Watch and Astrobiology.com
On Twitter | https://x.com/keithcowing
On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/keith-cowing-9b94076/
On Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/keith.cowing
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
Keith Cowing has been one of NASA's most vocal critics for decades. Together, we discussed what the future may hold for NASA and its ambitious exploration programs. In the end, hope and fear are the only way to describe the mood at NASA as it faces an uncertain future.
NASA Watch: https://nasawatch.com/
Astrobiology.com: https://astrobiology.com/
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
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Guest | Keith Cowing, Editor, NASA Watch
On Twitter | https://x.com/keithcowing
On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/keith-cowing-9b94076/
On Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/keith.cowing
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
Keith Cowing, a former NASA scientist and the creator of NASAWatch, has been a part of the space sector for decades. He's also one of NASA's most vocal critics. We sat down to discuss the current state of affairs at NASA, which has become chaotic thanks to the shakeup caused by the current U.S. administration
NASA Watch: https://nasawatch.com/
Astrobiology.com: https://astrobiology.com/
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Guest | Dr. Will Grundy, Astronomer, Lowell Observatory
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
Dr. Will Grundy, an astronomer and planetary scientist with the Lowell Observatory and a member of the New Horizons team, has been studying Pluto his entire professional life. Together, we sat down to discuss matters of planetary science, the Great Planet Debate, and the importance of icy bodies in the outer Solar System.
Lowell Observatory: https://lowell.edu/
I Heart Pluto Festival 2025: https://iheartpluto.org/
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
Stations in space that allow for long-duration stays and a permanent human presence throughout the Solar System are a time-honored concept. The concept achieved fruition by the late 20th century. In the not-too-distant future, we may be seeing rotating wheels and cylinders in space that can accommodate the "Great Migration" of people to space.
Space Station 20th: Historical Origins of ISS (NASA): https://www.nasa.gov/history/space-station-20th-historical-origins-of-iss/
The First Space Stations (National Air and Space Museum): https://airandspace.si.edu/stories/editorial/first-space-stations
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
Wormholes, portals in spacetime that allow for faster-than-light travel, are a staple of science fiction. But what does the science say about them? In truth, scientists have been exploring the idea for over a century and there is some basis for their existence. Whether or not we'll ever be able to use them, however, is still up for debate.
What are Wormholes?: https://www.space.com/20881-wormholes.html
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Red dwarf stars are the most common in the Universe, and are pretty good at forming rocky planets in their habitable zones (HZs). This includes Proxima b (the closest exoplanet to our Solar System). But red dwarfs are known for being temperamental and prone to flares. As a result, the debate continues as to whether or not planets orbiting these stars could support life.
Could Earth Life Survive on a Red Dwarf Planet? - Universe Today: https://www.universetoday.com/166157/could-earth-life-survive-on-a-red-dwarf-planet/
Red Dwarf Stars Might Be Able to Hold Onto Their Atmospheres After All - Universe Today: https://www.universetoday.com/169037/red-dwarf-stars-might-be-able-to-hold-onto-their-atmospheres-after-all/
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
The dream of interstellar travel, of reaching another star system and setting foot on another world, has been with us for centuries. Since before the Space Age, several concepts have been proposed. As we enter a new era of space exploration, many of these concepts are being reconsidered. But which are feasible and could reach another star in our lifetimes?
How Long Would It Take To Travel To The Nearest Star?: https://www.universetoday.com/15403/how-long-would-it-take-to-travel-to-the-nearest-star/
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Guest | Kenneth Goodis-Gordon, Ph.D candidate and Graduate Research Assistant, University of Central Florida
On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenneth-goodis-gordon-05217a130/
On Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/kenny.gordon.18
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
Kenneth Goodis Gordon is a Ph.D. candidate with the University of Central Florida's Planetary Science Group. His research focuses on exoplanets and the search for life in the cosmos (astrobiology). In a recent research paper, he and his colleagues recommend how studying polarized light from exoplanets could allow future observatories like the Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO) to find evidence of life on other worlds!
Polarized Signatures of the Earth Through Time: An Outlook for the Habitable Worlds Observatory: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2410.02194
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
In 1966, NASA and the Soviet space program focused all of their efforts on getting to the Moon first. On July 20th, 1969, Americans succeeded and landed the first astronauts on the lunar surface. By reaching the Moon, NASA effectively won the Space Race. But what followed was a new era of cooperation and long-term plans that would eventually lead back to the Moon and onto Mars...
The Space Race - National Air and Space Museum: https://millercenter.org/the-presidency/educational-resources/space-race
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
The American and Soviet space programs began amid Cold War tensions, where the goal was to "get there first" and demonstrate who had technological supremacy. These efforts began with the launch of artificial satellites, followed quickly by sending crewed spacecraft to orbit. All in preparation for eventual missions to the Moon!
What Was the Space Race? - National Air and Space Museum: https://airandspace.si.edu/stories/editorial/what-was-space-race
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
From its inception in the 1960s, India's national space program - the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) - has evolved to become one of the largest in the world. Between now and 2050, they plan to send "vyomanauts" to orbit, build a space station, send crewed missions to the Moon, and create a lunar base.
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) - Government of India: https://www.isro.gov.in/index.html
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
During the Middle Ages, Arab, Persian, and Indian astronomers made incredible contributions to the fields of astronomy and cosmology. In addition to preserving knowledge from Classical Antiquity, they introduced innovations and breakthroughs that would revolutionize the sciences and helped inspire Copernicus' heliocentric model!
Islamic Science's India Connection - Aramco World (2017): https://www.aramcoworld.com/Articles/September-2017/Islamic-Science-s-India-Connection
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
Since the turn of the century, China has emerged as a major power in space. In the future, the country plans to establish a base on the Moon, send taikonauts to Mars, and become a direct rival to NASA. Like all space programs, its inception was tied to the Cold War and the development of nuclear weapons. However, it has since evolved to become a major player in space exploration and research.
China: A Global Power’s Celestial Ambitions - Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada: https://www.asiapacific.ca/publication/china-global-powers-celestial-ambitions
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
What if the reason we're not hearing from aliens is that everyone out there is listening, but no one is broadcasting messages? This is the essence of the "SETI Paradox" and the ongoing debate between proponents of SETI and METI - Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Beyond Fermi's Paradox: What is the "SETI Paradox" Hypothesis?: https://www.universetoday.com/149513/beyond-fermis-paradox-xvii-what-is-the-seti-paradox-hypothesis/
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Guest | Sir Peter Beck, Founder & CEO, Rocket Lab [@RocketLab]
On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-beck-ab7b63b/
On Twitter | https://x.com/Peter_J_Beck
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
Sir Peter Beck is the founder and CEO of Rocket Lab, the New Zealand-based company that is poised to challenge SpaceX's near-monopoly over the commercial space industry. Their in-house assembly, reusability, end-to-end mission design, and growing family of rockets are bringing a new wave of innovation and cost-effectiveness to the commercial space market!
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
The Aztec Empire was the dominant power in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. The astronomical and cosmological traditions they created were extremely fascinating but are still subject to prejudice. Like their peers in Eurasia and East Asia, the Aztecs watched the heavens avidly and discerned patterns that influenced their worldview, calendar systems, and even urban planning.
Aztecs Used an Extremely Accurate Solar Observatory to Manage Their Farming - Universe Today: https://www.universetoday.com/159220/aztecs-used-an-extremely-accurate-solar-observatory-to-manage-their-farming/
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
The term "habitable zone" comes up a lot when discussing exoplanets and extraterrestrial life these days. But what exactly does it mean? Interestingly, the way we define "habitable" has changed in recent decades, thanks to the number of confirmed exoplanets and our growing knowledge of how life evolved here on Earth.
NASA Science - The Habitable Zone: https://science.nasa.gov/exoplanets/habitable-zone/
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
Could it be that the reason we haven't seen or heard from any advanced civilizations is that interstellar settlement only happens in small clusters? This is the essence of the Percolation Hypothesis. Essentially, the challenges imposed by a Relativistic Universe and alien biology could prevent a "Galactic Empire" from ever emerging.
Beyond “Fermi’s Paradox” XV: What is the Percolation Hypothesis?: https://www.universetoday.com/148088/beyond-fermis-paradox-xv-what-is-the-percolation-theory-hypothesis/
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
Host | Matthew S Williams
On ITSPmagazine 👉 https://itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/matthew-s-williams
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Episode Notes
Someday, humans may live around Neptune and the Trans-Neptunian region, where they'll export terraforming gases, fuel for fusion reactors, conduct vital research, and gaze out into the Universe! With the right strategies and technologies, there could be a branch of humanity someday known as Neptunians, Plutonians (or Hadeans), and Ice Belters!
The Science of Becoming "Interplanetary": How can humans live in the outer Solar System? (Interesting Engineering): https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/science-interplanetary-humans-live-outer-solar-system
Colonizing the Outer Solar System (Universe Today): https://www.universetoday.com/132010/colonizing-outer-solar-system/
For more podcast Stories from Space with Matthew S Williams, visit: https://itspmagazine.com/stories-from-space-podcast
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