Did you miss us? WERE BACK sort of :)! This episode is really just a quick hello to tell us what we've been up to while we've been forced to take an unexpected hiatus. But we're coming back strong soon to continue our journey into the Once Upon a Time world. Thank you to all who have been so patient with us during th is time in between and we can't wait to get back to chatting with all of you.
SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
::in my best kermit the frog voice:: Alright let's dig in to the watch party for Episode 16 where we dig into Zelena's backstory a little more, and see how see ended up literally green in the first place.
MERCH IS LIVE: CHECK IT OUT HERE - https://etsy.me/3NOhPhg
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
Manglende episoder?
Alright we are changing things up a little bit here. We are going to try splitting the episode up into the pre-watch party shenanigans, and the actual watch party as separate episode so we can get more content out to you. SO consider this episode the pregame to the party if you will :) We'll see how this goes lolMERCH IS LIVE: CHECK IT OUT HERE - https://etsy.me/3NOhPhgLINKS:PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support
WEREEEEEE BACCKKKKKKKKK (a dinosaur story)!! Back from a long hiatus - did you miss us? :) This is messy because we forget how to do our own show, but we did it. Cruising advice, a new segment called the hater hoedown, and a kickass episode to review to get us back into the swing of things. We missed you beautiful people.
MERCH IS LIVE: CHECK IT OUT HERE - https://etsy.me/3NOhPhg
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
Season of the witch continues as we barrel into our SIXTIETH EPISODE 🎉!!!! Come party with us and celebrate (since that is the only good thing about this particular episode, the rest was a rough time lol)
Also, if you call into the Storybrooke Daily Mirror, tell us your sharing and caring. You know you want to.
MERCH IS LIVE: CHECK IT OUT HERE - https://etsy.me/3NOhPhg
Intro Song "W.I.T.C.H" by Devon Cole - LINKS: http://Devon-Cole.lnk.to/WITCH || https://www.tiktok.com/@devoncolemusic || http://instagram.com/devonmcole
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
As we are getting into the story of the Wicked Witch of the West, Zelena, we are met with twisty reveal after twisty reveal. This is getting into the juicy part of what has so far been an AMAZING season.
Also, if you call into the Storybrooke Daily Mirror, tell us your sharing and caring. You know you want to.
MERCH IS LIVE: CHECK IT OUT HERE - https://etsy.me/3NOhPhg
Intro Song "W.I.T.C.H" by Devon Cole - LINKS: http://Devon-Cole.lnk.to/WITCH || https://www.tiktok.com/@devoncolemusic || http://instagram.com/devonmcole
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
Coming back from winter break, this was a ZINGER of an episode. Henry is weirdly a lot older and deep voiced, Emma is trying to get her memories back, there are flying monkeys, and reveals all over the place. Hook is charming as ever, and we once again have issues with Snow being forcefully pushy about how to do things. Ultimately though, this one definitely had us on the edge of our seats, and has one of the best end of episode reveals to date. Enjoy!
Also, if you call into the Storybrooke Daily Mirror, tell us your sharing and caring. You know you want to.
MERCH IS LIVE: CHECK IT OUT HERE - https://etsy.me/3NOhPhg
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
IT'S MID-SEASON FINALE TIME, and boy did this episode deliver! Its about as high stakes as it gets this week as Pan threatens to destroy the entire town and everyone in it. It marks a big transition; the ending of the Neverland story arch is finally here, and next week we introduce a new one, with new characters to dive into #WickedIsComing This one had us one the edge of our seats and we cant wait to hear from you about it!
Bonus, if you listen until the very end, you'll get a tease of something very exciting we'll talk about on the next episode!
Also, if you call into the Storybrooke Daily Mirror, tell us your sharing and caring. You know you want to.
MERCH IS LIVE: CHECK IT OUT HERE - https://etsy.me/3NOhPhg
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
After a massively chaotic intro lol - we're back at Storybrooke (finally) and get to see some new faces we haven't seen in a while! Get ready for some body-snatched "actors playing other actors playing roles they really play" inception.
Also, if you call into the Storybrooke Daily Mirror, tell us your sharing and caring. You know you want to.
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
The greatest hashtag campaign finally comes to a close...HASHTAG SAVE HENRY. The heroes, the villains, and a pirate must come together to take down the one who never fails, Peter Pan. Will they succeed? Happy listening, Brookies!
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
This is really what we've all been waiting for. This is when this season REALLY started getting good. There's gonna be a lot of reveals in this one so buckle up. We go back further than we ever have before and find out why Rumple has such daddy issues.
Show chat begins at 1:28:51
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
We are returning with this exposition episode leading up to the real deal - we are about to finally get an idea of Peter's real plan in the next episode!! But much much more importantly, we had the most full, fulfilling, amazing Storybrooke Daily Mirror we have ever had on the show AND WE AREN'T EVEN DONE! Part of it is going to even spill in to next weeks episode! It is very humbling that so many of you want to contribute to the show with your opinions and voice, we cannot possibly thank you enough. Enjoy!!
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
Hey, look a new character! DRINK! Ariel joins our merry band by way of a Snow flashback, we find out everyone's secrets in a creepy cave, Hook continues to impress us, and everyone finally figures out that David has been lying to them the whole time. Peter Pan continues to be one of the most menacing, dangerous, and formidable villains of - dare I say it - the shows entire history.
Also, join our discord and play our game where you have to find our tik tok references and link them in the chat. :)
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
We are deep into the Neverland story now and things are getting good. The stakes are high and the tension is higher. This week we spend an entire podcast worth of time on the preshow, and then when we finally watch the show, we get into Hook's delightfully intriguing backstory, and end on a chilling ultimatum.
Also, we're still hating on Charming. For now. I know he'll come around but we really have to get past all this lying and Dreamshade business.
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
It's our 50th episode yall and we are CELERBRATING!! This is such an exciting moment for us and it's all thanks to each and every one of you who listens to this show and has been supporting us, unless you are just listening out of spite - in which case thank you for your listens anyway ha. All jokes aside, we are so proud of every single piece of this show and can't believe we've done so many episodes already. Really excited to keep growing which you all and see where the next 50 takes us! Show wise, we are also getting into the juicy center of our neverland plot so things are getting GOOD. Can't wait to hear what you all think of this one!
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
This weeks episode is...well after last week you'll just have to listen to see if this was another flop or not. Personally we were nervous for another tough one, but spoilers, it's written by Jane Espinson. Take that as you will. As a bonus, watch us completely break down during Production Notes into hysterical giggles because we are both...you guessed it...broken. lol Watch party starts at 1:48:02
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
WE ARE BACK!!! Ila is feeling better (thank goodness) and since we've been gone so long we decided to give you an equally long welcome home party episode. After a nice hefty pre show catch up sesh, we get into what turns out to be a rather problematic episode for the circus for...reasons. Maybe it's just the trauma sisters rearing their ugly heads again lol but, we were so unsettled by it we did something we've never done on the show ever during the ratings section. haha this one was a little dicey so be sure to listen until the end! Watch party starts at 1:48:02
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
BROOKIES! How ya been?! That's basically what this little episode is, checking in. Between the post holiday season, Covid, random sickness, work, and weekends away, we needed some time to catch up. We're ready to get back into the swing of things but we also didn't want to sweep our absence under the rug. Thank you so much to everyone who stuck through our break, checked in, and just has made this a heck of a lot easier. See you in NEVERLAND!
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
We are not only at our THIRD season premiere this week, but in a HUGE moment of celebration the release of this episode marks our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY SHOW for the SBC!!!! Come celebrate with us with a brilliant piece of television this week, as well as some new segments and new announcements...this is a big one and to say we are proud of this little baby we created is the understatement of the Enchanted Forest millennia. :)
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support -
NOW. WE. ARE. TALKING. This is not only a good episode, it turned out to be the best writing, the best acting, THE BEST EPISODE OF ONCE UPON A TIME TO DATE. The season finale CAME FOR BLOOD. We are so excited for more episodes like this, and it comes with a special first time ever occurrence during Mr. Gold's Gold Star ratings. Call/text us and let us know what you think of this one!
PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/thesbcpod || SBC DISCORD - https://discord.com/invite/rbGdThZxUQ || SBC INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/thesbcpod/ || SBC YOUTUBE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWGy1wIhHJgilvu7i2d8NeQ || ila's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/ilasikorski/ || mackee's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mackeemousemedia/ ||
Submit to the Storybrooke Daily Mirror: thesbcpod@gmail.com || Voicemail/Text number: (207) 536-8512 ||
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesbcpod/support - Vis mere