
  • My guest today is Edda Coleman, Edda is the beauty and brains behind a movement to empower women. As the Co-Founder of All In Together - Women Leading Change, Edda strives to close the gender gap in political and professional leadership. She’s been recognized by publications such as Forbes and Essence, and is the recipient of countless awards honoring her commitment to change and outstanding leadership. Edda is one of those women whose energy you can feel from a mile away, and it pulls you in. She is a woman that places value on how much of an impact she can make, and is raising her 3 girls to be “brilliant, magical, respectful and confident”. Our conversation resonated with me because Edda agrees that it's detrimental for one to get older but not wiser. Edda refers to this chapter of her life as her 4th level and has grown to embrace the changes that come along with maturity and understands that to whom much is given much is expected. Tune in to hear more from Edda. www.simonevivian.com

  • My guest today is Libby Rasmussen. While most of us were nestled in a nook during the pandemic, Libby had the idea to lighten the mood by adding sparkle to her routine in the form of a disco ball, which garnered the attention of the New York Times. What began as a conversation with a fellow creative turned into an intriguing look into Libby's future self. In the mist of simply being herself, Libby gained thousands of followers and became an influencer by showing the world via social media the things that interest her most. She isn’t afraid to show all the cool things that she’s learning on her journey in life and taking people along on her exploration is what motivates her. Libby takes it up a notch with her style which is a mix of feminine, urban chic, topped off with a touch of nostalgia. Building upon the legacy that came before her, Libby wants to continue the legacy of giving and showing kindness. She explains how she was a planner and had expectations, but now she’s learned to not limit herself and to trust the process. Libby admits that she lacks consistency when it comes to self-care but once she is on her self-care game she commits to being in complete silence and unplugging so that she can reset. Libby has no problem pressing the pause button on people in her social media feed to protect her peace, which I think we should all try. Tune in to hear more from Libby. www.simonevivian.com

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  • My guest today is Joy Pratcher. Joy has ascended from working corporate law, entertainment law, and as a sports agent to owning lucrative businesses. Joy is a wife and mother to two daughters, and shares that her life is better than she ever could have imagined. During our conversation Joy shared how she has relinquished her attachment to tomorrow, and insists on living in the present. In succumbing to a less rigid lifestyle during the pandemic, Joy had a deep desire to change the way she was showing up in her daughter's lives. Joy explained that putting family first and work second has been the best decision she’s ever made. Joy admits that marriages are difficult, but credits her husband for being supportive, and allowing her to pursue different ventures. They parent collaboratively, each with their own style, however, it’s the unit that makes everything work. While everyone has a fantasy of what their life could be, living in life’s reality is what gives us character. Turn in to hear from a dynamic woman with enlightening perspectives.

  • My guest today is Sahar Bitaraf. Sahar works in the ever evolving tech world. Similar to her industry, Sahar is ever evolving into a beautiful talented woman; walking in her confidence and holding court in rooms where she is one of few. During our conversation, Sahar shares her journey into the tech industry; and how she had to navigate her path to eventually gain the respect of those that doubted her. She explains that having to prove herself never impacted her ability to succeed, it only fed her drive and ambition. Sahar shares the many sacrifices she's made to get where she is. She has a new POV on life. She now realizes that relationships with family and friends don't run themselves, they take work and she wants to focus more of her attention on both. Sahar is unconcerned how people view her. Others' opinions don’t give Sahar validation, winning does. Tune in to hear from Sahar. www.simonevivian.com

  • I'm thrilled to introduce today's guest to you, Kara Sax. Kara is a fellow Howard alum whom I have admired from afar for awhile, and it's my honor to have her as my first conversation of 2022. My goal during our conversation was to expose her awesomeness and allow you all to hear perspectives from this phenomenal woman. Kara is a high energy entrepreneur and mother that thrives off of her work, and thus her success. During our conversation, Kara recounts how she was recently faced with the benefits of being vulnerable. It allowed her to feel safe with her feelings, surrender her fear of trust, and to lean on people. Kara details her desire to only create authentic connections during this chapter in her life. Tune in to hear how Kara runs both her marketing and management companies, as well as her awareness on the importance of pouring into her relationship, her children and why being a mother is what she compliments herself for the most. www.simonevivia.com

  • My guest today is Codie Elaine Oliver. Codie is a wife, a mother to 3 boys and she’s building an empire. As the CEO of Black Love incorporated, she wears many hats. She's the co-creator along with her husband and director of the highly popular show Black Love, and After Love as well as the host of, My New BFF podcast. During our conversation, Codie shares how she landed in the directors chair. When asked what inspired her to talk about love and focus on black love; Codie said, "I've talked about love, forever, always, my whole life." Her reply, was in itself, a proclaiment of love. She is in fact, in love with love. Codie defines her peace as knowing when and where to give her energy. She explains that while her company is on a fast trajectory, she is reminded that "one must slow down, to speed up", and taking time to reset is a must. Codie's growth mindset is her belief that she is worthy. Codie is very clear about what she wants out of life and has a vision for her family. I found myself taking notes as she spoke openly about being determined to figure it all out. Life, love, family and career. Tune in to hear more. www.simonevivian.com

  • My guest today is Nadya Okamoto. Nadya is the Co-Founder of the period product, August. While Nadya has propelled in her career, she shares that along her journey, she was forced to do some self-reflecting. In order to show up in life the way she needed and wanted to, she had to hit pause. During our conversation, Nayda was extremely transparent with what battles she has faced and spoke candidly about how medicine and self awareness has helped her navigate her mental health. While this was a brief interview, Nadya bared it all. She made it very clear that what drives her, is helping women, not just by wanting to end period poverty, but also letting it be known that she has no shame in talking about issues that affect so many women. Nayda is making it her mission to spread awareness, and using herself as an example is the most authentic way one can do it. Tune in to hear from Nadya Okamoto. www.simonevivian.com

  • My guest on this episode is Ceta Walters. Ceta is the creator of Clark and Stone, a fashion, motherhood and travel blog, and most recently the Co-Host of Mom What Happens Live. During our conversation, Ceta speaks candidly about her journey through divorce and the day she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She shares how her role as a stay-at-home mom motivated her to start something of her own."We take time for granted until it's in jeopardy" Ceta says, when asked about the importance of taking inventory of those that surround her. My takeaway was: When you realize you only have one life, you'll realize the importance of letting go of bad relationships, friends you've outgrown and other things that interfere with your growth. Tune in to hear from Ceta and how she believes she's living in her purpose.

  • My guest today is Iman Ramadan. Iman is a creative in the field of fashion and the owner of The Fresh Hotel. Iman is a mother that applies a "do or die, now or never, this is me, my one and only life" to everything she does. Her passion doesn't end there; Iman is extremely community conscious. She shares her straightforward approach to having balance in her busy life, by prioritizing God and her community, which in turn places priority on her family. Iman goes on to explain, "anything that conflicts with that gets pushed to the side". Tune in to hear how Iman invests in herself, her perspective on comparison and why she feels it's important to make a life rather than just a living by not compromising herself. www.simonevivian.com

  • My guest today is Alexandria Yates. Alex, as her friends call her, doesn't leave it to society to define her. She creates her own sense of normal, and puts her peace of mind before appeasing others. Alex explains that while society will try to define you, it's important to use your inner voice to transform social norms that try to limit you as a women, wife or mother. Instead, you should create your own narrative! Alex says, "comparison is the thief of joy; whatever is meant to be in your life will be, so you can either take the short road or the long road." As she continues to focus on her family and new venture, Alex is working on putting herself at the top of her to-do list. Tune in to hear from Alex and her perspective on all things #female. #mindovermatter www.simonevivian.com

  • My guest on this episode is Porsha Ellis. Porsha is very aware of the woman she is, as well as the growth needed to become the woman she wants to be. She speaks candidly about her life experiences and how every phase of her life has contributed to her growth, success as a mother, partner and career. Porsha has a level of confidence that's admirable. While knowing issues may lay ahead of her on her personal journey, she admits that she is a work in progress, a process that she looks forward to. She also shares my passion for helping other women, by way of her blog, Mission Mama, featuring 365 days of dynamic moms of color. Tune in to this episode to hear Porsha's story. www.simonevivian

  • My guest today is Blair Paysinger, she is a woman that claims her time, joy and confidence. During our conversation we spoke about how she found her happiness after a period in her life when being happy was a struggle. Blair shares how staying in her lane and not being fazed by the Jones attribute to her ability to run two successful businesses and pour creatively into her little ones. Blair acknowledges that by setting boundaries, being able to say no and not sweating the small stuff enable her to live a stress free life and focus only on the things that bring her satisfaction. Blair reveals that her marriage thrives because of what she calls a non gender role household, both Blair and her husband share responsibilities and value each other's career growth. Tune in to hear more.

  • My guest on this episode is Tracy Scheer. Owner of She Just Knows, an online boutique created and curated by Tracy. Tracy has a nostalgic, unreserved, lavish eye for fashion and interior. I found myself gushing over many of the items on her website. On this episode we discuss how she navigates her new normal as a first time mom, and finding the balance between building her business and making sure she doesn't miss her daughter's first steps. Tracey also shares a very matter of fact tip on making marriage easy. Tune in to hear all that #shejustknows

  • My guest on this episode is Chloe Dulce Louvouezo, she is a woman and mother that is dedicated to improving women’s lives. Chloe has a podcast as well, called, Life, I swear and has a coffee table book coming this fall with HarperCollins also titled, Life, I swear. During my interview with Chloe I was in awe of the detail in which she was able to express her emotions, she was passionate. She has a clear understanding of the woman she is and is undoubtedly in tune with herself. Chloe left an impression on me, and my take away from our conversation was that it's okay to be sensitive to my emotions. I want to allow myself to feel every part of life good or bad, it contributes to my complete story.

  • My guest today is Simone Oliver, fellow Howard Bison and longtime friend. Simone is the Global Editor In Chief at Refinery 29. She is extremely smart and one of the savviest women I know. In this episode, Simone shares how she started on her journey, navigated through the tech industry, and how her confidence elevated her career growth. Simone is now in her self-described dream job and loving life. Simone explains why she prefers to differentiate fashion from style and how she celebrates the creativity in her children. Like most women she acknowledges it's difficult at times to complete the self-care that she’d like; however, it's the simple things that bring her joy. She appreciates walks as well as the classic Netflix and chill.

  • My guest today is Clara Lambert, a talented creative in the field of Garden Design. Her appreciation for plants goes far beyond gardens, she has a true appreciation for all things living. Her flower child, free-spirit personality is contagious and is one of the many things that makes her worth knowing. Our conversation started with her career and how she made a name for herself in the nation's capital. Tune in to hear how Clara breaks down the importance of self-care, motherhood and what living a whole and complete life means to her.

  • I had the pleasure of interviewing the beautiful sister buo and owners of Rucker Roots hair care products, Ione Rucker Jamison and Dr. Ellen Rucker Seller. Listen as they share their journey, how they prioritize their happiness and how hair can create confidence. We analyzed the strength of women and the role of a mother. We laughed non stop and the sister dynamic was on full display. If any of you listeners have sisters you will enjoy this episode. I absolutely adore these two women and I know you will too. Tune in to hear their success story. www.simonevivian.com

  • My guest on this episode is Lindsey Stewart. Our conversation was such a breath of fresh air. She has a true sense of calm and understanding for where she is in life and where she is going. We discussed marriage and the importance of nurturing the relationship with your spouse and how it benefits the family unit. While entering a period of transition, Lindsey says she is on a journey of appreciation. Her interview will surely leave you reflecting and planning ways that you can make shifts in areas of your life. www.simonevivian.com

  • My guest today is Autumn Merritt, owner of the popular Chicago based Sir & Madame clothing store. Autumn's journey of growth is an interesting one filled with highs, lows and triumphs. Her popularity gained the recognition of Nike and launched her career into sneaker designing. Listen as she explains her unique partnership with her husband and her latest project that took her away from her hometown of Chicago to work with one of the most exclusive luxury companies. www.simonevivian.com

  • My guest today is Dorian Dawodu, one of the most stylish women I know. Her beautiful 2020 wedding was covered by Essence Magazine. During this episode we discussed finding love later in life, and Dorian explains her choice behind having a wedding during COVID 19. Of course we talked fashion and her insight on what's currently lacking in the fashion industry. Her fashion career spans over several years, which she details in our discussion, outlining her journey in fashion. Dorian shares what motivates her and what drives her confidence to be the woman she has grown to become. www.simonevivian.com