The CGF Podcast welcomes guests from inside and outside the organisation and membership to discuss challenges facing the consumer goods industry, people and planet. During the series, we will cover topics such as plastics, forced labour, climate change, consumer health, transparency, data accuracy, food safety, sustainable supply chains, and everything in between.
This management podcast tackles the big questions about leading organizations from some of the greatest thinkers of our time. Jeff Schatten PhD, a business professor at Washington and Lee University and in partnership with McGraw Hill Education, has conversations with top intellectuals, influencers and business executives about challenging topics that are essential to successful 21st century organizations-- insights you never knew you wanted to know.
This podcast features the latest interview in the areas of compliance, risk management and e-learning. Topics include ESG, AML, GDPR, harassment, FCPA, anti-bribery and more.
Founded in 2004, VinciWorks is a leading provider of online compliance training and risk management software. With over 1,000,000 users across 70 countries, VinciWorks has established itself as the definitive authority in online compliance.
VinciWorks offers a range of compliance and regulatory training courses on topics such as the General Data Protection Regulation, the Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive, the Criminal Finances Act, the Modern Slavery Act, the Bribery Act, cyber security, the Equality Act and more. All of VinciWorks’ courses are customisable and can be tailored to suit the industry and specific policies of each client.
In addition to training courses, VinciWorks offers compliance software solutions including its Learning Management System to track online learning, Omnitrack to track and manage online registers, Policy Tracker, a Risk Management System and more. VinciWorks has also published several policy templates and compliance guides to help organisations comply with the latest laws and regulations. -
Closing the Communication and Knowledge Gap for the Small Business Government Contracting Industry.
One of the biggest challenges industry faces is working in the federal government sphere is communication. Breaking the Standard is committed to using the podcast as a platform to educate, inform, and connect with others in the Small Business Government Contracting Community, both industry and Government. -
A Deeper Look with Joe Paiva helps people better understand what each Federal agency does and attract more people to apply for jobs within their government. Each episode features a different agency, and provides one of their leaders a chance to explain exactly what their organization does, the impacts they have on people’s lives, and why their agency is a great place to work.
Owl Explains is a proud project of the Ava Labs Legal team that is committed to helping policymakers break through hype and navigate the blockchain world. Owl Explains hosts podcasts with industry leaders seeking to build a better Internet. Check out our Twitter @OwlExplains, and visit our website, where you will find practical explainers, quizzes, and more fun resources on all things Web3.
Nog altijd komt de hele wereld de leeuw in Waterloo bezoeken. Niet omwille van overwinnaar Wellington maar omwille de verliezer Napoleon. Dat is op zijn minst opmerkelijk te noemen. Johan Op de Beeck vertelt meesterlijk het levensverhaal van één van de belangrijkste figuren uit de geschiedenis. Hoe kon de kleine Corsicaan keizer van Frankrijk worden? Een verhaal van veld- en moordaanslagen, triomftochten en nederlagen, maar ook van vrouwen en verdriet.
Billy Carson AKA 4biddenknowledge shares the untold truth about the worlds ancient past and how it relates to today’s technology and societies ways. From his own experience traveling around the world multiple times, visiting sacred sites, and interviewing natives, 4biddenknowledge has been able to uncover what actually took place in ancient times. He also delves deep into financial literacy, spirituality, metaphysics, and esoteric knowledge in this podcast series. Listen and learn about consciousness and our real history with Billy Carson and his expert guests. Support this podcast:
Speakeasy c'est 3 créateurs de contenus, représentés par /influx qui échangent ensemble une fois par semaine sur des sujets de philosophie de vie, méthodes de travail et adoption des nouvelles technologies.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Wie kriegst Du es hin, am Monatsende mehr Geld übrig zu haben? Wie machst Du das mit Deiner Altersvorsorge? Was musst Du zu ETFs wissen? Welche Konten und Verträge brauchst Du überhaupt? Kurzum: Wie organisierst Du Dein Geld – und zwar auf einfache Weise und ohne Experte sein zu müssen?
Diese Fragen beantworte ich Dir in diesem Podcast. Ich bin Saidi von Finanztip und führe Dich Stück für Stück durch diesen Podcast-Kurs: Ganz praktisch lernst Du, wie Du Deine alltäglichen Geldgeschäfte organisiert, so dass es für Dich möglichst einfach, übersichtlich und kostengünstig ist. Und mit der Zeit werden wir uns auch an die großen Fragen des Lebens heranarbeiten: Wie z.B. entscheidest Du, ob Du Dir eine eigene Immobilie zulegen solltest – oder nicht?
Geld – muss nicht kompliziert sein. Sondern geht ganz einfach. -
Don Chisciotte racconta l’attualità economica a partire dai dati e dai report delle più importanti istituzioni di statistica e ricerca sia a livello nazionale che internazionale, e da oggi si unisce al catalogo dei nostri podcast e nella nostra programmazione editoriale.
In un mondo in continua trasformazione, dove l'economia influenza ogni aspetto delle nostre vite, "Don Chisciotte" offre gli strumenti necessari per capire i cambiamenti che ci circondano per ispirare un mondo con un nuovo motore economico. Un podcast per lottare con i dati contro le frasi fatte e i mulini a vento del dibattito economico in Italia, condotto da Oscar Giannino con Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffé e Renato Cifarelli.
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