
  • This is the final episode of the Teen Catalyst podcast.

    Thank you all for being faithful listeners, you're awesome. Keep up the great work!!

    You can always follow me on social media, teencatalyst.com, and by listening to the Constructive Liberty podcast.

  • Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.

    In other words, teach your children to operate within their natural strengths.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • When you know WHY you’re doing something, it’s much easier to stick with and follow through on. Think back to the subjects in school that you hate, most likely you can’t see any reason WHY you should do it, or WHY you would ever need to use it in life (trigonometry). But when you can see the WHY, like knowing that workouts translate directly to results and success on the playing field, it’s much easier to stick with it through the hard things.

    It’s the same with life, when you feel you have a purpose, your WHY, things just flow for you. It doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy, or that you’ll enjoy every aspect of it. But it DOES mean that you can see where you’re headed, rather than just blindly charging ahead through life. 

    Your WHY is the measuring stick you hold up to everything in your life. “Should I take this job”, “should I move to this city”, “should I get married to this person”, etc. All you have to do is measure that against your WHY, and it will give you instant clarity on your path forward.

    Go deeper into your WHY with this ebook: https://empoweringforwardmomentum.com/discover-life-purpose

    Teen Catalyst father/son camping event: https://teencatalyst.com/tcfsevent

  • Sometimes strength isn't about perseverance. Sometimes it's about knowing when to quit.  ~ Jennifer Donnelly

    Check out the Teen Catalyst father/son camping and skills event happening June 24-26

  • To cultivate an attitude of gratitude, we have to take time from our busy day and remember to give thanks for all the blessings that keep coming our way on a daily basis. Gratitude keeps us focused on what we have rather than all the things we don't have, which keeps us in a victim mentality.

  • One of the biggest “Keys to Life” I know of is learning how to say “NO”. One trait of IMPACTFUL people is that they want to make a difference whenever, wherever, and however they can. Too often the thing that goes along with this is the propensity to say “yes” to every opportunity that comes up. Always remember, that saying yes to one thing, is saying no to something else. And that something else may just be the thing you SHOULD be saying yes to. Don’t be afraid to prioritize the things that are important to you. Don’t let someone else make their problems your problem, and force you to say “yes” just because they “need” your help. Learn to recognize when an opportunity is right, and say yes to those things, and no to the things that aren’t right for you. Say yes to more of the things that “light you up”. 

    Learn how to say “no”.

  • “Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.” – Norman Vincent Peale“Life is like a game of chess. To win you have to make a move. Knowing which move to make comes with IN-SIGHT and knowledge, and by learning the lessons along the way. We become each and every piece within the game called life!” Allan Rufus

    The key to success is ACTION!!

  • Jem Fuller grew up in Australia. Spent many years travelling the world. Partner and father. Coach and facilitator. Author and speaker.

    Here's what we discuss in today's show:

    - Why is self-acceptance important?

    - How do you know what your true path is?

    - Why should I care about contribution?

    - How do I know I am enough?

    - How do I deal with stress and anxiety?

    - How do I become more resilient?

    Connect with Jem:

    - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jemfuller/

    - https://www.instagram.com/jemfuller/

    - https://www.facebook.com/jemfuller.me

    - https://twitter.com/JemFuller

    - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkAwvXrYHQ8pSmQES6Yhlmw

    - https://jemfuller.com/books/

    Check out his free course:


  • Today's "Key to Winning at Life" comes from Amy Dingman of a Farmish Kind of Life podcast.

    Key to Life: Don’t Be the Smartest Person in the RoomWhile it’s great for your confidence (and your ego!) to be the smartest person in the room, it also tends to stagnate your learning. Because when you’re the smartest person in the room, what more is there to learn there?I think it’s important to continually learn along the journey of life, and in order to keep learning, you have to be okay with being the person who doesn’t know something. Be okay with not knowing. Admit that you don’t know and then purposely seek out spaces and communities that can teach you something new.At some point, you might become the person that others look towards as a teacher, and that’s great! Be willing to teach others what you know, but also be willing to spend time in a different room – the one where you aren’t the smartest person, and in fact might be the person who has the most to learn.

    Follow Amy on all the socials:


    Check out the Teen Catalyst father/son camping event happening June 24-26.

  • There are two great days in a person’s life – the day we are born and the day we discover why. -William BarclayA good life should always be made, not to be waited for. -anonymousLife is nothing but challenges; the more you undergo, the more you learn. -Bhavani T.

    Check out the Teen Catalyst father/son camping event here: https://teencatalyst.com/tcfsevent

  • Today I'm speaking with Nancy Pickard about uncovering limiting beliefs, stepping outside our comfort zone to grow and challenge ourselves. Learning that the juice is in the journey and not just in the end game is a game changer. Becoming growth minded and resilient.

    Nancy Pickard is a Certified Integrative Coach through The Ford Institute for Transformational Training and the Levin Life Coach Academy. She is a certified coach of many flavors.

    Prior to her work as a coach, she owned and operated a personal training gym. She knows what it takes to help people achieve big goals. She holds multiple personal training certifications and has focused on health and wellness for almost 20 years. Her path towards coaching was a natural evolution—she has a BS in Psychology and an MS in Education.

    In 2017, she traveled alone in Thailand and Vietnam and undertook her biggest challenge, climbing Kilimanjaro at the age of 61. Coaching others to step out of fear and into bigger versions of themselves is her passion.

    What we discuss:

    What is a growth mindset and how does one cultivate that?What is a shadow belief and how does it hold us back?How does one move forward when they are afraid?How does someone learn to let go of resistance and move in to surrender?What does it mean to become the observer and not the reactor?How does one set heathy boundaries?

    Connect with Nancy:

    Email: nancy@nancypickardlifecoach.com

    Website: https://nancypickardlifecoach.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/NancypickardlifecoachLinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/nancy-pickard-771993a6/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nancypickardlifecoach/https://twitter.com/cnancyrun

    Nancy's resources just for Teen Catalyst listeners:

  • Today's key to winning at life comes from none other than my sister, Sara.

    Her key is, take time to rest and recharge.

    Here's the confession: I've really, really struggled with burnout! And it wasn't until a month or so ago that it clicked! I was reading an article for moms, and the author made the comment, "You can't pour from an empty cup." And I cried! I was trying to do so much on my own strength, and it was impossible. There is a reason God commanded us to rest! We were not designed to take all of the stress of life on ourselves. We HAVE to rest and fill up our strength of mind and body so we can keep going for our loved ones and our own passions and interests! Since then, I've been making more of an effort to take more guilt free rest periods so I can give my family the Mama and Wife they need. ~ Sara

    Don't forget to sign up for the Teen Catalyst father/son camping event. It's for teens age 13-17, and it takes place June 24-26. Check it out here: https://teencatalyst.com/tcfsevent

  • Your personal motivation at any age is an enduring source of focus, energy, and meaning. God gave you agency and expects you to use it for good, and not spend your life mostly in distraction/entertainment/going with the flow. The skills of motivation, available to anyone at any age are your foundation upon which to build an impactful life and career.

    Today we chat with David Edwards who's first book “New You! Who Knew?” is an attempt to put in writing an easy to digest and implement guide that builds confidence, esteem, and self-compassion in balance.

    Here's where you can find out more about David:

    www.davidredwards.com https://www.amazon.com/author/davidredwards https://www.facebook.com/David-R-Edwards-100356142253306
  • Today I talk career planning with Mark Herschberg.

    Here's some of the things we discuss:

    What is wrong with how students are taught about jobs today?What's a better way to do it?Where can teens meet people in different fields?What type of questions can teens ask when they talk to people?Why do people need a career plan?What goes into creating a career plan?When do people need to start thinking about their career plans?

    Connect with Mark:


    Resources mentioned in the show:

  • Today's "Key to Winning at Life" comes from Melissa White.

    One of the things that helps me to win at life is cleaning as I go and keeping things organized. When my house gets messy and things aren’t where they are supposed to be, it throws everything off and takes so much longer to finish a project. Like when I am cooking in the kitchen I like to clean up as I go so there isn’t such a large overwhelming mess at the end. It also helps to be very organized so I can quickly find the bowl, knife, seasoning blend, etc.. when I need it and I don’t spend half my time looking for something. Like the saying goes, “A place for everything and everything in it’s place.” If you make it a habit to have a place for everything and put it back in it’s place when you are done using it, then you not only save your time and sanity looking for it you also save money because you won’t run out and buy another thing when you can’t find the one you already have.

    Go get organized, and do good work.

    Don't forget to sign up for the first ever Teen Catalyst event happening in June. Tickets are on sale through March for only $175 for a father/son pair.

    The only way to get in on that price point is to contact me directly. Send an email to ken@teencatalyst.com with the subject line Teen Catalyst.

  • Today's quote comes from Tommy Baker, The 1% Rule: How to Fall in Love with the Process and Achieve Your Wildest Dreams

    “Once we see the unknown through the frame of unlimited possibility, a place where anything can happen, we open up our world.”

    What is that unknown for you that you're afraid to go into? Lean into the fear, walk into the unknown. You just might find exactly what you were looking for.

    Check out this even I'm hosting in June:

    It's a father/son (age13-19) camping weekend on our homestead in Burkesville, KY. Tentative dates are June 24-26.

    We'll be working on building stronger relationships, not only between father/son, but also between self/others.

    There will be hands on workshops where teens can learn the basics of real skills like woodworking, carpentry, welding, animal care, horticulture, and more.

    We'll also have presentations on developing your interests, how to create a life/career you LOVE, critical thinking, the basics of personal finance, goal setting.....all the tool you need to create a life and career that interests and excites!!

    Are you excited yet?

    Here's the deal, I'm opening this first ever TEEN CATALYST event to ONLY 15 father/son attendees.

    You'll be blown away by the value you'll receive from this event.

    The door price for this event is $495 per father/son, which is incredible for everything included (camping, meals, and more)

    But get this, until the end of March, I'm opening registration for $175

    If you're interested in attending, reach out to me at ken@teencatalyst.com.

    Can't wait to meet you.

  • Today I chat with Hami Mahani, former D1 College athlete, marketing expert turned entrepreneur, CEO and Founder of 6AMRun.comt, about how prioritizing fitness lead to massive breakthroughs for him in business.

    At 42, what I have learned is that my physical fitness journey has ALWAYS centered me and helped me professionally. To the point where I am now, CEO and Founder of 6AMRun.com

    All teens hear is "work hard", go to school, etc. No one address' coping with daily issues. Through running, taking care of your health can clear our minds and solve our issues, AND guide OURSELVES to "professional" or other successful paths.

    Here's some of what we discuss in the show:

    Overcoming adversity early in life How "running" can improve your quality of life. Why physical health is the CORE of all other health/wellness needs? What is a 6AM Mindset"Hard Work" being a myth, and why.

    Connect with Hami:


    © 2021 Kenneth Eash

  • #7 in our '101 Keys to Winning at Life' series.

    Today's key comes from Alan Bechard:

    Having good friends and associating with good people is a crucial part of a successful and happy life. You need to pick friends and strive to be with people that are honest and true while they are successful at the things that are important to you in life. As you go through life, seek out those that are accomplishing what you desire, those that you wish to emulate, those people that are working along a similar path that you are striving to go down. If you surround yourself with people who's values do not align with your own, you will find yourself going astray from your values. We all slowly adapt and adjust to the people that we surround ourselves with. You can make the conscious choice to choose those that you surround yourself with and associate with, make sure that you are making wise choices. In conclusion, the people that you surround yourself with are both a reflection of who you are, as well as an indication of your path forward and who you will become. It is important to choose those people wisely as you go through life.
  • Today's Monday Motivation comes from Jesus himself.

    In Matthew 7:12 he said to "do to others what you want them to do to you".

    Recognize that each person has their love language, learn it, and treat them from that perspective. Just like you would hope others would do for you.

  • I invited Tanya onto the show to talk about how to go to college debt free.

    Often referred to as the "Media Darling" -- I am a former investigative news journalist turned financial & business development strategist. I am a licensed financial professional.

    I created 6-figure revenues in my first 6 months, as an entrepreneur (and single mom) and then multiple 6-figures in revenues within my first three years.

    My students span 12 countries and have generated over $7.4 million in free publicity appearing in the New York Times, Forbes, Huffington Post, and on CNN, BBC World News, and FOX — to name a few.

    Here's a few of the questions we touched on in the show:How do you select the right college, to maximize your chances of a scholarship / full rideWhat other things do you need to consider / researchHow do you minimize your, and your parent's assets, so that you receive maximum FASFAHow do you enter the 0% tax bracket and start to build wealth, as soon as you're workingHow do you become your own bank, so you can fund your own dreamsWhat happens if you take this advice, but decide NOT to go to college?What else can you use your money on? (VERY different to the College 529 Savings Plans)

    Connect with Tanya:


    Teen Catalyst website

    Listen to Teen Catalyst