
  • On this episode of Ten for ROO we're thrilled to welcome another two amazing third-year counselors: Sophie Scheer and Aaron Bruce! Sophie and Aaron were part of our contingent at Weinstein, the National Ramah leadership training program; they talk about their experiences, what they learned, and what they're excited to bring to Palmer this kayitz (summer). Sophie and Aaron also share their Ramah origin stories, and we talk about when they first thought about being a counselor at camp and what they've learned from the past two summers on tzevet (staff). We also tally up how many Shabbatot we've all spent at camp and debate what counts.

    Additionally, Rabbi Gelb, Josh and Michelle debate whether you have to grow up at Palmer to be a great madrich/a, and we compare horizontal vs vertical experiences at camp.

    We also dig deep into the songs on Rabbi Gelb's famous last-morning-of-camp play-list!

    This will be our last podcast before the start of kayitz 2023. Thank you all for listening this year!! This has been a fun adventure, and we're excited for what's next. We'll have a lot of Ten for ROO content over the summer, though it might not be in audio podcast form, so please check our website and social media channels to follow what's happening at camp this summer. L'hitraot b'Palmer!

  • On this episode we're so happy to be joined by two extraordinary third-year counselors: Rachel Scheer and Ramona Saft! Rachel and Ramona were part of our contingent of returning counselors who attended the Weinstein leadership training program earlier this year; we talk with them about what they learned and are excited to bring back with them to camp this kayitz.

    We also talk about how they both first came to camp as campers; why they first wanted to be on staff and why they keep coming back, and things they've learned doing this job. We also chat about horseback riding, favorite Lecha Dodi tunes, and what Rachel and Ramona are most excited for this coming summer.

    Rabbi Gelb, Josh and Michelle also talk about the amazing Family Camp weekend that just ended; we argue about the "Beard After Dark" episode from Ted Lasso season two, and Michelle and Josh reminisce about how they each turned their camp summer jobs into year-round jobs.

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  • Leora Kimmel Greene joins us for a short FACT CHECK on the origins of the all-camp trip to Six Flags! A few episodes back, Josh and Rabbi Gelb were reminiscing about the origins of the Six Flags trip, and we might have gotten a few things wrong, so Leora is here to set the record straight! Leora was instrumental in starting this tradition, working with Josh and Rabbi Gelb, and it was a lot of fun sharing memories and stories about running this trip over the years. Michelle still might not truly believe we actually do this... but she'll hopefully see for herself this summer as we're excited for the Six Flags trip to return this kayitz! Get excited!

    Leora Kimmel Greene has held many jobs at Ramah New England. She was a madricha (counselor) and Rosh Edah, she was a registrar and program director. Most recently, last summer she was the director of the inaugural week of our Boston Day Camp! We were thrilled that Leora joined us on the podcast for this short fact-check episode.

  • Welcome back to Ten for ROO! In this episode, we chat with third-year counselors Sophia Jacobson and David Kotton! Sophia and David are incredible leaders and role models at camp, and they represented Ramah New England on this year's National Ramah Maslul Argentina Service and Learning trip!

    Sophia and David were among the group of counselors from across the Ramah camps who traveled to Argentina this past December. They had an extraordinary experience that combined work at a Jewish summer camp outside of Buenos Aires, meaningful service in the historic Jewish communities of Entre Rios, and time in Buenos Aires, home to the largest Jewish community in Latin America.

    We talked with Sophia and David about their experiences on the trip, what they learned, and what they're excited to bring back to Palmer this kayitz (summer).

  • On this episode, it's our great honor to be joined by Rabbi Gordon Tucker! Rabbi Tucker is a leading scholar of Conservative Judaism, and he's been an influential teacher & educator at Camp Ramah New England all the way back since 1987.

    In this episode, Rabbi Tucker shares his thoughts on how Ramah New England has changed and stayed the same over the years; how he connects young people to Judaism; and he shares his thoughts on how supporters of Israel should respond to current events in Israel. We also talk about Rabbi Tucker's love of biking & running, his favorite spots at camp, his favorite foods at camp, and some of the great camp characters he's met along the way. With Pesach approaching, Rabbi Tucker shares a special Pesach Seder memory. Also, Josh talks about painting Gordon's head into a mural that he and his edah-mates painted in Moadon Nivonim back in 1993.

  • Our 2023 theme is "marbim b'simcha" -- increasing our joy -- and we're feeling a lot of joy having celebrated Purim a few weeks ago and thus knowing that camp is not far off! In this episode, Rabbi Gelb, Michelle & Josh talk about all the things we're excited about that will be coming in kayitz (summer) 2023!

    We drop some updates on Six Flags and share the history of this all-camp trip; Michelle gives the origins of Yom Avatiyach (Watermelon Day), and we talk about this summer's celebration of the 40th year of Yom Roo! We also talk about the Mike Pletman packing method, those who refer to us as "Ramah New England" vs those who say "Ramah Palmer," and we all gush with excitement over the arrival of Ted Lasso season three.

  • Get to know our incredible 2023 Tzad Bet (B-Side) Rashei Edot (Division Heads) in this exciting episode! We're joined by Rosh Magshimim Alyssa Leventhal, Rosh Bogrim Macie Gelb, and Rosh Machon Eytan Layman! We also interview Rosh Nivonim Tali Glickman, starting at 39:15!

    This spectacular group of Rashei Edot share their Ramah origin stories and the best piece of advice they've ever been given, and they talk about what they're most excited about in their edah for this kayitz (summer)! We talk about K'far Nivonim and other building projects as well as the programmatic progression from Magshimim to Bogrim to Machon to Nivonim. And we drop some important news about YOM ROO!!

    As if that's not enough, we also discuss the origin of the phrase "it's a doozy", Olympic-level badminton, some great machazemers (plays/musicals) from years past at camp, and we all offer our advice to this year's incoming Nivonimers.

  • Get to know our incredible 2023 Tzad Aleph (A-Side) Rashei Edot (Division Heads), as well as our Rosh Amitzim, in this exciting episode! We're joined by Rosh Ilanot Hadas Bromberg Seltzer, Rosh Solelim Devasha Solomon, Rosh Shoafim Josh Strauss, and Rosh Amitzim Eliana Bazer! We also interview Rosh Kochavim Emma Gelb, starting at 32:22!

    Our amazing Rashei Edot tell us their Ramah origin stories, talk about the inspirational mentors they've had at camp, and share the things they're most excited about for their edah this summer at camp! We also talk about their favorite chugim (elective activities) at camp, their favorite camp meals, and the veteran Roshim talk about their favorite Rosh Edah moments. We also dig deep into Rabbi Gelb's last morning of camp playlist, the Rosh Edah d'var Torah competition that we run every year during the Shabbat of Shavua Hachana (Staff Week), and we invent a new triple pickle chug.

    Our Tzad Bet Roshim will be coming in our next podcast, so stay tuned...!

  • This week we were honored to chat with National Ramah Director Amy Skopp Cooper, who got her start at Camp Ramah New England!

    Amy tells us all about her deep roots at Ramah New England (wait until you hear her wild train story!!) and the many ways she thinks our camp is special. Amy reminisces about Ed Gelb's interview (b'ivrit) to become the Director of Camp Ramah New England, and her early memories of Michelle and Josh. We talk about Yom Avatiyach (Watermelon Day) swag, the similarities and differences between the Ramah overnight camps, the role of National Ramah in supporting the Ramah camps, and Amy shares the worst mistake she ever made on staff at Ramah New England. Amy also has an important message for our Bogrim, Machon, and Nivonim campers!

  • On this episode we were delighted to be joined by the "golden pipes" of the one and only David Offit, long-time Ramah chanich (camper), madrich (counselor), Rosh Edah (Division Head), Program Director, and current board member!

    David, sporting a glorious Hanukkah sweater that we wish you all could see, talked with us about change at camp, specifically the Alpine Tower and the K'far Nivonim. We reminisced about his famous harga'aot (his night-time singing performances for tzrifim), his favorite Seudah Shlishit songs and his opinions on their proper order, and the best camp machazemers (plays/musicals) that he's ever seen. We also explored David's many momentous achievements as a Ramah staff-member, from appearing on an edah t-shirt, to having an a cappella song composed about him, to having a life-size cardboard cut-out made of him to mark the path to the new Chadar Ochel.

    Be sure to listen to the end for a fun musical surprise!

  • We're thrilled to welcome Jackie Romito-Carey & Sean Carey to our podcast this week! Sean & Jackie are the incredible team who run our Chadar Ochel (Dining Hall) over the summer, and they also oversee all of the retreats and events that happen at camp during the off-season.

    In this episode, we'll peel back the curtain to talk all about food-service at camp! You'll get to hear Jackie & Sean talk about their favorite and least-favorite meals to serve, what meals are the most popular with our campers, and so much more. We talk about Sean's deep-fried popcorn, Mexican lasagna, Friday night brisket, late-night staff snacks, and all the different types of events we host at camp during the off-season (including the recent B'not Mitzvah of Josh's daughters Tahlia & Reya, for which Sean & Jackie served an incredible array of food about which Josh can't stop raving during our conversation). We also talk about bald eagles and other wildlife at camp!

  • We're excited to welcome our first guests to the podcast: Emma Neusner & Andy Weissfeld! Emma and Andy (who recently got engaged and plan to get married at camp!) are beloved long-time Ramahniks, both of whom have spent many years as Rashei Edot. Emma was most recently Rosh Machon and Andy was Rosh Nivonim.

    In our far-ranging discussion, Emma & Andy share their Ramah origin stories and the story of their engagement. We also discuss how we all first met, Josh's binder/yoman, Andy's never-seen t'fillah warm-up dance video, and the 2005 camp-wide "False Idol" competition. We also talk about some great TV shows, including Avatar: The Last Airbender, Andor, Seinfeld, and The West Wing.

    Additionally, Rabbi Gelb issues a retraction, and we discuss Josh & Michelle's recent promotion to be Co-Directors of Camp Ramah New England!

    We had some audio problems this week, so we apologize for the inconsistent audio quality. We're learning as we go, and we'll try to do better in the future! Thanks for listening!

  • Rabbi Gelb, Josh and Michelle get to know one another better by asking each other questions from the Vogue 73 Question Challenge. Rabbi Gelb waxes poetic about Bruce Springsteen and discussed the proper pronunciation (and meaning behind) the word Vayidgu in Hamalach Hagoel Oti, the popular Seudah Shlishit song. Michelle reveals that she appeared on a billboard as a child, and Josh talks about an important car lesson he learned from his dad.

  • Welcome to the first ever episode of Ten for ROO, the official podcast of Camp Ramah New England! In this episode, co-hosts Rabbi Ed Gelb, Josh Edelglass, and Michelle Sugarman share their Ramah origin stories. They also discuss trout fishing, the virtue of mini-donuts, Ed and Michelle's shared Scrantonian heritage, and share some exciting news and updates about camp.