
  • As society continues to grapple with our relationship to work, many of the tried and true norms continue to fall into question, particularly by Millenials and Gen Z. This rebellion is at best misunderstood and at worst, misdiagnosed. The Access Point hosts Drs. Lonnie & Wendy welcome special guest Dr. Tracy G. Crump to discuss further.

    Discussion Insights: What are some universal truths about the current world of work we should all understand? How do non-cognitive skills help us navigate the realities of work? Is there a correlation between purpose at work and rebellion? How do you develop a plan for you life so you aren't a rebel without a cause?

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    Connect with Dr. Crump on LinkedIn.

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  • Capitalism would have you believe that hard work is the only requirement for success. If you work hard, you reap the reward. If that's the case, why are performance reviews so chaotic ... after all, you did put in the hard work! The Access Point hosts Drs. Lonnie & Wendy welcome special guest Rasháanda Cook to discuss further.

    Discussion Insight: What is meritocracy? What are the conditions that make it work as described? Why do performance evaluations suck so much? What are the biases in performance reviews that we need to look out for as Black and brown folk at work?

    Connect with Dr. Edmonds & Dr. Morris on LinkedIn. Links in order:

    Connect with Rasháanda on LinkedIn.

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    Listen to Pfizer's "The Antigen" podcast today.

    Listen to Pfizer's "Science Will Win" podcast today.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Workplace communication, particularly around expectation setting and feedback with supervisors, can be riddled with anxiety. Many people are not good at these interactions and can easily slip into a myriad of manipulation and gaslighting tactics to get their way. If you are not careful, you might be left carrying a bag that is not actually for you. The Access Point hosts Drs. Lonnie & Wendy welcome special guest Deborah Owens to discuss further.
    Discussion Insights: How to spot manipulation, gaslighting and other coercive communications techniques used at work? How should Black/brown professionals appropriately take control of tense workplace interactions?

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    Connect with Deborah on LinkedIn.

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    Listen to Pfizer's "The Antigen" podcast today.

    Listen to Pfizer's "Science Will Win" podcast today.

  • While diversity and representation continue is additive to business strategy, many organizations still struggle to recruit, reward, and retain a diverse workforce. While we'd expect the most senior Black/brown people in the workplace to serve as a built-in mentor, coach or advocate, that is not always the case. It's even worse when it feels like they actively undermine you. The Access Point hosts Drs. Lonnie & Wendy welcome special guest Dr. Brenda Carter to discuss further.

    Discussion Insights: What is gatekeeping? What does this mean in the workplace? What is the long term effect of not dealing with gatekeeping - overt and covert? What do we want to see in people who control access to power, information, opportunity, and resources?

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    Connect with Dr. Carter on LinkedIn.

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    Listen to Pfizer's "The Antigen" podcast today.

    Listen to Pfizer's "Science Will Win" podcast today.

  • As society continues to settle into realigned relationships with work, a big aspect of this post-pandemic reality has been better alignment with personal values and then establishing and enforcing boundaries to honor these values. As a result, sometimes the answer to a reasonable workplace request is "No". Drs. Lonnie & Wendy welcome special guest Dr. Candice Hunter to discuss further.
    Discussion Insights: What are boundaries? Where should Black/brown folks exercise caution in response to other people’s boundaries (or them telling us no)? How can we say ‘no’ without saying ‘no'? How do we manage the side effects of 'no' and boundaries?

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    Connect with Dr. Hunter on LinkedIn.

    Check out Fluency Management's website.

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    Listen to Pfizer's "The Antigen" podcast today.

    Listen to Pfizer's "Science Will Win" podcast today.

  • The work experience can be especially magical, when the work is so intertwined to your life's purpose and your reason for being. Drs. Lonnie & Wendy welcome special guest Dr. Ayanna Lynch to discuss how to ensure your well stays full, even as you pour into others.

    Discussion Insights: In an utopian world, we would all have a job that fits perfectly with our purpose. If you aren't one of the lucky ones - how do we jumpstart that right now? Sometimes the nature of the work can make it challenging to connect with purpose on your own. Sometimes it takes a communal effort. How can we do this together? Can connecting to your purpose via work (in some form) mitigate the mental health crisis facing our workforce?

    Connect with Dr. Edmonds & Dr. Morris on LinkedIn. Links in order:

    Connect with Dr. Lynch on LinkedIn.

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    Listen to Pfizer's "The Antigen" podcast today.

    Listen to Pfizer's "Science Will Win" podcast today.

  • If culture is loosely defined as the way things get done, how might racial and ethnic cultural norms impact how Black and brown folks show up in work spaces, that historically were not designed to include them? Drs. Lonnie & Wendy welcome special guest Jason William Johnson to talk about the history, impact, and reach of Black culture and showing up at work "for the culture"!

    Discussion Insights: How does hip hop culture support our wellbeing in the workplace? When we think about work, how else is hip hop underutilized? How do we leverage the threads of social justice in hip hop culture for organizational justice?

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    Connect with Jason on LinkedIn.

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    Listen to Pfizer's "The Antigen" podcast today.

    Listen to Pfizer's "Science Will Win" podcast today.

  • For Black and brown professionals, work can be the polarizing experience where you can be celebrated for representing the 'underrepresented', while simultaneously being shunned and silenced for your representation. Drs. Lonnie & Wendy welcome special guest Dr. Rashida Govan to talk about how to stand in the fullness of your "Black power" while at work. 

    Discussion Insights: What does it mean to advocate for self at work? What happens at the intersection of self-advocacy and activism? How do we navigate the advocacy vs. professionalism debacle?

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    Connect with Dr. Govan on LinkedIn.

    Review the articles/studies referenced in this episode on Flipboard.

    Listen to Pfizer's "The Antigen" podcast today.

    Listen to Pfizer's "Science Will Win" podcast today.

  • After an unprecedented summer of legislative actions that have rolled back recognition and representation for historically marginalized communities, what impact does this have on Black and brown communities navigating the workplace?

    Discussion Insights: What is affirmative action? Why should people at work care about affirmative action decisions relative to college admissions? Why is affirmative action divisive at work? How do we keep from drowning in the constant flow of affirmative action discussion?

    Connect with Dr. Wendy & Dr .Lonnie on LinkedIn. Links in order:

    Connect with Dr. Webster on LinkedIn.

    Review the articles/studies referenced in this episode on Flipboard.

  • We spend so much time at work; it's no wonder these interactions with coworkers, peers, and bosses, carry significant weight on our career but also our lives … almost feeling like a marriage! What happens when the love is gone? If you aren’t careful, the power imbalance inherent in some workplace relationships, can make it difficult to navigate and have grave impact to you and your career. Join The Access Point hosts Dr. Lonnie Morris & Dr. Wendy M. Edmonds, and special guest Cecil Johnson, as they discuss further.Discussion Insights: (1) What are the parallels in personal and workplace relationship? (2) Are the tools for maintaining healthy personal relationships the same for workplace relationships with coworkers, peers, and bosses? (3) How do workplace inter-personal relationships evolve with hybrid work models and shifting attitudes of employees and employers about work? (4) How do you secure your career/brand amid the web of complex workplace dynamics?Connect with Dr. Edmonds & Dr. Morris on LinkedIn. Links in order:https://bit.ly/3B3uhqshttp://bit.ly/3XrJKcZConnect with Cecil on LinkedIn.https://bit.ly/3McmHOCReview the discussion notes, questions, and takeaways on Flipboard.https://bit.ly/3WgXpDC

  • There are paths and there are trails. One's made for you, one's created by you. One's perhaps paved, tested, and tried. The other can be rugged, uncharted, maybe even dangerous. They both get to the end goal, but the means are different. Join The Access Point hosts Dr. Lonnie Morris & Dr. Wendy M. Edmonds, and special guest Tiffany Spencer, as they discuss further.
    Insights: (1) What's the goal of work? (2) Is a predefined path helpful or hurtful? (3) What happens when the corporate path is no longer enough? (3) What precautions should we consider before deviating from the path?

    Connect with Dr. Edmonds & Dr. Morris on LinkedIn. Links in order:

    Connect with Tiffany on LinkedIn.

    Review the discussion notes, questions, and takeaways.

    Listen to Pfizer's "The Antigen" podcast today.

    Listen to Pfizer's "Science Will Win" podcast today.

  • For many Black and brown professionals, it is no stranger to find yourself in spaces as the "only" in the room. Navigating and thriving in these spaces can feel like an additional burden, above and beyond the requirements of your role. In some ways, you are always visible, whether or not you want to be. Join The Access Point hosts Dr. Lonnie Morris & Dr. Wendy M. Edmonds, and special guest Bernard Guinyard, as they discuss further.
    Discussion insights: How do you leverage the visibility of your identity to truly shine and not crack under the pressure of the spotlight?

    Connect with Dr. Edmonds & Dr. Morris on LinkedIn. Links in order:

    Connect with Bernard on LinkedIn.

    Review the discussion notes, questions, and takeaways.

    Listen to Pfizer's "The Antigen" podcast today.

    Listen to Pfizer's "Science Will Win" podcast today.

  • It's usually the first thought that comes to mind when things go left ... Not Today! At work, depending on how extreme the situation might be, there might even be additional thoughts about exactly what you will say or do if pushed to the edge. Then you come back to reality and assess the risks and weigh the stakes. That's right, people being reckless! We all have them, whether external to your organization or internal. Someone whose demand for your product or service could sometimes lead to tense, if not disrespectful interactions. Join The Access Point hosts Dr. Lonnie Morris & Dr. Wendy M. Edmonds, and special guest Aundrae Parchment, as they dig deeper.

    Discussion insights: (1) How to defend yourself without your reaction overshadowing the instigating action? (2) How do you hold your employer accountable for the aggressions you might encounter from people as your are executing your job? 

    Connect with Dr. Edmonds & Dr. Morris on LinkedIn. Links in order:

    Connect with Aundrae on LinkedIn.

    Review the discussion notes, questions, and takeaways.

    Listen to Pfizer's "The Antigen" podcast today.

    Listen to Pfizer's "Science Will Win" podcast today.

  • When it's time for tough conversations, usually related to your performance and progression in your workplace, an all too familiar experience is the breakdown of communication. All of a sudden, the person who should have the answers, can't provide them or the mark that you had to meet, is no longer sufficient measure. Join The Access Point hosts Dr. Lonnie Morris & Dr. Wendy M. Edmonds, and special guest Keahn Gary, for a riveting discussion.

    Discussion insights: (1) Why is it seemingly difficult to have direct conversations about value, performance, and career progression with Black and brown professionals. (2) What role do you need to play in fostering comfort and trust to support open and honest communication? (3) How do you hold your boss accountable for shifting the goalpost? (4) What do you do if nothing changes?

    Connect with Dr. Edmonds & Dr. Morris on LinkedIn. Links in order:

    Connect with Keahn on LinkedIn.

    Review the discussion notes, questions, and takeaways.

    Listen to Pfizer's "The Antigen" podcast today.

    Listen to Pfizer's "Science Will Win" podcast today.

  • Many aspects of Black and brown culture espouse a strong sense of community and embody the adage, "it takes a village". In the workplace, many Black and brown professionals desire community from Black and brown peers, and even use it as an indication of their ability to be successful in that environment. Join The Access Point hosts Dr. Lonnie Morris & Dr. Wendy M. Edmonds, and special guest Jarrett Arrington, for a riveting discussion.

    Discussion Insights: (1) What happens when community does not exist or is difficult to cultivate? (2) Do the ends justify the means for the ambitious trailblazer seeking to be "the first" in their workplace ecosystem? (3) is there any benefit to taking a "lone wolf" approach to navigating in your workplace?

    Connect with Dr. Edmonds & Dr. Morris on LinkedIn. Links in order:

    Connect with Jarrett on LinkedIn.

    Listen to Pfizer's "The Antigen" podcast today.

    Listen to Pfizer's "Science Will Win" podcast today.

  • In a relatively short period of time, there has been a seismic shift in the employer-employee dynamic. Just the other day, it seemed that fortune favored the employee. For many there was work-from-home, hybrid schedules, conversations that acknowledged equity, lots of "honest conversations" and quiet quitting. But with the surge of mass layoffs, return to work mandates and talks of economic recession, where does that leave you? Join The Access Point hosts Dr. Lonnie Morris & Dr. Wendy M. Edmonds, and special guest Josefina Magaña, for a riveting discussion.

    Insights: (1) what to expect if you are entering the job search right now, (2) what should be top of mind for maintaining you career momentum and (3) what opportunities should you seize while the world around you changes.

    Connect with Dr. Edmonds & Dr. Morris on LinkedIn. Links in order:

    Connect with Josefina on LinkedIn.

    Listen to Pfizer's "The Antigen" podcast today.

    Listen to Pfizer's "Science Will Win" podcast today.

  • We all fantasize about working in a pristine metropolis with lush resources, the latest technology, admirable culture practices, noble leaders and brilliant teammates. If you’re lucky enough to get close to that in reality, the forcefield of your work oasis can be easily compromised by competing firms with similar tech, jockeying co-workers with personal vendettas, departing leaders who can no longer protect your interests, a dethroned peer-mentor, or even a consequential alliance. The Access Point hosts Dr. Edmonds & Dr. Morris welcome special guest Dr. Yvelle Lee to chat about how to show up and show out when the landscape of your work Wakanda is shifting.

    Connect with Dr. Edmonds & Dr. Morris on LinkedIn. Links in order:

    Connect with Dr. Yvelle Lee on LinkedIn.

  • Job stressing you out? We know there's at least one person you can't stand. And there's probably some process that gets on your nerves. Just thinking about it gives you a headache. Maybe nausea. Even body aches. You may not need a doctor ... you might need a new job!
    Work stress can negatively impact your mental and physical health. We’ll examine how seemingly minor issues at work can lead to long-term trauma that follows you even if you change roles or jobs. Then we'll get you on a path for personal and organizational healing. The Access Point hosts Drs. Lonnie & Wendy welcome special guest Dr. Angel Acosta to discuss.

    Connect with Dr. Edmonds & Dr. Morris on LinkedIn. Links in order:

    Connect with Dr. Angel Acosta on LinkedIn and Twitter.

  • We know a quick chat about race, equity, January 6th, sexual orientation, immigration, abortion, guns, social justice or a myriad of other topics can quickly escalate tensions and tempers. The Access Point hosts Drs. Lonnie & Wendy welcome special guests Reginald Benbow & Darren Swain to chat about how to bring your whole self and all your views to work without exacerbating the polarization that already exists. Organizations are naturally political arenas. Add power, conflict, and opinions and you may want to use your vote to get somebody off this island!

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    Connect with Reginald & Darren on LinkedIn. Links in order:

  • Even as efforts have been made for various representations of gender parity in areas such as leadership and compensation, what really happens when Black and brown women become the boss? The Access Point hosts Drs. Lonnie & Wendy welcome special guest Dr. Cynthia Sims to chat about protecting your queendom, reigning over former peers, navigating work with other queens, and surviving the woman king if she acts less than regal.

    Connect with Dr. Edmonds & Dr. Morris on LinkedIn. Links in order:

    Connect with Dr. Cynthia Sims on LinkedIn.