
  • On today’s show, I open with a reminder that Memorial Day is a holiday to remember those who have died in service to our nation. I do that because two members of the Squad, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) confused yesterday with Veteran’s Day.

    Senator Shelley Capito (R-VA) held a quick presser Friday to let us know the EPA has given $50 million dollars to a company that is anti-Israel/anti-Semite and anti-police. Yet, they are being funded simply because they claim to be a Green New Deal aligned organization.

    This past Friday, we informed you that whistleblowers inside UCLA’s medical school are concerned that 50% of the students brought in under DEI admissions policies cannot pass basic medical knowledge tests. This reminded me of the interview Don Lemon (formerly of CNN) questioned Elon Musk over Musk’s derision over DEI.

    Closing arguments are beginning in the Alvin Bragg led trial against Donald Trump. The clown show continues to be more clownish. The instructions are so messed up to the jury and Judge Juan Merchan wants the defense to give their closing argument first. This makes no sense whatsoever. David Gelman, a criminal defense attorney, weighed-in on this on Fox News this weekend.

    Continuing the obvious lawfare being waged by the White House, Joe Biden has already announced that he is ready to address the nation the moment the jury announces their verdict in the NYC case. We know they cannot trust Biden to go unscripted so we can conclude one of two options are at play. The first, the Administration already knows the outcome of the case and they have already written that speech. Or, they have written two speeches, one for if he is found guilty and the other for a hung jury.

    While we are on the discussion of watching our legal system be dismantled before out eyes, Joe Biden made an unexpected visit to the ex of Hunter Biden just before she testifies in his gun case. Nothing to see here.

    Mayor Pete found himself laughed at by the host of Meet the Press when he tried to explain why the government spent $7.5 billion on EV charging stations but only have 7 or 8 built thus far? His excuse hold no water when compared to Elon Musk’s 50,000+ stations built for just over $1 billion.

    National Review put out a piece today begging Ohio to get Joe Biden on the ballot. It’s ironic that while the Left plays games with the law to suit their wishes, Republicans are getting blasted for actually following the letter of the law.

    The floating pier the military built just outside of Gaza is sinking. It’s a perfect microcosm for the entirety of the Biden regime. Over priced, poorly conceived and an abject failure.

    Finally, there is a MAGA movement in the heart of Chicago begging Donald Trump to come hold a rally there. More and more residents of blue cities and states are waking up and realizing how bad Biden is for them and how good things were under Trump.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, we open once again with a weekly favorite, our segment called Tara Bull’s Top 10 News stories the Legacy/mainstream media likely didn’t tell you this past week. It’s a great way to recap the week in rapid-fire fashion.

    We then spend a large chunk of the show recapping so much of what took place in the South Bronx yesterday at the Donald Trump rally. We listen first to the condescension and derision from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY). We then go to several man-on-the-street interviews, showing us what the Legacy/mainstream media is doing their best to hide – support for Trump.

    To illustrate the choices we are facing this November, we have two speeches we can use to compare and contrast both candidates. Where Joe Biden is divisive, angry, oppressive and filled with errors and lies, Donald Trump is the complete opposite. As Mollie Hemingway says with the title of her latest piece, “Trump’s multiracial working-man optimism beats Biden’s corrosive anger and resentment.”

    On the flip side, the voices of the Legacy/mainstream media are apoplectic. Nicole Wallace of MSNBC literally said they need to bring in shrinks and cult experts to help explain the support being given to Donald Trump. They cannot understand how it’s possible after so many years and orchestrated attacks designed to take him out alienate him from his supporters.

    After the rally, he as asked about the recent announcement by Nikki Haley to endorse him, if there was a place for her on his team. His answer is illustrative of who the real Donald Trump is. He is always willing to talk with anyone who is willing to have a legitimate and genuine conversation. But, when people go after him, he punches back twice as hard and never stops until they surrender. That’s the kind of leadership we need on the world stage.

    This leads us to a recent comment made by Nigel Farage in the UK. While he has had a lifetime of putting the UK first, he recognizes the state of the world under Joe Biden. He said getting Trump re-elected is the most important thing for the world.

    We close with the bitter tears of karma hitting the Left square in the gut. We play a moment of Democrat sycophant, Marc E. Elias, giving us comedy gold. While people like Elias and other on the Left were busy trying (and failing) to get Trump off ballots, they forgot to make sure Biden got on the ballot in Ohio.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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  • On today’s show, I open with a list of restaurants closing across much of the United States. As opposed to the Left trying to normalize inflation, we are seeing the ramifications of Bidenomics in action.

    Next, I repeat a story I like to use to illustrate the difference between charity and theft. I think it makes for a perfect backdrop for the Biden regime once again trying to buy votes by paying off student debt.

    We move to a judge that has been nominated by Biden for the Federal bench. To show just how radicalized the judiciary is becoming, I turn to Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) who asks if her politics or fairness what drives her decisions. The back and forth is stunning.

    A story in the Washington Free Beacon is reporting that 50% of medical school students at UCLA fail basic tests of medical competence. A whistleblower says affirmative action, which is illegal, is to blame.

    Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) loves our open border. He discusses the border bill that Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is trying again to ram through the Senate. I spend time picking apart Murphy’s ridiculous statements, which provide a road map to how the Left thinks. In fact, an illegal just stated they are concerned that that American people have no idea who is coming into their own country.

    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doubles-down on lawfare when she appeared on Chris Hayes’s show on MSNBC. She also claimed that Trump is growing broke on legal bills, yet says he is “bussing people” in to the rally he is holding in the South Bronx.

    Finally, Nikki Haley has finally decided she needs to be relevant again. In an announcement, she is going to vote for Trump and suggests Trump reach out to her millions of supporters to gain their votes as well.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, I use a piece by Victor Davis Hanson as an inspiration for everything that has transpired on too many college campuses. What really hurts the most is these kids are supposed to be some of the brightest and most intelligent. Instead, at the hands of these institutions of higher indoctrination and grooming, they have become toxic and worthless.

    Next I weigh-in on the revelation from Julie Kelly that the FBI agents who conducted the raid on Mar-a-Lago were authorized, if necessary, to use deadly force. I come at this subject, fully aware that I am going to try to talk out of both sides of my mouth at the same time.

    Trump lawyer, Alina Habba gives us her thoughts on Judge Juan Merchan. As far as I can tell, he is nothing more than a loud, braying bully who wants to be known as the judge that got the guilt verdict on Trump.

    Squad member, AOC, in an effort to belittle Donald Trump’s upcoming rally in the Bronx (her district), ends up admitting what the Left has been denying, but most of us already knew – the lawfare is intentional campaign interference.

    Want an idea of just how dumb so many are in and around the Biden regime? Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki literally thinks Donald Trump named the Space Force after the Steve Carrell movie and not the other way around. Which leads to a funny response from Grok (X’s version of AI chat) about whether or not Dune is a cheap ripoff of Star Wars.

    There seems to be an attempt to make inflation sound cool. A piece in the food section of Business Insider is titled, “My family of 4 ate at Olive Garden for the first time, and our $150 meal felt like an excellent value.” They are now stooping to normalizing the high cost of food, goods and services under Biden’s failed economic policies.

    Joe Biden, in an election year, just told every trucker they would be out of a job in 3-5 years. That might not be the smartest thing you should do 6 months before asking to be re-elected. And, to top it off, he managed to give us a truly creepy soundbite about marrying into a family that has five or more daughters.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, I open with Joe Biden deciding he is now all-in behind the defense of Israel. He left no wiggle-room for the unhinged Leftist lunatic in the Democrat party. He said Israel is vastly different than Hamas, that Israel is NOT committing genocide and the US will always support them.

    We then need to spend more time on the Alvin Bragg case and the utter disaster of putting Michael Cohen on the stand. We dive into back-to-back comments from CNN, first from Elie Honig, then Jake Tapper and Laura Coates. Then I play a long soundbite from Bob Costello and his experience with DA Alvin Bragg and the grand jury. Turns out, Judge Juan Merchan wasn’t happy to have Bob Costello brought to the stand and, at one point, yelled for him to get out of the courtroom.

    Next we visit a thread from Brad Smith, former chair on the Federal Election Commission. Turns out, Judge Merchan did not want a federal election expert to testify in a case about a possible crime in a federal election. Seems odd, don’t you think?

    We then turn to two US Senators opening two investigations in the the DA’s office of Fani Willis. It seems she may have misused federal grant funds, as a prior whistleblower stated, and now they want to look deeper. Senator’s Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) are leading that investigation.

    So, where do democrats go when they are in trouble? Straight to the Legacy/mainstream media. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow totally misrepresents the investigative commission setup by the Georgia Legislature to look into issues with District Attorneys. This was made into law because of the Ahmad Aubrey murder case. It has nothing to do with Fani Willis. And, to make it worse, Fani Willis intentionally misleads the audience to believe the investigative body was setup only after 14 “minority” DA’s had been election.

    Finally, we close with an echo back to a book put out by a former guest on my show, Carol Roth’s, “You Will Own Nothing.” To go with this, I bring you some thoughts from WEF Young Global Leader, Ida Auken. She gets so much wrong, all in the pursuit of asking why anyone would want to own anything?

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, I finally decide to address the faux controversy around Kansas City Chief’s kicker, Harrison Butker’s, speech he delivered at a Catholic university’s commencement. It’s illustrative of how far the Left has pushed our culture and just how disturbing that divide really is.

    I’m always encouraged when I see people push back against the false, state approved narratives from the Legacy/mainstream media. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) was on NBC’s Meet the Press and did a great job pushing back on Kristen Welker and her agenda-driven questions.

    Then we dive into the disgusting and bigoted commencement speech delivered by President Biden to Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA. Filled with lies, misrepresentations, anger, division and his bleak view of the world, I cannot imagine those students left feeling uplifted.

    A CBS News poll in Arizona reveals 72% believe Donald Trump would put the interests of U.S. citizens over immigrants, while only 13% said the same of Biden. And a new Gallup poll shows dismal marks for Biden’s economic management.

    Dr. Johnston from the Georgia State Elections Board recently addressed a large gathering in the state and apologized to the voters for not taking election fraud claims seriously. It took over three years to hear the case!

    Speaking of voter fraud in the state of Georgia, the Gateway Pundit is reporting that Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, along with his right-hand man Gabriel Sterling, are set to use Power to the Polls to get their poll workers. The issue with that is they are a Left wing funding organization that is funded, in part, by George Soros.

    Michael Cohen is back on the stand in the NY trial of Donald Trump and insiders are tweeting more revelations. Seems Cohen is now an admitted thief and an embezzler. We are also seeing Judge Merchan doing all he can to block the defense and aid the prosecution. What’s even more astounding, the lead prosecutor, who was third in line form AG Merrick Garland, was the person who facilitated Michael Cohen’s elections interference plea before going to work in Bragg’s office. It’s almost like they were working on the setup before anyone knew.

    Finally, we close similarly to how we opened, with another commencement speech from Harrison Butker, this time to the graduates at Georgia Institute of Technology. I’m still baffled how he is considered the threat to our country as compared to the rot and debauchery endorsed by the Left.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, we once again open our Friday show with Tara Bull’s Top 10 News Stories you likely did not hear on the Legacy/mainstream media this week. From audience feedback, I will be keeping this in the format for a long time to come!

    Next I give you my thoughts on why the members of the Freedom Caucus have been attending the court trial of Donald Trump in NYC. We know Trump puts a premium on loyalty and I think it’s a good move for people who love the Constitution to be thought of favorably by Trump. If he wins the presidency, wouldn’t it be great from Trump to use some of them in his cabinet or the executive branch?

    I then discuss some recent data on delinquency data for Americans. This data tracks the kinds of debts we have, like credit card, mortgages, auto loans and more and how many people are more than 30 days behind in paying their financial obligations. It’s a worrisome indicator over how the Biden economy is beginning to collapse in middle and lower America.

    In a shock to my own mind, Fox Business’s Neil Cavuto actually challenged Jared Bernstein, the chief economic advisor to Joe Biden, over why Biden keeps trying to say inflation was a 9% when he was elected? Remember, this is the blithering idiot who cannot explain why the government has debt if it can just print whatever money it needs?

    CNN cannot believe how badly Alvin Bragg screwed up the Donald Trump case by letting Michael testify on the stand. The lies keep building and even Leftists cannot avoid the debacle.

    It looks like the House Oversight Committee is holding AG Merrick Garland in contempt for failing to turn over the audio of the Biden interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur. So we need to discuss the catch-22 Joe Biden is in right now and there is no good way out.

    Seems the NIH is now admitting they did fund gain-of-function through EcoHealth Alliance, meaning Dr. Fauci lied, a lot! They also had to deal with a chain of emails stating they “knew how to hide emails” and “get around FOIA” requests. And, they admitted the social distancing mantra was all made up.

    Finally, as we close for the week, let’s imagine that first debate coming up at the end of June. I know Biden is stacking the deck in his favor, but just imagine what Donald Trump’s opening might sound like. For fun, we do exactly that.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, we open with something to help more easily recognize how bad inflation still is for the average American. We look at the typical food prices from 2020 versus 2024. Most are paying around 46% more for food than they were four years ago. Yet, Joe Biden has twice lied about the inflation rate being at 9% when he took office. WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tried to explain it away, but the internet has a long memory.

    Seems the reason we lost Niger is due to Biden’s Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Molly Phee. The Nigerian Prime Minister said she threatened them and to say who they can have relationships with as a nation. He said she did that with a condescending tone and a lack of respect. Let’s hear it for the Biden Touch! We now have Afghanistan 2.0.

    We then spend a good amount of time with a Congressional hearing into collusion between the DOJ, the White House and the Alvin Bragg case. One of the key witnesses was Michael Cohen’s former lawyer, Bob Costello. From Lawfare, to weaponizing the DOJ, to colluding, Costello’s testimony is both riveting and disheartening. We hear from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) and Rep. Harriett Hagemon (R-WO).

    While we are breaking that down, the cross of Michael Cohen resumed today and we got word that Judge Merchan is doing all he can to block the defense and aid the flailing prosecution. But, as CNN had to admit, things are not looking good for the Bragg prosecution. Apparently, Cohen went on an unhinged rant, calling the judge corrupt, the proceedings corrupt and, in fact, that he was the only there who wasn’t politically motivated.

    Finally, on the topic of unhinged rants, we got to a professor from UC Irvine in California who was being led away from a protest. Just like other Ivory Tower campus elites, her pro-Hamas, pro-terrorist, anti-Semitic behavior finally got her arrested. But, it’s her shrill screaming that tells you all you need to know about how far academic institutions have fallen.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, I open with a personal story that just happened to me today. My love and support of the US Constitution was questioned and then I was called a fraud and a con-artist. So, after putting the bit of nonsense to bed, we dive into my stack of stuff.

    Citizen journalist Toria Brooke released a story where she transcribes an interview with former People’s Deputy of Ukraine, Andrii Derkach, where he says they have proof that Biden family member affiliates are complicit in blowing up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and funding other terrorist activities. To remind you of what I said about the pipeline back in the fall of 2022, I play back-to-back bites of Victoria Nuland and Joe Biden, both promising to “end” the pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine.

    AG Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray announced this week a brand new censorship program just in time for the 2024 election cycle. Michael Cohen may have once again committed perjury on the stand in the Alvin Bragg case against Donald Trump. To add to this, I remind you what Cohen’s attorney once said when he was trying to work with Cohen on a plea deal. At least 10 times, Cohen said, “I swear to God, Bob, I don’t have anything on Donald Trump.” So, I turn to my friend, Jim Gossett, to play a little tune.

    While on the subject of Cohen, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about Speaker Johnson attending part of the court case. Rather than just say she has no idea, she literally said she could not discuss it because it was “in relation to the 2024 election.” Did she just admit this was, in fact, White House endorsed lawfare on Donald Trump?

    The House Oversight Committee just released a memo stating HHS was suspending funding and proposing formal debarment of EcoHealth Alliance. That’s the 3rd party company Dr. Anthony Fauci funneled money into so it could then flow to the Wuhan Lab in China for gain-of-function research.

    Bad news for New Yorker Dexter Taylor. The self-taught gunsmith has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for his hobby.

    Riley Gaines weighs in the suit in court from a sorority that was forced to accept a biological male. The arguments made in the opening day are but hysterical and sad at the same time.

    President Joe Biden produced a video of him challenging Donald Trump to a debate. With my background as the owner of a video production company, I breakdown the difference of something produced versus live. And, to top it off, if the first debate is really set for June 27, that would mean it is taking place after the 3-day trial in Florida where Trumps team is going to present evidence of Biden’s White House colluding with NARA and the DOJ to manufacture the documents case.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, I use the testimony of Michael Cohen to illustrate a premise I believe is in full-swing here in the United States (and maybe much of the Western world). I titled the episode, “Getting a liar to lie may not be a winning strategy; or, How the Elite live in their groupthink of self-delusion.” Every story I have today falls within that paradigm of lying, ignoring new information, parroting state approved talking points and never thinking critically.

    Whether it’s Michael Cohen testifying about how much he lies, to Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) admitting he was instrumental in prepping Cohen to testify, to National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan telling us that “no president has stood stronger with Israel than Joe Biden,” it’s all about manipulation and creating a world of make-believe.

    Former Press Secretary Jen Psaki had to eat crow and admit she lied in her book, saying Joe Biden never looked at his watch when the bodies of 13 American soldiers were flown back from his disastrous retreat out of Afghanistan.

    Joe Biden can no longer even read all the words on his teleprompter, but he has no problem telling us he picked Kamala Harris “because he wanted a VP that was smarter than him.” Imagine that comparison. If she is smarter than he is, what does that say about him? And, to demonstrate just how bright she is, her first comment is to tell the crowd to take a seat, yet they are outdoors with no seats in sight, so she cackles as if she meant it as a joke. J

    oe Biden castigated Donald Trump over tariffs he put on China. Now, Biden is in the awkward position of having to admit Trump’s policies were correct, since he just announced tariffs on China. Current DEI hire, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, unsurprisingly, could not explain the shift.

    Latest numbers of younger voters and black voters are shifting more and more to Donald Trump. Former Green Czar to President Barack Obama and current CNN analyst, Van Jones, was asked if this was a wake-up call to Biden and democrats?

    Finally, we close with teacher Warren Smith being fired four months after a viral video. The video was a perfect demonstration of getting a student to think for themselves and to learn how to think critically. Naturally, in today’s climate, that is a blasphemy that will not be tolerated within the church of the Ivory Tower.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, we open with the UN revising the numbers downward by nearly 50% for Palestinians killed in their war with Israel. We then move to a reminder that Ashley Biden’s therapy journal was real and she was 37 years old when she wrote about taking showers with her dad. Today we read the letter she (or her legal team) wrote to try to paint the person who found it as a criminal, while Ashley gets to play the role of victim.

    We then turn to DA Alvin Bragg’s case against Donald Trump with is star witness, habitual perjurer and criminals felon, disgraced lawyer Michael Cohen. No media pundit seems to be able to understand this move find it a winning strategy.

    Attorney Michael Avenatti put out a post regarding Stormy Daniels and her testimony. It seems he is suggesting Stormy was paid a lot of money via illegal means so she wouldn’t have to pay her court ordered judgment to Donald Trump. Will Bragg investigate her?

    Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) was asked over the weekend to discuss the lawfare cases. He stated what many are finally realizing, they are all falling apart and were ridiculous to begin with. It’s all a move to interfere with the presidential election cycle.

    Which brings us to an interesting monologue from Fareed Zakaria on CNN’s program GPS. I take time to go through Zakaria’s premise that “none of this is playing out as I thought it would,” meaning the lawfare against Donald Trump. It’s a bit of introspection that helps us understand how the Legacy/mainstream media lives in a perpetual bubble of make-believe and self-delusion.

    Trump held a rally in New Jersey over the weekend and drew over 100,000! Biden can’t do anything close to that even with Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, George Clooney and Julia Roberts on stage at the same time. FOX’s Brian Kilmeade added, Biden would be lucky to get 15,000 with those people AND Bruce Springsteen opening with a concert. T

    his leads to the polling everyone was talking about over the weekend on the talking head shows. Trump is leading in 5 of the 6 battleground states and is winning over more minorities than he did in 2020. People are waking up to just how bad Biden has made our day-to-day lives.

    In the meantime, Speaker Johnson is pushing a bill called the SAVE Act to keep illegals from voting. That’s what the Biden regime has always wanted and we better understand that is a big part of their strategy to steal the election.

    In closing, Gad Saad was on with Joe Rogan and he talked about a concept I’ve discussed with my audience for years. He said people seem more unwilling than ever to process new information and then change their minds. He then discusses the concept of pride and identity. To illustrate that, I use a recent placard held by a woman at a rally. It read, “I dream women will one day have the same rights as guns.” I wonder, after I go through the difference, if she would be able to see just how stupid her slogan really is?

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, we open as we do every Friday, with the Tara Bull’s Top 10 News items the Legacy/mainstream media likely didn’t talk much about this past week. It’s always fun to dive into that list!

    Next we do a little more analysis on the Stormy Daniels testimony given yesterday in the Alvin Bragg case. So far, regardless of political leaning, everyone thinks it was a travesty and served no other purpose but to prejudice the jury. This includes analysis from former US District Court Judge Shira Scheindlin and Legal Correspondent Gregg Jarrett.

    We did get one positive out of the Georgia State Elections Board hearing from earlier in the week. Apparently, SoS Brad Raffensperger is going to look at the 3,000+ duplicates and will add a monitor in Fulton County to the 2024 election cycle. It should be a lot more than that!

    Onto something to consider. We know the DOJ has been using 18 USC 1512(c)(2) as a means of charging J6 defendants with a felony. We also know it’s being reviewed by the US Supreme Court. We already know they are misapplying the statue because it’s meant to be used when someone would interfere with a judicial proceeding. Can the case by made that Jack Smith is actually guilty of violating 1512(c)(2) with his evidence tampering and more?

    Attorney General Andrew Bailey from Missouri is demanding the DOJ turn over communications related to the illicit prosecutions of President Trump. In a long thread, he said he has evidence that show this collusion has been taking place and wants documentation he believes affirms that.

    The Cuomo brothers, Andrew (former Gov. of New York) and Chris (former CNN), took to two separate podcasts and proceeded to rewrite history and gaslight the American people. Andrew and CNN’s Lena Wen want you to believe all the mandates were “voluntary.” Chris wants you to believe he is only now hearing that Ivermectin is safe and can help treat COVID-19.

    Finally, we close with a rant from the Ragin’ Cajun himself, Democrat strategist James Carville. He’s so mad that everything they try isn’t working and Trump continues to rise in the polls. I have a solution for James, but I doubt he’ll take me up on it.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, we examine the latest pro-Hamas/anti-Israel move from Quid pro Joe. It seems if the PM of Israel does not do what Biden wants him to, then Biden will not deliver the promised weapons that Congress has already approved. Where have we heard this same scenario before? Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) weighs in, along with David Axelrod and CNN’s Scott Jennings. I also remind you this isn’t the first time Biden has dissed our ally when he threatened to withhold funding from then PM Menachem Begin.

    Then we dive into an interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett. It’s a really sad display of the delusional mind-bubble that surrounds Joe Biden, keeping him from dealing with reality. He refuses to accept the economy is in shambles, is all over the place with his excuses or his examples and ends by blaming it all on corporate greed.

    On the heels of such a terrible performance, Quentin Fulks, Principal Campaign Manager for the Biden-Harris 2024 campaign goes on MSNBC to announce they have a new strategy for Biden. He’s going to talk less and deliver easily digested talking points.

    I then move to yesterday’s meeting of the Georgia State Election Board who listened to testimony and examined evidence of serious integrity issues with the 2020 election in Fulton County, GA. With all the evidence, the board proceeded to vote to do nothing and to make no referrals to the Attorney General related to 140 violations document and presented to the GA SEB.

    We wrap-up with some additional detail being real-time tweeted from Stormy Daniels back on the stand, under cross-examination from the Trump defense team. One thing was made very clear, for Daniels, it’s always been about the money. In fact, one might say, Daniels does dollars and that’s all she does.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, we spend time reviewing the Alvin Bragg case against Donald Trump and the dumpster fire testimony that was Stormy Daniels. The testimony was so bad, even biased Judge Merchan told the jury to discount most of it. You know it’s bad when Jonathan Turley, Alan Dershowitz and CNN all agree it is a nightmare for the prosecution.

    Things are not looking good for Special Counsel Jack Smith. After all the revelations from the last week or two, Judge Aileen Canon has vacated the May 20 start date for the documents trial and has pushed it back indefinitely. Instead, she is going to hold several pre-trial hearings on several motions, most related to the quality of the case and possible prosecutorial missteps.

    Another state agency in South Carolina says the Federal government is making them give voter registration forms to foreign nationals. This is yet another story reinforcing my analysis that the current Democrat leadership wants this permanent underclass to control the vote moving forward.

    Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) has just revealed a Biden plan to take over the national guard in Texas. Tell me again which person running for office behaves more like an actual dictator?

    Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) catches us up on the work his committee is doing and his thoughts on the most recent testimony from whistleblowers within the D.C. National Guard. Once again, we see just how much the original J6 Committee hid from the country in an effort to go after Donald Trump.

    It looks like the Georgia Court of Appeals is going to hear the disqualification case against Fulton County DA Fani Willis. This is going to be a huge setback for this case, especially if they vote to remove her. Either way, they cannot move forward on the RICO case until this is heard and a ruling issued.

    Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) is going after those schools who receive Federal funds and who allowed all of the anti-Semitic protests to take place on their campuses. This is the best possible move forward! If we want to clean up the culture and get back to educating students, you need to hit them where it hurts the most – their pocketbook.

    For a bit of laughter, we listen to the son of a Hamas co-founder, Mosab Hasan Yousef on the Piers Morgan Show. It is nothing short of a verbal tongue-lashing and comedy gold.

    Finally, we look at President Javier Milei in Argentina. He has managed to turn his country around in months! How? By slashing the size, bloat and reach of the national government. It is the blueprint for how we need to get our own fiscal house in order.

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  • On today’s show, I spend some time on what I think is the most insidious type of bigotry, and that is the bigotry of low expectations. This relates to Gov. Kathy Hochul’s (D-NY) statement that young, black children in the Bronx don’t even know what the word “computer” is.

    This leads to John Kirby saying we sometimes have to negotiate with terrorists. He said this knowing Hamas changed some of the language in the negotiated ceasefire, making it obvious they don’t have any living hostages anymore.

    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez managed to step in it twice in the last couple days. First she praised the Biden regime for not sending ammunition to Israel. Then, on the day the world remembers the Holocaust of WWII, she tried to side with and praise Israel.

    Kash Patel, on the heels of all we discussed yesterday regarding Special Counsel Jack Smith and the setup of the Mar-a-Lago raid, says Judge Canon needs to implement contempt proceedings. Smith should be the one who ends up behind bars.

    In a separate miscarriage of justice, seems the Bragg prosecutors are not letting Trump’s defense lawyers know who will be on the stand until this morning. It leaves them no time to prepare. And while the “hush money” strategy has yet to even come close to making a spark, we can tell you that one of the lead prosecutors on Bragg’s team actually did take $12,000 in consulting fees from the DNC. No conflict here at all, right?

    Next, I bring you a small exchange between Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Rob Flaherty regarding misinformation versus disinformation. The point of this isn’t to see if Jordan does anything with it. The point is for me to be able to educate the audience over what our government wants to do in trampling over the First Amendment.

    When asked if she would attend the GA Senate’s investigation into her office, DA Fani Willis said no, because she doesn’t recognize unlawful requests. It’s nice to be so far above the rest of us, isn’t it?

    While Tulsi Gabbard continues to rise in my books, because she seems to be showing us her core beliefs and how consistent she’s been with them versus the total failure from Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) with her book tour. It’s been an abysmal last week or so for the governor.

    Finally, a professor on one of the occupied campuses lamented that police waited until the kids were asleep to begin clearing the camps. And to show you how employers feel about these cosplaying terrorists, 13 Federal Judges say they will no longer hire law clerks from Columbia University.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, I have to open with a topic we covered around two years ago with the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago. Thanks to unredacted documents released by Judge Aileen Canon, many outlets are catching up to where we have been in this audience for a long time now. But, for the newer listeners, we go through the cover-up and setup that was the Mar-a-Lago documents raid.

    Karma is wonderful when we see it work in real-time. New York State Senator Kevin Parker, who supported and voted for the “Adult Survivors Act”, which allowed lunatic E. Jean Carroll to sue Trump over accusations of assault, now says the law is unconstitutional because he is now be accused of rape under that very same act.

    Judge Merchan fined Trump again today for contempt and even threatened to throw him in jail. Please! Do it. I dare him. Also, we need to review the testimony from Friday of Trumps comms person, Hope Hicks. And, while explaining how the prosecution is vainly searching for an actual point to make, we hear today that the comptroller for the Trump organization is on the stand causing even more problems for DA Alvin Bragg and his case.

    DA Fani Willis is also in the news. It seems her testimony, under oath, of the mobs of white racists that surrounded her home have yet to be founded. Police say they have no records of any such occurrences.

    White House Press Secretary is too stupid to understand a tax question and how if the Trump era tax cuts expire, 92% of Americans will see a tax increase. All she could do, besides stammer and stutter, is to regurgitate authorized lies from the President.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, we start off Friday as we usually do, by going through Tara Bull’s Top 10 Headlines the media (likely) didn’t tell you this week. It’s a great way to hit several topics in rapid fire.

    There is a new bill that has been quietly pushed into committee called The Courage to Serve Act. This bill would provide illegals who choose to serve in the military, an automatic pathway to amnesty and full citizenship.

    The “hush money” case in NYC is becoming more of a salacious tabloid exercise rather than trying to prove any criminality. In fact, we have yet to hear a single element of the prosecution’s case that in anyway calls Donald Trump into question. Even a secret recording made by Michael Cohen doesn’t do anything but question why Alvin Bragg thought he even had a case.

    Speaking of Bragg, it seems he may not prosecute any of the criminals arrested on the campus of Columbia University. He’s probably too buys conjuring up more imaginary laws to try in court.

    An 800 page report from Congress reveals how the Biden White House was heavily involved in pushing censorship across Big Tech and social media. I breakdown just a few of the items that have been document from their hearings.

    Iran is opening one of it’s Universities to the protesters and professors who have been expelled or threatened with expulsion. What a glorious opportunity for them to go from playing at being terrorists, to actually surrounding themselves with the real thing.

    I then highlight an interesting exchange between Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Deb Haaland, Secretary of the Interior. Her incompetency and corruption is appalling. It’s then followed up with a bite from Jared Bernstein, Chair of Economic Advisers, the main agency advising Biden on economic policy. To say he beclowns himself doesn’t go far enough.

    Finally, in the fight for girls and women in this country, the five middle school girls in WV have already won their suit and will not be told they have to sit out the rest of the season for refusing to compete against a boy. And Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-AR), is the next governor to say her state will not adhere to Biden’s Title IX abomination.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, the elites in government and in our institutions may have shown Americans too much of who they are and what they are doing and it very well might be backfiring. We open with yet another undercover op conducted by James O’Keefe, showing us how the CIA conspired against Donald Trump.

    Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) wants us to believe that if the government doesn’t help social media identify the Russian bots, Donald Trump will get elected again. At the same time a senior investigator who was going after Donald Trump decided it’s time to plead the 5th Amendment.

    At UCLA, another one of our institutions of higher indoctrination and grooming, one of the self-appointed leaders of their new LARPing club blathered a bunch of political psycho-babble, ending with blaming their campus for being founded on colonialism, making it inherently a violent institution. The sheer lack of self-awareness is astounding. And, after that, they issued a list of demands from the University including a need for wood, helmets, gas masks, canopies and hot food – don’t forget to include vegan food and gluten free food.

    This leads to the latest piece by Victor Davis Hanson called, “Can the current universities be saved?” It’s a wonderful piece that concludes it might be okay to let those elites institutions die on the vine in favor of the tech schools, trade schools and community colleges that put out graduates who are qualified and ready for a career.

    For giggles, we go to the way-back machine and pull an AOC quote from a few years ago to illustrate what happens when the kids on these campuses are allowed to get into positions of power. We play a quick exchange between an actual adult who worked the border for three decades and compare it to a infantile Congresswoman who is completely out of her league.

    We end on a story of a fraternity on the UNC campus who fought to defend the American flag from these cosplaying terrorist wanna-be's. A GoFundMe was setup to buy them a party. So far, it is now over $350,000! It tells me Americans are waking up and rejecting the elites and their elitist institutions in favor of good old fashioned American values and patriotism.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, I open with a reminder that last last year, the FBI refused to give an update on the status of voter fraud from Muskegon, Michigan. That leads to a story today from Michigan State Senator Jim Runestad about a bill the democrats in the state just voted through to the House that would make cheating even easier. Rep. Adam Morgan (R-SC) is fighting something similar in his state. It seems illegals are being given forms to fill out to get them registered to vote.

    In a hearing today, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the 1,000 troops that will guard the giant floating dock we are building to get aid into Gaza can fire back if Palestinians shoot at our people. This leads to a discussion about what does the phrase, “Boots on the ground,” really mean?

    A reminder, polls from the Middle East reveal Palestinians are still okay with what happened on October 7. Yet, Joe Biden wants to bring those “refugees” here. I point out again why the other Muslim countries around them refuse to take them in ever again. The Biden regime has flown over 200,000 illegals into our country and that is all at taxpayer expense. Why wouldn’t they consider importing people who are part of the culture of death? What could possibly go wrong?

    It’s funny to watch the toddlers on the campus of Columbia University discuss concerns about food and water. These empty skulls are really just LARP’ing as pretend terrorists in a game of make-believe. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) put out a tweet admonishing police for cracking down on the violent protests only to get magnificently trolled.

    While we are distracted with these junior terrorist, Commie sympathizers, there is really bad economic news being under-reported. I dive into a list of business closings, reductions and layoffs all set to land by the end of the year, with a few expected to stretch out into 2026.

    In the meantime, another hearing is trying to figure out how much the government is circumventing the first amendment. It calls to mind how they will silence anything, even truth, if it goes against the approved state narrative.

    We close on a moment of positivity from Mayor Eric Adams (D-NYC). He was appalled to see Columbia University allow the US flag to be taken down and a Palestinian flag put up in its place. Perhaps even he is starting to realize how for the Left has tried to push our nation.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

  • On today’s show, I ask the question if it really is being polite or showing kindness to willfully lie to someone and play into their own self-delusions? How do we expect people to embrace reality if they are allowed to exist in a world of make-believe?

    At the start of today’s excursion through the news, we start with the empty skulls on college campuses who are siding with terrorism and the culture of death. When confronted with facts, they choose to deny them in an effort to make them go away. But, how do we blame them entirely? There are plenty of adults they say who both exhibit the same self-delusions and then encourage more of it.

    We come to the story of Sandra Doorley, and District Attorney in Monroe County, NY. She refused to pull over after speeding. Instead of cooperating, she threw a massive adult-sized tantrum, revealing her truer nature. She believes she is above the law. But, she is not an outlier. She is emblematic of the whole of governance today.

    Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) actually invoked her Constitutional authority to file an official complaint against Special Counsel Jack Smith. The complaint, filed with the Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility, relates to his clear and illegal efforts of election interference.

    Onto Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) who lost her mind when a friendly reporter accidentally performed a random act of journalism. MSNBC’s Katy Tur should know better than to insert truth, which derails a state approved narrative.

    DA Fani Willis chose to skip out on a debate for her own re-election coming up in Fulton County, GA. So, The Atlanta Press Club allowed her challenger to address the empty podium.

    Remember when I said the disgraced and disbanded Disinformation Governance Board wasn’t going to just disappear? Looks like the singing propagandist is back! Nina Jankowicz is heading a private disinformation group called the American Sunlight Project.

    In week two of the Alvin Bragg “hush money” case, it seems the witness is telling us all about Michael Cohen. Of interest, we have yet to hear Donald Trump’s name.

    On a positive, both Oklahoma and Texas have joined Florida in saying they reject the Biden regime’s re-writing of Title IX. Middle school girls in West Virginia are now being represented by the WV Attorney General because they chose to forfeit, rather than compete against a boy who thinks he is a girl. And, in a moment of clarity, the NHS in the UK has decided that one’s sex is a biological fact.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!