
  • I begin this episode with a quick health update and then we turn our attention to four key ingredients for recording exceptional initial audio. Taking the time to get the best audio we can initially can save hours in post-production. Here's a look at the four ingredients for a great recording:

    Room TreatmentsMicrophone PlacementSelecting the Right Microphone TypeGood Microphone Technique

    Links I walkabout in this episode to David Hooper's free podcast courses on Udemy. Check these out when you get time!

    Big Podcast - Podcasting Masterclass https://www.udemy.com/course/big-podcast-podcasting-masterclass/Big Podcast - Grow Your Podcast and Make Money Podcasting https://www.udemy.com/course/bigpodcast/

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • Audacity version 3.6.2 is out and it includes the Legacy Compressor and the Legacy Limiter that were part of Audacity prior to version 3.6. In this episode I show you how to get to these legacy effects and the right way to add them to a macro.

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • If you're running a macro that was built for earlier versions of Audacity prior to 3.6.0, and part of that macro includes the Limiter and/or Compressor, it's probably going to fail when invoked. The reason is that the new versions of these plugins have been rewritten for realtime use and the setting options have changed. In this episode I suggest 3 options as a workaround.

    Here's the link I mentioned to hotfix issues that were addressed in version 3.6.1.


    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • Welcome to episode 30 of The Audacity Channel Podcast. Yes, this podcast is no longer in the seasons format but I've changed it to a serial format. Let's talk about version 3.6.0 of Audacity that came out today. After we do, I'll be giving you a short cancer update. Was diagnosed with cancer in April and I wanted to talk about it in case you hadn't heard. Plus, it explains my absence.

    I'm providing chapter divisions in case you want to skip to a particular chapter that interests you.

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • This episode of The Audacity Channel podcast is for MAC users of Audacity and it concerns a compatibility issue that's in Audacity when running Mac OS 14.2.1, Sonoma. The record and playback toolbars have a problem, so let's talk about it.

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • In this episode of The Audacity Channel podcast, I share with you my Audacity wishlist for 2024. To simplify my wishlist, I've divided it into 2 major sections: Tracks and Plugins. We look first at tracks and then we turn our attention to plugins. If your podcast app has this feature, see the timestamps for specific topics. In the event your podcast app doesn't support timestamps, here they are for your reference:

    00:00 Introduction
    00:55 Move the Meter Toolbars into the Track Control Panel and Make Vertical
    02:34 Arm Individual Tracks to Record
    03:10 Assign Individual Audio Interface Inputs to a Track for Multi-Track Recording
    04:37 Give Us a Master Track With The Ability to Add Effects
    05:49 Save FX as FX Chains For Quick Reuse
    06:35 Save a Track as a Track Template
    07:49 Save a Project as a Project Template
    08:36 Make more of the destructive built-in effects real-time and non-destructive
    09:40 Make Loudness Normalization a real-time effect
    10:26 Make the Noise Reduction plugin a real-time effect
    11:10 Make the ACX Check plugin part of the Audacity installation package
    12:33 Make the FilterCurve EQ a real-time plugin and add the loaded preset to the interface window.
    13:28 Make the Compressor and Noise Gate real-time effects
    13:45 Summary
    14:21 The Audacity Bootcamp 30% off sale is going on now thru January 1, 2024. Enter coupon code HOLIDAY30 at checkout.

    Thanks for joining me on this episode of The Audacity Channel podcast. If you're looking for quality Audacity training, be sure to check out my Audacity courses at https://www.audacitybootcamp.com/ and enter the coupon code HOLIDAY30 to save an additional 30% off of the already low price. I hope to see you there!

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • Audacity version 3.4.0 is out but there's a bug you need to know about, along with a temporary fix if this bug is bugging you! I'm also a little disappointed with this update because even though it's a major update, there isn't any real change or improvements for us spoken word content creators. There are some updates and improvements for those in the music world but little if anything it seems, for those of us who don't do music creation.

    Audacity's overview video of version 3.4 for musicians:


    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • I've been presented with a couple of business opportunities that I'm going to take advantage of. That means that I'm going to have to channel my audio and video resources and skills elsewhere for a time. To clear off my plate a little, some things have to be rearranged. So I'm putting The Audacity Channel podcast on hiatus for the time being. It will still be here - I'm not taking it down - and I may drop a new episode from time-to-time. We'll see what the future holds.

    Thanks to everyone who follows this podcast. I appreciate you all.

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • Welcome to season 3 of the Audacity Channel podcast. I'm building the theme of season 3 around Audacity how-tos. In this first episode I take a look at how to fix a loud noise floor using the built-in effects in Audacity. I'm assuming a couple of things here, namely that the noise floor we're trying to fix doesn't have any weird artifacts in it like barking dogs or other background noises that don't belong. That's a problem for a different episode.

    Link to ACX Check Plugin if Needed: https://support.audacityteam.org/troubleshooting/missing-features#audacity-wikiLink to my video demonstrating what I talk about in this episode: https://youtu.be/akizoySBus4

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • Due to circumstances beyond my control (like moving, hanging endless curtains on thousands of windows, endless back-to-back meetings with contractors and repair people, policing the landscapers, being an amazing husband, and finally putting together a vocal booth, I've had to delay the start of Season 3 until next week, May 31st. I hope you'll join me!

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • In this final episode of Season 2, I talk about exporting your project as an MP3 file and some of the things that are easy to overlook in Audacity when exporting. I also mention a couple of things related to ACX audiobook requirements to keep in mind if you're exporting your project as an audiobook chapter or chapters. Don't forget I teach in-depth Audacity training courses at the Audacity Bootcamp. You'll find me there by visiting https://www.audacitybootcamp.com.

    I'll see you in Season 3, beginning May 24th.

    Here's a look at where we've been in this season of The Audacity Channel podcast:

    Episode 1: Recording Room PreparationEpisode 2: Microphone TypesEpisode 3: Microphone PlacementEpisode 4: Microphone TechniqueEpisode 5: My Recording Hardware ChainEpisode 6: Audio Quality: Hitting the Mark with Sample Rate, Bit Depth, and Bit RateEpisode 7: Editing Multi-Track Projects in AudacityEpisode 8: Adding Realtime Effects in AudacityEpisode 9: Bonus Episode - Audacity 3.3.0 ReleasedEpisode 10: Setting The Correct LUFS Level For Your PodcastEpisode 11: Exporting Our Audacity Project as an MP3 (This Episode)

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • Setting the correct loudness level (LUFS) for your podcast is an important step in post-production that shouldn't be overlooked. Leveling your audio helps ensure consistent loudness from beginning to end and gives the listener a better listening experience because they don't have to constantly adjust the volume of your podcast as it plays. Doing loudness leveling minimizes the loudness fluctuations that can otherwise occur, things like audio trailing off at the end of a sentence or loudness differences between multiple hosts or guests.

    The LUFS level for a stereo podcast is -16dB LUFS. For a mono podcast, it's -19dB LUFS. In this episode I suggest a few different tools that are available to help you hit your LUFS target level for the kind of podcast you're doing, either stereo or mono.

    Resources for LUFS leveling I mention in this podcast:
    In addition to Audacity's built-in loudness leveler, I talk about...

    Waves WLM Plus Loudness Meter - https://www.waves.com/plugins/wlm-loudness-meter The Auphonic website and desktop leveler - https://auphonic.com/

    Here's a look at where we've been and where we're going in this season of The Audacity Channel podcast:

    Episode 1: Recording Room PreparationEpisode 2: Microphone TypesEpisode 3: Microphone PlacementEpisode 4: Microphone TechniqueEpisode 5: My Recording Hardware ChainEpisode 6: Audio Quality: Hitting the Mark with Sample Rate, Bit Depth, and Bit RateEpisode 7: Editing Multi-Track Projects in AudacityEpisode 8: Adding Realtime Effects in AudacityEpisode 9: Bonus Episode - Audacity 3.3.0 ReleasedEpisode 10: Setting The Correct LUFS Level For Your Podcast (This Episode)Episode 11: Exporting Our Audacity Project as an MP3

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • I'm taking a short detour from our regular Season 2 episodes to let you know Audacity has released version 3.3.0. I made a video outlining what's new and what's changed in Audacity 3.3.0. The link is below, as well as a link to Audacity's GitHub page which outlines the changes. I'll post our regular Season 2 video in a couple of days.

    The link to my Audacity 3.3.0 Video:

    Audacity's GitHub Page:


    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • Let's take a few minutes to talk about using realtime effects in Audacity. The ability to add realtime, non-destructive effects takes Audacity to an entirely new level as a mainstream digital audio workstation. Plus, it's free! My purpose in this video isn't to recommend specific plugins (there are so many out there, making that a near impossible task). My purpose is to talk about how to add realtime effects and then describe my order of realtime effects when editing a podcast. I don't mention compression as one of my effects because I use a hardware compressor (my DBX 286S) so my audio is compressed before it ever gets recorded.

    Here's a look at where we've been and where we're going in this season of The Audacity Channel podcast:

    Episode 1: Recording Room PreparationEpisode 2: Microphone TypesEpisode 3: Microphone PlacementEpisode 4: Microphone TechniqueEpisode 5: My Recording Hardware ChainEpisode 6: Audio Quality: Hitting the Mark with Sample Rate, Bit Depth, and Bit RateEpisode 7: Editing Multi-Track Projects in AudacityEpisode 8: Adding Realtime Effects in Audacity (This Episode)Episode 9: How To Set The Correct LUFS LevelEpisode 10: Exporting Our Audacity Project as an MP3

    Links I talk about in this episode:

    Audacity De-Clicker: https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/updated-de-clicker-and-new-de-esser-for-speech/34283VIDEO: Audacity De-Clicker vs. The iZotope Mouth De-Clicker: https://youtu.be/EQHaWQRYViw

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • Let's talk about recording and editing in multi-track as opposed to single track where everyone in the show is recording on the same track and possibly even the intro and outro music. I've been doing multi-track recording and editing for years now. But when I began doing podcasts, I recorded everything onto one track. That's a challenge because if you have more than one person on your podcast, what works for EQ and other tonal adjustments for one of them, probably won't work as well for the other. In addition, if the person not speaking makes a sound while the other person's talking it's going to be hard, if not impossible to delete that piece of audio. Multi-track makes post-production so much easier.

    Here's a look at where we've been and where we're going in this season of The Audacity Channel podcast:

    Episode 1: Recording Room PreparationEpisode 2: Microphone TypesEpisode 3: Microphone PlacementEpisode 4: Microphone TechniqueEpisode 5: My Recording Hardware ChainEpisode 6: Audio Quality: Hitting the Mark with Sample Rate, Bit Depth, and Bit Rate (This Episode)Episode 7: Editing Multi-Track Projects in Audacity (This Episode)Episode 8: Adding Realtime Effects in AudacityEpisode 9: How To Set The Correct LUFS LevelEpisode 10: Exporting Our Audacity Project as an MP3

    Links I talk about in this episode (these are affiliate links so I get a couple of dollars if you purchase using these links).

    Zoom H6 Recorder: https://amzn.to/3mv6DyDZoom Podtrak P4: https://amzn.to/3UsOvlsZoom H8 Portable Recorder: https://amzn.to/43n7nqa

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • What is sample rate, bit depth, and bit rate? It's important to know what each of these is and what settings to use for each because all three contribute directly to the overall quality of our final audio. So let's take some time to talk about them using easy-to-understand definitions.

    Here's a look at where we've been and where we're going in this season of The Audacity Channel podcast:

    Episode 1: Recording Room PreparationEpisode 2: Microphone TypesEpisode 3: Microphone PlacementEpisode 4: Microphone TechniqueEpisode 5: My Recording Hardware ChainEpisode 6: Audio Quality: Hitting the Mark with Sample Rate, Bit Depth, and Bit Rate (This Episode)Episode 7: Editing Multi-Track Projects in AudacityEpisode 8: Adding Realtime Effects in AudacityEpisode 9: How To Set The Correct LUFS LevelEpisode 10: Exporting Our Audacity Project as an MP3

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • One of the things that helps me be a better podcaster and spoken word content creator is seeing what other creators do. Getting a glimpse of the hardware and production processes of other podcasters and audiobook creators challenges me to improve where I can. In this episode, I give you a rundown of the hardware I use in my recording chain. Enjoy!

    Here's a look at where we've been and where we're going in this season of The Audacity Channel podcast:

    Episode 1: Recording Room PreparationEpisode 2: Microphone TypesEpisode 3: Microphone PlacementEpisode 4: Microphone TechniqueEpisode 5: My Recording Hardware Chain (This Episode)Episode 6: Audio Quality: Hitting the Mark for Excellent AudioEpisode 7: Editing Multi-Track Projects in AudacityEpisode 8: Adding Realtime Effects in AudacityEpisode 9: How To Set The Correct LUFS LevelEpisode 10: Exporting Our Audacity Project as an MP3

    Reminder: MARCH MADNESS IS HAPPENING NOW AT THE AUDACITY BOOTCAMP! There are only a few days left in The Audacity Bootcamp 50% off March Madness sale. To take advantage of this 50% off sale, simply enter the coupon code MADNESS when signing up for a course. This is 50% off the already low cost of my Audacity courses and I cover your sales tax!! To take advantage of this March Madness sale, point your web browser to The Audacity Bootcamp Online School for Podcasters and Audiobook Narrators at:


    Once there, select the course(s) you're interested in, enroll and enter the coupon code MADNESS. But hurry! This sale ends in just a few short days! Once you enroll, you own the course. There is no recurring fee and there are no strings attached. My course videos are comprehensive and will give you the skills and confidence you need so you can produce exceptional audio using Audacity. But don't take my word for it. Check out the reviews while you're there and take advantage of the free preview videos I've provided.

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • Arguably, knowing how to speak correctly into the mic you're using for the room you're in is the single biggest factor when it comes to recording good initial audio, as opposed to bad or mediocre audio. Good microphone technique can make audio recorded in a bad recording environment, sound good. On the flip side, bad microphone technique can make audio recorded in a well-treated room sound mediocre, or just downright bad. Good microphone technique is tied to the type of mic you're using and is one more ingredient to making sure our initial audio is as good as it can be.

    Here's a look at where we've been and where we're going in this season of The Audacity Channel podcast:

    Episode 1: Recording Room PreparationEpisode 2: Microphone TypesEpisode 3: Microphone PlacementEpisode 4: Microphone Technique (This Episode)Episode 5: My Recording Hardware ChainEpisode 6: Audio Quality: Hitting the Mark for Excellent AudioEpisode 7: Editing Multi-Track Projects in AudacityEpisode 8: Adding Realtime Effects in AudacityEpisode 9: How To Set The Correct LUFS LevelEpisode 10: Exporting Our Audacity Project as an MP3

    Reminder: MARCH MADNESS IS IN FULL SWING AT THE AUDACITY BOOTCAMP! The Audacity Bootcamp 50% off March Madness sale is happening the entire month of March. To take advantage of this 50% off sale, simply enter the coupon code MADNESS when signing up for a course. This is 50% off the already low cost of my Audacity courses and I cover your sales tax!! To take advantage of this March Madness sale, point your web browser to The Audacity Bootcamp Online School for Podcasters and Audiobook Narrators at:


    Once there, select the course(s) you're interested in, enroll and enter the coupon code MADNESS. Once you enroll, you own the course. There is no recurring fee and there are no strings attached. My course videos are comprehensive and will give you the skills and confidence you need so you can produce exceptional audio using Audacity. But don't take my word for it. Check out the reviews while you're there and take advantage of the free preview videos I've provided.

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • Let's talk next about good microphone placement. Depending on the conditioning of our recording room and the type of microphone we're using, where we place our microphone can have an impact on the quality of our initial audio. For example, audio reflections tend to converge at or near the center of a room, especially in a poorly treated space or an untreated space. Bass tones like to hang out in the corners of a room and those reflections can get back into our mic and become a problem. So let's take a few minutes and talk about it.

    Here's a look at where we've been and where we're going in this season of The Audacity Channel podcast:

    Episode 1: Recording Room PreparationEpisode 2: Microphone TypesEpisode 3: Microphone Placement (This Episode)Episode 4: Microphone TechniqueEpisode 5: My Recording Hardware ChainEpisode 6: Audio Quality: Hitting the Mark for Excellent AudioEpisode 7: Editing Multi-Track Projects in AudacityEpisode 8: Adding Realtime Effects in AudacityEpisode 9: How To Set The Correct LUFS LevelEpisode 10: Exporting Our Audacity Project as an MP3

    Reminder: MARCH MADNESS IS IN FULL SWING AT THE AUDACITY BOOTCAMP! The Audacity Bootcamp 50% off March Madness sale is happening the entire month of March. To take advantage of this 50% off sale, simply enter the coupon code MADNESS when signing up for a course. This is 50% off the already low cost of my Audacity courses and I cover your sales tax!! To take advantage of this March Madness sale, point your web browser to The Audacity Bootcamp Online School for Podcasters and Audiobook Narrators at:


    Once there, select the course(s) you're interested in, enroll and enter the coupon code MADNESS. Once you enroll, you own the course. There is no recurring fee and there are no strings attached. My course videos are comprehensive and will give you the skills and confidence you need so you can produce exceptional audio using Audacity. But don't take my word for it. Check out the reviews while you're there and take advantage of the free preview videos I've provided.

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me
  • In this episode we continue the theme of Season 2, the ingredients for good audio, with a look at microphone types. The microphone we select will contribute significantly to the quality of audio in our initial recording. Choosing a mic that compliments our room is imperative. Choosing the wrong microphone for the room we're in can result in the majority of our post-production time being spent trying to fix bad audio instead of making good audio, better.

    Here are some microphones to consider. Full discloser, these are affiliate links. That means that while the price is the same, I earn a little bit (very little) from each purchase using these links.

    Condenser Mics

    RØDE NT1 Large Diaphragm Mic - https://amzn.to/3IK2pKsRØDE NT1A Large Diaphragm Mic - https://amzn.to/3ZsObF5RØDE NT-USB-MINI - https://amzn.to/3ZlAUhGSynco D2 Small Diaphragm Shotgun Mic - https://amzn.to/3ywQf3fSennheiser MKH 416 Small Diaphragm Shotgun Mic - https://amzn.to/3KUVMHZAudio-Technica AT2020 XLR Mic - https://amzn.to/41KKlstAudio-Technica AT2020USB+ Mic - https://amzn.to/3EUCrDeLewitt LCT440 Pure Large Diaphragm Mic - https://amzn.to/3L0KFxuNeumann TLM 102 Large Diaphragm Mic - https://amzn.to/3ZlD4xz

    Dynamic Mics

    Samsom Q2U USB/XLR Mic - https://amzn.to/3SPIezuSamsom Q9U USB/XLR Mic - https://amzn.to/3F0oROqAudio-Technica ATR2100 USB/XLR Mic - https://amzn.to/3Jh3smAAudio-Technica AT2040 XLR Mic - https://amzn.to/3ZZySDVShure SM57 Mic - https://amzn.to/3mubSOVShure SM58 Mic - https://amzn.to/3SUe5ivShure MV7X XLR Mic - https://amzn.to/41P0wF2Shure MV7 USB/XLR Mic - https://amzn.to/3ybgHz0Shure SM7B XLR Mic - https://amzn.to/3ydAFJrElectro-Voice RE-20 XLR Mic & Shock Mount - https://amzn.to/3KXcvKQElectro-Voice RE-320 XLR Mic - https://amzn.to/41OBWo0

    It's March Madness at the Audacity Bootcamp! Save 50% on my courses at https://audacitybootcamp.com

    Other Places You'll Find Me:

    The Audacity Bootcamp online school for podcasters and ACX audiobook narrators. The school consists of the following online courses: Audacity Step-by-Step: Beginner to Advanced ACX Audiobook Production Using Audacity Audacity Version Updates The Learn Audacity YouTube Channel The Learn Audacity Homepage The Audacity Channel on YouTube Facebook Contact Me