
  • In this week's episode, Gwen is coaching with Lance. 

    Lance is a breath work healer. While he knows he's a gifted and talented in helping the people he serves, he's been noticing a pattern of holding himself back from fully expressing himself.

    This shows up in hesitating to promote his business, build deep and intimate connections with others, as well as spilling over into other areas of his life, including his finances.

    In this episode, Lance gets coached on how to get to the root cause of this hesitation and shift into the embodiment of fully expressing himself.

    You'll also notice that while Lance is already a breath work healer, as with other coaches, Reiki and energy healers it's so important for us to continue to look for anything that is unresolved and anything that's not healed, so that we can take people as far as we're willing to go.

    Find Gwen on Instagram @gwencoach

    To learn more about Gwen or to be a guest on the podcast, visit gwendittmar.com

  • In this week's episode, I'm coaching with Jazmine. She's a professional who has started and built a non-profit to become extremely successful. However, she's feeling very overwhelmed by all of the things she needs to do because she's still working in and on the non-profit, while building another business and renovating her home. She knows she's great at starting projects, but has trouble completing and finishing them. She also knows she needs to delegate more so that she can focus on the things she loves, but she feels a lot of resistance to letting go and being supported. In this episode, you'll see how sometimes the surface issue of resistance to delegating and letting go of control has a much deeper meaning underneath of it and how we can get to the core of what's really going on so that we can move through the resistance and start stepping into the things we love. 

    Find Gwen on Instagram @gwencoach 

    To learn more about Gwen or to be coached on the podcast, visit GwenDittmar.com

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  • ​This week, Gwen is coaching with Daniela. Danliela is a medial resident who is smart, effective and efficient. Yet she's noticing a pattern in her dating experiences that she would like to shift. She often feels she has to take the lead and take charge in creating the date and experience. She would really like to shift into allowing the man to do that for her. However, she notices a lot of anxiety and overwhelm around creating the date. In the episode, Gwen and Daniela go into the anxiety and the overwhelm to see what's really underneath that. Then, they talk about using that to create the experience she wants to have from that healed place. They also move into tips and tools on how Daniela can allow the man to take the lead in his masculine energy, so she can start to experience more of her feminine embodiment in receiving the date and the experience. ​

    Follow Gwen on Instagram @gwencoach

    To learn more about Gwen or to be coached on a future podcast episode, go to GwenDittmar.com

  • ​Today, Gwen is coaching Katie. Katie is a 30 year old professional woman who is struggling in her love life. She is able to recognize her patterns, but isn't sure why she does it, or how to get out. Part of her wants to find love and deep commitment , but part of her loves the excitement and attraction of people who are not available. In this episode, Gwen coaches Katie on discovering where these patterns started and how her childhood may have affected how she's showing up today as an adult in relationships.

    Find Gwen on Instagram @GwenCoach

    To learn more about Gwen or to be coached on an upcoming podcast, visit GwenDittmar.com

  • In this week's episode, Gwen is coaching with Alex. She's a mother of two small children and is feeling a lot of anxiety, overwhelm and stress as a mother. She wants to feel more grounded and peaceful, but she just doesn't know how to approach it or get herself to that space.

    In this episode, Gwen coaches with Alex on going into the feelings of anxiety and overwhelm, learning how to be with those feelings vs suppress them, and then how to use what comes forward as her own natural, organic guidance on how to support herself on a daily basis moving forward.

    Follow Gwen on Instagram @gwencoach

    To learn more about Gwen's work or to be a coached on a future podcast, go to gwendittmar.com

  • In this episode, I'm coaching with Matt. He is an entrepreneur that's become aware of a pattern of second guessing himself. This pattern affects all areas of his life: his relationships, dating, finances and work, including following through on creative ideas. In the episode, I'm coach Matt on on how to get to the core of what is underneath the second guessing he's been doing, of not following his intuition and going with his gut and how to talk lovingly and kindly with himself in order to actually do what he feels very called to do. The reflection that Matt experiences on the outside is simply just a mirror image of what's going on inside. We go inside and start to shift it for him.

    Find Gwen on Instagram @gwencoach

    To learn more about Gwen or to be coached on an upcoming podcast episode, visit gwendittmar.com

  • This week, Gwen coaches Sarah.

    Sarah is an entrepreneur and a client within her group coaching program who recently got out of a relationship and is moving in a new direction in life. She knows what she wants and where she wants to be. She has a clear vision of what life looks like for her! Yet she's letting fear hold herself back from making that happen. In this episode, Gwen helps Sarah to clarify how elements of her past relationship are a teaching lesson for her moving forward, how to trust her instinct and how to use her fear as a compass and guide her to her next action steps.

    Learn more about Gwen and how you can be a guest on the podcast at gwendittmar.com or on Instagram and Facebook @gwencoach

  • This week, Gwen coaches with Meg. Meg is an entrepreneur, a wife and a mother. She has a lot of things she needs to do for her business, but she's feeling a lack of motivation to want to do them. Gwen coaches Meg on how to use that lack of motivation as a gift and a blessing, how to reconnect with her inspiration and then be able to make choices and take action from that inspired place.

    To learn more about Gwen or to be coached on a future episode, find her on Instagram and Facebook @gwencoach or at gwendittmar.com

  • This week, Gwen coaches Dani. After years of being a school teacher in Germany, Dani made the big decision to change the direction in her own life and start her own healing business, with an intention to work with children. Like so many people who are starting a business, the transition is triggering a lot of self-doubt, insecurity, uncertainty, and fear.

    In this session, Gwen works with Dani to use the underlying voices that have been holding her back and keeping her safe, to support her versus stop her.

    Find Gwen on Instagram and Facebook @gwencoach

    To learn more about how Gwen can help you or to be a guest on the podcast, visit GwenDittmar.com.

  • In this week's episode, Gwen is coaching with Irene.

    Irene is a professional, she has multiple graduate degrees who has been very high functioning all her life. This has created her identity, her esteem and also her relationships.

    The last few years she's been suffering from chronic pain. This has greatly affected her identity, her self-esteem, her relationship with her partner and her ability to be a mom.

    Often times, when pain surfaces as an adult, it has a root cause of pain that was created as a child.

    In this episode I'm going to be working with Irene to...
    - Discover the root cause of the feelings behind her pain.
    - Help her get through the moment she experienced as a child.
    - How it affects her relationships today.
    - How it shows up as pain in her body.
    - How to start the healing process and clearing that out of the body.

    Find Gwen on Instagram and Facebook @gwencoach

    Learn more about Gwen and learn how to be a guest on a future podcast episode at gwendittmar.com

  • In this week's episode, Gwen is coaching Thomas who is a creative entrepreneur and knows that he needs to share more of himself in order to be successful but feels he's putting on a facade around people. Thomas knows this affects his relationships with others, his work, and himself. He wants to learn to be comfortable with himself and share all of who he is. Throughout his life, Thomas has been in some tough situations. He's had to be strong and hold his family together at a very young age.

    Gwen works with Thomas to connect to his younger self and start to bridge the gap between the person that had to always be the strong one for others and the person he truly is inside.

    To learn more about Gwen and her work or to be coached on a podcast, visit gwendittmar.com or find her on Instagram and Facebook: @gwencoach

  • This week, Gwen is coaching with Victoria. Victoria is a small business entrepreneur, focused on graphic design, content writing and social media marketing.

    The majority of her life, she has spent working, doing and sometimes hurrying vs slowing down and really living intentionally. Over the past few years, she has paused and taken some time to examine her feelings and emotions that are really underneath all of the "doing."

    But within this, she notices that she gets blocked and stuck sometimes by the big sensations surrounding her feelings and what's underneath it.

    In this podcast, Gwen guides Victoria on how to go into the deeper parts of the healing, release and clear some of the things from the past that happened, how to use those things from the past for insight and inspiration moving forward and also how to know how to hold her emotions and feelings as something that is loving, sacred and kind vs overwhelming or too big to deal with.

    To learn more about Gwen or to be coached on an upcoming podcast, visit gwendittmar.com or find her on Instagram @gwencoach

  • This week, Gwen is coaching with Brian. Brian is a creative professional who feels he's been holding himself back in his career. He's wanted to launch a new creative endeavor for years, but has been holding himself back. Brian knows this pattern of resistance not only affects his professional life, but also his personal life. Everything that is good and what he wants is right on the other side of the resistance: but why is he resistant and what IS that resistant to?

    Gwen coaches Brian to process what is underlying the resistance and fear and by healing we can then take action. Also in this podcast Gwen shares the “reframe” coaching tool, and to see our emotions not as a problem but as powerful, loving tool. Also, Gwen explains how looking at the emotions from afar empowers you to become CEO of your own internal boardroom and how to move forward in life and work.

    To learn more about Gwen or to be coached on the podcast, go to gwendittmar.com or head to Facebook or Instagram: @gwencoach

  • This week, Gwen speaks with Caro, a busy mom and an executive coach. She's been helping people discover their passion and live their best life for years. Yet in her own life, she feels that she's not doing enough. Inside, she feels this pressure to be doing more in her business and in her personal life.

    Through this coaching session, Gwen talks about learning that you are enough where you're at in this moment, being able to recognize what you've been able to accomplish so far, and how to harness the feelings inside from parlaying you from moving forward to using them to push you through and take action in life.

    To learn more about Gwen or to be coached on a future podcast, go to gwendittmar.com or find her on Instagram and Facebook @gwencoach

  • This week, Gwen welcomes Angela to the podcast. Angela is ready to take life into her own hands and take it to the next level. Her intention is for Gwen to help her untangle moments from her past and present that has shaped how she lives and create a new mindset to grow her business and life overall.

    In the episode we’ll see how the judgments and beliefs that we have towards ourselves affect our external experiences. We’ll also talk about the emotions and mindset that accompany the menstrual cycle and how to harness each stage for empowerment and self love.

    To learn more about Gwen, go to gwendittmar.com or find Gwen on Instagram and Facebook @gwencoach.

  • Today, Gwen speaks with Mary. Mary is a female executive. She’s smart, disciplined, and has a strong work ethic. A few years ago, Mary worked hard to get out of debt. Then she went to graduate school while working full time and now that she’s out of school, she's back in the same financial hole. She feels the financial burden of school loans and debt, as well as the mental and emotional heaviness it brings.

    So often, our struggles with our financials come from something deeper layers inside. In the episode we learn why we struggle with money, and how deep the relationship with money goes. When we identify the old memories, beliefs we bought into, and hidden blocks, we can we clear up our feelings and energy. Clarity of the issue gives us the inspiration to take action.

    To learn more about Gwen or to be coached on the podcast about a problem you're having, visit gwendittmar.com or find Gwen on Facebook and Instagram: @gwencoach

  • Relationships with people can be tricky, especially when they're family relationships. But what do you do when you think you're doing the right thing for yourself, but it's tough to do?

    This week, Kelley joins Gwen to talk about her strained relationship with her father. She hasn't spoken to him in over a year. Kelley knows that her past with him impacts who she is today and her relationship with others. She feels she should keep a healthy distance from him, but struggles to want to show compassion and support for him.

    Gwen helps Kelley talk through her thoughts to find some clarity in her feelings and decisions, as well as gives her some tips on what she needs to do to start healing the wounds inside from this relationship.

    To learn more about how Gwen can help you or to be a guest on the podcast, go to gwendittmar.com or find her on Facebook and Instagram: @gwencoach

  • So often, when we want to do something new in our life, we experience fears, blocks, and sabotage that prevents us from moving forward.

    Why is that?

    In this week’s episode Gwen talks to Jamie. Jamie is a professional who went back to graduate school and is embarking on her new career yet can’t move past the fear that blocks her. The fear is centered around what people will think about her, of not being good enough, and of not yet being an expert in her field. Perfectionism has taken hold and Jamie wants to learn how to break the cycle.

    Gwen coaches Jamie to discover where the fear is coming from, what its purpose is, and how to trust her gut.

    Topics discussed in this podcast include:
    - How looking inward can be the best resource for answers we're looking for (versus outside of us).
    - The power of slowing down and creating space to attune to what your body is telling you.
    - How past experiences can shape how we feel about current situations we're in.

    To be a guest on the podcast, learn more about Gwen at gwendittmar.com

    Follow Gwen on Instagram: http://instagram.com/gwendittmar

  • Often times our habits, especially in the way we relate with money, is rooted in our experiences in from childhood. When we try to change our habits, it is much deeper than just a habit which is why we might fall back into an old trap and cycle. What I’ve seen in working with clients and habits is that it requires that we look at what’s underneath of the habit.

    Today on the podcast, Gwen does a one-on-one coaching session with Christine, who is not sure why her spending and relationship with money isn't working. She's gotten out of debt and is going back into debt and feels like there's a bigger issue.

    Gwen digs into Christine's spending habits and discovers the reason why she keeps spending needlessly is a much deeper issue that needs resolving - the money is giving her space and time to decompress and relax.

    In this podcast we’ll be discussing:
    - Why changing habits and sustaining change requires going to the root of the problem.
    - How your spending habits might be the result of something else going on in your life, past or current.
    - The importance of taking time and attuning what your body needs.
    - How to take care of yourself first so you can be able to fully take care of others.

    Follow Gwen on Instagram: http://instagram.com/gwendittmar

    To learn more about Gwen, visit GwenDittmar.com.

  • Welcome to my new podcast! Every week, you'll get to listen in on a real, one-on-one coaching session with someone looking to move past their doubts and worries to bring out something amazing in life. You might recognize parts of yourself when you hear my guests open themselves up. And hopefully you can learn something from it!

    This week, I have a great session with Wendy. She's a wife, mother writer deep calling to write a story about a very challenging topic afraid she's going to manifest the topic into her own life if she writes about it.

    In this episode, we discuss:
    - The creative process and what it entails.
    - How to move through the fear.
    - Tips to help you define and recognize your fear and what it's trying to tell you.
    - The difference between the laws of attraction and the laws of manifestation.

    Follow Gwen on Instagram: http://instagram.com/gwendittmar

    To learn more about Gwen visit GwenDittmar.com.