
  • The Church above sees no contradiction in decrying ideas like karma while preaching a gospel that states God only rewards those who go to Church, pay their tithes, and do good things. The church often preaches about a transactional God that doesn't exist rather than inviting others into a real relationship with the Divine.


    This is the Underground Church and we believe that God's act of salvation is an invitation to work with God to make our hopes in Him become realized in our own time. We believe that God does not force salvation on anyone, but we also believe that salvation is not achievable on our own. This is why an open and relational God is necessary for any practical theology in our modern times.

    What is the true meaning of salvation? What is one means of salvation? What is the salvation of God? What is the Bible way of salvation? What is the meaning of Christian transformation? What is the transformational model of Christianity? What does a transformational church believe?


    In this episode, we will:

    Explore the meaning of working with God on our salvationDeconstruct our role in our relationship with GodExamine the power of faithDiscuss the need to express feeling of defeat and pain

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    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • The Church above acts like every song made that isn't about God, especially if it is sad or angry, is anti-Christian. We have in many cases abandoned our love of music and the arts. The Church even often acts like Christians should always and only feel happy.


    This is the Underground Church and we believe it is important to engage with music that truly expresses our feelings - whether those be feelings of anger, sadness, or even jealousy and lust. It is important to be in touch with our feelings, but it is more important to focus on God. God is ALL IN ALL, and He wants us to fully be who we are in Him!

    What is the prayer for Psalm 3? What does break the teeth of the wicked mean? What psalm is pain and grief? What psalm is for comfort? Which verse says God is all in all? What does God is all in all mean? What does it mean to focus on God? How do I clear my mind to focus on God?


    In this episode, we will:

    Examine the benefits of sadnessExplore what times God may want us to feel angryDeconstruct the Church's role and stance on musicReaffirm what it means to focus on God

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    Anazao Ministries Podcasts - AMP Network

    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • The Church above acts like Christians should be completely cut off from the world and avoid sinners at all costs, and still expects to find people and "show them the light". They want to cut themselves off from the world, so they never have to encounter what they see as not of God; then, they find themselves losing the youth who are totally unprepared to face the realities of the world.


    This is the Underground Church and we believe that it is important for all Christians to encounter and interact with the world at large, whilst remaining in a healthy Church community. We shouldn't have to fear the outside world, but we also shouldn't be trying to make ourselves look like the rest of the world either. Why is isolation common in ministry? Why do I feel so lonely at church? What is the biblical meaning of outreach? How to plan church outreach?


    In this episode, we will:

    Explore how to interact with the world without losing yourselfDeconstruct the isolation models of ministryExamine what it means to stand in the path of righteousnessExegete Psalm 1

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    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • The Church above pretends to either be uninterested in politics or like only one side is an option for Christians. It acts as though political outcomes are more important than the process to get there. They prioritize wealth and influence over caring for the needy and foreigners in our lands.


    This is the Underground Church, and we believe the Bible has an outline for the politically homeless. The Bible shows how God admonishes the leaders who care for the poor and needs, are honorable and have humility, over those who bring great wealth or power to the nation. How should the Church engage in politics? What should you do if you feel politically homeless? Are churches allowed to be political? Is the Catholic Church political? How do we honor our leaders and still engage honestly in our political setting? DO we prioritize wealth and influence or immigrants and the needy?


    In this episode, we will:

    Learn how Samuel was politically homelessSee how God's people engaged with politics in the BibleDiscuss what priorities we should bring into our politicsExamine whether human leadership is a good thing at all

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    Anazao Ministries Podcasts - AMP Network

    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • The Church above has attempted to hide its own sin and acts like it doesn't do anything wrong. Many people have been harmed by actions the Church has tried to hide away. Many have lost trust in the Church because of how it has tried to hide its own sin or divert attention away from its own wrong-doing.


    This is the Underground Church and we believe a better testimony would be an honest one where the church exposes the sin within its own community before calling out what's wrong in secular communities. What is transparency in the church? Should churches be transparent with finances? What is the purpose of accountability in the church? What does the Bible say about accountability? Are we supposed to hold other Christians accountable?


    In this episode, we will:

    Explain the importance of calling out other believersExplore the issues for oneself to hold in your strugglesDeconstruct how we protect the testimony of our communitiesDiscuss how to nurture an authentic, loving community

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    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • Getting hype for our Book Fair next year in Charlotte, NC! Hosts, Will Rose, TJ Blackwell, Christian Ashley, and Joshua Noel discuss 5 short stories they read recently and what makes short-form story telling so special! Each of the hosts picked one short story for us all to read, and author Alyssa Wong chose one of their own works for us to include as well!


    What are examples of literacy? Why is reading important? What is the Fisher Queen about? How has the Church made excuses for awful behaviors in the past? Where is the line between the animal kingdom and mankind? What is the trigger warning for Galatea Madeline Miller? What is the theme of Galatea by Madeline Miller? Who was Galatea in myth? What is the main idea of A Sound of Thunder? What is the point of view of A Sound of Thunder? What happened at the end of A Sound of Thunder? Why is Bel and the Dragon not in the Bible? Is Bel and the Dragon Based on a true story? Is there a real dragon that Daniel meets? What is the message of All Tomorrows? What is the plot of the book All Tomorrows? Are there any humans left in All Tomorrows? We discuss all this and more in this one! Join in the conversation with us on Discord now!


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    Systematic Geekology

    Our show focuses around our favorite fandoms that we discuss from a Christian perspective. We do not try to put Jesus into all our favorite stories, but rather we try to ask the questions the IPs are asking, then addressing those questions from our perspective. We are not all ordained, but we are the Priests to the Geeks, in the sense that we try to serve as mediators between the cultures around our favorite fandoms and our faith communities.

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  • *This episode explores explicit themes in the Bible and discusses highly sensitive scenes and topics in the Biblical narrative.


    The Church above claims that God both doesn't want you be involved in politics and that He desires all Christians in America to vote as a Republican. Many people live in fear in the United States due to political agendas that are against the LGBTQ+ community, against immigrants, women's rights, and more. The God of the book of Judges desires HIs people to contribute to a different kind of polity that encourages hospitality.


    This is the Underground Church and we believe that God cares deeply about politics and desires for people of every race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation to feel safe. What is the Christian view of politics? What political party are Christians? What is Christian political theology? Is there a Christian form of government? What is the Christian concept of hospitality? How can Christians show hospitality?


    In this episode, we will:

    Explore the problems of Christians being inactive in politicsDiscuss the real sin of SodomExamine the dangers of anarchyWrestle with the ideas of sin in without God's people speaking up

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    Anazao Ministries Podcasts - AMP Network

    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • The Church above has a toxic view of masculinity, masked in an understanding that it's not about physical attributes. The deemphasize physical strength to mask how they over-emphasize other toxic traits of leadership, control, and manipulation. This idea of men as controlling leaders is unbiblical. The Bible teaches how men can be weak, poor leaders' and, how women can be strong and excellent leaders. Strength is found in God and in humility, not in intellect, strength, or the ability to control others.


    This is the underground Church and we believe that humility is strength. What is true biblical masculinity? What are the principles of godly manhood? What are the pillars of the Bible manhood? What is biblical strength? What strength does God give us? Was there any female leaders in the Bible? Who are the female rulers in the Bible? What does the Bible say about female leadership?


    In this episode, we will:

    Define Biblical StrengthExplore the qualities of a true leaderDeconstruct toxic masculinity in the ChurchEncourage women leaders to rise up in the Church

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    Anazao Ministries Podcasts - AMP Network

    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • The Church above teaches that sin and guilt pass down from our parents; they teach that our sins will be passed down to our kids and that we are doomed to repeat our parents' sins. All of these teachings are blatantly wrong. The Bible struggles with the idea of how our mistakes are passed down, but traches that the consequences may impact others but the sin is our own.


    This is the Underground Church and we believe that our sins have consequences and that no one has to carry the burden of the sin or expectations of their families. What is the Catholic definition of original sin? What is the original sin and the actual sin? What are examples of generational sins? What does the Bible say about generational sins? Can sins be passed down? What is the inherited sin in Christianity?


    In this episode we will:

    Examine Biblical examples of when family is found guilty of each other's sinsExplore what real consequences of sin areWrestle with the story of Japheth and the parallelism of his mother and daughter

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    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • The Church above teaches the need for an umbrella or chain of authority. This creates the illusion of proper illusion and Biblical authority. Many in the Church strive for authority or lord their position over others in the Church. They teach that there is a priesthood of all believers, but act like only the men on stage have a true connection with God.


    This is the Underground Church, where we believe there should be no hierarchy in the Church. Judges 9 & 10 reveals the nature of why toxic men seek out leadership. Why did God allow Abimelech? What did Abimelech do in the Book of Judges? What is an example of toxic leadership? What is a toxic leadership behavior? What is the Biblical definition of leadership? What is the Biblical quality of leadership?


    In this episode, we will:

    Evaluate traits of toxic leadershipEstablish the motives of a good leaderCritically think about the definition of the priesthood of all believers

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    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • The Church above pushes the idea that Christians should be perfect once they accept salvation. Many in the Church above put on a performance and try to act like they're perfect rather than admitting their guilts and mistakes to grow stronger together. Many in the Church make signs out of everything, while others ignore clear signs right in front of them.


    This is the underground Church, where we are open about our mistakes and doubts. In this episode we examine the story of Gideon in Judges 6-8. How do we know whether something is truly a sign from God? Is it okay to doubt our callings and paths in life? How do Christians deal with doubts? Is doubt a lack of faith? Is doubt the same as unbelief? Why do I keep looking for signs? Can I ask the universe for a sign? How do I stop looking for signs in the universe?


    In this episode, we will:

    Challenge the mainstream's church handling of signsExamine symptoms of a sick churchInterpret the book of JudgesDiscuss how to look for signsChallenge our interpretation of the signs around us

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    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • As part of our EVERY TRIBE, (denomi)NATION, & TONGUE convention, we discussed the relationship between the Church and politics! Hosts Joshua Noel and TJ (Tiberius Juan) Blackwell speak with Brandon Knight of My Seminary Life and Christian Ashley of Let Nothing Move You about God's heart for His people as we engage in local politics! Does God care about politics? Why are some Churches more liberal? Should all Christians be Republicans? How should we treat other Church members who vote differently from us? What did the Bible say about Christians in politics? What is the relationship between religion and politics? How can Christians engage the current political climate better without further causing division in the Church? Should Christians vote for more gun control? Welfare programs? Can Christians disagree respectfully over how to vote on abortion even? Join in our conversations on our Discord Server and Facebook group!


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  • To start off our "EVERY TRIBE, (denomi)NATION, & TONGUE convention", we discuss one another's podcasts and a word I received in prayer to "build the Church". What does it mean to build the Church if "the Church" is just the people of God? What is Church? Who is God? How do we go back to a place where the Church is one united body? What is the true meaning of the Church? What is the primary purpose of the Church? How can we build the people of God back up from a place of isolation and deconstruction? What is the book of Ezra-Nehemiah about? What is the point of our network? What can we accomplish together as we grow our podcasts? We discuss it all in this one! Check out all of our shows and check out the rest of the live podcasts we did during our convention on our network website: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

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    Check out other shows like this on our shared network:https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

    AMP Network

  • Does the exclusion of women from church leadership sound familiar to you? Have you been told to simply accept this status quo in order to maintain harmony? But deep down, you feel the pain of being silenced and overlooked. It's time to challenge the ineffective action of staying silent and start seeking a more inclusive and empowering environment for all.


    In this episode, you will be able to:


    Discover the powerful and crucial contribution of women to the church, awakening new realization of their rightful standing in religious leadership.


    Disclose the manipulated interpretation of scriptures to disenfranchise women, propelling your intrinsic resolve to question such constructs.


    Enter the captivating world of biblical women figures who made a difference, stoking your intrigue and desire for a deeper understanding.


    Address the widespread hesitance to embrace women’s equality in sacred institutions, empowering your personal drive to defy such conformities.



    The church isn't just not changing and saying, 'Oh, we

    can't change things, we can't possibly ordain women.' They're actually just

    getting worse. It's fucking scary, it's sad, and something needs to be done

    about it. - The Foul-Mouthed Preacher


    The resources mentioned in this episode are:   

    Visit the Underground Church website to learn more about their mission and support their work in advocating for women's equality in the church.


    Check out the book The Gospel According to Eve:

    A History of Women's Interpretation by Amanda W. Benckhuysen to gain a deeper

    understanding of the history of women in the church and their contributions.


    Explore other denominations that prioritize gender equality, such as the United Church of Christ or the Episcopal Church, and consider joining a more inclusive and affirming community.


    Educate yourself on the misinterpretation of Scripture that has led to the exclusion of women in leadership roles. Read books like A Year of Biblical Womanhood by Rachel Held Evans or Half the Church: Recapturing God's Global Vision for Women by Carolyn Custis James.


    Support women pastors and leaders by attending their services or events, purchasing their books or resources, and sharing their work with others.


    Engage in conversations with others about the importance of gender equality in the church and challenge patriarchal beliefs and practices.


    Advocate for change within your own church or denomination by speaking up about the need for women in leadership and supporting policies and practices that promote gender

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    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • The Bible tells us everything we will ever need to know, and that's why we don't care about TV, Music, Politics, History, or Science!


    Should the Church stand its ground against mainstream science concerning vaccines, evolution, and gender dysmorphia, or should the Church champion scientific research? What does Christianity say about science? What is the relationship between the Bible and science? Does science accept God or not? What is the difference between science and faith? Can you be pro-life, love science, and be pro-death penalty? Why did the Church start so many universities and colleges? Who are the people of the book? What is the Church's relationship to reasoning? How did the Church treat Galileo and Darwin? If you are looking for a Church that promotes science and research that helps sustain life, then this is the podcast for you!

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    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • We know the Bible is 100% true and accurate because the Bible told us so!


    Should we take the Bible at face value or were we meant to question it? How true is the Bible? Why do we need to believe in the Bible? Are there any contradictions in the Bible? Is the Bible a static "how to" guide or a living Word? Is the Bible inerrant? What is the Bible? If the Bible isn't completely true, why should we care about it? How do we engage the Bible better? If you are looking for permission to question the Bible and still engage your faith better, than this episode is for you!

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    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • Everyone knows there is nothing wrong with the Church, there never has been anything wrong, and everything the Church has ever done is good!


    Should we trust and accept the Church as it is, or should we challenge the popular Church stances on politics, science, and morality? How do some churches act like abusive relationships? What rhetoric is dangerous that the Church puts out? Do we really need a church? What does Jesus say about the church? How do you know if a church is right for you? If you are looking for a Church that trusts science, loves people, encourages you to vote your conscious, and question the Bible, then this is the Church for you!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Anazao Ministries Podcasts - AMP Network

    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • The media is just systemized lies about systemic sin existing in the world!


    Should Christians want to legislate morality, or ignore politics all together? How does the Bible view politics? What did the Bible say about Christians in politics? Was the Bible a political book? What political sin(s) led to Israel's judgements in the book of Judges? Does the Bible support the ideas of systemic sins and racism? Does God punish nations over politics and political leaders? Should Christians show love to their neighbors in the voting booths in America? If you are looking for an honest Biblical discussion on politics and systemic sins, then this episode is for you!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Anazao Ministries Podcasts - AMP Network

    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • There has never been a time in all of history that a true Christian has ever made a mistake!


    Should pastors only call out the sins of the world, or should they be honest about their own mistakes too? What is the cycle of sin? Do Christians still have a sin nature? Can you sin and still go to heaven? What is actual sin in Christianity? If we don't want to sin or live by the old law, what other option is there for us now? What does it mean to be alive in the Spirit? If you are a mess-up, or ever feel like you are a "lesser Christian", then this episode is for you!

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    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

  • God has already chosen who He wants to send to Hell and made some of us just for that purpose - find out if that's you!


    Did God only choose some people for salvation and love, or is it a free gift that He offers to anyone? What is the belief of predestination? Does the Bible teach predestination? What is the book of Jonah about? What is the worst story ever written? Who does God love? What is mercy? Is there such thing as systemic sins in the Bible? If you need to just be reminded of God's love, or if you have ever felt like a nobody, then this episode is for you!

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    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/