
  • Rest is a weapon given to us by God. The enemy hates it when we're rested because he wants us to be stressed and occupied. But, you know what? God wants us to be peaceful and trusting in Him. It's possible! If you give God a space, He will fill it with something meaningful. So, let's begin today at the beginning shall we, as we study rest together? Join me in Genesis chapter two.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4bLsJ3I
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  • We read God's Word and we let it read us. Remember, we were talking last time about how sometimes the Bible exposes the sin in our life, but it's okay to bring it into the light. Another safe place to do that is in a community of people you trust, like a small group. Maybe you're involved in a small group right now. It's a big deal to be part of a small group, to share your life with other people who you can trust, who are following Jesus. You can row with them in the same direction. You can pray together. It's a place you can potentially thrive!

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3ypFEu7
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

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  • Manglende episoder?

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  • All this week, you and I are studying four things that we need to thrive as human beings. Today you and I are going to talk about God's Word. What is the Bible? Why do you and I take about seven minutes every weekday to open it and study it? Well, let's find out. Join me in two Timothy chapter three.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4bP5o1r
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

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  • Last week you and I studied the four things we need to survive as humans; air, water, food, and light. This week, you and I are going to dive into the four things we need to thrive as human beings. To thrive means to prosper, to flourish. You and I can thrive in Christ in relationship with him. So let's lean into that this week!

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3V7Qu0y
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

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  • What a privilege it is to study the Word with you and to remember that God provides everything you and I need on this planet. Air, water, food, and light. He provides these things physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. He is everything we need. Jesus is the breath of life. He is the living water, the bread of life, and the light of the world. So, we're just going to meditate today on who He is to us, as we wrap up our week together.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4ars2f3
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

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  • Jesus says, I am the light of the world, and so even though we go through dark times in our lives and walk through dark valleys, we may feel like we're alone, but we are never alone. He is right beside us, lighting the way with hope. He knows just what we need when we need it. I want to invite you to join me today in John chapter eight. We are going to meet a woman who is in the darkest moment of her life. She's about to be murdered, or so she thinks, until Jesus the light of the world comes on the scene.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4dGa7UP
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

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  • You know when you eat and you feel sustained, you feel full and strengthened? This is what Jesus came to do for your soul to give you life. Today we're digging into John chapter 6 - Let's sit down together and fill up!

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3UEnbRQ
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

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  • Today we're talking about the Living Water that brings the dead to life, and there is only one who can offer us this, and His name is Jesus. He is the only One that will quench every thirst. Anyone who is thirsty may come to me. Anyone who believes in me may come and drink for the scriptures declare rivers of living water will flow from His heart. You are deeply and completely loved. Let's soak this in together.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3Kpp8wZ
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

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  • As human beings, we need four things to survive, air, water, food, and light. Technically, I guess coffee falls under the water category, but do you realize Jesus provides all of these things for us every day? He is the breath of life. He is the living water. He is the bread of life. He is the light of the world. All this week we are going to be exploring how Jesus provides all that you and I need.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3UHOdrr
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

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  • Hey, are you ready to go into battle with me? Today we are going to pray a very powerful prayer with King David. So, let's armor up and seek the Lord in prayer today! You're going to find that there's going to be a whole lot of praise woven into this prayer quilt. Are you ready? Psalm 35.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4bjFCSS
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

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  • You and I are on a battlefield every day, aren't we? It's called life. There's a battle between good and evil. There's a battle between good and bad choices, right? You and I are always making decisions as we interact with fellow human beings. God wants to remind you that He is with you, fighting for you. That's what we're learning this week on the battlefield. So let's talk about Joshua and the Battle of Jericho...

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3WZkcX9
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

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  • You ever feel just absolutely surrounded by enemies, by people who have something against you or even your own thoughts coming against you? Welcome to another day on the battlefield. Today you and I are going to hang out with King Jehoshaphat, who received some crazy scary news. Diving into 2 Chronicles 20 now.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4b8oU93
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

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  • God is with you. He is the Mighty Warrior fighting beside you, and with you, and for you. He takes great delight in you. He's not wagging his finger at you... He's rejoicing over you. Just soak up all that love right now.

    Today we are going to meet the Israelites, and boy, are they panicking. Perhaps you are in a battle right now and you're panicking. I pray this helps you today. Let's dive in.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/44zeigY
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

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  • Battles don't always happen at places like Gettysburg and Normandy. Sometimes offices, playgrounds, classrooms, neighborhoods, you name it, can become battlefields. And that's why you and I are going to spend a little time this week getting battle ready. Let's get started in James, chapter one.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4dw1vzQ
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

    We would love to hear from you! E-mail us at [email protected]

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  • May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.

    The words of Moses are kicking off Joy Bombs in the Psalms today and we're going to be diving into Psalm 67, which interestingly enough is a little bit of a reprise of Moses's words, his beautiful prayer in Numbers 6:24-26. Let's jump in!

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/44x5dp5
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

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  • Today's unsung hero is a young maid who played a crucial role in healing a mighty warrior, Naaman, from leprosy. We hope this encourages you to remember that you can make a significant impact, no matter how small your actions may seem. You matter in all His ways!

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3JRAwBa
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

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  • Today we're looking at two unsung heroes from the Bible: a poor widow and a man on death row. The widow, despite her poverty, gave all she had, demonstrating her faith and commitment. The man on death row, despite his crimes, reached out to Jesus in his final moments, showing his belief and repentance. God sees and values all people, no matter their circumstances.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4baHQnB
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

    We would love to hear from you! E-mail us at [email protected]

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  • Consider for a moment the great honor and joy of carrying out God's plan for your own life, and the rest of the whole world too. Those two things, the plans he has for you and the plans he has for this old world intersect and interact with each other. What a privilege! Today you and I are going to study another unsung hero in the Bible, a woman who had to do something hard twice, and yet when we pull back and zoom out, I think you and I are going to be amazed at what God did through this woman's courage.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4b2TbpN
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

    We would love to hear from you! E-mail us at [email protected]

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  • If I were to ask you right now who your favorite Bible hero is, I imagine you would say David, with God's help, he slayed Goliath the giant, or Daniel. God rescued him from the lion's den, but unsung heroes, that's a little trickier.

    This week I googled unsung heroes of the Bible and two unusual names popped up, and right away I said, "Yes, let's do it"... Let's call the midwives!

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/4djLsVR
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

    We would love to hear from you! E-mail us at [email protected]

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  • God has a plan and a purpose for us, and it's good that he has a hope and a future for us. When our plans blow up, we know that Jesus hasn't given up on us. He's working in the construction zone of our lives. Trust that He is leading you out of the gray area and into His perfect will for your life. You are so deeply loved.

    Show Notes: https://bit.ly/3UeipKz
    We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at Purposely.com

    You can find video versions of these podcasts on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoDefRkBIV2bGEy0-GWwUw

    We would love to hear from you! E-mail us at [email protected]

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