In this last episode of The Big Green Money Show, find out about Deborah's lifelong passion for nature and how she believes businesses can and should do more to protect it.
Listener Poppy has a question for the team.
And why does Deborah go barefoot into the garden every day; come rain, shine or even snow?
Featuring Craig Bennett of The Wildlife Trusts, Mark Allan, Chief Executive of Landsec and, if you listen right to the end, the birdsong in Deborah's garden.
If you want to talk to the team, you can email GreenMoney@bbc.co.uk or use the hashtag #GreenMoneyShow on Twitter.
If you're listening on a platform that allows it (BBC Sounds does not) please do leave us a review. We'd love new listeners to disover our back catalogue.
Thanks for listening!
Produced by Lexy O'Connor and Kath PaddisonStudio Manager: Hal HainesExecutive Producer: Natasha JohanssonSeries Producer: Justin Bones
From disposable gloves to surgical instruments, how could healthcare be greener?Can we prescribe medicines in greener ways? And can we reduce paper use and other forms of waste?Deborah and Fliss chat to an expert in sustainablity in healthcare about what the NHS is getting right and what needs to change.
Plus they learn about drug maker GSK, formerly known as GlaxoSmithKline. It is looking at ways to reduce the impact of asthma inhalers, which contribute to almost half of its carbon footprint. Find out why and what's being done about it.
As always, if you have a question for the Green Money team, get in touch on Twitter using the hashtag #GreenMoneyShow or email GreenMoney@bbc.co.uk.
Producers: Lexy O'Connor & Kath PaddisonStudio Manager: Hal HainesExecutive Producer: Natasha Johansson & Will CooperSeries Producer: Justin Bones
Manglende episoder?
Deborah and Fliss discover the small treat with a big environmental impact that's eating into the carbon footprint of consumer giant Unilever.
Plus why is palm oil a problem, why is it in everything, and what is Unilever doing about it?
And listener Sheila wants to know how to recycle old clothes that are too worn out to be sold on or given to charity.
If you've got a question for the Green Money team, drop us an email at GreenMoney@bbc.co.uk or talk to us on Twitter using the hashtag #GreenMoneyShowProducers: Lexy O'Connor & Kath PaddisonStudio Manager: Hal HainesExecutive Producer: Natasha Johansson & Will CooperSeries Producer: Justin Bones
Could a lack of knowledge and understanding be holding us back from trying more sustainable period products?
Have you ever considered using a menstrual cup but been unsure if it would work for you? Or wondered about the impact of single use tampons and pads? Then get ready for a very frank and open conversation about the options out there!
Period products clog up sewers and drains and pollute our rivers and beaches. Many single use products like tampons and sanitary towels also contain plastic. So what options are out there if you're looking for more sustainable period products? And how well do they actually work?
Deborah and Fliss meet Kathryn King, who talks about periods on TikTok. She talks them through everything from menstrual cups to reusable underwear.
This episode was inspired by a question from listener Naomi. If you have a question for us, email the team at GreenMoney@bbc.co.uk or talk to Deborah and Fliss on Twitter using the hashtag #GreenMoneyShow.
Presented by Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah.
Huge thanks to Kathryn King, otherwise known as BloodyHonest on TikTok and Instagram.
Producers: Lexy O'Connor and Kath Paddison.Studio Manager: Hal Haines.Executive Producers: Will Cooper and Natasha Johansson.Series Producer: Justin Bones.
Richard Curtis co-founded Comic Relief as well as writing some of our best known comedies including Blackadder and Love Actually. But did you know he's also a passionate campaigner about the power of pensions?
Richard tells Deborah and Fliss why he believes our pensions could be a "mega-weapon" in the fight against climate change and what impact he believes Comic Relief has had over the decades.
And have Blackadder and Baldrick put anything away for their retirement?
Plus your questions answered: from the environmental impact of log burners to what happens to supermarket soft plastics recycling with Professors Mike Berners-Lee and Rachael Rothman.
Presented by Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah.
Talk to us using the hashtag #GreenMoneyShow on Twitter or email the team at GreenMoney@bbc.co.uk.
Produced by Lexy O'Connor and Kath Paddison.Studio Manager: Hal HainesExecutive Producer: Natasha Johansson & Will CooperSeries Producer: Justin Bones
Water companies are under the spotlight as public concern grows over sewage spills into our rivers and beaches. In the hotseat today is the CEO of the UK's biggest, Thames Water. Sarah Bentley agrees the company can do better and says she's on a mission to turn it around.
Plus how much water does the average UK adult use in a day? And will Fliss pass Deborah's water quiz?
And the things you shouldn't put down the toilet or sink, some of which might surprise you.
Talk to us! You can email the team at GreenMoney@bbc.co.uk or use the hashtag #GreenMoneyShow on Twitter.
Presented by Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah.
Produced by Lexy O'Connor and Kath Paddison.Studio Manager: Hal HainesExecutive Producer: Natasha JohanssonSeries Producer: Justin Bones
This week Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah have been finding out how getting more of us onto buses is key to cutting transport emissions and giving us cleaner air.
And if you're a car driver, here's a question. What would tempt you to use a bus instead?
Deborah and Fliss talk through the options with the UK managing director of bus giant Stagecoach.
And what do Deborah and Fliss make of the electrician who refuses to drive a van? Instead he travels to all his customers using an electric cargo bike.
Presented by Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah and if you'd like to contact the team, email GreenMoney@bbc.co.uk or use the hashtag #GreenMoneyShow on Twitter.
Produced by Lexy O'Connor and Kath PaddisonStudio Mananger: Hal HainesExecutive Producer: Natasha JohannssonSeries Producer: Justin Bones
Today Deborah and Fliss learn about the brilliant work some schools are doing to be more sustainable. They visit the children and teachers at St Winifred's RC Primary in Lewisham.
They hear how head teachers are facing massive increases in energy bills whilst trying to balance the books, and ask where the cash will come from to retrofit the UK's thousands of inefficient school buildings.
They meet the children fizzing with green ideas, and hear how they're tackling food waste with a school dinner "most hated meals" list.
And they find out what's on the curriculum to teach the next generation about climate change so they don't repeat the mistakes of the past.
Presented by Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah.
Talk to us on Twitter using the hashtag #GreenMoneyShow or email the team at GreenMoney@bbc.co.uk.
Producers: Lexy O'Connor and Kath PaddisonSound engineer: Joe LawrenceExecutive Producer: Natasha JohanssonSeries Producer: Justin Bones.
Almost one in five new cars sold in 2022 were electric. But is the public charging network keeping up with sales?
Deborah and Fliss talk to listener and EV driver Steve to hear his experience. They grill the boss of charging company Pod Point and meet Badar who is upskilling from a petrol and diesel mechanic to learning how to fix EVs. They chat to his trainer Andy about who's taking his course and whether enough people are learning how to fix and maintain electric cars.
Presented by Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah.
We love answering listener questions. Or maybe you've got an idea for something Deborah and Fliss should look into. If so email the team at greenmoney@bbc.co.uk or use the hashtag #GreenMoneyShow on Twitter.
Producers: Lexy O'Connor & Kath PaddisonStudio Manager : Hal HainesExecutive Producers, Will Cooper and Natasha JohannsenSeries Producer: Justin Bones
Deborah and Fliss meet Alice Delahunty, President of National Grid's transmission service. They find out what part renewables play in today's electricity supply and exactly when we can expect a 100% green grid.
And if you think solar panels are only for the rich, find out about the Welsh social housing provider installing panels on hundreds of tenants roofs.
Presented by Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah.
Talk to them on twitter using the hashtag #GreenMoneyShow or email the team at GreenMoney@bbc.co.uk
Producers: Lexy O'Connor and Kath PaddisonStudio Manager: Hal HainesExecutive Producer: Natasha JohanssonSeries Producer: Justin Bones
Deborah and Fliss are back for Series 4!
Today's show is all about green jobs. What is a green job? And how do I get one?
Meet the young woman who was inspired to give up a career in hairdressing to chase her dream of working on offshore wind farms. She's now in her first year of an apprenticeship learning how to maintain and fix wind turbines.
Deborah and Fliss also meet her boss, Duncan Clark, the man in charge of the UK operations of the massive energy company Ørsted. He describes what life is like if your job involves building and maintaining these giant structures far out to sea.
Find out what jobs the company offers and what qualities he looks for in a worker.
And keep listening to hear the message for Haidee from Keeley Donovan, the presenter of that documentary which inspired her career change.
Talk to Deborah and Fliss using the hashtag #GreenMoneyShow on Twitter, or email the team at GreenMoney@bbc.co.uk
Presented by Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah.
With thanks to Keeley Donovan and the Powering Britain team.
Produced by Lexy O'Connor and Kath PaddisonStudio Manager: Hal HainesExecutive Producer: Natasha JohanssonSeries Producer Justin Bones
This podcast was made in association with The Open University.
After a year of making The Big Green Money Show, it's time for Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah to think about changes they can make to their own lives in 2023. So with help from some of their favourite experts, they come up with four simple, easy and very cheap new year's resolutions to lower their own carbon footprints. We promise these tips will save you cash and lower your environmental impact!
Plus how do charity shops handle the flood of donations which pour in at the start of January as people declutter and give away unwanted gifts? Deborah and Fliss chat to the woman in charge of Oxfam's retail arm.
And if you're planning on getting fit this year, Fliss has been looking into how exercising can be a green act. The boss of Britain's biggest gym chain Pure Gym talks about how the company is working to get back on track after Covid disrupted its net zero plans.
This is a one-off episode. The Big Green Money Show will be back in February with Series 4. Hit subscribe and you won't miss us when we return!
#GreenMoneyShow GreenMoney@bbc.co.uk
Useful links:https://www.bigrepairproject.org.uk/https://lovefoodhatewaste.com/https://veganuary.com/
Presented by Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah.
Producers: Lexy O'Connor and Kath PaddisonStudio Manager: Hal HainesExecutive Producer: Natasha JohannsonSeries Producer: Justin Bones
Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah look back at the best bits from this year’s episodes, featuring some of the world's biggest business names talking about the biggest problem facing the planet: climate change.
They pick from the conversations that made them laugh, surprised them, and inspired them from their back catalogue of 30 episodes.
You'll hear conversations with L'Oréal, EasyJet, Biffa and Octopus who talk about the success in their sustainability journey as well as the challenges still to be faced.
The looked at everything from electric cars to recycling, to how long we spend in the shower and they've also answered questions from listeners too.
Presented by Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah.
Producers: Lexy O'Connor and Kath PaddisonStudio Mananger: Hal HainesExecutive Producer Natasha JohanssonSeries Producer: Justin Bones
Christmas is a time to celebrate with family and friends but its true meaning can get lost in a blizzard of panic-buying, over-consumption and waste. So this year, as the cost of living crisis bites, Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah are on a mission to help you spend and waste less, but keep the joy.They've enlisted the help of carbon footprint expert Professor Mike Berners-Lee and Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis, and don't worry, there's not a bah humbug in sight. In fact Professor Mike promises to liberate you from the worst bits of Christmas.
Plus, a chat with one of the UK's biggest Christmas tree wholesalers.
WARNING: Several vegan mince pies were eaten in the making of this episode.
Presented by Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah.
Production elves: Lexy O'Connor, Kath Paddison, Studio manager: Hal HainesExecutive Producer Natasha JohannsonSeries Producer Justin Bones
Useful links:https://www.recyclenow.com/news-and-campaigns/recycle-right-this-christmas
Can we lower the environmental impact of a bottle of gin? And do customers need to rethink their expectations of what fancy drinks bottles should look and feel like? Diageo makes some of the world's best known drinks brands, including Guinness, Gordons and Smirnoff. Deborah and Fliss talk bottles, energy and growth with the company's Global Head of Sustainability.
Would you recycle more if you got money back for doing it? This summer Scotland's bottle deposit return scheme goes live, Deborah and Fliss hear how it's expected to double recycling rates.
And, listeners wanted to know, what's greener, plastic or glass? So one of Deborah and Fliss' favourite experts, Professor Rachael Rothman returns to unpick the answer. (Because as always, it's not simple!)
If you've got a question, you can email the show at GreenMoney@bbc.co.uk or talk to Deborah and Fliss on Twitter: #GreenMoneyShow.
With Deborah Meaden and Felicity Hannah.
Producers: Lexy O'Connor and Kath PaddisonStudio Mananger: Hal HainesExecutive Producer Natasha JohanssonSeries Producer: Justin Bones
Deborah and Fliss look at the business of football and examine claims from the World Cup organisers that 2022 will see the first ever carbon neutral world cup.They talk to the chairman of Forest Green Rovers which has been described as "the greenest club on the planet".
And back in 2019 Aston Villa came bottom of a table ranking the Premier League's clubs on their environmental promises. It was the catalyst for change and the club is now starting its journey to improve its eco credentials. Deborah and Fliss find out what's on the club's to-do list.
Plus they chat to the founder of Pledgeball which inspires fans to live greener lives.
Producers: Lexy O'Connor and Kath PaddisonStudio manager: Gareth JonesExecutive Producer Natasha JohanssonSeries Producer: Justin Bones
So many listeners asked the Green Money team about this! So by popular demand, Deborah & Fliss take a look at how to be a sustainable pet owner.
They visit Battersea Dogs and Cats Home to investigate food choices, vet treatments and to find out what our pets really need to live long, happy and green lives.
Get ready to meet residents including Thor, Lionel and Sid, plus kitten siblings Rock, Paper and Scissors.
Including Battersea's boss Peter Laurie, Senior Vice President of the Briitsh Veterinary Association Justine Shotton and Will Bushell of IPN which makes pet food brands including Harringtons and Wagg.
So many listeners asked the Green Money team about this! So by popular demand, Deborah & Fliss take a look at how to be a sustainable pet owner.
They visit Battersea Dogs and Cats Home to investigate food choices, vet treatments and to find out what our pets really need to live long, happy and green lives.
Get ready to meet residents including Thor, Lionel and Sid, plus kitten siblings Rock, Paper and Scissors.
Including Battersea's boss Peter Laurie, Senior Vice President of the Briitsh Veterinary Association Justine Shotton and Will Bushell of IPN which makes pet food brands including Harringtons and Wagg.
Useful links:Battersea Dogs and Cats Home: https://www.battersea.org.uk/Top tips to help children, teenagers and families be more sustainable: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zppx2v4
Producers: Lexy O'Connor & Kath Paddison.Sound recordist: Kate BarkerExecutive Producer Natasha JohanssonSeries Producer: Justin Bones
Made in association with The Open University.
World leaders are descending on Egypt for this year's COP climate change talks.So what is COP? Why does it matter? And is the UK on target to keep its own promise to reach net zero by 2050?
Deborah and Fliss put all those questions and more to Chris Stark who, leads the UK Climate Change Committee which holds the government to account.
They also talk to the boss of wind turbine maker Siemens Gamesa. The company's been building wind farms for decades but inflation, politics and bureaucracy mean they're not making a profit.
And what was it like to live and work in Glasgow last year when COP 26 came calling? Deborah and Fliss meet the small business building on COP's big legacy.
We like answering your questions. You can contact us on Twitter using the hashtag #GreenMoneyShow or email us at GreenMoney@bbc.co.uk.
Production teamLexy O'Connor, Kath Paddison, Luke Wilson, Studio Manager, Gareth JonesExecutive Producer, Natasha JohanssonSeries Producer, Justin bones
Busting the myth that being green costs money, Deborah and Fliss learn about how DIY can save you cash and help you do the right thing for the planet.They talk to the boss of B&Q about how sales of home insulation products are soaring, and find out how the company is trying to lower its environmental footprint. And they discover a whole world of creative recycling, from old paint, to used kitchens!
With B&Q, Seagulls Reuse Paint, The Used Kitchen Company
We love it when you get in touch. Email us at greenmoney@bbc.co.uk or talk to us on Twitter using the hashtag #GreenMoneyShow.
Producers: Lexy O'Connor & Kath PaddisonStudio Manager: Frank McWeenyExecutive Producer: Natasha JohanssonSeries Producer: Justin Bones
Useful links
From CGI to costume dramas to Dragons' Den, what's being done to lower the impact of making our favourite TV shows?
Deborah and Fliss turn the spotlight on themselves to look at the world of TV (and radio) production. They discover why its footprint can be so high and what's being done to lower it.
You'll hear from the BBC's Director of Sustainability who wants the corporation to become the most sustainable broadcaster in the world. Plus wildlife film maker Tom Mustill explains how he's making his documentaries without flying huge teams all over the world. And you'll hear from the boss of Albert, TV and film's sustainability body which is helping producers to measure their carbon footprint.
Get in touch if you have a question you'd like the Green Money team to answer. You can email us at GreenMoney@bbc.co.uk or use the hashtag #GreenMoneyShow on Twitter.
Production team: Lexy O'Connor, Luke Wilson, Kath Paddison, Gareth Jones, Hal Haines, Justin Bones, Natasha Johansson.
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