Why is it that some people are destined for success while others will never fulfill their full potential? What sets apart those that “make it” from those that never really make any money from their business ideas?
I recently attended the annual DCBKK conference in Bangkok, Thailand. This is a gathering of internet entrepreneurs from all over the world who come together to mastermind, connect, and learn about how to grow their businesses.
While there were many entrepreneurial takeaways, what stood out to me were the things that differentiated those who had “succeeded” (in their sense of the term) from those who were still trying to make it work.
In today’s episode, I share 3 things that “successful” entrepreneurs do, that others are unwilling or unable to implement.
If you can honestly say that you do all 3 of these things, and you’re still struggling to move the needle, then reach out to me! I’m sure that with some outside perspective a plan can be put in place.I’m offering free 30-minute strategy sessions to the first 10 people who sign up here.
Why “It’s not science, you need clients.”
What really goes on behind the scenes of scaling a side hustle from $3K to $100K.
The #1 thing that will keep you going when the going gets tough.
How an illustrator created a scalable business to live her dream life.
What it actually means to think outside the box.
Dynamite Circle: http://dynamitecircle.com/
DCBKK: http://dcbkk.com/
Davis’ Business: My Consulting Offer
Cat Coquilette: Cat’s Instagram - Check out her art!
We’ve all been there. Feeling lost, unmotivated, and knowing that it should-it can-be better.
But how do we get unstuck? In this week’s episode, I walk you step-by-step through a simple process to get you out of a rut, and back to feeling like your best self.
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Why recognizing the rut is the first step to getting out of it.
What is the source of your rut?
How to switch things up to change your current situation.
You are not alone. Read that again.
Why taking care of yourself first and foremost will get you unstuck quickest.
How to have habits without monotony.
Manglende episoder?
When his gut told him to risk everything to build a mobile app, he listened. With no safety net, Doug went all in to build The Daily Shifts App, in hopes that by listening to his higher calling, he can help you connect to yours.
I love this interview because it showcases the real-life ‘shifts’ that can happen when a person focuses on creating better habits, trusting their intuition, and adopting a mindset of growth and gratitude.
“I had a spiritual experience that said, don’t worry about a safety net, just go for it. And so I did.”SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher Radio | YouTube
FOLLOW DOUG: Instagram
How one book in college changed the direction of his life.
How he went from a wolf-of-Wallstreet mentality to having a spiritual awakening.
How psychedelics played a role in the development of the app.
The 3 things that will always bring you back to center and connect you to your intuition.
The best tips for growing your mediation practice.
The crazy risks Doug took to build the app.
What led you to create a personal growth app?
Why an App? Why not a course or a journal or something cheaper to create?
How did his leadership evolve pre and post spiritual awakening?
On a night like any other, Jess found herself working late at her high-paying financial job. But as the stack of project papers landed on her desk, a realization settled in her heart.
She had to quit.
A few months later she set out on the solo trip of a lifetime, hiking 2,000 miles, over the course of 6 months.
This bold move changed the trajectory of her life and now empowers her to help others make similar shifts in their lives.
“Opportunities rarely come when it’s convenient or comfortable.”
“I let the part of me that wanted to find my passion and move forward, and win, over the part of me that was scared.”
“I wanted to know that what was within me was far greater than anything happening outside.”
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Why she left a 6-figure job to reconnect to a purpose-driven life.
How that decision led to her hiking the Appalachian Trail.
How a bold decision leads to unseen opportunity.
How to battle the fears that come up when we follow our truth.
How she kept going on the 2,000-mile hike when she wanted to quit.
The importance of finding a partner-in-believing.
Why courage comes before confidence.
How did she make the decision to hike the Appalachian Trail?
What opportunities came from following such an unconventional path?
How did you handle lash-back from family and friends?
GLOW + FLOW TRANSFORMATIONAL RETREAT: http://theboldlifemovement.com/retreat
“Did you move to Bali?”
Short answer: yes.
For now, at least.
When I came to Bali in April, I never had any intention of staying (says me and everyone else who winds up in Ubud.) What I’ve uncovered from following my gut to this magical place is way more than I bargained for.
”To say it was easy, would be a lie.”Fast forward five months, and a lot has changed. I created a community, a home, and a new vision for what The Bold Life Movement will look like moving forward.
The myth of “creating life on your terms”.
How to crush your goals in Q4.
What it was like settling in Bali.
How I made the decision to leave Austin and the logistics of dealing with that remotely.
The empowering truth behind following your gut.
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher Radio | YouTube
What if there was a formula for finding your passion? Would you follow it?
In this interview with my dear friend, Grant Kellogg, we reverse engineer his recent success to show how he (and countless others that have been featured on the show) discovered his passion, and how his life has changed because of it.
”I think it just comes down to committing to something.”
Whether your thing is yoga, or knitting, or coding, or writing, there IS a process that one can follow to create fulfillment and mastery. In this episode, Grant shares how he went from designing User Interfaces in northern California, to designing cacao experiences all over the world.
I love this interview because Grant embodies what it means to start before you’re ready, and he shows what is possible when you make passion a priority.
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher Radio | YouTube
How Grant’s curiosity evolved into his purpose. Why using your voice is so important in finding what you’re passionate about. Why your state plays a huge role in your success. How having incorporating “ritual” into your interests can make it stick, for you and for other people in your life. How to attract opportunities to help you succeed. How modeling mentors catapulted his confidence The secret to evolving and learning even faster. (to always be open) To create a movement, you have to be a product of your product. What is a Cacao Ceremony? What’s the difference between Ceremonial Cacao and hot cocoa? What elements are always included in a Cacao Ceremony, and how can you customize it to make it unique to you?RESOURCES:
Click Here to get access to the Free Training - ‘How I Quit my Corporate Job to Travel the World, Launched a Business I Love, & Became a TEDx Speaker without Knowing my “Purpose” or Having a Plan’
Elah and Aussiera - Grant’s Cacao Mentors
Ubud Raw
Amazon - ceremonial Grade Cacao
Native cacao powder
If you could undo years of trauma, and shed unnecessary emotional gunk with just 60 minutes of healing, would you?
What if it was free and I told you that it's something you already do every day?
In this special Bali-edition of The Bold Life Movement Podcast, Kimberly shares a life-changing practice that she's recently implemented, and how you can use similar tools to affect change in your life, starting today.
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher Radio | YouTube
Click Here to get access to the Free Training - ‘How I Quit my Corporate Job to Travel the World, Launched a Business I Love, & Became a TEDx Speaker without Knowing my “Purpose” or Having a Plan’
Alchemy of Breath - Conscious Circular Breathing
If pressure is how diamonds are made, can the same be true for humans?
We think so.
In this special Bali-edition of The Bold Life Movement Podcast, Kimberly discusses the benefits of putting yourself in high-risk situations, that are outside your control, and how doing so can actually produce a greater sense of ease in your life.
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher Radio | YouTube
RESOURCES: Click Here to get access to the Free Training - ‘How I Quit my Corporate Job to Travel the World, Launched a Business I Love, & Became a TEDx Speaker without Knowing my “Purpose” or Having a Plan’
Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”
If this is true, then it pays to spend time with people who are doing what you want to be doing, and preferably 10 steps ahead of where you are now.
In this special Bali-edition of The Bold Life Movement, Kimberly breaks down the 'power of proximity' concept and why she moved to Bali to live with two of her mastermind mentors.
Access the Free Training Here:
http://theboldlifemovement.com/free-trainingWatch on Youtube here:
https://youtu.be/_NZkWHM_I8w -
Caty Pasternak is a Leadership Coach, world traveler, and devoted dancer, who will resonate with you on so many levels. She brings to the show, the perfect cocktail of honesty, humor and experience as a transformational coach that is hard not to love.
After creating incredible results in her life and business with strategies that seemed to “woo-woo” for traditional personal development or entrepreneurship, she knew she had to introduce some of the magical work she had studied, embodied, and mastered with her clients. She helps women EMBODY leadership and abundance through transforming their subconscious minds, awakening flow states, and activating creative resources within them so they can truly manifest whatever they desire.
She utilizes hypnotherapy, NLP, biz strategy, intuitive development, and quantum physics to support women through personal and business transformations in her private mentorship and mastermind programs.
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher Radio | YouTube
FOLLOW CATY: Website | Instagram | Youtube | Facebook
Caty’s definition of Manifestation, and how it differs from what you may have heard.
How to start recognizing your own intuition.
What tool she uses to access intuitive hits.
Which brain wave to access if you want to have a transcendent experience.
Different types of meditations and what they accomplish.
The 3 different ways you can achieve alignment, and how to access them.
The freedom of being an entrepreneur comes with a lot of responsibility.
The top two habits that have been life-changing for her.
How to use archetypes to help you become the person you want to be.
How did your spiritual journey begin?
What is Quantum Living?
What is Caty’s current meditation practice.
How do you access “flow”?
How do you use hypnosis to change people’s beliefs and patterns?
How do you reconcile fate or “soul’s journey” with manifestation or “creating your life”?
What does “alignment” look like on a day-to-day basis?
How do you stay consistent in your business, while staying aligned?
What has been your experience with Plant Medicine?
The Misleading Mind - by Karuna Cayton
You Are a Badass - by Jen Sincero
Sexy Soul Masterclass
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Japa Meditation Audio - by Wayne Dyer
Human Design
Myers Briggs Personality Test
Sexy Soul Radio
✨Return to Radiance Retreat ✨
Internationally recognized, award-winning sexologist and best selling author (Red Hot Touch), Jaiya is the creator of the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ and the Erotic Blueprint™ Quiz. Through more than two decades of client observation and clinical research she discovered a map of arousal that reveals your specific erotic language, a revolutionary framework to create deeper connection and sexual satisfaction.
I first found Jaiya’s work when an ex-boyfriend of mine introduced me to her “Erotic Blueprint” quiz. It was so life-changing, that I’ve since shared this quiz with dozens of people, in the hopes that it will help them as much as it helped me. Her work is so effective that each year Tony Robbins invites her to speak at his private Relationship Seminar for his Platinum Partnership group (cost starts at $80K to join.)
Piqued your interest, but still have no idea what I’m talking about? Think of your Erotic Blueprint as your sexual love language; a tool to help you better understand yourself, your partner, and how to have the best sex of your life.
One of the reasons I wanted to bring Jaiya on the show is because so often the sex advice we receive tailors only to one type of blueprint. Our society gets its sexual education from Cosmopolitan, Playboy, and even-less-realistic, porn. We’re taught to think that sex should look a certain way, end a certain way, and if you don’t enjoy it, or can’t climax, you’ve failed.
Jaiya’s Erotic Blueprints show us that not only are we all wired differently, but there are superpowers (and shadow sides) to each of these sexual blueprints. If you’ve ever wondered why your sex life doesn’t feel like what you see in the movies, or why you were more compatible sexually with one partner more than another, this episode is for you.
Part of living your fullest life, is loving the deepest and experiencing the greatest ecstasy between the sheets. This episode will help you get there.
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher Radio | YouTube
FOLLOW JAIYA: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
Why immersion is the best way to become a teacher of something you’re interested in.
Who her sexuality/tantra mentors were.
How having more conversations about sex can heal the shame we have around this taboo topic.
What the different erotic blueprints mean for you (Energetic, Sensual, Sexual, Kinky, Shapeshifter)
The pros and cons (superpowers and shadows) of each blueprint.
What socially normative sex looks like.
The 4 steps to find satisfaction with a partner who has a different blueprint.
Why bright lights cause the body to close up!
How did you become a somatic sexologist? What is that?
What types of workshops did you take?
If sex is everywhere, why are sexual blueprints not mainstream yet?
Can your Erotic Blueprint change?
Erotic BluePrint™ Quiz - Click here to discover yours!
Jewel and the Lotus - by Bodhi Avinasha
The Art of Sexual Magic - by Margot Anand
Joseph Kramer - Sexological Bodywork
Kenneth Ray Stubbs - Institute of Somatic Sexology
Ever wondered how to get paid more for the work you’re doing? Then you’re going to love today’s episode. Kathlyn Hart is not only a Salary Negotiation Coach, but she’s also the motivational speaker to get your ass in gear to follow your dreams (and get paid well to do it.)
Similar to my story, Kathlyn quit her 9-5 job to travel around the world and start living life on her own terms. Her passion for helping women find greater confidence, and greater financial recognition, led her to create her Be Brave, Get Paid program, and she’s spent the last few years teaching these concepts from the stage.
Kathlyn is an energetic hustler, and we relate on so many levels about the realities of running your own business. Whether you’re a business owner, looking for reassurance about the realities of entrepreneurship, or your someone with a traditional 9-5 job looking to get a bigger slice of the pie, this episode is for you.
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher Radio | YouTube
FOLLOW KATHLYN: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube
We Kathlyn paused her podcast.
What happened when she burnt out in her business.
How her course launch looked & why you need to do a beta version.
Why she got into Salary Negotiation and how it’s transferrable to all areas of your life.
How to know what financial security means for YOU.
How she and her fiance developed another income stream while traveling.
Why you should diversify your income streams.
What you call yourself doesn’t really matter, it’s how you make people feel.
How to decide what you’re worth in Salary Negotiations.
The reality of growing a youtube following
How did you afford to travel after quitting your job?
What types of venues do you enjoy speaking at the most, why?
What does your typical day look like?
How do you implement discipline as a work-from-home business owner?
What’s your favorite part about being an entrepreneur?
Be brave, get paid program - https://www.bebravegetpaid.com/
Book in a Box - https://scribewriting.com/
Lau Hanly - https://lauraiswriting.com/
The Alison Show - http://thealisonshow.com/
Welcome to the show! In this week's Episode, I take the chance to welcome new listeners to the show, and share *what* we're all about. Hint: It has to do with creating life on your terms. I also share some details about my recent hiatus from the show, AND where we're going to be taking episodes in the coming weeks.
I've never felt more aligned with the content that's coming, and I can't wait to share it with you.
Here's what you can expect:A better life = better relationships.
Look for more episodes on communication, masculine & feminine energy (and why that matters), plus some awesome new information on how to have better sex! (hell yeah!)Learn to harness universal laws.
To create life on your terms, you'll need a plan of action, sure. But you'll also need the art of allowing. In these episodes, we'll talk more about what you can do to be manifesting the things you really want, and why you might currently be blocking them.Go behind the scenes.
As I begin working with my editor on the forthcoming book, and I start to build out more live events into my offerings, I'll give you behind the scenes looks at what goes into that process.RESOURCES:
Kimberly Rich TEDx - The Antidote to Regret #UNCUT 1 - Behind the Scenes of Living in Bali #UNCUT 2 - Why You're So Tired & Knowing When to Pivot in Life #UNCUT 3 - How to Get Clarity, Find Your Passion, & Be Resourceful with Your Money #UNCUT 4 - Katie B. Gives Kim a Live Energy Scan and Intuitive Reading Past Episodes on Writing: Mark Manson Interview - Embracing The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Jenni Brown - Solving the Entrepreneur's Dilemma -
When their first child, Jonas Paul, was born without sight, Laura & Ben Harrison made it their mission to give him (and other children like him) a chance at a normal life. They dove head-first into a business creating stylish eyewear for children and partnered with organizations worldwide to bring quality eye care to developing countries.
I loved learning how they infused their innate creativity (as former photographers and designers) to create a brand that brings happiness to kids all over the world. What's more, through our conversation, you'll see just how easy it can be to add a social impact component to your business.
If you're craving fulfillment and want to hear an inspiring story about real people doing really big things, then this interview is for you.
"The fear of missing out on the opportunity we felt like we were called to be in, was greater than the money we would spend to invest."
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher Radio | YouTube
FOLLOW LAURA & BEN: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram
What does it take to launch an eyewear business? What was the initial investment for this type of product business? Where did you source from? How did they transition to a home-try-on business?How did you pick your non-profit partners?
How did you land The Today Show and other great media exposure for the business?
How Laura & Ben got the clarity they'd been seeking to merge business with impact. Why their background as Destination Wedding photographers played a huge role in their desire to improve their son's sight. How their previous businesses helped them avoid the 'failure to launch' syndrome. Some of the tricks they used to get good pricing and minimum order quantities from manufacturers when they first launched. How they found advisors and investors for their cause. Why consistency in marketing has been the most integral piece. How they chose coordinated the social impact piece of the business.MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:
CBM International Ashlee Newman Photography The Antidote to Regret - Kimberly Rich TEDx -
Jason Zook is one of the must creative and innovative entrepreneurs I know. He lives his life (both on and offline) by one rule: he must Do Things Differently, however possible. This is evident in everything from his website copy, to his wacky businesses where he even sold his last name to a company for a whopping $50,000.
I love the authentic boldness he brings to his ventures, and to his life, and in today's episode we go behind the scenes of how he makes it all possible.
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher Radio | YouTube
FOLLOW JASON: Website | Twitter
FOLLOW WANDERING AIMFULLY: Website | Youtube | Instagram
Which of your [crazy] projects stands out the most? Why did you let people watch you write your first book? What advice would you have for someone who is mostly done with a first draft, but hasn’t finished it? What last name does your wife have? How did you and Caroline gamify paying down $100,000 in debt? How do you and Caroline prioritize all their businesses?IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN:
How he got the idea for selling his last name as a business and how much he made for it. Once his contract ended with the company that bought his name, how did he choose which last name to land on? How he got a publisher to pick up his book after writing it. How long it takes to publish a book with a traditional publisher. Why you need an editor even if you’re not done with the first draft. What you can say to your credit card companies if you can’t pay them, and want to get rid of your debt. Why you shouldn’t buy Wandering Aimfully if you just started your business. Why he and his wife are showing ALL the behind the scenes steps of merging their businesses into Wandering Aimfully. How he and his wife begin every business meeting to keep rapport high. And much more...MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:
www.watchmewrite.co jasondoeststuff.com/working - article about 'Working to Live' www.dearbookpublisher.com Essentialism - By Greg McKeown Asana - https://asana.com/ Airtable - https://airtable.com/ Minaal.com Jimmy Hayes on The Bold Life Movement Podcast -
This week's episode is unlike any other. In this mini-series finale, Katie gives me a LIVE intuitive reading and energy scan. It gets extremely personal as I divulge what's going on in my life and Katie shares how that relates to what she saw in her visions.
Call it woo-woo, but it's one of my favorite episodes yet. If you've never had someone channel for you, or read your energy, I urge you to take a listen. And if you love this stuff, then you're in for a treat!
PS - Within 24 hours of Katie's reading, I drove through a cloud of bubbles, had a friend tell me he was going to Hawaii last-minute and saw a giant Big Bird birthday cake. Listen to the episode to hear why that is B-A-N-A-N-A-S.IN TODAY'S EPISODE WE CHAT ABOUT:
How the energy scan actually works. What Katie's visions mean, and how she downloads them. What information a real psychic would never tell you. Why trusting your gut is actually more of a scientific approach to decision making than you think. How to use intuitive readings as a useful mirror.SOME RESOURCES FROM TODAY'S EPISODE:
Jenna Herbut on The Real Rebel Podcast The Virtues Project Cards - https://virtuesproject.com/ -
Roz Savage is one of the most interesting people I've ever chatted with, let alone interviewed for the podcast. She's fiercely smart, but chose to leave behind her successful career in corporate consulting to row across 3 major oceans all by herself!
I was curious about what motivates someone to undertake such a quest, how she endured it,and what she learned along the way. Roz has since authored a number of books, give speeches all over the world, and even been invited to Yale to teach a course on courage.
All those accolades and she's still incredibly down to earth. I'm sure you'll agree that her bold adventure is beyond inspiring so take a listen and leave a comment below!
"It all started to seem frighteningly doable."
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher Radio | YouTube
FOLLOW ROZ: Website | Facebook | Twitter
What thoughts occupied your mind most? What was one of the scariest moment? What did you consume? What did training look like? How much do you talk to yourself? What do you say? What did the boat look like? How did you afford it? What was the most surprising part? What made kept you laughing while at sea? What was the coolest animal you saw? Who inspires you now?IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN:
How starting with the “end in mind” is what led her to radically change her life to avoid regrets and lack of fulfillment. Why she kicked off her adventure with a trip to Peru, and what happened when she tried Ayahuasca. Why she chose rowing as her sport of choice, and what led her to decide to cross the three major oceans. How her mission to raise environmental awareness played into her quest. What courses and classes she needed to take to prepare, and how many hours per day she needed to train. How she survived when all 4 of her oars were broken by massive waves. What you learn when you’re alone with your thoughts for months on end. The closest she came to dying, and what kept her going. About her new global initiative called “The Sisters” and why she’s so excited about it.RESOURCES:
Roz Savage - Rowing the Atlantic: Lessons Learned on the Open Ocean Roz Savage TEDx Talk - "Why I'm Rowing Across the Pacific" Stephen Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People James Redfield - The Celestine Prophecy Richard Rudd - The Gene Keys -
Do you have those days when it's just a slog to feel anything but "meh"? Don't worry, you're not alone. In today's episode, I give you a quick and dirty breakdown of my secret weapon for pulling myself out of a funk.
It's SO effective, in fact, that now it's becoming a daily must. I credit my high vibe attitude and feeling of unstoppability to this habit. The best part? It only takes 5 minutes.
CHALLENGE: If you're on the fence about the efficacy of this daily to-do, then I challenge you to do it for 30 straight days. If you see NO difference after that time, I'll give you your money back.*
*I will give you a virtual high-five because this is a free piece of content, but I admire your stick-to-it-ness!
How Purpose and Grief are the global themes for April How we are universally being pushed to strip away the things that are NOT working in our lives right now. The grief that comes from letting go of the things that aren’t serving you. Cutting the shit that doesn’t light you up. Collective Consciousness. The difference between focusing on the things that make you feel good, AND understanding that it doesn’t mean avoiding the things that are uncomfortable or you have resistance to. How to start getting CLARITY of focus. Understanding the benefit of transferable skills when you’re focusing on things that are “fun” but not *necessarily* profitable. HOW TO FOLLOW THE FUN! How to pay down credit card debt.MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:
Lee Harris Energy - https://www.leeharrisenergy.com/ Danielle Laporte - Fire Starter Sessions Lee Harris - Empaths vs. Narcissists You Need A Budget - Budgeting Software Billy - Business accounting for freelancers and small businesses. Ramit Sethi - I Will Teach You to Be Rich Jen Sincero - You are a Badass at Making Money Wallace D. Wattles - The Science of Getting Reach -
Lauren Robertson is a modern-day medium, Hay House Author, and coach. Through her faith and commitment, she built up a strong career as a medium, before using her intuition to land a publishing deal with one of the world's leading publishing houses in spirituality.
Lauren is a magical woman, having manifested her dream man, and a chance to dance on stage with Jason Mraz. She believes that we all have magic within us. We all have a voice that deserves to be heard, and an ability to use our own mediumship, to share the voices of those who longer can.
SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher Radio | YouTube
FOLLOW LAUREN: Website | Facebook
How does her practice of mediumship differ from “Fortune tellers”? What are the different modalities you use? What are the different “Claires” and what do they mean? How do you respond to people who don’t believe in signs or spirits? Who do you look to for spiritual mentorship and inspiration? How does she help her public speaking clients?IN THIS EPISODE YOU'LL LEARN:
How your destiny can be altered. There is no distinction between mediums How to tap into your own medium-abilities What the term “Mediumship” actually means The “Hard Problem” of consciousness. You don’t need a list to put on an event, you put on an event of such quality, and that is how you build your list. About Lauren’s upcoming speaker retreat at a castle in ScotlandMENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:
SpeakerSuperstar.com - Speaker Superstar Talk Template Medium in Manolos - by Lauren Robertson Danielle Laporte - http://www.daniellelaporte.com/ Gabby Bernstein - https://gabbybernstein.com/ Gina Devee - http://www.divineliving.com/ The TommyKnockers - Stephen King On Writing - Stephen King Invent It, Sell It, Bank It!: Make Your Million-Dollar Idea into a Reality - Lori Greiner A Course in Miracles - https://www.acim.org/ - Vis mere