Dr. John Walton covers prophecy as a subset of divination, Ancient Near Eastern background, prediction, covenant, message categories, message and fulfillment, messianic fulfillment, eschatology, and apocalyptic.
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Dr. Walton is Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Wheaton College and the author of The Lost World of the Prophets: Old Testament Prophecy and Apocalyptic Literature in Ancient Context
Check it out:
Dr. Beale discusses OT echoes and allusions, the controversy over "fullness", the nature of the false teaching, food and holy days, "elemental spirits of the world", worship of angels, self-abasement, visions, grace and peace, Christ's supremacy, new creation, reconciliation, eschatological maturity, "certificate of indebtedness", and "disarming the rulers and authorities".
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Dr. Gregory K. Beale is Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. Check out Dr. Beale's commentary on Colossians:
"Colossians and Philemon" (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament)
Manglende episoder?
Brian Blount tells his own story, discusses biblical directives and principles for power evangelism and healing, his look-listen-respond process, how he trains others, and gives amazing and compelling examples of his own ministry involving radical generosity, healings, evangelism, and salvations.
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Check out Brian Blount's book "Putting Jesus on Display with Power and Love":
We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of both the egalitarian and complementarian views, third way alternatives, 19th and 20th century history of the issue, Scriptures, church, kingdom of God, ministry, marriage, equality, rights, inclusion, servant leadership, concept of reversal, unity, headship, and leadership.
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Dr. Michelle Lee-Barnewall is New Testament Professor at Biola University's Talbot School of Theology and the author of "Neither Complementarian nor Egalitarian: A Kingdom Corrective to the Evangelical Gender Debate" Check it out:
Her most recent book is "A Longing To Belong: Reflections on Faith, Identity, and Race" Check it out:
Dr. Witherington covers Pauline scholarship including Rudolf Bultmann, Ernst Kasemann, Krister Stendhal, E.P. Sanders, the new perspective, covenantal nomism, James D.G. Dunn, "works of the law", William Campbell, N.T. Wright, pistous christou, apocalyptic reading, John Barclay, and Stephen Chester.
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Check out "Voices and Views on Paul: Exploring Scholarly Trends" by Ben Witherington III and Jason Myers:
Using resources from the WWI era including church creedal statements, books, magazines, newspaper stories, Bureau of Investigation records, and draft cards Jay Beaman sheds light on Pentecostals' practice of pacifism when the movement was brand new. We look at the movement of conscientious objection as a whole as well as sectarian groups, Holiness groups, Zionism, British Israelism, nationalist myths, and various eschatologies. Dr. Beaman explores pacifist absolutism, compromise, and the implications for today concerning this vital piece of history.
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Dr. Jay Beaman is the author of "Pentecostal Pacifism: The Origin, Development, and Rejection of Pacific Belief among the Pentecostals" Check it out: https://www.amazon.com/Pentecostal-Pacifism-Development-Pentecostals-Peacemaking/dp/1606088734/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_2?crid=15EAYR95MNSHE&keywords=pentecostal+pacifism+beamn&qid=1699656205&sprefix=pentecostal+pacifism+beamn%2Caps%2C199&sr=8-2-fkmr1
Dr. Lynn Cohick discusses background information to the Letter to the Ephesians including authorship and the social and historical situation at Ephesus. We then dive into its core theology, the place of the Trinity, the explication of the gospel, “faith in Christ” vs. the “faithfulness of Christ”, and being “seated in the heavenly realms”. We move onto Jews and gentiles and the cross, the principalities and powers, the “mystery”, the church’s witness to the cosmic powers, ethics, household codes, wives and husbands and submission, and slavery.
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Dr. Lynn Cohick is Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Director of Houston Theological Seminary. She is the author of “The Letter to the Ephesians in the New International Commentary on the New Testament”.
To check it out click on the link: https://www.amazon.com/Letter-Ephesians-International-Commentary-Testament/dp/0802868428/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3CGRKXN8ULP74&keywords=letter+to+the+ephesians+cohick&qid=1702860941&sprefix=cohick+the+lett%2Caps%2C162&sr=8-1
Dr. Bender discusses theological Bible commentaries, the theology of 1 Corinthians, Paul's problems in Corinth, apostolicity vs. giftedness, holiness, divisions in the church, the cross, weakness, power, foolishness, wisdom, sexuality, the Lord's Supper, women's head coverings, the gospel, the resurrection, and the application of 1 Corinthians for today.
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Check out Dr. Kimlyn Bender's book "1 Corinthians Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible" https://www.amazon.com/Corinthians-Brazos-Theological-Commentary-Bible/dp/1587433176/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1701142747&sr=1-1
Dr. Beaman explores early Holiness and Pentecostal churches and their very significant pacifist orientation. We consider the reasons for pacifism, how it was propagated, how widespread it was, and how it was practiced sacrificially during WWI with many going to prison rather than war. Beaman tells the story of Pentecostals' gradual accommodation to American culture and how that played out in relation to military service.
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Dr. Jay Beaman is the author of "Pentecostal Pacifism: The Origin, Development, and Rejection of Pacific Belief among the Pentecostals"
Check it out: https://www.amazon.com/Pentecostal-Pacifism-Development-Pentecostals-Peacemaking/dp/1606088734/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_2?crid=15EAYR95MNSHE&keywords=pentecostal+pacifism+beamn&qid=1699656205&sprefix=pentecostal+pacifism+beamn%2Caps%2C199&sr=8-2-fkmr1
Tom Drake tells his story from inside the NSA as a senior executive, blowing the whistle on corruption, and his struggle to defend himself against the prosecution delivered by the Department of Justice. We then discuss his activism since then, the nature of government surveillance before and after 9/11, surveillance as it relates to privacy, ethics, and the Constitution, and whistleblower protection. We finish up with the moral culture within the intelligence community, the US Congress and Supreme Court as they relate to surveillance, and what US citizens can do.
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We discuss the cultural and individual varieties of ethical relativism, the dependency and diversity theses, "which culture decides morality?", moral progress and tolerance, the argument from damnation, nihilism, Max Stirner, non-dualistic pantheism and the two truths theory. Dr. Groothuis then covers morality as biological adaptation, atheistic existentialism, atheistic moral realism, Arthur Leff, objective moral authority, descriptivism, personalism, and necessary truths.
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Dr. Douglas Groothuis is Professor of Philosophy at Denver Seminary.
Check out Dr. Douglas Groothuis' "Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith" by following the link: https://www.amazon.com/Christian-Apologetics-Comprehensive-Biblical-Faith/dp/1514002752/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1696461881&sr=1-1
Dr. William Cavanaugh explores the nation-state, the common good, unity, pluralism, subsidiarity, identity, mobility, and globalization. We then consider the U.S. as a messianic nation, state disciplinary power, the liturgy of state and church, the church as a political body, the visibility of the church in repentance, and Hauerwas' political thought in light of the cross.
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Check out Dr. Cavanaugh's "Migrations of the Holy: God, State, and the Political Meaning of the Church" by following the link: https://www.amazon.com/Migrations-Holy-Political-Meaning-Church/dp/0802866093/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1TSP8HCQMY5AB&keywords=Migrations+of+the+Holy%3A+God%2C+The+State+and+the+Church&qid=1696463240&s=books&sprefix=migrations+of+the+holy+god%2C+the+state+and+the+church%2Cstripbooks%2C201&sr=1-1
Dr. Longman discusses the creation story in terms of genre, interpretation, theology, history, science, evolution, and Adam's historicity. We then cover the historicity of the exodus and conquest in regard to various views, genre, interpretation, and archeology. We then move onto OT violence, particularly the conquest of Canaan. Longman examines the views of Copan and Boyd and considers suffering, wrath, judgment, sin, and moral trajectory. We finish up with homosexuality, considering the biblical data, interpretation, and objections to the traditional view.
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Check out Dr. Longman's "Confronting Old Testament Controversies: Pressing Questions about Evolution, Sexuality, History, and Violence" by following the link: https://www.amazon.com/Confronting-Old-Testament-Controversies-Questions/dp/0801019117/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2Q69HSFATZBWD&keywords=Longman+Old+Testament+CONTROVERSIES&qid=1696463064&s=books&sprefix=longman+old+testament+controversies%2Cstripbooks%2C209&sr=1-1
Dr. Joshua Farris discusses the existence, nature, and origin of the human soul. We consider materialism, human experience and reason, neuroscience, and veridical near death experiences. Farris also examines neo-Cartesianism, substance dualism, and origin theories including materialism, panpsychism, and emergentism. We move on to the possibility of souls in animals and aliens, his case for divine creationism, theistic dualism, theistic idealism, the New Testament, and finally an application for the church today.
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Check out Joshua Farris' book "The Creation of the Self: A Case for the Soul" https://www.amazon.com/Creation-Self-Case-Soul/dp/1803410868/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Dr. Darrell Bock considers the definition, purpose, and history of historical Jesus studies, relationship to apologetics, methods and sources, criteria of authenticity, various contemporary views, and the authority of Scripture. We take a look at seven biblical situations and discuss how they relate to historical Jesus research: Jesus' ministry to the marginalized, the kingdom of God and the promised new age of God, Jesus' messianic claims, the nature of kingdom life, the cleansing of the temple, as well as Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. Finally, Dr. Bock offers his thoughts on how historical Jesus research relates to the life and mission of the church.
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Dr. Darrell L. Bock is the author of over 45 books and the Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies and the Executive Director for Cultural Engagement at the Hendricks Center, both at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Check out "The Historical Jesus: Five Views" by IVP Academic 2009. Dr. Bock contributed the 5th view. https://www.amazon.com/Historical-Jesus-Five-Views/dp/0830838686/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3BL4ZRA1JGK9Z&keywords=the+historical+jesus+5+views&qid=1690754010&sprefix=5+views+historic%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-1
We discuss the Holy Spirit according to Jesus, the Spirit’s involvement in the birth narratives of Jesus and John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit and Jesus’ baptism and temptation, and how the Holy Spirit is related to Jesus’ teaching, preaching, exorcism, and training of his disciples. Levison continues with the Holy Spirit in regard to dealing with personal suffering and hostility as well as his role as paraclete. We cover the future mission of the church and God’s unconventionality, especially as expressed in the cross. Dr. Levison discusses anticipating more of the Holy Spirit in everyday life, the life of the Spirit and the Scriptures, committed Christian community and the power of the Spirit, and the Holy Spirit’s transformation of the world around us.
Dr. Jack Levison is Professor of Old Testament Interpretation and Biblical Hebrew at Southern Methodist University’s Perkins School of Theology.
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Check out Dr. Levison’s books: An Unconventional God: The Spirit According to Jesus https://www.amazon.com/Unconventional-God-Spirit-according-Jesus/dp/1540961192/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3N0G9O93I7H8P&keywords=An+unconventional+god&qid=1689382702&sprefix=an+unconventional+god%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-1
Seven Secrets of the Spirit-Filled Life: Daily Renewal, Purpose, and Joy When You Partner with the Holy Spirit https://www.amazon.com/Seven-Secrets-Spirit-Filled-Life-Renewal/dp/0800762703/ref=sr_1_1?crid=S84N0EJPEW0Y&keywords=7+secrets+of+the+spirit+filled+life&qid=1689371800&sprefix=7+secrets+spirit%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-1
We cover definitions of evangelism and the gospel, the biblical basis for evangelism, plus eight core models of evangelism: personal, small group, visitation, liturgical, church growth, prophetic, revival and media. Dr. Pope-Levison also looks at five qualities of evangelism: hospitality, relationship, integrity, message bearing, and church rootedness. Finally, we consider how congregations can be empowered to participate in evangelism.
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Dr. Priscilla Pope-Levison is Research Professor of Practical Theology at Southern Methodist University's Perkins School of Theology and the author of "Models of Evangelism".
Check it out: https://www.amazon.com/Models-Evangelism-Priscilla-Pope-Levison/dp/0801099498/ref=sr_1_1?crid=4TKK3OE1X93O&keywords=models+of+evangelism+by+priscilla+pope-levison&qid=1688144191&sprefix=models+of+evangelism%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-1
Nicholas Perrin discusses the Gospel of Luke including purpose, audience, social-historical situation, use of the OT, birth narratives, the kingdom of God, political conflict, and conflict with the Jewish religious system. Our talk continues with the socially marginalized, the Sermon on the Plain, training and sending the disciples, the hard discipleship sayings, eschatology, the crucifixion and resurrection, and application for today's church.
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Dr. Nicholas Perrin is a biblical scholar and is president of Trinity International University. This interview is based on his book "Luke: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, Volume 3)"
Check it out at: https://www.amazon.com/Luke-Introduction-Commentary-Testament-Commentaries/dp/1514005352/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2BDGLDAJCGBUE&keywords=luke+commentary+perrin&qid=1686862683&sprefix=%2Caps%2C200&sr=8-1
We start with 1794 and the aftermath of the founding of the United States. Dr. Noll considers Thomas Paine’s works, proprietary and sectarian churches, and the role of Asbury and the Methodists. We discuss how America saw itself as a Hebrew republic, the African-American experience, and how the Bible functioned on both sides of the slavery debate. Noll covers the Bible’s relationship to democracy, freedom, women, Native Americans, the Civil War, Reconstruction, denominational upheavals, Catholics, and Jews.
Dr. Mark A. Noll is Professor Emeritus of History at University of Notre Dame and author of “America’s Book: The Rise and Fall of a Bible Civilization 1794-1911”
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Check out Dr. Noll’s book, “America’s Book: The Rise and Fall of a Bible Civilization 1794-1911”: https://www.amazon.com/Americas-Book-Decline-Civilization-1794-1911-ebook/dp/B09V88TVB5/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1685572377&sr=8-1
Michael Jones makes a case for the historical reliability of the gospels as we consider the genre of ancient biography, eyewitness testimony, Aramaic sources, oral tradition, anonymity and authorship, dating, alleged textual corruption, the crucifixion, the resurrection, the messiahship and divinity of Jesus, external and internal evidence, and the alleged evolution of the gospels.
Michael Jones is the host and producer of Inspiring Philosophy. Check it out:
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