
  • Click here to book your Free Intro Call for Inspired Love Most of us don't realize how much power we actually have to move a relationship in the direction we want it to go! When a relationship isn't meeting our needs, many of us are likely to play manipulative games, withhold love, fawn and pander, some of us even going so far as to lie, cheat, or end the relationship altogether simply because we don't know how to communicate in a way that will motivate our partner to step up for us. Whether you're getting to know someone new or with your partner of many years, if you're not practicing clear, direct, and powerful communication with them, you're inviting resentment, disconnection, and a lack of intimacy to grow between you. By using simple communication tools we can open up a new world of connection in the relationships that mean the most to us or the new relationships we're building and in this episode, I'm sharing how to approach these conversations in a way that leads to the results we all crave from our love lives. This is a powerful conversation about creating true depth and intimacy with those we love or those we hope to love in the near future. Enjoy :)

  • Click here to book your Free Intro Call for Inspired Love Do you want the man you're dating to plan better dates and show more initiative to move the relationship forward? Would you like men on dating apps to take action and ask you out or follow up more often? Would you like to get approached more in the real world, make connections at the gym or at your favorite coffee shop? If you're looking for a simple way to motivate men to take action with you, this episode has the answer. Whether you’re wanting more urgency for people to get off the apps and meet in person, you want to get approached more ”in the wild” or you want the person you’re with to be more invested in planning and executing exciting things for you to do together, this episode is sharing all the secrets to what makes a man take action and have him be excited about doing so.

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    What makes the difference between good sex and Great sex? This episode is all about that.

    I've found, in my many years doing relationship and intimacy work, that most people, both single and in long term relationships are missing out on so much in their sex lives.

    Single people often feel disillusioned by their sexual experiences, feeling they are short lived and many times not even that good to begin with while married couples often experience a dwindling of their sex lives the longer they are together, ranging from non-existent, to boring and unfulfilling.

    In this episode, I'm sharing the secrets to a deeply fulfilling sex life that fulfills your deepest fantasies and meets your most heartfelt emotional needs.

    I hope you enjoy it and thanks for listening!

  • Click here to book your Free Intro Call for Inspired Love Every so often I like to include a magical story of transformation and conscious love on the show, this is one of those episodes. In this week's episode, I interview Stephanie Menezes, a friend and graduate of The Inspired Love Program as she shares her journey to the conscious partnership she's created with her incredible man, Patrick. Speaking into all of the ups and downs along the way, she highlights important lessons she learned, steps she took, and changes she made in her life to prepare for and attract the conscious love she's always wanted. She shares about how the program influenced her journey and everything she needed to bring herself into alignment and have the love she now enjoys today. I hope you enjoy her heartwarming story as much as I enjoyed the interview and if you're looking for some insight that you can apply in your own life, I think you'll find it here.

  • Book your free intro call for The Inspired Love Program here.

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    Order RYSE Matcha and Adaptogenic products here.

    So many of us feel stuck in a perpetual cycle of casual relationships, temporarily getting excited when something real seems to show up only to be let down when we realize it's yet another short term thing that wasn't built to last. Others of us have gone so long without being excited about anything that we doubt the reality that we could ever find what we're looking for.

    If you feel stuck, exhausted, defeated or hopeless and feel that the occasional casual fling is the most you can expect, this episode is for you. I'm breaking down the journey to long term love and showing you how to bridge the gap in ways you may not have considered, so you can get back you passion and inspiration and feel that you are truly on your way to the love you've always wanted.

  • Book your free intro call for The Inspired Love Program here.

    Click Here to activate your FREE TRIAL of the Aura App

    Order RYSE Matcha and Adaptogenic products here. Use code SHANEK15 to save 15% on your order.

    Trying to find out someone's true feelings for you can be one of the most frustrating and anxiety inducing experiences you'll ever go through. And I know men can often be particularly mysterious in terms of sharing how they feel.

    But it doesn't have to be so hard!

    With just a little courage and creativity, you can actually get really clear answers to all of your questions in a very short amount of time and in this episode, I'm sharing exactly how to do that.

    I'm walking you through the exact questions and conversations you need to have within the first few dates together that will give you clarity on where you stand, what real potential there is, and how to move forward.

    If you're wondering, "Is it time to walk?" This episode has the answer!


  • Book your free intro call for The Inspired Love Program here.

    Click Here to activate your FREE TRIAL of the Aura App

    Order RYSE Matcha and Adaptogenic products here. Use code SHANEK15 to save 15% on your order.

    Love addiction is extremely common and pervasive.

    While addictions like drugs or alcohol are often clearly seen as destructive and people are encouraged to quit or not engage in the first place, the same cannot be said for love addiction. We are often encouraged to fuel our love addiction and societal pressure from friends and family can often exacerbate the issue.

    Furthermore, because of how common it is and it's perceived normalcy, there's virtually no help in diagnosing it and very little support available for those who suffer from it.

    Despite that, millions of us have such a destructive relationship with love and dating that it literally ruins our lives and at a minimum, it steals our peace and stresses us out while limiting the true connections we're able to make.

    In this episode, Shane breaks down the phenomenon of love addiction in exquisite detail while showing you how to diagnose yourself and giving you practical steps to heal if you feel this is you.

  • Book your intro call for The Inspired Love Program here.

    Click Here to activate your FREE TRIAL of the Aura App

    Order RYSE Matcha and Adaptogenic products here. Use code SHANEK15 to save 15% on your order.

    In this captivating episode of the Conscious Love Show, Shane Kohler shines a spotlight on the six pervasive lies that have ensnared our understanding of love.

    With warmth and insight, he navigates through the misconceptions that often lead us astray in our pursuit of meaningful connections. One by one, Shane tackles the common myths that sabotage our love lives, fearlessly dismantling these illusions, inviting listeners to challenge their deeply ingrained beliefs about love.

    Through intimate conversations and empowering revelations, Shane offers a roadmap for liberation from these cultural shackles, empowering us to embrace love in its truest, most authentic form.

  • Click Here to activate your FREE TRIAL of the Aura App

    Order RYSE Matcha and Adaptogenic products here. Use code SHANEK15 to save 15% on your order.

    To work with Shane, apply here.

    To take the Conscious Relationship Readiness Quiz, click here.

    Please make sure to subscribe to John Moyer's channel on YouTube and here are some gifts he's shared to learn to work with meditation and hypnosis:

    Master Your Mind


    Reinvent Yourself


    Forget Your Exhttps://youtu.be/RG6xPO06UtM

    Attract Your Soulmatehttps://youtu.be/DpTvUVzeOaM

  • Click here to take your Conscious Relationship Readiness Quiz!

    Delving into the complexities of love and attachment, Shane unpacks the underlying motivations behind the tendency to rush into relationships and offers practical strategies for cultivating mindful, intentional connections.

    In this episode, Shane explores the deep-seated fears and desires that drive us to seek validation and security in romantic partnerships. From the fear of loneliness to the longing for companionship, listeners will gain a deeper understanding of the emotional dynamics at play in the rush to love.

    But beyond mere analysis, Shane also offers empowering tools and practices to help listeners break free from the cycle of rushing into relationships. By cultivating self-awareness, practicing self-love, and embracing the journey of self-discovery, Shane guides us toward a more conscious approach to love and dating.

    Whether you're navigating the complexities of dating or seeking to break free from patterns of rushing into relationships, this episode provides invaluable guidance and inspiration to support your journey toward more mindful, fulfilling connections.

  • To work with Shane, Apply Here.

    To activate your free trial of the Aura App, click here.

    Delving into the intricate world of hormones and neurochemistry, Shane unveils the fascinating factors that influence how men bond with women, shedding light on the mysteries of post-sex behavior.

    Through captivating discussions and insightful revelations, Shane explores the hormonal blueprint that governs male attraction and connection. From the role of oxytocin, the "bonding hormone," to the impact of vasopressin, dopamine and testosterone, listeners will gain a deeper understanding of how these chemicals shape men's emotional responses and desire for intimacy.

    But beyond the science, Shane also delves into the emotional and psychological aspects that contribute to lasting connection. By examining the importance of communication, emotional vulnerability, and shared experiences, he offers practical insights on how to create a fulfilling and enduring bond with a partner.

    Whether you're navigating the complexities of dating, seeking to understand male behavior, or looking to enhance intimacy in your relationship, this episode provides invaluable guidance to empower both men and women to cultivate meaningful connections based on mutual understanding and respect.

  • To work with Shane, apply here.

    Click here to register for the Attachment Workshop

    Here is the link to the article mentioned in the episode: https://www.verywellmind.com/what-defines-beautiful-according-to-psychologists-5180378

    Delving deep into the realms of human connection and attraction, Shane demystifies the complex interplay of biology, psychology, and personal preference that shape our perceptions of physical allure.

    Through engaging discussions and insightful revelations, Shane sheds light on the evolutionary roots of physical attraction and its role in forming initial connections. From the influence of hormones to the power of symmetry and facial features, listeners will gain a newfound understanding of the science behind what draws us to others.

    But beyond the surface level, Shane also delves into the deeper significance of physical attraction in the context of conscious love and meaningful relationships. Exploring how our perceptions of beauty are influenced by cultural norms and personal experiences, Shane offers a fresh perspective on how to navigate the complexities of attraction with mindfulness and authenticity.

    Whether you're curious about the science behind physical attraction or seeking insights to enhance your own relationships, this episode promises to illuminate the mysteries of love and attraction in a way that resonates deeply with the heart and mind.

  • Click here to apply for Inspired Love

    Register for Attachment Workshop here.

    In a world where vulnerability is often perceived as weakness, Shane invites listeners to embrace their insecure feelings with compassion and courage, transforming them into catalysts for growth and deeper connection.

    Through heartfelt storytelling and insightful teachings, Shane shares practical strategies and empowering insights on how to navigate feelings of insecurity with grace and resilience. From cultivating self-awareness and practicing self-love to fostering open communication and trust in relationships, Shane offers invaluable guidance on how to transform insecurity into an opportunity for personal and relational growth.

    Whether you're navigating the uncertainties of dating, struggling with self-doubt in a relationship, or seeking to deepen your connection with yourself and others, this episode provides the inspiration and tools you need to navigate the complexities of insecurity with wisdom and compassion.

  • To apply for Inspired Love, click here.

    In this week's episode, Shane shares practical strategies and empowering insights on how to tap into the innate wisdom of your sexuality, reclaiming it as a sacred aspect of your being. Discover how cultivating a deeper connection with your sensuality can unlock a newfound sense of vitality, creativity, and self-expression.

    From exploring the importance of self-love and body acceptance to learning how to navigate intimacy and pleasure with authenticity and confidence, Shane offers invaluable guidance on how to liberate your sexuality from societal constraints and embrace it as a potent force for personal growth and empowerment.

    Whether you're seeking to deepen your connection with yourself, enhance intimacy in your relationships, or simply embrace a more vibrant and fully expressed life, this episode provides the inspiration and tools you need to embark on a journey of sexual awakening and self-discovery.

  • Follow Sarah on Instagram: @sarahbcoaching

    Learn more at www.sarahbaldwincoaching.com

    In this illuminating episode as we delve into the profound realms of inner healing, nervous system regulation, and parts work with the insightful Sarah Baldwin. In this transformative conversation, Sarah shares her wisdom and expertise on how understanding our nervous system can lead to deep healing and transformation.

    Through compassionate discussions and practical insights, Sarah guides listeners on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the intricate connections between our nervous system responses, inner child wounds, and fragmented parts of ourselves. Discover how to cultivate awareness and compassion for the different aspects of your being, fostering integration and wholeness from within.

    From exploring the impact of early childhood experiences to learning practical techniques for nervous system regulation, Sarah offers invaluable guidance on how to navigate the inner landscape with grace and resilience.

    Join us as we uncover the transformative power of parts work and inner child healing in the journey toward conscious love and self-compassion.

  • Join the March 20th Polarity Workshop here

    Join Shane Kohler on The Conscious Love Show for an empowering exploration into nurturing the best from men without slipping into the role of a mother.

    In this enlightening episode, Shane shares profound insights and practical strategies for fostering masculine growth, partnership, and harmony in relationships without compromising individual agency or authenticity.

    Drawing from his extensive experience as a relationship coach and spiritual guide, Shane dives deep into the dynamics of masculine energy, exploring the delicate balance between support and autonomy.

    Through heartfelt discussions and transformative teachings, he reveals the keys to nurturing men to reach their highest potential while honoring their innate strength and sovereignty.

    Whether you're seeking to deepen your connection with a male partner, enhance your communication skills, or simply understand the dynamics of masculine growth, this episode provides profound insights and practical tools to support your journey toward conscious love and partnership.

  • Apply for the Inspired Love Program: Click Here

    Polarity Workshop, click here to register.

    In this deeply introspective exploration, Shane invites listeners to embrace the profound wisdom that arises from our wounds and challenges.

    Drawing from his own journey and spiritual teachings, Shane delves into the transformative power of embracing our wounds as gateways to deeper understanding, compassion, and growth. Through heartfelt storytelling and insightful reflections, he illuminates the path toward healing and wholeness, reminding us that our wounds are not flaws to be hidden but sacred openings for light to enter.

    Whether you're navigating personal challenges, seeking to heal past traumas, or simply exploring the depths of your own heart, this episode offers invaluable guidance and inspiration to support you on your path toward greater love, wholeness, and fulfillment.

    Tune in to The Conscious Love Show as Shane Kohler guides us on a journey of healing, transformation, and the profound realization that our wounds are not limitations but sacred portals to the light within.

  • Apply for Inspired Love here

    This week's episode is a thought-provoking exploration into the complexities of human instincts and their influence on our experiences in love and relationships. In this eye-opening episode, we unravel the intricacies of why our instincts can sometimes lead us astray in matters of the heart.

    In this episode, Shane deep dives into the roots of our instincts and how they often clash with the modern complexities of love and romance. From the allure of instant attraction to the pitfalls of toxic patterns, we examine how understanding and questioning our instincts can lead to healthier, more fulfilling relationships. Discover the importance of mindfulness, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence in navigating the complexities of modern love.

    Thanks for joining us and wishing you the greatest love <3

  • To apply for Inspired Love, click here.

    This week, we explore the delicate art of relationship pacing, a vital element in building authentic attraction, profound connection, and lasting depth in romantic relationships. In this enlightening episode, we unravel the intricacies of pacing and its profound impact on the dynamics of love and intimacy.

    Shane shares insights and practical wisdom on how to navigate the journey of love with intentionality and grace. From setting boundaries to honoring individual needs and desires, we delve into the transformative power of pacing as a catalyst for cultivating trust, intimacy, and emotional resonance.

    As your relationship evolves, this episode offers invaluable guidance on how to navigate the ebbs and flows of love with authenticity and intention. Tune in to The Conscious Love Show and embark on a journey of conscious connection, profound attraction, and the transformative power of relationship pacing!

  • To apply for Inspired Love, click here.

    In this illuminating episode, we uncover the secrets to cultivating abundance in all its forms and nurturing profound connections that resonate with the essence of our being.

    Through heartfelt discussions and inspiring anecdotes, we delve into the interconnectedness of love and abundance, exploring how fostering a sense of abundance within ourselves can ripple outward, enriching our relationships and experiences.

    Join us as we delve into the transformative power of abundance rituals, manifestation techniques, and self-love practices that empower us to embrace abundance as our birthright. Whether you're seeking to attract abundance in your career, relationships, or personal growth journey, this episode offers a roadmap to unlock the infinite possibilities of love and abundance.

    Thanks for listening and we're wishing you immense love and abundance in all aspects of your life!