Death, it should be on everybodies minds. At least once a day. They say that people think about sex, on average about 15% of the day. But how often do you take to meditate on your own mortality?
Artists and focus. This is the art spirituality podcast on the internet. Artism is real. Throughout my life I’ve supremely found it hard to find focus. A minuscule part of it may be being an artist.
Sitting down and having one given path to follow through on has been a defeating ordeal for me. It hasn’t always been about distraction. It has also been about thinking too but. That’s one of the hard parts about it.
So trying to bring everything together into a coherent work ethic was hard. People struggle their whole lives with ADD and ADHD. But there’s always a gas to it.
Sit down and shut up. Shut off your mind and get with the program. Well I’ll give a testimonial that that isn’t always the best case scenario. Especially for a young and burgeoning mind.
Concentration and focus in my own style has been a difficult undertaking. But I’ve gotten off the rocker with it. Try some of these tactics.
Life hacks for artists to focus. -
Manglende episoder?
having a kinky flashback here. The deranged underbelly of creativity is upon us. Artists suffer, nobody ever really tells you so much. But it’s the god awful truth. Artists need suffering like bees need flowers to produce honey.
Comfort Kills creativity. Say it with me. Comfort kills creativity.
Be sincere with yourself. We tend towards being comfortable at the sheer expense of our #artistic pursuits.
So get out ahead of the curve. You’ve got to find your demons to make your art better. Plain and simple.
Artists never get anywhere when they are too comfortable. I’ll give you a myriad of examples about the integral parts of why the artist must have a spiritual experience. A #spiritual awakening, so to speak.
That might mean getting some demons of your own. Which will be a dastardly experience. That’s why you’ve got to do it specifically and when you listen to this you’ll learn how to do it carefully and safely. -
Learning Languages has Mind Altering Effects
Traversing the capitalist hierarchy.
Now that’s a relatively contumely concept. Not at all to be reckoned with. A timely dispose on the state of social nunchucks.
Here in this little ditty I call revelation I bare my soul in good form for you.
This revelation has a 100% rate of increasing your Zen all naturally.
So capitalism. How does it compare to the historical hierarchical societies of old?
Well there are the haves and the have nots. #capitalism. Yes, or course there are those who are the money holders, the money movers. Those who’ve been chose by the gamemaster. Who is the gamemaster you might ask? Well it’s the name to the privatize of the game. The super deity who oversees this massive multiplayer game of monopoly that we are all playing with our blood, bones and soul.
The game master determines the direction of your life. Adherence to this powerful #political and #theological #god determines you’re outcome in life. Do you play the game and ultimately come out on head? Or do you stick your head in the sand and join thehamsters on their pitiful hamster wheels?
We live already ramblers too much on here . Listen on and learn your fate. gaamemastwr. -
In an age when capitalists roam the earth, it bares us a great self-service to ask ourselves is greed good? Capitalism is based entirely around this one somewhat nefarious concept? Serving rational self-interest. Greed as we all know it is the moral core of our civilization. It’s virtually understood as nothing but immortal craving through an insatiable and rapacious appetite. Yet is it a good idea to formulate our entire culture around a hunger that can never be satiated? It might not even be possible to do so. In this blog I’ll be taking a look at answering the age-old question “is greed good?.”
Here I am getting into my full self-help mode. If you're feeling lost in life you can follow my advice here for getting yourself back on track.
Realize it's normal to feel lost once in a while. But if you're lost and I mean really lost, then you'll know it.
Here in this session, I go through some of my own struggles and discuss some ways that you can take advantage of some key principles to help you reach your highest potential.