
  • “If everyone on the Republican field were to consolidate behind a single player now, I think Trump would still win, even from prison,” says Peter Zeihan, geopolitical strategist. Peter deciphers the complexity of the latest Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the repercussions of this conflict for the surrounding Middle East region. “When the Saudis had an issue with the Palestinians back in the '70s, they created what we now know today as OPEC,” he says.

    He remains skeptical about the degree to which the Saudi royal family is going to get involved in the matter because of a “generational split in Saudi Arabia” when it comes to its relationship with Palestine. “I would say that by the end of this calendar year, the Saudis will have, in essence, declared neutrality. And the talks between Jerusalem and Riyadh will pick up again,” he claims. He concludes by dismissing the possibility of a gold-backed BRICS currency because there is a lack of “constellation of economic forces that all of them subscribe to.”

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  • “This is not a war of the type that any of us have experienced before, which is one of the reasons why investors are going to have to be so dexterous,” says Rick Rule, founder and CEO of Rule Investment Media. He explains that in the past 12 months, the U.S. has doubled the import of Uranium from Russia, and Russia recently transmitted hydrocarbons through Ukraine while paying a transit fee. Rick believes that is “a strange way to act in a war.”

    He continues that the dire warning from JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon carries merits given what’s happening in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world. He says, “The next 10 years [are] going to require a lot more dexterity than the last 40 have.” Additionally, he advises investors to own assets such as cash, gold, and uranium because the higher deposit rates, which "are going to be a big problem," are still below the real rate of inflation.

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  • “I think that the 60% probability of one rate hike between now and January will probably get revised away, but it doesn't matter,” says Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO and chief strategist for research and analytics firm QI Research. She emphasizes that Fed Chair Jerome Powell is looking for a reason to maintain higher interest rates so that he can eventually break the Fed put. Danielle says, “I am on board with his mission of breaking the Fed put... [but] don’t actually think that that’s going to happen.”

    She explains that even though JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon warned investors against today's economic instability, she doesn’t believe it’s “hyperbolic” given his vantage point. “He's seeing from the front lines, and he's seeing in his credit card data that the consumer's finally slowing down…he's really got a good view on the confluence of events,” Danielle concludes.

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  • "I think we are at great danger... and you look at what's going on geopolitically… We could have a massive blowup,” says David Tice, senior advisor for the Ranger Equity Bear ETF (HDGE). David contends that the instability in the economy combined with today's elevated geopolitical tensions could lead to a major conflict at some point down the road. He also believes that a recession is inevitable before year-end once the impact of the Federal Reserve's interest-rate hikes settles into the economy. David says, "I think the consensus has gotten a soft landing. I think that's ridiculous. What we're talking about is lag between tightening and an eventual recession. But a recession is coming.... And it's going to be here by the end of the year."

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  • “We are entering a period when over the next six to nine months something could go wrong and historically, it's when the yield curve steepens,” says Alfonso Peccatiello, founder and CEO of The Macro Compass. He explains that if the steepening continues, it will cause serious damage to equity markets and the economy because "the inversion of the yield curve is a leading indicator of a recession.”

    He believes it’s likely that the Federal Reserve is done raising interest rates, but it will keep the federal-funds rate above the level of inflation for 24 to 27 months. “That’s what worries me... They are not talking about cutting rates even if inflation slows down," he says. And he stresses that the impact of the Fed's aggressive rate-hike policy hasn't settled into the economy. “We're entering the periods where the macro lags are more likely to kick in because the curve has been inverted already for 17 months and it's now steepening back,” he says. Finally, he advises investors to decrease exposure to equity markets and invest in treasuries.

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  • “We think the Fed will actually have to step in, reverse course, and start QE all over again to be the buyers of these bonds,” says Rudi Fronk, chairman and CEO of Seabridge Gold. And he believes when that happens, gold will be bullish. He also predicts that there will be two more waves of inflation that will cause gold to have “its biggest moves on a historic base.”

    Rudi also explains why gold stocks are cheap despite the healthy environment gold miners are in. “I think a lot of it is self-inflicted,” he says. Plus, he stresses that the major global companies historically “have not been very good allocators of capital” and “tend to do their acquisitions at market tops… then sell projects at market bottoms.” “They continue to increase their share count without offsetting that dilution with either reserves or production or other measures that would lead to higher share prices,” he concludes.

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  • "The actual wonderful nature of crypto is destroyed because it’s basically wrapped up in all these layers and layers,” says Clem Chambers, CEO of Online Blockchain. He claims that the future of cryptocurrencies is uncertain as the asset is caught in the crossfire of an SEC probation and stricter government regulations following the FTX collapse. “I don't think I know what's going to happen there…The halving should be very bullish. It’s going to come in March. So I'm kind of really hanging out for that." He also talks about how central bank digital currencies won’t be able to compete with cryptos because the government won’t risk embracing decentralized features. Plus, he remains optimistic about the global economic outlook. “People confuse the bottom of where the momentum is down and now the momentum is up… I think that’s very good for the next two or three years,” he concludes.

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  • “If this polarization continues, we're heading towards a civil war,” warns David Woo, former IMF economist and Wall Street strategist. Woo – the creator of David Wu Unbound – explains that the current situation of the U.S. is worrisome given its diminishing influence abroad and political divisiveness at home. “The majority of Americans do distrust the system… There’s no doubt that the country is so polarized that I’m afraid what would happen next year in this election. If anything happens to Trump, all hell is going to break loose,” he claims.

    David believes the strong performance of U.S. tech stocks has propped up the U.S. stock market for the past decade and is making the U.S. dollar strong. “The dollar is strong because Big Tech has become strategic for national security and has become basically existential for the Democratic Party. That is what the world is paying a huge tax on. And until somebody breaks that, the dollar's going to be strong,” he says. Given the growing influence of BRICS, he argues that the Biden Administration has made the U.S. appear weaker in front of Saudi Arabia. “I think what we need to realize is that the days that the president of the United States can pick up the phone and call up the King of Saudi Arabia and say, 'You know what, I'm calling, basically cut prices, increase production.' Those days are completely over,” he says. “I think America's greatest enemy is not China or Russia, it's itself,” he concludes.

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  • “I think when rates are going to peak next quarter, and we got an election year next year and when rates start falling, gold will be $2,300,” says Frank Holmes, CEO and chief investment officer for U.S. Global Investors. He acknowledges while gold provides a lot of value for investors during times of uncertainty, crypto sparks a “different enthusiasm” for folks to trade globally and digitally. “Kids have CPU chips. There were 30 million kids using their computers to do their homework, gaming, and when they go in bed, they were mining Ethereum,” he says.

    When it comes to the BRICS, Frank points out that he wouldn’t worry too much about it gaining power because many BRICS nations have a “closed economy” unlike the U.S. “How many California wines can you find in Italy?” he asks, suggesting that BRICS countries have protectionism over products like wine the same way they do with money. “Look up, that’s how high gold prices will rise when rates fall, and mathematically, rates are falling next year. Gold will get a reset button,” he concludes.

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  • "The U.S. dollar is supreme. It's the unit of currency that's used in trade... It's diminishing, but these things take a long time to change. There's no real substitute out there for it,” says John Doody, founder and editor of Gold Stock Analyst. He points out that the efforts from BRICS to replace the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency with a new gold-backed currency are futile due to the rest of the world's reliance on the dollar for international trade. When it comes to inflation, he says “there’s no way that Powell can do a Volcker and jack up rates to 20% to stop the inflation. The politicians won’t take it anymore."

    The gold expert also shares an optimistic outlook about the precious metal, as Gold Stock Analyst celebrates its 30th year anniversary this year. "Gold has been the best-performing liquid asset I know of since 1971 when the price was set free. There’s a 8% per year compounded growth rate. I don’t know any liquid asset that’s been that good,” says John. He also talks about a gold mining company that is a “multimillion ounce a year producer." Watch the video to find out the full details.

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  • “OPEC+ expanding to the BRICS I think is a different discussion which I'd be more worried about than the BRICS creating a new currency that will replace the dollar,” claims president and CEO of Valens Research. He states that despite the energy dominance that BRICS pursues, it will not pose imminent threat to the U.S. dollar. "The idea that China and India will ever agree on giving up their own influence over their own currency is just ridiculous... They're in armed conflict right now!" says Joel. "I think they absolutely want [to take down the dollar], but what – they'll give up their own sovereign rights to each other?"

    Additionally, he shares his sentiment about the market, stating that he has never been “so bullish long-term and so bearish show-term.” "We are going to see earnings erode to such a degree... the market is really topped out, and we don't have much more to go,” he concludes. Sign up for
    http://September27Warning.com to learn more on how you can grow your wealth from Joel.

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  • “Banks are slowing. Some financial accident is going to happen, and it could end up being a spiral. I think the charade of pretending that they’re going to beat inflation is a charade. They know they can’t,” says Frank Giustra, billionaire philanthropist and CEO of the Fiore Group. He says the Fed knows that interest-rate hikes have a lag effect and the massive debt issue will “bankrupt America,” as shown by today's slowing economy.

    While mining industry veteran Pierre Lassonde paints a negative picture for mining juniors, Frank disagrees and urges folks to avoid letting emotions guide their decisions no matter what happens in the market. “It’s a matter of patience. Hang in there. You just have to know something there is good [coming].” Additionally, Frank points out that central banks around the world accumulating gold means "something is up.” “I don’t think the West is listening. The gold enthusiasts are in the East. That’s where we see all the physical gold is going," Frank concludes.

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  • “They really try to bring the economy to a halt to bring the inflation down, and then we’ll get a next wave of inflation. I am afraid for that,” says Willem Middelkoop, founder of the Commodity Discovery Fund and bestselling author of The Big Reset: War on Gold and the Financial Endgame. He predicts that the next wave of inflation will hit the U.S. in 2024 to 2025.

    Given the development that BRICS are pursuing global energy dominance, Willem argues that we’re in a “financial World War III.” He also points out that Saudi Arabia has turned itself into an adversary with the U.S. after it started selling Treasuries en masse over the last few years. Willem concludes by warning that the BRICS are working on a “parallel trading system” that will exclude the U.S. from international trade.

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  • In a panel discussion with executive co-chairman and founder of Ivanhoe Mines Robert Friedland, President and CEO of the Fiore Group Frank Giustra, and mining industry veteran Pierre Lassonde, our Daniela Cambone discusses the significance of central banks accumulating gold, the imminent threat of central bank digital currencies ("CBDCs"), the state of the mining industry, and inflation. Frank acknowledges that the global monetary system could be completely reshaped moving forward and that gold “will play a role.” Pierre echoes that sentiment, adding that, “We have a very high probability of an alternative currency to the dollar."

    Plus, Frank warns that the rollout of a universal CBDC means “a loss of freedom.” Finally, Robert predicts inflation to stay at 4% in the next five years and eventually go even higher as oil prices keep rising. “The Fed’s in the box because if they keep raising interest rates, they’re going to dive the economy … The real interest’s gonna increase and this favors gold.”

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  • “I think that Saudi Arabia continuing to lower production is really going to hurt Europe and the rest of the world, whereas [in the] U.S. we can continue to grow our own fossil fuels,” says Col. Jonathan Shaffer, director of business development for MBO Partners and former Pentagon strategist. He discusses many pressing international issues, including the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, the expansion of BRICS, and China's growing influence.

    The 25-year Army veteran expresses concern about China’s infiltration over American entities such as the academics and corporations. However, he sees a potential World War III as unlikely to happen. “I think we have enough controls over the big levers and buttons. This is on the military side as well as diplomatically that we can likely avert that kind of an irrational act,” he says. Col. Shaffner argues that the recent expansion of BRICS signals the organization's desire for “energy dominance.” “They’re trying to expand out of just fuel commodities and move into the future value of commodities... which is going to give them power in the long run,” he concludes.

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  • “You create this event where the dollar were not clinging to the privilege of the world reserve’s currency,” says Andy Schectman, president and CEO of precious metals investment management company Miles Franklin. He claims that the U.S. government deliberately incentivizes de-dollarization to let the system collapse and reset in order to ease off the insurmountable debt issue. “We have $5 trillion in assets backing $155 trillion in debt... Forty percent of our assets are student debt,” he says. Additionally, he says the price of gold performs lower than it should because the Western system has suppressed the precious metal's price for a long time in order to support a bond market. “Gold is the antithesis of the Western system,” he argues.

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  • We’re back from our summer break! In today’s interview with Todd "Bubba" Horwitz, he says the U.S. is facing the biggest shortage in oil supply since 1985. "What nobody understands about the oil market is that all gas has a federal tax assigned to it... The higher gas prices get, the more federal tax rates are paying,” he explains.

    He predicts the Federal Reserve will keep hiking interest rates and many small businesses will be destroyed because of this. “We know the true number is still closer to 15% to 20%. It is so ridiculous to even show a number of 3%,” he says. However, he still believes in the dominance and stability of the U.S. dollar in today's contentious global financial system. He argues the recent discussions among BRICS nations about building a gold-backed currency are “nonsense.” Watch the interview to find out why and more.

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  • The stock market rallied to a 16% gain through the first six months of 2023, completing a strong first half despite fears of a recession looming over several important asset classes. But with uncertainty about today's rampant inflation and heightened geopolitical tensions clouding the market right now, many investors are unsure about what to do with their money throughout the rest of the year. Today’s guest Carter Braxton Worth, founder and CEO of technical analysis company Worth Charting. Carter asserts that a massive wave of sell-offs is inevitable moving forward, creating the opportunity for huge gains in the long term once the downtrend reverses. He says, "We're due for some sort of sell-off or drawdown... It's not a bad thing. It's a good thing. It corrects something that's incorrect. That's what sets you up ultimately to go higher."

    Carter highlights the precious metals sector as a viable space for investors to explore in order to secure a safe-haven asset throughout the upcoming drawdown. "There arecatch-up trades [available], things that have lagged but whose chart patterns are constructive and good... Gold has kept up with the S&P 500 on a one-year basis," he explains. He concludes by predicting a major uptrend in silver assets, encouraging investors to add the precious metal to their portfolios before the rally begins. Carter says, "I like how this sets up. One wants to have this very much as part of their mix in terms of risk assets. It's the most explosive and dynamic."

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  • With the development of tools like ChatGPT quickly growing popular, many people are
    bullish around artificial intelligence ("AI") right now. That's why Tesla CEO Elon Musk launched AI company xAI last month in an effort to take advantage of this fast-moving trend. Today, Daniela chatted with Ran Neuner, co-founder and CEO of blockchain investment fund and advisory service Onchain Capital. Ran contends that Musk's recent launch of xAI serves as a ploy to rival OpenAI CEO Sam Altman in order to increase his foothold in the global economy. He says, "These are big people with big egos... We're seeing two influential billionaires use their own separate platforms to create a global financial institution that is going to capture a large share of global financial transactions."

    Ran also believes that AI technology will completely reshape verification methods for various
    industries due to digital identities becoming more prevalent. "We're moving into a new era in the world. In this new era, we're going to have a big need to prove we're human... I suspect that fingerprints may not be able to prove you're human,” he explains. He concludes by expressing optimism about the long-term impact of AI as we continue to discover new ways to use this fast-moving technology to our advantage. "We shouldn't resist going into the world of AI because I think that it's an amazing technology which will only help us, but like any revolution it's going to make us feel uncomfortable,” he tells Daniela.

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  • The U.S. dollar's longstanding status as the world's reserve currency has been threatened this year as prominent countries around the world have avoided relying on the dollar for global trade. Today, Daniela interviewed Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, who asserts that the global de-dollarization trend signals that a return to a gold standard is inevitable as long as these foreign adversaries remain unified. He says, "When you talk about the BRICS, almost three-quarters of the population has signed on. It's not if, but when they switch to gold. That's what they're saying."

    Robert also believes that cryptocurrencies offer a viable store of value as investors search for a safe haven from this chaotic market. "I like bitcoin because we have an enemy in common called the federal government, the Treasury, the Fed, and Wall Street," he proclaims. He concludes by encouraging investors to explore the precious metals sector in an effort to protect their wealth as mountains of debt continue to weigh on the economy. "In two months alone, they've added $1.8 trillion in new debt; this is unsustainable. That's why I'm a big hard asset person. I don't buy much paper," he states.

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