
  • Marni welcomes Shelley Paxton to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo discusses how to listen to yourself and navigate towards what your soul truly wants. Shelley is an author, a speaker and a change-maker. She helps people redefine their success. In this episode, Marni and Shelley talk about how to get out of something that makes you miserable. With the daily grind of life, and the pressure thrown at you from every direction, sometimes it’s easier to just continue on the conventional track, to stick to the initial plan. And it ends up slowly eating at you, at your soul.

    * How to take it one step at a time

    * Don’t wait out your pain

    * How to live your truth

    Is it time for a sabbatical? [00:40]

    It’s a sabbatical in the large sense of the term, almost like a rebirth. When it seems like your current life, whether that’s a job or otherwise, is dragging you down, where everything requires this magnanimous effort, it’s time for a sabbatical. It’s not a vacation, it’s a journey to reconnect with yourself and your soul.

    I’m going to be the sole chief officer of my own damn life. And that was the beginning.

    S is for Shackles [53:20]

    In Shelley's Soul Framework, the S stands for shedding the shackles you should. And what that means is breaking free from the narratives, and the “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” that you’ve told yourself define you. It’s becoming aware of the narratives that you’ve built around your identity, that are influenced by culture, society, upbringing, expectations
and the list goes on.

    Whatever it is, we have these should, and these narratives. They come from this place of guilt, people pleasing and these cultural narratives that have been drilled into us. Especially for women, for a very, very long time.

    It’s Value Over Validation [01:01]

    It’s important to prioritize your own values over seeking external validation. Focus on what truly matters to you at your core.

    All these boxes of traditional success, that I was ticking, they were all external validation. They were all outside of me.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Life? Book A Call With Us

    · Where Soul Meets Success- Shelley Paxton’s Website

    · Soulbbatical: A Corporate Rebel's Guide to Finding Your Best Life *Get your copy now*

    · What are you rebelling for? Connect with Shelley

  • Marni welcomes Dr. Harry Cohen to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo delves into the practice of nurturing traits that make people naturally gravitate towards you. What are these virtues that attract people? Harry is an author, having most recently published the book, “ Be the Sun, Not the Salt''. In this episode, Marni and Harry discuss how to forgive your mistakes and move forward while practicing the authentic virtues that will bring out the best version of yourself and those around you. Are you ready to be the change you wish to see in the world?

    * How to embody virtuous behavior

    * Learn from history’s greats

    * How to practice apologizing well

    How to Level up [13:41]

    Seek out and learn from people who exemplify the highest virtues and achievements. By understanding these positive energizers, you absorb their wisdom and integrate those practices into your own life.

    Those are exemplars. Those are the people who we intuitively and naturally are drawn to and want to be around.

    Knowledge Isn’t Doing [20:01]

    Knowledge isn’t enough; it’s the application of that knowledge that matters. Act on the wisdom you acquired by performing brave and kind deeds.

    The Learning is by doing. You want to be brave, act bravely. That’s Aristotle. Send the text, make the call, pick up the phone.

    Simplicity and Consistency [28:25]

    Consistency is inevitable for any kind of improvement in any aspect in our lives. Small, consistent actions can lead to significant improvements in our lives and relationships. It is by consistently practicing a certain behavior that they eventually become habits.

    You just practice. You step in it and then you go clean it off after you step in it. You have to make the error and then do the next right thing. That’s part of it.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Life? Book A Call With Us

    · “Be The Sun, Not The Salt”- Get Your Copy Now

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  • Marni welcomes Susan Gulyas to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo discusses the limiting beliefs that hold us back in our life. Susan, a longtime client of Marni’s, is a successful career woman who works as a senior manager in engineering at Boeing. For this episode, they delve into what it means to explore unhealthy patterns and to shift your energy to attract what you want.

    * How to shape your beliefs

    * What energy are you putting out into the world?

    * Communicating with Integrity

    Confront Your Limiting Beliefs [06:48]

    We all have stories that we tell ourselves. But sometimes, these stories stem from negative beliefs that have been ingrained in us. Take a moment to reflect on your beliefs about yourself. Are there any limiting ones holding you back?

    I believed that I was too old to get married. I believed there was nobody out there for me. And I was not picking well, I was not picking well at all.

    Self-Forgiveness Isn’t Just a Buzzword [19:04]

    By challenging past shame and embracing your inherent worthiness, you lay the foundation for attracting healthy and loving relationships into your life. This underscores the importance of practicing self-compassion and embracing our imperfections. By forgiving ourselves for past mistakes and embracing our unique qualities, we can cultivate a deep sense of self-love that radiates outward and attracts love from others.

    Until you forgive yourself and really heal that with yourself before you even forgive others, it’s really hard to let someone truly love you.

    Be in Your Feminine [41:23]

    The subtle nuances of communication in conveying feminine energy are transformative. Understanding how to express kindness, softness, and receptivity in interactions with men without compromising your authenticity empowers you to create meaningful connections.

    You’re not compromising who you are, you’re communicating something in a different way. That’s going to get you a different result ultimately.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Life? Book A Call With Us

  • Marni welcomes Junnie Moon to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo delves into the hidden aspects of ourselves that we often suppress and that influence our behavior and relationships. We suppress these parts of ourselves without even realizing it. Junnie is the CEO of Midlife Love Out Loud. She’s an author, a global love mentor and a certified shadow work practitioner. In this episode, Marni and Junnie discuss what shadow work actually is and how through working on yourself you can find empowerment and authenticity.

    * What is shadow work?

    * What are your triggers telling you?

    * How to cultivate self-compassion

    Are You Self-Sabotaging? [03:33]

    We all have blind spots. And these blind spots can show up in several ways including self-sabotage. And these come as a result of not being aligned with our highest and best self.

    When we talk about our personalities and how we're showing up in the world, the shadow is a part of us that we want to hide. There's a part of us that maybe we feel bad about.

    How Do You Spot the Shadows? [08:38]

    Just look around you. Notice the people or traits that trigger strong reactions in you. Maybe it's the overly confident colleague or the friend who always seems to have it all together. These reactions are like little red flags pointing you toward your own shadows.

    There’s a part of us that we’re denying where we’re going. I better not be like that.

    Acknowledge the Cart Before the Horse [19:29]

    Before diving into the world of online dating or seeking a partner, take some time to unpack your own baggage. This doesn't mean waiting until you're perfect or fully healed, but rather acknowledging and understanding yourself better.

    When we are unpacking and coming home to the truth of who we are, not by what our beliefs are, not by what we have been taught, we can see things differently.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Life? Book A Call With Us

    · Junnie’s Website- Midlife Love Out Loud

    · Junie's 'What's Your Love Avatar Quiz'

    · Junie's 'Loving The Whole Package' book

  • Marni welcomes Ciicii to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo discusses how to break free from co-dependency and find your own identity. Ciicii is the host of podcast That Bitch Positive. She is a life and energy coach who has millions of followers as well as a singer-songwriter who has a book that came out yesterday with the title “Show Up As Her”. For this episode, Marni and Ciicii discuss the importance of owning your power and becoming the person you’re meant to be. And it starts by letting go of all the external triggers that may be holding you back and taking responsibility for your own feelings.

    * How to let go

    * What is co-dependency?

    * How to break free from co-dependency

    Positive Bitchology [07:48]

    No, it’s not a cocktail. Positive Bitchology is being a babe in true connection with herself. It’s all about finding your way back to who you really are. And you do it by letting go of external triggers, whether that’s a boyfriend or a job.

    Step into who you came here to be.

    Are You Ghosting Yourself? [15:30]

    Pay attention to how you’re treating yourself. Are you ghosting your needs? Your desires? Your vulnerabilities? When you neglect your own needs, they are more likely to be ghosted or overlooked by others as well. It’s vital to speak up.

    I think as women especially, we don’t want to feel needy when we speak for what it is we need. And that’s not being needy. That’s putting yourself on the pedestal.

    Taking Ownership of Your Identity [20:04]

    When we’re co-dependent on another person, it’s like seeing ourselves through their eyes, from their viewpoint, instead of seeing ourselves as full individuals in our own right. We need to be able to carve out space for our own identity and our true essence.

    I see this from an energetic point of view, where, whenever there’s codependency, there’s some blockage or dysfunction with our sacral chakra.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Life? Book A Call With Us

    · Follow her latest contents- vibinwithciicii (Follow her on Instagram)

    · Show Up As Her- *Get a Copy Now!*

    · Get the latest updates from CiiCii *Subscribe*

  • Marni welcomes Bobby Frank to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo delves in the dynamics of a lasting relationship. Bobby who has been married for 31 years is currently working on his book, "The Unimpeachable Wife: Developing a Million Dollar Bank Account and a Million Dollar Family."

    For this episode, Marni and Bobby discuss the secrets to success and longevity within a relationship. Self-reflection, authenticity and personal growth are all part of it. When each person focuses on themselves first, it creates a solid foundation for a successful partnership.

    * How to introspect

    * What are the ABC’s of marriage?

    * How to be Honest

    We Need to Talk About Us [04:33]

    Don’t focus on the wrong end of the spectrum of marriage or a relationship. The key is to focus on what you both need and want, rather than only prioritizing on your partner.

    Don’t violate other principles just because you think something is correct

    Honesty Really is The Best Policy [13:14]

    It’s been said over and over again because it’s true. Don’t try to be someone that you’re not. Stop saying the things you think your partner wants to hear and start saying how you feel.

    That’s how you develop a friendship as well.

    The Unspoken Conversation [20:56]

    What are the ABCs of marriage? It is knowing that your partner will not trade you in for the newer model, it is knowing that they will love you even in sickness. It is the important questions that keep you together in the long turn.

    And c is, can you love me with cancer?

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Life? Book A Call With Us

    · Transform Your Life Today- Stop2Start Life Coaching Online

  • Marni welcomes Nicole Russo to the Life Check Yourself studio. A personal stylist to high-achievers and executives, Nicole opened her own styling shopping service in 2017 and has styled thousands of people since. The duo discusses the most effective way to declutter, how to find your style and why dressing well means being empowered. How you dress, when it’s authentic, is a reflection of who you are and who you want to be.

    * How to dress for power

    * Avoid impulse purchases

    * How to cleanse your closet

    It’s Not Any Less Feminist to Dress the Part [05:11]

    The way you dress impacts the way you’re perceived and the way you feel. Fashion can be wielded as a powerful tool to propel your life in the direction that you want it to go in.

    You definitely need to be careful in that it has to feel authentic, or else it’s not really going to empower you. It has to feel like you in some way.

    Declutter Your Emotions and Your Closet [17:27]

    Your closet is a reflection of you. It’s murmurs of who you were or who you didn’t become. Or even the dreams you held on to. But, perhaps it’s time to declutter. Let go of the items you don’t wear anymore so that you can be who you are now.

    Our closets are a metaphor for our life.

    Get Creative [20:00]

    Experiment by wearing something new each day or each week to inspire creativity. Finding your style should be fun.

    I find that you get a better sense of who you are, and it becomes like a creative fun process instead of a stressful one.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Life? Book A Call With Us

    · Let's Get You- A Free Guide To Edit Your Closet

  • Marni welcomes Shanenn Bryant to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo discusses how to crack the control code and transform the way we view jealousy. Shanenn is a jealousy and relationship confidence expert. She’s also the host of the Top Self podcast and founder of self-development company, Top Self. It’s not just about eradicating jealousy but understanding that this feeling isn’t the problem, but rather a symptom of it. And the answers can be found by examining yourself.

    * Focus on yourself

    * Lengthen the space between trigger and response

    * How to foster self-awareness

    What’s Jealousy Got to Do With it? [05:35]

    Jealous stems from somewhere internal, from a place of insecurity. And that could either be because of some type of dysfunction in your childhood or because you went through a bad experience in a romantic relationship. Either way, to understand the feeling itself, you need to look at yourself and ask the right questions.

    It doesn’t necessarily have to always be that it was a cheating incident. I felt like I was insecure and jealous before that ever happened.

    Make Room for Accountability [14:49]

    While it may be difficult to do so in certain situations, it’s important to take responsibility rather than blame your partner straight away. Self-awareness is key.

    You cannot change something that is blocking you, unless you really take a look at what you think, do, and say.

    Boundaries, Boundaries, Boundaries [21:10]

    Before getting into a relationship, it’s important to have an open and honest conversation about boundaries, particularly those regarding interactions with exes. It allows both partners to understand each other’s expectations.

    Have that conversation to figure out what that relationship is like beforehand and then you make the decision if that’s a relationship you want to be in.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · Are You Making These Unconscious Mistakes With Men? *Free Training*

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Dating Life? Book A Call With Us

    · Live A Life Of Confidence- TOP SELF (Book a Call)

  • Marni welcomes Paget Kagy to the Life Check Yourself studio. A Korean-American actress, writer, and empowerment coach, Paget is fueled by her passion for challenging societal norms. Paget, a frequency healer and spiritual coach, discusses the significance of operating from a deeper level rather than superficially judging oneself and as a consequence, others as well. The duo speak about the power of detachment and embracing uncertainty to connect with one’s higher self.

    * How to dream bigger

    * How to identify your blind spot

    * Step out of your comfort zone

    Are you Hitting a Wall? [11:04]

    Energy blocks or energy patterns are basically patterns where you keep hitting up against the same situation. Sometimes, it might be different people or situations but it’s the same pattern over and over again.

    It doesn’t matter what you try to do, you end up attracted to those things. And they end up attracted to you.

    Un-stuck [14:12]

    Sometimes, we don’t even realize that we’re stuck. And that’s the case for a lot of us. But once you identify that you are stuck, you can begin to release patterns that have been keeping you stunted.

    Everything is open to us at all times.

    Connecting with Yourself [21:40]

    To connect with someone else on a deeper level, you need to first connect with yourself. Understand that it’s not about the outcome. It’s about you taking the necessary steps from a place of worthiness.

    The universe delivers it to you in a way that you can’t predict or plan for.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · Are You Making These Unconscious Mistakes With Men? *Free Training*

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Dating Life? Book A Call With Us

    · Quantum Shift Accelerator- Free Mini Course

  • Marni welcomes Lily Womble to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo discusses what holds successful women back from truly flourishing in the dating world? Lily, who shot to fame after a viral TikTok video is the founder and CEO of DateBrazen.com. She’s helped women overcome personal obstacles to achieve confidence and whole dating lives. It’s not just about finding the right relationship but about understanding what is keeping you stagnating.

    * How to live in your main character energy

    * You’re not too anything

    * Ask for what you want out loud

    The Slot Machines of Dating [10:59]

    Dating apps are built like slot machines; they’re designed to keep you wanting a little more. They give you just enough of what you need so that you come back for more.

    It’s going to give you enough of the good stuff to keep you coming back, but not enough of the good stuff to get you in a relationship.

    How to Really Move Forward [18:08]

    Getting into the relationship isn’t the prize for healing. Healing is for you. And once you’ve done that, the relationship comes. Don’t compare your own dating life or relationship to others because you don’t know what is actually happening behind closed doors. None of us do.

    The only thing separating people, I believe from finding the right relationship is giving themselves permission to want what they want.

    Trust Yourself [23:44]

    It seems obvious but self-trust is at the root of healing. Trust yourself to bless and release the people who are wrong for you. And don’t look back.

    The more swiftly you bless and release the wrong people, the more swiftly you’ll find yourself in the best relationship.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · Are You Making These Unconscious Mistakes With Men? *Free Training*

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Dating Life? Book A Call With Us

    · The Feminist Guide to Breaking Dumb Dating Rules and Finding Love

  • Marni welcomes Dr.Heidi Brocke to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo delves into what being toxic actually means. It’s a buzz word that gets thrown around a lot but does anyone really know how to detect a toxic person? Heidi is a toxic relationship awareness and healing specialist. With a podcast that has over 1 million downloads, Heidi has worked with hundreds of people to help them get out of and heal from toxic relationships.

    * What does toxic actually mean?

    * How to decode unhealthy dynamics

    * How to clean up your social circle

    Narcissistic Much? [09:27]

    We’ve gotten used to throwing around certain labels and terms without ever actually understanding what they mean. And that includes the word toxic and narcissistic. However, they’re different. Many actually have narcissistic personality disorders because of something in their upbringing or something in their lives that has left them with that insecurity. Knowing the distinction between a disorder and an adjective is imperative.

    I chose the word toxic because it’s not a diagnosis. Toxic is an adjective. .

    You Define What’s Healthy for You [14:19]

    Instead of seeking validation for your decisions when it comes to who to include or exclude in your life by labeling them toxic, embrace that you have the agency to curate your own social circles. You decide who stays and who leaves. You don’t need to make excuses or throw around labels.

    We’re all just trying to make sure that there’s something wrong with that person so that we can be validated in changing the relationship.

    Your Normal Isn’t Everyone’s Normal [21:57]

    Not everyone sees the world the same way. Sometimes when someone does something that doesn’t align with you, you’ll describe it as not being normal. It’s because that person isn’t acting like you would and as such it is out of the norm for you.

    In reality, we are looking at them through our emotionally wired eyes.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · Are You Making These Unconscious Mistakes With Men? *Free Training*

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Dating Life? Book A Call With Us

    · The Toxic Profile Analysis

    · We're INNIT Together Community

  • Marni welcomes Anya Chernyshova to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo delves into the process of reinvention. What does it take to completely transform your life? It begins by letting go of the negative beliefs you have about yourself. Anya, who is one of Marni’s long-time clients, went through a reinvention herself where she managed to alter her life to adapt her vision. Understanding that you actually have the power to do it is empowering.

    * Don’t keep it festering

    * How to let go of blame

    * Forgiveness is key.

    Are You Just Being Immature? [10:26]

    Change begins when you start loving yourself. This mantra repeated to us over and over again because it’s true. But it’s not enough to just say it, you need to truly believe it. Let go of these negative beliefs you were told about yourself.

    It’s such a different way of being when you truly love yourself.

    Embracing Self-Advocacy [18:52]

    Overcoming your fear and learning to ask for what you need not only helps you overcome challenges but it also fosters holistic sense of well-being. By embracing self-advocacy, you have the power to shape your career, relationships, and overall life with confidence and resilience.

    Things really changed for me because I felt really powerful and I felt like I could advocate for myself.

    An Evolving Soul [27:22]

    Embrace life's changes, prioritize self-care, and remain open to unforeseen opportunities for profound personal and professional growth. Always listen to what your body is telling you. It knows what it’s talking about.

    My body is the greatest gift that I have because she tells me when I need to pay attention immediately.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · Are You Making These Unconscious Mistakes With Men? *Free Training*

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Dating Life? Book A Call With Us

  • Marni welcomes Anapaula Corral to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo delves into feminine energy, recognizing the dating mistakes and letting go of deep-rooted beliefs that may be doing more harm than good. Marni and Anapaula, who is an author, met on Instagram. After that meeting, Anapaula started doing the work with Marni and gaining insight on what it is that she was doing wrong in her dating life. The conversation between the two women explores notions of regained self-confidence, mindful dating, and the journey of self-love.

    * How to define your rules

    * Prioritize self-love

    * How to embrace your feminine energy

    It Starts with a Strong Foundation [11:07]

    Regain your self-confidence through self-reflection. Recognize the trauma that you’ve been holding onto and that has been affecting your life. Once you do that, you can begin to work on it and find your way back to your self-confidence.

    Deep underneath there’s a shame that needs to be healed.

    Own Your Feminine Energy [15:10]

    You need to fall in love with yourself in order to be able to fall in love with someone else. Open yourself up and hold on to your self-worth. That’s where all the magic happens.

    Being able to sit down with my feminine energy has definitely not only changed my life, but it has improved every area of my life.

    Uncomfortable Conversations [27:54]

    Relationships take time and patience. It’s not always smooth sailing. It is important to have uncomfortable conversations, to be honest, and to be transparent. That is what leads to growth and ultimately a more meaningful connection.

    You need the map and the person that follows the map.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · Are You Making These Unconscious Mistakes With Men? *Free Training*

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Dating Life? Book A Call With Us

    · Life with AnaSofia- *Anapaula's Book Now Available!*

    · LOVELY HOME- Professional and Reliable Home Cleaning and Residential Services in Miami

  • Marni welcomes Dr.Abby Mecalf to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo dismantle pre-held beliefs about the secret to a successful relationship. Abby is a psychologist and a relationship maven who also happens to be a podcast host. Throughout this episode, they look into one of the leading causes for the failure of a relationship. And it’s not communication, it’s competition that influences the dynamics within a relationship.

    * Why do so many relationships fail?

    * How to stop Comparing

    * Find common ground

    It’s Actually Not Just About Communication [06:42]

    We’ve been told over and over again that the main reason relationships fail is bad communication. But there’s another cancer under that. And it's a competition.

    This is competition for resources, for time, for money, for things in the family. If you’re in competition with someone, you don’t want them to win.

    That Sounds Like a We Problem [12:59]

    Instead of viewing an issue as one partner’s problem, look at it as a shared problem. When you do that, you both actively engage in shared problem solving. And rather than blame each other, you manage to actually find a solution that works for both of you.

    Everything is a we.

    Set Your Boundaries Right [28:12]

    Merely expressing a preference is not setting a boundary. A boundary needs to have consequences if it is not respected. When you set a boundary, it doesn’t mean you’re more important than your partner. It just means you’re as important.

    ‘I feel upset when you talk to me that way.’ That’s your feeling. A Boundary has to have teeth.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · Are You Making These Unconscious Mistakes With Men? *Free Training*

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Dating Life? Book A Call With Us

    · Dr. Abby Medcalf's website

    · Boundaries Made Easy: Your Roadmap to Connection, Ease and Joy *Get your copy Now!*

  • Marni welcomes Dr. Amelia Kelley to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo delves into the notion of gaslighting and how to spot it when it’s happening. Amelia who is a hypnotherapist and an art therapist, discusses the prototypes that are most likely to get gaslit. Dissecting the different types of gaslighting, she explains the personality traits that can play a role in whether or not a person will get gaslit as well as how to avoid a gas-lighter.

    * How to know when you’re being gaslit.

    * Stand firm in your truth

    * How to distance yourself

    Are You Just Being Immature? [07:18]

    The term gaslighting gets thrown around lightly, and a lot. However, there are times where it is not a gaslighting situation. You’re just having a disagreement. Gaslighting is a form of emotional manipulation and abuse that is intended to control, contort and alter your sense of reality and your sense of self.

    There are so many ways it can impact your self-esteem, your interpersonal relationships, your goals and just everything.

    Confuse and Conquer [13:27]

    Gaslighting thrives on keeping the person at the receiving end confused and doubting their own reality. Good news is the first step to avoid being gaslit is understanding and detecting when it happens. It’s about being aware of it.

    Distancing yourself from gaslighting is the only true way to cut yourself off from its impact.

    A Never-Ending Cycle [19:10]

    One of the psychological aspects of gaslighting is that it’s a cycle that can be gratifying but it’s important to set boundaries. More so, practicing emotional individuation and not letting others rewrite your personal experiences are all steps you can take towards dealing with gaslighting.

    The whole purpose is to cut down your self-esteem or your confidence. They don’t want you to have self-confidence.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · Are You Making These Unconscious Mistakes With Men? *Free Training*

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Dating Life? Book A Call With Us

    · Dr. Amelia Kelley's Website

    · Gaslighting Recovery for Women *Get a copy Now!*

  • Marni welcomes endocrinologist and author Dr.Ricky Arenson to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo discuss the dynamics between men and women in a partnership. The duo delves into the differences between both genders and how the things that set them apart actually become their strength when combined. While men and women may function on opposing wavelengths, that is actually the key to the success of a relationship. And a happy relationship means a longer life. Longevity isn’t just about eating those berries and that OJ.

    * Uncover your innate qualities

    * Why do you keep having the same fights?

    * Stop scrolling past everything IRL

    Make Love Not War [18:18]

    We live in a society where everyone is seeking conflict. And it’s amplified by social media. At the end of the day though, what unites us is our humanity regardless of our race or gender.

    We all want to come together and see each other as human beings, and see the value and the beauty of being human rather than dividing up by race, gender, and sexual preference.

    Women are From Venus, Men are From

    The way a man and a woman’s brain function are actually very different. Whereas men tend to get hyper focused on the task at hand, women have a more diverse thinking pattern. A woman’s brain activity shows that there could be a lot going on everywhere.

    Because men, when they focus on something, they become very unique, focused. You can’t distract them.

    Modern Day Romance [34:28]

    The issue with modern day romances is that we’ve all become impatient. We’ve gotten accustomed to just scrolling past anything we don’t like on our phone. And it seems to be a habit we’ve taken in our daily lives.

    But relationships don’t work like that. Relationships are a long-term process.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · Are You Making These Unconscious Mistakes With Men? *Free Training*

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Dating Life? Book A Call With Us

    · Discover the Secret to a Happy Life

    · Women Are Superior To Men- Get your copy of this Book Now!

  • Marni welcomes Julie Hakim to the Life Check Yourself studio for a live coaching session. Julie is a physician who works at Texas Children’s Hospital. For Julie, it is vital for her to step into her power especially since she’s been struggling to feel seen recently. During the session, the duo tackle what it actually means to feel seen and how to regain control in situations that feel unpredictable.

    * What’s your external avatar?

    * How to be Seen

    * What are energy influencers?

    Are You Seen? [01:37]

    When you are seen there is a sense of alignment and flow that accompanies that feeling. What are the areas in your life where you feel flow? You recognize it because it is a space of emotional safety.

    I think the most immediate response is that I feel I don’t feel vulnerable.

    How to Adult [06:40]

    Part of becoming an adult is developing roles that you need to fulfill. Those roles differ from person to person. For some, it could be the role of a caregiver, while for others it’s the role of a friend.

    Becoming an adult is reframing the perspective that one had as a child and developing into the role as I’m no longer a child, I’m no longer a teenager.

    How to Prepare for the Unpredictable [11:10]

    It’s difficult going into something not knowing the outcome. But there are certain things you can do to put yourself at ease when in a situation that brings you discomfort, for whatever reason. And that could be anything from not going on a date hungry to taking some space for yourself beforehand. It’s about your energy influencers and those differ from one person to the next.

    For your physical self, it might be stuff like I need to make sure that I sleep or maybe hearing music to make me feel empowered.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · Are You Making These Unconscious Mistakes With Men? *Free Training*

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Dating Life? Book A Call With Us

  • Life Check Yourself 436 – How to Navigate the world of relationship and dating when you’re neurodivergent with Jeremy Hamburg and Ilana Frank

    Marni welcomes Friendship and Dating coaches, Jeremy Hamburg and Ilana Frank. Having worked for years towards creating strategies that empower autistic and neurodivergent adults, Jeremy and Llana give in-depth insight on the dating world. The duo has come up with a program, dubbed Social Life 360, that teaches clients to confidently meet new people. In this conversation, they touch on our basic need to connect as humans and what that really means. They delve into the struggles faced when dating and making friends as a neurodivergent person. Much of the advice is applicable to people across the board.

    * How to open your mind

    * Why is timing important?

    * The Impact of words

    Are You Rigid? [11:10]

    This rigidity in thinking when it comes to dating is not just limited to neurodivergent individuals. It is something we are all guilty of. And it reduces the dating pool and with it the likelihood of success.

    One of the diagrams we have in our program is a diagram that shows how limited your dating pool is when you don’t open your mind.

    How to be Present [15:03]

    Many of us get overwhelmed by the unpredictability that comes with dating. However, there are little ways around it that help you spend mental energy on enjoying yourself and the person rather than getting anxious. By knowing what to expect and having your date in a more familiar setting, you’re freeing up that energy to really be present in the moment.

    They’re going to know the sensory impact that that date is going to have. So, they’re in control. They’re prepared.

    Recognizing That Inner Critic [25:27]

    That inner critic voice in your head? Don’t listen to it. It stems from a history of rejections. Many individuals, neurodivergent or otherwise, face challenges as a result of past rejections. By identifying and understanding that inner voice, you can start working on changing it and moving forward in social and dating situations.

    Part of it is understanding that recognition. There’s an inner critic voice in my head that’s keeping me stuck.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · Are You Making These Unconscious Mistakes With Men? *Free Training*

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Dating Life? Book A Call With Us

    · My Best Social Life Official Website

    · Schedule a No Cost Family Strategy Session

    · Autistic and neurodivergent adults can schedule a no cost Family Strategy Session Here!

  • Marni welcomes transformational speaker and relationship coach, Stephen Muiriri to the Life Check Yourself studio where the duo discusses why women feel trapped in certain relationships and how to overcome that feeling and find their authentic value. Stephen has helped thousands of women overcome dating challenges and find true love. In this conversation, he talks about the importance of finding your value and harnessing that energy to communicate it to yourself and those around you. And that value isn’t just limited to the physical, it is much deeper than that. What do you stand for? What are your values? What are your principles? That is where the beauty really is.

    How to let go of the past

    Rediscover yourself

    Take a step back and reassess

    The Sum Cost Policy [06:47]

    When you continue to invest in something that is failing, the cost starts outweighing the benefits in your mind. And that’s where the challenge lies. It’s what keeps you there despite knowing better.

    They think about what they have put in and what they hoped to get, they still hold on to the hope that things will get better.

    Why do we Underestimate our Value? [14:39]

    Most of the time, we underestimate our value and who we are as a people. But when you give yourself the value you deserve, those around you pick up on that energy.

    Just being a woman is valuable enough for you to command respect.

    The Life we Created is A Shield [21:24]

    One of the biggest obstacles women face is their lack of clarity. Your identity is who you are; it is your values; it is your principles. To be your authentic self, you need to be clear on those values.

    When you know your value, you can express it, you can communicate it. You’re not ashamed or afraid of getting rejected.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · Are You Making These Unconscious Mistakes With Men? *Free Training*

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Dating Life? Book A Call With Us


    · The I Am Factor Program: For Building Successful Relationships _Book a call NOW!

  • Marni welcomes one of her clients, Rebecca Purnell to the Life Check Yourself studio. Rebecca shares how she found love. Having had a fulfilling career and what she describes as a great life, she felt something was missing: she couldn’t find her person. Rebecca explains the journey she went through to find her person and the lessons that she learnt along the way. How to date on online apps? Who deserves a second chance and who doesn’t? are just a few of the questions that Marni and Rebecca discuss as they delve into the details of a love story in the digital age.

    Take a step back

    Ask yourself the right questions

    Be curious

    Define it then Tear it Down [09:52]

    It’s important to look into what are the factors in your past that have created that wall around you. Before tearing it down, you must first define it. When you look into the reasons behind some of your actions, it empowers you to solve them and move forward.

    When you just take a pause and find a safe container to revisit those things that you’ve been avoiding, the answer is there.

    Give Him a Chance [20:27]

    Maybe the first date didn’t go exactly as planned. But if you had a good feeling, there’s no harm giving the person another chance. You never know what this person might have to offer and sometimes it’s worth it.

    Always give them a couple of chances based on one day.

    He’s Lucky if he Gets You [26:27]

    Show the person in front of you that they’d be lucky to have you because you have options. When you show your date that you’re here because you want to be and not because they’re the only person there, it makes a world of difference.

    You’re not in that scarcity mentality.

    Make a Connection:

    · 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    · Are You Making These Unconscious Mistakes With Men? *Free Training*

    · Ready To Take Control Of Your Dating Life? Book A Call With Us