
  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Barry Corey

    “My dad said, ‘Whoever comes my way, I’m going to make myself receivable.’ Receivable is another word for kindness.” Barry Corey

    Barry Corey grew up as a pastor’s son in Quincy, Massachusetts. His early life was shaped by seeing people's lives changed at the altar at his father’s church. Barry joins Steve for a conversation about Trait 7 of a Healthy Church: An Outward Focus. Barry shares words from his father, Hugh, given when Barry spent a year researching educational programs for children of the landless poor in Bangladesh. Barry had seen his father show radical love and kindness to gas station attendants, cobblers, dentists, tailors, and attorneys. In the streets of Bangladesh, Hugh said, “Whoever comes my way, I’m going to make myself receivable.” Barry explains that receivable is another word for kindness and that there is a world of difference between niceness and kindness. While “niceness" is not in the Bible, kindness is. And kindness is a radical virtue that can change lives because of how strong it is.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Bob Ludwig

    “Good management can assist the mission of the organization and make it more effective by setting people free from the complex irritations of bad management.” Bob Ludwig

    Bob Ludwig has enjoyed a two-track career with business consulting and church/ministry leadership. In this conversion with Steve Macchia, Bob shares principles from Healthy Church Trait 8: Wise Administration and Accountability. Bob speaks to the idea that good management makes the Church's mission more effective. Wise management involves clear procedures, resulting in lowered anxiety in the organization and an ease of good ministry. Bob concludes this episode by offering wisdom for church leaders today.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

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  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Ellen Bishop Little

    “You don’t need a big budget, a lot of people, or a nice building to have the presence of God and loving, caring relationships.” – Ellen Bishop Little

    Ellen Bishop Little along with her husband Larry responded to a call to teach at their local church. They chose an unlikely group - two-year-olds! After the first year was finished, they chose to continue moving up each year with the group of children. They stayed with this same group of children all the way to high school. Ellen and Larry provided community for the students as they grew and matured. These same students in turn provided community for Ellen and Larry when Larry became sick and succumbed to cancer. Ellen joins Steve Macchia for a personal story of Healthy Church Trait #4: Learning and Growing in Community.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guests: Greg & Doug Scalise

    “You don’t need a big budget, a lot of people, or a nice building to have the presence of God and loving, caring relationships.” Greg Scalise

    Pastors Doug and Greg Scalise are third and fourth-generation pastors. Their family has over one hundred years of Christian ministry. Doug and Greg join Steve Macchia for a conversation on healthy churches. They each share personal stories of growing up in Christian homes and churches. Loving and caring relationships have shaped both father and son, reminding us that the church can fill the need for meaningful relationships, connection, support, and encouragement. Doug and Greg encourage the listener to recognize the power of God’s Empowering Spirit within healthy churches.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Tom Sparling

    “I see it now among Gen Zers; there is a passion in my young adults that is as fresh and real as what we were experiencing.” Tom Sparling

    The second trait of a Healthy Church is "God Exalting Worship". Tom Sparling was a part of the original team that worked with Steve Macchia on Becoming a Healthy Church. Tom joins Steve for a conversation about worship today. In this episode, Tom shares his hope for the younger generation today, advice for the older generation, and encourages everyone that authentic worship comes from a passionate pursuit of God outside of our Sunday morning gatherings. This episode reminds us that God alone is to be the object of our worship.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Dennis Baril

    “God’s empowering Presence is a value and a relationship, not a doctrine.” Dennis Baril

    Dennis Baril was part of the original research team for Becoming a Healthy Church. In this episode, Dennis sits down with Steve to share a conversation about the first trait of a healthy church, a value for God’s empowering Presence. Before serving as a senior pastor, Dennis managed multi-million-dollar accounts for a corporation as a middle manager. He discovered that leading a healthy church was more difficult than working on such large accounts. Today, Dennis travels the country with his wife encouraging church leaders. From this unique perspective, Dennis shares reflections on the church today as a father, grandfather, and church leader.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Rick Anderson

    “It is so important that all of this is held together with spiritual discernment and a posture of leadership that is listening to God.” Rick Anderson

    Twenty-five years later, the ten traits of a healthy Church as outlined in Becoming a Healthy Church are still relevant because they are principles from Scripture, solid theology, and practical research. In this episode, Rick Anderson joins Steve Macchia to outline all ten traits. The first three traits are vertical, aimed at cultivating a life with God. Traits four, five, and six are horizontal, aimed at connecting with one another as the people of God. The final four traits are missional, aimed with an outward focus. These ten traits conclude with a reminder that spiritual discernment and a posture of leadership that is listening to God hold all ten traits of a healthy Church together.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Matt Scott

    “My vision is that we would be known for our love, not our conflicts and difficulties and estrangement” - Steve Macchia

    Season 29 will focus on the soul of the Church. From its first days, Leadership Transformations Inc. has prioritized the local congregation and its health. These episodes will highlight the updated 25th-anniversary edition of Becoming a Healthy Church. Born out of research with thousands of church leaders and vetted in conversations, the book and this podcast season highlight timeless principles that have not changed, though the expressions have been modernized. Each of the traits are Biblical, historical, and current because they are based on a principle rather than a program. Steve’s vision is that the Church would pay better attention to the things that matter most - our walk with God; as this leads to health and vitality of relationships and churches.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Matt Scott

    “It’s in that place of deeper solitude and reflection that we meet the living God face to face, heart to heart.” – Steve Macchia

    Find a time and space for a personal retreat. Maybe you only have a few hours and a bench somewhere in nature. Schedule it and prioritize it because you will have a million reasons why you should fill it with something else. In this final episode of season 28, we continue to explore the spiritual practices that are at the heart of Leadership Transformations Inc. and have been celebrated throughout Christendom. This week, Steve and Matt discuss the transforming power of personal retreats. Three things are needed for personal retreats: a set time and place; attentive listening to and with God; and seeing retreat as a place of God’s transforming work. Matt talked about the need to guard retreats - unless we prioritize them, a million other things will demand our attention. Matt and Steve discussed the power of attentive listening that frees us from coming into retreats with predetermined ideas of what we need to hear from God. Finally, Steve speaks to the power of retreats as a place of meeting with God face to face.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Matt Scott

    “You don’t need to memorize where all the Psalms are, just pray the Psalms.” – Steve Macchia

    The Psalms are a reminder that God is not threatened by our emotions. He is big enough to handle the combination of human emotions - faith and doub, hope and despair, joy and sorrow. In episode thirteen, we continue to explore the spiritual practices that are at the heart of Leadership Transformations Inc. and have been celebrated throughout Christendom. This week, Steve and Matt reflect on praying the psalms. The Psalms teach us how to pray. Steve and Matt share practical ways to pray through the Psalms and some of their favorite Psalms. his episode concludes with a guided reflection to help you adopt the practice of praying the Psalms.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Matt Scott

    “Our lives are driven by our loves - what we think about, dwell upon, what we allow to be enthroned in our hearts. When we re-order our loves, we re-order our lives.” – Matt Scott

    Simply put, we become what we love. In episode twelve, we continue to explore the spiritual practices that are at the heart of Leadership Transformations Inc. and have been celebrated throughout Christendom. This week, Steve and Matt reflect on re-ordering our loves. When we think about re-ordering our loves, we are talking about what are we attached to, what we think we can’t live without. The biggest factor in re-ordering our loves is to become aware of these things that we hold tightly. Steve and Matt share how these idols of the heart can be people, possessions, power, or persuasion. All of our disordered loves need to be diminished or released altogether. This day-by-day, moment-by-moment process allows Christ to become our greatest affection.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Matt Scott

    “We all have a rule of life, a way of living, already. The question is, are we living in response to God’s invitation for us?” – Steve Macchia

    A “Rule of Life” has nothing to do with rules. The best way to translate it is the “way” of life. All of us have a rule of life already at work. The question is, are we living in the way that God wants us to be living?

    In episode eleven, we continue to explore the spiritual practices that are at the heart of Leadership Transformations Inc. and have been celebrated throughout Christendom. This week, Steve and Matt focus on the practice of having a Rule of Life. Steve defines a Rule of Life as “Spirit-empowered rhythms and relationships that create, redeem, sustain, transform the lives that God invites us to humbly fulfill for Christ’s glory.” Steve and Matt share how a rule of life will be much more meaningful if we take the time to ask questions about our unique thumbprint and footprint. Our unique thumbprint has to do with the roles and relationships we have, our gifts, our desires, our vision, and our mission in life. Our unique footprint encompasses our spiritual life, our relational life, our physical life, our financial life, and our missional life.

    If this episode has been helpful for you, you may be interested in other Rule of Life resources from LTI including online workshops, previous podcast episodes, the Crafting a Rule of Life book, and the www.ruleoflife.com website.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: David Vryhof

    This is a reprise of the Holy Week Interlude episode 2 which aired on April 6, 2023

    “Death gives way to life. Not only lived out by Jesus but meant to be lived out by each of us.” – David Vryhof, SSJE

    Holy Week is considered the climax of the Christian year. The service that starts on Maundy Thursday continues all the way to the Easter Vigil and is the capstone of Holy Week. Steve Macchia and Brother David Vryhof return to the podcast to discuss how the liturgical worship of holy week very much engages our body with our mind and heart. During these days we recognize the death of Christ that leads to His rising. This process of death to new life is an ongoing conversion process that we are invited to participate in daily.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: David Vryhof

    This is a reprise of the Holy Week Interlude episode 1 which aired on March 30, 2023.

    “We are offering ourselves in fresh new ways to God in Lent.” – David Vryhof, SSJE

    Holy week has the potential to invite us into intimacy sharing with Jesus not only his triumph and resurrection but his path of suffering. Commencing a two-week interlude, Steve Macchia and his spiritual director, Brother David Vryhof of the Society of St. John the Evangelist (Episcopal Monastic Community based in Cambridge, MA) explore ways that we can value and participate in the work of Christ during holy week. All of us are in pursuit of a deeper affection for Christ. Times like Holy Week bring us to that deeper place of desire, longing towards Jesus.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Matt Scott

    “Gratitude is a remedy for my bent towards entitlement.” – Matt Scott

    In this world filled with gripes, gossip, and guesswork in relationships, saying an occasional “thank you” is good for our souls. In episode ten, we continue to explore the spiritual practices that are at the heart of Leadership Transformations Inc. and have been celebrated throughout Christendom. This week, Steve and Matt focus on the practice of gratitude. Matt shares how gratitude is a remedy towards entitlement, the belief that God or others owe us something. Gratitude works in our discontentment, self-centeredness, and selfish ambition. Steve shares how we can express gratitude through trials, being able to say “Thank You Lord even for that tough experience in my life. This episode concludes with a guided reflection to help you adopt the practice of gratitude.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Matt Scott

    “We can’t be restless all the time. Sabbath is the place of greatest freedom, life, and joy.”–Steve Macchia

    We can all agree that the Ten Commandments are important. But for some reason, many of us have only brought nine of the Ten into the modern day. We’ve left behind the command to Sabbath. In episode nine, we continue to explore the spiritual practices that are at the heart of Leadership Transformations Inc. and have been celebrated throughout Christendom. This week, Steve and Matt focus on the practice of Sabbath. In our modern culture, we no longer observe Sabbath and instead celebrate busyness. We hold each other accountable to the other nine Commandments, but not the Sabbath-the place of greatest freedom, life, and joy. Matt and Steve share four elements of a good Sabbath (cease, rest, feast, and embrace). This episode concludes with a guided reflection to help you adopt the practice of Sabbath.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Matt Scott

    “What does it say about me if I’m not busy?” – Matt Scott

    Our culture invites us to find rest in so many other places. We are constantly in motion because we are afraid of what rest will look like or create for us. In episode eight, we continue to explore the spiritual practices that are at the heart of Leadership Transformations Inc. and have been celebrated throughout Christendom. This week, Steve and Matt focus on the practice of rest which is a beautiful invitation to live in freedom - a place of lightness rather than being weighed down, burdened, or having a heaviness. Matt points out that our resistance or hesitancy to rest is based in fear, and lack of trust - fear that we would be seen as lazy, the fear that the things that we deem essential won’t get done. Steve encourages us to adopt a mindset of “My life is full but I’m finding my rest in the Lord.” This episode includes a guided reflection to help you embrace the practice of resting.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Matt Scott

    “Fasting is not an opportunity for us to enter into a diet experience. If we are giving up something hoping that at the end of the fast we might also be down five pounds, that seems to miss the heart of what Jesus is talking about.” – Matt Scott

    Prayer and fasting go together. This is to realign your heart with God’s heart. In episode seven, we continue to explore the spiritual practices that are at the heart of Leadership Transformations Inc. and have been celebrated throughout Christendom. This week, Steve and Matt focus on the practice of fasting. Fasting welcomes and invites discomfort and suffering into our physical body. We practice fasting because it is biblical, important and Jesus gave His followers instructions for fasting, saying “When you fast.” Steve admits that even though he knows how good fasting is for the soul, he still struggles with it. We may fast along with the church calendar, in repentance, for discernment, or dependence on God. All of these reorder our attachments and realign our priorities around God’s priorities which deepens our relationship with God and with others. This episode includes a guided reflection to help you start the practice of fasting.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Matt Scott

    “We truly are as sick as our secrets.” – Steve Macchia

    Discerning leaders need to understand the importance of saying “I'm sorry I was wrong. Please forgive me. In episode six, we continue to explore the spiritual practices that are at the heart of Leadership Transformations Inc. and have been celebrated throughout Christendom. This week, Steve and Matt focus on the practice of confession. In confession, we are given the opportunity to be honest, and truthful, and speak of the reality of our given life experience. Confession breaks us out of hiding and living a shame-filled life. The invitation to confession is light and life. Confession is not limited to our sin but also includes our confession of our faith in God. This episode includes a guided reflection to help you practice confession.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.

  • Host: Steve Macchia, Guest: Matt Scott

    “I see the practice of daily examen as keeping the inner house of your soul clean.” – Steve Macchia

    The discipline of examen comes from David’s prayer in Psalm 32. In episode five, we continue to explore the spiritual practices that are at the heart of Leadership Transformations Inc. and have been celebrated throughout Christendom. This week, Steve and Matt focus on the practice of examen. Ignatius of Loyola created this practice to help his brothers look at their lives each day. Matt and Steve share personal reflections on examen, noting that the only way you can get to a holy listening to purpose is to pause at the beginning or end of your day. Steve shares the five main ideas of examen, and Matt concludes this episode with a guided experience to help you practice examen.

    Join the conversation about spiritual discernment as a way of life at www.LeadershipTransformations.org and consider participation in our online and in-person program offerings. Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at www.SpiritualFormationStore.com and www.ruleoflife.com and www.healthychurch.net.