Episode Transcript
Sign up for the Doing It Also Workshop!
Thursdays, March 25-April 29, 3:00-4:15pm ET on ZoomM-Power Studio
The original bonus episode sharing information about Doing It Also
TDQ's Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Email us at thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com with any questions!
Time stamps:
1:51 Who is Maggie McNeil?
3:31 What can people expect from Maggie’s Doing It Also class?
4:57 Theatre is coming back…why do I need a parallel career right now?
9:42 Dates, times, etc! -
Episode Transcript
Actor’s Training Center
ATC’s instagram: @actorstrainingcenter
ATC’s annual fundraiser, The Show Goes On, will be on April 25th at 5-6pm EST, you can attend here, no preregistration required!Sign up HERE for Doing It Also!
Learn more about Doing It Also in this bonus episode and on Instagram!
Maggie McNeil’s websiteTDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Manglende episoder?
Episode Transcript
Jackie’s instagram: @jackienguyenx
Cafe Cà Phê’s website
Cafe Cà Phê’s instagram: @cafecapheMadoka's instagram: @madoka_koguchi
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre (Check out her coffee adventures in her highlights)
Firebrand Collective
Thou Mayest
Cafe EquinoxSign up here for Lili's 4-week Podcasting 101 course at Ahava Theatre Company!
TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
Jennifer's website
Jennifer's instagram: @jennifer.pernia
The Bold Type Podcast
The Bold Type's instagram: @theboldtype.podcastReveal Lab with Peter Shepherd
**HOLA's membership is available to everyone, not only Latino & Hispanic actors. It's $30 for the first year, $125 to renew.
HOLA’s instagram: @holaofficialHeidi Miami Marshall
Teatro SEA
BBC Article, "West Side Story's Rita Moreno: 'J-Lo can't be sole representative' of Latinos"
Elsie Stark
Stark Naked Productions
Jaime Lozano
If you’re thinking of starting a podcast and want to coach with me, you can sign up for a FREE consultation here. Mention TDQ and get 10% off your first coaching! AND you can get more info on my 4 week Podcasting 101 course at Ahava Theatre Company HERE!
TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
Erin’s Faces website
Erin’s Faces Instagram: @erinsfaces
Beauty Full Stories Podcast
The blog post that inspired Beauty Full StoriesJen Waldman Studio
Simon Sinek talk at JWSStart With Why by Simon Sinek
Sue Berch
TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
Elyssa’s website
Elyssa’s instagram: @elyssanicoletrust
Elyssa’s book, Daisy Moves to America
Positive Creativity Podcast
Positive Creativity’s instagram: @positivecreativitypodcast
Lili's episode of Positive Creativity
Ahava Theatre Company
Ahava’s instagram: @ahavatheatreAlvin Adhi
Planet Connections
The Long and the Short of It podcast episode with Seth Godin
Priya Mahendra’s episode of TDQ
Priya Mahendra’s Princess Possibility ProjectMara Jill Herman’s episode of TDQ
Statera Arts
TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
Innovative Voice Studio's website
IVS on Instagram: @innovativevoiceIVS On Demand
Shavanna Calder
Arts In ColorMaggie McNeil
Gretchen Rubin Four Tendencies Quiz
The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander
TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
Emmett's website
Emmett's instagram: @emgroslandThe World to Come musical podcast featuring Emmett!
Miles Square TheatreBoals, Winnett, & Associates
TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
Hannah's instagram: @hannahandherdogs
Hannah's book, Teach Your Dog New Tricks
Carly Valancy's Reach Out PartyCPDT
Callisto Media
TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
Viveca’s website
Viveca’s Instagram: @helloitsviveca
Viveca’s blogCatherine and Scott McCreary’s episode of TDQ
Amplified Artists
TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
Jen's website
Jen's instagram: @jenwaldman
Jen Waldman Studio
JWS Allied Artists Sponsorship Program
Jorge Maldonado Evolving Artists FellowshipJen’s previous TDQ episodes:
Pivot with Purpose
Believing in a Better Future
Turning Vision into Strategy
Context is Everything (Part 1)
Context is Everything (Part 2)The Long and the Short Of It Podcast
TLATSOI Episodes mentioned:
Cross the Bridge
The Five P’s
Self GratitudeRecommended books:
Transcend by Scott Barry Kaufman
Bored and Brilliant by Manoush Zomorodi
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
The Dip by Seth Godin
Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski
Comedy audiobooks Lili mentioned- James Acaster's Classic Scrapes and Perfect Sound WhateverSeth Godin’s altMBA
Recommended resources:
News Feed Eradicator plug in
Otter (voice transcription app)
Corey John Hafner’s episodes of TDQ:
Part 1
Part 2
WorkLife podcast Burnout Is Everyone's Problem episode
Unlocking Us Podcast on Burnout and Completing the Stress CycleTDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
Learn more about Reveal Lab! (Next session begins Jan. 11!)
Peter's website
Peter's instagram: @petershepherd_
The Long and the Short of It Podcast
The Long and the Short of It's instagram: @thelongandtheshortofitpodcastThe Five Minute Journal
The Five Minute Journal AppJen Waldman Studio
Streaks App
Alie B. Gorrie’s episode of TDQ
Alie B. Gorrie's episode of BASEFour Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin Quiz
TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
Super Smack's website
"Screens" by Super Smack
Super Smack's instagram: @supersmackrapsSimon Sinek's Golden Circle TEDtalk
Find Your Why
Start with WhyVanguard Theatre Company (VTC)
TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
TDQ Holiday Gift Guide!
Rewired Healing's website
Rewired Healing's Patreon
Rewired Healing's instagram: @rewiredhealing
Nicole's guided meditations on Insight Timer
Nicole's website
Nicole's instagram: @nicoleannvzThe Biz of Show with Melissa Robinette
Crystal Bible by Judy Hall
Outrageous Openness: Letting the Divine Take the Lead by Tosha Silver
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
Biddy Tarot podcast
True Sex and Wild Love Podcast
Aubrey Marcus podcast
Hay House Radio
Crystal Muse by Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro
TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
Carey's instagram video with info on how to enroll in health insurance
Carey’s calendar for scheduling appointments (scroll to the bottom)
Carey's websiteKevin Schuering’s episode of TDQ
TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
TDQ Holiday Gift Guide!
Little Graye Bakery’s website
Through Jan. 2, 2021, get 15% off an Assorted Holiday Cookie Box when you mention TDQ!
Little Graye Bakery’s instagram: @littlegrayebakery
Lisa’s website
Lisa’s instagram: @lisagrayeSeth Godin Sunk Costs:
Podcast episode
Blog postThe Long and the Short of It Podcast Sunk Costs episode
“Do I Dare?: A Theatrical Sabbatical” A blog by Jenna Pastuszek of Innovative Voice Studio
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
The Long and the Short of It Podcast New Routines episode
"Let's Stop Calling them Soft Skills" article by Seth Godin
TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
Kevin's website
Kevin's instagram: @daschuerthing
Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle TEDtalkOn This Side of the World musical
Becca Brunelle’s episodes of TDQ:
Episode 25
Episode 45TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
My Best Friend's Journal on Apple Podcasts
My Best Friend's Journal on instagram: @mbfjpodcast
My Best Friend's Journal website
Michael's instagram: @mikeywess10K Dollar Day Podcast
Seth Godin's altMBA
Five Minute Journal
The journals Michael has used:
The first journal he used
The one he uses now
The one he wants nextTDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Episode Transcript
Stream Northern Stage's recent production of It's Fine, I'm Fine by Stephanie Everett until Nov. 29 HERE!
Stephanie's website
Stephanie's instagram: @stepheve24
Sign up HERE for MT Shorts' High School Zoomsical, Nov. 15 at 7pm.The Sappho Project's website
The Sappho Project's instagram: @thesapphoproject
The Sappho Project's W*rk LabNorthern Stage
Northern Stage's New Works Now Development ProgramNew York Times article "In a Pandemic First, 3 American Theaters Will Do Indoor Shows", which features It's Fine, I'm Fine
Carly Valancy's Reach Out Party
TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com -
Transcript of today's episode
Alec's website
Alec's instagram: @alecstephensiii
The Bushwick Variety Show podcast
Lili's episode of Bushwick Variety Show
Bushwick Variety Show's instagram: @bushwickvarietyshowSeth Godin's episode of Simon Sinek's podcast, A Bit of Optimism
Seth Godin's Akimbo Entrepreneurs vs. Freelancers episode
Impact Theory episode
Seeking Purpose with Becca Brunelle
Brene Brown FFT podcast episode
TDQ’s Website
Instagram: @thedreadedquestion
Lili’s instagram: @lili_torre
Email: thedreadedquestionpodcast@gmail.com
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