
  • I spoke to Dr David Holmes from the Crime and Investigation Networks documentary series, 'Born to Kill?'

    Dr David Holmes is a psychologist who has specialised in clinical and forensic psychology for a number of decades. He has graced the pages of many magazines and newspapers as he has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in many matters.

    I reached out to him after becoming interested in researching a trend where women on TikTok contact criminals in prisons in America, striking up relationships with these often violent offenders and travelling abroad to marry these men behind bars.

    I stumbled across the term Hybristophilia and it all began to make sense for me. I also wanted to understand why many women fan girl over serial killers like Ted Bundy and the Columbine School shooters to name a few.

    If you haven't already, please give my podcast a rating and subscribe on whatever platform you are streaming this episode from.

    Continue listening to find out more about why some women go out of their way to write too and fall in love with violent criminals who are behind bars.

  • This week I had the pleasure to speak with Piers Cross, a podcast host, an ex-boarder and a coach for those who are suffering from the impact of attending boarding school.

    During this episode, Piers helps to break down and explain the effects of British boarding schools on adolescents.

    We also discuss British politicians as an overwhelming amount were public school educated.

    Piers and I then spoke about whether this has had an impact on how the country has been run over the past decade, as it seems like many of our politicians are out of touch and lack empathy with those suffering from poverty in the UK due to things like the cost of living crisis.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • This week I spoke to Haleh from United4Mahsa, an organisation that has been helping to raise voices in Iran during the ongoing revolution for nearly a year now. We have spoken before, and with the anniversary of the death of 22-year-old Jina Mahsa Amini taking place this week, I wanted an update on all that had taken place over the past 12 months.

    Following the uprising after the death of Mahsa Amini in September 2022 at the hands of Iran's morality police many men, women and children have been protesting in and out of Iran. Some burned their hijabs and cut their hair to protest against Iran's brutal regime and the morality police who have been enforcing it.

    In this podcast, Haleh gives an update on some of the ongoing protests in Iran, and talks to me about the continued activism that many from the Iranian diaspora have continued to participate in.

    We discuss the risks of violent retribution for those who have family members still living in Iran when their relatives abroad speak out. Haleh also shared important figures on those who have been arrested and discussed the violent poisonings of girls, and the reports of the brutality of the morality police who have even shot protestors' eyes out.

    The work of the Iranian diaspora across the globe has continued to fight for freedom, and this week more protests will take place as the anniversary of Jina Mahsa Amini's arrest and murder comes to pass.Stay tuned to hear these topics and so much more, as we even speak about the former British soldier Daniel Khalife who escaped from prison this month, shortly to be returned, and his ties to the Iranian Government and the accusations of espionage and breaking the Officials Secrets Act.

    Thank you for listening.

    Links -

    United4Mahsa - Website

    United4Mahsa - Instagram

    Haleh -Instagram

  • Hello and welcome to the Ebby Online podcast, this week's topic and guest is a little different. I was approached by a Russian billionaire called Igor Sychev who wanted to tell his story about the failed assassination attempts on his life due to his decision to speak out against corruption from Putin's oligarchs.

    In order to be legally safe I have chosen not to discuss his accusations against lawyers of taking bribes during this episode.

    The ongoing Russian onslaught in Ukraine has caused Western governments to sanction Russia's oligarchs that reside in various locations around the world. Igor is worth £8.3billion, he is a billionaire that owns one of the second largest mansions in Highgate London, with Buckingham Palace taking first place for being the biggest home in London.

    Igor has not returned to London and has been residing in Latvia after gaining political asylum status, he has claimed that other Russian oligarchs have issued failed assassination attempts on his life after he decided to take the owners of his old employer Phosagro to court

    After helping his former company out of a tax avoidance jam in Russia the company promised him a substantial bonus which amounted to one per cent of the company, and this was never paid to him so he started legal action.Throughout this podcast, we discuss the alleged assassination attempts on Igor's cars where he narrowly dodged death and an allegation of a poisoning attempt.

    I have contacted Phosagro and the National Crime Agency for comment on the claims made by Igor but I have not received a response, although I did find comments published by the Mail Online from the National Crime Agency on the allegations from Igor, The NCA has vehemently denied the accusations leveraged against them in a quote which reads: 'The Agency does not routinely confirm or deny the existence of investigations.'The managing partner for the law firm told MailOnline: 'We have been accused by our former client along with another reputable law firm and a number of High Court and Court of Appeal Judges of having been bribed.'

    'There is not a shred of evidence to support his absurd allegations and we are currently involved in intended defamation proceedings against him and any publisher of his wicked lies.'In an application for security for costs he wished to avoid complying with Court practice and direction and turn the application into a trial.'

    'That would have infuriated the Court.Instead of focusing on the core issues he decided that we were in the pay of Putin and has now commenced a campaign against us and the other firm without a shred of evidence.'

    'Mr Sychev is paranoid and delusional. He will be restrained by the Courts. 'We intend to invoke the graver crime of malicious falsehood against Mr Sychev and against those who have published his malicious lies given that he is acting with hate and malice and without any evidence.'

    Thank you for listening and please don't forget to give my podcast a rating and a follow on whichever platform you are streaming from.

  • This week I was lucky enough to speak to Jake Posner, the owner, and creator of the clothing brand No One True Anything. Jake has been creating clothing that is formulated by dyslexia and championing sustainability.He is an ambassador for the British Dyslexia Association and has been vocal about challenging the education system in the UK to help those with neurodivergence, and dyslexia have equal alternative educational options and opportunities to thrive.Over the past few years, I noticed that a number of people living in the UK have been seeking assessments for neurodiverse disabilities. The topic was now up for discussion online and on the rise on TikTok. According to the Brain Charity, Dyslexia influences at least 1 in 10 people and is a genetic difference in an individual's ability to learn and process information.Over 6 million individuals in the UK have dyslexia and may not have received a diagnosis. Stay tuned to find out more. Thank you for listening I hope you enjoy it and please don't forget to give my podcast a rating and a follow.

  • I'm excited to welcome this week's guest once again!

    HG Tudor has returned to speak about his life and childhood, I wanted to understand how one might become a narcissist and HG gave an in-depth insight into it.

    HG was my first podcast guest so I was delighted to have him back on as he always causes a stir with my listeners and helps them to identify narcissists and abusers in their own lives.

    I love psychology so I have been researching once again Cluster B personalities as I have interviewed a few people that have been diagnosed with Borderline and Antisocial personality disorders over the past two years.

    During this podcast we discuss what careers have high numbers of those who may have narcissistic tendencies after various scientific studies conducted by researchers have looked into this, so stick around to see if your career made the list.

    We also discuss the ongoing speculation that Meghan Markle might be a narcissist and HG Tudor breaks down why he thinks she scores highly on the spectrum due to her behaviours, and we also speak about grandiose narcissist Andrew Tate.

    Thank you for listening I hope you enjoy and don't forget to give my podcast a rating and follow, I greatly appreciate it.

  • Hello and Welcome back to the Ebby Online podcast. This week I spoke to Brighton and Hove Labour Councillor Bella Sankey. Bella has been trying to keep the media informed about the ongoing case of the missing 200 children from local asylum hotels in the Brighton and Hove area.

    Many of these children are thought to of been kidnapped and trafficked by organised crime gangs in the UK. The Labour Party has been calling for a thorough investigation into these cases, as it seems to be another failing from home secretary Suella Braverman who has faced ongoing criticisms for her immigration policies on processing, timing, and housing.

    Stay tuned to find out about more the rolling case, during this episode, as we discuss the victims and what has likely happened to them through the process of child trafficking, and what the British Government needs to do to stop this from continuing to happen.

    The news first broke last month after a whistleblower spoke to the Observer Newspaper, and exposed the failings of the home office in duties of care and safeguarding.

    up to 200 unaccompanied minors seeking asylum in the UK have disappeared after coming to the UK from countries such as Albania, Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, and Vietnam.

    Thank you for listening and please don't forget to give my podcast a rating and review on whatever platform you are streaming from.

  • Hello and Welcome back to the Ebby Online podcast.

    This week I spoke to Haleh and Sahar from United4Mahsa an organisation that has been helping to raise voices in Iran during the ongoing revolution that kicked off after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in September at the hands of Iran's morality police.

    Many women have been burning their hijabs and cutting their hair to protest against Iran's brutal regime and the morality police who have been enforcing it.

    In this podcast, Sahar shares her personal story about being captured by the morality police in Tehran, Iran's capital city.

    We also discuss violence against women and regime control via state-run media outlets and social media silencing/internet blackouts.

    Sahar and Haleh speak about the many women that have been raped beaten and killed at the hands of the morality police.

    And the imbalance of rights for women has reached a fever pitch and has sparked widespread protests across the country, as men women, and children have been doing what they can to speak out against the regime under Ebrahim Raisi.

    Sahar and Haleh informed me about how people back in their home country have been using loopholes on social media to share messages about what has been happening on the ground.

    Many women and girls, as well as men, have been risking their lives in order to protest against the strict regime.

    In recent weeks I noticed that protests have been taking place across the world, but that there had still not been as much news coverage by media outlets globally.

    Many women and girls, as well as men, have been risking their lives in order to protest against the strict regime.

    It's not just a women's rights issue it's also about human rights.

    Thank you for listening.

    Links -

    United4Mahsa - Website

    United4Mahsa - Instagram

    Sahar - Instagram

    Haleh -Instagram

  • Welcome to the Ebby Online podcast.

    This week I spoke to a medical doctor, called Dr. JB

    I had been noticing a trend on social media and in real life of influencers becoming aestheticians with very little training.

    I had also seen people in my own life administering treatments such as dermal fillers and threads.

    I wanted to speak to a medical professional about the dangers of such procedures from people who may not have as much training.

    I had also seen so many cases where people were botched and suffering from things like filler migration and vascular occlusions.

    My guest Dr. JB kindly spoke to me about the risks and how they can be avoided by people seeking out these medical treatments.

    Dr. JB had been popping up on my for you page on Tik Tok so I knew I had to reach out to him to learn more.

    I am not judging those who seek to change their appearance with surgeries and fillers I am just interested in exposing some of the risks.

    Please give my podcast a rating and a follow.

    Thank you for listening I hope you enjoy!

  • Hello and Welcome back to the Ebby Online podcast!

    This week I am back with a content creator that I went to school with Joe runs a digital platform called Masculine Theory.

    I have been researching into the Manosphere, and specifically, the Red Pill ideology once again, as I have been inundated with the likes of Fresh and Fit and Andrew Tate, who in recent weeks have flooded my for you page.

    I decided to reach out to Joe from Masculine Theory, to learn more about these online communities as he has his own stake in the game, the only difference is that he preaches a more positive message.

    He encourages helps men with pornography addictions, fitness and spirituality, and sex and relationships.

    During this episode, we discuss the toxic aspects of Red Pill ideology, Pornography, semen retention, no-fap and so much more.

  • Hello and Welcome back to the Ebby Online podcast, This week I am back with Aunty P for part 2.

    In today's episode, we will be discussing interracial relationships and the difference between racial preferences and fetishes.

    According to the Office of National Statistics census from 2011, 1 out of 10 people in the UK were in an interracial relationship at the time when the census was conducted.

    I wanted to research and find out why some people were still so bothered about people who dated outside of their race, in 2022.

    So I asked for opinions and personal experiences from my followers on social media. Listen to hear what some people had to say on this topic.

  • This week I am speaking to Aunty P, one of my lovely friends.

    We will be discussing hookup culture and casual relationships, sneaky links, and catching feelings.

    I have been deep into researching these topics as I have been wondering if hookup culture mostly benefits men.

    Is hookup culture liberating us or harming us?

    In most cases, women have to suppress their natural emotions to engage!

    Dodging catching feelings.

    Are we built psychology mentally and emotionally for constant casual flings?

    Are you benefiting psychology and sexually from the impact?

    Is it encouraging us to disconnect from our emotions, or instead has it encouraged us to manipulate and play games?

    I have been looking into what the possible harms of the culture are, as I have rarely seen friends with benefits situations end positively.

    I’ve seen the fallout and drama of what are meant to be casual relationships. It seems like a lot more emotional labor than what it is perceived to be.

    Research shows links to high levels of anxiety and depression.

    The orgasm gap is stark when it comes to one night stands

    Heterosexual Men: orgasm 95%

    And Heterosexual Women orgasming 65%

    6 Popular scientific studies have found a correlation between casual sex and a variety of negative mental health consequences like anxiety, sadness, feeling bad about oneself, regret, depression, and poor self-esteem.

    We’re not here to judge, we’re here to discuss as two women with a very different outlooks on the topic. I hope you enjoy it! And don’t forget to give my podcast a rating!

  • This week I am speaking to Peter Judodihardjo a Behavioural Scientist and Psychologist

    We will be discussing the science of dating apps. I wanted to understand the behavioural science behind the swiping.

    In this episode of my podcast series we talk about loneliness, catching feelings and the brain science behind chemistry/the spark.

    If dating apps enables rebound and hookup culture. And why the grass is always greener on the other side.


    Peter’s Website

    Peter’s Instagram

    Peter’s Youtube

  • Hello and welcome back to the Ebby Online Podcast.

    This week I am joined by Bettina Hauser, a human trafficking survivor, she's committed herself to provide knowledge and recovery programs, providing safe housing for other victims and survivors.

    Working with organisations to help combat human trafficking

    During this episode, Bettina shares her trafficking story and how she managed to escape that former life. Sugar daddy dating and the influencer life, ways to avoid becoming a victim.

    The different types of human slavery, red flags and signs to look out for to avoid it.

    And how to help a potential victim if you come across one.

    Bettina Hauser's links -





  • This week I am joined by Cluster B Milkshake. I found today's guest online she has been vlogging about her experience with having a Cluster B Personality (Narcissism, Histrionic, Borderline, and Anti-Social Personality disorder) these fall under the Cluster B umbrella.

    In today's episode we will be discussing, narcissistic relationships, reactive abuse, trauma bonds, parenting, nature vs nurture, empathy or lack thereof and much more.

    Thank you for listening I hope you enjoy, and please don't forget to give my podcast a rating.

    Cluster B Milkshake's - Tik Tok

    Cluster B Milkshake's - YouTube

    Cluster B Milkshake's - Instagram

  • The episode you have all been waiting for!

    Today I am joined by influencer Becky Holt & her ex-boyfriend Bradley Weekes.

    They both agreed to come on to my podcast to clear up the misconceptions about their once very public relationship, and all the drama that surrounded it.

    We also discuss internet trolling and internet anonymity.

    Disclaimer please do not reach out and purchase @FXSupreme's financial services as I have been notified of clients losing their money to him.

  • This week I am joined by Peter Komolafe who some of you may also know as Conversation of Money.

    Not only does my guest have an interesting life story. Peter turned his life around from foster care and homelessness to becoming part of an executive team in a multinational Fortune 100 company in London.

    Peter also has expert financial knowledge when it comes to investment management. With over sixteen-years working in the industry Peter has been helping and teaching people about money via his podcast, and Youtube channel.

    We discuss social media influencers who promote forex trading scams/investments, Crypto Eats, digital currency, government regulations and more.

    Thank you for listening I hope you enjoy and please don't forget to give my podcast a rating.

    Conversation of Money Podcast

  • Welcome back to the Ebby Online podcast, This week I am joined by BMB Hunterz.

    I spoke to one of the creators of a self proclaimed online child protection team.

    I wanted to find out about why they track down and expose child sex predators in the U.K.

    How we can protect our children online and the new ways child sex offenders are find and groom children.

    We discuss human trafficking, police, law and prosecution and more.

    Thank you for listening I hope you enjoy and please don't forget to give my podcast a rating.

  • Welcome back to the Ebby Online podcast.

    This week I am joined by Laura Amherst, a climate change activist some of you may have seen but not heard of.

    Laura has gained some media coverage for protesting climate change topless.

    Laura has started an OnlyFans where 75% of the profits go to various charities including Extinction Rebellion, Greenpeace and the RSPCA and 25% goes to her individual activism efforts.

    Laura is also a proud Vegan and politics student. I find out why she has chosen to protest by bearing her chest, and why she is so passionate about her cause.

    Thank you for listening I hope you enjoy and don't forget to rate my podcast on iTunes.

  • This week I am joined by Quarina the host of the podcast Bold Brown and British.

    As well as friends Ash and Leena. During this episode we discuss cultural standards and Millennials, brown people problems, interracial dating, being successful career orientated women, racial fetishes, and a dating story from hell.

    Thank you for listening I hope you enjoy.