
  • If you want to scale your business with ideal customers, this episode is for you.In this episode, entrepreneur, marketing & business breakthrough coach Joey Ragona talks about 3 important questions we need to know about our customers. This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of students & coaching clients. Get free tips & video training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com

  • Would you like more sales and conversions? In this episode, strategic entrepreneur, marketing & business coach Joey Ragona explains how to write copy that converts. This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of coaching clients. Get free tips & training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com

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  • Are you ever overwhelmed? In this episode, strategic entrepreneur marketing & business coach Joey Ragona explains how to eliminate overwhelm and move forward faster than ever before. This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of coaching clients. Get free tips & training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com

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    Business Lessons from Wonder Woman Transcript:

    ~ begin transcript ~ Yesterday, I saw the Wonder Woman movie. Powerful
is the best word I can use to describe this movie. In so many ways. I gotta admit, I was emotionally moved at points throughout the film. Just because of what Wonder Woman stands for. Now. What does all this have to do with our business? EVERYTHING. Here’s why. (kinda spoiler alert - so if you haven’t seen it, stop reading) BELIEVING in your fight. That’s #1 If you get nothing else from who or what Wonder Woman is all about, I’m sure you’ll agree she BELIEVES in her cause. She STANDS for justice and peace. She BELIEVES in her own ability to STOP the bad guys. She’ll shield and protect the innocent with her own life. What about you and me? Aren’t we doing the same thing for our family? I would imagine that you too, would do ANYTHING to protect your family - am I right? So the ONLY thing I see holding people back, is their BELIEF in themselves. Even though they tell themselves how much they will do for their families. So THAT has to be first. BELIEF. In fact, this one word is the FIRST word in my company’s creed. Because I can ONLY help entrepreneurs who BELIEVE in themselves. At the beginning of the movie - Diana is scolded by her aunt because she backs off from the fight. She doesn’t BELIEVE in herself enough. Without stepping into that belief, Diana would never have run into the first battle with machine guns blazing to lead the troops. Remember that. Which brings me to point #2 Running head first into battle without a full plan. The ONE thing that made Diana run into battle was nothing more than her cause. Her fight. She knew what the END result was for her. But she didn’t have the entire battle plan of how to get it. All she knew was where she was now (at the front of enemy lines), and where she wanted to be (KILL the bad dude who was behind enemy lines) Diana saw the only way to GET to the bad dude (point B) was to RUN THROUGH the front line of fire. She didn’t know if she would survive. (Because at this point, she still didn’t know that she was immortal.) For you and me, even though we’re not immortal, all the shit the world throws at us is our battlefield. The hardship, the adversity, the fear, the how-will-I’s and so on. I have always said
when you are faced with your biggest fears, you ALWAYS have to reach down to your ‘WHY’, your purpose, your cause, your FIGHT! And THAT leads you through the battles. Just like Wonder Woman. Here’s the last lesson I want to point out: The battles are part of a bigger journey (war) - not a final result. Diana thought by killing the bad dude, the war would stop - immediately. But it didn’t, did it? She was faced with the reality that this is only a PIECE of the war. Diana finally understood there is more for her to do. So again, she digs down into the cause - the purpose - the REASON she was put on this earth. And goes back into battle. The biggest battle of her life. Even when she was ready to give up. Even when the first result WASN’T what she expected. She didn’t turn around and go back home. And THIS is probably the most important lesson of all. When we’re completely burnt out
we’ve put in everything we’ve got and STILL didn’t get the result we expected
if we reach down just a little more, we can find a bit more gas in the tank to push us forward. We’ve come THIS far
to turnaround and give in is the WORST “solution” we can muster up. It's at those moments that the true warrior, like Diana, come to the surface. In life, movies, books, youtube videos, the lessons are there. We just have to look for them. ~ end transcript ~

    If you liked these business lessons from Wonder Woman, let me know below - let's get a conversation going!

    Here's a great article about Facing Fears that relate to this post

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    ~begin transcript~ Another book arrived for my library today. It’s Tim Ferriss’s Tools of Titans. The reason I’m telling you this is because Tim has focused on ONE thing throughout his life, that’s made him pretty successful. And I’ve done the same thing - not that I’m comparing my success to HIS  - LOL. Point is, you can focus on this ONE thing too. Here it is: Stand on the shoulders of giants. It means more than likely, the path has already been paved to where you want to go. You just have to follow it. ALL of my life, I’ve done this. When I’ve FAILED the most, it’s when I ignore the giants and sway from the path. If you know anything about me, I’m an implementer.  I’m not afraid to “fail.” As long as I’m following the path laid before me, I know I’ll get to my destination. Actually, “know” is a strong word.  That’s what EVERYONE wants. They want the “guarantee.” So for me, it’s really about BELIEVING I’ll get there.  And that’s key. Because even though you’re following the “giants”, it doesn’t mean everything will be perfect all the time. We HAVE to “fail.” We NEED to experience hardship and adversity. The universe TESTS us. Because that’s the ONLY thing that will prove we’re committed. Because I’ll tell you, from years of experience, there are MORE people interested in success than there are people who care committed to it. I see it EVERY week. Here’s the difference: A committed person will do what it takes.  Period. That means they’re willing to do uncomfortable stuff
the stuff we don’t normally do. When you’re interested, if it “fits” into your lifestyle, your calendar, whatever, you’ll give it a shot. And whenever things get difficult, you move on to something else. Like I said, I meet people like this every week. But it’s not me. And I’m hoping it’s not you either. Because the whole point is to follow the leaders. I’ve had many coaches in my life, and to this day I STILL pay coaches. I constantly buy books and READ ‘EM (novel idea). My hard drive is FILLED with home study programs and courses
and I LISTEN AND WATCH THEM. (go figure) And here’s the really interesting part: I go USE all that stuff! I try it, I experiment, make mistakes, adjust, try again. I go ask those giants if they can help me at the point I’m at
because they’ve been there. (OK, sometimes I can’t get through to Tony Robbins or Tim Ferris
LOL) You get my drift right? What Tim has done is made his life easier because he’s following others successes and avoiding their mistakes as humanly possible. You can do the same thing. It just takes commitment. ~end transcript~

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    Habitual Procrastination Facts [PODCAST episode]

    ~ begin transcript~ I find a lot of people are habitual procrastinators
 not taking action right away on the info they learn at a seminar or from an online training course they’ve purchased. They second guess themselves and what it really comes down to is they are afraid to fail
 But it goes deeper than that
 Afraid of failing is just the TOP level fear, there’s another one beneath it - which has to do with RECOVERY TIME.

    We all know that time is NOT on our side

    So we make try to make sure we’re not making a HUGE mistake that will set us back years
 For the average entrepreneur or even someone who has not started a business yet, most of them are still working somewhere else
 And they want to build a business to first supplement their income
 And then finally replace their job’s income with their business. And that’s the reason they’re out there trying to figure out what’s going to help them do that. Todays’ broadcast is not about “WHAT” do to, we can save that for later shows
 But instead, to cure the procrastination that is doing you no good whatsoever. Because if you’re working part time and want to build your wealth within the ‘boundaries’ of your life
 Your job, your spouse, kids and so on

    Procrastination Facts

    One of the reasons you’re procrastinating is BECAUSE you have very little time to work with
 Which brings us back to the underlying fear of failure
RECOVERY time. And that’s what most people are doing when they do not believe in themselves enough to TRY and TEST what they’re learning. This is a VERY COMMON thing believe it or not
 And if you’re in this ‘boat’, you’re not alone. In fact I go through these cycles
 My high end coaching clients go through them
 EVERYONE I meet goes through it. The trick is to identify that you’re going through the procrastination cycle as quickly as possible so you can stop it and get to work. The question comes back to what you’re willing to do to get what you want. If you’re procrastinating on trying something ‘new’ taught in a seminar
 the answer is not “I’m willing to do anything to get what I want” because you’re NOT DOING IT. “Well, Joey  , I don’t know if it will WORK” Guess what, THAT’S doing ANYTHING to get what you want
even if it doesn’t work. Because that gives you data and experience to move on to the next thing. You’ll know that plan A didn’t work - so you don’t go out there and keep learning the same thing. So I hope this helps you a bit today to move towards what you want

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    Here's the transcript from episode 0019 of the "Entrepeneur Life" ~ begin transcript~ Back once again for some inspiring business strategies and mindsets for you after a long hiatus
 In fact this new episode was inspired by a new listener of mine April.  Because she told me how she was listening to the earlier episodes and they were helping her – and, I realized that we never know who we are inspiring and when. So, here I am – with today’s podcast episode called Prepare for the Storm If there’s one thing I’m certain of in business, it’s this: there’s ANOTHER storm coming. The storm is: pressure — fear — anxiety — adversity — and sometimes misfortune. I’m also certain of another thing:  that you and I can weather the storm with a unique mindset, in addition to the fundamentals of strategic business strategies. Why do so many people say "mindset", and what does it mean? First off, how many people have you come across that discount the entire "positive thinking" culture because their lives just simply get worse? Stick with me for a few minutes because what I’m going to teach you here are a few techniques I’ve learned over my several years with top entrepreneurs. I’m referring to positive pressure because we, as entrepreneurs, are going to be faced with a LOT more pressure and stress than most others face in their daily lives. We both know it. What’s important for you to realize, right here, right now, is that the pressure and stress will NEVER stop. You will ALWAYS be faced with some sort of pressure and be hit with some misfortune in your business
and in your life. The MOST important thing is to: ‱          Accept that it’s going to happen, and ‱          decide how you’ll deal with it. As a coach helping others build their lives and their business, I have noticed that MOST people run and hide when adversity strikes. And adversity comes in many forms and is dealt with in many ways and described in more ways than one: Some label it a dip, a low point, whatever. However, the most successful people I know have GROWN by stepping into, and accepting the positive pressure they’re faced with. For me, it started with watching my father — and although it didn’t make sense to me when I was 12 years old, it does now. As I continue to observe all the people I respect and model, they all have that same characteristic: being able to step into and accept positive pressure. As Bill Phillips says, “
our character will never be fully tested until things are not going our way.  Those who have the courage to succeed in spite of adversity become an inspiration.” I believe they should be posted on everyone's wall. Pay attention to the second part of the quote, “Those who have the courage to succeed in spite of adversity become an inspiration” which is really important. Imagine being the inspiration to others, to your family, your colleagues, customers, and so on. Once you tap into the inner belief of why you’re in business in the first place, you'll discover that you'll be able to overcome all adversity. I’ve seen too many entrepreneurs give up on their dreams even though they know full well, DEEP down inside what they should do - but refuse to stick with it because things get too hard. In other words, they don’t live up to the words and promises they tell themselves. If you do that often enough, Bill also says, “...your self-trust — your confidence — will fade away.”  What happens as a result is we self-doubt, we become anxious, and angry. How would you rather live life? Angry or happy? Now you know what to do. ~ end transcript~

  • What does it take to have commitment in business?
    In this episode, entrepreneur performance & lifestyle coach Joey Ragona explains how to defer the chaos rather than deferring the IMPORTANT stuff we have to do.  This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of coaching clients.  Get free eCoaching & training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com 

  • Everyone wants a better life
In this episode, high performance business breakthrough & lifestyle coach Joey Ragona shares how the highest achievers get exactly what they want.  This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of coaching clients.  Get free eCoaching & training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com 

  • Have you ever wondered why it’s difficult to ‘convince’ customers to buy from you?
    Or maybe you’re just having challenges attracting new customers in the first place
In this episode, entrepreneur business & high performance breakthrough coach Joey Ragona talks about  customer attraction strategies that work like magic. This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of students & coaching clients.  Get free e-Coaching & training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com

  • At some point, we ALL worry about something going wrong
how do we deal with that constant “what if?” In this episode, high performance business breakthrough & lifestyle coach Joey Ragona shares how the highest achievers get past the negativity and keep moving.  This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of coaching clients.  Get free eCoaching & training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com 

  • Is a business a failure if it has to resort to low prices? 
    In this episode, entrepreneur business & high performance coach Joey Ragona talks about separating your business from all the others so you don’t have to compete on price. This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of students & coaching clients.  Get free e-Coaching & training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com 

  • How do you get things done in life NOW?  In this episode, entrepreneur business & high performance coach Joey Ragona talks about getting things done in your life NOW. To stop procrastinating.  This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of students & coaching clients.  Get free e-Coaching & training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com

  • Online and digital marketing has exploded and in this episode, entrepreneur high performance & lifestyle coach Joey Ragona shares what he's learned over the past two years with digital marketing.  This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of students & coaching clients.  Get free e-Coaching & training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com 

  • How do you get through the day?  Are you reacting or totally crushing it? In this episode, high performance & lifestyle coach Joey Ragona shares how the highest performers get stuff done all because of routine.  This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of coaching clients.  Get free eCoaching & training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com 

  • Are you in touch with your audience? Are you constantly trying to 'convince' them to buy from you? In this episode, entrepreneur performance & lifestyle coach Joey Ragona shares how his consulting clients end up drifting away from understanding their audience.  This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of coaching clients.  Get free eCoaching & training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com 


  • Entrepreneurs will do anything for their business - they'll put in 12 hour days and not blink and eye. In this episode, entrepreneur performance & lifestyle coach Joey Ragona shares his view on commitment versus sacrifice and how we can live today rather than waiting for tomorrow.  This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of coaching clients.  Get free eCoaching & training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com

  • Freedom Friday is something I began almost two years ago and today, I originally inserted this one day into my week so I could deal with the 'chaos' that comes at us every day. In this episode, entrepreneur performance & lifestyle coach Joey Ragona explains how to defer the chaos rather than deferring the IMPORTANT stuff we have to do.  This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of coaching clients.  Get free eCoaching & training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com 

  • So I'm talking to some entrepreneurs about marketing and they were asking me how to 'convince' more people. They told me "people just don't understand me" And I really wasn't surprised because people tell me this all the time. If you're thinking: "They don't understand me" It's probably the other way around my friend - In this episode, entrepreneur performance & lifestyle coach Joey Ragona  shares the reason you need to understand the customer's pain and desires more than having to convince them of anything.  This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of coaching clients.  Get free eCoaching & training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com

  • For the longest time I was a victim - someone who blamed the world, blamed people & my circumstances. 

    In this episode, entrepreneur performance & lifestyle coach Joey Ragona explains people are self-victimized by "living with it" and using the excuse of being "stuck".  This is Joey Ragona talking from personal experience and sharing ideas and experiences from working with hundreds of coaching clients.  Get free eCoaching & training at www.StrategicBusinessAcademy.com