This week we deep dive into time travel theories, mental health portrayal in 'mindfuck' films, discuss (at length) our favourites, debate a hypothetical covid mindfuck film and fangirl over Benjamin Button
Includes spoilers for:
Shutter Island
Us/Get Out
Fight Club
Follow our instagram (once its reactivated- pray for us) at www.instagram.com/thefemaleshitshow
Email us: thefemaleshitshow@gmail.com
Tweet us: @femaleshitshow -
If you're family or colleagues...this ep isnt for you.
It's time to talk about the orgasm gap, educate men in the bedrooms and have better sex. We compare porn to disney movies, talk threesomes, and explore the new sexually liberated- women-orientated sex app 'Killing Kittens'. Oh, and we also discover some crazy new sex positions you'll wanna hear...
Follow our instagram at @thefemaleshitshow
Source material: https://www.thedrum.com/news/2020/02/20/sex-parties-ssps-inside-killing-kittens-media-platform
https://flipboard.com/article/this-is-what-your-sex-position-bucket-list-should-look-like/a-eMHfJJXHSOmqBsklMHojpA%3Aa%3A3034517-f128c6c4dd%2Fwomenshealthmag.com -
Manglende episoder?
The pros and cons of post lockdown freedom (hooray!), what actually is beer fear and how hangovers are part of British culture, is The Bold Type on Netflix just a Sex and The City remake? And feeling bad about your own Instagram feed...
We apologise in advance for the ASMR... (Ed brought us snacks)
Follow us on instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/thefemaleshitshow
Email us at thefemaleshitshow@gmail.com
Tweet us at @femaleshitshow -
Our FIRST MINISODE is a play along with us DISNEY quiz! Georgie shows off her Disney film knowledge and Anna, well.. does the opposite... But who wins?
We'll give you all the need-to-know (and lesser known!) facts and stats to impress ur friends xox
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to the pod, and give us a 5* review if you feel like good karma. Follow us on instagram for top tier memes and updates :
Anna: @annaaahurst
Georgie: @georgielean
You can email us at thefemaleshitshow@gmail.com
Tweet us at @femaleshitshow -
Policemen, managers, boyfriends, male friends, builders, anyone. That game where you guess which cup the ball is under. You see what we're getting at? We discuss the 'not all men' dialogue, with a shit tonne of analogies. Thank you to everyone who shared their personal stories with us.
Trigger warning: We discuss sexual assault.
Help and support: https://www.acas.org.uk/sexual-harassment/get-help-and-support
Follow us on instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/thefemaleshitshow
Email us at thefemaleshitshow@gmail.com
Tweet us at @femaleshitshow -
We get 'therapized' again with Em Bell, an NHS therapist. We discuss types of mental health issues, and different types of treatment, how PTSD works pyschologically, and how to manage anxiety in a relationship.
We also discuss our own experiences with mental health and counselling. Pretty deep stuff x
If you want to chat to us about anything discussed, our DM's and inbox are open!
Instagram: @thefemaleshitshow
Email: thefemaleshitshow@gmail.com
Some links for anyone struggling with the topics we covered in this episode:
NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/
Mood Juice: https://www.moodjuice.scot.nhs.uk
Self Help: https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/looking-after-yourself
Private Counselling: https://www.bacp.co.uk -
"We're not all in the same boat- we're in different boats in the same storm. Some of us are on yachts in Dubai" - Georgie
Yes, infleuncing is a real job. But is taking selfies riding a camel in Dubai considered essential work? This week we discuss (rant about) the most horrific instagram caption we've ever seen, which rules are okay to break, and the insensetitivity behind DubaiGate. Is ignorance really bliss, or is bliss just being on a yacht in the sun during a global pandemic?
Follow us on instagram at @thefemaleshitshow
email us your thoughts at @thefemaleshitshow@gmail.com -
We're back! Episodes now fortnightly! This week we chat being 25, weddings, who we'd die for, trust issues, if soulmates exist, how old we were when we had our firsts, using the word 'babe', and being outside naked & MORE! (spicy).
Listen to the podcast on Spotify and itunes! https://www.buzzsprout.com/1591774
Follow us on instagram https://www.instagram.com/thefemaleshitshow/
Email us at thefemaleshitshow@gmail.com
Suscribe to our YouTube at The Female Shit Show Podcast -
It's Anna's birthday! We answer the "horrible questions" quiz of Instagram, and chat hair extensions, cheese and dreams, regrets, cheating, insecurity and anxiety, and breaking boys hearts xox
Follow us on instagram https://www.instagram.com/thefemaleshitshow/
Email us at thefemaleshitshow@gmail.com
Suscribe to our YouTube at The Female Shit Show Podcast -
Every one has mental health and everyone has found 2020 and lockdown a struggle. Every experience is valid. In this ep we discuss our own experiences, the good and the bad, what we learned and how we coped. Our special guest, Emily Bell is an NHS therapist, and gives us an interesting professional opinion, as well as advice for managing anxiety.
Some links for anyone struggling with the topics we covered in this episode:
NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/
Mood Juice: https://www.moodjuice.scot.nhs.uk/
Self Help: https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/looking-after-yourself
Private Counselling: https://www.bacp.co.uk/ -
Thanks to Corona, we learnt a lot in 2020. Will we stick to all of our resolutions this year?
Giving up alcohol, detoxing from social media scrolling, and cutting out unhealthy relationships. This is a personal growth episode! -
In this ep we spill all on our dating app experiences, the good the bad and the one where he fatshamed his ex. Boys, what we really think about your profile and top tips for getting a reply. And we (shamelessly) create a fake Tinder to rate the best and worst chat up lines.
Did the boat guy reply? -
How much does an influencer get paid for posting a snap of their milkshake? How many times can you say David Dobrik in one podcast and Lemons or pomegranate seeds, true or false?
For the FIRST EPISODE, we meet our hosts Anna and Georgie as they quiz each other on mindblowing facts and stats on all things female, from using lemons as contreception, to swiping right for sex.
How many of the facts and stats will they get right?