
  • In this episode, I am sharing more about my story and my business journey in online education businesses over the last 8 or so years, all the different business models we’ve had, all the pivots we’ve made and the inflection points that changed everything along the way.

    Long-term success and sustainability seems like a rarity in this industry where so many people are focused on the next trendy platform or quick results without the work.

    This is a “time travel” episode through the years of ups and downs, lessons learned, and hard-won wisdom. We’ve always focused on timeless strategies over trendy fads. And though things are different in the online education space in 2023 and beyond, it’s also so cool to see how many of the strategies we mastered and used years ago, are still relevant and adaptable to today.

    ➡️My new advanced program for course creators, coaches, consultants, and digital product CEOs, Profit Architecture, is coming soon! Get on the VIP waitlist right here. Waitlist VIPs will get early access to enroll and first dibs on limited-edition bonuses: https://www.fearlessceo.co/waitlist

    ➡️ Learn all about Profit Architecture and what’s included, how it works, the pricing and payment options, here! https://www.fearlessceo.co/blog/new-program

    ➡️Register for my new “Behind the Business” masterclass - it’s free and it’s going to be super valuable:


    If you have questions about my hybrid evergreen business, my funnels, my marketing strategy or product suite etc - just email us or DM me on IG @mariahpcoz.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    My experience in B2C (non-business related) online courses and online education before I ever started teaching business topics

    My first year building this brand and what I focused on to build my audience and sales quickly

    What inspired all the courses and programs I’ve created over the years and how I came up with the ideas for all the big hits we've developed

    The major strategy shifts that had the biggest impact on our business over the years (so few things actually move the needle - I like to highlight what actually works!)

    You can’t compare your first draft to someone else’s program or business they’ve been optimizing for years and years (and just how messy my first drafts have been!)

    How we’ve leveraged and adapted all the assets, products, content, and frameworks we’ve ever created into timeless strategies and how you can make the most of what you’ve already created to create new revenue

    Sabbaticals, sickness, depression and low seasons

    Why I’m grateful to have all these tools in my toolbox so we can always be meeting the market no matter what changes are happening

    Seasons of “set it and forget it” and seasons of pivoting, launching, working like crazy and figuring it out

    The full-circle moments and cycles we’ve been through and why I’m so excited about how Profit Architecture can help you create more sustainability, adaptability and resilience in your business

    ➡️Register for my new “Behind the Business” masterclass - it’s free and it’s going to be super valuable:








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  • Quickie Q&A: Hesitations About Turning A Booked Out 1:1 Service Into A Group Offer

    In this episode, I’m doing something I’m calling a “Quickie Q&A” - and answering a question that came in from a listener via email! I thought it was such a juicy question that I wanted to answer through audio and figured I’d share since many of you may be thinking the same things. We’re talking about hesitations around turning a booked out high ticket 1:1 offer into a group offer, the pros and cons of “BIG” group programs, making CEO decisions and more!

    My new advanced program for course creators, coaches, consultants, and digital product CEOs, Profit Architecture, is coming soon! Get on the VIP waitlist right here > https://www.fearlessceo.co/waitlist

    Waitlist VIPs will get early access to enroll and first dibs on limited-edition bonuses.

    If you have questions or something you definitely want me to cover in the upcoming masterclass - about my hybrid evergreen business, my funnels, my marketing strategy or product suite etc - just email us or DM me on IG @mariahpcoz.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Why we love and embrace “creative constraints” like limiting your work hours to less than 20 hours a week, no scheduled calls, no live video etc - and how we come up with solutions for those.

    Things you need to consider about your high ticket group offer BEFORE you decide on details like how the calls will be structured, what will be included and how it will be delivered.

    The trap of thinking that *everyone* values 1:1 more than group experiences, and how to define and brainstorm the unique benefits that people can only get as part of a group program

    The spectrum of things your group offers can include - from low-lift group support to high touch 1:1 and everything in between.

    My honest thoughts and lessons learned from having hundreds of active clients in my programs at a time (speaking from real lived experience) and how to decide your “ideal active client number”

    The different ways we’re supporting our students inside Profit Architecture (our new program)







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  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • How I Really Feel About Sales Calls

    This episode may shock you… I’m sharing both sides of the coin when it comes to making sales calls optional in your business.

    In this episode, I’m talking about how I REALLY feel about sales calls, some perspectives about calls and accessibility you may not have considered, and some ideas for incorporating funnels and automated assets into your sales process, even if you love doing sales calls!

    My new advanced program for course creators, coaches, consultants, and digital product CEOs, Profit Architecture, is coming soon! Get on the VIP waitlist right here > https://www.fearlessceo.co/waitlist

    Waitlist VIPs will get early access to enroll and first dibs on limited-edition bonuses.

    If you have questions or something you definitely want me to cover in the upcoming masterclass - about my hybrid evergreen business, my funnels, my marketing strategy or product suite etc - just email us or DM me on IG @mariahpcoz.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    My take on whether or not you choose to do sales calls to enroll clients (and why I don’t care either way)

    Being aware of the ableism, privilege and accessibility issues of assuming that everyone can easily do sales calls all day

    My thoughts on the trend of “bashing” people who don’t do sales calls and what’s really going on

    Who I’m talking to when I share the option of not needing to do sales calls in your business (and who I’m not talking to)

    Some new perspectives about what other people with different life circumstances than you might be contending with, and my hope for all of us to just have some darn empathy and compassion!

    Why it’s still smart to make “sales calls optional” in your enrollment process even if you want to continue to offer them in some capacity (for your sake and to accommodate your potential clients different personalities)

    Creative ways to have a “hybrid” funnel that combines pre-recorded automated assets and funnel components with short sales calls, should you choose to incorporate them

    New ways to reframe your “free sales calls” into something that may be more productive and valuable for both parties

    How we approach answering those last little questions in the sales process through Social Selling in the DMs or messages rather than calls

    Why I started thinking beyond scheduled zoom calls as a way to support my clients in the most valuable, time-efficient and accessible way possible

    How these same principles apply to calls in the delivery of your program - and ideas for asynchronous, creative ways to support your clients at a high level without scheduled zoom calls







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  • Turtles & Hares: How To Enroll Different Buyer Types With Funnels and Launches

    [This training does have the full video with all the visuals and slides published on the blog - check that out if you want the full visual experience!]

    In this episode, I walk you through my classic, foundational training that has become a core component of everything we teach when it comes to evergreen funnels and launching: The Turtles & Hares concept!

    There are different buyer types and it’s crucial that you design your online course and coaching business to appeal to different personality types - that’s where layering different strategies like evergreen funnels and live promotions comes into play.

    This is one of the very first things that all of our clients learn when they join our programs - and today we’re sharing it with you!

    In this episode, we discuss:

    The different personality types of customers for your online courses and coaching offers and how to make sure your business is designed to enroll both buyer types The real purpose of your evergreen funnel in the ecosystem of your live launches How having an evergreen funnel actually makes your future live launches even bigger (with numbers and examples) The “Waterfall Effect” that connects your funnels to your launches in perfect harmony 4 ways to increase your revenue once you’ve got your evergreen funnels and live promotion cycles in place 2 different ways to approach your product suite and creating higher end offers (and how to decide if you should differentiate through content or support levels)


    https://www.fearlessceo.co/ https://www.fearlessceo.co/waitlist https://www.fearlessceo.co/shop https://www.fearlessceo.co/blog




  • All The Details About My New Program!

    Get ready for a big announcement!

    In this episode, I’m sharing the details about my *new* program… drum roll please…Profit Architecture!

    Get on the VIP waitlist right here > https://www.fearlessceo.co/waitlist

    I’ll walk through the structure of this new offer, what’s included, how it works, the pricing, and why I created this integrated way of getting your hands on *all* of our strategies, courses, and tools in one place, at your fingertips. I want you to have as much info as possible so you can plan to join us when the doors officially open at the end of February 2023 for the initial intake!

    I’ll be hosting a more in depth strategic masterclass in February as well - this podcast is more about logistics so you can plan ahead to join us.

    If you have questions or something you definitely want me to cover in the upcoming masterclass - about my hybrid evergreen business, my funnels, my marketing strategy or product suite etc - just email us or DM me on IG @mariahpcoz.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Why I am finally launching a program that I originally dreamed up in 2016 and how that vision has come to life over the last 7+ years What “Profit Architecture” means to me and the philosophy behind building a simple, sophisticated, strategic business that focuses on profit without a bunch of fluff that doesn’t move the needle The “pilot pricing” of the first intake of the program - including payment plan options The waitlist bonuses and how to get first dibs (hint: 1:1 with Mariah!) How my approach to business has shifted as I’ve matured as a CEO and why I don’t try to “have all the answers for everyone” anymore Why this program is designed for established, experience and advanced course creators, coaches, consultants and digital product CEOs and who it’s a good fit for Time-saving benefits built into the design of the program from the start Why Profit Architecture doesn’t include any calls and the asynchronous structures we’re doing instead that you will be obsessed with (I already am!)

    Get excited and get ready to join us when the doors open!


    https://www.fearlessceo.co/ https://www.fearlessceo.co/waitlist https://www.fearlessceo.co/shop https://www.fearlessceo.co/blog https://www.fearlessceo.co/free-trainings

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  • High Ticket vs. Low Ticket vs. Courses - What's Working Now?

    "Do courses ‘still work’?"

    "Do high ticket programs ‘still work’?"

    "Does launching/webinars/funnels/challenges/podcasting/youtube/IG/FILL IN THE BLANK ‘still work’?"

    I’ve been asked these questions a lot in the last few weeks, along with the classic:

    “Are courses better than high ticket? Is high ticket better than low ticket? Are low ticket digital products better than courses?”

    Or the more general “what the actual heck is working online in 2023 and beyond?”

    If you’ve been asking yourself these questions - that’s normal!

    AND - You may be asking the wrong question 😄

    In this episode, Mariah breaks down how to answer these types of questions for yourself based on your unique situation, opportunity, and business. Whether it’s about what types of offers are “working now” or what strategies are creating results in this market, Mariah gives you tangible advice for how to ask yourself the right questions for figuring out what your next move should be.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Why trying to figure out the “one perfect offer type” that applies to everyone and anyone in all situations without nuance and context is futile All the different types of offers we’ve sold at different price points through the years and examples of how that can shift from season-to-season in your business What I actually think the “ideal” business model and product suite mix is in order to have resiliency and true sustainability in your business (coming from someone who’s been doing it for 8+ years and has had to ride the waves of change in this space) How to reverse engineer what product type would actually work for YOUR unique offer and outcome (whether that be low ticket digital products, premium courses or more high touch offers). The only thing that *really* matters about your offers and products, and why you don’t need to shoehorn your idea into a package that it doesn’t fit into.


    https://www.fearlessceo.co/ https://www.fearlessceo.co/waitlist https://www.fearlessceo.co/shop https://www.fearlessceo.co/blog https://www.fearlessceo.co/free-trainings

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  • The Truth About 7-Figure Coaches & Course Creators (AKA: The Equilibrium Training)

    [This training does have the full video with all the visuals and slides published on the blog - check that out if you want the full visual experience!]

    In this episode, we are sharing a special training that we originally published as part of one of our paid events. This crucial training shares what is contributing to coach and course creator burnout right now, and how to make some simple but important shifts to your marketing TODAY to reduce the overwhelm. Even the most successful coaches and course creators can get burnt out and overwhelmed. Coaches have been leading and serving through the challenges of the last few years and none of us are the same people we were 3 years ago. In this personal “real talk” session, Mariah shares the behind the scenes of shifts we’ve implemented as a business to simplify to scale. Think of this session like a “State Of The Union” with insights you won’t find anywhere else. Mariah talks about core concepts such as Equilibrium, building a Framework-Based-Business, and The Commoditization and Commodification of coaching and courses.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    What’s happening with coaches and course creators right now behind the scenes (comparisonitis, complexity, burnout, fatigue and more) The commoditization and commodification of coaches and courses and what to do about it Shifts we’ve made in our business to simplify and stay ahead of the curve Simple shifts to your marketing you can implement immediately and will make a huge impact on how you talk about your offers right now How to know if you’ve turned yourself as a “person” into a “product” and what to do about it What is a “Framework-Based Business” and how you can shift towards a more sustainable course & coaching business


    https://www.fearlessceo.co/ https://www.fearlessceo.co/waitlist https://www.fearlessceo.co/shop https://www.fearlessceo.co/blog

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  • The Simple Strategies I’m Focusing On In 2023

    In this episode, Mariah breaks down her plans, goals and focus for 2023. You’ll hear all the behind the scenes of what we are planning to focus on in terms of sales strategies, marketing, product suite developments, and more. Mariah reveals her core “creative constraints” of 2023 - her parameters for deciding what strategies we will focus on and why. You’ll hear lots of insights into the marketing and sales trends of 2023 for course creators, coaching programs, and digital product CEOs. Hear all about where we’re at today, what we’re working with, and where we’re going.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Where I’m starting from in 2023 - a small team, all our updated programs, and a couple of bite-sized digital products Embracing the slow season “turtle pace” of winter and not pushing or hustling right now “Asynchronous Everything” and why I’m optimizing for a clear and spacious calendar above all else this year The difference between “teaching” seasons and “coaching” seasons and the cycle of going deep and wide depending on your energy How we’re eliminating complexity in the business this year My plan for focusing on relationship marketing and collaborations this year instead of social media and paid ads Doubling down on the podcast and email newsletter community and leaning into a “back to basics” content strategy Product suite and program ideas for 2023 - from accessible low ticket digital products, to a new program with a totally fresh delivery design, and some sneak peeks at what masterminds could look like this year The key funnels we’re focused on this year and how they work together with our product suite of offers Sales systems and launch strategies I’m thinking about for 2023


    https://www.fearlessceo.co/ https://www.fearlessceo.co/waitlist https://www.fearlessceo.co/shop https://www.fearlessceo.co/blog https://www.fearlessceo.co/free-trainings

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  • What Really Happened in 2022 (Full Year In Review!)

    In this episode, Mariah recaps the wild ride of 2022 - as she describes it, “The weirdest year in business yet.” This was one of the most confusing, unclear, up and down years in business and Mariah shares the behind the scenes of navigating all the challenges that come with running an online course and high ticket group program business. Full of real-talk “failures” (launches that didn’t go as planned) and huge celebratory wins (Inc5000, woo!), this year led to lots of reflecting on where we’re been the last 7 years, and where we are going in the future. Listen is to hear the whole story!

    In this episode, we discuss:

    How we overhired going into 2022 expecting to continuing growing at the same pace as 2020-2021 Why we launched the Fearless CEO Accelerator in February 2022 … and then what happened that caused us to decide to switch back to High Ticket Hybrid (and how I feel about it now) Why we launched a downsell offer in 2022 for folks who weren’t quite ready for High Ticket Hybrid, and lessons learned about what your customers need vs. what they want What we did when our mid-year virtual event didn’t go as planned, and how it freed me to experiment with new things and get out of a mindset funk I had been stuck in The realization I had about my 2-year reinvention cycle and how I had been resisting big shifts in my business How my perspective shifted as the “post” pandemic life evolved and the big changes that started brewing The experiments and fun things we did in 2022 The surprising reaction I had to our Inc5000 award and recognition, and what it sparked for me in terms of next steps for our company (probably not what you’d expect!) Navigating big team changes with intention and pausing first rather than hiring in a rush Where we landed at the end of 2022 and what I’m thinking about as we head into 2023!


    https://www.fearlessceo.co/ https://www.fearlessceo.co/waitlist https://www.fearlessceo.co/shop https://www.fearlessceo.co/blog

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  • Behind The Scenes of 2020-2021 (Full Recap!)

    In this episode, Mariah reviews everything that happened through 2020 and 2021 in the business since our last podcast episode. As you can imagine, things were pretty wild through these years and this episode is an honest behind the scenes look at the growing pains, challenges, wins, and celebrations through rapidly growing the company and team through these wild years.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Our plans going into 2020 and how that turned out (hint: we were about to pivot to all live events going into 2020…oops!) My initial expectations and goals around launching High Ticket Hybrid and what ended up happening How our panic pivot from our planned live events to hosting virtual events completely changed the trajectory of our business “overnight” The real issues that can occur when you grow faster than you anticipated and have to hire quickly Why I pressed “pause” on certain projects in early 2021 and how that affected our plans that year Lessons learned from not rushing to hire key leadership positions and waiting for the right fit Riding the waves of intense growth and scale in all areas - and how I felt as an “unlikely CEO” through it all How and why I came up with the idea for our rebrand at the end of 2021 and a new program The true meaning of “Fearless CEO” to me and how it helped me through the anxiety I felt as we grew so quickly Where we landed at the end of 2021, having grown so much over these 2 years, and what we were thinking and planning going into 2022


    https://www.fearlessceo.co/ https://www.fearlessceo.co/waitlist https://www.fearlessceo.co/shop https://www.fearlessceo.co/blog




  • Today on the podcast I’m talking to my client Cami Farey of Simple Site Blueprint!

    Before Cami came to the Accelerator she was running her own web design business, booking 1:1 clients charging premium rates. Like many service-based business owners, however, she was at the whim of the limited number of hours in her day, which had her searching for a new (more scalable) business model.

    Enter the Accelerator.

    When I met Cami she had a small email list of 250 subscribers, had never sold a product or done a webinar before. She was starting from scratch.

    In this episode, we look at the strategies behind Cami’s success. We get into the nitty gritty details of all the milestones Cami hit in her BRAND NEW online course business (and exactly how she hit them).

    In less than a year, Cami:

    Enrolled 4x as many students as projected during her course pre-sale Hosted 15+ webinars 10x her email subscribers Blew past her first online course launch goals

    This podcast is an amazing listen for anyone entering the online course world as a total newbie with a small audience, as Cami was when she started working with us.

    Tune in below to hear Cami’s story!

    Tune in below to hear Cami’s story!

    Follow Mariah on other platforms:

    🌟Instagram: https://instagram.com/mariahpcoz

    🌟Facebook: https://facebook.com/mariahcozofficial

    🌟Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/mariahcoz


    ➡️ Apply for my done-together group coaching program, the Accelerator: https://mariahcoz.com/accelerator

    ➡️ Watch my FREE masterclass, The Simple Course Launch Framework: https://mariahcoz.com/launch

    ➡️ Download The Ultimate Webinar Checklist: https://www.webinarrockstar.co/

    ➡️Free Training: How to Sell More Courses Every Day / Week / Month With An Evergreen Funnel: https://mariahcoz.com/evergreen

  • Hey you,

    Does the thought of scaling your business to seven figures fill you with fear?

    I gotta say, I was surprised when earlier this year I started talking to some of my 6-figure clients about how we are going to get them to 7, and they told me they weren’t sure they could handle it! They had a lot of fears around the next level and what it would look like for them.

    For many people, the leap to six figures takes a TON of mindset work.

    The leap to seven figures?

    Even MORE!

    That’s why I’m SO excited for today’s podcast episode with Rachel Rodgers.

    Rachel and I met this summer, but it feels like we’ve known each other forever. Rachel is an intellectual property lawyer and business coach.

    Getting to the next level is about having your MIND in the right place so you can sustain and enjoy new levels of success.

    Most of the time, what’s standing between you and seven figures isn’t your business… it’s you!

    Anyway, I don’t want to give it ALL away, so tune in to this interview!

    Follow Mariah on other platforms:

    🌟Instagram: https://instagram.com/mariahpcoz

    🌟Facebook: https://facebook.com/mariahcozofficial

    🌟Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/mariahcoz


    ➡️ Apply for my done-together group coaching program, the Accelerator: https://mariahcoz.com/accelerator

    ➡️ Watch my FREE masterclass, The Simple Course Launch Framework: https://mariahcoz.com/launch

    ➡️ Download The Ultimate Webinar Checklist: https://www.webinarrockstar.co/

    ➡️Free Training: How to Sell More Courses Every Day / Week / Month With An Evergreen Funnel: https://mariahcoz.com/evergreen

  • Does the thought of creating all your course content, launching your course, and making sure your students are happy make you feel overwhelmed?

    When you’re standing at the bottom of the mountain looking up, it can feel completely paralyzing!

    There’s so much to do...create the modules, create the launch marketing, write the copy, do the webinar, launch, AHH!

    It’s okay. Deep breaths.

    I am going to make it simple and stress-free for you to create and launch your course...by showing you the right order to do it all in.

    We've developed a step-by-step process for creating and launching profitable online courses - and it happens in 3 phases that all build on the phase before it, so you just do one step at a time.

    In this episode of the podcast, I run you through the exact 3-phase process that hundreds of our clients and students have been through, to launch their new online courses successfully and stress-free.

    We break it down nice and simple:

    Pre-sell your course with the Rapid Validation System (way before you're even thinking of doing a full course launch!) ⚡️ Create your course content and curriculum ❤️ Do a full launch of your signature course ☀️

    Listen in now!

    Follow Mariah on other platforms:

    🌟Instagram: https://instagram.com/mariahpcoz

    🌟Facebook: https://facebook.com/mariahcozofficial

    🌟Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/mariahcoz


    ➡️ Apply for my done-together group coaching program, the Accelerator: https://mariahcoz.com/accelerator

    ➡️ Watch my FREE masterclass, The Simple Course Launch Framework: https://mariahcoz.com/launch

    ➡️ Download The Ultimate Webinar Checklist: https://www.webinarrockstar.co/

    ➡️Free Training: How to Sell More Courses Every Day / Week / Month With An Evergreen Funnel: https://mariahcoz.com/evergreen

  • Does the thought of creating your online course content have you SUPER stressed out?

    It shouldn’t!

    But if that’s you, don’t worry!

    Tons of clients come to me and say that the idea of actually creating their course content makes them nervous.

    How will I know what to include?

    How will I have time to create all that content?

    How will I create content that is engaging and gets results?

    While feeling stressed out about content creation is totally normal, creating your online course content should not be stressful! 🤯

    On this episode of the podcast, I’m going to teach you my simple framework for creating your online course curriculum that eliminates the stress and overwhelm associated with creating course content.

    I share the exact methods I use to create my online course content in a way that feels fun, easy and natural!

    Creating your online course content shouldn’t be a drag.

    When you understand what I teach in this episode, you’ll have a course that gets great results AND is actually fun and flowy for you to create.

    Listen in now!


    🌟Instagram: https://instagram.com/mariahpcoz

    🌟Facebook: https://facebook.com/mariahcozofficial

    🌟Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/mariahcoz


    ➡️ Apply for my done-together group coaching program, the Accelerator: https://mariahcoz.com/accelerator

    ➡️ Watch my FREE masterclass, The Simple Course Launch Framework: https://mariahcoz.com/launch

    ➡️ Create a Digital Product The Quick + Easy Way: Free Workshop: https://mariahcoz.com/digital

    ➡️ Download The Ultimate Webinar Checklist: https://www.webinarrockstar.com

  • Today on the podcast I’m talking to Becca Tracey of The Uncaged Life!

    Becca is a SUPER STAR.

    She’s been launching and re-launching her signature program, Uncage Your Business, for over four years.

    Before Becca came to the Accelerator, she launched two times a year. She was making multi-six-figures, but if a launch ever tanked, she’d be screwed!

    That’s what brought Becca to the Accelerator. Together, we built a six-figure evergreen funnel that has added over $100,000 to her business.

    Now Becca was SUPER hesitant to go evergreen. I’m pretty sure she looked at me like I was crazy when I first suggested it.

    She was convinced that no one would buy on evergreen and that the people who did wouldn’t be able to get the same results as those that did the live program.

    Spoiler: she was wrong ;)

    This podcast is an amazing listen for anyone who’s ever thought, “I can’t POSSIBLY turn my course evergreen.”

    In it, we break down exactly how Becca built her six-figure funnel: both the technical aspects of how she put it together and, more importantly, the mindset work Becca needed to do to get into the headspace for her funnel to work.

    Listen in below!

    ➡️ Apply for my done-together group coaching program, the Accelerator: https://mariahcoz.com/accelerator


    🌟Instagram: https://instagram.com/mariahpcoz

    🌟Facebook: https://facebook.com/mariahcozofficial

    🌟Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/mariahcoz


    ➡️ Watch my FREE masterclass, The Simple Course Launch Framework: https://mariahcoz.com/launch

    ➡️ Create a Digital Product The Quick + Easy Way: Free Workshop: https://mariahcoz.com/digital

    ➡️ Download The Ultimate Webinar Checklist: https://www.webinarrockstar.com

  • Today on the podcast, I’m talking all about the mindset you need to master in order to successfully create and launch your online course, without the self sabotage!

    In this episode, I get into the mindset blocks and limiting beliefs that are bound to pop up when you’re creating your online course content.

    Identifying and being aware of your mindset is the first step to making sure you don’t stand in the way of your own success!

    If you don’t fix your mindset, you’ll be in danger of self-sabotaging your launch.

    Many course creators don’t think about mindset. They focus on everything else: emails, live streams, sales pages, offer value… but mindset is the FIRST and most important thing to master.

    Listen to the podcast now to learn how to master your course launch mindset, so you can get back to creating and launching your course and actually enjoying your success!

    📺 Register for my FREE masterclass The Simple 3-Part Course Launch Framework masterclass here: https://mariahcoz.com/launch


    🌟Instagram: https://instagram.com/mariahpcoz

    🌟Facebook: https://facebook.com/mariahcozofficial

    🌟Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/mariahcoz


    ➡️ Apply for my done-together group coaching program, the Accelerator: https://mariahcoz.com/accelerator

    ➡️ Watch my FREE masterclass, The Simple Course Launch Framework: https://mariahcoz.com/launch

    ➡️ Create a Digital Product The Quick + Easy Way: Free Workshop: https://mariahcoz.com/digital

    ➡️ Download The Ultimate Webinar Checklist: https://www.webinarrockstar.com

  • Is there anything better than when inspiration strikes?

    You know what I’m talking about!

    That moment where you sit up in the middle of the night with an idea.

    Something that you’re excited about.

    Something that’s going to change everything for you, your biz, and your audience.

    At least… you hope so!

    As entrepreneurs, having ideas is the best! I live for that lightning bolt moment.

    But if you’ve been around the block a few times, you know that not all ideas are created equal.

    In fact, some of them can really suck! 😂

    An idea for a new online course or product can be an exciting time for your business, but it can also be a distraction or a time waster, especially if it turns out that people aren’t actually interested in this new idea!

    In this episode, I’m telling you all about my special formula for learning whether or not your idea is worth pursuing: The Rapid Validation Webinar.

    Listen now!

    📺 Register for my FREE masterclass The Simple 3-Part Course Launch Framework masterclass here: https://mariahcoz.com/launch


    🌟Instagram: https://instagram.com/mariahpcoz

    🌟Facebook: https://facebook.com/mariahcozofficial

    🌟Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/mariahcoz


    ➡️ Apply for my done-together group coaching program, the Accelerator: https://mariahcoz.com/accelerator

    ➡️ Watch my FREE masterclass, The Simple Course Launch Framework: https://mariahcoz.com/launch

    ➡️ Create a Digital Product The Quick + Easy Way: Free Workshop: https://mariahcoz.com/digital

    ➡️ Download The Ultimate Webinar Checklist: https://www.webinarrockstar.com

  • Today’s podcast is a bit of a different kind of episode than we’ve done in the past…

    What I wanted to talk about today is how I’ve been dealing with, understanding, and, ultimately, learning to overcome my anxiety.

    As entrepreneurs, we deal with a ton of pressure and stress on a daily basis.

    We have SO MUCH responsibility on our shoulders every single day…

    Our income.

    Our business’ income.

    Our employees’ income.

    So, even if you don’t necessarily consider yourself to be someone who has anxiety, I think this episode will be helpful for you, too.

    On the episode, I go into detail about exactly how I’m beating anxiety in my business and life.

    I’ve been open on the podcast before about how I struggle with depression and anxiety.

    For a long time, I thought that was how I just had to live.

    That the constant hand-wringing, over-thinking, crazy brain would be me, and my normal, forever.

    What’s incredible, however, is that that is NOT my normal anymore.

    Over the year, I have made big changes in how I live my life to bring more joy, more calm, and more GOOD into my daily experience.

    In this episode, I’m talking about the things I have done to bring down my episode to a manageable level.

    I’d love for you to listen and tell me what you think.

    Check it out now!


    🌟Instagram: https://instagram.com/mariahpcoz

    🌟Facebook: https://facebook.com/mariahcozofficial

    🌟Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/mariahcoz


    ➡️ Apply for my done-together group coaching program, the Accelerator: https://mariahcoz.com/accelerator

    ➡️ Watch my FREE masterclass, The Simple Course Launch Framework: https://mariahcoz.com/launch

    ➡️ Create a Digital Product The Quick + Easy Way: Free Workshop: https://mariahcoz.com/digital

    ➡️ Download The Ultimate Webinar Checklist: https://www.webinarrockstar.com

  • Our minds are crazy powerful.

    Sometimes, we use that power for good.

    Like when we build courses and launch businesses and expand our influence to help people.

    But a lot of times, we use that power to tear ourselves down.

    To list out all the reasons why something CAN’T happen.

    Instead of focusing on the many reasons why it CAN.

    Today on the podcast, I’m doing something I’ve never done before.

    I’m sharing a piece of content from my most premium paid course, Evergreen Engines™.

    This little piece of audio is one of the most important parts of that course, because it is all about your MINDSET.

    Going evergreen WILL break your brain if you don’t get in the right headspace. Making money without all the hustle and hard work makes us want to self-sabotage because it’s so weird to us humans! If you don’t master the evergreen success mindset, you’ll sabotage yourself before you even start.

    Listen now! I can't wait to hear what you think.


    ✅Evergreen Engines: https://mariahcoz.com/evergreen


    🌟Instagram: https://instagram.com/mariahpcoz

    🌟Facebook: https://facebook.com/mariahcozofficial

    🌟Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/mariahcoz


    ➡️ Apply for my done-together group coaching program, the Accelerator: https://mariahcoz.com/accelerator

    ➡️ Watch my FREE masterclass, The Simple Course Launch Framework: https://mariahcoz.com/launch

    ➡️ Create a Digital Product The Quick + Easy Way: Free Workshop: https://mariahcoz.com/digital

    ➡️ Download The Ultimate Webinar Checklist: https://www.webinarrockstar.com

  • Today on the podcast I’m talking to my Accelerator client Isaac Oakeson!

    Isaac teaches civil engineers how to prepare for and pass their Civil Engineering certification tests. He’s built an amazing biz—course, launch, webinars, funnel, all of it.

    This episode is particularly amazing because Isaac has achieved all of his phenomenal success WHILE having a full-time job AND a family! He’s making his course business happen in his very limited free time.

    He’s created a “six figure side hustle” with his course, even though he has limited time to devote to it!

    If you have a full-time job and are wondering how you can possibly still manage your workload and side hustle (while still having a personal life!), this episode is for YOU!

    It’s fascinating to hear how Isaac prioritizes and spends his time and SO useful for anyone in the same boat.

    Listen now!


    ✅The Accelerator: https://mariahcoz.com/accelerator


    🌟Instagram: https://instagram.com/mariahpcoz

    🌟Facebook: https://facebook.com/mariahcozofficial

    🌟Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/mariahcoz


    ➡️ Apply for my done-together group coaching program, the Accelerator: https://mariahcoz.com/accelerator

    ➡️ Watch my FREE masterclass, The Simple Course Launch Framework: https://mariahcoz.com/launch

    ➡️ Create a Digital Product The Quick + Easy Way: Free Workshop: https://mariahcoz.com/digital

    ➡️ Download The Ultimate Webinar Checklist: https://www.webinarrockstar.co/

    ➡️NEW Free Training: How to Sell More Courses Every Day / Week / Month With An Evergreen Funnel: https://mariahcoz.com/evergreen