
  • Today we bring you our goals for 2025 along with some upcoming changes to the podcast.

    Every year, we like to map out some of our goals and what we aim to accomplish.

    We break these down into the following categories:


    Some examples of Cody's goals include:

    Doubling down on what works for business and finance
    Completing an Ironman
    Cutting out bad relationships and doubling down on good ones
    Completing the build for his "forever" home

    Some of Justin's Goals include:

    Running a sub-22-min 5k and completing a half-marathon
    Simplifying the investment account sprawl
    Coming away from his trip with a short list of slow travel locations
    Writing more

    In the episode, you'll get the full breakdown of all the goals and why some of these are the focus for 2025.

    We hope you enjoyed this goal-setting episode and are inspired to make some big moves in 2025.

    If you found value in the episode, please share it with a friend!
    Links from The Episode

    Traveling the World for $46/day
    2023 Recap and 2024 Goals

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    Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)

  • Today we bring you a Christmas special of sorts.

    The 12 money lessons as a play on the 12 days of Christmas.

    These are some of the most foundational takeaways we've realized during our financial journey.

    We truly believe if you master these lessons, you'll have a clear path to hitting your money goals.
    12 Money Lessons We Cover:

    Retirement is a number, not an age

    4% rule or cash flow method

    Your first investment should be in yourself

    $10K toward self-betterment will likely go a lot further than it will in the S&P or RE at the beginning of your journey

    Compound interest is insane 

    Investing $500 a month from 25 - 45 and then stopping will give you ~$1M in retirement at 65. Investing $1,000 a month from 45-65 will give you only $500,000. Start Early.

    The 80/20 of spending

    Focusing on the “big 3” (housing, transportation, food) will do way more for you than penny-pinching in other categories

    There’s no “right way” to reach financial independence

    If someone tells you the X is the only way, they’re lying or trying to sell you something. Can be done via index funds, RE, corporate job, digital products, etc.

    Action > Information

    You will learn way more by actually doing the thing, than reading books, listening to podcasts, or watching YouTube videos about it.
    Now is not a bad time to start

    Almost anytime you look back 4 years at investing you’ll wish you would have bought even more which is just a sure sign that if you feel like you need to wait to invest, you’re probably wrong

    Do the experience

    You’ll probably never regret the money spent on a memorable activity with friends and family

    It’s not about the money

    Yes, you’ll need to focus on money for a while and build up a nest egg but it the end the money is just a tool to give you the freedom to focus on the things you really care about, it’s not about lavishness or material obsession. Saving up a ton of money doesn’t make you a greedy person

    Don’t make a plan, make a contract

    Investing will have turbulence and that’s when people are most likely to make bad decisions. This happens when we let our emotions get involved. Instead of making a general plan, make some hard contractual-type promises with yourself so that when times get tough, you don’t even consider making rash decisions

    You’ll adjust to anything

    This can be an advantage or disadvantage. The advantage is that you can live a lifestyle very different to others and find that you can still reach a very high level of happiness. The disadvantage comes when we have lifestyle inflation and our spending keeps increasing but the novelty wears off and we don’t feel any different but our spending has increased dramatically

    You can’t know where to go,  if you don’t know where you are

    Getting an accurate state of your finances and spending is critical. You don’t have to fixate on creating a budget right away but definitely track your spending with extreme accuracy for a few months so you have real data to work with
    It’s not about how much you make, it’s about how much you keep (there are people making $200k living paycheck to paycheck, and people making $50k saving 50%)

    Be informed

    I try not to tell people what they can and can’t spend money on, just do the math to understand what the decision you’re making now means for your future self. Get comfortable with some basic spreadsheet math and project out things, compare options, just take a pause and do some calculations

    We hope you enjoyed this special episode and these lessons for your financial journey.

    If you found value in the episode, please share it with a friend!
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  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Jordan Grumet aka Doc G brings his brilliant insights to help listeners find answers to one of the hardest questions we battle with, what is our purpose?

    That gets broken down in this episode and his upcoming book, The Purpose Code.

    He has a history as a physician which brings amazing perspectives, especially from his time as a hospice doctor.

    Jordan recounts his life lessons to explain how to find purpose and shed the anxiety that normally comes with that search.

    He also breaks down the difference between regret and disappointment.

    Jordan does a phenomenal job of incorporating exercises at the end of each chapter to put what you read into practice.

    The book and discussion don't just stop with your life but also discuss how to leave a lasting legacy for others.

    There's no doubt that Jordan has some of the most thoughtful and insightful conversations anywhere in the personal finance space.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend!
    Links from The Episode

    The Purpose Code Book
    Jordan's Website
    Earn and Invest Podcast
    Jordan's First Episode on The FI Show

    YouTube Interview
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    Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)

  • Someone recently asked me: "How did you reach FI?"

    I didn't have a great answer for them that didn't take 30+ minutes to explain.

    So, I recorded a podcast episode outlining my entire FI Journey - all the numbers, all the income streams, all the expenses, year over year.

    Below are the notes I created to guide the episode.


    Read the 4-Hour Workweek
    Started my first real business, Arsenal Discs
    Learned how to build a website, marketing, sales, networking, negotiations, pricing, product design… all the HARD way


    Discovered FI through Mr. Money Mustache
    Started listening to podcasts like ChooseFI and Afford Anything
    Read books like Simple Path to Wealth and Your Money or Your Life
    Learned about side hustles, taxes, the 4% rule, etc.
    Despite all this, didn’t really have any money since I was paying for college
    Locked in job for July 2018, plan was to work 7-10 years to hit FI


    Went to CampFI in January and FI became “real”
    Lived in Australia with lots of time on my hands and started side hustling after being unable to find a regular job
    Blog launched in April 2018 to document my journey
    Started working as a commercial RE lender in July 2018 once I returned to the U.S.

    All-in comp was $80-85k
    Knowing that FI existed was a blessing and a curse

    Launched podcast in August 2018 (nothing else like it)
    FinCon 2018 (CampFI on steroids) - met Grant and others
    By the end of that year, I had tried a dozen new side hustles (blogging, podcasting, freelance writing, building websites, editing podcasts, affiliate marketing, digital products, etc)
    Income: $44,000, Net worth: $75,000, Stock market: -6.24%


    Quit my corporate job on January 31, 2019 with $30,000+ saved
    Side hustles were bringing in $1,200 per month, but my expenses were the same ($450 rent, paid off car, super frugal)
    Financial Freedom book tour March-May of 2019
    Teamed up with Julie to launch Gold City Ventures in June 2019

    So many people asking for 1-on-1, wanted to teach at scale
    Most of my time after that was spent working on Gold City Ventures
    Practicing my craft to teach better
    Managing a community, recording & packaging content, hiring people
    Originally launched E-Printables, a blogging course, and a freelancing course
    LOTs of learning lessons from this business

    Income: $96,000, Net worth: $179,000, Stock market: 28.88%


    Went all-in on digital products (dropped blogging and freelancing from GCV)

    Etsy shop, Shopify store, templates, etc.

    Continued to live extremely frugally (spending less than $25,000/year)
    Bought 3-unit house hack in September 2020

    $235,000, we lived in the basement, rent $2,200, expenses $1,700

    Bought duplex in November 2020

    $170,000, rent $2,250, expenses $1,350

    Bought 3-unit house hack in December 2020

    $315,000, we moved to 1BR/1BA, rent $2,600, expenses $2,100
    First house hack jumped to $3,000 in rent once we moved out

    Income: $198,000, Net worth: $392,000, Stock market: 16.26%


    Started freelancing for Motley Fool (who acquired MillennialMoney.com)

    Extra $10K/month, SEO, “thinking big”, awesome team

    Bought triplex in May 2021

    $245,000, rent $2,900, expenses $1,900

    ~$200,000 in down payments came from digital product income
    Gold City Ventures continues to grow rapidly
    Income: $403,000, Net worth: $1,035,000, Stock market: 26.89%
    Financial Freedom! 

    Had RE making $3,000+ in cash flow, $500,000+ invested in the stock market
    In addition to the semi-passive $20,000+ per month I was earning with digital products

    Since I reached financial independence, I have continued to work on my main business, Gold City Ventures and invest 90%+ of my income into index funds and real estate.
    Links from the Episode

    CodyDBerman.com (previously FlytoFi)
    The FI Show (first episode)

  • Justin retired 1 year ago today!What did he do? How does he feel? Did the numbers work out as expected?Luckily for you, he's dropped all the answers to that in the show with the highlights below.Read on for Justin's notes:Numerical Highlights from Year 1: Averaged around $2500/mo or $30k/yr spending Networth increased by ~400k ($1.7M -> $2.1M) Continued to save money 4% SWR + Passive Income = ~13k/mo or $156k/yr if I wantedRetirement Feelings Explained: Relaxed: just being yourself and no corporate coating, Awkward: Realizing every American interaction with someone starts off with work followed by me trying to explain the situation and balancing the outward perception from to Proud: as someone who is often hard on themself for not sticking to things, financial independence took real commitment for ~9 years. Scared: that I’ll have great ideas I want to try, memories I want to make, relationships I want to strengthen, or things I want to discuss… but discover that those I want to do it with don’t want those things at all Relieved: After a year, I find similarities to the relief I felt over telling everyone I gave up alcohol. Saying aloud that I’ve done something that 99% of people will never do felt very weird at first, but then I adjusted to that 1% weirdo being my story, and the people who truly care about me let you be that 1% weirdo. And that exchange ends with a lot of relief. Responsible: I feel a responsibility to push the people I love the most to take ownership of their financial lives Satisfied: Not from a mentality that everything that needs to be accomplished is accomplished. My sense of satisfaction comes from knowing that the first year of retirement was worth every decision and delayed gratification even if it’s the only year of financial freedom I ever get. Detailed Breakdown of Year 1 Activities:December 2023 Hosted my niece for a week in Austin Made custom laser engraved gifts for my mom and good friend Tried Franklins BBQ and Interstellar BBQ for the first time Planned and purchased everything for a kitchen remodel Saw several movies Redesigned ripped dip packaging Attended consumer product goods meetups Went to the trail of lights Did a baby kangaroo feeding experience Redesigned my Dad’s upstairs to be a sudo apartment in Mississippi Ripped up old flooring and prepped concrete for staining Replaced all the windows in the flip Spent two weeks in Mississippi Enjoyed Christmas with my family Tons of workoutsJanuary 2024 Two weeks in Mississippi Someone hit and totaled my Tesla Redid Kitchen in Leslie’s family beach house Lots of other projects there like replacing all the hardware for the doors Spent a week on the Texas coast Saw several movies Lots of cooking Lots of workouts Dove into Ninja CreamisFebruary 2024 Spent two weeks on the Texas coast More beach house remodeling Went to the Austin Symphony Took the train to Dallas Completed the purchase of my New (to me) Tesla Model Y Spent a couple of days with my best friend in Dallas Spent a week in Mississippi Lots of remodeling on the flip house Attended a Rodeo Took my niece to a concert in NashvilleMarch 2024 Spent two weeks in Mississippi Played golf Replaced doors and painted the exterior of the flip house Drove back to Austin Tried a new boxing class Did my first Dexa scan (10.1% body fat) Spent a week in Miami Attended Ultra music festival Went to two additional concerts Drove back to Texas CoastApril 2024 More remodeling on Texas beach house Found outfits for our engagement (surprise to Leslie) Made pies/desserts for Leslie’s Brother’s 50th birthday Spent two weeks in Portugal Got engaged A quick trip to Paris

  • In this episode, Cody and Justin discuss what they're thankful for and the importance of focusing on what you can control.

    We recorded this episode shortly after Election Day.

    Elections leave a lot of people feeling defeated and a lot of people feeling like they've won.

    The reality is that neither is true.

    You are the most critical variable in your financial independence journey, regardless of who's sitting in the Oval Office.

    The key is to focus on what you can control and to appreciate the privilege that you have.

    Even if things don't seem rosy, the hardest experiences often shape us the most and transform us into better versions of ourselves.

    We hope this inspires you to evaluate your life, appreciate your advantages, spend some time in gratitude, and get inspired for your next chapter in life.

    If you found value in the episode, please share it with a friend!
    Links from the Episode

    The Purpose Code

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    Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)

  • It's open enrollment season, meaning making healthcare choices for the upcoming year.

    So for today’s episode, we're featuring FI healthcare experts Lynn Frair and Jackie Cummings Koski.

    We cover:

    Healthshare Ministries
    Subsidized Care
    Deductible and Out-ot-Pocket Maximums
    Open Enrollment
    State Healthcare Exchanges
    End-of-life Care
    Emergency Funds

    and more!

    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend!
    Links and Resources

    Lynn's Instagram
    Jackie's Instagram
    WexInc HSA vs Traditional Calculator
    Mad Fientist article on HSAs

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    Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)

  • Cody joins Amy Porterfield on the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast to talk all about digital products.

    He covers topics such as:

    The best platforms to sell digital products
    How to find digital products you might already own
    How to get more subscribers using printables
    How to make more money with digital products
    How to add digital products to your existing business

    And all about what’s inside his E-Printables course.

    Hope this helps someone else start their digital product journey.

    If you enjoyed this, please share this episode with a friend!
    Links from The Episode

    E-Printables Course (with FI Show discount)
    Original episode on Online Marketing Made Easy

    YouTube Interview
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    Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)

  • Our friend Sunitha Rao came from humble beginnings.

    Her parents spent most of their lives in one of the poorest regions in India.

    Despite all odds, Suni became a professional tennis player and traveled the globe playing in different tournaments.

    Years later, she turned her competitive nature toward real estate.

    Her real estate career quickly started to explode, and she's been addicted ever since.

    This episode originally aired in 2019, but it was so good, we decided to replay it.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend!
    Links from The Episode

    Suni's Original Episode from 2019
    Suni's LinkedIn
    Suni's Instagram

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    Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)


    And it's all thanks to listeners, viewers, and readers like yourself.

    In today's episode, we reflect on everything that has changed and everything that hasn't.

    Cody & Justin have increased their net worths by a combined $5,000,000!

    Justin retired 10 years sooner than he ever imagined.

    Cody created a multi-seven-figure business around an idea he never even considered.

    Those are just a couple of big highlights with other highlights including:

    New Investment Strategies

    AirBnB - ownership and management
    Covered Calls
    Hard Money Loans

    Lifestyle Changes

    Girlfriends have become Wife/Fiance
    Justin stopped drinking
    Cody and Justin are in even better physical shape than 6 years ago
    They both focus more on value than purely price
    Justin listens to EDM and drinks coffee....never saw that coming

    What Hasn't Changed

    Keeping the "big 3" expenses low
    The majority of our investments are still total stock market funds
    Experiences are still the priority over material objects

    We continue to do this show because of you all.

    Every time we hear a story of how we inspired someone or introduced them to a concept that is now helping them live the life they dreamed of, it pushes us to keep going.

    We hope you found value in the episode, if you did, subscribe, leave a review, and share with a friend!
    Links from The Episode

    2018 Reflection, 2019 Goals episode
    2019 Valentine's Day episode

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    Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)

  • Jane Kanizay went from financial freedom to divorce to financial freedom again while achieving amazing physical feats along the way.
    Jane is an adventurer, educator, activist, speaker, artist, and ​mother of four who successfully climbed Mt. Everest ​with her 19-year-old daughter on May 14th, 2022.
    Jane climbs with the message of Teach Us Consent to campaign for ​holistic consent education in the school curriculum and to ​advocate for the prevention of violence against women. This mission helps push her to her physical and mental limits.
    High-altitude mountaineering is one of the deadliest sports in the ​world.
    It's also very expensive and hard to imagine being possible for most teachers.

    That's where Jane's background in real estate shines.

    She built a portfolio that is now funding her amazing adventures.

    She also gives us an in-depth breakdown of the financial abuse she tries to educate on and advocate against.

    Some signs of this abuse from a partner might include:

    Controls access to finances, won’t let you access bank accounts or credit cards
    Expects you to pay for bills, groceries, and other basic necessities but gives you little or no money to cover those costs
    Forbids you from working or deliberately sabotages your ability to get or hold down a job
    Refuses to work or contribute to family expenses
    Takes out loans or accrues debt in your name
    Doesn’t include you in significant investment or banking decisions
    Refuses to pay or evades child support
    Hides assets
    Incurs fines or infringements in your name then expects you to pay them

    Jane's story is so inspirational and we hope that she helps you get out of your comfort zone and achieve the seemingly impossible.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend!
    Links from The Episode

    Jane's Instagram
    Jane's Website
    Teach Us Consent

    YouTube Interview
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    Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)

  • In this episode, Cody and Justin discuss how Justin will travel the world for 6 months at a shockingly low price.

    In total, the trip will cover 161 days as currently planned.

    The cost is only $46 per day!

    That cost includes flights, trains, ferries, accommodation, and activities for one person.

    Below you can find the locations Justin will be visiting,

    We've also included the packing list since Justin is only taking a small backpack for the entire trip.

    Locations include:


    El Nido


    Gili Islands
    Nusa Islands


    Ninh Binh
    Cat Ba


    Koh Lanta
    Chiang Mai

    Chur, Switzerland

    Monterosso al mare


    Packing List:

    5 shirts
    4 pair of socks
    5 pair underwear
    Windbreaker w/ kangaroo pouch
    Portable battery
    Phone Charger
    Travel adapter
    5 pocket pant 
    Light down jacket
    half length Buff
    Khaki shorts
    4 pair of running shorts

    The craziest part? Justin is going to be breaking even from this trip due to the Airbnb income from his primary residence (covered in this geohacking episode).

    We hope this inspires you to consider that big trip you thought you couldn't afford.

    We hope you found value in the episode, if you did, subscribe, leave a review, and share with a friend!
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    >> You can do that by clicking here <<
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    Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)

  • One of the questions we get asked most often is for guidance on what someone should and should not spend money on.

    The answer is always... it depends.

    What's important to me, may not be important to you.

    Jen Smith is here to give everyone the framework to make those tough decisions.

    This framework is called Value Based spending.

    Jen lays it all out in her new book, "Buy What You Love Without Going Broke".

    Long-term listeners may remember Jen from episode 58, "Frugality without Deprivation," in 2019.

    She's also still rocking things over at the Frugal Friends Podcast.

    In today's episode as we discuss the book you'll find answers to the following:

    Why is it so hard to stop spending money?
    What is values-based spending and how is it different?
    What’s the problem with telling someone a budget will solve their spending problem?
    What’s the point of learning values-based spending when the bigger issue is that we don’t earn enough money?

    And so much more.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend!
    Links from The Episode

    Pre-order the book!
    Frugal Friend's Podcast

    YouTube Interview
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    Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)

  • You never know how close you are to a great story.

    I (Justin) learned that on my recent trip to Africa on my way to hike Mt. Kilimanjaro.

    Boarding my flight I met Caitlin James as she was on her way to climb the very same mountain.

    The more I heard from her, the more I realized I had come across a truly amazing story.

    Caitlin was paralyzed in a boating accident.

    Through surgery and rehab, she eventually regained the ability to walk.

    Walking was just the start though.

    She jokingly said if she could walk again she'd climb a mountain in a banana suit...and that's exactly what she did.

    That first mountain hooked her, and she has racked up an insanely impressive list of summits in just a couple of years.

    This story may not seem relevant to some for this show, but we thought it made perfect sense.

    Many people want to do something adventurous, travel, and spend their days outside instead of behind a computer.

    These reasons are what drive them to retire.

    But Caitlin isn't waiting for retirement to live out her dreams and pursue her passions.

    Instead, she is making her passions her career.

    Caitlin reinvented herself and her career. Check out her expeditions over the last couple of years:

    DENALI Alaska 20,310
    MT WHITNEY, California 14,505
    MT RAINIER, Washington 14,411
    MT HELEN, Washington 10,786

    ACONCAGUA 22,837 (Normal route)
    Ojos del Salado 22,615
    (Argentinian side)

    Cordillera Blanca Range;
    Huascaran 22,205
    Chacraraju 20,039
    Salkantay 20,574
    Ausangate Nevado trek;
    Machu Picchu 7,972
    Huayna Picchu 8,835
    Rainbow Mountain 17,060
    Nevado Ausangate 20,945
    Nevados Ojos del Salado 22,569

    Chimborazo 20,549

    MONT BLANC 15,777
    MATTERHORN 14,692
    The EIGER 13,642
    The ALPHUBEL 13,799
    DOLOMITES 10,968
    MONTE ROSA 15,203

    MT LOGAN 19,551
    MT ROBSON 9,281 FT

    Kilimanjaro, 19,341 (3x in two years)
    Umbwe, Marangu, Machame Route
    Mt Meru 14,980
    Cape Town 3,563

    Torres Del Paine (Patagonia)

    MT Fuji 12,388
    MT Tsurugi 9,839
    EBC TREK 17,598
    LOBUCHE 20,062
    ISLAND PEAK 20,252
    MANASLU C3 23,622

    SUMATRA 12,484

    MT TOWNSEND 7,247
    GREAT OCEAN WALK 240 Kilo/149miles

    We hope this inspires you to consider how you can chase your dreams now and not feel as though your life is chained up until retirement.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend!
    Links from The Episode

    Caitlin on Instagram
    Caitlin's Website
    Caitlin on TikTok
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  • Cody shares his digital product journey on the How to Sell Your Stuff on Etsy podcast with Lizzie Smiley.

    He covers topics such as:

    How to find profitable products
    Keyword research and SEO
    Strategies for making more sales
    Student success stories
    Why Etsy is the best platform for beginners

    And all about what's inside his E-Printables course.

    Hope this helps someone else start their digital product journey.

    If you enjoyed this, please share this episode with a friend!
    Links from The Episode

    E-Printables Course (with FI Show discount)
    How to Sell Your Stuff on Etsy podcast

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    Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)

  • If you love the personal finance space, chances are you've heard of FinCon.

    Today, we bring you Philip Taylor who created and grew FinCon into the massive pillar of the community it is today.

    For loooong time listeners, you may remember Cody interviewing PT at FinCon back in 2018.

    You'll hear the origins, the heights, the COVID-19 survival, and the future of FinCon in this episode.

    PT isn't stopping with one conference and is now running a second called TravelCon in addition to expanding his family's accountant business.

    Don't forget to snag your ticket to FinCon while you still can.

    This year's event will be in Atlanta, October 23-26.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend!
    Links from The Episode

    The Creator CPA
    PT Money

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  • Long-time listeners may remember Nick's episode from Episode 56 way back in 2019.

    We felt like this classic episode and fundamental topic needed to be brought out of the archives and revisited.

    Nick Loper is the side hustle king from Side Hustle Nation.

    Nick got an eye-opening opportunity in college and knew he had to be his own boss.

    He would eventually work for three years in the corporate world.

    During that time he was building his side hustle.

    It was quickly covering his expenses and he never looked back.

    We really help you focus on how to choose the right side hustle for you.

    Nick recommends finding two areas you’re in the top 50% in
    Then find a way for those two things to intersect
    He also suggests trying out things to experiment
    You’ll often find your true golden idea once you get started on a project
    If you begin to dread the work, it may be time to stop working on that side hustle

    Listen and learn all about side hustles and let us know what you think.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend!
    Links from The Episode

    Side Hustle Nation
    List of Side Hustle Ideas
    Nick's YouTube Channel
    Follow Nick on X

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    Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)

  • In this episode, Cody and Justin discuss Justin's recent summit of Kilimanjaro.

    You'll learn all the details, pricing, and considerations if you're interested in this major summit, as well as the mental growth and lessons learned from pushing your body to the extreme and living without your normal luxuries.

    Some topics include:

    What to pack
    Cost of the trip
    A typical day on the hike
    Overcoming mental hurdles
    Embracing simplicity

    Even though he battled sickness every day of the hike, Justin would highly recommend trying this summit.

    And even if you don't, hopefully this episode inspires you to try something that challenges you.

    Please subscribe, leave a review, and share with a friend!
    Links from The Episode

    Company Justin Used for the Kilimanjaro Summit
    Recommended rinse-free bathing wipes

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    Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)

  • Cody shares how he's able to earn over $75,000 per month in passive income on the Forget About Money Podcast.

    His big four are:

    Digital Products
    Real Estate
    Affiliate Marketing / Sponsorships
    Stock market investments (doesn't really count, but we explain)

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    Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)

  • What would you be willing to do to hit financial independence early?

    Michael Alberse lived differently for 2+ years to save over 90% of his income as a Google employee.

    In this episode, we talk about:

    Living in a van
    Managing finances with a significant other
    Landing a 6-figure job (with insane perks)
    Starting an agency
    Small business investing
    Finding your "why"

    And so much more.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend!
    Links from The Episode

    Michael's Instagram

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    Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)