
  • In this episode of our Mindful Moments series, we transform an everyday routine into a practice of mindfulness with the tip "Mindful Handwashing." We guide you through the process of turning something as simple as washing your hands into an opportunity for calm and presence. Start by tuning into the temperature of the water as it flows over your hands, noting whether it's warm or cool. As you lather the soap, focus on its texture, the smooth glide over your skin, and the soothing sounds of water and bubbles.

    This brief practice offers a chance to reset and clear your mind, embracing the cleanliness and refreshment it brings. We explore how these mindful moments, repeated throughout the day, can significantly enhance your awareness and provide quick, rejuvenating breaks that help anchor you in the now. Join us to discover how even the simplest actions can enrich your day with mindfulness and a sense of renewal.

    Embracing these small mindful practices each day can lead to decreased stress and a deeper sense of happiness.

    For more mindfulness ideas, head over to our ebook with 24 Simple Mindfulness strategies: https://fitmindfitbody.co/books/

    Help us spread the mindfulness:

    1️⃣ If you're enjoying our podcast, please leave a like and review. Your support helps others discover the joy of mindful running.

    2️⃣ Have a story or know a runner who'd be perfect for our podcast? Reach out to us on Facebook/Instagram or email (Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co ).

    Don’t miss a single episode. Sign up for our email alerts.

  • In this episode of the FitMIND FitBODY podcast, I chat with the energetic and inspiring Robina Juanir. Robina shares her unique journey from growing up in the Philippines to finding a love for running in Australia. Her story begins in a small, isolated area where sports were not a big part of her life. However, her dedication to academics led her to explore various activities, including sports, to maintain her grades.

    After moving to Australia, Robina discovered running through park runs with her family. She quickly became hooked, finding joy and motivation in each run. Despite initially starting running to spend time with her kids, she soon set ambitious goals, even completing a 100-kilometer trail race. Robina’s enthusiasm and dedication are truly inspiring, showing that it’s never too late to start running and achieve big goals.

    Tune in to hear Robina’s incredible journey, her insights on running, and her practical tips for beginners. Whether you’re new to running or looking for inspiration, Robina’s story will motivate you to lace up your shoes and hit the pavement.

    Robina’s Running Tips:1. Start Slow: Begin with a mix of walking and running. This helps build endurance gradually without overwhelming your body.2. Enjoy the Process: Focus on the joy of running rather than setting strict goals. Enjoy the movement and the experience.3. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels. If you need to slow down or walk, do so.4. Don’t Compare: Avoid comparing yourself to others. Everyone’s running journey is unique.5. Stay Motivated: Find what motivates you, whether it’s setting small goals, exploring new routes, or running with friends and family.6. Consistency is Key: Regular runs, even short ones, help build a habit and improve fitness over time.7. Embrace the Community: Joining a running community can provide support and encouragement.8. Adapt to Your Environment: Be flexible and adapt your running to different environments, whether it’s trails or roads.9. Recovery is Important: Take rest days and allow your body to recover, especially after long runs or races.10. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate small achievements along your running journey.

    A couple of BIG favours: 1) please like and review this podcast so more people will discover it :)2) come on the podcast and talk about your running journey and/or refer someone you’d love me to interview (whether you know them or not :) ) Lets not keep the power of running a secret any more! Hit me up on Facebook/Instagram (FitMIND FitBODY) or send me an email - Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co

    Don't miss an episode of the FitMind FitBODY Podcast. Sign up to our email list and get notified when new episodes are released.


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  • In today's episode of our Mindful Moments series, we delve into the comforting ritual of "Savour Your Morning Beverage." Whether it's coffee or tea, this practice is all about immersing yourself in the entire process. We start by guiding you through choosing your beverage and engaging in the mindful preparation, from smelling the inviting aroma during brewing to pouring it into your favourite cup.

    Feel the warmth transferring to your hands and take a moment to admire the colour and the steam dancing above the cup. As you sip, concentrate on the taste, the warmth, and the soothing journey down your throat. We explore how turning this daily routine into a mindful ritual can provide a moment of peace and a grounding presence to begin your day on a positive note. Join us as we learn to start our mornings by truly being present in the simplicity and pleasure of our first drink of the day.

    Embracing these small mindful practices each day can lead to decreased stress and a deeper sense of happiness.

    For more mindfulness ideas, head over to our ebook with 24 Simple Mindfulness strategies: https://fitmindfitbody.co/books/

    Help us spread the mindfulness:

    1️⃣ If you're enjoying our podcast, please leave a like and review. Your support helps others discover the joy of mindful running.

    2️⃣ Have a story or know a runner who'd be perfect for our podcast? Reach out to us on Facebook/Instagram or email (Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co ).

    Don’t miss a single episode. Sign up for our email alerts.

  • In this episode of the FitMIND FitBODY podcast, I chat with the dedicated and enthusiastic Brad Smithers. Brad shares his inspiring journey from an enthusiastic beginner to a seasoned runner who has completed numerous marathons and ultra-marathons. He emphasises the importance of enjoying the journey, not just the destination.

    Brad talks about how he started running, the challenges he faced, and his love for long-distance events. He recalls his early days of bushwalking with his family and how it sparked his interest in endurance activities. His story is a testament to the power of consistency and dedication in achieving long-term running goals.

    One of the highlights of this episode is Brad’s recounting of his experiences with various marathons and ultra-marathons, including the famous Six Foot Track and the Gold Coast Marathon. He shares valuable tips on training, staying motivated, and the importance of having a support system in the running community.

    Brad also discusses the joy of trail running and the sense of camaraderie it brings. He highlights how the running community supports each other, regardless of whether you are a beginner or an elite runner. His insights into the mental and physical benefits of running make this episode a must-listen.

    Tune in to hear Brad’s incredible stories and gain insights into how running can be a powerful tool for personal growth and community building. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting, Brad’s enthusiasm and practical advice will inspire you to lace up your shoes and hit the trails.The charity Brad helps run - Run Against Violence - https://www.runagainstviolence.com/ Book - Comfort Crisis (Michael Easter) - https://amzn.asia/d/g4npObg Book - Outlive (Peter Attia) - https://amzn.asia/d/2G3oOks

    Brad’s Running Tips:1. Start with Small Goals: Brad emphasises setting small, achievable goals when beginning your running journey. It’s important not to aim too high initially, such as trying to run a marathon in your first week.

    2. Consistency is Key: He advises being consistent with your training. Regular runs, even if they are short, help build endurance and make running a habit.

    3. Find What Works for You: Brad highlights the importance of finding a training routine that fits your lifestyle and personal preferences. Everyone is different, so what works for one person might not work for another.

    4. Listen to Your Body: Paying attention to how your body feels during and after runs is crucial. It’s important to push yourself, but not to the point of injury.

    5. Incorporate Variety: Including different types of runs, like sprints and hill training, can improve your overall running performance and keep your training interesting.

    6. Use Mantras: Brad suggests using mantras or positive affirmations to stay motivated during tough runs. This mental trick can help you push through difficult parts of your training.

    7. Embrace the Community: He talks about the benefits of joining a running community or club. Running with others can provide motivation, support, and a sense of camaraderie.

    8. Acknowledge Pain and Growth: Understand that some discomfort is part of the growth process. Recognise when pain is a signal to slow down and when it’s a natural part of building strength and endurance.

    9. Set Multiple Goals: Brad recommends having A, B, and C goals for races. Your “A” goal is your ideal outcome, “B” is a solid achievement, and “C” is the minimum you aim for. This approach helps you stay motivated and adaptable.

    10. Focus on Enjoyment: Above all, Brad stresses the importance of enjoying the running journey. The process should be fulfilling and fun, not just about hitting milestones.

    **A couple of BIG favours: 1) please like and review this podcast so more people will discover it :)2) come on the podcast and talk about your running journey and/or refer someone you’d love me to interview (whether you know them or not :) ) Lets not keep the power of running a secret any more! Hit me up on Facebook/Instagram (FitMIND FitBODY) or send me an email - Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co

    Don't miss an episode of the FitMind FitBODY Podcast. Sign up to our email list and get notified when new episodes are released.


  • In this episode of our Mindful Moments series, we explore the practice of "Conscious Clothing Choice," a way to bring mindfulness into your morning routine. The tip encourages you to dress with intention by paying close attention to the colours, textures, and feel of your clothes as you select them. We'll guide you through the process of appreciating the fabric and design of each garment as you get dressed, and to be fully present with each action—whether it's slipping on a shirt, fastening buttons, or pulling up your socks.

    Notice not only how each piece feels against your skin but also how it affects your mood and self-perception. This mindful approach to choosing your attire can enhance your awareness, boost your confidence, and set a positive, intentional tone for the rest of your day.

    Join us to discover how mindful dressing can impact your daily life, helping you feel more grounded and connected from the moment you start your day.

    Embracing these small mindful practices each day can lead to decreased stress and a deeper sense of happiness.

    For more mindfulness ideas, head over to our ebook with 24 Simple Mindfulness strategies: https://fitmindfitbody.co/books/

    Help us spread the mindfulness:

    1️⃣ If you're enjoying our podcast, please leave a like and review. Your support helps others discover the joy of mindful running.

    2️⃣ Have a story or know a runner who'd be perfect for our podcast? Reach out to us on Facebook/Instagram or email (Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co ).

    Don’t miss a single episode. Sign up for our email alerts.

  • In this episode of the FitMIND FitBODY podcast, I had the pleasure of chatting with Liz Van Don Dongen. Liz, a dedicated runner and physiotherapist, shares her incredible journey and the profound impact running has had on her life. Growing up in Hobart, Liz was always active, participating in various sports and embracing the joy of movement.

    Liz’s passion for running deepened as she traveled and lived in different parts of the world. She used running as a way to explore new environments, stay fit, and manage stress. Despite being born with cystic fibrosis, Liz has achieved many running goals, demonstrating remarkable resilience and determination. She emphasises the importance of slowing down and appreciating the privilege of being able to run. Liz believes running is a spectrum, from walking to jogging, and encourages everyone to find their own pace and enjoy the process.

    Throughout our conversation, Liz offers valuable tips for beginners. She advises new runners to take it easy, listen to their bodies, and not to compare themselves to others. Instead, focus on personal progress and the joy of running. Liz also highlights the importance of finding motivation, whether it’s through setting small goals, exploring new routes, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature.

    Liz’s story is not just about running; it’s about connecting with nature, building meaningful relationships, and staying grounded through physical activity. She shares how running has brought richness to her life, providing a sense of adventure and a way to overcome challenges. Liz’s insights are inspiring and relatable, making this episode a must-listen for anyone interested in running or looking for motivation to stay active.

    Tune in to hear Liz’s inspiring journey, her practical tips for beginners, and her thoughts on the importance of a balanced life. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, this episode is packed with wisdom and encouragement.A couple of Liz’s quotes:-“You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!” ~ Zig Ziglar“Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can” ~ Arthur Ashe

    Liz’s Running tips:1. Start Slow: Liz emphasises the importance of starting slow. Running doesn’t have to be about speed; it can be a mix of walking and jogging as you build up your endurance.

    2. Enjoy the Process: She advises enjoying the journey and not setting strict parameters. Move how your body wants to move, whether that’s jogging or walking.

    3. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels. If your mind wants you to jog but your body says no, then listen to your body and vice versa.

    4. No Rules: Liz highlights that there are no strict rules in running. It’s important to find your own rhythm and not be constrained by what you think running should look like.

    5. Running is a Privilege: She reminds us that running is a privilege and it’s important to appreciate that we have bodies capable of carrying us through this activity.

    6. Be Consistent: Consistency is key. Regular runs, even short ones, help build endurance and create a routine.

    7. Find Motivation: Motivation can come from various sources, like setting small goals, exploring new routes, or enjoying nature. Finding what motivates you is crucial to maintaining a running habit.

    8. Set Goals: Having clear, achievable goals helps keep you motivated. It can be anything from completing a certain distance to simply enjoying your run.

    9. Embrace Community: Being part of a running community can provide support and encouragement, making the running experience more enjoyable and sustainable.

    10. Balance Life and Running: It’s important to have a balanced life. Liz emphasises having interests and careers outside of running to stay grounded and resilient.

    11. Track Progress: Keeping track of your progress can be motivating. Liz used running as a way to monitor her health and fitness levels.**A couple of BIG favours: 1) please like and review this podcast so more people will discover it :)2) come on the podcast and talk about your running journey and/or refer someone you’d love me to interview (whether you know them or not :) ) Lets not keep the power of running a secret any more! Hit me up on Facebook/Instagram (FitMIND FitBODY) or send me an email - Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co

    Don't miss an episode of the FitMind FitBODY Podcast. Sign up to our email list and get notified when new episodes are released.


  • In today's episode of our Mindful Moments series, we focus on "Mindful Tooth Brushing," a tip that transforms an everyday habit into a practice of mindfulness. We delve into how to begin this routine by first acknowledging the scent and texture of your toothpaste, then moving on to the sensations as you brush—tasting the toothpaste, feeling the bristles against your gums, and listening to the sound of brushing. We guide you through focusing on each stroke, the methodical circular motions, and how to systematically reach each section of your mouth. By remaining fully present during this routine task, you can clear your mind, let go of distractions, and start your day with a fresh sense of calm and clarity. Tune in to learn how a simple act of brushing your teeth can become a cornerstone for daily mindfulness.

    Embracing these small mindful practices each day can lead to decreased stress and a deeper sense of happiness.

    For more mindfulness ideas, head over to our ebook with 24 Simple Mindfulness strategies: https://fitmindfitbody.co/books/

    Help us spread the mindfulness:

    1️⃣ If you're enjoying our podcast, please leave a like and review. Your support helps others discover the joy of mindful running.

    2️⃣ Have a story or know a runner who'd be perfect for our podcast? Reach out to us on Facebook/Instagram or email (Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co ).

    Don’t miss a single episode. Sign up for our email alerts.

  • In this episode of the FitMIND FitBODY podcast, I interview the talented and inspiring Milly Clark. Milly shares her story of growing up in St. Leonard’s, near a track that sparked her love for running. From a young age, she was always active, playing various sports and participating in little athletics every Saturday.

    Milly talks about her early years and how she loved the excitement of collecting patches and setting personal goals in athletics. She admits she hated cross country because of the long-distance pain, but she loved the quick, intense effort of shorter events.

    As Milly grew older, she continued to pursue her passion for running, even as her family moved around the world. She ran in Germany, Indonesia, and the USA, adapting to new places and using running as a way to cope with homesickness and stress.

    Milly’s dedication to running led her to compete in various marathons and even qualify for the Olympics. She shares the thrill of her first marathon in Amsterdam, where she exceeded her own expectations and realised her potential to compete at the highest levels.

    Throughout our interview, Milly emphasises the importance of setting goals, staying motivated, and enjoying the process of running. She also highlights the significance of having a balanced life, with interests and careers outside of running, which helped her stay grounded and resilient.

    Tune in to hear Milly’s incredible journey, her insights on running, and how she balances her passion for the sport with her career as a teacher. Whether you’re an aspiring runner or simply looking for inspiration, this episode is packed with valuable lessons and motivating stories.Milly’s Running tips:

    1. Start Slow: Milly emphasises the importance of starting slow and steady. Just like the story of the tortoise and the hare, she believes slow and steady wins the race. It’s important not to try to do too much too soon because your body needs time to adapt.

    2. Be Patient: Understand that adapting to running takes time. Don’t get frustrated if progress seems slow; patience is key to preventing injuries and staying motivated.

    3. Don’t Stress About Missing Runs: If you miss a run, it’s not the end of the world. Milly shares that missing one run won’t ruin your progress, so it’s okay to be flexible with your schedule.

    4. Enjoy Running: The most important thing for beginners is to enjoy running. Make it a fun and enjoyable activity rather than a chore.

    5. Avoid Comparisons: Milly advises against comparing yourself to others. Everyone is on their own journey, so focus on your own progress and goals.

    6. Set Small Goals: Setting small, achievable goals can help keep you motivated. Whether it’s improving your park run time or participating in a running festival, these goals can give you something to strive for.

    7. Control What You Can: Focus on what you can control, such as your own training and effort, rather than worrying about others’ performances.

    8. Be Organised: Milly mentions the importance of being organised. For example, laying out your running clothes the night before and having your meals prepped can make it easier to stick to your routine.

    9. Stay Consistent: Consistency is crucial. Even if you run every day or have a regular training schedule, it’s important to keep up with it to see progress.

    10. Embrace Variety: While Milly prefers road running, she acknowledges the benefits of trying different types of runs, like trails or cross-country, to add variety and challenge to your routine.**A couple of BIG favours: 1) please like and review this podcast so more people will discover it :)2) come on the podcast and talk about your running journey and/or refer someone you’d love me to interview (whether you know them or not :) ) Lets not keep the power of running a secret any more! Hit me up on Facebook/Instagram (FitMIND FitBODY) or send me an email - Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co

    Don't miss an episode of the FitMind FitBODY Podcast. Sign up to our email list and get notified when new episodes are released.


  • In this soothing episode of our Mindful Moments series, we explore Stretch Gently Before Bed. Tonight's practice is about more than just preparing your body for sleep; it's a nurturing ritual to communicate care and attentiveness to yourself. In the episode, we guide you through a series of gentle stretches, starting from simple overhead arm stretches to side stretches, then progressing to leg stretches like a gentle forward fold. Each movement is paired with mindful breathing—inhaling to expand and exhaling to deepen the relaxation. This deliberate combination of breath and movement helps to release the day's tensions, both physically and mentally, setting the stage for a serene transition into night. Join us as we unwind with this calming bedtime routine, designed to soothe your body and signal to your mind that it's time to rest, paving the way for a restful sleep.

    Embracing these small mindful practices each day can lead to decreased stress and a deeper sense of happiness.

    For more mindfulness ideas, head over to our ebook with 24 Simple Mindfulness strategies: https://fitmindfitbody.co/books/

    Help us spread the mindfulness:

    1️⃣ If you're enjoying our podcast, please leave a like and review. Your support helps others discover the joy of mindful running.

    2️⃣ Have a story or know a runner who'd be perfect for our podcast? Reach out to us on Facebook/Instagram or email (Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co ).

    Don’t miss a single episode. Sign up for our email alerts.

  • In this episode of the FitMIND FitBODY podcast, Michelle Frost chats with the energetic and inspiring Kevin Matthews. Kevin takes us on a journey from his childhood in Cornwall, UK, to his adventures in Australia. He shares how running has been a constant in his life, helping him navigate through personal and professional challenges.

    Kevin talks about his early days as a swimmer and cyclist before discovering his true passion for running. He explains how joining running clubs and participating in triathlons helped him build a strong community of friends and supporters. Kevin also discusses the benefits of ultra running and how it fosters a unique sense of camaraderie among participants.

    One of the highlights of this episode is Kevin's detailed recounting of his experiences with various ultra marathons. He shares valuable tips on how to stay motivated, the importance of setting personal goals, and the joy of running in nature. Kevin emphasises the mental and physical benefits of running, making this episode a must-listen for anyone interested in the sport.

    Tune in to hear Kevin's incredible stories and gain insights into how running can be a powerful tool for personal growth and community building. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting, Kevin's enthusiasm and practical advice will inspire you to lace up your shoes and hit the trails.Kevin’s Blog - https://www.runbkrun.com/ Ultra Series (the really long events) - https://ultraseries.com.au/Tim Franklin - https://www.timrunstheworld.com/Head Torch - https://silvasweden.com/en/products/free-1200-xs

    Kevin’s running tips:1. Start with Run-Walk Intervals: For beginners, Kevin suggests starting with run-walk intervals to gradually build stamina and prevent injury.

    2. Increase Distance Gradually: Kevin believes in slowly increasing your running distance over time to improve without risking injury. 3. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels and avoid pushing yourself too hard, especially in the beginning.

    4. Join a Running Club: Kevin recommends joining a running club for support, motivation, and a sense of community.

    5. Set Personal Goals: Setting achievable goals helps to keep you motivated and track your progress.

    6. Focus on Enjoyment: Kevin emphasizes the importance of enjoying the running process rather than just focusing on performance. 7. Run on Trails: Running on trails can be easier on the body and more enjoyable due to the natural surroundings.

    8. Use Proper Footwear: Invest in good quality running shoes to protect your feet and prevent injuries.

    9. Stay Consistent: Consistency is key. Running regularly, even short distances, helps to build and maintain fitness.

    10. Participate in Races: Entering races can provide motivation and a sense of accomplishment.**A couple of BIG favours: 1) please like and review this podcast so more people will discover it :)2) come on the podcast and talk about your running journey and/or refer someone you’d love me to interview (whether you know them or not :) ) Lets not keep the power of running a secret any more! Hit me up on Facebook/Instagram (FitMIND FitBODY) or send me an email - Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co

    Don't miss an episode of the FitMind FitBODY Podcast. Sign up to our email list and get notified when new episodes are released.


  • In this calming episode of our Mindful Moments series, we delve into the soothing practice of "Listen to the Sound of Your Breath." This tip encourages you to focus deeply on the act of breathing, tuning into the sound and sensation as air moves in and out of your body.

    By directing your attention to your breath, you can quickly anchor yourself in the present moment, reducing stress and cultivating a sense of inner peace. This episode will guide you through techniques to enhance your awareness of your breathing patterns, helping to improve concentration and mindfulness throughout your day. Join us as we explore how this fundamental aspect of life can be a powerful tool for meditation and personal tranquility.

    Embracing these small mindful practices each day can lead to decreased stress and a deeper sense of happiness.

    For more mindfulness ideas, head over to our ebook with 24 Simple Mindfulness strategies: https://fitmindfitbody.co/books/

    Help us spread the mindfulness:

    1️⃣ If you're enjoying our podcast, please leave a like and review. Your support helps others discover the joy of mindful running.

    2️⃣ Have a story or know a runner who'd be perfect for our podcast? Reach out to us on Facebook/Instagram or email (Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co ).

    Don’t miss a single episode. Sign up for our email alerts.

  • In this episode of the FitMIND FitBODY podcast, Michelle Frost interviews Tim Crosbie, a well-known figure in the running community. Tim shares his inspiring journey from growing up in a small town to becoming a significant name in running.

    He opens up about personal hardships, including the loss of his twin sister, and how running has been a source of strength and resilience for him. Tim transitioned from a 20-year career in finance to working full-time in athletics, driven by his passion for the sport.

    Tim discusses the importance of running clubs in building a sense of community and providing support, highlighting how these clubs offer a place for runners to connect and grow together.

    He also provides valuable tips on mindful running, offering practical advice for both beginners and seasoned runners.

    This episode is filled with inspiration, practical tips, and insights on how running and mindfulness can enhance your life. Tune in to hear Tim’s story and learn how you can benefit from incorporating mindful running into your routine.

    Interested in becoming a recreational running coach (like me) head over to this website to find out more - https://coachathletics.com.au/become-a-coach

    Tim’s Running Tips:

    1. Start with Run-Walk Intervals: For beginners, Tim suggests starting with run-walk intervals. This means running for a short period, then walking, and gradually increasing the running time as your fitness improves.

    2. Control Your Breathing and Motion:** Before focusing on longer distances, learn to control your motion and breathing. This helps in preventing injuries and makes running more enjoyable.

    3. Set Personal Goals:Have clear goals about what you want to achieve with your running. These goals will keep you motivated and help you track your progress.

    4. Avoid Overtraining: Don't push yourself too hard too early. Fall in love with running at a comfortable pace and gradually increase your intensity and distance.

    5. Remember Your ‘Why’: Always remember why you started running in the first place. This helps in maintaining motivation and keeping the activity enjoyable.

    6. Join a Running Community: Being part of a running club or group can provide support, motivation, and a sense of belonging. It also offers opportunities to learn from others.

    7. Diversify Your Running Routes: Don’t limit yourself to one type of running. Try different routes, such as trails and roads, to keep things interesting and challenging.

    8. Embrace the Process: Understand that running is a journey with ups and downs. Stay focused on your personal growth and enjoy the process rather than just the results.

    9. Run for the Joy: Focus on the joy and the positive feelings that running brings. This helps in maintaining a long-term running habit.

    10. Keep Learning and Adapting: Continuously learn about running techniques and adapt your training to fit your needs and goals. This ongoing learning process keeps running fresh and engaging.

    **A couple of BIG favours: 1) please like and review this podcast so more people will discover it :)2) come on the podcast and talk about your running journey and/or refer someone you’d love me to interview (whether you know them or not :) ) Lets not keep the power of running a secret any more! Hit me up on Facebook/Instagram (FitMIND FitBODY) or send me an email - Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co

    Don't miss an episode of the FitMind FitBODY Podcast. Sign up to our email list and get notified when new episodes are released.


  • In this uplifting episode of our Mindful Moments series, we focus on a deeply affirming practice: "Appreciate Your Body and Health." This episode encourages you to pause and reflect on the amazing capabilities and resilience of your body. Through guided reflections, we explore how to cultivate gratitude for our health and physical abilities, recognising even the small things our bodies do for us every day that we often take for granted.

    This practice not only enhances body positivity but also strengthens our mental and emotional well-being by fostering an appreciative and caring relationship with ourselves. Embrace this moment to honour and thank your body, acknowledging its efforts and nurturing a profound appreciation for the health you sustain.

    Embracing these small mindful practices each day can lead to decreased stress and a deeper sense of happiness.

    For more mindfulness ideas, head over to our ebook with 24 Simple Mindfulness strategies: https://fitmindfitbody.co/books/

    Help us spread the mindfulness:

    1️⃣ If you're enjoying our podcast, please leave a like and review. Your support helps others discover the joy of mindful running.

    2️⃣ Have a story or know a runner who'd be perfect for our podcast? Reach out to us on Facebook/Instagram or email (Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co ).

    Don’t miss a single episode. Sign up for our email alerts.

  • Join us on this episode of FitMIND FitBODY as we dive into the dynamic world of Pete Williams. From his early days on the basketball court to conquering triathlons and tackling Ironman competitions, Pete shares his journey through various athletic challenges.

    He also opens up about his successful career as an entrepreneur, including his innovative venture of selling pieces of the Melbourne Cricket Ground. This episode offers a mix of inspiration from both the world of sports and business, revealing how determination and flexibility can lead to extraordinary achievements.

    Tune in to discover how Pete Williams blends passion with prowess to master the fields of sport and entrepreneurship.

    Books mentioned - Comfort Crisis (https://amzn.asia/d/giq172i ) Born to Run (https://amzn.asia/d/0J5Pcrj ) What I talk about when I run (https://amzn.asia/d/08ykQzx )

    Pete’s Website - https://www.petewilliams.com.au/

    Pete’s new restaurant - https://www.instagram.com/locos.barwonheads/ , https://www.locosbarwonheads.com/ Pete’s Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/preneur/ ) & LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/preneur/ )

    Running tips from Pete’s -

    1. Start Slowly: Begin with shorter, manageable distances and gradually increase as your fitness improves.

    2. Consistency is Key: Regular running helps build endurance and habit.

    3. Mix it Up: Vary your routes and pace to keep the routine interesting and challenging.

    4. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any signs of discomfort or fatigue and adjust your training accordingly.

    5. Set Realistic Goals: Establish achievable goals that motivate you to keep progressing.

    6. Enjoy the Process: Focus on the journey and the improvements in your health and mindset, rather than just the metrics.

    **A couple of BIG favours: 1) please like and review this podcast so more people will discover it :)2) come on the podcast and talk about your running journey and/or refer someone you’d love me to interview (whether you know them or not :) ) Lets not keep the power of running a secret any more! Hit me up on Facebook/Instagram (FitMIND FitBODY) or send me an email - Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co

    Don't miss an episode of the FitMind FitBODY Podcast. Sign up to our email list and get notified when new episodes are released.


  • In this cozy episode of our Mindful Moments series, we embrace the comforting practice of "Conscious Pyjama Time." This tip encourages you to transform the routine act of wearing pyjamas into a mindful ritual. By consciously choosing your pyjamas, feeling their texture, and appreciating the comfort they provide, you set the tone for relaxation and self-care.

    This episode will guide you through the process of making this everyday activity a deliberate part of your evening routine, enhancing your awareness and appreciation of the moments leading up to bedtime. It's a perfect way to wind down, reflect on your day, and prepare your mind and body for a restful night's sleep.

    Embracing these small mindful practices each day can lead to decreased stress and a deeper sense of happiness.

    For more mindfulness ideas, head over to our ebook with 24 Simple Mindfulness strategies: https://fitmindfitbody.co/books/

    Help us spread the mindfulness:

    1️⃣ If you're enjoying our podcast, please leave a like and review. Your support helps others discover the joy of mindful running.

    2️⃣ Have a story or know a runner who'd be perfect for our podcast? Reach out to us on Facebook/Instagram or email (Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co ).

    Don’t miss a single episode. Sign up for our email alerts.

  • Join us on FitMIND FitBODY for an exciting episode with Grazhel Moreno, a fitness coach who shares her journey of overcoming personal challenges through running. Discover how Grazhel transformed her life, finding strength and confidence on the trails and in races.

    She offers simple, practical tips for anyone looking to start their fitness journey or take their running to the next level. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced runner, Grazhel's story is sure to inspire and motivate you to reach your own health and wellness goals.

    Here’s a link to Grazhel’s website - https://www.gemfitness.co/ Grazhel’s Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/grazhel/

    Running tips from Grazhel -

    1. Start Slow: Elsie emphasises the importance of not rushing into high mileage or intensity too quickly to avoid injuries and burnout.

    2. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to what your body is telling you. If you feel pain or discomfort, adjust your training accordingly.

    3. Consistency is Key: Regular training is crucial, but it's important to progress gradually.

    4. Enjoy the Process: Find joy in your training to keep motivated.

    5. Cross-Train: Incorporate other types of workouts to improve overall fitness and reduce the risk of injury.

    6. Set Realistic Goals: Having achievable goals can help maintain motivation and focus.

    **A couple of BIG favours: 1) please like and review this podcast so more people will discover it :)2) come on the podcast and talk about your running journey and/or refer someone you’d love me to interview (whether you know them or not :) ) Lets not keep the power of running a secret any more! Hit me up on Facebook/Instagram (FitMIND FitBODY) or send me an email - Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co

    Don't miss an episode of the FitMind FitBODY Podcast. Sign up to our email list and get notified when new episodes are released.


  • In this episode of our Mindful Moments series, we delve into a fundamental yet often overlooked aspect of well-being: "Go to Bed When Tired." This practice emphasises the importance of listening to your body's natural signals and honouring its need for rest.

    By choosing to go to bed when you first feel tired, rather than pushing through fatigue, you align more closely with your body's internal clock, promoting better sleep quality and overall health.This episode will explore how tuning into and respecting our body’s cues for rest can not only enhance our energy levels but also improve our mental clarity and emotional balance, making it a crucial practice for anyone looking to live a more mindful and healthy life.

    Embracing these small mindful practices each day can lead to decreased stress and a deeper sense of happiness.

    For more mindfulness ideas, head over to our ebook with 24 Simple Mindfulness strategies: https://fitmindfitbody.co/books/

    Help us spread the mindfulness:

    1️⃣ If you're enjoying our podcast, please leave a like and review. Your support helps others discover the joy of mindful running.

    2️⃣ Have a story or know a runner who'd be perfect for our podcast? Reach out to us on Facebook/Instagram or email (Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co ).

    Don’t miss a single episode. Sign up for our email alerts.

  • In this inspiring episode of FitMIND FitBODY, meet Elsie McClenaghan, who shares her journey from growing up on a farm to becoming an enthusiastic trail runner. Elsie discusses how her childhood in the countryside shaped her love for outdoor activities and led her to discover trail running as a passion and stress reliever.

    Listen as she offers simple yet effective tips for beginners and talks about the challenges and joys of running in nature. Whether you're just starting out or looking for motivation to keep going, Elsie's story is sure to inspire!Elsie's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elsiem15/Running tips from Elsie - 1. Proper Gear: Ensure you have good running shoes to prevent injuries like shin splints.

    2. Consistency: Start small and increase gradually to build stamina and avoid overuse injuries.

    3. Recovery: Give your body time to rest and heal, especially after intense sessions or races.

    4. Enjoy the Environment: Running in places you enjoy can make the activity more pleasurable and motivating.

    **A couple of BIG favours: 1) please like and review this podcast so more people will discover it :)2) come on the podcast and talk about your running journey and/or refer someone you’d love me to interview (whether you know them or not :) ) Lets not keep the power of running a secret any more! Hit me up on Facebook/Instagram (FitMIND FitBODY) or send me an email - Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co

    Don't miss an episode of the FitMind FitBODY Podcast. Sign up to our email list and get notified when new episodes are released.


  • In this episode of our Mindful Moments series, we explore a simple yet powerful mindfulness exercise: "Press Your Fingertips Together." This practice involves gently pressing the fingertips of each hand against one another, creating a point of physical focus that draws your attention inward.

    Engaging in this subtle tactile activity can help centre your thoughts, calm your mind, and reduce feelings of stress. It's a technique that can be done anywhere and at any time, offering a quick and effective way to regain composure and enhance mindfulness throughout your day.

    Whether you're taking a brief break at work, waiting in line, or simply needing a moment to refocus, this exercise provides a discreet yet potent means to cultivate calm and presence.

    Embracing these small mindful practices each day can lead to decreased stress and a deeper sense of happiness.

    For more mindfulness ideas, head over to our ebook with 24 Simple Mindfulness strategies: https://fitmindfitbody.co/books/

    Help us spread the mindfulness:

    1️⃣ If you're enjoying our podcast, please leave a like and review. Your support helps others discover the joy of mindful running.

    2️⃣ Have a story or know a runner who'd be perfect for our podcast? Reach out to us on Facebook/Instagram or email (Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co ).

    Don’t miss a single episode. Sign up for our email alerts.

  • Get ready for an electrifying episode of FitMIND FitBODY featuring the multi-talented James Brady! From shredding guitars in a heavy metal band to delving deep into his PhD and hitting the marathon trails, James's journey is nothing short of extraordinary.

    Join us as we explore how his early years in music, academic achievements, and passion for running intertwine, offering a unique perspective on life's diverse rhythms. Tune in and be inspired by James's relentless drive and eclectic experiences!

    Running tips from James -

    1. Stay Consistent: Run regularly to build endurance and form healthy habits.

    2. Enjoy the Scenery: Choose beautiful places to run, which can make running more enjoyable and less of a chore.

    3. Listen to Your Body: If something hurts or feels off, don't push through pain. Adjust your running accordingly.

    4. Vary Your Running: Change up where and how you run to keep it interesting and work different muscles.

    5. Keep Motivated: Set small, achievable goals to stay focused and motivated.

    6. Rest and Recover: Make sure to rest adequately between runs to allow your body to recover and prevent injuries.

    **A couple of BIG favours: 1) please like and review this podcast so more people will discover it :)2) come on the podcast and talk about your running journey and/or refer someone you’d love me to interview (whether you know them or not :) ) Lets not keep the power of running a secret any more! Hit me up on Facebook/Instagram (FitMIND FitBODY) or send me an email - Michelle @ FitMINDFitBODY .co

    Don't miss an episode of the FitMind FitBODY Podcast. Sign up to our email list and get notified when new episodes are released.
