Do you ever feel like you have a million things running through your mind, whether that’s a to-do list, questions, emails to respond to, plans to make etc.? And outside of all these do you sometimes just feel like you can't solve one challenge before considering the next? Everything just starts to feel heavy and before you know it you are battling with feelings of apathy, depression, and anger. If so, you are not alone. And I think there might be one leading cause for all of this that we each can identify and resolve in our own lives - distractions and too much mental stimulation. Listen in to see what the Bible has to say and my thoughts on all of this! Hopefully something shared can help you battle some of these feelings you might be struggling with in your own life.
Love. It is a word that brings mixed feelings and often diverse definitions. But did you know that in the same verse the Bible instructs us to be loving in all we do - it also instructs us to be on our guard, to stand firm, and to be brave? I think it is no coincidence that these directions are given within the same instructions to love in all that we do and who we are. But what exactly does Biblical love mean and look like? And how can it help us to create more authentic environments and firm foundations in our own lives? Have a listen to see what you think about all of this!
Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be brave, be strong, be loving in everything you do.” (1 Corinthians 16:13)
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Did you know that your body and the relationship you have with it can be one of divine and supernatural making? Because each of us are created uniquely and made wonderfully by God. And regardless of what we think of ourselves, he is in absolute love with us. It is my hope that this podcast will help you consider where your true worth lies and the spiritual importance of loving and taking care of your body. And with this knowledge, perhaps we can all learn to see our physical bodies as the incredible temples he created them to be.
It is one thing to say that we have faith. It is another to show that faith through how we live and the decisions we make. If you have a hard time understanding the difference between feeling faith and living faith-filled, this message is for you! Ultimately, the Bible tells us in James that "faith without good works is dead.” Realizing this, it is not enough to just say we have faith in Jesus. We are instructed to show this faith by doing good works, loving others, standing for the truth, and staying close to God.
I believe that Godly training will either serve our growth or thicken the walls of our egos. And we each get to decide which one that will be. But for me, as soon as I learned to make self-reflection and reproofing more about becoming like Jesus vs analyzing my flaws, everything changed. I know that kingdom training is a blessing. Here’s why.
Have you ever said something you immediately or soon after regretted? If you’re like most humans, the answer is probably yes. But the question we should consider asking ourselves is not necessarily “why” did we say such a thing, but rather - “where” did it come from.
How many times in a day do we experience highs and lows, feelings of happiness and frustration, or perhaps wonder if God is really for us? If you’re human, there’s no doubt you have battled with one or all of the above before. However, it’s important we train ourselves to not be moved by such feelings - and rather act on the unwavering knowledge provided in God’s word. Is this always easy? No. But will it provide smoother seas in otherwise unpredictable seasons? yes.
Have you ever had times in your life where you just wondered "what in the world is going on?” If so, you are not alone nor are you unlike Jesus’ disciples! The very ones who walked with him during his physical time on this planet. God does not expect us to have perfect faith or to understand every step of the way before we choose to follow him. Take that burden off of yourself immediately if it is one you have been struggling with. And we hope the encouragement and perspective in this 5 minute podcast will give you extra hope this week.
Humility. It is a word we hear often and we often judge each other for either having or not. But have you considered that being humble might also actually give you increased courage to step up and step out in life? If you’re struggling with meeting expectations - whether yours or others - we encourage you to listen to this podcast and reflect on where you are choosing to get your energy to work from.
Do you have a hard time making decisions or sometimes just completing a task without additional stress? Do you ever feel like even with the best intentions - you just can’t seem to get the ball rolling like you thought it would? Well, if so - you are not alone. And I recommend giving this podcast a quick listen to get some Godly perspective and hear some insights based on our own reflections here at Frost Fund! Because no matter what you are doing, having hope and energy are so important. The question is, where are you getting it from?
Do you ever wonder how in the world you are going to conquer the challenges and the giants we face in this life? Do you sometimes feel like there is no way you will be able to “get the job done” in time or well enough? Or perhaps you face opposition; whether from people or your own internal self-talk. If you answered yes to any of these, take 6 minutes and consider what God has to say about such thoughts and feelings.
Have you ever robbed yourself of the fulfillment found in your own blessings simply by paying more attention to the gifts or successes of another? If you answered yes to this, you are like most humans on the planet! But it is important we practice soaking in our own blessings before judging those given to others. Because ultimately, we are all running our own races and God’s timing is perfect!
With all the events unfolding in the world around us - and the challenges we face in our own, it can be hard sometimes to keep a joyful mindset. However, practicing maintaining joy can help us to grow more effectively in most other aspects of our lives. So, if you have been feeling any kind of sadness or like you just can’t embrace the gift each day truly is - you are not alone. Have a quick listen to this 5 minute podcast and hopefully we here at Frost Fund can provide you with the little extra encouragement and perspective to do so!
Have you ever prayed for something or wanted to experience something so powerful you knew it could only be from God? Well, there is no doubt that God does and can answer such prayers and perform incredible miracles. But what if he also works in the small and often unseen ways? What if there are more prayers being answered and miracles happening each day in your life that you might unknowingly dismiss? Simply because they aren’t as tangible or obvious? We are all guilty of this and it is just a product of human nature and our hurried pace of life. However, Jesus even experienced this during his time on Earth. He was the living, breathing, walking messiah and yet there were some who saw him and asked, “Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this guy just Mary’s son?” (Mark chapter 13). Only for them to then walk away in disapproval of Jesus (Mark chapter 13) because they didn’t believe the miracle standing and talking right before their eyes.
Have you ever felt called or lead to pursue a specific path only to be met with resistance by others along the way? Or perhaps, in an effort to love and protect you, those closest to you have unknowingly planted little seeds of doubt in your mind? If you answered yes to either of these questions - this brief podcast is for you. Because even Jesus’ disciples had moments of humanness - where if Jesus listened solely to their words - he himself could have been deterred from his ultimate purpose. This podcast reminds us why it is so important to not only be mindful of who and what we listen to - but also what we say to others.
Regardless of your line of work, it is easy to gravitate towards what is kind, good, and already working - rather than to increase our efforts in uncomfortable areas. And while we are supposed to surround ourselves with what is good, right, and true, God also calls us to lead and to work with others and in situations that need his light most. Rather than judging situations and each other for our sins, let’s try to remember to work together and encourage one another along the way.
Do you ever feel like it’s hard to find consistency among the highs and lows of life? Or perhaps that you just can’t find fulfillment even in doing good works? If you answered yes to either of these - then this podcast is for you! It just might provide a way for you to find peace and consistency this side of heaven.
Sometimes the hardest thing to do in any job or period of our lives is to simply be still and wait. To know that a job title doesn’t define us and that there is always more to each of our stories. It is important that no matter our line of work - we each keep hopeful and secure mindsets fueled by faith and perspective.
Sometimes stress, distractions, and just the every day grind can cause us to lose sight of the love we once had; for a cause, a person, a job, and more. This is particularly true if you are working in any field that requires you to constantly give and provide for others. In this short podcast, we are reminded how to escape traps of apathy and disfunction by remembering one simple thing: love.
John Garcia, Founder of Soldiers for Wildlife has an incredible story of how he came to be so passionate about anti-poaching. In this conversation, we not only talk about all things wildlife, but also about long-term visions, fitness, land management, and how sweating to protect can help rangers on the front lines. As I get ready to compete in the North American Spartan Championships in an effort to raise funds and awareness for SFW - this podcast is one you don't want to miss! Im sure you will feel encouraged and prompted to identify how your individual journey can lead to big impacts for this planet.
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