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Our conversation with NRA 2nd VP Mark Vaughan on the current doings and future of the NRA, plus 5th Circuit news and more 1775 history
++ This content was recorded before Massachusetts signed the anti-rights bill h.4885. Please stay tuned to the GOAL Podcast and goal.org for updates and news on our pending lawsuits! ++
This time on The GOAL Podcast, local and national news updates, the Rust shooting Ccse, constitutional carry, and more!
SPECIAL EPISODE: In this special release of the Goal Podcast: GOAL Executive Director Jim Wallace, and GOAL Director of Education and Training Jon Green join us with their reactions to the passage of the anti-rights bill H.4885 in Massachusetts. Help spread the word and check out goal.org for updates and plans for the fight ahead.
++Please keep in mind that this content was recorded at a moment in time when understanding of this bill was still very much in flux. Check out goal.org for up-to-the-minute updates to the summaries based on our ongoing analysis++
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