
  • Please enjoy this wide ranging conversation with the inspirational James Wilson, a 4th generation farmer who's life was saved by switching to a plant-based diet.

    Show notes:

    Order James' book 'Plant Paradigm'


    Dr Caldwell Esselstyn interview on RNZ (the one that changed James' life)


    Prevent And Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure


    Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition


    Michael Greger's amazing website (author of 'How Not to Die')


    Dr Luke Wilson


    David Sinclair (Lifespan author)


    How NZ uses its land might just blow your mind (article)


    For the Love of Bees (Urban Regenerative Horticulture)


    Only Fools and Dreamers (YouTube Movie)


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Sonnie Bailey is an independent financial adviser and all-around amazing human who thinks deeply about the challenge of living life in line with your values and priorities.

    This is part 2 of our conversation, covering topics like:

    The famous 4% rule for early retirementThe risk of reductionism How to think about financial freedomInvesting in social capitalAccounting for shadow assetsThoughts on ethical investing - does it really make a difference?Goal setting and the problem with always seeking moreWhy you should always keep asking yourself 'why?'

    You can find more of Sonnie's work on his blog:



    Articles mentioned in this episode:

    The shockingly simple math behind early retirementSonnie's thoughts on the 4% rule (must read)Flawcasting demonstration videoFirecalc financial freedom calculatorThe myopia of compound interest

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Sonnie Bailey is an independent financial adviser and all-around amazing human who thinks deeply about the challenge of living life in line with your values and priorities.

    This is part 1 of our conversation, covering topics like:

    What the word 'wealth' means to each of usBlogging and the power of content marketingFinding clients with similar values in a service industryProtecting your freedom while running your own businessMaintaining optionality in your lifeLearning to say NOUnderstanding the seasons of lifeHow we think about inheritances

    You can find more of Sonnie's work on his blog:



    Articles mentioned in this episode:

    The myopia of compound interestTactical SabbaticalsInvesting in social capital

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Worm farms help us divert organic waste away from landfills, where it produces methane, a seriously powerful greenhouse gas. They can also save you money, and produce valuable, organic fertiliser for your home garden and indoor plants.

    Let me take you through the hows and whys of starting your own worm farm, so you can witness the magic recycling power of nature first-hand.

    I'll guide you through the process step by step:

    Why it's a good ideaThe benefits you'll get from having your own worm farmWhich one to buy (plus tips on making your own)Where to find wormsHow to set it up for successWhat to feed your worms (and what not to feed them)

    It's also a great way to engage with kids and give them autonomy over a climate solution that makes a real difference. 

    For more sustainable living tips, visit the Good you can do Website.


    Hungry Bin Worm Farm (Mitre 10)

    Worms 'r' Us Worm Farm (Andrew's personal choice)

    WhyWaste - rent a worm farm

    Good you can do on Instagram

    If you have questions or feedback on the show, please get in touch.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Mike King shares his journey transitioning from professional arborist to foraging tour guide and plant educator, with a focus on how to create space in life to be creative and follow your interests.

    We talk about native spices, edible plants, taking over an abandoned horticulture project, where to get educated on plants, foraging tours and much more!


    Follow Mike on Instagram

    Finders Eaters Foraging (book a foraging tour with Mike)

    Earthworkers Programme (16- 20th May)

    Country Calendar Episode 13, Season 2021

    Wild Trees (book on climbing Redwoods)

    The Common Unity Project

    Plants for a future

    A field guide to native edible plants (book)

    Salt and Straw icecream

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Climate-focused kiwi startup Carbon Critical has launched an interactive website that allows anyone to experiment with different theoretical tree-planting scenarios, to understand the long-term impacts of future forestry policies on climate objectives, biodiversity and financial returns for farmers and landowners.

    Also in this episode - dates are announced for the next Earthworkers course, we join Instagram and an epic podcast network, plus info on NZ's woeful international ranking on climate action.


    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Earthworkers course (16 - 21 May, Auckland)

    Earthworkers Q&A session (21 April, online)

    Climactic Podcast Network

    Good You Can Do on Instagram

    Kiwi startup launches web app for smarter forestry decisions (written story)

    Net-Zero web application

    NZ's ranking on emissions reduction (42 of 45 Annex 1 countries)


    Learn more at https://www.goodyoucando.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • So many choices. So many ways to help. But which option is best?

    Do you often experience paralysis by analysis? It's when you try to make a decision, but get presented with so many options that you literally go round and round in circles, unable to make a final call, stuck in the comparison space.

    Indecision usually leads to procrastination and a distinct lack of progress. This phenomenon can occur during tasks as small as buying a pair of jeans, right up to making large investments like buying a car, buying a house, or as we'll discuss in this episode – choosing how to ‘do your part' to help the climate crisis.

    Presented with uninspiring (and often expensive) choices, it's easy to fall into a state of paralysis, where personal climate crisis solutions fall into the ‘maybe-one-day' wish bucket.

    Fear not! There is light at the end of the tunnel…

    Let me present two arguments that can help you move from a paralysis mindset to a place of action. Where your internal morals align with your daily choices and activities. A place where you can feel proud of your contribution, without having to spend thousands of dollars in the process.

    Learn more at https://www.goodyoucando.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Chef Michael Kennedy explains how to make the most of every vegetable you buy, so nothing goes to waste. Along the way, you'll learn savoury cooking principles that free you up from being bounded by recipes and help you embrace your own inherent creativity in the kitchen.

    Don't be afraid to fail!

    Learn creative ways to use parts of vegetables you normally throw awayFun cooking techniques for pumpkin, cabbage, carrot, broccoli stalks and moreHow to ferment vegetables and make your own sauerkraut How to make your own stockMaking dressings from scratchBeing brave with herbsThe magic of tea-soaked raisins!

    And much more. Enjoy!

    Follow the exceptional @wildtigercakes on Instagram (run by Mike's partner, Teri).

    Check out previous episodes and subscribe to future updates at https://www.goodyoucando.com/


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The Wairarapa Eco Farm was born out of a desire to produce quality food with ecological integrity. The farm is situated on the Tauherenikau Plains in South Wairarapa. Over the last 20+ years, it has grown from bare paddocks into a secluded oasis. The owners, Frank and Josje, and their family have created their very own micro-climate which has given them the opportunity to grow a wide variety of crops for their Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programme.

    In this episode, I visit the farm to learn more about the CSA concept, meet the team who are so passionate about feeding healthy food to their local community, and get a glimpse into what it's like to live in a world where you are constantly co-creating with nature. 

    You can learn more about Wairarapa Eco Farm (and apply to join their CSA) at their website:


    You can also check out this epic video on the farm by Happen Films:


    You can also follow them on Instagram to see what's in their CSA boxes each week:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • An introduction to the Earthworkers Programme, run by For the Love of Bees. Along with an explanation of the Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) concept.

    The Earthworkers course taught me how nature thrives and how I can help create the best possible conditions for life, on any land I am fortunate enough to interact with. They teach how to become a biology-first, regenerative organic grower, skills you can practice at home in your own garden, or use to start a larger project like the OMG urban farm in Auckland.

    CSA projects are the future of food production: A decentralised network of small scale urban farms in every neighbourhood, providing weekly vegetable boxes to their local community. Growing food this way creates a zero-waste farming system that produces healthy, organically grown produce in a climate positive framework.

    Its climate change mitigation, local job creation, community food security and improved health outcomes all rolled into one.

    Watch this video to learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uukzc-Br6ak&t=3s

    Register your interest in the Earthworkers course here: https://www.fortheloveofbees.co.nz/earthworkersprogramme

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Have you reviewed your current Kiwisaver fund to see what companies you are supporting?

    Thanks to the team at Mindful Money, there is a super easy way to do it!

    We can all take action to reduce our emissions by using electricity from renewable sources, cycling or taking public transport, reducing our consumption and waste, and eating less meat. But what about the impact of your savings and investments?

    At mindfulmoney.nz you can see exactly what companies your current Kiwisaver fund is invested in (and supporting). 

    You can also use their website to find Kiwisaver and investment funds that align with your personal values:


    Don't miss their page on investing for climate action:


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • “What gets measured gets improved.” - Peter Drucker

    Our weekly rubbish output is a regular barometer of how we engage with our home (our planet). In our modern society, it's far too easy to dump our waste in a bin outside, have it collected each week and never think about it again.

    Out of sight, out of mind.

    This week, I'm challenging you to simply track your waste for a week. So you know exactly what's going out on a regular basis, and potentially how much waste you could avoid with small lifestyle changes.

    For more on this subject, and for specific tips on how to reduce your waste, check out these posts on our website:

    Let's change our relationship with rubbish:


    How to reduce your plastic waste:


    Recycle your food scraps and help save the planet:



    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • When was the last time you took some time to appreciate the natural beauty all around you? 

    Challenge of the week: Spend 10 minutes exploring the environment near your home, choosing some flowers and foliage to create your own wildflower bouquet. Gift it to a loved one or make a strangers day, or just bring some natural beauty into your home.

    Note: This is a great activity to do with kids!

    As part of this process, we encourage you to take a second look at what many people call 'weeds'. Many of these plants have the most beautiful flowers and show off the ability of nature to thrive and create beauty in challenging spaces.

    One way to become better custodians of our planet is to take time to appreciate the everyday beauty that surrounds us.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • One of the biggest 'Ah-ha!' moments on my journey occurred when it dawned on me that climate change is not binary in nature. It's not a single outcome that happens or doesn't happen. Rather, climate change is a continuum. Literally, every kilogram of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere makes our planet warmer.

    Therefore, every positive action that reduces emissions makes a difference. Awareness of this should hopefully make you feel empowered.

    Climate change is happening. The world is burning up. It is simply a matter of how bad we let it burn.

    For links related to this episode, visit: https://www.goodyoucando.com/what-i-have-learned-about-the-climate-emergency/

    "Compassion is infinitely sustainable."
    - Dr Sailesh Rao

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Carbon Critical founder Jamie Heather has spent the last year delving into the complex and often confusing world of forestry, to understand the role that trees can play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. His ultimate goal: find new business opportunities to achieve big emissions reductions via trees and other nature-based carbon sequestration methods.

    This episode will provide you with a high-level introduction to forestry and its impact on the climate crisis, along with an explanation of the ETS (Emissions Trading Scheme) and some of the opportunities in the fast-growing carbon farming sector.

    We cover various subjects including the differences between native trees and exotics, the ETS and voluntary carbon markets, the power of forestry to sequester carbon compared to other methods and much, much more!

    You may remember Jamie Heather from a previous episode we recorded on the subject of donating to help the climate crisis: https://www.goodyoucando.com/climate-champion-jamie-heather/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We pay the doctor to make us better when we should really be paying the organic farmer to keep us healthy.
    - Robyn O’Brien

    In this episode, we share our experience transitioning to organic produce and provide tips to help you make the switch. You'll learn where we buy organic fruit and vegetables, why it's important, the exceptions we make, how we make it affordable and different options to consider, like the dirty dozen and clean fifteen.

    Our fruit and veg box supplier:

    Kaicycle - Wellington-based CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) project.

    OMG - Auckland based CSA

    CSA project in the Wairarapa (North Island,NZ)

    Clean fifteen fruit and veg list:

    Dirty dozen fruit and veg list:

    The benefits of organic farming

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Mindset coach Eddie Rakanui joins me (Andrew) to talk about how to maximise your income, build a time machine business and escape the rat race, so you can spend more time doing what good looks like for you.


    0:00 - Escaping the rate race, stay-at-home parenting, why I shut down my business
    6:39 - Understanding your minimum living expenses
    9:15 - The problem with the lotto mentality
    12:42 - How we look at financial independence
    14:03 - Maximising your income, becoming a contractor
    17:13 - Stepping away from what society considers normal
    18:30 - The tangible rewards of mini-retirements
    19:19 - Embracing a non-material mindset


    Thanks for listening! Subscribe to our newsletter at https://www.goodyoucando.com/
    Follow Eddie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/big_life_mindset/
    Check out his website: https://biglifemindset.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Mindset coach Eddie Rakanui joins me on this episode to cover a wide range of topics, centred around mental health and specific tools you can use to find more peace and happiness each and every day.


    2:00 - Dealing with lockdown anxiety
    9:00 - Cooking as a tool to improve mental health
    14:54 - Hitchhiking for personal growth
    22:00 - Judging strangers
    28:52 - How negative news impacts our mental health
    31:10 - Social media and kids

    Follow Eddie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/big_life_mindset/
    Check out his website: https://biglifemindset.com/

    This is part 1 of a 2 part interview. In our next episode together we discuss how to maximise your income, build a time machine business and escape the rat race.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this episode, I discuss what the lockdown experience can teach us about our own financial situation and how we can use that information to achieve financial freedom quicker than we ever thought possible. That freedom can, in turn, allow us more time to do the things we love (like spending time with our families) and create space for positive lifestyle changes, like learning to garden, changing our diets or becoming healthier in general.

    Useful links:

    An awesome kiwi finance blog which inspired this episode: https://thesmartandlazy.com/2020/04/23/quick-tip-work-out-your-minimum-investment-target-while-in-lockdown/

    The coolest finance blogger around a.k.a "Mr Money Mustache" https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2012/01/13/the-shockingly-simple-math-behind-early-retirement/

    A Facebook group of like-minded individuals: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1574186292811363

    The book which started it all for me: The Four Hour Work Week (book)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Throwing out rubbish is incredibly cheap, but does that make it ok? How would we feel if we had to drive past our landfills every day?

    In this episode, you'll hear some perspective on our current relationship with waste. Plus action steps you can take to reduce your waste at home, at your workplace and ideas to help on a nationwide level too.

    You can be the change you want to see in the world. Starting today.

    Links / show notes:

    Written version of this post:

    Learn more about composting:

    Hire a worm farm for your home or office:

    Zero-waste shopping guides:

    Mike Joy on Green Growth:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.