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    In this installment of the sacred space series we explore theories regarding currents of supernatural energy believed to form a networking system of vital force throughout the world. We begin with an introduction to Alfred Watkins’s theory of ley lines, straight alignments of sacred sites (holy wells, legendary trees), megalithic structures, standing stones, dolmens, ancient churches, and burial mounds which seem to have been linked together. We enter the magic world of prehistoric Britain. Calling to mind the notion of lost civilizations like Atlantis, we consider the advanced knowledge that these builders possessed, who may have in the remote past formed these ley lines as part of a global mission, linking together humanity, earth, and the cosmos, the full purpose of which remains unknown. To shed light on this profound mystery, we dive into creation myths, legends, and folklore regarding sacred pathways, ghost/ corpse roads/ways, and fairy paths, which exist in some form in cultures around the world, many of which we bring to bear, including Greek, Celtic, Brittonic, Native American, Chinese, and Siberian. We discuss the ritual, magical, and spiritual functions of these paths in things like mystical pilgrimages, directing of spiritual energies, and tapping into nonlocal consciousness and ESP. We will look at their use, not only by humans, but also a range of otherworldly entities. We hear two true creepy stories of encounters with spirits traveling along these routes, such as in the case of the phantom funeral procession, and a host of mischievous Irish fairies following a man home. We note the metaphysical significance of straight lines and their use in shamanic/ magick practices like spiritual healing, soul retrieval and out-of-body journeys. These ideas may help us to understand the purpose of ley lines, and as we connect these pieces together, we look at several examples of ancient megalithic marvels featuring sacred pathways, such as Kennet Avenue (Avebury/ The Sanctuary), Chaco Canyon, and Nazca.

    In exploring the possibility that these sacred pathways and ley lines may have been made to mark and even enhance the natural telluric energies of Gaia, we look to the the Chinese geomantic sacred science of feng shui, specifically its esoteric concept of chi and dragon veins which circulate energy through the land. We also explore other geomancy traditions used by diviners and dowsers in their efforts to understand the spiritual reality which gives rise to these earth energies and how ancient architecture interfaced with them.

    Later on, our adventure takes us into the territory of modern paranormal research which has shown that phenomena such as UFO’s, hell hounds, and forms of mobile apparitions tend to occur in straight and grid-like patterns. Going deeper into this, we break down different layouts for how this earth energy network might be laid out, such as the theory of vile vortices and devil’s graveyards (triangles), and earth grids, which have been proposed by noting concentrations of heightened paranormal activity,

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    This episode covers the religious history of New England, beginning with the first migrations of the Clovis people, to the journey of the pilgrims to Massachusetts and through the early colonial period, leading up to the beginning of King Philip’s War.

    We explore the spiritual philosophies of both the Puritans as well as Native American Algonquin tribes of the region, comparing and contrasting them as it relates to their attitudes toward nature and what constitutes sacred space. The American wilderness was a complex symbol that embodied many different ideals for its inhabitants, filled with spirits which were in constant communication through the medium of signs and omens. We hear from a variety of historical sources documenting Wampanoag traditions and their devotion to a mysterious dark god called Hobbamock that haunted the local swamps and forests, which the colonists believed to be the devil himself. Indeed, they believed that America was the kingdom of Satan, and that their destiny was to build a bulwark against him.

    In the discussion of sacred sites, we place a particular emphasis on the swamp, as the source of native shamanic power and the colonists’ existential dread.

    This the first part of a series which will eventually lead us into the Bridgewater Triangle and its heart, the Hockomock Swamp. By doing this, I hope to not only shed light on the energies which may linger on in this paranormal hotspot, but also put its story into a broader context of humanity’s changing relationship with nature and definition of the sacred.

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    In this episode we investigate on a deeper level the facets of sacred space, beginning with how these special locations were identified in the landscape through ecstatic experience and divination, to how they were used by magical practitioners, and the spirits and other beings which inhabited them, as well as their function as portals to other realms. We hear several stories, from an old folk tales regarding the sacred raths of the fairies, to an ethnographic account of shamans using power centers to control the weather, to an encounter with an ancestral spirit in a sacred cave, in an effort to understand the supernatural agency and power of the land.

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    Part 1 of our exploration of Earth’s supernatural mysteries. The ancients believed that certain places in the world held great spiritual power and sought to live near and utilize them. What was it about these sites that had, and continue to have, such a profound effect on humanity?
    In this episode we explore the concept of sacred space as defined by historian Mircea Eliade, articulating what its revelation specifically achieved for human beings. We will look at certain geographical features that had unique magical effects. We will also recount several cosmogenic myths regarding the earth that show us how the ancients believed this planet was a living being and extremely important in the spiritual destiny of all life.
    Lastly, we will cover the concept of the axis mundi, how it served the vital function of linking the supernatural worlds with our world, and how ancient cultures shaped whole societies around it.

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    In the conclusion to our study of Atlantis, we dive into myths regarding "culture heroes", such as Quetzalcoatl and Oannes, mysterious divine beings who came from distant lands bearing gifts of knowledge which jumpstarted the great civilizations of the ancient world (Mesoamerca, Greece, Egypt, etc.) We also look at stories of giants, gods, and fallen angels, attempting to (ham-handedly) tie all of these things to Atlantis.

    Was there an ancient lost "mother" culture that seeded later ones, tying many disparate races and cultures back to one source? If so, who, or what, was responsible for this? We look briefly at some of the possible evidence left behind in mysterious architecture and “human” remains.

    Lastly, we will explore some of the occult symbolism thought to have been hidden within the Atlantis story by initiates of the mystery traditions, shedding light on the spiritual mysteries of antiquity.

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    In the conclusion to the third installment of the series, we hear stories regarding Mexican fairy faith, demonic obsession, and a wrong turn during a drive that leads to another dimension. I also go over a few of my own out of body experiences involving astral visitors, and we listen to a strange EVP captured on my sleep recording app.

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    "History became legend, legend became myth."- J.R.R Tolkien

    In this episode we cover the original story of the fabled lost civilization as recorded by Plato. Then, we will look at the universal flood myth as a possible account of the cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis, exploring several legends from Europe to the Americas. Everyone tells the same story of an ancient cataclysm. Could there be truth to the tale that so many today consider fiction?

    Lastly, we will begin to investigate tales of giants and myths about the ages of the world, bookended by creation/destruction, due to interventions of the gods, looking for more Atlantis tie-ins as we piece together this monumental mystery.

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    In this continuation of the encounters with the unknown series, we descend into the uncanny valley to hear some more incredible true accounts of the supernatural, dealing with entities, that, perhaps were once human. Witches, vampires (graveyard variety & psychic), and of course, gnomes… there's something for everyone here. In our analysis, we bring to bear many of the things we have learned on these subjects in the past year, and more.

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    In this episode we speak with a fellow truth seeker on the possibility that extraterrestrial beings had a significant hand in creating humanity and shaping our path of development throughout history. This conversation focuses on the major interventions by various species at certain key historical junctures.

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    In this episode we explore the mysterious origins of Santa Claus. We will cover three alternative theories, firstly, that Santa was based on Siberian shamanism and hallucinogenic mushrooms, secondly, that he was based on fairy folklore, and third, that he is a representation of the pagan god, Saturn. Which, if any, of these is the truth, or is Santa some combination of all the above?

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    The period of time from late December to early January was spiritually significant to ancient cultures. The ancient midwinter festivals directly shaped our Christmas and New Year's holidays. This episode traces the history from the very beginning all the way to modern day, exploring feasts like Saturnalia and Yule. Discover the true meaning of the season, the major religious themes and historical events that brought us to where we are today.

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    In this episode we explore the ins and outs of shamanism, the art of working with spirits and traveling to other realms. Beginning with its roots in Siberia, we will connect it with similar traditions around the world, examining everything from ancient cave art to studies on altered states of consciousness. Finally, we will consider what this universal phenomenon says about the human condition.

    "Visionary"- Graham Hancock
    "The Witch"- Ronald Hutton
    "The Shamanic Journey: Experiences, Origins, and Analogues"- Roger Walsh
    "The Shaman's Initiation"- Joan Halifax
    "The Hero's Journey"- Joseph Campbell

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    In the conclusion to our investigation into vampires, we speculate on the possible reality behind the phenomenon, and discuss its variations, from spectral energy vampires, to grave-plundering ghouls, to vampiric witches and sorcerers, referencing historical accounts and documentation from a variety of cultures. In the final analysis, we discuss what the vampire might signify within our collective psychology.

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    In this episode we explore the history of vampire beliefs as they are found all over the world, and retell alleged true historical accounts. In the latter part of the show, we explore spiritual mystery of blood in ancient religions and the occult. Humanity’s fascination with its special properties continues into the modern day.

    In the spirit of the horror season, I will be mercilessly butchering many pronunciations.

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    Explore the ancient Gaelic winter festival of Samhain and its influence on Halloween. This was a time when this world and the Otherworld intersected, and supernatural beings of all kinds roamed the earth. What was the religious significance of the beginning of winter to the ancients, and how can we learn from their wisdom?

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    In the conclusion to this study of demons we discuss their role in the spiritual ecosystem and connect historical understanding with current issues relating to psychology and culture, analyzing a bone-chilling modern case study of a possible demonic possession.

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    In this episode we explore the origin of demons and the development of this concept throughout history, from Mesopotamia to medieval magicians.

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    The conclusion to this two-part episode recounts a series of spine-tingling true paranormal experiences, covering a variety of high strangeness phenomena. Ghosts, djinn, and dogman are all accounted for in part 2, followed by commentary that analyzes these stories, explaining some of the background behind them, and exploring their possible significance.

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    This two-part episode recounts a series of spine-tingling true paranormal experiences, covering a variety of high strangeness phenomena. Gnomes, shadow/ light people, and skinwalkers, are all accounted for in part 1, followed by commentary that analyzes these stories, explaining some of the background behind them, and exploring their possible significance.

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    This episode explores the mythological themes of renewal and rebirth associated with the spring season, tracing their roots from the worship of solar deities, through the emergence of the dying-resurrecting god, to modern day Easter, detailing the rich history and symbolism surrounding them. Drawing from many religions, we will uncover the curious origins, significance, and hidden meanings behind many traditions which are taken for granted today. Find out why the coming of spring was a deeply spiritual event to our ancestors which inspired great philosophical convictions across cultures.

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