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This short teaser episode is a sneak peek into a five day clinic at Daisy Haven Farm with Daisy Bicking. In it, you'll hear clips from Daisy's clinic in November 2019.
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Garrett Ford of Easycare, Inc. shares his journey into the hoof boot world in this episode. He expands on his innovation process, how he tests new products, and some of his favorite and most popular products.
You can see more about Easycare at this link: https://www.easycareinc.com/
Also featured in this episode: Curtis Burns, Dan Schroeder
In this episode, Dr. Andrew Van Eps delves into new research on laminitis and founder treatment, as well as the importance of prevention. In it, you will hear about the three causes of laminitis, and research into how to approach each cause. Prevention is better than "damage control," and implementing some changes in your horse's diet and lifestyle can make all the difference!
If you'd like to reach out to Dr. Van Eps, you can email him at vaneps@vet.upenn.edu, or see his work at New Bolton Center at https://www.vet.upenn.edu/veterinary-hospitals/NBC-hospital .Also featured: Dr. Chris Pollitt, Ann Ramsey, Daisy Bicking, and Candice Piraino.
In this episode, Rood and Riddle resident farrier Stuart Muir delves into how to work together with veterinarians for the benefit of the horse. He discusses how hoofcare providers can forge relationships with local vets, work through differences in opinion, and work towards productive collaboration.
This episode also features segments from Dave Dawson (NEAEP CEO), Dr. Shawn Morrell (podiatrist, Rood and Riddle, Saratoga NY), Dr. Jennifer Melcher (DVM, Georgia), Dr. Ron Gaeta (DVM, Dunbarton Equine, Connecticut), Sam Zalesky (resident farrier, Rood and Riddle, Lexington KY), and Dr. Raul Bras (podiatrist, Rood and Riddle, Lexington, KY).
To see more about opportunities in vet/farrier collaboration, visit www.theneaep.com , as well as the Georgia Professional Farriers Association on FB to see events with Dr. Melcher. -
In this episode, Daisy Bicking talks about her journey into hoofcare and the glue-on/composite world. She talks about her influences and what motivated her to pursue her current path, as well as what motivates her to continue to teach others. You'll hear a bit about courses you can pursue to connect with Daisy and other hoofcare providers seeking to learn more about everything from reading radiographs and identifying pathology, to practicing glue on work.
To learn more about what Daisy offers, visit https://www.daisyhavenfarm.com/.More resources that Daisy talks about are Postural Rehabilitation, which is discussed here - Is Your Horse Really A Goat? and hoof mapping, etc here - ELPO.
In this episode, Paige Poss talks about her hoofcare journey which led her into "slicing and dicing" - performing dissections on countless equine cadaver legs in order to share that information with the horse world. Paige talks about working with other professionals, finding various pathologies in the foot, and what to take notice of when looking at your own horse's feet.
You can see her work at http://www.anatomy-of-the-equine.com/ as well as http://www.ironfreehoof.com/ .
In this episode, various hoofcare providers talk about tips in how to better run a hoofcare business. Beth Lynn Lewis, Kirsten Proctor, Kristi Rodgers, and Henric Larsson touch upon everything from keeping yourself safe while working on a horse, to interacting with clients.
In this interview, Megan Hensley, "The Donkey Farrier," talks about her work with donkeys - from hoofcare to environment to nutrition. She discusses the best ways to approach them, gain their trust, and gain advances in healthy feet.
Megan will be a speaker at this year's Donkey Welfare Symposium at UC Davis September 13-15th, 2019. For more information, see here: https://donkeywelfaresymposium.homestead.com/
A continuation from Part 1, in this episode Pete Ramey talks about some approaches he takes to deal with hoof pathology in his day to day work. Discussed in this interview are wall cracks, white line disease, distal descent, glue on and tape on boots, improving movement, and more.
For more information on Pete's work, visit http://hoofrehab.com. -
In this interview, Pete Ramey talks about his journey into a holistic, "whole horse" approach to hoofcare, and what he has learned along the way.
This episode is Part 1 with Pete; it focuses on the background to his approach with horses. Stay tuned for Part 2 (Episode 6), coming soon, which will get into more of the technical side of what Pete does in his work.
For more information on Pete and his work, visit hoofrehab.com. -
In this episode, Nic Barker talks about her rehab work at Rockley Farm in Exmoor, England, helping horses with a "navicular" diagnosis: bone damage, tendon and ligament damage, weak heels, etc. Rockley rehab horse owners also give their input on horses that have gone through Nic's program, and how they are doing now.
You can learn more about Nic and Rockley Farm at www.rockleyfarm.co.uk/, as well as from Nic's books: Feet First by Nic Barker and Sarah Braithwaite, and Performance Hoof Performance Horse by Nic Barker.
In the early 2000s, Greg Sokoloski, a police officer in the Houston Mounted Police Department, decided to run an "experiment" on the horses in the police force. With some preparation and commitment, Greg pulled the shoes on these hardworking horses and put them back to work. Greg talks about how the Houston Police Department now keeps 40 police horses happy and sound barefoot.
If you are interested in his story and the transition process he took, feel free to contact Greg at hpdmp3486@sbcglobal.net.
This episode includes an interview with Sally Hugg, "nutrition guru" and creator of California Trace minerals. In it, we explore how nutrition can help the health of hooves, and address various issues such as poor hoof quality, shelly walls, thin soles, laminitis, stretched white line, sore feet, etc.
I didn't think I would find people as interested in talking about hooves as I am, and somehow I did. This intro/teaser is a glimpse into why I wanted to start this podcast, and a little about what to expect in episodes to come.
Future topics include: nutrition and the hoof, hardworking hooves, rehabbing soft tissue injuries in the hoof, etc. Interviews will feature Sally Hugg (California Trace), Greg Sokoloski (Mounted Police Force), Nic Barker (Rockley Farm), Pete Ramey, and many more.