
  • Italian citizenship offers a blend of practical advantages and enriching personal experiences. With one of the world's most powerful passports, citizens enjoy visa-free access to numerous countries, simplified employment prospects within the EU, and affordable, high-quality education options. The Italian healthcare system is notably efficient and cost-effective, providing residents with extensive medical coverage at minimal expense. Beyond these tangible benefits, Italian citizenship allows individuals to deeply engage with Italy's rich cultural heritage, experiencing its diverse regions, traditions, and lifestyles. This citizenship not only facilitates global mobility and professional opportunities but also enhances one's life with a profound connection to Italian culture and history. In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast hosted by Italian attorney Marco Permunian and Italian dual citizen expat podcaster Rafael Di Furia, you'll hear about the myriad benefits of Italian citizenship, from global travel freedoms to living and working across the EU, and accessing Italy’s acclaimed healthcare system.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual-citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    #italiancitizenship #italiandualcitizenship #italiancitizenship

    Topics & Timestamps:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    1:39 - What benefits does Italian citizenship offer in 2024?

    3:29 - Traveling freely across Europe

    4:25 - Passing Italian citizenship to your children

    5:20 - Working for a European company

    6:27 - Ability to enroll in a European University

    8:04 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

  • Exploring the possibility of living in Italy or embracing expat life in Italy brings with it the necessity to navigate the complexities of the Italian tax system, particularly for those moving to Italy or considering dual citizenship. Italy's tax framework, focusing on residency over citizenship, delineates clear guidelines for individuals on their fiscal responsibilities, ensuring a smoother transition into life in Italy. Whether you're pondering a move, already enjoying life as an expat, or stepping into the vibrant life Italy offers, understanding your tax obligations is crucial. Engaging with Italy's Agenzia delle Entrate, leveraging professional advice, and familiarizing yourself with Italy's tax treaties, especially if you're from the U.S., are essential steps to ensure compliance and enjoy the rich, fulfilling experience of living in Italy without the worry of fiscal missteps. In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast hosted by Italian attorney Marco Permuniand and dual citizen expat podcaster Rafael Di Furia, we'll learn more about the essential aspects of Italy's tax system, residency requirements, and strategies to avoid double taxation, providing clarity and peace of mind for those embarking on their Italian journey.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual-citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Topics & Timestamps:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    0:57 - What is the Italian tax system like for an Italian citizen living in the US?

    4:27 - What about the tax system for individuals living in Italy, whether they are Italian or not?

    10:35 - What are the requirements for paying taxes in Italy?

    11:33 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

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  • The Italian Digital Nomad Visa offers a pathway for highly skilled, remote workers from non-EU countries to start living and working in Italy. This opportunity not only facilitates life in Italy through a renewable residency permit but also potentially leads to permanent residency and Italian citizenship. Applicants need to demonstrate a minimum income and secure accommodation before applying. This visa ensures integration into the Italian tax system and provides a legal framework for digital nomads and their families to enjoy working and living in Italy while exploring a long-term future as expats in Italy. In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast hosted by Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and dual citizen expat podcaster Rafael Di Furia, we'll learn more about the newly released Italian Digital Nomad Visa as well as the application requirements, tax obligations, and the potential paths to residency and citizenship for applicants.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual-citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Topics & Timestamps:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    0:56 - What is the Digital Nomad Visa?

    4:24 - Why are both the visa and permit necessary to live in Italy?

    5:14 - Is there a limit to how many times you can renew the digital nomad visa?

    6:07 - Do family members need separate visas to come to Italy or does it extend to them as well?

    6:47 - How involved does someone have to be with the Italian tax system?

    8:00 - Are there guarantees for the individual to stay in Italy or get this visa?

    8:59 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

  • Living in Italy versus San Marino presents a unique set of opportunities, particularly when it comes to residency, business incorporation, and navigating each area's tax systems. San Marino, nestled within the Italian peninsula, offers enticing advantages for individuals and investors alike. Opting for residency in San Marino through investment, such as purchasing real estate or opening a company, opens doors to an advantageous tax system not found in many European nations. Incorporating in San Marino, especially for tech companies, can lead to significant tax reductions, making it an attractive location for entrepreneurs. With its strategic position, historic charm, and financial incentives, San Marino stands out as a compelling alternative for those looking to embrace the European lifestyle while maximizing their fiscal benefits. In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast hosted by Italian attorney Marco Permunian and dual citizen expat podcaster, Rafael Di Furia, we'll get an overview about the nuances of San Marino's residency by investment program, the advantages of incorporating and opening a company in this micro-nation, and the unique benefits its tax system offers to those seeking an alternative living and investment opportunity within the Italian peninsula.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual-citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Topics & Timestamps:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    0:52 - What is San Marino like?

    4:02 - What are the requirements for obtaining residency by investment?

    6:50 - What does the tax system look like?

    9:15 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

  • Italian citizenship applications, particularly those by descent or marriage, can face bureaucratic delays beyond legal processing times. The 'diffida' acts as a crucial mechanism to encourage consulates and the Ministry of Interior to expedite their decisions. This formal notice demands prompt action within a set deadline and warns of potential legal repercussions for non-compliance. Although it is not commonly necessary, the 'diffida' is particularly effective for overcoming delays in citizenship through marriage cases, highlighting the importance of proactive measures in ensuring the efficient processing of Italian citizenship applications. In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast, hosted by Italian attorney, Marco Permunian, and dual citizen expat Podcaster, Rafael Di Furia, cover the strategic use of 'diffida' to navigate through and resolve the prolonged wait times in the Italian citizenship application process.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual-citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Topics & Timestamps

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    0:41 - How does the “diffida” work?

    4:32 - Is this a common practice?

    6:20 - What is the content of this letter?

    8:35 - How can you send this letter?

    10:20 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

  • Italy's introduction of the digital nomad visa will mark a significant advancement in meeting the contemporary workforce's changing demands, specifically targeting non-EU citizens who engage in remote work. This progressive legal framework aims to draw skilled professionals from across the globe, providing them an opportunity to integrate their work life with Italy's rich cultural and historical backdrop. By setting clear eligibility criteria, including a minimum income requirement and the need for technology enabling remote work, Italy not only adapts to global employment trends but also emerges as a top destination for digital nomads seeking the perfect mix of professional flexibility and cultural enrichment. The digital nomad visa exemplifies Italy's commitment to digital innovation and creating an inviting atmosphere for high-skilled labor, further solidifying its position as an attractive option for globally-minded, innovative professionals.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual-citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Topics & Timestamps:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    1:12 - Digital nomad VISA in Italy

    4:43 - Which highly skilled jobs does this visa cover?

    6:27 - What are some of the requirements?

    8:05 - Is proof of accommodation required for the entire visa duration?

    9:12 - How long is the visa valid?

    10:12 - Who is this visa for?

    11:37 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

  • In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast, hosted by Italian attorney Marco Permunian and dual citizen expat podcaster Rafael Di Furia, discuss the intricate details of a new legislative proposal concerning Italian citizenship by descent, examining its potential impact on applicants, the legislative process involved in making such changes, and historical attempts at amending citizenship laws, all while reassuring listeners about the improbability of drastic changes in the near future and the importance of understanding one's rights and the legal framework governing citizenship by descent in Italy. In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast, hosted by Italian attorney Marco Permunian and dual citizen expat podcaster Rafael Di Furia, explore a proposed legislative change to Italian citizenship by descent and the legislative process that a proposal can go through in Italy.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual-citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Topics & Timestamps:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    0:38 - What is the latest law proposal?

    5:01 - How does the process work? What stage is this proposal in?

    7:23 - Why have some of the proposed laws been approved or rejected?

    12:16 - Could these changes be considered discriminatory in Italy and result in consequences?

    14:24 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

  • Following recent changes to the AIRE registration rules, we received a flurry of questions highlighting a collective eagerness to understand the implications of these updates for Italians living abroad. This interest points to a broader theme: the significance of maintaining a legal and cultural connection to Italy, no matter one's location around the globe. The discussion, inspired by these inquiries, subtly peels back the layers of how such regulatory adjustments influence the Italian diaspora's ability to engage with their homeland's bureaucratic and civic life. It underscores the importance of being informed and proactive about one's status as an Italian citizen overseas, reflecting on the broader ideas of identity, belonging, and the practicalities of navigating between two worlds. Through this lens, we aim to enrich the understanding of our global Italian community, emphasizing the enduring bond that links them with Italy, despite the physical distances. In this episode of The Italian Citizenship Podcast, hosted by Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and Dual Citizen Expat Podcaster Rafael Di Furia, we’ll cover questions asked in hopes to shed light on the current situation for Italian citizens residing outside of Italy.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual-citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Topics & Timestamps:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    1:00 - How do you know if you’re registered in the AIRE?

    5:35 - Are there any other signs to know if you’re already registered in the AIRE?

    6:42 - Why was this law made?

    8:40 - Why is it important to be registered with the AIRE?

    10:50 - Do you have to update your file every time you move?

    12:45 - How can someone confirm if they are automatically registered or if they registered themselves when they received citizenship confirmation?

    14:17 - As an Italian living abroad, what rights are do you have?

    15:36 - If someone has trouble with online registration, are there other options?

    16:13 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

  • Moving to Italy and embracing expat life there offers families a unique blend of cultural richness and supportive healthcare policies, making life in Italy particularly appealing for those expecting a new addition. The Italian healthcare system, renowned for its accessibility and quality, significantly reduces the financial burden of childbirth, a key consideration for expats in Italy contemplating the costs of welcoming a new family member. With options ranging from public healthcare services at minimal costs to private care facilitated by affordable insurance plans, living in Italy provides a comforting assurance of quality prenatal and postnatal care. Moreover, Italy's generous maternity leave policies reflect a deep commitment to family welfare, ensuring parents can enjoy precious early moments with their newborns without financial worry. While Italy does not automatically grant citizenship by birthright, it actively supports the children of expats through residence-based pathways to citizenship, ensuring a smoother integration process for international families. This comprehensive approach to healthcare, family support, and residency options makes moving to Italy an attractive prospect for expats seeking a nurturing environment for their families, blending the joys of expat life in Italy with the practicalities of raising children in a supportive community. In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast hosted by Italian attorney, Marco Permunian and dual citizen expat podcaster, Rafael Di Furia, we'll learn more about the Italian healthcare system and giving birth in Italy, offering invaluable insights for anyone considering making Italy their new home.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual-citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Topics & Timestamps:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    0:43 - How can someone join the Italian healthcare system and what are the costs for a family planning to have a child?

    7:15 - What is maternity leave like in Italy?

    9:30 - What is the cost of delivering a baby?

    10:10 - What are the legal aspects of having a baby in Italy? (e.g. birth certificate)

    14:19 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

  • The recent update to the AIRE, a crucial registry for Italians living abroad, marks a significant shift in the landscape of Italian citizenship, particularly for those who acquired it through descent. This change underscores the importance of compliance with registration requirements, as it now carries the possibility of fines for those who delay or neglect this duty. The AIRE's role is more than just a formality; it's a linchpin in accessing a broad array of consular services that facilitate maintaining one's connection with Italy from afar. This development highlights the evolving responsibilities that come with Italian citizenship, urging individuals to engage more proactively with their administrative obligations to avoid potential penalties, thereby ensuring their rights and privileges remain intact across borders.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual-citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Topics & Timestamps:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    0:57 - What is AIRE?

    6:29 - What concerns are there for someone not signed up to the AIRE?

    10:00 - A practical example...

    12:26 - Does this rule apply to everyone or are there any exceptions?

    14:14 - How is the fine amount determined?

    15:55 - To whom and how should this fine be paid?

    16:51 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

  • Securing an appointment at a consulate, comune, or court is essential in the Italian citizenship recognition process, encompassing various avenues like citizenship by descent (jure sanguinis), court cases for Italian citizenship, and the practicalities of moving to Italy. Each route presents unique protocols and requirements, making the journey distinct based on specific circumstances and locations. For applicants, understanding the process's intricacies, from the jure sanguinis to legal proceedings, is crucial. In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast hosted by Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and dual citizen expat podcaster Rafael Di Furia, we'll explore the essential strategies and insights for navigating the Italian citizenship recognition process effectively.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Timestamps & Topics:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    0:56 - Do you need to schedule an appointment or can you go directly to the municipal offices (Comune)?

    6:24 - Do you have to apply for residency at the town hall and then apply for citizenship in order to get the actual residency permit?

    8:13 - How does it work for those who weren't able to get a citizenship appointment at a consulate outside of Italy?

    9:10 - What does the process for a 1948 case look like?

    10:55 - How does making a claim for citizenship by descent at the consulate work?

    15:34 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

  • The process of obtaining Italian citizenship by descent includes a critical phase of document gathering, where understanding certain nuances can be pivotal. In this context, there are three essential tips that prove immensely helpful. These tips are not just recommendations; they are strategic insights that guide applicants through the maze of bureaucratic requirements and specific document-related complexities. Adhering to these tips can significantly ease the process, ensuring that all necessary documentation is correctly prepared and presented. They serve as a beacon for applicants, illuminating the path towards a successful citizenship application. By embracing these insights, individuals can streamline their journey, effectively overcoming potential hurdles and bringing them closer to achieving their goal of Italian citizenship.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    Topics & Timestamps:

    0.00 Intro & Opening Thoughts

    0.38 What format do your documents need to be if you’re applying for Italian citizenship?

    2.59 How old can these documents be?

    4.34 What is the correct type of certification?

    5.52 What is a “certified copy” and where can it be obtained?

    7.28 Are there any additional requirements?

    8.54 What intermediate steps are there before applying for apostilles?

    10.00 What is an apostille?

    11.36 Who is eligible to request vital records?

    15.10 Are there any eligibility requirements when applying for apostilles?

    15.43 Closing Thoughts & Outro

  • Getting Italian citizenship by descent involves understanding your family's history and gathering the right documents to prove your lineage. While navigating the specific documentation and bureaucratic requirements in Italy can be challenging, especially for those not fluent in Italian, it is a manageable task. However, many people find that seeking help from professional services makes understanding how to get Italian citizenship easier, offering guidance in researching their family roots, compiling documents and meeting consular requirements. This support streamlines the process, making the pursuit of Italian citizenship by descent a more accessible and achievable goal for those wishing to connect with their Italian heritage.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



  • Navigating the process of Italian citizenship through ancestry involves unique considerations, especially when an Italian ancestor naturalized as a U.S. citizen while their child was a minor. Recent legal developments in local regional courts have been favorable, often approving such cases. The situation, however, can vary with different family lines, notably in cases where ancestors were automatically naturalized due to pre-1922 marriage laws. This evolving landscape reflects the deep interconnection between historical laws, societal changes, and individual quests for heritage, underscoring the importance of staying informed and seeking expert guidance in the journey toward Italian citizenship.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    #traveltoitaly #italytravel #movetoitaly

  • The upcoming ETIAS visa waiver program is set to change the way many non-EU citizens travel to Europe. It's essential to understand its requirements, such as declaring the initial entry country, and limitations, notably its inapplicability for employment purposes. This program may also affect those transiting through EU airports. As it rolls out, staying informed about its digital application process and its impact on travel plans will be vital for many non-EU travelers looking to explore Europe with ease.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    #traveltoitaly #italytravel #movetoitaly

  • Applying for Italian citizenship can require a thorough understanding of the necessary forms and procedures, whether you're applying through a consulate or directly in Italy. In the U.S., applicants might need to complete multiple forms, including an application for citizenship by descent, a self-declaration form, and forms for living ascendants and deceased ancestors. Each of these forms should be notarized and apostilled. However, the process can be more streamlined in Italy due to the difference in requirements. For those with specific cases, like the 1948 cases, petitioning the courts in Italy is an option worthwhile considering. Here, the only document typically needed is a power of attorney for representation in court. With the increasing wait times at some consulates, many are now choosing to petition the courts for citizenship, making it essential to be well-informed about the varying requirements and procedures. In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast hosted by Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and dual citizen expat podcaster Rafael Di Furia, delve deep into the intricacies of the Italian citizenship application process, offering insights and clarifications to help potential applicants navigate their journey to Italian citizenship.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    #podcast #italytravel #movetoitaly

  • In recent years, the journey to Italian citizenship through marriage and italian citizenship via residency have undergone significant transformations. Historically, Italy stood out by allowing non-Italian spouses to apply for citizenship, regardless of their residence status. However, in 2016, Italy's rules adapted with the times, embracing more contemporary policies. By 2018, the country placed a renewed emphasis on cultural integration, introducing specific prerequisites for potential citizens. This period also saw fluctuations in application processing times. A pivotal legal update in 2022 further refined the citizenship process, impacting many applicants. For those considering the residency route, it's essential to understand that criteria can differ based on individual backgrounds and ancestral ties. With these evolving guidelines, staying informed is crucial for anyone aspiring to become an Italian citizen. In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast, Italian attorney Marco Permunian and dual citizen expat podcaster, Rafael Di Furia, go over how the processes for Italian citizenship by marriage and Italian citizenship by residency have changed.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    #podcast #italytravel #movetoitaly

    Topics & Timestamps:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    00:37 – How has the process changed for obtaining Italian citizenship through marriage and residency?

    3:12 – What are the requirements when you start the process?

    6:36 – What are the laws for Italian citizenship by marriage? How have they changed over the years?

    13:50 – What is the landscape of Italian citizenship by residency and how has it changed over time?

    17:45 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

  • The upcoming European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) visa waiver system will be essential for specific non-European Union nationals. These are individuals who currently don't need a visa for brief visits to Italy and the rest of the European Union, lasting up to 90 days. Although ETIAS isn't a visa, it functions as an extra layer of travel authorization. Once granted, it will offer the flexibility of multiple entries over three years. The application process will be streamlined and digital, with a fee of 7 euros for applicants aged between 18 and 70. The primary purpose of ETIAS is to enhance European Union security by keeping track of travelers from designated countries. Importantly, those holding dual European citizenship, such as Italian nationals, won't need to apply for ETIAS. In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast hosted by Italian Attorney, Marco Permunian, and dual citizen expat podcaster Rafael Di Furia, share an overview and details of the upcoming ETIAS system for those thinking about traveling to Italy or moving to Italy.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    #podcast #italytravel #movetoitaly


    0:38 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    1:04 – Upcoming ETIAS Visa Waiver

    4:04 – How long will the visa waiver be valid?

    4:27 – Will the Schengen rules remain unchanged?

    5:53 – How do you apply for this Visa Waiver?

    7:06 – What if someone younger or older than the age limit wants to apply for this Visa?

    8:32 – Are you required to make the payment in any specific way?

    9:23 – What happens if my ETIAS visa waiver application is rejected?

    10:14 - Will this replace the visa?

    11:17 - Countries that will require travelers to have an ETIAS Visa

    13:39 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

  • Italy's healthcare system is often praised for its quality and accessibility, but it can be a maze for newcomers. Public hospitals generally offer free services, but the wait times can be long. Private hospitals provide quicker service but at a cost. The "ticket" system in public hospitals is an interesting feature, offering a nominal fee for some services, with exemptions available for certain groups.

    Pharmacies in Italy are more than just medication dispensaries. Some offer basic health tests and even have vending machines for over-the-counter items. Booking a specialist appointment involves a unique process, often requiring a referral from a general practitioner. The system prioritizes residents based on their region and district, affecting wait times for appointments.

    For those venturing outside Italy but within the European Union, the Italian blue healthcare card and Italian ID can help you access emergency healthcare services. Navigating the Italian healthcare system is an experience in itself, blending regional nuances with national policies.

    In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast hosted by Italian attorney Marco Permunian and dual citizen expat podcaster Rafael Di Furia, delve into the intricacies of navigating Italy's healthcare system, from hospitals to pharmacies and even accessing care while in the EU outside of Italy.

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    #podcast #italiancitizenship #movetoitaly

    Topics & Timestamps:

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    0:24 – How do you sign up to the Italian Healthcare System?

    4:26 – How do you access the services once you are insured on the Italian public healthcare system?

    8:33 – How does it work when you need emergency services or ned a special visit at the hospital?

    16:39 – Accessing pharmacies in Italy

    21:21 – How do you make an appointment with a specialist?

    24:34 - Closing Thoughts & Outro

  • The path to Italian citizenship by descent is filled with nuances, shaped by various laws and historical benchmarks. Rooted in Italian Law 555 of 1912, this regulation introduced changes that could dramatically alter the citizenship status of some descendants of Italians who emigrated and became naturalized citizens elsewhere.

    While other dates like January 1, 1948, have their own significance, the 1912 rule is a less commonly discussed but crucial factor that can influence eligibility for Italian citizenship by descent. Its complexities are not merely historical details; they have real-world implications for those navigating the intricate process of claiming Italian citizenship through ancestry (Jus Sanguinis).

    For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:


    To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:


    To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:



    #podcast #italiancitizenship #movetoitaly

    0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts

    0:24 – What’s the 1912 rule?

    7:19 – Artcles 7, 8 & 12 of Law 555 of 1912

    10:02 – Is this rule applicable only if your ancestor gained their citizenship at birth?

    11:09 – How does the 1948 rule relate to the 1912 rule?

    12:29 - Closing Thoughts & Outro