
  • Memory is not as reliable as you might think... find out how mine failed me! Journey with me deep into the Grand Canyon in Part 2 of my Gap Year share!

    See lots of videos of my experience on my Gap Year Mom Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/giaspirit Book a free consult call with me here

    Main Instagram account

    If you are a woman healing from infidelity, here's a free, private Facebook Group you are invited to join: Sunshine Sisterhood

    My website

    I love working with all sorts of humans... my clients range from 6th grade girls through middle aged men! If you're in a big change cycle in life, I can help... I promise! I have a very special place in my heart for women who are healing from infidelity, and I have a special program JUST FOR YOU...click to learn more here

  • An easy framework for moving through levels of emotion... and for marking whether you are in past, prestent or future thinking.

    All links here

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    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • The first leg of my "Gap Year" covers travel in the US and the "trail magic" that happened along the way! https://www.brandstateu.com/blog/all-hands-on-deck New private FB page for women healing from infidelity: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sunshinesisterhood Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/giaspirit Links for everything else here: https://www.giaguidry.com/linktree

  • Follow My travels @ gap_year_mom on Instagram! This Episode is a motivational speech to remind you about what's real, what's normal, how to navigate big emotions and encourage yourself as you take a good look at how far you've come!

  • Giving all the deets about my Gap Year which I'm officially on NOW! Follow along on my journey and learn about my why! the podcast I reference in this Episode is here: https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/being-kind-to-yourself/

  • I uncovered a buried treasure... and I'm sharing it all here! Enjoy this wisdom from my Great Great Grandfather, William D. Huff Sr. AKA "Buck" The Bayou Philosopher.

  • Today is the first day of Suicide Prevention Month. This is a real conversation with a mother who lost her son to suicide. We honor Joey's life and Nora shares the wisdom she has gathered in having lived through this. While we do not discuss details of his death, if the topic of suicide is a trigger for you, please skip this episode.

    We discuss a popular blog post of mine from 2 years ago about Joey and my first conversation with Nora - you can read it here: https://www.giaguidry.com/blog/it-actually-is-life-or-death




  • We can think of the neural pathways in our brains as habit roads. Ultimately, everything we do is just a habit. Listen in to explore the good news and the bad news about this. Sign up for a FREE consult on my website: www.giaguidry.com Links for everything here: https://www.giaguidry.com/linktree

  • How does change actually happen? There are many therapeutic interventions that change the brain... my latest certification is in Integrative Change Work. It's fascinating brain rewiring science! Sign up for my Sunshine Email list and a free consult on my website: www.giaguidry.com

  • Big changes for me! Bold moves and big adventures to come! Be sure to sign up for Sunshine Email or a FREE consult here: www.giaguidry.com

  • Sharing the wisdom and the joyful experience of my retreat in Hawaii with Eckhart Tolle. I am feeling a peace, which passes all understanding.

  • Sharing today's episode with my very first guest, Melissa Bowen LPC-S & Certified Daring Way Facilitator. Discussing the difference between coaching and therapy and how to know which is right for you. Find Melissa: Melissa Bowen | LPC & Certified Daring Wayā„¢ Facilitator www.daringacadiana.com & www.melissabowenlpc.com Find me: www.giaguidry.com

  • What is possible if you loosen the grip rigidity has over you?  Emotional flexibility forms early in life - so does rigidity.  

    Links to everything here: https://www.giaguidry.com/linktree

  • Free mini course here: https://www.giaguidry.com/pl/2147615163

    How do we create our experience, exactly? First I'll show you how things often get off track... then we'll explore how to get out ahead of it and intentionally create the results you want in school, in relationships, in your job... whatever!

  • visit my website: www. giaguidry.com

    find links for everything here: https://www.giaguidry.com/linktree

    Episode 10 - What do you REALLY want for yourself?

    What do you REALLY want for your children. Our wishes and dreams often feel like fantasies... but we actually CAN have what we really want. It's often trials or times of grief that reveal to us what it is that is most important to us.  What we want more than anything is what this episode is all about.

  • If I were to boil down what's been most helpful to me in my personal life... it's asking myself this question: What would it be like to let that go? Let's explore what your brain likes to do and why. Let's explore the freedom that's available to you when you can separate the facts from the story your brain is making up. There's a lot of peace waiting for you!

  • Do you find yourself taking responsibility for how other people are feeling? How comfortable are you when others are uncomfortable? This episode explores the opportunity we have to understand our own discomfort and what our people really need when they are suffering.


    Sign up here for a unique 1 hour treasure hunt for $29.


    VISIT www.giaguidry.com for all the info you need to work with me ;)





    Responsibility for Other peopleā€™s emotionsā€¦


    One of my clients told me this week that her biggest takeaway from our group program isā€¦ she is learning that she isnā€™t responsible for other peopleā€™s happiness.


    Isnā€™t that remarkable?


    Did you know that you arenā€™t in charge of other peopleā€™s emotions?


    And if the people around you arenā€™t happyā€¦ itā€™s actually NOT your job to MAKE THEM HAPPY?


    Some of you out there already know thisā€¦ but MOST of usā€¦ especially my women listeners, do not realize that other peopleā€™s emotions arenā€™t within our control.


    This is one of the fundamental explorations we do in life coachingā€¦ so I want to share this with you todayā€¦ to give you a taste of the richness and depth of this work.


    Depending on how old you are, you were very likely taught from a really young age that CAN and you DO make other people happyā€¦ or sad, or proud, or disappointed, or anything.


    We believe that we are the CAUSE of otherā€™s emotions.


    The generation that I grew up in taught women to be people pleasersā€¦ and my generation is  waking UP hunny.  We are not interested in participating in this mindset any longerā€¦ but the roots run deep.  It can be VERY hard to recognize when the brain is operating out of old habits.  Hereā€™s a perfect example:


    I was on the phone with my financial advisor this week and we were discussing how much $ Iā€™d like to keep in cash and how much I want to invest.  

    (I know some of you are saying ā€œDonā€™t invest right now, ARE YOU CRAZY?ā€ 

    But listen up friendsā€¦ everything is on SALE! 

    These prices are as good as the markdowns on designer labels at TJ MAXX!)


    Instead of really asking MYSELF what I most want to doā€¦

    I was trying to give the best answerā€¦

    assuming that my investor wanted me to invest the most. 


    As the call went on,

    I could hear that what he actually wanted

    was to help me to feel secure, and at easeā€¦

    NOT for me to invest the MOST I possibly could right now. 


    Later, I was thinking about the conversation,

    and I saw how Iā€™m still trying to PLEASE with my answers ā€“

    Iā€™m not asking MYSELF ā€œwhat do I wantā€ā€¦

    Iā€™m trying to give the answer I think the other person wantsā€¦

    even when the thing weā€™re making decisions about is MY money!  Crazy!


    His job would be SO much easier if I would just be straight and clear about what it is that I want.  And I KNOW men donā€™t typically have this same problem.


    Women trend toward pleasingā€¦

    and for a long timeā€¦

    the patriarchal system has wanted to keep it that way. 

    Think about how trained we are to tune into other peopleā€™s emotionsā€¦

    to gauge where we stand with themā€¦

    to figure out if we are safe with themā€¦

    and ultimately,

    depending on our relationshipā€¦

    how much we are trying to make them happy or keep them happy.


    So, when my client began to notice that sheā€™s starting to feel less responsible for other peopleā€™s happinessā€¦

    thatā€™s when I knew that magic is starting to happen! 


    The FIRST step to managing your mind is noticing what your brain likes to do.


    Noticing the deep groves in your brain which are often habits of thoughtā€¦

    old patterns of thought that often arenā€™t even true.


    we are shaking things loose  -

    we are starting to carve new grooves that are more intentional and will release her from the impossible job of keeping everyone happy all the time.


    it IS an impossible job. 


    but from the youngest age, we were taught to put others first. 


    As daughters, mothers, spousesā€¦ we have been givers and caregivers. 


    And we love our job. 


    We cherish our babies. 


    We WANT them to be happyā€¦ WHY? 

    Because we feel good when they are happy.


    We have been good daughters.


    And we like it when our parents are happyā€¦

    we especially like it when they are happy with us

    we received a lot of affirmation when we pleased our parents


    We love our families and we love our lives.


    And when someone in our lives is having a hard timeā€¦ and it can be a tiny thingā€¦ like chipped paint on a pedicureā€¦ we swoop right on in with solutions.


    ā€œyou know you can go back and theyā€™ll fix that for you.ā€ 

    ā€œOh, you donā€™t have time?  Well, do you know the paint color?  I can go buy some for you.ā€


    OR it might be really big thingsā€¦ like our kid is going through a break upā€¦

    or they just lost their jobā€¦

    or they got into a fender bender. 


    WE are SO uncomfortable when our kids are uncomfortable.


    And it can feel like WE CANā€™T RESTā€¦ until they feel better.


    So, we try, really hardā€¦ to distract them from their misery.

    We want to take them shopping.

    We want to make them their favorite meal.

    We want them to talk to us, and we are searching our archives for just the right thing to say to ease their pain.


    I remember once, my kid was going through a breakup and he was DEVASTATED.


    I convinced him to go to a movie with me.  This was not a good idea.  The movie was no distraction from that level of pain.  I felt even worse as he suffered through the 2 hours really not wanting to be there.  What he wanted, and what he needed, was to be alone with his emotions in order to feel them and process them.


    And this is SO HARD TO WATCH.  We donā€™t want our people to experience negative emotionsā€¦. everā€¦ as if we have any control over this! 


    So, check in with yourself on thisā€¦ how comfortable are you when your child is experiencing emotional pain?  and if you donā€™t have childrenā€¦ then think about a person you care deeply forā€¦


    If they are going through a breakupā€¦ how much does that affect YOUR ability to be at peace? 

    If they are failing a classā€¦ how much does that affect your life? 

    If they are addicted

    if they are in debt

    if they are being very lazy

    if they are angry

    if they are sick

    if they are stuck in unhealthy relationshipsā€¦


    if they are not at peaceā€¦ how responsible do you feel for that?


    Itā€™s SO difficult to find your own inner peace when your kids are sufferingā€¦




    Because we feel responsible for their sufferingā€¦ and whatā€™s moreā€¦ we USUALLY believe itā€™s our faultā€¦ and THATā€™S the root of all of our suffering. 


    Letā€™s linger on that for a moment.


    We often feel that their emotions are our responsibilityā€¦ because we believe that we are the reason they are in this mess in the first place.


    We blame ourselves for their suffering.


    We didnā€™t teach them well enough.


    We didnā€™t prepare them.


    We didnā€™t warn them.


    We didnā€™t model good relationship fundamentals.


    We didnā€™t give them enough responsibility as they were growing up.


    We created these monsters.


    And now we have to make up for it by rescuing them from the emotions that come with their human experience.


    The REAL REAL REAL truth isā€¦ every single human being on this planet is going to suffer every single possible emotion. 


    Themā€™r just the facts, mam.


    Weā€™ve got a giant spectrum of emotions and we are going to feel them allā€¦ multiple times in a life. 


    The more comfortable YOU become with feeling your feelings and processing emotions, the more comfortable you will be witnessing your people moving through the natural unfolding of their own lives. *Thatā€™s why ALL the work always and only has to be done on the self.


    the best gift you can ever give your kids is an invitation feel whatever it is they are feeling, and you sit with them and honor their experience. 


    In coaching, we call this ā€˜holding space.ā€™


    You donā€™t have to DO anything.


    you just have to be there.


    And let me tell you what a RELIEF it is when you take this responsibility off your shoulders.  One of my other clients says her family always tells her: ā€œ youā€™re carrying the world!ā€ 


    you can put the world down.


    You can relax.


    You can take inventory of how YOU are doing todayā€¦


    You can stay in your lane.


    You can think only about yourselfā€¦

    you can dreamā€¦ and you can laugh

    you can sing in your car and dance in your kitchen

    you can take a walk and run your fingers along the leaves.

    you can meet a friend for coffee or just have a little chat on the phone.

    You can put a letter in the mail to your mom or your aunt or a friend who popped into your brain. 

    This world is a playground! 

    Find some joy in it todayā€¦ whatever kind of JOY is YOUR kind of joy!  Whatever lights YOU upā€¦ whatever is FUN for you! 


    Finding Joy is like a scavenger huntā€¦ each one of us has such unique and varied interestsā€¦ our individual joys are particular to usā€¦ and NOBODY gets to tell us what makes us happy.  That is our individual liberty to decide. 


    You have the right to BE HAPPYā€¦ and you have the right to BE SADā€¦ and you have the right to feel aaaaalllll the emotions.


    Your kids have that right too.


    I know itā€™s uncomfortable to see them sufferingā€¦ but it is their RIGHT.  and it is their processā€¦ and itā€™s important. 


    I remember reading something by Glennon Doyle once where she said to one of her children, ā€œThis pain was meant for you, baby.ā€ 

    Thatā€™s so beautiful.

    It really honors the journey of another.


    and when you say that to yourselfā€¦ it honors YOUR journey.


    itā€™s big work, sunshine.

  • Episode 7 explores a marvelous little life-changing book... The Four Agreements.

    Your brain is like a wild horse taking you wherever it wants to go... The author invites us to get on that horse and ride wherever YOU want.  This is truly an invitation to be your truest, most authentic self.


    Schedule a free coaching session here !!!



  • In order to know joy, we must also experience and understand its opposite. What can we do when there is no joy! Put these strategies in your pocket for later when you need them! www.giaguidry.com Schedule a free coaching session here: https://GiaGuidrySchedule.as.me/

  • Click here to find links to a free session, my social, my newsletter, all of it!  www.giaguidry.com

    Episode 5:  Is JOY even the goal?  Is it attainable?  Sustainable?  Let's explore!