Have you ever felt like you’re lacking the tools to help you slow down, connect emotionally, and live out of your values when it comes to your family? Maybe you're like Julie and you’re exhausted and overwhelmed from parenting and find yourself escaping through endless social media scrolling or even through your business or ministry. Or maybe you’re like Jared and have felt apathetic towards connecting emotionally with your spouse and family and might be physically around them but not necessarily emotionally present with them. Wherever you find yourself in the struggle to maintain connection with your kids we hope that you will be encouraged and inspired from Julie and Jared’s vulnerable story and that God will meet you in your parenting and entrepreneurship journey as He has with them. Become more emotionally present and live a slowed down and intentional discipleship as a family on mission with God with the Slowed Down Soul Planner!
Hey friend, today we're talking about endings and beginnings in business and in life. Sometimes these endings are sudden and unexpected and sometimes the writing is on the wall and you've seen it coming and sometimes it's a mix of both. Either way, it's often impossible to escape the grief that you feel when something you love has died. Whether it's a dream or a relationship or a business, today we're going to talk about 4 tips we've learned navigating grief in the past and how we're applying those things to our life in our current seasons of transition. If you are facing any kind of transition, this episode is for you! Let's go on this journey together and give ourselves space today to be right where we are as we find our footing, clarity, and peace in the midst of grief.
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Today we're going to talk about one of our favorite topics because it's literally one of the most fun and profitable things we've ever done. It has allowed us to sow seed into our family's future, express our creative gifts, work alongside our husbands, and even invite our kids into the process. Despite the learning curve and investment on the front end, it has now become mostly passive and it's also allowing us to impact other families in a really fun way. What's crazy is that this has been true for not just one of us, but BOTH of us! This is why today we're talking about why starting an AirBnB is a great idea for stay at home moms. Prepare to be inspired!
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Hey Friend, have you ever felt like you keep making goals but never seem to meet them? Maybe you want to make more money and keep meaning to sit down to work on your business but can’t stay consistent and get sidetracked. Maybe you want to exercise more, be more intentional with time with your husband/your friends/your kids, or take time to do something you love and that fills your cup. It might seem like there's never enough time to do more of the things you want to do. But… what if there is? If you want to do more with your time and see it magically expand, we're going to help you today to literally make all your dreams and goals come true. Do you trust us? We hope you will after this episode! Grab a pen and a notebook and let's get ready to change your future!
Our Compounding Example from this Episode:
Month 1 = 1 minute, 2-8lb weights, 3x a week
10 squats = 160 lbs tonnage
10 deadlifts = 160 lbs tonnage
3 lunges/side = 96 lbs tonnage
= 416 lbs tonnage in 1 minute
= 1,248 lbs tonnage per week
= 4,992 lbs tonnage per month
Month 2 = 1 minute, 2-10lb weights, 3x a week
10 squats = 200 lbs tonnage
10 deadlifts = 200 lbs tonnage
3 lunges/side = 120 lbs tonnage
= 520 lbs tonnage in 1 minute
=1,560 lbs tonnage per week
= 6,240 lbs tonnage per month
Month 3 = 1 minute, 2-12lb weights, 3x a week
10 squats = 240 lbs tonnage
10 deadlifts = 240 lbs tonnage
3 lunges/side = 144 lbs tonnage
= 624 lbs tonnage in 1 minute
= 1,872 lbs tonnage per week
= 7,488 lbs tonnage per month
Grand Total= 18,990 lbs lifted, in 3 minutes a week/12 minutes a month/36 minutes
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Hi friend, get ready for a warm hug of encouragement today and to get more clarity around who your business is called to serve. Ann talks about how to build a business that’s subject to the season you’re in, how to bring clarity when you have a hundred business ideas, and how to hear God to grow a business that can impact others and fulfill your purpose as an Entrepreneur. It can be hard to be in the season of busy Motherhood while also having that entrepreneur itch so please share this episode with a fellow Mama who also needs to be encouraged!
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Hi friend! Are you feeling stuck, still trying to nail down your purpose or the calling God has for your life? If so, you are NOT alone! We talk to moms like you every week who are struggling to get clarity on what they should be doing. It can be especially hard for creative, multi-passionate women to know with certainty what they want to do. We have found that there is one sure-fire way to find your purpose and that's exactly what we are going to share with you in this episode. Get ready to take some notes and get more clarity this week!
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Hey friend! Have you ever felt like the people who are successful in business all seem like super confident, outgoing, and bubbly extroverts? You may be surprised to discover that many of the experts speaking on stages, showing up on social media, and building successful businesses are actually introverts who have simply grown their business and communication skills, all while still preferring intimate groups, being alone, or sitting behind the microphone of a podcast (Liz). If you’re an introvert, get ready to take some good notes, hear our personal stories, and find out 4 reasons why this is not something you have to overcome but something that is actually your superpower!
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Hey friend, If you're like us, you're a Mom who is crazy about your kids. We hope you feel a ton of purpose in your calling as a Mother. We also want you to know and believe that if you are here, you probably also have a calling outside of only being a Mother to your kids. If you're feeling the call to partner with Jesus and serve people through entrepreneurship, then that means He has great plans for you and that there are specific people that He's calling you to reach. But... what people, and how do you start a business if you don't know what your purpose is? Today we are going to help you start your journey of discovering exactly what kind of business God is calling you to. Get ready to take the first step in your journey toward making an income and an impact, grab a pen and a notebook and get ready to dive in as we help you start your dream business.
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Hey friend, today we are talking about 4 ways to reject “hustle culture” and still build a business with a heart that's at rest and not striving. We know that some of you have either tried to start a business and were hustling like crazy and are like, "I'll never do that again!" Or maybe you can't even imagine how you would be able to add a business to your plate without feeling stressed, burned out, and frankly just...exhausted. We have learned a lot over the years about sustainability and today we're going to give you 4 ways that you can reject "hustle culture" and still build your dream business that fuels your passion, expresses your Kingdom assignment, and is profitable. So grab a pen and paper and let's Dive in!
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Today we have Nia Rader (of Sam and Nia) sharing her journey as an entrepreneur! When she felt the call to be at home with her kids she was forced to learn how to embrace God, business, and family without forsaking one for the other. She shares about how she’s pivoted during the different seasons and balanced being a full-time Vlogger, Homeschool Mom, and Influencer. Hear her story and her practical advice for Moms that want to start a business!
To get access to even more of Nia’s story and to hear the full story behind the Netflix documentary she stars in, click here to buy her book. Her testimony of God’s redemption in her marriage will surely encourage and bring hope to anyone who has walked through infidelity, miscarriage, and brokenness in their own marriage.
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Hey friend, do you feel like you have no time to focus, find clarity, and dream again? Finding the time to actually sit down and do something uninterrupted and for yourself can feel like an impossible challenge. If your day is jam-packed with taking care of everyone else, feeding little people non-stop, and helping them manage their emotions- today’s episode will give you 3 ways to find alone time to unlock your creativity and create space to dream about your business. So if you’re ready to do the work, grab a notebook and pen and let's dive in!
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Hey friend! We want you to have a profitable business and a scalable offer that you can use to infinitely make money and impact people with. That’s why today we’re talking about how your mindset could be holding you back from making money and starting a business that you love and are passionate about.We know that you can’t even create a profitable business if your mind is unable to see yourself as profitable or successful. If you view yourself as small, you will play small! So grab a notebook and pen if you’re ready for some powerful coaching as we give you 3 beliefs you can change right now to uplevel your mindset about money. Let’s dive in!
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Hey friend! Today we’re going to quickly help you boost your confidence so that you can build the online business you’ve been dreaming about. We know all of the questions & insecurities that come at you when you dream about making an income and an impact through building a business. Questions like, can I really add another thing to my plate? What if I fail? Will I be a bad Mom if I do this? And on and on. Which is why we’ve put together these 3 sure ways to build your confidence today!
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Hey friend, do you feel like there’s more inside of you that has yet to be realized or seen? Do you long to make an impact for Jesus? Melissa shares her story of going from being a stay at home mom with her 3 boys to jumping into entrepreneurship. She is not the same woman we coached in our year long program at all. Why? Because she did the work, obeyed Jesus at every turn, said yes to business (even though it was super scary for her), and put herself with people and in situations that forced her to grow. If you’re like Melissa was, and you know you’ve got more to give, ask yourself these 2 questions while you listen- “How does this apply to me?” & “What is God saying to me through Melissa’s story?”
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Hey friend, have you ever known that God had something more for you and that it was time to take action? Us too! Listen in to hear BTS of how we’re pivoting and to learn what we have in store for the next era of our Podcast. We’re not slowing down, in fact we’re ramping up and we can’t wait to serve you better and help you partner with Jesus to start a business that makes an impact and an income! We’ll see you next week, same time, same place!
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Hi friend! Have you been wondering if starting a business is right for you? Here are 5 reasons that we believe are indicators that yes, you should indeed start one right now. If you’ve dabbled in entrepreneurship before or maybe you’re unsure if business is something you can handle along with being a Mom, we hope this episode can clarify your next step! If this episode was helpful we’d love it if you left us a review or sent it along to a friend you know needs to hear this!
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Tiffany never intended to even start a business let alone have multiple businesses that have had a huge impact on the women she leads as well as her own life. This encouraging story will have you throwing your hankie in the air as Tiffany shares the twists and turns of navigating pivots, starting over, and following God’s voice above all else. If you want to create a business that has a Kingdom impact, then you won’t want to miss this episode! We promise you’ll leave encouraged!
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If you feel like you’re overwhelmed, haven’t gotten the traction you need, or you want to produce more income and impact then we are 100% sure that one of these methods is for you right now. Friend, you don’t have to stay where you are and feel that horrible cloud of knowing you want to be somewhere you’re not or worse, feeling like you should be somewhere else by now. You can take powerful steps towards the calling on your life and the business you know you’re called to steward! Let’s go!!!
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Today we bring you an interview that was absolutely inspiring and vision expanding! From a school teacher to an online fitness coach, Helen shares how the journey prepared her for the role she's taken on as the face behind Frownies. If you haven’t heard of Frownies then… what rock have you been living under? Seriously though, Helen’s desire to love each of her customers has skyrocketed their family business. She now works side by side with her husband Marketing the brand, encouraging women to love themselves, and encouraging entrepreneurs in the strategy of love. She truly embodies what being a Kingdom entrepreneur is all about!
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Today we’re talking about why you should read or watch Fiction. There are a lot of things you can do for self-care but here’s why we think fictional stories help you in Business. We also talk about one of our favorite shows. Did someone say Gilmore Girls? If you’re a fan you’ll definitely enjoy this bunny trail! Are you Team Jess, Team Dean, or Team Logan? We know which one we are! Enjoy this episode and share it with your entrepreneur friends and your favorite Gilly Girls.
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