In this episode I speak with Remi Willems, a gardener based in regional Victoria who spent 6 years working at Paul Bangay's Stonefields.
Remi has a great story of his first gardening memory, and also has plenty of insights into the high end maintenance he's work in his whole career.
He has great plans to coach people to do the same work he does, so it'll be great to following along with his career and see it take off.
You can follow Remi on Instagram @remi_the_gardenerIf you're wanting to sign up to be on the mailing list for The Landscaping School, you can find the link here.
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In this episode I speak with Mike Andes, founder of Augusta Lawn Care.
Mike started his business early, and has grown it significantly, to now have 100+ franchises in North America, as well as one in Melbourne.
Mike is big on systems within business, and also employs P4P in them, which is Pay for performance, where the employees receive a profit share based on performance.
Mike also talks about the CoPilot CRM he uses for the business, and we also briefly touch on the future of robotic mowers.
You can follow Mike on Instagram @themikeandes
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In this episode I speak with Rob Cooper from Distinctive Gardens. Rob is a landscape designer based in South Australia, and only recently stopped doing construction within his business.
He's heading a South Australian team, alongside Yergan Landscape and Desert Flower Landscapes, to design and build a garden at this years MIFGS, so we talk plenty about that.
We also talk about Rob's process of communicating with contractors who are going to build his projects so that both they, and the client win.
You can follow Rob on Instagram @distinctivegardens_landscaping
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In this episode I answer some questions asked via Instagram.
It's the shortest episode I've ever done, but we'll be back to regular episodes next week.
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In this episode I speak with two past guests in Paul Pritchard of Paul Pritchard Landscape Design (ep 69) and Adam Hompas from Adam Hompas Landscapes (ep 66).
Paul and Adam are both based in Melbourne, and since being on the podcast in Spring of 2022, they've teamed up to design and build 2 show gardens in the Boutique Garden category at the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show, and are going back again this year to tackle a large show garden, so we talk about their plans for that, as well as what they've learnt from the two they've built.
I also ask them both about how their businesses have been since being on the podcast, and follow up with them on questions answered in previous episodes.
You can find Paul on Instagram @paulpritchardlandscapedesign and you can find Adam @adamhompaslandscapes
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In this episode I answer some questions asked via Instagram.
I also make a major announcement towards the end of the episode!
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In this episode I speak with Bridget Doyle from Bridget Doyle Landscape Design. Bridget is based in Northern Victoria, but was originally from the NSW Riverina so does a lot of work there, but works all around the neighbouring states.
Bridget started out working for companies that design not only residential gardens, but also commercial ones including early learning centres and aged care facilities, so she had a varied start which she also now does within her business.
She talks about the challenges of working in a home office and the isolation of being a solo designer.
Bridget also talks about her own garden and how she selects plants which don't need any irrigation other than rainfall.
You can follow Bridget on Instagram @bd_landscapedesign
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In this episode I answer some questions asked via Instagram.
There were so many that there'll be another Q and A episode next week.
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In this episode, I use a program from Google called NotebookLM to make a podcast reviewing episodes which I uploaded from the previous 10 episodes.
AI technology is phenomenal, but also has its flaws. The hosts (which are AI and don't actually exist) don't even mention three or four of the episodes I uploaded, even thought they seem to run out of content and repeat some of the same things four times.
I did have a good laugh around 90 seconds in when they mention, without any prompting by me, a famous landscape designer!
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In this episode I speak with Brendan Eccleston from Brisbane Landscaping Co, a design and construction company based in Brisbane.
Brendan had a great variety of experience prior to starting his business, which included owning a franchise for a lawn maintenance business, where he didn't make as much money as he'd have liked, but did learn a lot for his future businesses, one of which included a short lived partnership with a mate.
Brendan also discusses his back injury, and how he's able to take a positive out of a bad situation.
You can follow Brendan on Instagram @brisbanelandscapingco
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In this episode I speak with Andrew Christopher Dunne, and garden designer from Ireland who also has a mentorship/course called The Garden Design Mentor, which he created after getting great feedback on the advice he was offering on Instagram.
In this episode he talks about how most people learn by doing, and the importance of putting yourself in your client's shoes, understanding their problems and doing more listening than talking.
I also took away some advice from Andrew, particularly about dressing appropriately for design appointments, and going dressed as a garden designer, not as a landscaper.
You can follow Andrew on Instagram @thegardendesignmentor
You can find out more information about his course at thegardendesignmentor.com
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In this episode I speak with Daniel O'Callaghan from Nature Build, a landscaping and water feature business based in Bendigo, Victoria.
Daniel started out working in heavy timber construction, so does some beautiful timber work, and he also developed a lot of other skills from working around other skilled tradesmen.
He discovered water features, so headed off to the US to learn from the best, and has honed his craft since.
He talks about his experience of growing his business year on year before realising it wasn't what he wanted.
And he has a great story about how he marketed the first water feature he built.
You can follow Daniel on Instagram @naturebuild_insta
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In this episode I speak with Emma Sage from Sage Journal, an online magazine for the garden industry, sharing stunning projects, education, gardening tips and how to's, recipes and everything else you'd expect to find in a gardening magazine.
Emma is based in Hawkes Bay in New Zealand and originally studied commercial law and marketing and has used her marketing knowledge to build the audience of the magazine.
She makes some great points in this episode, such as the importance of building a great team. She's teamed up with some great writers and photographers and the results show in the work produced.
You can follow Emma on Instagram @sage.journal
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In this episode I speak with Christian Douglas from Christian Douglas Design as well as The Back Yard Farm Company.
Christian started out in the UK, studying design and having a business partnership which also designed gardens at the Chelsea Flower Show, before leaving this business and moving to California and starting the current businesses.
He discovered a passion for permaculture, and started implementing some principles of it into the garden he and his team design, and has recently launched a book called The Food Forward Garden where he not only shows projects they've designed using these principles, but also gives advice about how everyone can do it.
You can follow Christian on Instagram @christian_douglas_design or @thebackyardfarmco
You can head to his website to learn more about and buy his book
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In this episode I speak with Colleen Southwell from The Garden Curator. Colleen is a landscape designer and artist based in Orange, NSW.
Colleen mentions that her artwork has taken over more of her time recently, and I was fascinated with how beautiful and unique her paper sculptures were, so we talk plenty about that and her piece which was sent to New York.
Colleen also does garden design workshops and she talks about how she teaches people how to come up with their own design style rather than copying another designer.
You can follow Colleen on Instagram @thegardencurator
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In this episode I speak with Andrea Proctor of Andrea Proctor Landscapes, a design firm located in Melbourne.
Andrea has an awesome story about how she got started in the industry and the importance of being proactive and persistent.
She worked for Andrew Laidlaw for ten years after working with John Patrick for 5, and she has since worked on around 20 Botanic gardens and went out on her own in 2020.
You can follow Andrea on Instagram @andreaproctorlandscapes
In the episode I did with Jim Fogarty, we discussed a Landscape Design course we're both a part of, and in some exciting news, there's a Landscaping Podcast discount code for the course!
Use the coupon code: LANDSCAPINGPODCAST when paying in full and you'll save $400! You can head to ulleo.com/landscaping to see the talented people involved in the course, as well as to sign up or see the other courses they offer.
You can follow Ulleo on Instagram @ulleo
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In this episode I speak with the World Famous Ashley James from Ashley James Gardens.
Ash was a guest on episode 13 where he spoke about his path into the industry, so I thought it was a great time to get him back on the podcast 3+ years later to see what he's been up to.
We talk about his work writing for Home Beautiful magazine, his partnership with a real estate agency and the launch of his curated seed range with Meadow Flowers Australia.
We also talk about Cass Hooke's garden event which we'll both be attending.
You can find a link to the Garden Event raffle I speak about here, which raises money for kids cancer charity Country Hope
You can follow Ash on Instagram @ashley_james_gardens
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In this episode I speak with Andy Murray from Andy Murray Landscape Design, a landscape design business based in Melbourne.
Andy had a unique path into the industry, starting out in childcare before studying permaculture design, studying further at Burnley and then working in horticulture for a couple of people. He then started a business partnership with one of those people he was working for and had the business for 12 years before going out on his own.
Andy also had a love of music from an early age and he talks about the similarities of how a bad singer can ruin a well written song, compared to a bad landscaper can ruin a well designed garden.
We also discuss the challenges of designing to a clients budget and the best ways to go about that.
You can follow Andy on Instagram @andymurraylandscapedesign
In the episode I did with Jim Fogarty, we discussed a Landscape Design course we're both a part of, and in some exciting news, there's a Landscaping Podcast discount code for the course!
Use the coupon code: LANDSCAPINGPODCAST when paying in full and you'll save $400! You can head to ulleo.com/landscaping to see the talented people involved in the course, as well as to sign up or see the other courses they offer.
You can follow Ulleo on Instagram @ulleo
If you're wanting to sign up to be on the mailing list for The Landscaping School, you can find the link here.
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In this episode I speak with Elissa Astorino of Elissa Astorino Garden Design. Elissa is based in Canada and currently a student, but graduating this month.
She came out to Australia in March to help Peter Donegan with his MIFGS garden as well as designing and building her own garden in the Border Gardens competition.
She has a great attitude towards learning, which is what has lead to her being in Australia and not only working at MIFGS, but also developing working relationships with Yards Landscapes and Semken Landscaping to the point that she's worked/working for them for a 3 month placement.
I'm looking forward to following along with Elissa on her career in design.
You can follow her on Instagram @elissa_astorino
In the episode I did with Jim Fogarty, we discussed a Landscape Design course we're both a part of, and in some exciting news, there's a Landscaping Podcast discount code for the course!
Use the coupon code: LANDSCAPINGPODCAST when paying in full and you'll save $400! You can head to ulleo.com/landscaping to see the talented people involved in the course, as well as to sign up or see the other courses they offer.
You can follow Ulleo on Instagram @ulleo
If you're wanting to sign up to be on the mailing list for The Landscaping School, you can find the link here.
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In this episode I speak with Jim Fogarty from Jim Fogarty Design, a landscape design company based in Melbourne.
Jim has probably done more garden shows than any other Australian designer, winning more than 30 awards, including 16 Gold Medals including a Gold at both Chelsea and Hampton Court Flower Shows.
Jim was also a student at Burnley, which has produced an incredible amount of talented people within the industry.
He also does garden tours to Japan twice a year with ASA.
Something Jim and I have in common is that we're both part of a new Landscape and Garden Design course run by Ulleo, along with some of the best designers in the country! I talk briefly about the course in the intro of the episode, and again with Jim around the 30+ minute mark.
In some exciting news, there's a Landscaping Podcast discount code for the course!
Use the coupon code: LANDSCAPINGPODCAST when paying in full and you'll save $400! You can head to ulleo.com/landscaping to see the talented people involved in the course, as well as to sign up or see the other courses they offer.
You can follow Ulleo on Instagram @ulleo
You can follow Jim on Instagram @jimfogartydesign
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