
  • In Episode 62 of The Level Up with Katie B podcast, I’m chatting with Veronique Lutchmaya, Founder and CEO of Unique Tenants Consult.

    Veronique has a deeply rooted passion for ensuring that every individual is treated with respect.

    Her background is in accounting, HR management, and industrial relations, but realising that these areas of work weren’t filling her cup, she felt compelled to give back to the community and to improve the lives of those who are treated unfairly.

    Her day-to-day work involves providing information on rental rights and responsibilities, crafting negotiation strategies, and drafting correspondence, but it’s her core goal of empowering tenants (who are usually disadvantaged when it comes to property rights and knowledge) to effectively negotiate with property managers and owners that’s the foundation of everything she does.

    Unique Tenants Consult is the perfect example of the magic that can happen when passion meets a gap in the market, and Veronique’s story is truly inspiring. It’s the story of someone who chose to follow her calling and as a result is having a huge positive impact on the world whilst building her aligned and thriving business.

    Veronique has a serious amount of knowledge about the residential property rights of tenants and landlords, and you can connect with her to receive her free fact sheets and newsletter via the links at the end of the show notes.

    If you’re someone that has the niggling desire to follow a passion, or uncover your purpose, but you're afraid or unsure about whether to move forward, I have no doubt that Veronique’s story will give you the pep you need to see that everything is possible when you have vision and take aligned action.

    In this episode I also tell you a little bit about my new Facebook group, Human Design Hub. 

    Human Design Hub is a super empowering community, where you'll receive guidance on leveraging your human design for business success and connect with other entrepreneurial women who want to have a soul-led business. 

    It is honestly the most incredible group of humans and the best place for you to start experiencing the power of applying your Human Design to business. Come and join us!


    Download your free Human Design chart

    Come and hang out with us in the Human Design Hub on Facebook. 

    Unique Tenants Consult website: https://tenantsconsult.com.au

    Veronique's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TenantsConsult

    Veronique's email address: [email protected]

  • Today I’m bringing you the Human Design energy report for May. 

    This report is based on the solar transit through our Human Design chart. 

    Why do I look at the sun transit and not the other planets? Well, it’s all to do with neutrinos. Neutrinos are the teeny tiny particles that imprint on us at our time of birth and move through us every moment of every day. The sun creates 70% of the neutrino stream so, for me, it makes sense to concentrate on how the sun impacts us during the month.

    The Gates activated this month are: 

    Gate 24: this Gate, which was initially activated at the end of April, is still activated during the first few days of May - you can hear me talk more about this Gate’s activation in Episode 57

    When Gate 24 is activated, we’re invited to protect our energetic, emotional and physical capacities by stepping into solid, life-giving boundaries. 

    Gate 2: In its highest expression, Gate 2 is all about helping us to stay connected to our authenticity, set intentions and take aligned action. Gate 2 activation also helps us trust that it’s OK to not have control of everything and to see the value in collaboration. 

    Gate 23: this gate is a catalyst for overcoming limiting self-belief and developing new ways of thinking.

    Gate 20: the period of Gate 20 activation is one of taking stock to make sure that the action you're taking is valuable and that you're not wasting your energy on things that won’t have a long-lasting and positive impact.

    Gate 16: the energy of an activated Gate 16 is the energy of claiming and developing your natural talents, of believing in yourself enough to say ‘yes’ to investing time, energy, and resources into working with your passions.

    In this episode I also introduce my fab new Facebook group, ‘Human Design Hub’, which I’m really excited about! 

    Human Design Hub is a space where women in business can learn how to build profitable, purpose-driven and aligned businesses. It's a super supportive community where you'll get to connect with the most soul-led female entrepreneurs, and receive guidance on leveraging your Human Design for business success. Come and hang out with us! 


    Download your free Human Design chart

    Join my awesome Facebook Community for soul-led female entrepreneurs, Human Design Hub

    Download your free skin and hair care solutions quiz

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • In episode 60 of the Level Up with Katie B podcast, I chat to Louise Towler, who’s had quite the journey - from stand-up comedian to children’s theatre manager to professional coaching. 

    We have a yarn about something that almost every one of us has experienced: low self-esteem.

    Louise opens up about her experience of dealing with anxiety during her time as a stand-up comedian, and how her work in children’s theatre made her realise that so many of the children - and their parents - were struggling with similar feelings. This awareness led to a realisation for Louise that her own anxiety - and everyone else’s - actually stems from feelings of low self-esteem.

    If you're a parent dealing with demanding or controlling behaviours from your child, you’re in luck, because  Louise's latest book, ‘Balance: Restore Balance When Love Becomes Control’, is specifically for you.

    Louise's message to struggling parents is clear: quit beating yourself up and asking yourself where you went wrong! In her book, Louise shows you how to identify and overcome controlling behaviours, and to approach them as symptoms of low self-esteem. 

    Her book helps parents gain clarity and gives them the tools necessary to restore a healthy, loving relationship with their child. 

    But if you’re not a parent, do not sweat it - Louise shares insights into patterns of behaviour that hold all of us back, and suggestions on how we can adjust our thinking in order to cultivate lasting healthy self-esteem.

    Tune in and be prepared to see the behaviours exhibited by yourself, your loved ones, and your children in a whole new light!

    I am super pumped because the doors are open again to Align and Thrive, my 5-month Human Design coaching package.  This sweet and transformational package is the ultimate journey to embodying your energetic gifts, guiding you on your journey to:

    Build solid business foundationsUnlock your energetic giftsRewrite your storyAttract aligned opportunities andBuild your legacy

    I currently have two spots available in this round of the programme, so if you want to experience the freedom and joy of building your business your way, click on the link to find out whether Align and Thrive is the right fit for you!

  • Welcome to episode 59 of the Level Up with Katie B podcast. This week it’s just you and me, baby, and I’m spilling the beans about what I wish I’d known before I started my side hustles.


    The economic situation is pretty damn scary for a lot of us at the moment, right? And I don’t know about you, but I feel like there’s a groundswell of people who are realising how important multiple income streams are to the financial security of their family.


    I have two side hustles, and I’m pretty happy with where I am with them now, but it wasn’t an easy journey to get here, let me tell you! I made mistakes, and in this episode I share some of these experiences with you, so that you can avoid making the same mistakes when you’re growing your own side hustle, and get to where I am with my side hustles now - chill, fulfilled, and stable - in way less time than it took me!


    I share my thoughts on the ‘do this course and you will become rich’ school of coaching (can you guess what I think of that pearl of wisdom?!)


    I give you some suggestions on how to separate yourself from your business, so that if your launch isn’t the success you hope it would be, your sense of self-worth doesn’t crash and burn.


    I talk about how soul-led and heart-led entrepreneurs can set themselves up for bringing in income from the very beginning, instead of just throwing money down the drain.


    And if you’ve been waiting patiently for Side Hustle Startup School to open, the wait will soon be over; watch this space!


    I hope you enjoy this episode and it sparks something awesome for you and your side hustle!




    The Side Hustle Success Blueprint is a two-page, customizable business plan that will help you navigate the process from brainstorming ideas to creating a start-up business plan. It also includes some energetic tips and tricks to help you align your business plan with your Human Design! 


    This is the perfect freebie for you if you’re thinking of starting a business or side hustle, or you’ve had one for a while but it’s not really gaining traction. 


    One of my business buddies, Nikki Sciberras, is running a course that would be really helpful if you want to start a side hustle or business and hit the ground running in terms of visibility. 


    SEO Made Easy is a simple, six-week course that will guide you step-by-step on how to reach first position on Google, so that you can boost your website traffic and sell on autopilot without relying on social media. 


    Doors to SEO Made Easy close tomorrow, so don’t hang around procrastinatin’ - I’ll see you there! 


    If you’d like a beautiful hair and skin ritual that helps you reconnect with your body, be in reverence of it, and helps you feel confident with glowing skin and healthy hair, take the Rodan + Field Skin and Hair Solutions Tool Quiz 


    Rodan + Field’s Skin and Hair Care products are blended with premium ingredients, and are dermatologically designed, results-driven solutions for your skin and hair challenges, with something for everyone, whether you're fighting the signs of aging, tackling skin imperfections like acne, scarring or pigmentation, or dealing with hair concerns like hair fall or frizziness. 


    To top it all off, they offer a full, 60-day money-back guarantee - even if the bottle’s empty - that’s how much they believe in their products! 


  • I am so pumped about this week’s episode of the Level Up with Katie B podcast!

    I’m chatting with Nicki Sciberras, who is a Facebook Ads, Google Ads and SEO expert. Nicki is an empath who knows what it feels like to want to have a positive impact on the world, and she’s focused on helping online business owners profitably grow and scale their brands so that they can live life on their own terms. 

    Whether you’re still at the planning stage with your side hustle or online business, or you’ve already started your business but you’re feeling like you’re getting nowhere near the visibility and revenue the social media gurus promised you (despite spending about seventy bazillion hours a week on creating social media posts) this episode is going to Blow. Your. Mind!

    Nicki shows us how SEO really helps us create long-term, sustainable success in our businesses. Human Design has a bloody important role in achieving that, sure, but we also need solid business strategies, and that’s where SEO comes in.

    This episode is honestly so packed full of valuable info and actionable tips! Nicki spills the beans on:

    The different parts that make up search engine optimization (SEO)The return on investment of SEO compared to social mediaHow to check the speed of your website’s pages, and what to do if they’re loading too slowlyWhat backlinks are and how they help your website’s visibilityThe dodgy practices that some SEO agencies use to quickly boost your ranking on Google, that will ultimately get you penalizedHow to tell if your SEO strategy is having a positive effect

    Stick around to the end, where Nicki shares some super easy actionable steps for improving your search engine optimization today.


    The doors to SEO Made Easy are currently closed, but you can CLICK HERE to learn more and get on the waitlist for the next round.

    You can use Nicki's free website traffic and sales Calculator by CLICKING HERE

    is Rodan + Fields’ skin and hair care products are dermatologically designed and results driven solutions for your skin and hair care challenges, with something for everyone. These products are good, I mean really good! Do you know of any other skincare brand that will let you use their products until the bottle is empty and then if you don't get the results you're looking for, you can send the empty bottle back and get a full refund?! If you’re intrigued and want to find the right solutions for you, Take the Rodan + Fields’ skin and hair solutions tool quiz

    Don’t know what your Human Design is yet? Download your free Human Design chart here!

  • Episode 57 of the Level Up with Katie B podcast takes a deep dive into the Human Design Energy Gates for April and how they’ll affect our lives and businesses during this month’s solar transit.

    As the sun journeys through a human design chart, the energies invite us to explore new avenues of self-awareness, growth and alignment. My monthly energy report episodes are about helping you understand how you can maximize those energies and infuse them into every element of the month ahead. 

    Each Gate is activated during a particular part of the month, and I lead you through each time period, highlighting the gifts you can expect from the universe at different times of the month, how the shadow expressions of each Gate can show up in our lives and businesses, and some of the questions you could ask yourself during the period of each Gate activation to lead you along your path of alignment.

    This month, we’ll be looking at Gate 21, Gate 51, Gate 42, Gate 3, Gate 27, and Gate 24. The energies activated by these Gates during April are about the wise allocation of resources, healing old money wounds, embracing discomfort as an opportunity for potential growth, reflecting on past actions and future goals, self-care, and heaps more! 

  • This week on the Level Up with Katie B podcast I talk to the amazing Dr Lisa Winters. Not only is Lisa an awesome Veterinarian, she is also a talented animal communicator.

    Lisa is on a mission to help pets feel validated by helping their humans to connect with them on a whole new level!

    Lisa has been communicating with animals since she was seven. She used this awesome ability during her career as a riding instructor and horse trainer, and has now incorporated it into her veterinary practice to help her diagnose illness and treat behvioural issues.

    We talk about her love for all things equine, and how her deep desire to become a Vet led to her moving across the world from Washington to Perth.

    We also chat about how Lisa’s experience has led her to teaching animal communication and offering a pet tarot therapy programme.

    This truly is an amazing episode, so settle down with your fur babies and enjoy the show!

    Here are the links I mention in the episode:

    If you’re just starting out with Human Design, you can download your free Human Design chart here.

    If you’ve already started your Human Design journey and need some help to apply what you’re learning to your day-to-day life, I’ve created A Practical Guide To Embodying Your Human Design to help you cut through the confusion of information overload and start harnessing the power of Human Design TODAY!

    A nourishing skin and hair care routine can be a sacred part of your day, a beautiful ritual to help you reconnect with your body and grow your self-love and confidence. 

    If you’d like to uncover the right skin and hair care routine for your specific needs, honour yourself by taking this Skin and Hair Solutions Tool Quiz

  • This week’s episode of the Level Up with Katie B podcast is perfect for you if you’ve been in a funk and are ready to shake that shizz off.

    My #1 hack for increasing your magnetism allows for being human and all the messiness that entails. It also doesn’t require you to go on an inner healing journey, and has a fast and  massive impact.

    If you’d like to hear more about the science behind how and why this tool works, check out episode 6 of the Level Up with Katie B podcast 

    Here’s the resource I talk about in this episode: 12 potent ways to shake things up and create potent magnetism

    CLICK HERE to take the Skin and Hair Solutions tool Quiz if you’re ready for some self-love goodness.

    If you’d like to get in on the action for my next New Moon workshop, you can register here 

    And finally, if you haven’t yet downloaded your free Human Design chart, you can grab that here 

    I hope you enjoy all the juice in this week’s episode!

  • Procrastination. Let’s admit it: we all do it. 

    And we all think we can -  or should - beat it. But actually, it's a part of life. 

    But don’t fret, because my guest on this episode of the Level Up with Katie B podcast, Toni O’Dea, is here to give us her invaluable insights into how to know when we’re procrastinating, how to identify the causes of procrastination in our lives, and how we can procrastinate less.

    Toni is a seasoned life coach and founder of The Reclaim Coach, and specialises in health & wellness coaching, life cycle coaching, and business coaching

    We chat about the four different types of procrastination that can show up in our lives, and how to identify when we’re procrastinating (HINT: if your house is spotless or you’re following all the shiny objects, you’re probably procrastinating about something!)

    We discuss what lies in the gap between realising we’re procrastinating and overcoming what’s making us procrastinate, and we experience some amazing lightbulb moments along the way. 

    There is sooo much juicy stuff in this episode, I’m so excited to share it with you!

  • Episode 53 of the Level Up with Katie B podcast is a dive deep into the cosmic energies that will affect our lives and our businesses during the solar transit for March.

    As the sun journeys through a human design chart, the energies invite us to explore new avenues of self-awareness, growth and alignment. This episode is about helping you understand how you can maximize those energies and infuse them into every element of your month ahead. 

    We’ll be looking at Gate 63, Gate 22, Gate 36, Gate 25, Gate 17, and Gate 21. The energies activated in these Gates during March are about openness, knowing, trusting your intuition, self-growth, emotional strength, and contributing to the greater good.

    Each Gate is activated during a different part of the month, and I lead you through each time period, the characteristics of each activated Gate, how the shadow expressions of each Gate can show up in our lives and businesses, and some of the questions you could ask yourself during the period of each Gate activation to lead you along your path of alignment. 

    I also share some exciting news with you: I’m taking part in a summit!!  The Expansive Exposure Summit starts on 18 March, runs for 4 days, and will have heaps of workshops led by visionaries and entrepreneurs like you. The theme of the summit is about exploring innovative approaches to marketing and business growth in alignment with the emerging energies of our time, and it’s going to be amazing!

    It’s the first time I’ve been part of a summit, and I’m so excited about it! 

    My workshop is called Thrive by Design, and it’s all about human design for sustainable business success. You can check out all the details for the summit here. I can’t wait to see you there!

  • Welcome to Episode 52 of the Level Up with Katie B podcast! This episode is just you and me talking about something that I love talking about: conditioning. We unpack what conditioning is and what it means to de-condition. We explore the idea of working with the life-giving conditioning we’ve been given (‘cause not all conditioning is bad), and we contemplate why we’re here, what it means to be authentically ourselves, what life can be like when we’re in tune with our authenticity, and how peeling back all those layers of conditioning can support us on our Human Design journey.

    I’ve also got these goodies for you:

    The Ultimate Practical Guide To Embodying Your Human Design bundle, which includes a clear and concise explanation of the 64 Human Design Gates, linked tarot archetypes, and relatable descriptions and explanations of both the higher and shadow aspects of each of the 64 Human Design Gates. I really wanted to make these concepts a little bit easier for you to really grasp so that you can figure out how to relate to these energies on a day-to-day, practical level, especially if you’re in the first couple of years of your human design journey.

    Another thing I really wanted to do was remind you that the doors are open again to Align and Thrive, which is my five-month human design deep dive. If you want to confidently level up, expand and share your gifts, this programme is for you. This transformative approach serves as a portal for you to thrive while you grow your business, in alignment with your unique energetic gifts.

  • Today on the Level Up with Katie B podcast I discuss all things hormones with Claire Marie, Primal Health and Empowerment Coach, founder of Femmway, mother, and relentless advocate for women’s health.

    As a result of her own struggles with menstrual health, Claire has developed a unique system to revolutionize women’s wellness through cycle synchronisation. 

    Our convo delves deep into the profound impact hormones have on everything we are and everything we do. We also talk about how women go through four archetypes during a monthly cycle, and how we can work with the different people we become, in synergy with our menstrual cycles - working with the natural ebb and flow of energies our hormonal fluctuations create at any given point in our cycle rather than against it. 

    Claire shares some tips on tracking your cycle, so that you can start on your life-changing journey of working with your hormonal superpowers from a place of knowledge, and talks about how knowing your hormones can make the transition to peri and menopause less stressful and more harmonious (or should that be ‘hormonious’? 😂).

    We also chat about how you can harness your knowledge of where you’re at, hormonally, at a particular time of the month, to make good decisions about how to spend your time.

    There really is so much good stuff  in this episode, prepare to have your minds blown, people!

  • Today on Level Up with Katie B I have a yarn with my huzzy, Clay - well, it is Valentine's Day!

    Three years ago, Clay and I made a digital vision board, and in those three years we’ve manifested everything on it...almost. From luxury holidays, to being in the best shape of our lives.

    HTF did we manage that??!

    Tune in to hear Clay's perspective on manifestation, and what he believes to be the most vital part of a successful manifestation process.

    I want you to have everything you want from life, my friend, so pin back your ears for some manifestation magic that you can incorporate into your own manifestation practices.

    If you want more of me, CLICK HERE to head over to my Insta account, or CLICK HERE if you're more of a Facebook bod.

    If you're Human Design curious, CLICK HERE to download your free Human Design chart.


  • Hold on to your butt, because you're about to learn some life-change tools that you can use every day to help you improve your relationships, your business, and TBH, every part of your daily life!

    I'm chatting with nervous system regulation coach, Amanda Joseph.

    On this episode of Level Up with Katie B, Amanda teaches you how to recognise nervous system degregulation, and most importantly, how to fixt it. She also shares her own journey of recovery from a degregulated nervous system, which I know is going to ring-a-ding-ding true with alot of you.

    When our nervous system is fried, life is HARD, my friend. Creating is hard, mumming is hard, business is hard. So sit up straight and pay attention. This shit will change your life!

     CLICK HERE to find out your human design and download your free human design chart

    CLICK HERE for all the deets about my Align & Thrive human design coaching package

    CLICK HERE to connect with the awesome Amanda Joseph! 

  • Welcome, wonderful human!

    Tune in today to explore the solar transits and the specific gates that will be activated in our human design charts during February. As the sun moves through these gates, we will feel an increased level of awareness around the themes these gates represent.

    This month will bring us heightened emotional sensitivity (hold on to your hats!), a big dose of narrative wisdom, value alignment, deep emotional exploration, some sensational soulful connections, and freedom in responsibility.

    This episode - like all my monthly Human Design reports - offers profund insights for life and business alignment; they're like a little slice of coaching in your pocket.

    CLICK HERE to download your FREE Human Design chart

    CLICK HERE for all the deets on my Human Design coaching package

    CLICK HERE if you're ready to free yourself from outdated, limiting beliefs by exploring Shadow Work

    CLICK HERE to take a free hair and skin analysis quiz

  • If you need some motivation to check out your numbers, you're not going to want to miss today's episode!

    I'm joined by Keriann McKenzie, Business and Marketing expert.

    Keriann is the shizz at helping soul-led business owners develop thriving businesses, and in this episode of the Level Up with Katie B podcast, Keriann and I chat about the importance of building strong foundations for your business, and how financial projections are crucial - even if your business is in the start-up phase.

    We delve deep into some of the common challenges faced by soul-led entrepreneurs, and sprinkle invaluable advice that you can act on NOW to give your biz the kick in the butt that it needs to bloom! Trust me, you won't want to miss these insights!

    CLICK HEREto check out Side Hustle Start Up School

    CLICK HERE to connect with Kerri McKenzie on Instagram

    CLICK HERE to download your free Human Design chart


  • Motivation baby! Did you know your Human Design holds vital information about your unique relationship to motivation?

    Listen to discover Human Design hacks that allow you to tap into your motivation energy beans in the most aligned way to achieve more success with less stress.

    CLICK HERE to download your Human Design chart

    CLICK HERE to download your FREE Will Centre PDF guide

    CLICK HERE to download your FREE Spleen Centre PDF guide

    CLICK HERE to register for Side Hustle start-up School

    CLICK HERE to take the Skin and Hair Solutions tool quiz.


  • When opportunity comes knocking, it pays to listen.

    In today's episode, I chat with Phillipa Page, Nurse, Mum, Farmer's wife and Accidental Business Badass, about business as a portal to rediscovering yourself at any age.

    Pip reluctantly started her direct selling business with Rodan and Fields, with a good old arm twist from her younger sister and full of a healthy dose of scepticism. Since saying yes, she has built a successful business that she loves and is passionate about supporting other women to do the same.

    CLICK HERE to check out Side Hustle Start-Up School

    CLICK HERE to Book a chat to discover more about the Rodan and Fields Business opportunity.

    CLICK HERE to Take the Skin and Hair Solutions tool quiz.


  • Welcome to 2024! 🎉 - Whether you're seeking financial freedom, creative outlets, or soul-level satisfaction, this episode holds the keys to aligning your ambitions with your most badass version.

    Discover the power of January Energy based on the sun's transit through your Human Design Chart.

    This episode is exactly what you need to kickstart the year with clarity, intention, and a whole lot of positive energy!

    Grab your FREE pass to the "Decode Your Side Hustle Potential" workshop. Designed exclusively for go-getters like you, this workshop is your gateway to abundance in 2024. CLICK HERE to claim your spot so you can finally decide if Side Hustling is a way for you to Manifest more abundance and soul-level satisfaction in 2024!

    Don't know your Human Design? CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD your chart.

    Want FREE Human Design insights and tips for building a thriving, sustainable biz CLICK HERE to follow me on Insta

  • If you're an online business owner or aspiring online business owner, this episode is for you!

    Joining me today is Holly Daniel. Holly is the owner and CEO of Collar Summits. She is a well-known Marketing Strategist for female coaches, course creators, and membership owners. With 8 years of experience, she values collaboration over competition and strives to create opportunities for all women. She has successfully built a 6 figure business and is ready to show you how to do the same.

    Today Holly shares her story about manifesting her current business, we chat all things online business and Holly shares some super impactful tips about how to have success as a business owner in the only space.

    CLICK HERE for FREE access to Decode Your Side Hustle Potential

    CLICK HERE to download your Human Design chart

    CLICK HERE to Join Holly's Facebook Group "Collab Lab"