
  • Wondering where your energy goes as you get older?

    Tune in and learn how to restore and rebuild your energy in your 60's and beyond.

    In this episode of the Longevity Gym podcast, host Pam Strand delves into the common experience of diminished energy levels in our 60s and offers a shift in perspective from frustration to curiosity. Pam explains that while metabolic changes with age are inevitable, shifting our mindset to one of curiosity can open up new ways to maintain and even boost our energy. She emphasizes the importance of experimenting with lifestyle changes in areas like exercise, nutrition, rest, and stress management to find personalized strategies that work.

    Pam encourages listeners to avoid comparisons with their past energy levels and to celebrate small wins as they navigate the metabolic changes that occur in life.

    Tune in to learn how to make your energy shine at any age.

    00:00 Welcome to the Longevity Gym

    00:14 The Mystery of Lost Energy

    00:47 Understanding Metabolic Changes

    01:40 Curiosity Over Fury

    04:14 Practical Strategies for Energy

    07:11 Experiment and Adapt

    11:03 Celebrate Your Wins

    11:27 Conclusion: Embrace Vibrant Energy

    If you would like to stay in touch, please sign up for Pam's newsletter. You can use this form (click here) to enter your name and email list.

    Here's to living longer, stronger and better!

  • The Power and Benefits of Walking for Longevity and Well-being

    In this episode of the Longevity Gym podcast, host Pam Strand explores the comprehensive benefits of walking, emphasizing its physical, cognitive, and mental impacts.

    Pam details how walking involves coordination between the nervous system, muscles, and bones and explains its versatility and accessibility for different fitness levels. She cites studies linking regular walking to longer life expectancy and improved health metrics such as heart health, metabolism, and blood sugar levels.

    Pam also highlights how walking enhances cognitive functions, boosts creativity, and promotes mental well-being through mindful, meditative practices. Lastly, she shares personal anecdotes, encouraging listeners to integrate walking into their daily routines for a healthier, happier life.

    00:00 Introduction to Longevity Gym
    00:32 The Mechanics of Walking
    02:50 Versatility and Accessibility of Walking
    04:19 Health Benefits of Walking
    05:59 Cognitive and Mental Benefits of Walking
    08:37 Mindfulness and Walking
    09:49 Personal Reflections and Encouragement
    11:55 Conclusion and Call to Action

    Dear Listener;

    We can walk to add healthy years to our lives. We can walk to improve our health, our cognitive function, and our mental well-being. And we can walk to slow down, be present, and savor what Mother Nature provides to us.

    Let's walk and live longer, stronger, and better!


    P.S. If you would like to stay in touch, please consider signing up for my newsletter. I share tips and information that helps us be strong and healthy in our middle years and beyond. You can sign up by clicking here.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • High quality sleep is essential for longevity.

    High quality sleep helps us be healthier, process the demands of our day, and get stronger mentally and physically.

    When we know more about the sleep processes within the body, we are more powerful in shaping our lifestyles to work with these processes. The result - better sleep.

    Tune in and learn:

    The definition of a good night's sleep,The ideal targets for REM and Non-REM sleep,The two main processes within the body which regulate sleep - sleep drive and circadian rhythms,Key lifestyle choices that improve and support high quality sleep.

    I describe how lifestyle supports or disrupts sleep drive and the circadian rhythms. It is important to know that:

    The master clock in our brains, which regulates sleep, relies on the light signals that come into the brain through the eyesMelatonin goes to work in the dark - exposure to bright lights in the evening can disrupt its work. Serotonin - the neurotransmitter that promotes wakefulness - is a pre-requisite to melatonin. Cortisol levels naturally increase and decrease during the day. Stress can add to these levels, making it difficult to downshift the body in preparation for a good night's sleep.

    If you feel that better sleep would improve your health and your life, it is an important issue to address. Recurring and significant issues with sleep should be evaluated with the help and guidance of your doctor. You want to rule out the potential of any medical issues and get support if an issue needs medical intervention like sleep apnea.

    Let's Stay in Touch

    If you have any questions or would like to share an insight or breakthrough moment, please email me. My email is [email protected] invite you to sign up for my newsletter if you are not already on my email list. My newsletters are sent about every two weeks. Inside, I announce new podcast episodes and ways to work together. I also share tips on living longer, stronger, and better. You can click here to enter your name and email address or use the form below.
  • Guided Loving Kindness Meditation for Positive Emotions and Well-Being

    In this episode of the Longevity Gym, host Pam Strand guides listeners through a loving kindness meditation.

    Loving Kindness meditation is a popular form of meditating. It involves directing love, kindness, and compassion towards yourself and others.

    This type of meditation has many benefits, including:

    Increased positive emotions, Enhanced social connections, and Reduced stress.

    To practice this meditation, all you need is a comfortable and safe place to sit or lay down. Ideally it is a place where you won't be interrupted for the next several minutes. And please do not practice this if you are driving or in a place where you need to be around of your surroundings.

    The meditation begins at (2:05) in this episode.

    May loving kindness and compassion be your companion as you move through your day!

    If you enjoy meditations, you may be interested in these other episodes on The Longevity Gym.




    Let's Stay in Touch

    If you have any questions or would like to share your experience with this meditation, please email me. My email is [email protected] invite you to sign up for my newsletter if you are not already on my email list. My newsletters are sent about every two weeks. Inside, I announce new podcast episodes and ways to work together. I also share tips on living longer, stronger, and better. You can click here to enter your name and email address or use the form below.
  • How do we get more energy so that we can live longer, stronger, and better?

    We tend to go towards the body for solutions when it comes to more energy. We think of food, exercise, sleep, rest, and recovery. These lay the foundation for good energy production within the body. But our minds also play a huge role. The quality of our mental energy is essential to longevity and well-being.

    Join Pam Strand, podcast host, to learn five ways to train our minds to provide high quality energy for our bodies and our lives.

    Cultivate a growth mindset to support personal growthPractice mindfulness to increase self-awareness and gain insightsNurture a positive outlook to build ourselves up, not tear us downCreate purpose by investing our time and energy in pursuits that align with our highest valuesShow compassion to others and ourselves to enhance social connections and well-being.


    Links to related podcast episodes:


    Center for Healthy Minds Articles


    Dr Kristin Neff


    U.S. Surgeon General Report


    Dr. Michael Steger

    Ted Talk on the Meaning of Life

    Let's Stay in Touch

    If you have any questions or would like to share an insight or breakthrough moment, please email me. My email is [email protected] invite you to sign up for my newsletter if you are not already on my email list. My newsletters are sent about every two weeks. Inside, I announce new podcast episodes and ways to work together. I also share tips on living longer, stronger, and better. You can click here to enter your name and email address or use the form below.
  • In this episode of the Longevity Gym podcast, host Pam Strand discusses the crucial aspects of managing stress and anxiety for a healthier, more vibrant life.

    Sharing insights from her own journey and coaching certification studies, Pam emphasizes that stress management and recovery are not just about reducing what worries us but also about improving our reaction and adaptation to life's demands. She outlines a personalized approach involving stress awareness, intentional stress management, and recovery practices.

    Pam shares her personal strategies for enhancing energy and well-being, including:

    Better management of mental and emotional demands, Enriching social connections, Adapting exercise to be more restorative, Focusing on nutritious eating, and Setting healthy boundaries.

    Additionally, she highlights the use of wearable technology for

    monitoring stress and recovery metrics, supporting a more objective and accountable approach to personal health.

    Pam's experiences and insights serve as a guide for listeners seeking to improve their stress management strategies and overall energy levels.

    Overview of Episode

    00:00 Welcome to the Longevity Gym: Managing Stress and Anxiety

    00:25 The Personal Journey of Stress Management

    00:50 Understanding Stress: More Than Just What We Worry About

    01:40 Practical Steps to Stress Management and Recovery

    03:20 Learning from Others: Community Insights on Stress Relief

    05:57 The Role of Wearable Devices in Monitoring Stress

    07:30 Key Strategies for Reducing Stress and Enhancing Recovery

    08:16 The Five Pillars of Personal Stress Management

    16:29 Closing Thoughts and Invitation to Connect

    Dear Listener;

    If you seek to improve your health and restore your energy, I hope you find this episode helpful and encouraging. My journey is a work in progress, but I hope you can learn and gather ideas from my path.

    If you have any questions or would like to share an insight or breakthrough moment, please email me. My email is [email protected].

    And I'd love to stay in touch. I invite you to sign up for my newsletter if you are not already on my email list. My newsletters are sent about every two weeks. Inside, I announce new podcast episodes and ways to work together. I also share tips on living longer, stronger, and better. You can click here to enter your name and email address or use the form below.

    Let's build big beautiful energy for our lives and the world around us!

    All my best,


  • Looking to get to know your breath and find ways to become a better, healthier breather?

    Then tune into this episode of The Longevity Gym!

    Pam Strand, podcast host and breathwork teacher, shares a guided breath awareness session that will help you get to know your breath.

    Practicing breath awareness is an important first step towards improving how you breathe when you are awake and while you are sleeping.

    For this sesssion, you will need a place to sit or lay where you can safely close your eyes and not be interrupted. If you chose to sit, a chair that supports your back or a cushion for the floor where your back can be supported by a wall or piece of furniture are recommended.

    And remember, always do what is safe and healthy for you and your body.

    While breathwork is a safe modality, it is suggested to check in with your doctor if you are unsure if it is safe and healthy for you. Speaking with your medical professional is suggested if you have high blood pressure, cardiovascular/heart disease, epilepsy, mental health concerns, or if you are pregnant.

    Enjoy this session and come back to it often. There is always something new to learn about your breath.

    If you haven't already, tune into the previous episode (Episode 18). It is a great introduction to healthy breathing. You can access it by clicking here.


    Dear Listener;

    Please email me if you have any questions about this guided session or would like to share your experience. My email is [email protected].

    And if you are not on my email list, please consider signing up.

    You can use the form below or click here to enter your name and email address. You can also visit my website (www.strandfitnessonline.com) and use the form at the bottom of my home page.

    Every two weeks, I will keep you informed of new podcast episodes. And I will send emails with tips and ideas for living longer, stronger, better. My newsletter will also announce ways to work together.

    Thank you for tuning in and listening to The Longevity Gym!

    All my best,

  • The average human takes over 9 million breaths a year. That’s a lot of breathing!!

    And science is showing that we could be doing it better!

    Modern day life and the aging process turn many of us into dysfunctional breathers. By some estimates, 95% of humans have some dysfunctional pattern in how we breathe.

    As with most things with the body, we get what we train our bodies for. In essence, our lives are training our bodies to breathe shallow breaths through the mouth. As a result, our breath becomes less than what it has the potential to be. And our health, wellness, and fitness become less than what they could be.

    In this episode of The Longevity Gym, Pam Strand dives into the topic of breathing and discusses:

    The better, healthier way to breathe.The amazing list of health benefits derived from improving your breath.The mechanics of breathing.How to help your body breathe better.

    There are many resources available to help you. Breath coaches and teachers, such as Pam, can help you improve your breath as well as many books with detailed guidance on how to assess your breath and breathe better.

    Learn how to improve your health and well-being one breath at a time!

    Tune into Episode 19 (the next episode of this podcast) for a guided breath awareness session created by Pam.
    You can access the episode by clicking here.

    Resources: Helpful books to read

    Breath: The New Science of an Lost Art (by James Nestor)The Breathing Cure (by Patrick McKeown)Breathe (by Dr. Belisa Vranich)


    Dear Listener:

    Learning to take a healthy breath is a profound path towards greater health, strength, and well-being. If you would like to learn more and if you have any questions, please email me. My email is [email protected].

    And if you are not on my email list, please consider signing up. You can use the form below or click here to enter your name and email address. You can also visit my website (www.strandfitnessonline.com) and use the form at the bottom of my home page.

    Every two weeks, I will keep you informed of new podcast episodes. And I will send emails with tips and ideas for living longer, stronger, better. My newsletter will also announce ways to work together.

    Thank you for tuning in and listening to The Longevity Gym!

    All my best,

  • Over the past 20-plus years of working as a personal trainer, I have learned that success during the fitness journey has almost nothing to do with physical ability and everything to do with our mental game. It's what goes on inside our heads that keeps us in the game - regardless of what is happening with our bodies.

    I saw this lesson at play during most of my adult life, as I watched my mother age with dignity and grace - and with a little grit and determination, too.

    My mother and my successful fitness clients taught me three things about getting and keeping your head in the game:

    Live unencumbered by judgments of how fitness and life should be. Own your thoughts and beliefs about yourself, your journey, and your success.Be inquisitive - approach fitness and life with an open and curious mind.

    Where our minds go, our bodies will follow!

    Listen in to learn more about how our energy predicts how our journey will unfold and what we will achieve.

    Please email me if you have any questions. My email is [email protected].

    And if you are not on my email list, please consider signing up. You can use the form below or click here to enter your name and email address. You can also visit my website (www.strandfitnessonline.com) and use the form at the bottom of my home page.

    Every two weeks, I will keep you informed of new podcast episodes. And I will send emails with tips and ideas for living longer, stronger, better. My newsletter will also announce ways to work together.

    Thank you for tuning in and listening to The Longevity Gym!

    All my best,

  • Mindfulness is a skill and a practice that can change your life for the better. ~ Pam Strand

    Tune into this episode of The Longevity Gym and hear Pam Strand discuss the powerful benefits of a mindfulness practice.

    You'll learn nine benefits of a consistent practice.

    Improves cardiovascular healthEnhances brain health and functionBuild cognitive performance in areas we want to sustain as we get olderBoosts the immune systemHelps us be more creative and better problem solversImproves sleepReduces stress and our ability to bounce back more quicklySupports mental health, especially anxiety and depression Fosters empathy, patience, and kindness.

    Pam discusses myths about mindfulness that can stop people from beginning a practices and provides several practical tips for beginners.

    The power of Mindfulness positively impacts lives in very practical and real ways. Pam has helped clients use mindfulness principles in a career transition, to deal with chronic pain, and to remove obstacles in a fitness journey. These results are very encouraging and motivating to hear.


    Dear Listener;

    Curious about starting a mindfulness practices or have questions about the process?

    Please email me. I am happy to help you get going. My email is [email protected].

    And if you are not on my email list, please consider signing up. Click here to enter your name and email address. You can also visit my website (www.strandfitnessonline.com) and use the form at the bottom of my home page.

    Every two weeks, I will keep you informed of new podcast episodes. And I will send emails with tips and ideas for living longer, stronger, better. My newsletter will also announce my new mindfulness offering and provide ways to work with me.

    Thank you for tuning in and listening to The Longevity Gym!

    All my best,

  • Deep down, I know being strong is much more than strength training in the gym. ~ Pam Strand

    Tune into this episode of The Longevity Gym for a discussion on the importance of strength in living a high-quality life.

    And to learn Pam Strand’s perspective on five key principles for being and staying strong.

    Knowledge is powerPhysiology mattersDon’t leave your strength in the gymBrilliance through resilienceThe mind is mighty

    In this episode, Pam emphasizes the importance of

    Understanding our bodies, Taking care of our physiology, Training for daily movements, Practicing resilience, and Cultivating a positive mindset.


    Dear Listener;

    What does being strong mean to you?

    Reflect on this question and email me your thoughts. My email is [email protected].

    And if you are not on my email list, please consider signing up. Click here to enter your name and email address. You can also visit my website (www.strandfitnessonline.com) and use the form at the bottom of my home page.

    Every two weeks, I will keep you informed of new podcast episodes. And I will send emails with tips and ideas for living longer, stronger, better. My newsletter also announces ways in which to work with me.

    Here's to living longer, stronger, and healthier!

    All my best,

  • Intensity is an essential component to cardiovascular exercise. It ensures that you and yourbody receive the health and fitness benefits associated with this form of exercise. But how do you know how hard to workout?

    Tune into this episode of The Longevity Gym to hear Pam Strand, Personal Trainer, answer this very important question.

    Hear Pam discuss:

    How to calculate your maximum target heart rate How to determine your thresholds for low, moderate, high, and very high intensity cardio exercise. Why fitness and health trackers are great tools for heart rate trainingThe differences between intensities below and above 85% of your maximum target heart rateSubjective measurements to evaluate your fitness progressObjective or numeric measures of progressWhy taking a holistic view of your efforts and progress is the best way to stay tuned into your progress and results.

    Remember always to exercise at intensities and durations that are safe and healthy for you. Idk you have questions, be sure to check in with your doctors and follow any guidance they provide.

    This episode is part of a two part series. If you missed part one, be sure to check out Episode 13: Cardiovascular exercise for the middle years and beyond.

    Examples of Maximum Target Heart Rate and Heart Rate Zone Calculations

    #1: Simple Maximum Target Heart Rate

    220 - Your Age = Maximum Target Heart RateMaximum Target Heart Rate x Percent Intensity = Heart Rate Zone

    #2: Maximum Target Heart Rate (using resting heart rate)

    220 - Your Age = Maximum Target Heart RateMaximum Target Heart - Resting Heart Rate = Heart Rate Reserve(Heart Rate Reserve x Percent Intensity) + Resting Heart Rate = Heart Rate Zone


    Dear Listener,

    If you incorporate any of this tips, I'd love to hear about your experience. Please email me. My email is [email protected].

    And if you are not on my email list, please consider signing up. Click here to enter your name and email address. You can also visit my website (www.strandfitnessonline.com) and use the form at the bottom of my home page.

    Every two weeks, I will keep you informed of new podcast episodes. And I will send emails more frequently when I have news about offerings that I am launching.

    Here's to living longer, stronger, and healthier!

    All my best,

  • Cardiovascular exercise is a huge contributor (for the better) to living longer, stronger, and healthier. But it’s not always easy to figure out how hard you should be working out. And how do you know the best way to plan out your schedule to meet your goals and have it fit into your calendar.

    Tune in to this episode of The Longevity Gym, and hear Pam Strand, personal trainer, address these issues and demystify cardiovascular exercise.

    Pam discusses:

    How cardiovascular exercise benefits your body and what parts of the body become healthier when you do your cardio training. How your vital signs improveHow cardio makes you feel better and have more energy for lifeWhat the important guidelines are for how much and how intense A simple planning guideline that makes it a breeze to figure out what to do fit this type of exercise into your schedule and your life. What to do if you are a beginner or getting back into exercise after time offHow you can up your game if you are already fit.

    Remember to always exercise at a level that is safe and healthy for you. If you have any questions, be sure to check in with your doctor and follow any guidelines that they provide.

    This episode is part of a two part series looking at cardiovascular exercise. Be sure to listen to the next episode to learn more. In Episode 14, Pam discusses how to calculate your target heart rate zones and to measure your fitness progress.


    Dear Listener,

    If you incorporate any of this tips, I'd love to hear about your experience. Please email me. My email is [email protected].

    And if you are not on my email list, please consider signing up. Click here to enter your name and email address. You can also visit my website (www.strandfitnessonline.com) and use the form at the bottom of my home page.

    Every two weeks, I will keep you informed of new podcast episodes. And I will send emails more frequently when I have news about offerings that I am launching.

    Here's to living longer, stronger, and healthier!

    All my best,

  • Exercise is one of the most important things we can do to keep our bodies and minds strong and healthy over time. Strength training, in particular, is a must as we get older.

    But what if you struggle with sticking with it (or even getting started at all) because you are overwhelmed by the prospects of figuring out what to do when you workout? That is what this episode of The Longevity Gym is all about!

    Tune in and listen to Pam Strand, personal trainer and life coach, describe the core principles she uses in designing and structuring workouts for her clients and for herself.

    Over the past 20 years, Pam has fined tuned an approach to designing and structuring workouts that keeps clients engaged and committed to their fitness journeys. She shares:

    How to get started,How to keep it simple with exercise choice,The list of eight (8) movements which should be part of every workout,Why full body workouts are the way to go,How many strength training workouts you should do each week, andHer go-to workout structure that produces great results.


    Dear Listener,

    If you incorporate any of this tips, I'd love to hear about your experience. Please email me. My email is [email protected].

    And if you are not on my email list, please consider signing up. Click here to enter your name and email address. You can also visit my website (www.strandfitnessonline.com) and use the form at the bottom of my home page.

    Every two weeks, I will keep you informed of new podcast episodes. And I will send emails more frequently when I have news about offerings that I am launching.

    Here's to living longer, stronger, and better!

    All my best,

  • How do we take care of our brains and minds as we get older? It is a big question that many of us have.

    We are determined to lower the risk of memory issues and of dementia and diseases such as Alzheimers. Like all areas of our body, our brain changes as we get older. While it is tempting to add this to the list of our complaints about aging, science is finding answers for us and giving us clues on what we can do to keep our brains and minds as healthy as possible for as long as possible.

    While no single behavior (or really any behavior) is guaranteed to prevent dementia and cognitive decline, science does point to an overall healthy lifestyle as a means to reduce the risk of these conditions and diseases. In this episode, Pam Strand shares 12 ways to keep your brain and mind healthy and strong.

    You are invited to tune in and learn the smorgasbord that can nourish your brain and your mind so they can be as strong and healthy.


    DynamometerGrip Strength Training SetPhysical Therapy Putty for Grip StrengthBendable Bars for Training Grip Strength

    Be sure to email me if you have any questions. My email is [email protected].

    And if you are not on my email list, please consider signing up. Click here to enter your name and email address. You can also visit my website (www.strandfitnessonline.com) and use the form at the bottom of my home page.

    Every two weeks, I will keep you informed of new podcast episodes. And I will send emails more frequently when I have news about offerings that I am launching.

    Here's to living longer, stronger, and better!

  • Let’s breathe together!

    Breath is the most fundamental element of a healthy life. And oxygen is the most vital nutrient for our body. While we can survive days without food and hours without water, we can only survive minutes without breath.

    In this podcast episode, Pam Strand shares a guided breathwork and meditation session. It is in celebration of the amazing and beautiful thing we call breath. The guided breathwork meditation develops your mind-body connection with your breath and takes you through a gentle breathwork sequence - both designed to be very calming.

    Listen in and enjoy 25 minutes of rejuvenation for you and your energy!

    Be sure to email me if you have any questions. My email is [email protected].

    And if you are not on my email list, please consider signing up. Click here to enter your name and email address. You can also visit my website (www.strandfitnessonline.com) and use the form at the bottom of my home page.

    Every two weeks, I will keep you informed of new podcast episodes. And I will send emails more frequently when I have news about offerings that I am launching.

    Here's to living longer, stronger, and better!

  • Learn more about aging in the body by tuning into this third and final episode of Pam Strand’s series on biological aging.

    Knowledge is power. And learning more about aging makes you more powerful in crafting your successful fitness and health journey.

    In this episode, Pam discusses two more changes which occur in the body as it ages.

    Our stem cells get worn out. Science calls this Stem Cell Exhaustion.Our cells are not talking to each other very well. In scientific language, it is called Altered Intercellular Communication.

    What you will learn most from this episode is that physiology matters. As we get older, it is more important to take care of our cells and our internal systems. Here is a sampling of the strategies covered in the episode.

    Environmental challenges like pollution, toxins, and chemical challenge our cells and systems and cause damage. Minimizing your exposures helps keep physiology healthy. Exercise and healthy nutrition remain the foundation of health and fitness. This episode recaps the most important considerations such as the role of high intensity interval training, intermittent fasting, and adding certain foods such as sirtuin-rich foods. Stress reduction and high quality sleep counterbalance age-related changes and help build resilience. They are anti-aging!

    Life is a long game, and one where you don’t want to rush to the finish line.

    Take your time and learn how to implement change that will stick. Personal data from wearable devices such as FitBits, Apple Watches, and the BioStrap help tailor fitness programs and accelerate results.

    Focus on what works and build from there! You got this!

    Be sure to email me if you have any questions. My email is [email protected]. I’d also love to hear about your wins.

    And if you are not on my email list, please consider signing up. Click here to enter your name and email address. You can also visit my website (www.strandfitnessonline.com) and use the form at the bottom of my home page.

    Every two weeks, I will keep you informed of new podcast episodes. And I will send emails more frequently when I have news about offerings that I am launching.

    Here's to living longer, stronger, and better!

  • Learn about aging? No way, you say? Here’s why you may want to reconsider!

    It might sound like a bore to learn about aging in the body. But having a basic understanding of the physiological changes will help you learn how to slow the process and remain strong and healthy.

    In this episode (part two of a three part series), Pam Strand continues to discuss the ways our bodies change as we age and what we can do about it.

    It is likely not a surprise to learn that our metabolism works less efficiently as we get older. Specifically:

    Our bodies are less efficient in regulating how new cells and tissues grow, are repaired, and then replaced when it is time,It’s harder for our body to produce energy andOur bodies have a greater number of “non-working” cells hanging and causing disruption.

    Not very exciting to learn. But it is important.

    These changes lead to a higher risk of chronic disease and create issues for us - more difficulty maintaining our weight, loss of muscular strength, injuries heal more slowly, we may get sick more often, and we may just not have the “get up and go” to do all the great things we have planned in our lives.

    Our lifestyle choices make a huge difference in how and how quickly aging happens in our body. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the correction comes from our daily choices.

    Exercise is one of the best ways to make overall improvements in our metabolism. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), specifically, can improve energy production in the body. Our metabolism is highly sensitive to nutrient deficiencies, so eating nutrient dense foods is important. In this case, “garbage in/garbage out” is absolutely true.Evidence suggests our metabolism benefits by adding Sirtuin-rich foods, which support metabolism and also DNA repair. And be sure to get essential nutrients like Vitamins B1 and B2, CoQ10, magnesium, niacin, glutathione, and carnitine. Intermittent fasting has been show to make our metabolism more efficient, so this is an important lifestyle choice to consider.Stress triggers inflammation in the body. And since aging creates a low-grade chronic inflammation, we want to reduce any stress created by our lifestyles that would add flames to the fire, so to speak- (listen to episode x to learn more) And get your ZZZZ’s - sleep is very important to the regulation of our metabolism and to our cellular health.

    Be sure to email me if you have any questions. My email is [email protected]. I’d also love to hear about your wins.

    And if you are not on my email list, please consider signing up. Click here to enter your name and email address. You can also visit my website (www.strandfitnessonline.com) and use the form at the bottom of my home page.

    Every two weeks, I will keep you informed of new podcast episodes. And I will send emails more frequently when I have news about offerings that I am launching.

    Here’s to living longer, stronger, and better!

  • “How do I not age before it’s time?” —- It is a big question searching for big answers.

    Aging can be so frustrating. You think you know your body and how to work with it to keep it strong and healthy. Then, bam, overnight - it all seems to change. Fortunately, especially for those of us in our middle years, science is showing us what we can do to slow, even reverse the process.

    Tune into this episode and hear Pam Strand discuss one widely accepted scientific theory of aging (published in 2013) that identified nine hallmarks of aging. This study gives us an understanding of what is happening as the body ages and what we can do about it in our everyday lifestyle choices.

    Biological aging is a progressive, time-related process that brings physiological changes to the body. And it is the most common underlying cause of age-related disease.Aging changes the way cells operate, brings about a decline in biological function (no surprise there, right?), and overrides the body’s ability to adapt to metabolic stress. Lifestyle choices are both a major cause and a key solution to aging - at least making it go as slowly as possible. Exercise, nutritious foods, and stress reduction continue to not only be healthy choices, but they are also choices that change our cellular health for the better. Intermittent fasting is also shown to support our cellular health.Learning to take care of our cells helps us take care of ourselves - it is the ultimate form of self care.

    This episode is the first in a series of three devoted to discussing the biological aging process and what you can do to age as slowly as possible. Be sure to tune to Episodes 8 and 9 to continue the conversation.

    Signing up for our newsletter keeps you informed when podcast episodes are posted. We’ll also share news about our offerings for keeping your body and mind strong as you age.

    You can join our email list by clicking here. Of you can visit our website: https://www.strandfitnessonline.com

    If you have any questions or an idea for a future episode, I'd like to hear from you. Pam's email is [email protected]

  • Meditation is hygiene for the mind and the brain.

    In today’s world, our minds have been trained to go in so many different directions and be in so many different places, seemingly at the same time. Our attention goes on auto-pilot. It goes where our thoughts take it and where the external demands say it must go. As a result, we have little control over our attention. And we lose our choice to be where we want to be.

    This relentless demand for our attention to go anywhere but where we want it to go works against the goal of keeping our minds and brains healthy as we age. It drains us of our mental and physical energy, creates negative thought patterns, increases stress, and makes life seem out of balance.

    In this episode of The Longevity Gym, Pam Strand, certified meditation and mindfulness teacher, explains how meditation is a powerful tool for maintaining mental and brain health as we age.

    Meditation, in its most simplest form, is using a focal point to train our attention. Anyone can meditate - there is no prerequisite of having a quiet mind. Meditation has been scientifically proven to add gray matter to our brains and improve cellular health, which can slow down biological aging. And, in some cases, it is shown to slow age-related memory loss.A consistent practice has many physical and mental health benefits, for example lowered blood pressure, improved mental states, control of anxiety.Cognitive health and performance also improves with meditation - enhanced focus, greater attention span, mental clarity and dexterity.People who meditate experience less stress, better sleep, and more enjoyment and satisfaction in life. Experimenting with the different meditation techniques can help you find the best one for you.There are important things to know about meditating before you begin. If you wonder if it is safe and healthy for you, be sure to consult your doctor.

    At the end of the episode, Pam shares one of her guided meditations. Tune into the 10 minute meditation and bring more calm and ease into your day.

    Signing up for our newsletter keeps you informed when podcast episodes are posted. We’ll also share news about our offerings for keeping your body and mind strong as you age.

    You can join our email list by clicking here. Of you can visit our website: https://www.strandfitnessonline.com

    If you have any questions or an idea for a future episode, I'd like to hear from you. My email is [email protected]