
  • “My kids are so lucky [that I] have Sharon [...] I would never have done this [so peacefully] without her.” - Tania

    I have something extra special to share with you this week… Three of my long-time members from inside The Decision are sharing their real-life stories from the other side of divorce.

    Charles, Rachel, and Tania have been part of my membership program for more than three years, and together we have an important conversation about the opportunity for personal growth after an affair, what it’s like to “nest” with your ex-partner, and how to care for & develop yourself through the process of divorce - and after!

    This is a beautiful conversation (originally ONLY offered as a *bonus* call with other members inside the program!) But I invite you to listen to this candid back-and-forth to hear what it might be like from the other side of what you’re considering right now…

    Please Note: This episode was originally recorded as a *bonus* call inside The Decision. Charles, Rachel, and Tania agreed to share their stories publicly on the podcast. Enjoy!

    Mentioned In This Episode

    The Decision Membership program :: https://thedecisionmembership.com/


    I’ll teach you how to get them in my FREE video series, 4 Ways to Find Clarity in Your Struggling Marriage. No more paralyzing indecision or fear of regret; just a clear, realistic path toward happiness.

    Get instant access at https://sharonpopefreetraining.com/training.

    If you've been stuck and struggling in your marriage for years or even decades, and you're serious about finding the confidence, clarity, and peace you desire, it's time to book a truth and clarity session.

    Go to clarityformymarriage.com to fill out an application.

  • Love is pain… and if you don’t want to feel pain, you should just give up on love, right?

    In this episode, I’ll explain where this line of thinking comes from and what happens when our expectations of love and marriage don’t match the reality.

    I’ll walk you through the ways that I’ve learned to think about love and marriage relationships, answer the question, “Does the ‘perfect’ soulmate partner exist?” and tell you what to give up on - instead of love.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    0:55 - I’m never going to tell you to give up on love, BUT…
    3:33 - Does the “perfect” partner exist?
    5:10 - I think about love & marriage like this
    7:39 - Instead of giving up on love, give up on this…
    9:22 - The reality of loving someone well

    Mentioned In This Episode

    On Love: A Novel by Alain De Botton

    If you've been stuck and struggling in your marriage for years or even decades, and you're serious about finding the confidence, clarity, and peace you desire, it's time to book a truth and clarity session.

    Go to clarityformymarriage.com to fill out an application.

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  • I get it: You don’t want to regret the choice you make (and you don’t want to make your life worse).

    But what happens when we dig into what’s really behind your fear of making a “wrong” decision about your marriage? What happens when you challenge the general opinion that there is a right and wrong step forward - toward deepening your marriage or ending in divorce?

    In this episode, we’ll find out! I’m talking about the safety net of indecision, regrets and “what if” thinking, plus the uncomfortable back-tracking that sometimes happens, even after you decide.

    What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    1:32 - Indecision might be less scary, BUT…
    5:49 - What’s “right” and “wrong” for YOU?
    7:35 - “WHAT IF… I have regrets later, and I can’t go back?”
    9:07 - The most important thing about making a decision…
    12:59 - You don’t know what will happen… until you decide

    Mentioned In This Episode

    If you've been stuck and struggling in your marriage for years or even decades, and you're serious about finding the confidence, clarity, and peace you desire, it's time to book a truth and clarity session.

    Go to clarityformymarriage.com to fill out an application.

  • The current legal process for divorce is complicated - not to mention expensive. That’s why I invited Erin Levine, Founder of Hello Divorce, to join me today on the podcast.

    She’s here to demystify the legal details of separation and explain her 3-step alternative for a simpler, kinder, and less stressful divorce.

    We talk about the problems with bringing your divorce to court, how to navigate divorce when you don’t trust your ex, and the “divorce math” you should consider (i.e. it’s not just financially draining). Erin also explains why she’s determined to NEVER again litigate a divorce, plus the most-used service within Hello Divorce - and how it can save you money (and tears!)

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    2:09 - Top 3 problems Erin witnessed within the divorce courts… and what led her to create another option
    7:47 - “Conscious Uncoupling” isn’t just hype from Gwenyth Paltrow
    12:31 - Remember: the system is set up for lawyers… it’s not designed to support families
    20:04 - When the spirit of “making things peaceful” mixes with DISTRUST
    23:12 - Hello Divorce breaks down the divorce process into 3 parts
    32:51 - Divorce Math: Consider the emotional toll this process takes
    37:47 - Your lawyer is not your life coach… but you need additional support!
    45:02 - Erin’s advice for keeping the divorce peaceful (even when your spouse isn’t focused on that)

    About The Guest:

    Erin Levine has more than a decade of experience litigating complex family matters in court, but when she saw the need for a kinder, easier, and more affordable pathway through divorce, she set out to revolutionize the broken divorce legal system and founded Hello Divorce: a venture capital-backed and tech-enabled platform that helps separating spouses reorganize their lives and finances with less stress and mess.

    Erin is on a mission to help everyone design a better life after divorce. She’s already helped thousands of Americans reorganize their lives and families through the Hello Divorce framework that levels the playing field between spouses, so they can sort things out fairly, avoid missteps, and reimagine their next and best chapter.

    Learn more about Erin Levine and Hello Divorce at hellodivorce.com (and on Instagram @hellodivorce).

    Mentioned In This Episode


    I’ll teach you how to get them in my FREE video series, 4 Ways to Find Clarity in Your Struggling Marriage. No more paralyzing indecision or fear of regret; just a clear, realistic path toward happiness.

    Get instant access at https://sharonpopefreetraining.com/training.

    If you've been stuck and struggling in your marriage for years or even decades, and you're serious about finding the confidence, clarity, and peace you desire, it's time to book a truth and clarity session.

    Go to clarityformymarriage.com to fill out an application.

  • If you want to be truly adored and cherished in your most intimate relationship (as though you are the Queen of his world!) this episode is for you…

    Often we say that we want to be treated like a queen… but when it doesn’t happen, we get angry and place blame (or give up the dream).

    In this episode, I’ll give you 3 important things to consider if you desire Queendom within your marriage - because it’s possible with a few vital adjustments! I’ll share the first question you need to ask yourself, how you can keep your expectations high (no, really!) - PLUS the 1 thing you need to stop doing to your husband.

    Tune in for a quick, deep dive episode for the Queens among us!

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    1:47 - People will meet you at your level of expectation, BUT…
    4:49 - If you want to be treated like a Queen, consider starting here
    7:42 - Because THIS is the real problem… and a solution!

    Mentioned In This Episode

    Truth & Clarity Session with Sharon

  • “What is not Love is always Fear.” -from A Course In Miracles, scribed by Helen Schucman

    In other words, the opposite of love is not hate… it’s fear. And we unconsciously live within fear-based decisions when we misunderstand our options!

    We have only two: LOVE or FEAR.

    So how do we know if we’re making choices based in fear… or with love?

    This choice shows up most prominently in our marriage relationships, and in this episode I’ll explain why - plus the question to ask if you’re unsure where your own decisions stem from (and how to do things differently).

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    1:09 - Fear is sneaky, because it’s often unconscious
    3:16 - Here’s why it shows up most obviously in our marriages
    4:20 - You think it’s love… but is it based in fear?
    5:34 - This is everyone’s deepest fear…
    6:06 - Why the motivation behind your action is important
    7:57 - Here’s what I ask myself when I’m unsure about a decision

    Mentioned In This Episode

    Truth & Clarity Session with Sharon

  • Many of my clients come to me saying, “I no longer feel desire for my partner… even though I want to! Intimacy used to feel so different. What’s wrong?”

    And well, it’s probably not what you think.

    In this episode, I invite you to discover how the thrill of novelty and the excitement of the unknown are essential to your long-term marriage, plus how you can realistically bring these elements back to life, starting today.

    Because maybe it’s less about what’s “wrong” with your relationship… and more about what you can do differently.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    0:59 - You might think THIS is the problem (it’s not!)
    2:49 - Here’s the real problem - and it happens to all of us
    6:01 - Imagine what it looks like to re-incorporate spontaneity into your marriage
    9:25 - But here’s the worst time of day to begin…
    11:16 - Here’s what I do to keep desire alive with my husband
    12:29 - Why non-sexual touch is vital to revamping desire

    Mentioned In This Episode

    Truth & Clarity Session with Sharon

  • How do we move forward together after the discovery of an affair? How do I know he won’t cheat again? What if there’s more sexual indiscretion I just don’t know about (yet)?

    In this episode, I’ll share a story from one of my clients: She’s 59 and just discovered her husband’s long-term sexual indiscretion. Now she’s trying to understand what went wrong and how to move forward.

    I’ll talk about how we can get introspective (without taking responsibility for something that’s NOT our fault), the importance of being “chosen” by our partners (not merely tied together by convenience or fear), plus the Loving Truth about what’s possible on the other side.

    Please note: This is a tender, sensitive topic for those of us who’ve experienced sexual indiscretion within an intimate relationship. When deciding whether to listen to this episode (or select another), I encourage you to keep this in mind and take good care of yourself.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    1:16 - She’s 59 and just discovered her husband’s sexual indiscretion
    4:22 - When you’ve been cheated on, you need these 2 important things
    6:39 - Here’s where he needs to start
    13:07 - What does it mean to get “introspective”?
    16:18 - Are you brave enough to consider this, too?
    20:18 - This is what can happen on the other side!
    23:17 - And here’s the loving truth…

    Mentioned In This Episode

    Truth & Clarity Session with Sharon

  • Heather has been married to her husband for eight years, but they’re rarely intimate. Following a hidden ED diagnosis and an affair, her husband is finally initiating sex… but she’s no longer interested.

    Now Heather wants to know, “Is there a way back to each other… after I’ve lost desire?”

    In this episode, we’ll get into some sensitive topics, including - what to do when sex feels like an obligation, how to face the reality of your relationship’s problems, and what it means that you BOTH have a say in the future of your marriage (plus the fact that there’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ decisions here).

    Listen in as I answer Heather’s question, and see what you might apply to your own situation.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    0:31 - She’s been married for 8 years, but intimacy has always been limited
    4:16 - Can you start by giving yourself grace?
    5:06 - The question of having a child… or getting divorced
    7:35 - You need to tell yourself the truth
    10:04 - He gets to choose for his life… and you get to choose for yours
    13:17 - Is there a way back to each other… after all this?
    16:57 - Is he on ‘good behavior’ right now?
    19:10 - There’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ decision here. But the decision is yours

    Mentioned In This Episode

    COURSE: Disconnection to Desire

    If you've been stuck and struggling in your marriage for years or even decades, and you're serious about finding the confidence, clarity, and peace you desire, it's time to book a truth and clarity session.

    Go to clarityformymarriage.com to fill out an application.

  • If you understand this, your marriage will automatically become so much easier…

    The differences between males and females in relationship starts with the brain - and it starts before we’re even born.

    In this episode, we’re digging into the science behind our natural differences, plus how our different brain development impacts our male/female relationships as adults - based on Dr. Louann Brizendine’s research, laid out in her book: The Female Brain.

    You’ll discover the neurological reasons behind our distinct ways of communication and emotional processing, plus how this shapes our marriage relationships and male/female interactions.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    3:37 - Our differences begin before we’re even born
    7:58 - Baby girls are born knowing how to “read the room”
    10:55 - The physiological differences in male/female communication
    13:23 - Why women are the 1st to notice disharmony in relationships
    18:40 - Why your marriage *feels* different to you… than to your husband

    Mentioned In This Episode

    Truth & Clarity Session with Sharon
    The Female Brain by Dr. Louann Brizendine

  • How do we get more comfortable talking about sex? Is it “okay” to add sex to our schedules… or should it only be spontaneous? What if one of us is never in the mood?

    In this episode, I’m detailing FIVE things that passionate couples do differently - taken from the teachings of Esther Perel. I’ll explain the concept of “responsive desire” (and how to be intimate when you’re not in the mood), what to do if it feels like your partner is only ever “taking” from you, and the importance of consistency with physical intimacy - for both partners!

    Listen in if you’re ready and wanting to ignite deeper passion inside your most intimate relationship.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    2:36 - I rarely want to work out… but I never regret it
    5:50 - When it feels like all he wants to do is take from you
    9:07 - You cannot punish your partner for this!
    10:41 - Your relationship needs physical intimacy (consistently)
    13:40 - Maintenance sex v. Spontaneous sex

    Mentioned In This Episode:

    Truth & Clarity Session with Sharon

  • Could your marriage be the cornerstone to success in every other part of your life? In this episode, I invite you to consider the potentially transformative concept of placing your relationship above even your children and career…

    I explain why many of us naturally prioritize other aspects of life (kids, work, etc.) and the subtle-yet-profound impact this could be having in our marriages. This is a divisive topic, so I invite you to tune in and consider what this means for you!

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    2:49 - Can your marriage be the foundation… for everything else in your life?
    4:18 - Most of us love our kids unconditionally. What about our life partners?
    6:22 - What else can thrive… when your marriage thrives?
    8:04 - But prioritizing your marriage shouldn’t feel like a chore
    11:20 - What’s ONE thing you can do to prioritize your marriage?

    Mentioned In This Episode:

    Truth & Clarity Session with Sharon

  • If you feel stuck in indecision about whether you should stay in your relationship or leave it… you likely don’t have enough information to make your decision (yet).

    That’s the problem my client was facing: Her marriage had been struggling for years, and now she found herself deep inside an affair - no longer in love with her husband but undecided about what to do next.

    In this episode, I walk you through the 90-day strategy we used to help her come to clarity, plus the difference between thoughtful decision-making and “convenient” decisions. If you feel stuck in indecision about your marriage, this episode is for you!

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    2:09 - What do you want? (What don’t you want?)
    5:18 - What are your reasons WHY?
    7:21 - The 90-day ground rules for success
    9:20 - But the goal is NOT “wedded bliss in 90 days!”
    12:23 - Ask this question if you’re feeling stuck

    Mentioned In This Episode:

    Truth & Clarity Session with Sharon

  • Who am I, and why should you listen to me?

    The work of relationship coaching is personal, and today I want to share more about who I am, personally and professionally - so you can see behind-the-scenes of my life and work.

    In this episode, I share my personal story of a first marriage that ended in divorce, how I’ve been on all sides of affairs, and why my second marriage is thriving. You’ll also hear about what led me to relationship coaching, the work I did previously, and how I finally discovered peace and happiness - using my own life coaching tools!

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    1:58 - The simple reason I married my first husband
    6:51 - I thought the answer was to find the right person…
    8:20 - Why my second marriage is thriving 10 years later!
    11:46 - This is what I did for work, prior to relationship coaching
    16:09 - The first time I felt my heart leap out of my chest
    21:08 - Who are my people? What matters to me? Where am I from? What do I believe in?
    29:27 - How I finally discovered peace

    Mentioned In This Episode:

    Truth & Clarity Session with Sharon

  • Oh, the age-old dilemma in nearly every marriage… One partner needs emotional connection before physical intimacy; the other requires sex to feel connected.

    Both partners require both types of connection. But which comes first?

    In this episode, I take a stand on which type of connection *must* come first, plus why we need different things to feel connected, what to do if you feel like your partner is only ever ‘taking’ from you, and how you might be exacerbating the disconnection in your marriage.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    1:07 - We need BOTH emotional & physical connection… which comes first?
    4:05 - The dilemma: I’m not meeting your needs, because you’re not meeting mine
    5:47 - But this is what HAS to come first - no matter what
    8:00 - Your partner is not trying to take something from you…

    Mentioned In This Episode:

    Truth & Clarity Session with Sharon
    Sex Talks: The Five Conversations That Will Transform Your Love Life by Vanessa & Xander Marin

  • When one of my clients discovered her husband’s betrayal, she consciously chose to stay in the marriage… but she also struggled to know how to move forward from there.

    Would his past behavior determine their success or failure? Could new patterns of behavior “save” their marriage?

    In this episode, I’m talking about the problems with ONLY looking to the past for predictions of the future, plus how we can start trusting ourselves and move forward after a marriage upset.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    2:10 - The best predictor of the future is the past, unless…
    7:05 - How new patterns of behavior *change* your relationship
    10:07 - You can’t have one foot in the past & one foot in the future…
    13:08 - Here’s how you can start trusting YOURSELF

    Mentioned In This Episode:

    Truth & Clarity Session with Sharon

  • If you can get better at this one thing… every single relationship in your life will get better!

    Most relationship issues can be traced back to problems with communication, right? There might be a lack of communication, a handful of miscommunications, a lack of understanding… the list goes on.

    But here’s what I want you and your partner BOTH to consider: Are you as interested in what your partner has to say… as you are in being seen & heard?

    In this episode, we’ll dig into this question, and I’ll share 5 practical tools to help you get better at both listening and being heard.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    01:10 - You know what it’s like to feel unseen & unheard (so does your partner…)
    04:53 - It gets harder when your identity is wrapped up in the conversation
    07:35 - When it’s time to “close your mouth & open your ears”
    08:31 - Most people do not have practice being fully present…
    13:15 - Are you listening to him, too?

    Mentioned In This Episode:

    Truth & Clarity Session with Sharon

  • How can I fix our marriage if he doesn’t think anything is wrong? What can I do if my needs aren’t being met by my partner? What information should I share with my kids about our divorce?

    In this episode of The Loving Truth podcast, you’ll hear from three callers who are stuck at an impasse and struggling to move forward. Together we’ll get clear about what’s necessary to make a change and how to take the first step.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    00:55 - She wants to work on the marriage, but he says it’s “fine”
    04:46 - Your husband is NOT a jerk…
    07:55 - He wants physical connection, but she needs emotional connection first
    11:20 - Who should make the first move?
    16:52 - They’re getting divorced: What information should they share with their kids?
    20:36 - What your children feel TODAY is not how they’ll feel FOREVER
    26:16 - The better you do *this* one thing, the smoother your relationships will be

    Mentioned In This Episode:

  • When one or both partners in a marriage is neurodivergent, you face quite unique challenges… In this episode, I’m joined by Dayna Abraham to explore neurodivergent marriage and more!

    Now, you don’t need a diagnosis of ADHD, OCD, autism, etc. to enjoy this episode… rather, Dayna explains how learning to communicate better with your partner is actually about understanding them (and yourself!) better - neurodivergent or otherwise.

    You’ll also learn about neurodivergent labels & diagnoses, the wide variety of neurodivergent experience, how neurodivergence can impact marital intimacy & affection, and how you might build better systems & processes within a neurodivergent marriage. Plus, Dayna shares her own framework for thriving inside a marriage with one or both neurodivergent partners. (This framework applies to parenting, business, and more!)

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    01:40 - The difference between a label & a diagnosis
    06:59 - Neurodivergent people receive 10X more negative feedback…
    11:45 - The female experience of being neurodivergent
    15:28 - What to do if you think your partner is neurodivergent
    23:20 - How to NOT take your partner’s neurodivergence personally
    27:54 - Neurodivergence, intimacy & affection
    31:08 - How to build systems & processes in a neurodivergent marriage
    40:40 - Dayna’s frameworks for neurodivergent parenting, marriage & more
    48:38 - Okay, radical acceptance… but what about unacceptable behavior?
    57:44 - The most beautiful part of Dayna’s neurodivergent marriage

    Mentioned In This Episode:

  • Feeling a loss of attraction and desire for your partner is very common… even when you’re recovering your marriage to a healthy place.

    Many of us think that a “spicy” marriage (or an intimate connection) is what’s lost to our youthful naivety or the “magic” of something new. But it’s actually about biology.

    In this episode, I’m going to get a little nerdy and talk about healthy hormones, PLUS 4 practical ways you can invite desire into your marriage and your life.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    4:53 - We can’t talk about desire without talking about your hormones
    8:16 - Your body needs these 3 things to feel desire
    12:36 - Does your relationship still feel… fun?
    15:57 - The fastest way to connect with your partner
    18:31 - Desire isn’t something you “make” happen
    21:15 - Rekindling desire is about action & effort

    Mentioned In This Episode:


    I’ll teach you how to get them in my FREE video series, 4 Ways to Find Clarity in Your Struggling Marriage. No more paralyzing indecision or fear of regret; just a clear, realistic path toward happiness.

    Get instant access at https://sharonpopefreetraining.com/training.

    If you've been stuck and struggling in your marriage for years or even decades, and you're serious about finding the confidence, clarity, and peace you desire, it's time to book a truth and clarity session.

    Go to clarityformymarriage.com to fill out an application.