
  • There are many tips and tricks out there to plan your perfect garden. And this is the best time of year to do so! Catalogs abound with delightful offerings.

    I talk about what a perfect garden looks like, sources for creating one, and what a perfect life looks like. (I don't think you'll be surprised—you already know this!)

    Make sure to download the free resource for planning your perfect garden at www.LaurieKehler.com/perfectgarden.

  • Do you feel comfortable approaching God? Do you think He wants to hear from you?

    Learn about the bold little chickadee—about whom Emerson said was a, "scrap of valor" for his bravery. And how this little bird is the most likely to eat out of your hand! You'll also learn how to support these small little birds during the winter so they survive the tough conditions.

    We then talk about how the Bible says we can approach God boldly. And why this is true. Plus, download a free poster to remind you to be confident before God.

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  • Peck, Peck, Peck. It's just so darn easy and fun to do! And I've noticed it's easiest to peck at the people we don't even know. Maybe they've made a big stand on social media about a moral issue you don't agree with. Maybe they seem to be absolutely flouting God's word and darn it, it really bothers you.

    Take for example, the “Christian Kardashians” of our world. They're incredibly famous, they have huge followings, they get a lot of screen time, and they are guests on everyone's blog and podcast. But some of their views can be extremely polarizing. It's hard not to peck!

    But then my husband, Tom said,

    “You know, I think when Jesus comes back, he isn't going to ask whether we got our orthodoxy right.”

    Ouch! So, we explore that word, orthodoxy. And I talk about how Jesus felt about the church leaders' orthodoxy. (Hint: read Matthew 35: 31-46). This verse pretty much deals with how we should treat those we don't agree with on social media, in the pulpit, in Washington.

    And by the end, you'll see why the chicken crossed the road!

  • Today we are talking about aromas. Favorite smells. Like coffee brewing, bacon on a cold morning, lilacs in spring, and the top of a baby's head. Heavenly aromas!

    Everyone has their favorite smells, and so does God. We will talk about the science of smell , and why aromas trigger memories. And why dogs can smell so much better than us, and how aromas can tell us whether we are lost or found. And how we can be the fragrance of Christ, even while playing ping pong.

    Parts of this topic are from my book, This Outside Life: Finding God in the Heart of Nature.

  • God has your name inscribed on the palm of His hands. And it's not the name that kids have teased you with. It's not the name your family gave you, or the name you call yourself ("I'm such an idiot.") We talk about the power of your name, the power of His name, and the Red-Winged Blackbird.

    Read the podcast notes on the blog/podcast page at: LaurieKehler.com/red-winged-blackbird.

  • Starfish. That name is beguiling and it kind of hints at magic—as if they had spent their allotted time in the heavens and then retired and fizzled down to a sparkling plunge in the sea. Why do they want to trade neighborhoods? Is the ocean a more inviting place than space?

    Occasionally starfish wash up on shore so we can look at their helpless estate. Their rosy and golden hues make them look like water colored accents on our sandy shores. On closer inspection, their arms are limp and soggy underneath. A few tube-like feet on their underside may wave at us in defenseless resignation.

    And usually we are moved to throw them back into the sea. It seems the right thing to do. They are the darlings of beach-combing parents with their children because we know we can touch, pick up, and examine starfish without fear. They are the lumpy but quaint accessories that charm our coastlines.

    The sea star despite its docile looks and charming shape is a powerful predator. I talk about how they crack open tough shells and how we too, can crack open tough situations with persistent prayer.

    Did you know the Berlin Wall came down as a result of persistent prayer? It wasn't about Reagan and Gorbachev, it was about a little pastor on the East German side praying diligently. And then the whole community began to pray. Then they took to the streets....and well, you know the rest. But you'll hear about all of this on the show.

    Also, I have a cute poster you can download for free. It has a watercolor starfish and a reminder about persistent prayer.

  • Do you have a body part you hate? I bet something came to mind quickly, didn't it? But what about the parts you love? Can you name several parts of your body that you're grateful for?

    Isn't it interesting that the second question takes more time? We are so used to finding flaws with our bodies, even hating them.

    But nature is full of "flaws," and that's what makes it varied, interesting and beautiful. Not every tree is exactly alike, and that's a good thing.

    On this podcast, we explore ways our bodies have served us well, and all the reasons we can be thankful. There is also a great little download, "The Happy Body Project," that you can download for free that will give you appreciation and gratitude for your body, from head to toe! Just go to www.LaurieKehler.com/flaws and download your sheet and get going on the Happy Body perspective! You will be glad you did.

  • The last thing we want, is to be on the receiving end of a big dump load of manure.

    But it happens. People cut us off, walk out the door, ignore us, attack us, accuse us, thwart us, and generally just dump on us. Or we do foolish things to ourselves. And then it hits the fan.

    But God. Two of the most hopeful words—but God. But God can transform all this #$%* into a wonderful growth medium, from which beautiful things can grow.

    So I talk about how to create a compost pile. Who first discovered this? What kitchen scraps can go in and what can't?

    And then we learn how God uses all our stuff and spins it into something wonderful.

  • Have you ever scrolled through social media and saw something that you wanted really badly? Something that caused you to feel feelings of envy, jealousy, (shame for feeling that way) and covetousness? I have! In fact, one time, it caused me to burst into tears.

    I was fixating on what I didn’t have, what I thought would make my life “perfect,” as opposed to the blessings I did have.

    Which of course, then allows the Enemy to come slithering in and whisper lies to our tender hearts: God is not doing the best thing for you. You should have this. He’s being mean.

    Ugh! Like a cartoon, these hissing words slither around our souls and cause us to doubt the One who loves us the most and knows what ‘s best for us.

    Some of this broadcast is an excerpt from my new book, This Outside Life: Finding God in the Heart of Nature.

    You can read the full blog post (and a transcript) on LaurieKehler.com/owls.

  • Tree rings tell a tale. They tell the story about the life of a tree. Every year, the tree lays down another ring of growth.

    Were there times of drought and disease? Those rings will be tight and narrow. Were there times of ample water and plenty of nutrients? Those rings will be fat and wide.

    But trees also tell their tales centuries later. Art historians can date paintings on wood by testing the wood. And the same is true for buried ships.

    I thought about these tree rings when my sister asked me to write a eulogy for her. She's not dying and she's not even sick. But it was for a class she was taking at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

    What tales would I tell? Would I focus on her business accomplishments or her personal life. And, what will people say of me when I'm gone? What if I was hit by a truck tomorrow, would my friends tell tales of fat, happy times of love and laughter? What do I want them to say?

    We cover all this on today's episode, and how you can make choices to live a "fat tree ring" life, full of love and significance.

    Also, I have an awesome poster to download for free. It shows a tree slice of rings and the scripture: "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" in beautiful, fanciful calligraphy around it.

    Get it free here: www.LaurieKehler.com/tree-rings.

  • Like everyone, I have favorites. Favorite flowers (I’m looking at you wisteria and peonies!), views, food, and songs. We all have our favorites. And we all want to BE somebody’s favorite person. To know you are someone’s unique, called-out, favorite person is a delicious feeling.

    And the disciples fought over who would be the favorite of Jesus—right in the middle of the Last Supper!

    Two thousand years later we smirk at their immaturity and foolishness. But we are the same. Or at least, I am!

    I talk about how a Bible study wanted me to be a small group leader. Was my first thought how I could serve God? Nope. I wanted to be in the inner circle.

    That was sobering. How could I be so selfish? How could I be so small-minded?

    We all want to be on "the favorites" list. But the good news is, we already are!!!

  • Minimalism, Marie Kondo, decluttering...we know we need it, but why is it so hard? And what about our spiritual lives? How do we unstuff all the useless junk that's holding us back?

    I talk about my messy closet, my eating habits, and spending habits and more. All the ways we act like a chipmunk and stuff stuff stuff our lives because of a mistaken sense of lack.

    We learn about the chipmunk and why he has to stuff his life so frantically—because he really does live life haunted by lack! And while he looks pretty cute doing it, it's not so cute when we overstuff our lives.

    Get a cup of your favorite beverage and learn how we can live lives full of not just stuff, but the right stuff.

  • How do you find the bluebird of happiness for your life and your yard? Is there a secret to inviting these beautiful birds to fly by? How can we have this "bluebird of happiness" in our hearts? Is it even possible when everything is falling apart?

    Listen while I give you the secrets to luring bluebirds to your home and your heart.

    You can learn more by visiting LaurieKehler.com for resources, notes and freebies.

    Please share this episode with a friend!

  • This is an excerpt from my new book, This Outside Life-Finding God in the Heart of Nature. I walk through the science and data on how important nature is for our well-being. We learn about how kids benefit too, socially, physically and emotionally. I talk about how God feels about the world He has made and what He has said about it. I give you simple ways to combat "nature blindness" and get aware of the infinite storm of beauty that surrounds us daily.

    Come away de-stressed and refreshed in The Nature of Hope!

  • Although I have another podcast (This Outside Life) I got requests for a podcast that reflected my love for the outdoors and my spiritual life. So, in the spirit of my nature books (Gardening Mercies, Wings of Mercy and This Outside Life- Finding God in the Heart of Nature) here is The Nature of Hope podcast. My hope and prayer is that you find hope and encouragement for your daily walk.

    This is a short introduction. Please share with friends you think would be interested!

    You can learn more at www.LaurieKehler.com, where I have freebies and nature-related resources. Go now take a hike!