
  • Ever wondered how the roar of a crowd or a cheerleader's chant could coax your weary legs across a marathon finish line? I'm living proof of that force, powered through the London Marathon by the electrifying support from Macmillan and St John Ambulance's cheering squads. This episode is a testament to the incredible strength we find in the kindness of strangers and the shared human spirit that propels us forward. My co-host Valerio, whom I fondly call the accidental half-marathoner, chimes in with his own tale of transition from Peloton pedals to pavement pounding—sparked by a fortuitous discussion at an Indian wedding no less!

    Lacing up their running shoes, Valerio and I guide you through the intricate dance of discipline and resilience, both of which crisscross the paths of marathon running and entrepreneurship. While I recount the myriad of challenges faced during marathon training—from injury management to the psychological warfare on race day—Valerio reflects on his own journey of habit formation and the surprising allure (and expenses!) of running. It's a conversation that goes beyond the miles, touching on the parallels between the grueling and often solitary miles of marathon prep and the equally relentless journey of building a business from the ground up.

    We wrap up the episode with a deeper look at the power of discipline. Valerio shares an inspiring story about facing and overcoming the hurdles thrown our way, whether it’s the financial pinch of running gear or the unexpected extra mile that tests our mental fortitude. Our dialogues weave through personal anecdotes and advice, offering a blend of laughter, encouragement, and raw insight into the transformative journey of marathon running and the relentless pursuit of one's passions. So hit play and join us on this marathon of an episode—because whether you're running a race or chasing a dream, it's the discipline that takes you across the finish line.

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  • Ever cringed at your early entrepreneurial exploits? That's where Valerio Tommaso and I, Mark Chasins, kick off a hearty discussion about the rollercoaster ride of finding our footing in the business world. With a good-humored nod to the days when "market research" meant a mishmash of reality TV lessons and overly ambitious collegiate networking, we share tales that are as hilarious as they are enlightening. From the misconstrued concept of a target audience to the comical yet critical realization that even the most enthusiastic hustle can lead to lessons learned the hard way, our conversation is a treasure trove of entrepreneurial do's and don'ts.

    Remember when university email directories were the Holy Grail for guerrilla marketers? We take a stroll down memory lane to dissect the good, the bad, and the legality-questionable strategies that peppered our journey – all before the drama of GDPR. The episode is peppered with reflections on the psychological impacts of 'free' services and the undeniable allure of exclusivity in creating lasting client relationships. We wrap up by exploring the paradox of 'skin in the game' and its role in engagement. So, grab your headphones and join us for a candid, comedic jaunt through the trials and triumphs of entrepreneurial strategy.

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  • Have you ever faced the daunting task of steering your business in a new direction? Join Mark and I as we bare our souls, recounting the rollercoaster of emotions and strategic decisions that came with introducing a new brain to our team, a shift that took our project down an unforeseen path. We're serving up an honest discourse on the critical moments that shape a company's evolution, sharing the gritty details of the mistakes made and the wisdom gained from our own pivot story.

    Strap in for a tactical deep-dive into timing the perfect business pivot, where we juxtapose the theoretical with the practical by drawing parallels to a fictitious protein powder company. This episode isn't just about change; it's about smart change. Learn from our candid conversation on how to harness customer feedback and sales data to realign your business compass, ensuring every maneuver keeps you true to your core mission and values.

    To cap it all off, we dissect the art of understanding your target audience, underlining the significance of zeroing in on their needs to drive your marketing and product innovation. We'll reveal how homing in on specific niches, like the unsung heroes in engineering, can open up new realms of opportunity. Plus, get a peek behind the curtain of our guerrilla marketing exploits and the wisdom behind knowing when to make a swift market exit. This episode is one for the books, loaded with anecdotes and insights that might just be the catalyst for your business's next great leap forward.

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  • Have you ever found yourself justifying a concerning behavior in a partner or a business deal, only to later realize it was a massive red flag? That's exactly what we tackle in our latest episode, where we dissect the emotional biases that often blind us to warning signs in our relationships and business ventures. We share tales from high-profile figures like Elon Musk to the notorious collapse of WeWork, and even recount a personal mishap involving an electric car purchase, to illustrate how the sunk cost fallacy can lead us to make even more questionable decisions.

    Then, we explore the silent alarms that we often ignore in our personal and professional lives. Through candid anecdotes, we discuss why individuals shy away from discussing red flags with those who could lend a fresh perspective. We emphasize the importance of breaking through denial and the stark contrast between opening up too late and the benefits of early intervention. It's a conversation that hits close to home, as we address the fears that keep us from confronting the potential loss of our emotional investments.

    Rounding out the conversation, we confront the delicate art of handling feedback and the importance of market research. We reflect on our own experiences with feedback during our course creation process, unpacking the challenge of not taking criticism as a personal attack. Drawing parallels between personal growth and the malleable strategies of giants like Facebook and Twitter, we stress the significance of seeking external perspectives. This isn't just about business—it's about the adaptability needed in every facet of life, and why opening up to diverse viewpoints can steer us clear from the pitfalls that threaten our success.

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  • Embark on a myth-busting journey with us as we reveal the unexpected truths behind launching a successful new venture. Forget the glossy business cards and fancy office spaces; it's the relentless pursuit of an idea and the hustle to make it a reality that truly define the entrepreneurial spirit. Through a series of personal anecdotes and hard-earned wisdom, we illustrate why getting bogged down in corporate formalities can be a distraction and how the magic really happens when you focus on creating value and finding your market fit. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, prepare to have your perspective shifted and your passion reignited.

    As we delve further, the conversation turns to the vital importance of early adopters and the bravery required to introduce a Minimum Viable Product to the world. Embracing agile methodologies, we share stories of early-stage product evolution and the pivotal role of customer feedback in refining a vision. By celebrating content that truly resonates over sleek production, we uncover the real connection that draws an audience in. You'll walk away from this discussion with a newfound appreciation for the substance over the superficial, and a clear understanding that polished perfection often trails behind success, not the other way around. Join us for a reflective look at the real challenges and triumphs of entrepreneurship, where the true reward is found in the journey, not just the destination.

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  • Struggling to find your place at the business table can feel like showing up to a gourmet feast with a bagged lunch. Yet, it's this very underdog perspective that Charles Young and I dissect, recounting our turbulent journey of breaking into the industry—helping students land coveted spots in elite graduate programs—without the backing of a big name. Buckle in as we candidly spill our trials and epiphanies, shifting the lens from our own self-doubt to the real potency of our service, and revealing how we turned our unique experiences into an entrepreneurial advantage.

    This isn't just another tale of rags to business riches; it's an intimate map through the maze of self-doubt that plagues many creators. Together with Charles, we peel back the layers of imposter syndrome and lay bare the transformative power of genuine market research and the art of the pitch. You'll walk away with a fresh perspective on how to trust the value you bring to the table, even when your name isn't up in lights—yet. Join us for an episode that looks impostor syndrome in the eye and says, "Not today.

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  • Ever embarked on a business venture with a friend only to find your goals drifting apart like two ships lost at sea? We've been there, and in this episode, we spill the beans on aligning objectives to avoid that very shipwreck. With a blend of humor and hard-earned wisdom, we share how essential it is to synchronize your vision with your partners from the get-go. You'll discover not just the joy of those "Eureka!" moments when pitching to pals, but also the critical pivot points that can make or break your joint journey.

    Dive into the heart of transparent communication and its role in steering the ship of collective ambition. We unravel the complex threads of project management, illuminating how open dialogue about expectations can prevent a mutiny on your entrepreneurial voyage. Reflecting on personal anecdotes, we navigate through the intricacies of hiring, whether for a goliath corporation or a scrappy startup, and how these decisions can chart the course toward success or leave you marooned.

    To cap off our odyssey, we cast a lifeline on formalizing business relationships, especially when friends and family are on board. It's a candid look at the storms that can arise from casual agreements and how to batten down the hatches with clear contracts. By sharing tales of choppy waters and the surprise squalls that can hit even the closest of crews, we arm you with the navigational tools needed to sail smoothly into the harbor of a thriving business partnership. Join us for a compelling discussion that's as much about preserving friendships as it is about profits.

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  • Ever felt the thrill of cracking open an autobiography that reshapes your view on life? That's what we experienced with Lee Max Um's revealing tale, which stirs our conversation today alongside James O'Brien's piercing critique of British politics in "How They Broke Britain". But it's not just the pages of books that have us hooked; the podcast "Alex and Mozi" is a gold mine for business acumen paired with a dash of humor, as showcased in Alex Hormozi's quirky cooking date anecdote. We're not just sharing laughs, though; we're serving up substantial guidance on niche marketing and the potency of impactful, knowledge-rich content.

    Strap in as we navigate the complexities of crafting a dynamic team, inspired by the journeys of Alex Blumberg and Steve Bartlett. From solo ventures to diverse powerhouses, we dissect the evolution of team building and the value diversity brings to the entrepreneurial table. Then, we shift gears to a crucial element for any business's success—accountability. We unpack the game-changing role of coaching and the strategic finesse required when expanding a team. Learn from our candid reflections on our beginnings as a trio and how this shaped our mindset towards team growth, including the strategic addition of a fourth member with a knack for recruitment to enrich our business.

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  • Have we been underestimating the sheer force of niche marketing all along? Join us as we confess our early entrepreneurial missteps and share the powerful lessons learned on honing in on a specific audience. It's a tale of transformation that saw us evolve from trying to please everyone to mastering the art of addressing the exact needs of a distinct group. We dissect the surprising discovery that a focused approach not only cultivates a loyal community but can also be more profitable than a broad appeal. Our candid exchange, complete with guest insights, unveils the strategic shift from our younger, know-it-all selves to the humbler, ever-learning business minds we are today.

    Embark on the journey of our podcast's metamorphosis, bearing witness to how we refined our initially broad educational content down to a specialized, career-oriented theme. We lay bare the process of balancing detailed planning with the necessary agility to snatch up emerging opportunities – a delicate dance we initially miscalculated. As we share anecdotes of our Charles Young days, the pivotal changes in our strategy, and our newfound emphasis on branding and marketing, we invite you to glean from our hard-earned wisdom. This episode isn't just a walkthrough of our growth; it's a treasure map for anyone eager to carve out their niche in the bustling marketplace of ideas.

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  • Embark on a journey through the entrepreneurial maze as I pull back the curtain on the sometimes thrilling, often challenging world of starting your own business. Discover the highs, lows, and side-splitting anecdotes—like the infamous 'doodoo with a love heart' that somehow became a symbol of our brand's quirky image. In the trenches of LLC formation, taxes, and vendor hunts, you'll learn that a little humor and a lot of flexibility are your best friends. James Khan drops by to share strategic insights, ensuring that our candid chat is not only informative but also sprinkled with laughter as we tackle the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship.

    The path to a successful startup is littered with potential missteps, but fear not, for this episode is your compass. From the overlooked power of network leveraging—think university communities brimming with feedback—to the harsh reality of bootstrapping, we dissect the delicate balance between dream-chasing and pragmatic decision-making. I'll reveal how the wisdom from campus life and the necessity of adaptability informed the strategic pivots that kept our entrepreneurial ship afloat, proving that sometimes, the best lessons come from the school of hard knocks.

    Wrapping up, we zoom in on the importance of prioritizing and setting clear goals, sharing tales of our own misplaced focus—like the saga of picking the perfect project name. If you’ve ever wondered whether your strategic planning is more like throwing darts blindfolded, this chat will help sharpen your aim. So, grab your headphones and a notepad, because this episode is chock-full of insights that promise to steer your project towards triumph, with plenty of chuckles along the way.

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  • Ever wondered what it's like to jump headfirst into the entrepreneurial pool, with all its waves of triumph and undercurrents of trepidation? That's precisely the plunge Valeria Tomasso and I, Mark Jason, took, and we're peeling back the curtain on our journey—from the eureka moments at university that propelled us into creating a simulation service for career assessments, to the teething troubles of our professional lives post-graduation. Reminisce with us about the thrills and spills of our early days, the uncharted waters of career progression, and the essential wisdom of impactful actions over obsessive attention to detail.

    This season, we're stitching together a patchwork of entrepreneurship tales, featuring the highs, lows, and the outright hilarious. Kicking off with a Reddit thread that perfectly encapsulates entrepreneurial misadventures in a mere four words, we're opening the gateway to a series of candid confessions and rich insights. Join us for a candid examination of what it really means to start a business, the infectious excitement of initial ventures, and a sneak peek into the backstory of our very own creation—Charles Young Recruitment Consultants. It's a tapestry of entrepreneurial endeavors you won't want to miss.

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  • Ever felt like you're under constant scrutiny at work? Then you're no stranger to micromanagement and the stifling effects it can have on personal growth and job satisfaction. In this eye-opening episode, we bring you relatable stories from those who've lived the micromanagement nightmare, including a Reddit tale of an ingeniously stubborn employee who outlasted his overbearing superior. As a bonus, we'll share insights on combating micromanagement and advocating for your own professional growth.

    Are you a fan of the office camaraderie, or do you relish the solitude of remote work? There's no universal "right" answer, so we take a deep dive into both sides, analyzing various studies to shed light on the pros and cons of each. We grapple with questions like: Are remote workers really more productive? Does office work foster better collaboration? You'll have plenty to ponder as we put remote work and office work on the scales of comparison.

    As workplaces gear up for the post-pandemic return, could macro-management be the new micromanagement? We explore this possibility in our final chapter, equipping you with strategies to navigate this potential shift in organizational dynamics. Drawing from a Harvard Business Review article, we'll discuss the relevance of frequent updates, proactive problem-solving, and assertive feedback. Learn how a little bit of gratitude – the "tactical thank you" – can go a long way in fostering a positive work environment. Join us for this enlightening journey into the world of management and remember, the key might just be micro-employing!

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  • Can you imagine being passed over for a promotion despite being the most suitable candidate? This episode unravels a Reddit tale of such a predicament, igniting discussions on workplace politics, experience versus education, and the false merit of clocking more hours. We challenge the notion that working longer makes someone a better employee and examine the influence of a VP's recommendation in promotion decisions.

    In any workplace, feedback is the compass that guides us towards career growth. But what happens when it's missing, leaving us groping in the dark? We talk about this culture of silence and the frustration it spills into the lives of hardworking individuals who are held off salary increments and left in the lurch during interviews. Interwoven in this discourse is the quandary of bidding goodbye on a polite note when you've been 'screwed over' by the very company you served.

    We further dissect the role of unconscious bias and its silent, sabotaging effect on those who don't have the luxury to partake in extracurricular activities that forge bonds with the top brass. Imagine missing out on a promotion because you don't smoke and hence, miss out on 'smoke break' networking! To conclude, we zoom in on the 'Sunk Cost Fallacy' and its sway over our decision-making process. Join us as we propose alternative goals, introspect on the 'why' over the 'what', and explore the courage it takes to make bold career moves. It's all about taking a leap of faith and believing in yourself.

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  • Ever wondered why you can't resist a juicy piece of office gossip? How a simple suggestion can spin into a scandalous rumor that reaches the CEO’s office? Brace yourselves, because in our latest episode, we dive headfirst into the whirlpool of office rumors and workplace gossip. Tune in for an exciting, humorous, and insightful exploration of gossip and its impacts. We unravel the most scandalous pieces of workplace chatter, from senior employees falling for phishing attacks to secretive car park activities. We also consider how these rumors can create ripples across power dynamics and personal lives in a professional setting.

    What happens when a misunderstood suggestion turns into a rumor about the supervisor fuming over cameras being placed around the warehouse? Or when a simple candle from a bathroom in Ibiza spirals into wild tales about Mark always travelling with candles? Our discussion takes unexpected turns as we take you through the misunderstandings and misinterpretations that fuel the office grapevine. We have a good laugh at stories from warehouses to oil and gas contracts. However, we also delve into the serious side of gossip - the role it plays in relationships and its deep-rooted existence in human evolution.

    No one likes to be the last to hear a rumor, but being a passive participant in the exchange of rumors can have severe implications. We shed light on this in the final part of our conversation, where we discuss how rumors can shape perceptions and the need to understand their sources. We also consider the potential of using gossip to benefit our podcast and come up with a unique take on how to navigate it all. So, get ready for an amusing, intriguing, and enlightening journey about gossip and its impacts. Don't miss it!

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  • Have you ever been caught in the crossfire of blame culture at work? This episode will immerse you in the harsh reality of workplace toxicity, highlighting a disturbing account from a college student navigating a hospital job. We share a real-life narrative that underscores the emotionally manipulative practices that can permeate a work environment, fostering anxiety, and eroding trust.

    As we journey further, we dissect the intertwined concepts of competition and collaboration within a professional setting. Drawing from the 'five wise' approach, we elucidate how holistic thinking can trump blame culture. You'll hear us delve into the fascinating dynamics of dopamine and oxytocin in the workplace, shedding light on how oxytocin can be harnessed to counterbalance the potential toxicity resulting from intense competition. We'll arm you with strategies to foster an environment of trust and kindness amidst the competitive battleground of the workplace.

    As we draw to a close, we venture into the realms of trust and the 'sunk cost fallacy' in relation to careers. We explore effective methods to cultivate a supportive work environment while preserving trust among colleagues. The conversation around 'political' dialogue and the 'five wise' approach is poised to equip you with actionable advice. We'll expose the fruitfulness of giving exposure to others, creating a win-win situation. As a parting thought, we address the concept of the 'sunk cost fallacy' and the power of a fresh start in both relationships and careers. Listen in, and let's redefine workplace norms together.

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  • Ever been bamboozled by a boss who gifted chickens instead of bonuses? Well, brace yourself for an unparalleled story that challenges the conventional boss narrative and serves as a testament to the importance of authenticity and magnanimity in leadership. We unpack a tale that's straight out of an episode of The Office, revealing the enduring impact a unique boss can have on their team dynamics.

    Feeling like a hamster on a wheel in your current job? You're not alone. We dive into the murky waters of workplace discontent, exploring the signals that it's time to jump ship. From microaggressions, racism, and sexism to the feeling of kissing the ceiling of career growth, we spill the beans on how to navigate these complexities and make career decisions that align with your personal advancement and fulfillment.

    As the cherry on top, we deliver a masterclass on the art of quitting. Yes, you read that right - we empower you with a rock-solid five-step framework to help make the leap if your career goals are gathering dust on the shelf. Don't worry, we've got your back as we discuss the potential challenges and rewards that come with such a monumental decision. Finally, we dissect the unique experiences of working from home and being your own boss, and share insights on when it might be time for a career pivot. So grab your headphones and buckle up for a wild ride into the depths of the workplace jungle!

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  • Are your digital devices controlling your life? It’s time to discover the power of knowledge stacking, self-forgiveness, and setting digital boundaries to regain control. Our candid conversation delves into the concept of knowledge stacking, drawing from two insightful books, ‘Think Like a Monk’ by Jay Shetty and ‘Mantra on the Map’ from a yoga meditation event. As entrepreneurs, we know the challenge of balancing digital demands with the need for rejuvenation. Let's explore how you can create a healthier balance.

    As we navigate through digital overload, we find solace in yoga, meditation, and self-reflection. Learn from our recent workshop experience, where we discovered the art of uninterrupted thought, the value of love, and the power of self-forgiveness. We delve into the spiritual and scientific aspects of forgiveness, highlighting how being kind to ourselves can boost our resilience against digital stress.

    Finally, we underline the significance of setting digital boundaries and forming consistent routines. Let’s explore simple yet profound daily practices, such as meditation, reflection, and conscious consumption, to give you more command over your digital life. We’ll also emphasize the fundamental role of sleep and exercise, often overlooked in our screen-dominated lives. So, plug in your headphones, and let's unlock the secrets of a healthier, balanced digital life.

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  • Unleash the full potential of your knowledge and skills with us, as we break down the concept of knowledge stacking. This approach is the key to standing out in your career as it combines multiple concepts into one powerful idea. It’s not just about having knowledge; it's about how you use it to create something unique and valuable. Discover how habit and skill stacking can be used for learning and how combining information with imagination aids in memory recall.

    We're more than just finance! This episode also explores the evolution of fintech and how knowledge stacking is creating a revolution in this industry. Traditional banks and money-saving apps like Monzo are put under the microscope, revealing the superior features of the latter. Hear how one YouTuber was able to take their skill set from a different field to create something valuable. From neurology to environmental design, we cover it all. So tune in and get ready to stack your knowledge and skills for a power-packed performance.

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  • Ready to debunk some myths and delve into the power of shared beliefs? Today, we navigate through the intriguing world of historical implications and how they shape our current society. We kick off by unraveling the peculiar story of the first milk-drinker and the transformative journey of a bull in the agricultural revolution. You’ll also meet YouTuber Danny who brings the past alive with his captivating content on various firsts. Drawing inspiration from the influential book, 'Sapiens', we ponder its creation and the broad impact it has had on readers globally.

    As we march forward, we'll pierce the veil of shared realities and their profound influence on our lives. From the ubiquitous currency to technology, we scrutinize the role of our collective belief in shaping modern phenomena. The power of consumers, the emergence of deep fakes and VR as tools of fabricated realities, and the iPhone revolution - all under our microscope. We'll even dabble in some futurology, questioning if our present beliefs will be the mythology of future generations.

    Finally, we venture into the persuasive world of marketing. Companies leveraging belief to sell products and build communities, the deceptive lure of multi-level marketing, the aftermath of the agricultural revolution, and the environmental implications of electric cars – we leave no stone unturned. We challenge the convenience-driven mindset that leads to the rejection of nature and evolution. So buckle up, as this enlightening discussion promises to stir your thoughts and question your beliefs. Join us on this riveting journey, and let's reshape the way we view our world.

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  • Is consent in sports just a grey area? Can one kiss change the course of a career? This episode centers around the incident involving Luis Rubiales and Jenni Hermoso, a Spanish football player, who was kissed without her consent during Spain's Women's World Cup victory celebration. We scrutinize the incident from different perspectives, examining the power dynamics at play, cultural norms, and the potential impact on Hermoso's career.

    In the face of societal biases, does the court of public opinion override the truth? The implications of the incident are far from confined to the pitch. We dissect the Spanish Football Federation's response, questioning if it mirrors the wider issue of women's silence in the face of harassment or abuse. We highlight the prevalence of systemic misogyny ingrained in society, and the unjust leniency in consequences for different classes and races. It's an eye-opening look at the deep-seated issues in sports and beyond.

    At the heart of it all, what does this say about gender bias and power dynamics in sports? We continue the conversation by discussing the impact of normalized misogyny against female athletes globally, and how this incident has split public opinion in Spain. We also reflect on the case's wider societal implications, inviting you, our listeners, to join the conversation and share your thoughts on these complex issues. Tune in for this enlightening episode that promises to challenge your perspectives and provoke thought.

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